`United States Patent
`(10) Patent N0.:
`US 7,956,978 B2
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Jun. 7, 2011
`References Cited
`5,076,667 A
`12/1991 Stewart et al.
`Inventor: Hongyong Zhang, Kanagawa (JP)
`73) Assignee: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory
`Co.,, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa-ken
`0 545 712 Al
`* ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ot'this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U 5.0 154(1)) by 0 days.
`Complaint for Patent Infringement. Semiconductor Energy Labora-
`tory (10., ltd., Plamtljf, V Samsung Flenflomrv (70., Kid, S-I,(.D
`21) Appl. No.: 12/165,783
`22) Filed:
`Jul. 1’ 2008
`Prior Publication Data
`Jan' 22' 2009
`US 2009/0021684 A1
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(62) Division of application No. 10/811,920, filed on Mar.
`30~ 2094, 1}0W Pat. NO- 75394516: WhiCh is a diViSiOll
`ofapplication N0~ 09/316,697, [119‘] 011 May 21: 1999,
`now Pat. No. 7,333,172, which is a division of
`application No, 08/768,066, filed on Dec. 16, 1996,
`now Pat. No. 5,995, 189.
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Dec. 21, 1995
`(JP) --------------------------------------- 7'350229
`113t‘ Ci.
`60” ”1339
`G02F '1/1333
`(52) US. U- ------------------------- 349/1539 349/138? 349/190
`(58) Field of Classification Search .................. 349/153,
`349/158, 190
`See application file for complete search history.
`E‘:-A8\ EXs‘Rtss‘s “33A \
`Corporation, Samsung Electronics America. Inc. and Samsung Tele-
`communications America, l,l,(.., Defendants, filed Jan. 2, 2009;
`CMI Action No. 3:09-CV-0001; pp. 1-19.
`Primary Examiner 7 Mike Qi
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm 7 Eric J. Robinson; Robinson
`Intellectual Property Law Oifice, RC.
`Techniques are provided for unifying steps ofsealing material
`so that the yield and the reliability of a liquid-crystal display
`device become high. A starting film of scanning lines is pat-
`terned so that prismatic dummy wirings 301 for the first layer
`which are not electrically connected are formed in regions R1
`and R2, and wirings 302 extending from the pixel section are
`formed in a region R3, and wirings 303 having connection
`end portions 30311 are formed in a region R4. After an inter-
`layer insulation film is formed, the starting film of the signal
`lines is patterned so that the dummy wirings 304 for the
`second layer are formed to embed the gaps between the wir—
`ings 301 to 303, and also the wirings 305 and the wirings 303
`which extend from the pixel portion are connected to each
`other. This permits unification ofthe cross-sectional structure
`01‘ the sealing material formation region.
`50 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 1
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 1


`US 7,956,978 BZ
`Page 2
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`if 995 51151119 etai.
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`55503532 A
`2/ 996 30110 etal.
`5,513‘023 A *
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`7/ 996 Ishihara
`5,537,235 A
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`5559526 A
`‘: 33: gfiifimflm
`2’:;§‘2§§ 2
`A, 997 Giilespie
`5:619:53 A
`4/ 997 Tanakaetal.
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`5.621.553 A
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`5,651 .731 A
`8/ 997 Moriinoto
`5,659,379 A
`/ 997 Park
`5,681,547 A
`/ 997 Shiba
`5,684,555 A
`f 997 Watanabe
`55691793 A
`f 998 I-Iermens
`5’706‘069 A
`Z/ 998 Matsushima
`5,74:.820 A
`i: 33: Enlifgtal
`517451712123 1: *
`6/ 998 Orio
`5760854 A
`8/ 998 Nishiki
`5798812 A
`:/ 998 I-Iayakawa et al.
`558384” A *
`7’, 999 Iida
`‘5’929‘959 A
`/ 999 Zhang
`5995:189 A
`[/2000 Yamazaki
`6,011 607 A
`3/2000 Moshrefzadeh
`6:037:005 A
`4/2000 Zhang
`6,055,034 A
`6/2000 IIirakata
`6,072,556 A
`7/2000 Hioki
`6,088,073 A
`0 597 536
`5/ 994
`0 612 102 A2
`8/ 994
`0 687 936
`12/ 995
`9/ 987
`10/ 987
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`3/ 992
`3/ 992
`8/ 992
`3/ 993
`3/ 993
`5/ 993
`6/ 993
`8/ 993
`8/ 993
`2/ 994
`3/ 994
`3/ 994
`7/ 994
`9/ 994
`9/ 994
`10/ 994
`06-3085 l0
`II/ 994
`4/ 995
`6/ 995
`8/ 995
`; 349/139
`................. 349/143
`‘ """"""""""" ‘
`, 349/139
`“Withdrawal: Selected IBM PS/2 Mobile Systems (300, 700/7000
`and Features.” IBM Announcement Letter 193-268.
`Lewis et a1., “Driver Circuits for AMLCDs," Conference Record of
`the 1994 International Display Research Conference and Interna-
`tional Workshops on Active-Matrix LCDs & Display Materials, pp.
`Defendant‘s Preliminary Invalidity Contentions and Accompanying
`(11 pages), B-2 (10 pages), B-3 (7 pages). B-4 (:6 pages), B-5 (5
`pages). B-6 (9 pages). B-7 (9 pages) and B-8 (8 pages).
`Revised Exhibits to Defendant‘s Preliminary Invalidity Contentions
`dated Jun. 7, 2005: Exhibits B-2 (11 pages). B-3 (7 pages). B-4 (:7
`pages) and B-8 (3 pages).
`Memorandum & Order re: Claim Construction, Semiconductor
`Energy Laboratory Co.. Ltd., Plaimiflvs. Chi Mei Optoelectronics
`Corp, etal.,Defendants,I\'o. C04-04675 MHP, dated Mar: 24,2006,
`Complaintfor PatentInfringement, andDemandforJuryTrial, Semi-
`conductor Energy Laboratory Co., Ltd, Plai'mifir vs. Chi Mei
`Optoelectronics Corp, International Display Technology Co.. Ltd.,
`International Display Technology USA. Inc., Westinghouse Digital
`Electronics, LLC and CTX Technology Corp., Defendants dated
`DefendantChiMeiOptoelectronicsCorp.‘sAnswerto Complaintfor
`Patent Infringement. Denrandfor Juinrial, and Counterclaim dated
`Feb.28. 2005‘
`Defendant Westinghouse Digiml Electronics, LLC’s Answer to
`Complaint for Patent Infringement dated Feb. 28, 2005.
`Defendant International Display Technology Co., Ltd’s Answer to
`Complaint for Patent Infringement dated Feb. 28, 2005.
`Defendant International DisplayTechnologyUSA, Inc.’sAnswcrto
`Complaint for'Patent Infringement dated Feb. 28, 2005.
`Defendant Chi Mei Optoelectronics Corp.’s Responses to Plaintiff
`Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co., Ltd/s First Set of Interroga-
`tories dated Apr 4, 2005.
`Defendant’sPreliminaryProposedClaimConstructions andPrelimi-
`naryIdentification ofExtrinsic Evidence Pursuantto PatentL.R.4-2;
`108 pages; Jul. 22,2005.
`Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co, Ltd’s Proposed Preliminary
`Claim Constructions and Extrinsic Evidence; 7 pages; Jul. 22. 2005.
`Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co., Ltd’s Patent L.R. 4-2(b)
`Disclosure; 12 pages; Jul. 22, 2005.
`Joint Claim Construction and Prehearing Statement; 12 pages; Aug.
`5, 2005.
`Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co., Ltd’s Opening Brief on
`Claim Construction and Supporting Evidence; 41 pages; Sep. 20,
`Declaration ofDonald R. Harris in Support ofSemiconductor Energy
`Laboratory Co. Ltd’s Opening Brief on Claim Construction (2
`pages) and Supporting Evidence (with Exhibits 1-12); Sep. 20, 2005.
`Defendants‘ Claim Construction Response Brief; 39 pages; Oct. 4,
`Declaration of Scott R. Mosko in Support of Defendants’ Claim
`Construction Response Brief (5 pages) and Exhibits A-X; Oct. 4,
`Semiconductor Energy Laboratory C0,, Ltd‘s Reply Brief on Claim
`Construction and Supporting Evidence; 18 pages; Oct. 11, 2005.
`Declaration ofDonald R. Harris in Support of Semiconductor Energy
`Laboratory Co.. Ltd’s Reply Bricf on Claim Construction with
`Exhibits; 71 pages; Oct. 11, 2005.
`Answer, Defenses, and Counterelaims of Defendants Samsung Elec-
`tronics Co., Ltd , S-LCD Corporation. Samsung Electronics
`America. Inc. and Samsung Telecommunications America, I.I.('I,
`dated Apr. 9. 2009, 29 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`First Amended Answer, Defenses, and Counterelaims of Defendants
`Samsung Electronics Co.. Ltd., S-LCD Corporation, Samsung Elec-
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 2
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 2


`US 7,956,978 132
`Page 3
`tronics America, Inc. and Samsung Telecommunications America.
`LLC. dated Jul. 1, 2009, 33 pages. Civil Action No. 3 :09-CV—00001.
`Response to Defendants’ First Set of Interrogatories to Plaintiff
`Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co., Ltd.. dated May 29. 2009.
`102 pages (Appendix A-F.), Civil Action No. 3:09-CV-00001.
`Defendants” Answer. Defenses, and Counterclaims to Plaintiffs First
`Amended Complaint, dated Jul. 14. 2009. 33 pages. Civil Action No.
`Sanrslmg Electronics Co., Ltd’s Second Supplemental Responses to
`SFJ ’s First Set oflntcrrogatories, dated Jul. 14, 2009,73 pages, Civil
`Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Response to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories to Plaintiff
`Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co., Ltd., dated Jul. 27. 2009, 3 8
`pages (Appendix A-B), Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Plaintiff and Counterclaim Defendant Sel’s Answer to Defendants’
`Counterclaims, dated Jul. 28, 2009. 14 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-
`Motion to Dismiss and/or Strike Certain Counterclaims and
`Defenses. dated Jul. 28. 2009. 2 pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV-
`SEL’s Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Dismiss and/or
`Strike Certain Counterclaims and Defenses, dated Jul. 28, 2009. 15
`pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Motion for Leave to File Instam‘er (1) Amended motion to dismiss
`and/or strike inequitable conduct allegations based on New Federal
`Circuit Authority; and (2) amended answer to counterclaim, dated
`Aug. 11, 2009, 5 pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV-00001.
`SE1 ’5 Motion and Memorandum in Support of its Amended Motion
`to Dismiss and/or Strike Inequitable ConductAllegations, dated Aug.
`11, 2009, 30 pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Plaintiff and Counterclaim Defendant SEL’s amended answer to
`Defendants’ Counterclaims, dated Aug. 11, 2009. 15 pages, Civil
`Action No. 3:09-CV-00001.
`Plaintiff and Counterclaim Defendant SEL‘s amended answer to
`Defendants’ Counterclaims. dated Aug. 13. 2009. 14 pages. Civil
`Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`SEL’s Motion and Memorandlun in Support of its Amended Motion
`to Dismiss and/or Strike Inequitablc ConductAllegations, datcd Aug.
`13, 2009, 30 pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Samsung Electronics Co.. Ltd.’s Fourth Supplemental Responses to
`SEL ’5 First Set ofInterrogatories (:ExhibitA-D). dated Aug. 28. 2009.
`83 pages, Civil Action No 3:09-CV—00001
`First Supplemenml and Revised Response to Defendants’ Interroga-
`tory No. 5 to Plaintiff Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co., Ltd.
`(Appendix A-H), dated Aug. 28, 2009, 161 pages, Civil Action No.
`Plaintiff Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co., Ltd‘s list of pro-
`posed claim terms and proposed claim construction. dated Aug. 31.
`2009. 3 pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Defendants’ disclosure of claim terms to be construed and proposed
`constructions, dated Aug 31, 2009, 4 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-
`Docket Sheet Jan. 1, 2009 through Sep. 3. 2009. 9 pages. Civil Action
`Defendants’ first amended answer, defenses, and coturterclaims to
`plaintiffs first amended complaint. dated Sep. 10, 2009. 55 pages.
`Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Second Supplemenml response to defendants’ interrogatory No. 5 to
`plaintiff Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co., Ltd., dated Sep. 14.
`2009. originally 50 pages, 45 pages as redacted and submitted here-
`with, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Plaintiff Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co., Ltd‘s response to
`defendants’ disclosure of claim terms to be construed and proposed
`constructions, dated Sep. 14. 2009, 5 pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-
`Defendant’s Response to SEL‘s Proposed Constructions. dated Sep.
`14, 2009, 3 pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Plaintiff and Counterclaim Defendant SEL’s answer to Defendants’
`first amended counterclaims, dated Sep. 24, 2009, 14 pages, Civil
`Action No. 3:09-CV-00001.
`SEL‘s Memorandum in support of Motion to Dismiss and/or Strike
`Inequimble Conduct Allegations in Samsung‘s Amended Answer,
`dated Sep. 24. 2009, 34 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Proposed Order, filed Sep. 24, 2009. 1 page, Civil Action No. 3:09-
`Motion to Dismiss and/or Strike Inequitable Conduct Allegations in
`Samsung‘s Amended Answer, dated Sep. 24. 2009. 2 pp.. Civil
`Action No. 3:09-CV—00001-BBC.
`Defendants‘ First Amended Response to SEL‘s Proposed Construc-
`tions, dated Oct. 5, 2009, 3 pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Defendants‘ First Amended Disclosure of Claim Terms to be Con-
`strued and Proposed Constructions. dated Oct. 5. 2009. 4 pages. Civil
`Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Defendants‘ Corrected First Amended Disclosure of Claim Terms to
`be Construed and Proposed Constructions. dated Oct. 6, 2009, 4
`pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Plaintiff Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co.. Ltd‘s Opening
`Claim Construction Brief, dated Oct. 7. 2009, 85 pages. Civil Action
`No. 3:09-CV—00001-BBC.
`SEL‘S Motion requesting Claim Construction and Hearing, dated
`Oct. 7. 2009. 4 pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001-BBC.
`Defendant‘s Motion for Construction of Claims. dated Oct. 7, 2009,
`4 pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Samsung’ s Opening Clairn Construction Brief, dated Oct. 7. 2009. 83
`pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV-00001.
`Declaration of Nicholas J. Whilt in support of Samsung’s opening
`Claim Construction Brief, dated Oct. 7, 2009, 912 pages, Civil Action
`Samsung’ s opposition to SEL’s motion to dismiss antL/or strike ineq-
`ui able conduct allegations in Samsung‘s amended answer, dated
`Oct. 15. 2009, 50 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`S 3 5‘s reply in support of its motion to dismiss and/or strike inequi-
`taJ e conduct allegations in Samsung‘s amended answer, dated Oct.
`, 2009. 34 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`3 ,‘s response to Samsung’s opening claim construction brief,
`ted Oct. 28, 2009. 83 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001-
`nsung’ s responsive claim construction brief. dated Oct. 28. 2009.
`5ages, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`1ird Supplemental Rcsponsc to Dcfendants’ Interrogatory No. 5 to
`aintiff Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co., Ltd, dated Nov. 2,
`09. 9 pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV-00001-BBC.
`3 3’5 Supplemental Response to Defendants’ Interrogatory No. 16.
`ated bov. 20, 2009. 21 pages, Civil Action No 3'09-CV-00001-
`amsung Electronics Co., Ltd.‘s fifih supplemental responses to
`3 3’s frrstsetofinterrogatories,datedDec. 9,2009, 184 pages, Civil
`Action No. 3 09-CV-00001.
`Ex oert Report ofDr. Aris Silzars. dated Dec. 15, 2009, originally 103
`pages. 97 pages as redacted and submitted herewith. Civil Action No.
`3 :09-CV—0000 1.
`Ex ert report of Dr. Timothy J. Drabik regarding invalidity of US
`Patent Nos. 7,215.402 and 7,394,516, dated Dec 15, 2009. 656
`pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV-00001.
`De endants‘ third amended answer. defenses. and counterclaims to
`plaintiff‘s first amended complaint, dated Dec. 28. 2009, 63 pages,
`Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd’s second supplemental responses to
`SE js second set ofinterrogatories, dated Dec. 31, 2009. 16 pages,
`Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd‘s seventh supplemental responses to
`SL' 275 first set ofinterrogatories, dated Dec. 31, 2009, 26 pages. Civil
`Action \lo. 3:09-CV-00001.
`Opinion and order. dated Jan. 5. 2010. 36 pages. Civil Action No.
`3 :09-CV—0000 1-BBC.
`SE 3’s Supplemental Response to Defendants’ Interrogatory No. 12.
`dated Jan. 12, 2010. 9 pages, Civil Action No 3:09-CV-00001-BBC.
`Dc cndants‘ second amended answer, defenses, and counterclaims to
`plaintiffs first amended complaint, dated Jan. 15, 2010. 56 pages,
`Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Ex aert report of Dr. Aris Silzars in opposition to the Expert report of
`Timothy J. Drabik regarding invalidity of1 ZS. Patent Nos. 7.3945 16
`an the Expert report of Dr. Richard B. Fair regarding invalidity of
`US patent No. 7.413.937, dated Jan. 20. 2010. 577 pages. Civil
`Action No. 3:09-CV-00001.
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 3
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 3


`US 7,956,978 B2
`Page 4
`Expert report of Nicholas P. Godici, dated Jan. 20, 2010, 89 pages.
`Civil Action No. 3 :09-CV—0000 1.
`Expert report ofDr. Timothy J. Drabikregarding non-infringement of
`U.S. patent Nos. 7.215.402 and 7,394,516. dated Jan. 20. 2010. 63
`pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-(".V’-00001.
`Supplemental responses to Defendants‘ interrogatory Nos. 1. 2-3.
`5-6. 8-9. 11-12. and 16-18 to Plaintiff Semiconductor Energy Labo-
`ratory co., ltd., dated Jan. 21. 2010, 29 pages. Civil Action No.
`Plaintiffs motion for partial summaryjudgment. dated Jan. 22, 2010.
`4 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001-BBC.
`Declaration of Jeffrey A. Koppy in support of partial summary judg-
`ment. dated Jan. 22, 2010, 2558 pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—
`Defendant Samsung’s Motion for Summary Judgment Regarding
`U.S. Patent Nos. 6.900.463, 7,413,937, 7,215,402. and 7.394,516.
`dated Jan. 22. 2010, 4 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Proposed findings of fact in support of Samsung’s motion for surn-
`I J.S.
`6,900,463,7.413,937,7,215,402, and 7,394,516, dated Jan. 22, 2010.
`208 pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Declaration of Ryan K. Yagura in support of Samsung75 motion for
`summaryjudgnrent. dated Jan, 22. 2010. 3805 pages. Civil Action
`No. 3:09-CV—0000L.
`Defendants’ third amended answer. defenses, and eounterclaims to
`plaintiff ’s first amended complaint. dated Jan. 22, 2010, 62 pages.
`Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001 .
`Declaration ofDr. '1'imot_hyl. Drabik in support ofSamsung” s Motion
`for Summary Judgment, dated Jan. 22. 2010, 152 pages, Civil Action
`No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Corrected SEL‘s memorandum of law in support of its motion for
`partial summaryjudgment. dated Jan. 26, 2010, originally 134 pages.
`108 pages as redacted and submitted herewith. Civil Action No.
`Corrected proposed findings of fact, dated Jan. 26. 2010, originally
`84 pages. 55 pages as redacted and submitted herewith, Civil Action
`No. 3 09-CV—00001-BBC.
`Corrected proposed finding of facts in support of Samsung‘s motion
`for summary judgment regarding US. Patent Nos. 6.900,463.
`7,413,937, 7.215.402, and7,394,516, dated Jan. 29, 2010. 208 pages.
`Civil Action No. 3 :09-CV—0000 1.
`Corrected brief in support of Samsung’s motion for summary judg-
`ment regarding U.S. Patent Nos. 6.900.463. 7,413,937, 7.215,402.
`and 7,394,516, dated Jan. 29. 2010, 157 pages, Civil Action No.
`Sanrsrmg’s Corrected Exhibits to Declaration of Motion for Sunr-
`mary Judgment. dated Jan. 29, 2010, 50 pages, Civil Action No.
`Plaintiff and counterdefendant SEL’s Answer to Defendants‘ third
`amended counterclaims, dated Feb. 5, 2010. 14 pages, Civil Action
`No. 3 09-CV—00001-BBC.
`Docket Sheet Sep. 19, 2009 through Feb. 5, 2010, 44 pages, Civil
`Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Samsung’s Opposition to SEL’s Corrected Motion for Partial Surn-
`mary Judgment with Exhibit(s) dated Feb. 12. 2010. 219 pages, Civil
`Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Declaration of Frank S. Barrese Re: Documents Produced by Inter-
`national Business Machines Corporation with Exhibits datedFeb. 12,
`2010. 30 pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV-00001.
`Supplemental Declaration of Dr. Timothy J , Drabik in Support of
`Samsung’s Opposition to SEL’s Corrected Motion for Partial Surn-
`mary Judgment with Exhibits dated Feb. 12. 2010, originally 90
`pages. 76 pages as redacted and submitted herewith. Civil Action No.
`Samsung’s Supplemental Proposed Findings ofFact in Opposition to
`SEL’s Corrected Motion for Partial Summary Judgment dated Feb.
`12, 2010, 248 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Samsung’s Response to SEL’s Corrected Proposed Findings of Fact
`dated Feb. 12. 2010, 222 pages, CivilActiorr No. 3:09-CV—00001,
`SFJ ’s Response to Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment
`dated Feb. 12. 2010, 171 pages, CivilAction No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`SEL ’s Responsive Proposed Findings ofFact in Support ofIts Oppo-
`sition to Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment Regarding US.
`Patent Nos. 6,900,463, 7,413,937, 7,215,402. 7,394,516 dated Feb.
`13, 2010. originally 125 pages, 114 pages as redacted and submitted
`herewith. Civil Action No. 3 :09-CV—00001.
`SEL’s Response to Samsung‘s Proposed Findings of Fact dated Feb.
`13, 2010, 336 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Samsung‘s Reply in Support of its Corrected Motion for Summary
`Judgment dated Feb. 22, 2010. 178 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—
`Reply to SEL‘s Response to Samsung's Proposed Findings of Fact
`dated Feb. 22. 2010, 812 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Resppnse to SEL‘s Responsive Proposed Findings ofFact in Support
`Its Opposition to Defendants‘ Motion for Summary Judgment
`Regarding U.S. Patent Nos. 6.900,463. 7,413,937, 7,215,402,
`7.394.516 dated Feb. 22. 2010. originally 359 pages. 328 pages as
`redacted and submitted herewith, Civil Action No. 3 :09-CV—00001.
`S EL’s Reply in Support of its Motion for Partial Summary Judgment
`dated Feb. 22, 2010. originally 162 pages. 141 pages as redacted and
`submitted herewith. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—0000 1.
`S EL’s Response to Samsung‘s Supplemenml Proposed Findings of
`Fact in Opposition to SEL‘s Corrected Motion for Partial Summary
`Judgment dated Feb. 22, 2010. 439 pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—
`S EL’s Reply to Samsung’s Response to SEL’s Corrected Proposed
`Findings of Fact1 dated Feb. 22, 2010, 263 pages. Civil Action No.
`3 :09-CV—0000 1.
`S EL’s Motion for Leave to Supplement the Expert Report of Dr. Aris
`Silzars dated Mar. 19. 2010, 4 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV-
`Memorandum in Support of SEL's Motion for Leave to Supplement
`the Expert Report of Dr. Aris Silaars dated Mar. 19. 2010. 8 pages,
`Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Samsung’ s Opposition to SET/s Motion for Leave to Supplement the
`Expert Report of Dr. Aris Silzars dated Mar. 27, 2010,22 pages. Civil
`Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Corrected Declaration of Brian M Berliner in Support of Samsung’s
`Brief in Opposition to SEL7s Motion for Leave to Supplement the
`Expert Report of Dr. Aris Silzars with Exhibi s dated Mar. 29, 2010,
`89 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Reply Brief in Support of SEL’s Motion for Leave to Supplement the
`Expert Report of Dr. Aris Silzars dated Mar‘. 3 , 2010, 22 pages. Civil
`Action No. 3'09-CV-00001.
`Declaration of Jeffrey A. Koppy in Support 0 SEL's Reply Brief in
`Support of Sel‘s Motion for Leave to Supplement the Expert Report
`ofDr. Aris Silaars with Exhibits dated Mar. 31. 2010, 98 pages, Civil
`Action No. 3 09-CV-00001.
`SET/s Motion for Leave to File a Correcte Supplemental Expert
`Report of Dr. Aris Silzars dated Apr. 7. 2010, 7 pages. Civil Action
`No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Declaration of Jeffrey A. Koppy in Suppor of SEL’s Motion for
`Leave to File a Corrected Supplemental Expert Report of Dr. Aris
`Silzars with Exhibits dated Apr. 7. 2010, 93 pages, Civil Action No.
`3 :09-CV—0000 1.
`Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd’s Fifth Supp emental Responses to
`SEL7s Interrogatory No, 3 with Exhibits dated Apr 13, 2010, 45
`pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV-00001
`Samsung’ s Opposition to SEL’s Motion forLeave to File a Corrected
`Supplemental Expert Report of Dr. Aris Silzars dated Apr. 14. 2010.
`20 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Second declaration of Brian M. Berliner in Support of Samsung’s
`Brief in Opposition to SEL’s Motion for Leave to File a Corrected
`Supplemental Expert Report of Dr. Aris Silzars dated Apr. 14, 2010,
`6 pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Reply Briefin Support of SEL’s Motion for Leave to File a Corrected
`Supplemental Expert Report of Dr. Aris Silzars dated Apr. 26, 2010,
`15 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Declaration ofJeffrey A. Koppy in Support ofReply Briefin Support
`of SEL’s Motion for Leave to File a Corrected Supplemental Expert
`Report of Dr. Aris Silzars dated Apr 26, 2010, 2 pages, Civil Action
`No. 3:09-CV-00001.
`Samsung’ s Opposition to SEL’s Motion for Leave to Supplement the
`Expert Witness Report ofProfessor Paul A. Kohl datedApr. 30, 2010.
`18 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 4
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 4


`US 7,956,978 B2
`Page 5
`Second Declaration of Brian M Berliner in Support of Samsung’s
`Brief in Opposition to SEL’s Motion for Leave to Supplement the
`Expert Witness Report of Professor Paul A. Kohl with Exhibits dated
`Apr. 30. 2010, 21 pages, Civil Action No. 3 :09-CV—0000 1.
`Reply Briefin Support of SET ’ s Vlotion for Leave to Supplement the
`Expert Witness Report of Professor Paul A. Kohl dated May 5. 2010,
`17 pages, Civil Action No 3:09-CV—00001
`Declaration of Jeffrey A. Koppy in Support of SEL’s Reply of SEL’s
`Motion to Supplement the Expert Witness Report of Professor Paul
`A. Kohl with Exhibits dated May 5, 2010, 10 pages, Civil Action No.
`Supplemental Responses to Defendants’ Interrogatory Nos. 3, 5-10.
`12, 16-17. 22-24, and 27 to Plaintiff Semiconductor Energy Labora-
`tory Co., Ltd. dated May 7, 2010, 25 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-
`Response to Defendants/ Seventh Set oflnterrogatories (Nos. 29-40)
`to Plaintiff Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co.. Ltd. dated May7.
`2010.23 pages. Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Response to Defendants’ First Set of Request for Admission dated
`May 7, 2010, 42 pages. Civil Action ho. 3'09-CV-00001.
`Sainsung Electronics Co., Ltd’s Responses to SEL’s First Set of
`Requests for Admissions dated May 7, 2010, 5 pages, Civil Action
`Samsung Mobile Display Co.. Ltd’s Responses to SEL's First Set of
`Requests for Admi ssion dated May 7. 2010. 5 pages. Civil Action No.
`3 :09-CV—0000 1.
`Samsung Electronics America, Inc’ s Responses to SEL’s First Set of
`Requests for Admi ssion dated May 7. 2010. 5 pages. Civil Action No.
`3 :09-CV—0000 1.
`Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC‘s Responses to SEL 's
`First Set ofRequests for Admission dated May 7, 2010. 5 pages, Civil
`Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`S-LCD Corporation’s Responses to SEL‘s First Set of Requests for
`Admission dated May 7, 2010, 5 pages, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—
`Samsung Electronics Co.. Ltd‘s Third Supplemental Responses to
`SEL’s Second Set of Interrogatories dated May 7. 2010. 23 pages.
`Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Samsung Electronics Co.. Ltd. ’s Thirteenth Supplemental Response
`to SEL’s First Set of lnterrogatories dated May 7, 2010, 54 pages,
`Civil Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`Docket Sheet Feb. 6, 20 IO through Jul. 5, 2010, 59 pages, Civil
`Action No. 3:09-CV—00001.
`* cited by examiner
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 5
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 5


`US. Patent
`Jun. 7, 2011
`Sheet 1 of 12
`US 7,956,978 32
`wage/1W MIJ’V/AWIA
`¢ I
`’ 1_0_4
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 6
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 6


`US. Patent
`Jun. 7, 2011
`Sheet 2 of 12
`US 7,956,978 32
`200 m
`00050 010000 m—L— PIXEL TH
`HG. 20
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 7
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 7


`US. Patent
`Jun. 7, 2011
`Sheet 3 of 12
`US 7,956,978 32
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 8
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 8


`US. Patent
`Jun. 7, 2011
`Sheet 4 of 12
`US 7,956,978 32
`FIG. 4
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 9
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 9


`US. Patent
`Jun. 7, 2011
`Sheet 5 of 12
`US 7,956,978 32
`301, 382, 303
`HG. 5
`E30?, 302, 303
`FIG. 6
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 10
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 10


`US. Patent
`Jun. 7, 2011
`Sheet 6 of 12
`US 7,956,978 32
`40I] of:
`' I.
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 11
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 11


`US. Patent
`Jun. 7, 2011
`Sheet 7 of 12
`US 7,956,978 32
`FIG. 8
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 12
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 12


`US. Patent
`Jun. 7, 2011
`Sheet 8 of 12
`US 7,956,978 32
`FIG. 9
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 13
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 13


`US. Patent
`Jun. 7, 2011
`Sheet 9 of 12
`US 7,956,978 32
`FIG. 10
`FIG. 11
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 14
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 14


`US. Patent
`Jun. 7, 2011
`Sheet 10 0f 12
`US 7,956,978 32
`FIG. 12
`FIG. 13
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 15
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 15


`US. Patent
`Jun. 7, 2011
`Sheet 11 0f 12
`US 7,956,978 32
`\\ -§\'\
`Wm - :mm 63$
`Wk m ‘

`FIG. 14
`mm \‘\
`,/- 220
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 16
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 16


`US. Patent
`Jun. 7, 2011
`Sheet 12 0f 12
`us 7,956,978 132
`FIG. 15
`(1211103 11371
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 17
`CMI Exhibit 1001
`Page 17


`US 7,956,978 B2
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to a liquid-crystal display
`device of the active matrix system for reducing failure occur-
`ring when bonding substrates, and more particularly to a
`peripheral circuit integral type liquid-crystal display device,
`2. Description of the Related Art
`A conventional active matrix liquid-crystal display device
`is so designed as to control the optical characteristics such as
`a light transmission property of a liquid-crystal material
`which is held between a pair of pixel electrodes using the
`switching operation of a two-terminal element such as an
`MIN which is disposed in a pixel section in the form of a
`matrix or a three-terminal element such as a TFT, for display.
`In general, TFTs using amorphous silicon have been widely
`used for the switching element of the pixel electrodes.
`However, because the mobility ofthe electric field effect of
`amorphous silicon is low to the degree of 0.1 to 1 cm Vs, the
`TFT using amorphous silicon cannot be disposed in a periph-
`eral drive circuit that controls the TFT connected to the pixel
`For that reason. in the conventional active matrix liquid-
`crystal device, the peripheral drive circuit which is made up of
`a semiconductor integrated circuit is attached externally to a
`liquid—crystal panel
`through the tape automatic bonding
`TAB) technique or the chip on glass (COG) technique.
`FIG. 16 is a front view showing the outline of an active
`matrix liquid-crystal panel in accordance with a first conven-
`ional example, to which a peripheral drive circuit is attached
`extemally. As shown in FIG. 16, scanning lilies 2 and signal
`lines 3 are disposed on an element substrate 1 made of, for
`example. glass or quartz in a matrix, and in a pixel section 4.
`oixel electrodes and a switching pixel TFT for the pixel elec-
`rodes are connected to each of the cross portions of those
`wirings. The scanning lines 2 and the signal lines 3 extend up
`0 the outside of a sealing material region 5. respectively, and
`for that reason. the number ofwirings which are transverse to
`he sealing material is as much as the number of the scanning
`lines 2 and the signal lines 3 at the minimum. The ends of
`hose wirings form extension terminals 6 as they are, and the
`extension terminals 6 are connected with a peripheral drive
`circuit not shown. Furthermore. the element substrate 1 is
`joined to an opposite substrate not shown through the sealing
`material disposed in the sealing material region 5, and a
`liquid-crystal material is interposedbetween those substrates

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