

`Page 1
` Petitioner,
` vs. No. IPR2013-00038
` Patent 7,956,978
` Patent Owner.
` Irvine, California
` Monday, May 20, 2013
` Volume I
`Reported by:
`CSR No. 2989
`Job No. 1665084
`PAGES 1 - 202
`3 4
`Veritext Chicago Reporting Company


`Page 2
` Petitioner,
` vs. No. IPR2013-00038
` Patent 7,956,978
` Patent Owner.
` Videotaped Deposition of MILTIADIS
`HATALIS, Ph.D., Volume I, taken on behalf of Patent
`Owner, 3 Park Plaza, Suite 1100, Irvine, California,
`beginning at 7:36 a.m., and ending at 4:10 p.m. on
`Monday, May 20, 2013, before SHERRY A. CASE, Certified
`Shorthand Reporter No. 2989, CLR, RPR.
`3 4
`Veritext Chicago Reporting Company


`Page 3
` 3 Park Plaza
` Suite 1100
` Irvine, CA 92614
` 949.623.7236
` 115 South LaSalle Street
` Suite 3100
` Chicago, IL 60603
` 312.577.1250
`2 3
`4 5
`Veritext Chicago Reporting Company


`Page 4
` 3975 Fair Ridge Drive
` Suite T20 North
` Fairfax, VA 22033
` 571.434.6789
`2 3 4
`5 6
`Veritext Chicago Reporting Company


`Page 5
` I N D E X
` E X H I B I T S
` Exhibit 1005 Declaration of Miltiadis 8
` Hatalis, Ph.D.
` Exhibit 1001 '978 Patent 15
` Exhibit 1003 Patent 5513028 16
` Exhibit 1004 Patent 5504601 165
`2 3
`4 5
`6 7
`8 9
`Veritext Chicago Reporting Company


` Irvine, California; Monday, May 20, 2013:
` 7:36 A.M.
`Page 6
` THE VIDEO OPERATOR: Good morning.
` We are on the record at 7:36 a.m. on May 20th,
` 2013. This is the video-recorded deposition of
` Dr. Milt Hatalis.
` My name is Scott Slater, here with our court
` reporter, Sherry Case. We are here from Veritext
` Legal Solutions at the request of counsel for the
` patent owner.
` This deposition is being held at 3 Park Plaza,
` Suite 1100, in the City of Irvine, California 92614.
` The caption of this case is Innolux Corporation versus
` Patent of Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co., Ltd.,
` Case No. IPR 2013-00038, Patent 7956978.
` Please note that audio and video recording will
` take place unless all parties agree to go off the
` record. The microphones are sensitive and may pick up
` whispers, private conversations, or cellular
` interference.
` I'm not authorized to administer an oath. I'm
` not related to any party in this action, nor am I
` finan- -- nor am I financially interested in the
` outcome in any way.
`3 4
`Veritext Chicago Reporting Company


` May I please have an agreement from all parties
`Page 7
` that we may proceed.
` MR. SCHLITTER: You may proceed.
` MR. CORDREY: That's fine.
` At this time, will counsel and all present
` please identify themselves for the record.
` MR. SCHLITTER: Stan Schlitter for the patent
` owner, and I'm with Steptoe & Johnson.
` MR. CORDREY: Gregg Cordrey, from Jeffer,
` Mangels, Butler & Mitchell, on behalf of the
` petitioner, Innolux Corporation.
` THE VIDEO OPERATOR: Thank you very much.
` Will the court reporter please administer the
` oath.
` THE COURT REPORTER: Please raise your right
` hand.
` You do solemnly swear that the testimony you're
` about to give in the cause now pending to be the
` truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
` ///
` ///
` ///
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`Page 8
` having been first administered an oath, was examined
` and testified as follows:
` Q Good morning, Dr. Hatalis.
` A Good morning.
` Q I've handed you what has previously been marked
` as Exhibit 1005.
` (Exhibit 1005 was previously marked
` for identification by the court
` reporter and is attached hereto.)
` Q Do you recognize this document?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q What is this document?
` A It is my declaration and in regards to the
` review of the U.S. Patent 9 -- No. 7956978.
` Q Did you author this document?
` A Correct.
` Q Did you write every word that's in it?
`2 3
`5 6 7
`8 9
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`Page 9
` A Every word in -- in it? No.
` Q What did you do to prepare for your deposition
` today?
` A I review my declaration. I review the
` petition. I review the board decision, the request
` for rehearing, the decision of the board on the
` request for rehearing, the '978 Patent, and the
` relevant -- the patents that I use from the prior art,
` namely, that one from Sono and Watanabe.
` Q Did you meet with anyone to prepare for your
` deposition?
` A Yes.
` Q When was that?
` A That was on Friday, two days ago, and about two
` weeks ago.
` Q And who did you meet with on both those
` occasions, on each of those occasions?
` A On Friday I met with --
` MR. CORDREY: Saturday.
` THE WITNESS: Sat- -- Saturday. Excuse me.
` Saturday.
` On Saturday, I met with Greg Cordrey and his
` colleague, Stan --
` MR. CORDREY: Gibson.
` THE WITNESS: -- Gibson.
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`Page 10
` And about two weeks ago, I met with
` Greg Cordrey and his colleague, Ali --
` MR. CORDREY: Shalchi.
` THE WITNESS: -- Shalchi.
` Q Did you discuss the '978 Patent at both of
` those meetings?
` A Yes.
` Q To be clear, the -- the meeting was Saturday.
` Was there a meeting on Friday?
` A No. Friday, it was -- I have misspoken.
` Friday night I arrive here.
` Q Were you shown any papers or documents at those
` meetings?
` A No.
` We reviewed the -- the binders that are in this
` room.
` Q Do you mean the -- the items that you listed?
` A Correct.
` Q Did you do any searching of prior art in
` connection with your work in preparing the declaration
` that's Exhibit 1005?
` A No.
` I was provided with the references and I was
` asked to give an opinion.
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`Page 11
` I've also had been provided with other
` references, I may add, which I -- I found that may not
` be necessarily as strong as the ones that I -- I use
` in my declaration.
` Q About how many other pieces of prior art were
` you provided?
` A I don't remember. It was probably a handful, a
` few.
` But, as I said, some of them, I didn't have to
` look very deep into them.
` Q Did you rely on any of the prior art other than
` Sono and Watanabe?
` A I relied on the APA which is disclosed in the
` '978 Patent.
` Q Other than the APA disclosed in the '978
` Patent, Sono and Watanabe, did you rely on any other
` prior art in connection with your declaration or work
` in this case?
` A No.
` I relied on someone's ordinary skill in the art
` at the time of the invention to refer judgment on
` certain items related to the issues raised by the
` claims.
` Q And what did you base someone's ordinary skill
` in the art at the time of the invention on?
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`Page 12
` A Well, I believe there is a section here which
` is about like a college degree in a field like
` electrical engineering or physics or related fields,
` material science, and a few years of experience in the
` field.
` Q Are you the person who authored the part of the
` declaration that talks about level of ordinary skill
` in the art?
` A I was provided with that legal -- or that
` background information related to the former
` requirements of the ordinary skill in the art.
` Q You were provided that by counsel?
` A By the counsel at --
` Q Would that be Mr. McKeown?
` A Scott McKeown was the leader of the -- I worked
` with Scott McKeown, but I also worked with a couple
` other attorneys at Upland.
` Q Who else did you work with there?
` A I believe Tom Fisher is one of the lawyers, and
` I worked with one more. I forgot one of the
` associates, and I don't remember the name right now.
` Q Is the curriculum vitae attached as Appendix A
` to the declaration identical to the curriculum vitae
` that was attached to the declaration attached or used
` with respect to the '480 Patent that we discussed in
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`Page 13
` the deposition yesterday?
` A I believe so. If there had been some writings,
` I don't remember, but I believe it's the same.
` Q You believe it to be complete and accurate?
` A As of the time of the writing of this
` declaration, which was back in the 4 of 2012 (sic).
` Q Is there any respect that you were aware of in
` which it is not any longer complete or accurate?
` A At the time of the writing or now?
` Q Right now.
` A Right now? There are some additional papers or
` scientific journals, conferences that have not been
` included, that were published since the writing of
` this one, and there is some additional funding that I
` received other than the one listed in this
` Section 10A.
` Q Did any of those papers relate to liquid
` crystal displays?
` A Those papers relate to transistors and active
` metrics displays, and these are basic materials and
` devices that are -- they're used in displays.
` In recent years, I covered other type displays
` as well.
` Q Are all those publications identified on your
` website?
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`Page 14
` A I think my website is more outdated than this
` document.
` Q Is there anywhere where there is a list of the
` recent publications that are not included on your CV?
` A I can provide them to you if you require them.
` MR. SCHLITTER: Mr. Cordrey, could you provide
` that to us?
` Q Do any of those publications relate to the
` subject matter of the '978 Patent?
` And I mean by "those publications" the recent
` ones that have been published since your CV was
` authored last fall.
` A These publications are related to thin film
` transistor technology and for a means of driving
` active metrics, organic light-emitting diodes
` displays. It relates to a pixel architecture and
` circuitry within the pixel, and relates to means to
` address those pixels.
` MR. CORDREY: Just to clear the record, I said
` we'll take that under advisement, yes.
` MR. SCHLITTER: We'll take "yes."
` MR. CORDREY: I'm sure it's not an issue, but I
` want to make sure the record's clear.
`Veritext Chicago Reporting Company


`Page 15
` THE WITNESS: Don't expect it to be too many.
` MR. SCHLITTER: Thank you.
` Q Would you refer please to Paragraph 38 of your
` declaration.
` Paragraph 38 states, "One skilled in the art
` would recognize that the horizontal and vertical
` scanning circuits, 72 and 73, of Sono's Figure 7 are
` the same as the horizontal and vertical shift
` registers, 5 and 6, Sono's Figure 4."
` Let me add a little bit more.
` Also in quotes, "A horizontal shift register,
` 5; a vertical shift register, 6."
` I've handed you what is marked as Exhibit 1001.
` (Exhibit 1001 was previously marked
` for identification by the court
` Reporter and is attached hereto.)
` Q Do you recognize this document?
` A Yes.
` Q What is this?
` A This is the patent referred to as the '978
` Patent that I analyzed in my declaration and compared
` it with the prior art.
` Q I also have handed you what is marked as
`Veritext Chicago Reporting Company


` Exhibit 1003, which is U.S. Patent 5513028 to Sono, et
`Page 16
` al.
` (Exhibit 1003 was previously marked
` for identification by the court
` reporter and is attached hereto.)
` Q Do you recognize this document?
` A Yes.
` Q What is this?
` A This is the U.S. Patent which is referred in
` the declaration as the Sono patent, and I used the
` teachings and the information related to the invention
` of Sono to express an opinion whether the alleged
` innovations in the '978 Patent were known in the art
` or someone with ordinary sill in the art would have
` concluded that, in light of Sukegawa, the '978 would
` have been obvious.
` Q What is the basis for your statement in
` Paragraph 38 that one skilled in the art would
` recognize that the horizontal and vertical scanning
` circuits, 72 and 73, of Sono's Figure 7 are the same
` as the horizontal and vertical shift registers, 5 and
` 6, of Sono's Figure 4?
` A Well, shift registers is the displays that
` include integrated display drivers. A shift register
`Veritext Chicago Reporting Company


`Page 17
` is the predominant circuit used to fabricate and
` implement integrated display drivers. And in Figure 4
` of Sono, in the block diagram, the Elements 5 and 6
` are labeled as horizontal shift register and vertical
` shift register. Those circuits perform the same
` function as those disclosed in Figure 7, as well as
` some of the other figures that are not referring to my
` declaration, like 10 and 11.
` One ordinarily skilled in the art would know
` that shift registers are used. They are disclosed in
` Figure 4, and they -- there would be no reason why
` some other type of a circuitry different than a shift
` register will be used in Figure 7 or any of the other
` figures.
` Furthermore, Sono is referring to fabricate the
` same circuitry, the same components in a number of
` different places in the specifications. It does not
` refer anywhere that from one figure to a different
` figure or from one circuit block within a figure to
` another circuitry block within a figure there will be
` changes in the type, layout, or design of those
` circuitries.
` Q What is the basis for your statement in
` Paragraph 38 that the dummy circuits, 74 and 75, will
` also be dummy shift registers?
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`Page 18
` A As I said, in the specifications of Sono he
` refers to the dummy circuits, 74 and 75, being
` fabricated at the same time as the horizontal or
` vertical scanning circuits, 72 and 73, that they have
` the same step.
` You can see from the Figure 7 that they have
` the same extent in the -- in the sealing area, 76
` mark. So they have the same physical dimensions, and
` someone with ordinary skill in the art would know that
` in order to achieve the same step, the same surface
` to -- you -- it would be obvious to use the same
` circuit. This will save -- this will not only
` guarantee the same step height, but will also have
` other advantages, such as you will not have to spend
` design time in creating a different mask. It will use
` the same fabrication processes as those used to
` fabricate the other circuits.
` So there are a number of reasons that these
` circuits, 74 and 75, will be identical to 72 and 73.
` Q You said that this is referenced in the
` specification.
` Where exactly in the specification are you
` referring to?
` A Okay. If we look at Column 5, Line 6, it
` reads,
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`Page 19
` "A horizontal scanning circuit, 72, a
` vertical scanning circuit, 73, having
` the same step as that of said
` horizontal scanning circuit, 72; a
` horizontal dummy circuit, 74, having
` the same step as that of said
` horizontal circuit, 72; a vertical
` dummy circuit, 75, having the same
` step as that of said horizontal
` scanning circuit, 72."
` This is one of the either -- there are other
` places.
` Q Where are the other places?
` A Let me elaborate on this part here before we
` move to the other one.
` In the section that I just referred to, I just
` read, all four circuit blocks, 72, 73, 74 and 75, they
` all have the same step and they all have been compared
` to the horizontal scanning circuit, 72. This implies
` that the topology of all those circuits -- and since
` we can see the vertical topology and we can see now
` that the layout, at least the extent, the physical
` extent of the circuits, they are also depicted
` identical in the circuit, and that the 72 and 73
` perform the same or similar function to address the
`Veritext Chicago Reporting Company


`Page 20
` display. Those are all the shift registers as
` Figure 4 discloses.
` Q Shift registers or horizontal scanning
` circuits, 72, and vertical scanning circuits, 73, are
` they identical?
` A You may have -- they perform the same function.
` They have to address the lines in order to -- in one
` case they need to feed the -- the -- in the vertical
` shift register, they need to control the scanning
` lines. In this case, they address one line at a time.
` In the horizontal shift register, they need to
` control the flow of the data to the pixels. There
` are --
` Q Is that the same function?
` A That's what I'm about to explain.
` There are different designs. One of the
` simplest designs that was early on was to have --
` address one column at a time and sample a single video
` line and then feed the data from the video line to
` that particular column and then move to the next one,
` to the next one and the next one. That is one of the
` early designs.
` There have been other designs since that
` original one where you can address blocks of data. In
` either case, the role of the shift register is to
`Veritext Chicago Reporting Company


`Page 21
` address either a single line or a block of lines.
` The circuit that you have inside will have to
` take into consideration the speed with which you're
` going to operate the circuit. The speed in the
` vertical shift register is slower than the speed of
` the horizontal shift register.
` Q This has nothing to do with my question. Your
` counsel can ask you this on redirect.
` But my question is, are the circuits in
` vertical scanning circuit, 73, identical to the
` circuits in horizontal scanning circuit, 72?
` A In the section that I just read, they refer to
` having the same step fabricated with the same material
` and they have the same surface topology. They perform
` the same function, however, and that makes them both
` shift registers, but there may be variations in the
` length of some devices as the speed -- or the width of
` the devices as the speed of the two circuits may be
` different, the operating speed of the two circuits may
` be different.
` Q Do the vertical shift registers provide any
` data to the pixel area?
` A The vertical shift registers? They control the
` scan lines, the gate lines.
` Q Do the horizontal shift registers have anything
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`Page 22
` to do with turning transistors on or off?
` A The horizontal shift registers provide the data
` to the column.
` Q So is the answer "No"?
` A With respect to the question do the vertical
` shift registers provide any -- to which question?
` Q Take that.
` A Excuse me.
` Q Let's answer that one.
` A Do the vertical shift registers provide any
` data to the -- and I said the vertical shift registers
` control the scan lines, so they do not provide data in
` the sense that someone skilled in the art will
` understand it is the information that you apply to the
` columns.
` Q Does the horizontal shift register or the
` horizontal scanning circuit control turning the
` transistors in the pixel area on or off?
` A The horizontal shift register controls the flow
` of data to the transistors. They do not control
` whether the -- the address transistor at the
` cross-section of a scan line or data line will be on
` or off.
` Q Is turning a transistor on or off a different
` function than providing data to the transistor?
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`Page 23
` A If the level of voltages that are applied and
` where those voltages are applied, which is different,
` the both circuits feed a voltage down a line -- in one
` case, in the case of the scanning line, the voltage is
` applied to the gate line and, depending on the magnet
` and the voltage and polarity, the gate turns the
` device on or off.
` In the case of the data that are applied to the
` source or drain of the transistors, that voltage then
` is fed into the pixel electrode when the gated
` transistor has turned the device on.
` Q Isn't providing data to a transistor a
` different function than turning a transistor on or
` off?
` A The level of voltages are different. As far as
` the circuit that controls the flow information
` selecting the line, that will be the same.
` But let me back off a little bit here. In the
` shift register, the role of the shift register is to
` select something, and in that select -- selection is
` happening by having one voltage in that line that you
` are selecting out of many lines, that voltage to be
` different than other -- all the other lines.
` In the shift register, there may be other
` components, too. There may be buffers, and the
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`Page 24
` buffers are -- can be as small as a circuitry that
` will be able to charge a long line to be able to
` provide the current for the line to be.
` So the horizontal shift register and the
` vertical shift register may include some additional
` components. The horizontal shift register is turning
` on or off not the transistor at the pixel, but it's
` turning on or off another transistor, and that
` transistor controls to which column you're going to
` feed the data.
` So there is a shift register and there are
` additional components. The role of the shift register
` is to turn on and off something. In the horizontal
` shift register, the turning on and off, another
` transistor which controls which data line will be
` selected, and that's a vertical line. And that
` vertical line, then, has been fed the data to the
` display.
` So as far as the shift register, it's still the
` same thing. It's controlling which one out of many
` transistors will be on. That transistor is going to
` feed whatever is at the source or drain of that
` transistor is going down to the column -- the vertical
` columns.
` Q The horizontal scanning circuit, 72, and the
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`Page 25
` vertical scanning circuit, 73, are they
` interchangeable?
` A The whole block or just the shift register?
` Q The whole block.
` A The whole block may contain some additional
` components within.
` Q Does that mean no?
` Are you saying they are interchangeable or are
` not interchangeable?
` A Well, depending upon the design. And as I said
` earlier, there may be timing differences between the
` 72 and 73 which will render some of the
` interconnections within the transistor to be different
` of 72 and 73.
` Q Are you saying that, in general, vertical
` scanning circuit, 73, and horizontal scanning
` circuits, 72, would be interchangeable?
` Is that what you're saying?
` A I would say that whether you can plug in -- one
` in inverse to the other one will depend upon the
` particular design for the particular display. In
` general, one cannot make that assumption, that you can
` just rotate the display and then you get the same
` functionality. Because there are differences within.
` The shift register itself may be the same. The shift
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`Page 26
` register controls a selection process.
` What is the additional component that you may
` have? Whether that is a buffer, as I mentioned
` earlier, or a control transistor that will feed the --
` connect the vertical lines with the video lines, those
` are different.
` So the shift register itself may be the same,
` but they maybe include some additional transistors or
` components within those circuits.
` Q Figure 7 doesn't talk about shift registers.
` It talks about a horizontal scanning circuit and
` vertical scanning circuit.
` Would you agree that the horizontal scanning
` circuit has output to the source/drain level of
` metalization in the pixel area?
` A Correct.
` Q Would you agree that the vertical scanning
` circuit has output on the gate level of metalization
` on the pixel area?
` A Correct.
` Q Isn't that a difference between the horizontal
` scanning circuits and vertical scanning circuits?
` A In principle, the horizontal controls the
` horizontal lines -- so the horizontal circuits control
` the gate lines and the vertical circuits control the
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`Page 27
` data lines.
` Q So they're different, aren't they?
` A They're different as to where the output has
` been fed.
` Within the horizontal and vertical shift
` register, there may be components that those
` components will be identical. There could be some
` additional components that may render differences in
` the functionality. But it is -- there may be some
` components which may occupy a great deal of the area,
` and those components may be identical.
` Q But some of the components inevitably would be
` different between the vertical scanning circuit and
` horizontal scanning circuit, wouldn't they?
` A Some components, depending upon the designs,
` will be different. But what will be different will be
` the difference in the design or the layout or how some
` of the lines are -- where do they feed.
` But as far as how they're fabricated, what are
` the materials and what is the physical extent of the
` entire circuitry and the steps that are created, those
` are -- will be the same because they're all fabricated
` at the same time, with the same materials.
` Q Does Sono disclose anything about what is
` contained within the horizontal scanning circuits, 72
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`Page 28
` and 73?
` A It discloses what it is contained in the
` circuitry of the Figures 4, and it will assume that
` someone skilled in the art will understand what is, in
` general, a horizontal and vertical scanning circuit.
` Q So is the only disclosure of what's in the
` vertical scanning circuit and the horizontal scanning
` circuit the labels in Figure 4, horizontal shift
` register, vertical shift register?
` A I believe so.
` Q You mentioned that Sono

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