`IP Lawyer/Business Exec./Inventor
`IP Asset Management/Investments
`IP Strategy Development
` Buying/Selling/Licensing IP
`IP Litigation Management
` Expert Witnessing
` Semiconductors, Computers, Peripherals
`Professional Summary
` Telecom Equipment, Systems, Wireless
` Software, Video Games, Gaming Systems
` Medical Devices, Consumer Electronics
` Mass Storage, Plasma TVs
` Consumer Packaging (PopPack)
` High Throughput Compound Discovery
` CAD-based Metal Folding (IOI)
`During Mr. Rappaport’s 40+-year career in the intellectual property (IP) field, he has
`always been at the cutting edge of legal and technological developments, having headed
`up the IP departments for Apple, Medtronic, National Semiconductor, Data General and
`Bally Manufacturing, as well as co-founding Aurigin Systems, a developer of a software
`platform and services for managing, organizing, visualizing, and analyzing competitive
`patent landscapes. He has served as an expert in patent infringement, trade secret,
`copyright, trademark and licensing cases covering issues such as reasonable royalties,
`infringement, validity, standards in licensing, and IP-related malpractice and fiduciary
`duties of officers/directors issues. Since 2009 he has been selected annually by
`Intellectual Asset Management magazine as one of the “IAM 250: World’s Leading IP
`In addition to being an internationally recognized speaker and author of numerous
`publications on IP topics over the past 20+ years, from 1987 to 1994, Mr. Rappaport
`served at the request of 3 U.S. Secretaries of Commerce and 2 U.S. Trade
`Representatives on the U.S. Government Advisory Committee that led to the adoption of
`the TRIPS agreement of the Uruguay Round of the GATT negotiations and the adoption
`the North American Free Trade Agreement.
`Confidential Resume of Irving S. Rappaport
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`Page 1

`Employment History
` Co-founder of IP Checkups, Inc.
`From-To: 2004-
` Present
` Position:
` Managing Director and Senior IP Counsel
` Company provides competitive patent portfolio landscape maps
`and analysis for companies and investment firms desiring to better
`understand the competitive space in which the patent portfolios of
`their company or the companies in which they seek to or already
`have invested.
`Independent Intellectual Property Consultant
`Position: Principal
`IP strategic consulting, expert witnessing, licensing, buying/selling
`Intellectual Property Asset Management Corporation
`Position: Director of Licensing (Part-time)
`IPAM manages client’s intellectual property assets through enforcement,
`licensing, acquisition and sale of patent portfolios.
`Symyx Technologies, Inc.
`Position: Vice President Intellectual Property Licensing Business Unit
`1993-02 Aurigin Systems, Inc.
`Position: Vice President Intellectual Property & Co-Founder
`Aurigin Systems, and its predecessor SmartPatents, Inc., is the developer
`of a software platform of analytical and visualization tools to help
`companies organize, analyze and understand the competitive landscape of
`their patent portfolios. Mr. Rappaport is a co-inventor of a portfolio of 22
`issued U.S. patents and corresponding international patents and numerous
`pending applications that cover the fundamental features and functionality
`of the software and services offered by Aurigin.
`1991-93 National Semiconductor Corp.
`Position: Vice President & Assoc. General Counsel
`During his two-year tenure at National, led a team that obtained over
`$250M in patent royalties from licensing National’s patent portfolio.
`Independent Consultant for Intel
`Consulted for Intel and oversaw a successful series of anti-trademark
`counterfeiting suits in the U.S. and Taiwan against parties remarking Intel
`math-coprocessors as having higher speeds
`their original
`manufacture. It was during this period that he suggested to Intel that it
`should require its customers to mark their computers as being powered by
`Confidential Resume of Irving S. Rappaport
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`Intel microprocessors. The advice led to the now famous “Intel Inside”
`campaign, later copied by Microsoft.
`1984-90 Apple Computer, Inc.
`Position: Associate General Counsel for Intellectual Property and Licensing
`Responsible for worldwide technology and all intellectual property
`matters, including licensing and litigation. Built a team of 25 IP lawyers
`and paralegals that had successfully beaten back the worldwide infringing
`Apple II clones with cases in the U.S. Federal District Courts, as well as
`the International Trade Commission and Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore,
`Korea, Canada, and Australia. Seizure orders were the order of the day all
`over the world. Was also successful in persuading the U.S. Copyright
`Office to grant simultaneous registrations for the Macintosh code as a
`literary work and the Macintosh graphical user interface as an audio-
`visual copyrighted work. This was groundbreaking precedent and
`contrary to existing Copyright Office policy
`1982-84 Bally Manufacturing Corporation
`Position: Associate General Counsel & Assistant Secretary
`Responsible for worldwide intellectual property, licensing, and litigation,
`including patents and copyrights for PacMan and other video games.
`Efforts led to the first Anton Pillar seizure orders being granted by the
`Canadian Federal courts against the infringing video game clones
`flooding into Canada and the U.S. After the Canadian successes, Bally
`had over 75 Federal successful copyright infringement cases and obtained
`numerous seizure orders against illegal clones.
`1978-82 Data General Corporation
`Position: Chief Patent Counsel
`Managed department of six lawyers handling patents, trademarks,
`copyrights, trade secrets, antitrust and related patent and software
`licensing and litigation.
`1977-78 Renal Systems, Inc.
`Position: Secretary & Corporate Counsel
`Report to President on legal and intellectual property matter regarding
`kidney dialysis products.
`1971-77 Medtronic, Inc.
`Position: Assistant General Counsel & Assistant Secretary
`Managed 3 lawyers responsible for worldwide intellectual property
`matters regarding pacemakers.
`Schiller & Pandiscio
`Position: Lawyer
`Responsibilities included patents and trademark matters.
`Confidential Resume of Irving S. Rappaport
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`1966-69 Raytheon Company
`Position: Lawyer
`Responsibilities included patents and trademark matters.
`1965-66 RCA Washington, D.C. Patent Operations
`Position: Patent Agent
`1963-65 U.S. Army Lt.
`Position: Patent Agent stationed at NSA at Ft. Meade, MD.
`1962-63 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`Position: Patent Examiner.
`Expert Witnessing Experience
`1. RSI v. IBM, 2012, United States District Court, Northern District of CA, (provided
`declaration for plaintiff, RSI, in Lanham Act case as to material facts in dispute with respect
`to IBM’s Motion for Summary Judgment).
`2. Unwired Planet v. RIM et al, 2012, International Trade Commission, (provided opinions for
`Unwired Planet re inequitable conduct issues; rendered expert report; deposed; awaiting
`3. Realtime v. CME, et al; 2012, United States District Court,, Southern District of NY
`(provided opinions for Plaintiff, Realtime Data Systems, Inc., regarding willful infringement
`of the trading exchanges, market data providers and banks named in three related cases;
`rendered expert reports on defendants charged with willful infringement in all three cases;
`awaiting further developments).
`4. CTI Services, LLC, et al v. T.D. Williamson, Inc., et al, 2012, United States District Court,
`Northern District of OK, (provided opinions for Defendant, T.D. Williamson, regarding
`trademark infringement and plaintiff’s abandonment of marks; prepared questions for
`plaintiff’s expert deposition; case settled two days after deposition of plaintiff’s expert).
`5. Gemalto v. HTC et al, 2011, United States District Court, Eastern District of TX, Tyler
`Division, (research on issues of willful infringement for Gemalto; awaiting further
`FreeScale v. ChipMOS Technologies, 2011, United States District Court, Northern District
`of CA, San Jose Division, (provided opinions for Defendant, ChipMos, regarding patent
`misuse and exhaustion of the first sale doctrine by FreeScale in an immunity agreement;
`rendered expert report; deposed).
`7. Wi-LAN v. Acer et al and Wi-LAN v. Westell et al, and Wi-LAN v. RIM et al, 2010-11,
`United States District Court, Eastern District of TX, Marshall Division, (provided opinions
`for Plaintiff, Wi-LAN, in these cases regarding the issue of willful patent infringement by a
`total of about 20 Defendants (including the world’s largest laptop, cell phone, router , and
`Confidential Resume of Irving S. Rappaport
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`chipset manufacturers); rendered expert reports; deposed; all Defendants settled prior to
`8. NuLight v. U.S. Sunlight, 2010-11, Superior Court, Santa Clara County, San Jose, CA,
`(provided advice for Defendant, U.S. Sunlight, on issues of breach of confidentiality claims
`in a contract dispute; no report or deposition; case settled).
`9. Distance Learning Company v. Cyberactive, Inc., 2010, United States District Court, Central
`District of California, (provided opinions for Defendant, Cyberactive, regarding customs,
`standards, and practices in acquiring, adopting, using, filing, prosecuting, policing,
`enforcing and registering federal trademarks in the United States and registering
`trademarks in the State of California; rendered expert report; awaiting further
`10. Protostorm, LLC, et al v. Antonelli, Terry, Stout, & Kraus, LLP, et al., United States District
`Court, Eastern District of New York, 2010, (provided opinions for Plaintiffs, Protostorm et
`al, regarding customs, standards, and practices involved in the preparation, filing and
`prosecution of patent applications before the United States Patent and Trademark Office
`(USPTO) and under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and Defendants malpractice
`conduct in the prosecution of a certain patent application before the USPTO and under
`the PCT; rendered expert reports; deposed twice; awaiting trial.)
`11. Tumor Biology Investment v. Debra Parrish, P.C., 2010, In the Court of Common Pleas
`of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, (provided an written statement of merits of the
`Plaintiff, Tumor Biology’s, claim for legal malpractice against Defendant for the
`preparation, filing and prosecution of certain patent applications before the USPTO
`relating to biotek products; rendered Written Statement of Merit of Claims; awaiting
`further developments.)
`Innotex v. Horei Image Products et al, 2010, United States District Court, Northern District
`of Georgia, Atlanta Division, (provided opinions for Plaintiff, Innotex, regarding
`intellectual property representations, warranties and indemnification clauses used in
`purchase contracts for computer-related equipment; prepared draft report; awaiting
`further developments.)
`13. General Nanotechnology LLC, et al. v. Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC et al.,
`2010, Superior Court of California, County of Alameda, (provided opinions for Defendants
`Lawrence Livermore regarding alleged theft of trade secrets, breach of contract, USPTO
`procedures and practices; prepared cross examination questions of Plaintiff; jury ruled
`unanimously for Defendants on all counts at trial.)
`14., Inc. v. Jesse Willms, EDIRECT, et al, 2010, Central District of CA,
`Western Division (provided opinions for Defendants, Willms and EDIRECT, regarding the
`and unenforceability of
`the Plaintiff’s
`registration of
`FREECREDITREPORT.COM and it use on the internet; rendered expert report; case
`15. Alphaville Design, Inc. v. Knoll, Inc., 2009, Northern District of CA (provided opinions for
`Alphaville in a declaratory judgment action regarding the validity and enforceability of five
`Knoll trade dress trademark registrations relating to the Mies van der Rohe Barcelona
`Collection of furniture designs; rendered expert report; case settled)
`Confidential Resume of Irving S. Rappaport
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`16. Loops LLC et al v. Amercare Products, Inc., 2009, Western District of Washington at
`Seattle (provided opinions for defendant, Amercare, regarding non-infringement of a patent
`and damages, if any, if defendant was found liable for any infringement; rendered expert
`report.; case dismissed on Motion for Summary Judgment by Amercare.)
`i4i v. Microsoft, 2009, Eastern District of TX (provided opinions for i4i as plaintiff in a
`patent infringement suit on issues of willful infringement and inequitable conduct regarding
`software-related patents before the USPTO; rendered expert reports; deposed; $200 million
`verdict for i4i, with findings of willful infringement and no inequitable conduct; enhanced
`damages for willfulness of $40 million; injunction against further sales of Word 2003 and
`2007; CAFC confirmed all findings Dec. 21, 2009; June 2011 upheld by Supreme Court)
`18. Zinkan Enterprises v. Nalco Company, 2009, Northern District of Ohio (provided opinions
`for Nalco, patent owner in a patent infringement suit as a testifying rebuttal expert on
`inequitable conduct before the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) regarding
`claims to a method of treating coal to prevent freezing and dust control; submitted report and
`deposed; case settled.)
`19. Bishop Probate Case, 2009, Superior Court of California, County of Orange, Central Justice
`Center (provided opinions for the Estate of Marilu Bishop regarding ownership of certain
`patent rights by the estate; case settled prior to deposition.)
`20. Optimal Pets v. Nutri-Vet and Vitamin Shoppe, 2009, Central District of California, Eastern
`Division (provided opinions for Optimal Pets, plaintiff in a trademark infringement case
`regarding customs, standards and practices in searching and clearance of a trademark,
`factors in determining whether an alleged infringer is an innocent infringer, and willful
`infringement; expert reports submitted; deposed; testified at trial.)
`21. Joyce v. Armstrong Teasdale, 2009, Eastern District of Missouri (retained on behalf of
`Armstrong Teasdale in a case involving charges of a conflict of interest in representing a
`company in which the Plaintiff was an inventor and co-founder, officer, director, employee
`and 2nd largest shareholder in a company formed by Plaintiff and his wife and the firm
`prepared a patent application for the Plaintiff as part of the representation of the company;
`submitted expert report; deposed; case dismissed, but on appeal remanded for trial; awaiting
`22. U.S. v. Lan Lee, 2009, U.S. District Court for Northern District of California (consulted with
`counsel for defendants in a trade secret misappropriation case brought under the Espionage
`23. Contessa v. Thai Union, 2008, Los Angeles Superior Court (consulted with counsel for
`defendant, Thai Union, in a trade secret misappropriation case regarding whether any secrets
`had been misappropriated.)
`24. Landmark Screens v. Pennie, Edmonds, et al., 2007, Arbitration in Fresno, CA (provided
`opinion for Landmark as plaintiff in a malpractice case involving issues of patent
`prosecution matters before the USPTO regarding electronic digital LED billboard screens;
`rendered expert report; deposition taken; case settled)
`Confidential Resume of Irving S. Rappaport
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`25. U2 Home Entertainment v. Yes Asia, 2007, U.S. District Court for Northern District of
`California (consulted with counsel for defendant, Yes Asia, in a copyright infringement case
`regarding liability and potential damages.)
`26. Shuffle Master v. VendingData, 2007, District of Nevada, (provided opinion for Defendant,
`VendingData, in patent infringement case involving electronic card shuffling mechanisms;
`rendered expert report re validity)
`27. Samsung v. Matsushita and Panasonic, 2006, Western District of PA (provided opinion for
`Samsung as plaintiff in a patent infringement case involving plasma TV display panels on
`the issues of real world and hypothetical negotiation licensing issues; rendered an expert
`report; deposed; case settled.)
`28. Cornell University v. HP, 2006, Northern District of NY (provided opinion for Cornell in a
`patent infringement case brought involving a computer-related invention on the issue of
`licensing practices and considerations for reaching a reasonable royalty; counsel, Sidley
`& Austin; submitted expert report and deposed; testified at trial; $184 million verdict for
`29. ePlus v. SAP, 2006, Eastern District of Virginia (provided opinion for SAP as defendants in
`a patent infringement case on the issue of willful infringement; rendered expert report;
`deposition taken; Case settled.)
`30. MGE v. J.T. Packard, 2006, Middle District of Tennessee (provided opinion for J.T. Packard
`as defendant with respect to possible damages in a trade secret misappropriation suit;
`rendered expert report; case settled)
`31. MGE v. General Electric and PMI, 2006, Northern District of Texas (provided opinion for
`GE/PMI as defendants in a trade secret misappropriation and copyright case with respect to
`customs, standards and practices with respect to maintaining trade secrets and a reasonable
`royalty; rendered expert report, deposed; testified at trial; $4.6M jury verdict against GE
`overturned on appeal; MGE takes nothing)
`32. Minka Lighting v. Acclaim, 2006, Central District of CA (provided opinion for defendant,
`Acclaim, in a design patent infringement case involving the issues of validity,
`infringement, damages and willful infringement of the patent; case settled in a
`33. White River v. Superior Moulding, 2006, Central District of CA (provided opinion for
`defendant, Superior, in a copyright infringement case involving U.S. Copyright Office
`registration procedures and validity of copyright registrations; rendered report and deposed;
`case settled.)
`34. Ciocca v. Neff et al, 2005, Southern District of NY (provided opinion for Defendants, Neff
`et al in a patent legal malpractice and breach of fiduciary duty case; rendered expert report;
`case settled.)
`35. Verity v. Inxight, 2005, Northern District of CA (representing Defendant and Cross
`Complainant, Verity in a contract and trade secret dispute as an expert on software licensing
`Confidential Resume of Irving S. Rappaport
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`36. Karl Lorenz, Insolvency Administrator for TopWare AG v. Mattel and Ubi Soft, 2005
`(provided opinion for TopWare in an arbitration in L.A. involving a software license
`agreement dispute; submitted expert reported; deposed and testified at the Arbitration.
`Decision rendered.)
`37. Anderson, et al v. Levinson and Ingargiola, 2005, (provided opinion for Levinson and
`Ingargiola in software ownership suit in Superior Court in Marin County, CA; deposed
`and case settled just prior to going to trial.)
`38. Hochstein et al v. Microsoft and Sony Computer Entertainment of America, 2005, Eastern
`District of Michigan (provided opinion for Plaintiff, Hochstein et al, in patent infringement
`suit as an expert on reasonable royalties; rendered expert reports; deposition taken; awaiting
`appeal of Claim Construction ruling)
`39. SBC Technology Resources, Inc. v. Inrange Technologies Corp., 2004, District of Northern
`Texas (provided opinion for Plaintiff, SBC, in patent infringement suit as an expert on
`reasonable royalties; rendered expert report; deposition taken; case settled May 2005.)
`40. StorageTek v. Quantum, 2004, District of Colorado, (representing Plaintiff, StorageTek, in
`patent infringement suit as an expert on reasonable royalties; rendered expert report and
`deposition taken; case settled.)
`41. Ditzik v. Viewsonic, et al., 2004, Eastern District of Michigan (provided opinion for
`Plaintiff, Ditzik, in patent infringement suit as an expert on reasonable royalties; rendered
`expert report; case settled.)
`42. LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc. v. Northwestern Pacific Indemnity Co., 2004, Alameda County
`Superior Court (provided opinion for Northwestern on indemnification issues for trademark
`infringement case; case settled 2004.)
`In re Bankruptcy of NetFax, Inc., District of MD, 2003 (rendered expert reports, deposed
`twice, and testified at sale of rights to patent portfolio in bankruptcy court in July 2004.)
`44. Shuffle Master v. VendingData Corp. et al., District of Nevada, 2003 (provided opinion for
`Defendant, VendingData, in patent infringement case; rendered several expert reports and
`was deposed; case settled just before going to trial.)
` 45. Expert Report for Chubb Insurance, 2002 (rendered expert report on patent indemnification
` matter.)
`46. U.S. v. Neat-Rector, et al, Middle District of Florida, 2002 (rendered an expert report and
` testified for U.S. Attorney in a criminal trade secret sentencing; defendants sentenced to
` prison terms.)
`47. Marketel v. Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro, Northern District of California, 2001(provided
` opinion for Plaintiff, Marketel in patent/ trade secret malpractice case; I rendered several
` expert reports, was deposed)
`48. HME, Inc. v. 3M, Southern District of California, 1998-2001 (provided opinion for Plaintiff,
` HME, in patent infringement case; I was deposed in the case.)
`Confidential Resume of Irving S. Rappaport
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`49. Marketel v. Priceline, Northern District of California, 2000 (provided opinion for Plaintiff,
` Marketel in patent/ trade secret case; I was deposed in the case and rendered an expert
` report.)
`50. Directed Electronics, Inc. v. Code Alarm, Inc., Southern District of California, 1996-98
`(provided opinion for Plaintiff, Code Alarm in patent infringement case; I rendered several
`expert reports and was deposed.)
`51. Devereaux v. Mass. Mutual Life Insurance Co., Southern District of California, 1993-9
`(provided opinion for Plaintiff, Devereaux, in trade secret/copyright case; I was deposed on
`three separate occasions; case settled just prior to trial.)
`52. Wollongong Group v. SRI, Northern District of California, 1993 (provided opinion for
`Plaintiff, Wollongong, in trade secret/copyright case that settled prior to any real discovery.)
`53. Bausch & Lomb v. Hewlett-Packard, Central District of California, 1991 (represented B&L
`in early stage of patent case.)
`Boston University
`George Washington University
`Washington University
`MBA, top ¼ of class
`JD with honors
`BSEE, top ¼ of class, Merit Scholarship
`Speaking Engagements and Articles (Over 60)
`“Working with Your Expert Witness,” Thomson Reuters Expert Witness Services
`Seminar, Menlo Park, CA, November 1, 2012.
`“Working With Your Expert Witnesses in Patent Litigation,” Perkins Coie Litigation
`Conference, Denver, CO, Sept. 15, 2012.
`“Due Diligence When Acquiring Companies and Technology,” The IP Summit 2010:
`The Power of IP for Business Success, Computer History Museum, Mt. View, CA, Oct.
`27, 2010.
`“The Impact of Patent Reliability on IP Value and Investment Return,” ICAP Ocean
`Tomo IP Think Tank, Ritz Carlton, San Francisco, CA, Mar. 24-25, 2010.
`“IP Valuation and Finance: IP Licensing,” CIPForum 2009, Gothenburg, Sweden, Sept.
`6-9, 2009.
`“An Expert Witness’ Battle in the Trenches of a Patent Infringement Litigation,”
`Forensic Expert Witness Association Meeting of the San Francisco Chapter, Oakland,
`CA, July 15, 2009
`Confidential Resume of Irving S. Rappaport
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`“Making Sense of Recent Trends, Court Decisions, and Attempts at Patent Reform,” a
`chapter in Bruce Berman’s new book From Assets to Profits: Competing for IP Value
`and Return, November 2008.
`“The Effects of Patent Reform and Recent Case Law on Business and the Economy,”
`Panel at Ocean Tomo Auction, San Francisco, CA, April 1, 2008.
`“Patent Trolls: Identifying Them & Mitigating Their Damage,” Maximizing Returns on
`Your Intellectual Property Portfolio, The Wall Street Transcript, San Francisco, CA, July
`20-21, 2006.
` “Valuing Your Assets”, interview in Premier Issue of Executive Counsel Magazine, July
`2004, P. 42.
`“IP Portfolio Optimization and Strategy”, Silicon Valley Intellectual Property Lawyers
`Association, Westin Hotel, Santa Clara, CA, Dec. 12, 2001.
`“Software Patenting & Patent Strategies”, EPIDOS Conference, Cardiff, Wales, Oct. 15,
`“Visualizing and Understanding Your IP Portfolio In Context”, Agbio IP Clearinghouse
`Workshop, U.C. Berkeley, Bancroft Hotel,Berkeley, CA, Feb. 16, 2001.
`“Seeing Patents as a Strategic Business Asset”, E-Commerce Patents Institute, Glaser
`LegalWorks Seminars, Clift Hotel, San Francisco, May 4, 2000.
`“Patent Rx”, House Counsel, March/April 2000 Issue, page 37-38.
`“Intellectual Property: Track Your IP Assets”, California Lawyer Magazine, January
`2000 issue, page 30.
`“Intellectual Property Management Technology”, Creating Wealth in the Knowledge
`Economy, Georgetown University School of Business, Aug. 23-27, 1999.
`“The Roles and Responsibilities of the IP Attorney in the Knowledge Era”, Chairman and
`Narrator of this online seminar sponsored by the American Lawyer magazine which ran
`from July 12 – July 26, 1999.
`“Identify Securitization Opportunities for Holders of Patent Portfolios and Trademark
`Licenses”, Securitization of Intellectual Property Royalties and Revenues, Center for
`Business Intelligence, New York, NY, Oct. 29-30, 1998.
`“Patent Litigation as Patent Management Tool”, Trial of a Patent Case, Advanced ALI-
`ABA Seminar, Chicago, IL, Sept. 24-25, 1998.
`“Maximize the Value of Your IP Assets”, Corporate Legal Times, January 1998, page 59.
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`“Managing an Intellectual Property Portfolio”, Intellectual Asset Management: Best
`Practices, LES Annual Meeting November 6, 1997.
`“The Role of Smart Software and Business Decision Systems in Aiding Long-Term
`Success Via Patent Intelligence”, 1997 International Chemical Information Conference &
`Exhibition, Nimes, France, October 19-22, 1997.
`“Building Client Relatiionships by Anticipating Patent Litigation”, Trial of a Patent Case,
`Advanced ALI-ABA Seminar, Chicago, IL, Sept. 25-26, 1997.
`“IP Licensing Plays Key Role In ‘Knowledge Era’”, les Nouvelles, Journal of the
`Licensing Executives Society, page 89, June 1997.
`“Managing Intellectual Property”, The Annual Meeting of the Society of Competitive
`Intelligence Professionals, San Diego, May 30, 1997.
`“Increasing Shareholder Value Through Aggressive Patent Management”, The 4th Annual
`American Financial Association National Conference, Dallas, TX, 3/17-20/97.
`“Time To Count Your Patents The Way You Would Beans”, PC Week Inside, January
`13, 1997.
`“How To Win Your Next ‘Markman’ Hearing”, The San Francisco Daily Journal,
`September 26, 1996.
`“Case Management Issues in Patent Litigation”, Trial of a Patent Case, Advanced ALI-
`ABA Seminar, Chicago, IL.
`“Your Case and Computer Technology”, Intellectual Property Trials, Minnesota Institute
`of Legal Education, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
`“Trial-Level Litigation in the Year 2000”, 19th Mid-Winter Institute of the American
`Intellectual Property Association, 1/24-27/97, La Quinta, CA.
`“Demonstration Evidence in Patent Trials”, Trial of a Patent Case Advanced ALI-ABA
`Seminar’ Chicago, IL.
`“Electronic Patents Changing the Standard of Patent Practice”, The Revolutionizing
`Litigation Management Report, August 1995.
`“Electronic Patent Analysis Replaces Paper Patent Practice”, The Law Works, a three part
`series in the August, September and October 1995 issues.
`“Putting Patents, Texts and Images Onto the Same Page”, The San Francisco Recorder,
`July 17, 1995.
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`“Technology Teaches Old Patent Dogs New Tricks”, The National Law Journal, June 26,
`“Using Electronic Patents to Control Litigation Costs”, Managing Litigation Costs, Vol. 2,
`No. 13, June 1995.
`“Golden Opportunities”, Intellectual Property Special Report, Legal Times, 12/19/94.
`“Protected Patents Can Provide New Source of Revenue”, San Jose Business Journal,
`“Electronic Patent Analysis Demonstration”, Trial of a Patent Case Advanced ALI- ABA
`Seminar’ Chicago, IL.
`“Legal Strategies in Worldwide Intellectual Property Rights”, Technology Strategies ’94
`Conference, Palo Alto, CA.
`“Case Studies of Multi-Country Litigation -- Apple II Clone Litigation in Taiwan, Hong
`Kong, and Singapore”, Practicing Law Institute, San Francisco, CA. Oct. 1993.
`“Your Business and Intellectual Property”, Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs’ Conference,
`Santa Clara, CA. Nov. 1992.
`“Protecting Intellectual Property Rights and Technical Data in Technology and
`Commercialization Partnerships”, National Technology Initiative, hosted by Stanford
`University, Santa Clara, CA. Oct. 1992.
`“Strategies for Effectively Competing in the Global Computer Business in the 1990’s and
`Beyond”, Keynote Speaker, World Computer Law Congress, Los Angeles, CA. Apr. 1991.
`“Progress on the TRIPS GATT Negotiations”, Computer Law Symposium.
`HastingsCollege of Law, San Francisco, CA. Apr. 1991.
`“Contract, Title and Related Intellectual Property Issues in the State Court”, CA State Bar
`Associations seminar on intllectual property issues in State Court, Los Angeles, CA. Feb.
`“Protection of User Interfaces”, Live TV appearance on Legal Currents Program on
`Channel 60, College of San Mateo, San Mateo, CA. Feb. 1991.
`“Organizing the Corporate Intellectual Property Function for More Effective Dispute
`Resolution”, Luncheon speaker at the Pacific Intellectual Property Trade Forum, Menlo
`Park, CA. Jan. 1991.
`“Integrating Intellectual Property and Business Strategies”, Dinner speaker at meeting of
`the Northern California Venture Capital Association, Palo Alto, CA. Jan. 1991.
`Confidential Resume of Irving S. Rappaport
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`“Current Status of the GATT TRIPS Negotiations,” Luncheon Speaker at the Computer
`Law Symposium. Hastings College of Law, San Francisco, CA. March 1990.
`“The Proposed European Community Directive on Computer Software”, Arizona Dept. of
`Commerce and the American Graduate School of International Management, Phoenix, AZ.
`Feb. 1990.
`“Apple Computer’s Worldwide Product Protection Program”, Practising Law Institute, San
`Francisco, CA. Feb. 1990.
`“EC Could Dimantle Good Law”, The San Franciso Recorder, 2/26/90.
`EC Threatens Software Protections”, The San Francisco Recorder, 2/19/90.
`“Apple Computer’s Worldwide Product Protection Program”, Computer Law Symposium,
`Hastings College of Law, San Franciscok, CA. Apr. 1989.
`“Apple Computer’s Worldwide Product Protection Program”, ABA Annual Meeting,
`Honolulu, Hawaii. Aug. 1988.
`“World Business Forum on Intellectual Property”, U.S. Council for International Business,
`New York, NY. March 1988.
`“Counterfeiting and Gray Market Remedies”, Pracitising Law Institue, San Francisco, CA.
`Feb. 1987.
`“Software Licensing Issues”, Licensing Executives Society Conference, San Diego, CA.
`May 1986.
`“U.S. Patent and Copyright Considerations in Foreigh Countries”, ABA, Section of
`International Law and Practice, San Francisco, CA. May 1985.
`“Product Counterfeiting Remedies in the Computer and Video Game Industries”,
`Pracitising Law Institute, New York, NY. May 1984.
`“Misappropriation of the proprietary Rights of the Sotware Owner”, American Patent Law
`Association, Rancho Mirage, CA. Feb. 1984.
`“How to Protect Your Type of Software”, Midcon Electronic Conference, Los Angeles,
`CA. Sep. 1983.
`“Foreign Technology Licensing in Developing Countries”, ABA Annual Meeting, New
`Orleans, LA. Aug. 1981.
`“Medical Device and Patent Laws Clash?”, Food, Drug Cosmetic Law Journal, June, 1979.
`Confidential Resume of Irving S. Rappaport
`Printed: 11/30/12
`Page 13

`Inventor on 26 Issued U.S. Patents and 9 Pending Applications (64

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