`Telephonic Hearing
` Petitioners,
`- vs - No. IPR2013-00033 (JYC)
`Exclusive Licensee and
` Patent Owner.
` October 22, 2013
` lipka.com, inc.
` 888.lipka.com
` info@lipka.com
`lipka.com, inc.
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`Case No. IPR2013-00033
`Volume I
`Telephonic Hearing
` 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
` Washington, D.C. 20004-2401
` 202-662-6000; FAX 202-662-6291
` areister@cov.com
` gdischer@cov.com
` 55 West Monroe Street, Suite 3210
` Chicago, Illinois 60603
` 312-752-4357; FAX 312-896-5633
` jonkappes@patentit.com
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`lipka.com, inc.
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`Volume I
`Telephonic Hearing
` 4800 IDS Center, 80 South 8th Street
` Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402-2100
` 612-349-5774; FAX 612-349-9266
` pedersen@ptslaw.com
`2 3
`lipka.com, inc.
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`Volume I
`Telephonic Hearing
` JUDGE LEE: Let me know -- this should be a
`conference call for IPR 2013-00033. The case should be
`CBS Interactive versus Helferich Patent Licensing.
` Is that correct?
` MS. REISTER: That is correct, Your Honor.
` MR. PEDERSEN: That is correct, Your Honor.
` JUDGE LEE: Let me know who's representing
`petitioner and who's representing the patent owner,
` MS. REISTER: Yes, Your Honor. This is Andrea
`Reister and Greg Discher for the petitioners.
` JUDGE LEE: Thank you.
` MR. PEDERSEN: And, Your Honor, this is Brad
`Pedersen and Jon Kappes for the patent owner, and we
`have a court reporter on the line.
` If you'd like to introduce yourself.
` THE REPORTER: Hi. This is Lynn Penfield.
` JUDGE LEE: That's great. Who's arranged for
`the court reporter?
` MR. PEDERSEN: Your Honor, the patent owner has
`arranged for the court reporter.
` JUDGE LEE: Thank you. Wonderful. I think
`we're going to need that.
` Will you be kind enough to give the Board a
`copy of the transcript?
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`Volume I
`Telephonic Hearing
` MR. PEDERSEN: Absolutely, and we'll try to get
`that filed as quickly as we can, Your Honor.
` JUDGE LEE: And I don't know what you normally
`do with the transcript, but the copy that you give us,
`can you make sure that is an uncorrected copy that's as
`produced by the court reporter with no changes, no
`erratas from anybody?
` MR. PEDERSEN: Certainly, Your Honor.
` JUDGE LEE: Thank you. We appreciate that.
` So, we are here today because we have a final
`hearing in the case tomorrow, and we received an e-mail
`from Mr. Pedersen asking for guidelines about
`demonstratives to be used at the final hearing.
` It's about 3:00 p.m., so we don't have too much
`time, but we're going to give you as much as we can as
`far as guidelines goes, and the call will go this way:
`We'll give you the guidelines, and then -- we have
`reviewed both parties' demonstrative slides -- and then
`we will tell you our conclusion based on our review of
`each party's slides.
` We don't contemplate much going back and forth.
`Pretty much we'll say what the guideline is, we'll tell
`you our conclusions, and that's pretty much it.
` So about demonstratives, the important thing to
`note is that there is a big difference between a
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`Telephonic Hearing
`District Court trial and a trial at the Board. A
`District Court trial is conducted in a courtroom before
`a judge or a jury, whereas before the Board, the trial
`is really all on paper. The trial before the Board is
`already done through the papers each party has filed;
`for instance, your petition, your exhibits, your expert
`testimony which is presented on paper, the patent
`owner's response, the reply, the observations, so on and
`so forth.
` So whatever you wanted to present for whatever
`reason should have already been presented in those
`papers. It is from that perspective that we read the
`prohibition in our Patent Trial Practice Guide against
`having new evidence or new arguments in the
` New evidence, I think we all know what's new
` What is a new argument? If you argued that
`something was red in your papers and you now say it is
`green, well, that's clearly new argument. I think not
`many would disagree.
` Or if you now argue that it's pink, from our
`perspective, it is still a new argument. What if you
`now argued that it's slightly less than red? That is
`still a new argument. What if you say the red actually
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`Telephonic Hearing
`covers many different spectrums? Well, it's new, unless
`you already made that contention somewhere in your
` It's just unfair to the other party to spring a
`new twist or a new angle onto the scene at the last hour
`at the final hearing. These twists and new angles have
`different characterizations, different perspectives, and
`different summaries, and if the testimony is of record
`but not previously developed or explained in your
`papers, it shouldn't be developed for the first time,
`summarized for the first time, explained for the first
`time at final hearing.
` By that I'm referring to lengthy declarations
`not all of which are discussed in a party's paper. If
`you don't discuss it in your pleadings -- say, the
`patent owner's response -- there should be no
`expectation to be able to develop that testimony at oral
`hearing during the final argument.
` The practice guide says that the -- it's been
`the Board's experience that elaborate replies are more
`likely to impede than to help. For demonstrative
`slides, they are visual aids to your oral presentation;
`for instance, figures and charts and diagrams and large
`captions as headings of topics. They are very good and
`helpful, but when you have written text setting forth
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`Volume I
`Telephonic Hearing
`various statements, characterizations, and assertions,
`they really are no longer visual aids. They become
`debriefing themselves and they become the show, and what
`counsel says in oral argument becomes not as important,
`especially if we are to keep demonstratives in the
`record. We will not allow such extra briefings.
` Finally, we want to say that the burden on
`showing that a slide does not present something new is
`on the party presenting the slide, and it also cannot be
`made overly cumbersome to make that determination
`whether something is new. By that, we mean if your
`alleged basis for a slide is 10 to 15 pages of testimony
`or 20 pages in the record, that's too vague and
` The statute wants it -- to finish the trial
`within a year, and it says everything in our rules
`should be construed from the perspective of an efficient
`and expedient, inexpensive point of view. So you cannot
`make your slides in such a way that it becomes overly
`cumbersome for the Board and for the other party to
`determine whether it is presenting something new. You
`should be able to point specifically to a sentence, a
`line or two or a couple of sentences that includes
`whatever you're showing in your slide.
` If your alleged basis is multiple pages and you
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`Telephonic Hearing
`need to perform mental conversion from one idea to
`another, then you have something new and you have not
`shown that it is the same.
` So we have looked at the patent owner's slides,
`all 55 pages. We have looked at the petitioner's
`slides, all 38 pages, and we find that both parties have
`questionable slides under the guidelines I've just
`articulated. Some are more egregious than the other,
`but both parties have bad slides, and we're not going to
`spend a lot of time to go into exactly which one is
`which. That's just counterproductive. And we're not
`just talking about one or two. In the patent owner's
`case, there are just way too many slides to go into on a
`one-by-one basis.
` So the Board has concluded to disallow all of
`the demonstratives from both parties based on the
`guidelines I have articulated. I believe -- we believe
`that in light of those guidelines, it is readily
`apparent why some of the slides from both parties are
` If -- if the parties still want to be able to
`bring something from the record, you can bring it in
`paper form. We will provide a projector from which you
`can project the paper image onto a screen, but those
`papers should be copies of your pleadings or copies from
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`Telephonic Hearing
`your -- the presentations that are already of record.
`And if you want to do that, please let us know by the
`end of the day today, before 5:00 p.m., so we can make
`arrangements for your projector.
` I'm going to go on mute for 30 seconds to
`confer with my colleagues, and I'll be right back.
` (Brief recess taken.)
` JUDGE LEE: We're back, and the panel has
`conferred, and we don't have anything else to offer.
` Unless you have some critical questions about
`tomorrow's hearing, I think that's it on the subject of
` MR. PEDERSEN: Your Honor, this is
`Mr. Pedersen.
` And, you know, obviously for the record we
`would, you know, preserve our objection that we find
`that -- you know, while the trial practice guidelines
`are certainly guidelines, the issue of the fundamental
`fairness of the hearing and the opportunity to present a
`full and fair case appears to be severely constrained by
`the Board's ruling.
` Obviously we won't be presenting any of the
`demonstratives here, but we do have in particular a
`question for which the Board's guidance would be very
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`Telephonic Hearing
` In this particular situation, the patent owner
`has submitted a paper attempting to swear behind the
`primary and only reference being used to support the two
`grounds. As part of that, a declaration was submitted
`and then cross-examination of the inventor occurred, and
`the question that we would have is whether or not we are
`entitled to affirmatively use any of the testimony in
`that cross-examination as part of our oral argument.
` JUDGE LEE: Obviously, based on the guidelines,
`if you have discussed that testimony somewhere in your
`papers, then you should be able to.
` MR. PEDERSEN: The issue of the swearing behind
`was raised in pages 1 through 4 of the patent owner
`response; however, the deposition and cross-examination
`of the inventor occurred obviously after the patent
`owner response was filed, and there has been no
`subsequent opportunity for the patent owner to point to
`those observations or point to that testimony as part of
`an observation because the observation process is
`limited only to the party taking the cross-examination,
`not the party offering the witness.
` JUDGE LEE: I'm going to put you on mute for a
` (Recess was taken.)
` JUDGE LEE: The panel has conferred and we're
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`Telephonic Hearing
`not understanding your problem here, because it's your
`witness. It seems like you just want to get more
`testimony out of your own witness.
` You had your opportunity at cross-examination
`to redirect so, you know, based on what you just said,
`we don't see a basis for you to bring in and talk about
`testimony that was never discussed by you in your
`previous papers now for the first time in oral argument.
` MR. PEDERSEN: Well, Your Honor, if I follow up
`with the question --
` JUDGE LEE: You know, this is not meant to be a
`back-and-forth. You ought to be looking into the merits
`of your case. You know, if you insist on talking about
`it, you know, it's just not going to do you any good
`because when we write up our decision, we're not going
`to be looking at the transcript of the oral argument;
`we're going to be looking at the testimony that was
`properly developed, meaningfully developed, and
`presented in your papers. So, you know, any effort to
`bring in new discussions of the testimony is actually
`going to be fruitless.
` MR. PEDERSEN: Well, Your Honor, in your
`hypothetical, you said if we had elicited testimony on
`redirect. The question I would have for Your Honors is
`how and what mechanism would we bring that testimony to
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`Telephonic Hearing
`the Board once our patent owner response had been filed?
` This is testimony that occurred after the
`patent owner response was filed.
` JUDGE LEE: Okay. I need to confer with my
`colleagues. Please be patient with me. I'll put you on
` MR. PEDERSEN: Certainly.
` (Brief recess taken.)
` JUDGE LEE: The panel is back. I think we
`understand your question, but since it is your own
`witness, whatever you need from the witness should have
`already been presented in the declaration.
` Assuming on cross-examination the petitioner
`was able to bring out something that's only
`extraordinary and totally unpredictable and entirely
`surprising to you and they used it in a reply, you
`certainly had the opportunity to call the Board at that
`time and say, Look, whatever came out at
`cross-examination was totally unexpected. I had no
`reason to anticipate that. This is really an
`extraordinary situation. We'd like an opportunity to
`file a sur-reply, if you do have such an extraordinary
` But, absent that, whatever you have from your
`own witness should have been presented in your own
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`Telephonic Hearing
` MR. PEDERSEN: So that I'm understanding the
`Board correctly, that there really is no opportunity to
`use cross-examination or redirect testimony from a
`declarant that the patent owner offered to support or
`expand the affirmative case without petitioning for a
` JUDGE LEE: I think that's so, because whatever
`you want to say should be in your initial declaration.
` If you have second thoughts and you want to
`expand on it, that's not fair to the other party, you
`know, absent extraordinary circumstances.
` If you asked me what kind of extraordinary
`circumstance, I can't tell you any on the fly, but
`absent extraordinary circumstances, you have to make
`your case in your petition.
` Okay. I think that answers the question.
` MS. REISTER: Your Honor, this is petitioners.
` I had just one question, if I may, about the --
`the exhibits that have already been filed.
` Will they be expunged from the record?
` JUDGE LEE: Yes, we will. I'm not sure when
`that will happen --
` MS. REISTER: Okay.
` JUDGE LEE: -- but we will expunge both.
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`Telephonic Hearing
` MS. REISTER: Thank you.
` JUDGE LEE: All right.
` MR. PEDERSEN: Your Honor, if I could have one
`follow-up question on Ms. Reister's question.
` For purposes of potential appeal, the
`expungement from the record, will that be allowed to be
`reintroduced by supplemental evidence in the appeal?
` JUDGE LEE: If you're asking do they get into
`our official record, no. But I don't -- if you want to
`go on appeal and you submit to the Federal Circuit, This
`is what we submitted, that's not really something I'm
`addressing, but the panel is not allowing those papers
`into the record of this case.
` MR. PEDERSEN: Understood. Thank you.
` JUDGE LEE: Okay. We'll see you tomorrow at
`10:00 a.m.
` MR. PEDERSEN: This is Mr. Pedersen for the
`patent owner, and we would like the projector to project
`the paper slides.
` JUDGE LEE: All right. A projector will be
`made available. Thank you.
` MR. PEDERSEN: Thank you, Your Honor.
` MS. REISTER: Thank you.
` (The Proceedings concluded at 12:20 p.m. PST.)
` * * *
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`Telephonic Hearing
`I, Lynn Penfield, a Certified Shorthand Reporter
`No. 8589, State of California, RPR, CRR, hereby
` That the foregoing proceeding was reported by me
`and was thereafter transcribed with Computer-Aided
`Transcription; that the foregoing 15 pages is a full,
`complete and true record of said proceeding.
` I further certify that I am not of counsel or
`attorney for either or any of the parties in the
`foregoing proceeding and caption named or in any way
`interested in the outcome of the cause in said caption
` The dismantling, unsealing, or unbinding of the
`original transcript will render the reporter's
`certificate null and void.
` IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand
`this 22nd day of October, 2013.
` (Signed Electronically)
` Lynn Penfield, CSR No. 8589, RPR, CRR
`lipka.com, inc.
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