HJU104000 PAGE 1
`Case No. IPR2013-00010
`Patent No. 7,516,484
`Exhibit 2012
`Thursday, April 14, 2011
`House of Representatives
`Committee on the Judiciary
`Washington, D.C.
` The committee met, pursuant to call, at 10:35 a.m., in
`Room 2141, Rayburn Office Building, Hon. Lamar Smith
`[chairman of the committee] presiding.
` Present: Representatives Smith, Sensenbrenner, Coble,
`Gallegly, Goodlatte, Lungren, Chabot, Issa, Pence, Forbes,
`King, Franks, Gohmert, Jordan, Poe, Chaffetz, Griffin,
`Marino, Gowdy, Ross, Adams, Quayle, Conyers, Berman, Nadler,
`Scott, Watt, Lofgren, Jackson Lee, Waters, Cohen, Johnson,
`Pierluisi, Quigley, Chu, Deutch, Sanchez, and Wasserman


`HJU104000 PAGE 2
` Staff present: Sean McLaughlin, Chief of Staff;
`Allison Halatei, Deputy Chief of Staff/Parliamentarian;
`Sarah Kish, Clerk; Perry Apelbaum, Minority Staff Director;
`and Chrystal Sheppard.


`HJU104000 PAGE 66
`constructive move. Thank you.
`Chairman Smith. I thank the gentleman.
`If there are no other members who wish to be heard on
`the amendment, all those in favor, say aye.
`[Chorus of ayes.]
`Chairman Smith. All those opposed, no.
`[No response.]
`Chairman Smith. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes
`have it. The amendment to the amendment is agreed to.
`We will now go to the next amendment which is going to
`be offered by the gentlewoman from California, Ms. Lofgren.
`And she is recognized for that purpose.
`Ms. Lofgren. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I have an
`amendment at the desk, Lofgren number 7.
`Chairman Smith. The clerk will report the amendment.
`Ms. Kish. “Amendment to the amendment offered by Mr.
`Smith to H.R. 1249 offered by Ms. Zoe Lofgren of
`Ms. Lofgren. I would ask unanimous consent that the
`amendment be considered as read.
`Chairman Smith. Without objection the amendment to
`the amendment will be considered as read.


`HJU104000 PAGE 67
`[The information follows:]


`HJU104000 PAGE 68
`Chairman Smith. And the gentlewoman is recognized to
`explain her amendment.
`Ms. Lofgren. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
`Current law provides no deadline for a party to file a
`petition for an IPR even after it is sued for infringement
`of the same patent in district court.
`The manager's amendment sets a 12-month deadline for a
`party to file a petition starting from when the party is
`served with the complaint for infringement.
`My amendment sets the deadline at 30 days after the
`district court enters an order construing the claims of the
`patent, known as the Markman hearing.
`The inter partes review is a crucial tool in our
`patent system. It can provide an effective and less
`expensive alternative to litigation by allowing third
`parties to request a reexamination of a patent’s validity by
`the PTO based on specific types of prior art. The procedure
`is, in effect, insurance against patents that should never
`have been issued in the first place and which do not
`represent genuine innovation. This is particularly
`important in the information technology industry. As this
`committee is aware, many IT products from servers to


`HJU104000 PAGE 69
`software to websites are ensnared in a thicket of
`overlapping patents, many of which are broadly written,
`highly abstract, and of dubious validity.
`Director Kappos is taking admirable steps at the PTO
`to improve patent quality and filter out more invalid
`applications, but even if he succeeds, we are still left to
`deal with all of the bad patents that already exist. That
`is why inter partes review is so important as an alternative
`to litigation.
`Under current law, if someone is sued for patent
`infringement, there is no deadline for them to file, as I
`mentioned. The manager's amendment changes it to 12 months.
`I recognize that some deadline is warranted to address the
`worries from patent owners who have worries about undue
`delay. However, 12 months is an arbitrary figure and it
`does not square with the reality of many complex patent
`cases. It is important to understand that defendants often
`have no prior knowledge or notice of the patents at issue
`before they are sued and, therefore, have no opportunity to
`file a petition for inter partes review in advance. Many of
`these suits start out with an overwhelming number of patents
`and claims at issue. For example, one recent infringement


`HJU104000 PAGE 70
`suit involved 31 patents, 1,975 claims, and 65 different
`defendants. Many patents and claims fall away as the
`litigation progresses.
`In a crucial stage of patent litigation, based on what
`is known as the Markman hearing, the court will reach
`decisions on claim construction, in other words, what the
`patents at issue actually mean, to determine at trial
`whether they were infringed. Until that decision, the
`defendants often don’t have a clear sense of the core issues
`in the case or even which specific patents and claims will
`be raised at trial. This means that they have little basis
`to prepare an effective petition for IPR that can focus on
`the genuine issues in litigation. In these instances, 12
`months is simply not enough time to do the voluminous work
`that is required to file.
`My amendment would replace the arbitrary 12-month
`figure by tying the deadline to the completion of the
`Markman hearing. Under the amendment, a defendant would
`have only 30 days to file an inter partes petition after the
`court reaches a decision on claim construction. By the time
`claim construction happens, we can be confident that the
`defendant will have had adequate time and notice of the


`HJU104000 PAGE 71
`genuine issues in the case in order to prepare an effective
`I think this is a fair approach for both the patent
`owner and those accused of infringement. It preserves the
`ability of inter partes while still preventing undue delay,
`and while there is no deadline tied to litigation in the
`status quo, proponents of strict deadlines really haven’t
`given any real world examples that I am aware of of inter
`partes challenges that have been unduly delayed or harm that
`would occur therefor.
`So if there are concerns, they are theoretical, and
`regardless of the deadline, defendants have a significant
`incentive to file their petitions for IPR as early as
`possible. If the defendant waits too long to file, it could
`lose at trial and be forced into paying damages for
`infringement before the PTO makes a decision to invalidate
`the patent.
`So I think this amendment is a middle ground and
`improves the bill, and I hope that the members will see fit
`to approve it.
`And I yield back.
`Chairman Smith. Thank you, Ms. Lofgren.


`HJU104000 PAGE 72
`I will recognize myself in opposition to the
`This amendment expands the inter partes review program
`from 12 months after the filing of a civil action to 30 days
`after the Markman hearing. This amendment could create an
`open-ended process because there is actually no guarantee
`that a Markman hearing will even take place. The inter
`partes proceeding in H.R. 1249 has been carefully written to
`balance the need to encourage its use while at same time
`preventing the serial harassment of patent holders. This
`bill represents a delicate balance, and making such a core
`change to the deadline may turn the inter partes program
`into a tool for litigation gamesmanship rather than a
`meaningful and less expensive alternative to litigation.
`For those reasons, I oppose the amendment.
`Are there other members who wish to be heard on this
`[No response.]
`Chairman Smith. If not, we will vote on it. All
`those in -- the gentleman from California, Mr. Berman, is
`Mr. Berman. Mr. Chairman, the issue you raise -- I


`HJU104000 PAGE 73
`rise to suggest an alternative to the amendment, although I
`think the amendment is good.
`If there is a Markman hearing, that is the logical
`time to cut off the ability to stay a court case, 30 days
`afterwards. So on the face of it, I think the amendment
`makes sense. You raise legitimately what if there is no
`Markman hearing. So what if the gentlelady’s amendment said
`the Markman hearing or no later than 18 months so that if
`there were no Markman hearing, the time set, they could not
`go beyond the 18 months? Would that make it then more
`attractive to you? It would deal with this issue of no
`Markman hearing.
`Remember, under existing law -- first of all, the stay
`is never mandated. The court gets to decide whether or not
`to have a stay. And your bill, I think, is a positive
`improvement on the Senate language which was only 6 months,
`but conceptually knowing what claims are going to be
`litigated makes the most sense in terms of telling the
`defendant they no longer can use inter partes reexam as an
`effort to stall the litigation. They got to do it within 30
`days of the Markman hearing or if they haven’t gotten the
`Markman hearing or aren’t going to get a Markman hearing, no


`HJU104000 PAGE 74
`later than 18 months.
`Chairman Smith. Thank you, Mr. Berman.
`Mr. Berman. That is my suggestion.
`Chairman Smith. At this point, I am not prepared to
`accept that suggestion. If the gentlewoman wants to
`withdraw the amendment, we can continue talking, but I
`wouldn't want to mislead anybody either.
`Ms. Lofgren. If there is an interest in pursuing
`this, I would be happy to withdraw to pursue it, but if the
`chairman is saying I am really not interested in any changes
`in the underlying bill, then I would rather have a vote.
`Chairman Smith. As I say, I don't want to mislead the
`gentlewoman from California. Right now, I still feel
`strongly opposed to the amendment, and I don't know if that
`will change or not. It is up to her to take her risk.
`If not, we will proceed then. Are there any other
`members who wish to speak on this amendment?
`[No response.]
`Chairman Smith. If not, we will vote. All those in
`favor of the amendment will say aye.
`[Chorus of ayes.]
`Chairman Smith. All those opposed, no.


`HJU104000 PAGE 75
`[Chorus of nays.]
`Chairman Smith. The noes have it in the opinion of
`the chair and the amendment --
`Ms. Lofgren. Mr. Chairman, I would like a recorded
`vote on that.
`Chairman Smith. A recorded vote has been requested,
`and the clerk will call the roll.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Smith?
`Chairman Smith. No.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Smith votes no.
`Mr. Sensenbrenner?
`Mr. Sensenbrenner. Aye.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Sensenbrenner votes aye.
`Mr. Coble?
`[No response.]
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Gallegly?
`Mr. Gallegly. Aye.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Gallegly votes aye.
`Mr. Goodlatte?
`Mr. Goodlatte. No.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Goodlatte votes no.
`Mr. Lungren?


`HJU104000 PAGE 76
`Mr. Lungren. Aye.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Lungren votes aye.
`Mr. Chabot?
`Mr. Chabot. No.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Chabot votes no.
`Mr. Issa?
`[No response.]
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Pence?
`Mr. Pence. No.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Pence votes no.
`Mr. Forbes?
`Mr. Forbes. No.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Forbes votes no.
`Mr. King?
`Mr. King. No.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. King votes no.
`Mr. Franks?
`Mr. Franks. No.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Franks votes no.
`Mr. Gohmert?
`[No response.]
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Jordan?


`HJU104000 PAGE 77
`[No response.]
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Poe?
`[No response.]
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Chaffetz?
`Mr. Chaffetz. No.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Chaffetz votes no.
`Mr. Griffin?
`Mr. Griffin. No.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Griffin votes no.
`Mr. Marino?
`Mr. Marino. No.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Marino votes no.
`Mr. Gowdy?
`Mr. Gowdy. No.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Gowdy votes no.
`Mr. Ross?
`Mr. Ross. No.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Ross votes no.
`Ms. Adams?
`[No response.]
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Quayle?
`Mr. Quayle. No.


`HJU104000 PAGE 78
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Quayle votes no.
`Mr. Conyers?
`Mr. Conyers. Aye.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Conyers votes aye.
`Mr. Berman?
`Mr. Berman. Aye.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Berman votes aye.
`Mr. Nadler?
`Mr. Nadler. Aye.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Nadler votes aye.
`Mr. Scott?
`Mr. Scott. Aye.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Scott votes aye.
`Mr. Watt?
`Mr. Watt. Aye.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Watt votes aye.
`Ms. Lofgren?
`Ms. Lofgren. Aye.
`Ms. Kish. Ms. Lofgren votes aye.
`Ms. Jackson Lee?
`[No response.]
`Ms. Kish. Ms. Waters?


`HJU104000 PAGE 79
`Ms. Waters. Aye.
`Ms. Kish. Ms. Waters votes aye.
`Mr. Cohen?
`Mr. Cohen. Aye.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Cohen votes aye.
`Mr. Johnson?
`Mr. Johnson. Aye.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Johnson votes aye.
`Mr. Pierluisi?
`Mr. Pierluisi. No.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Pierluisi votes no.
`Mr. Quigley?
`[No response.]
`Ms. Kish. Ms. Chu?
`Ms. Chu. Aye.
`Ms. Kish. Ms. Chu votes aye.
`Mr. Deutch?
`Mr. Deutch. Aye.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Deutch votes aye.
`Ms. Sanchez?
`[No response.]
`Ms. Kish. Ms. Wasserman Schultz?


`HJU104000 PAGE 80
`[No response.]
`Chairman Smith. The gentleman from California, Mr.
`Mr. Gallegly. How am I recorded?
`Ms. Kish. Aye.
`Mr. Gallegly. No.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Gallegly votes no.
`Chairman Smith. The gentleman from Texas, Mr.
`Mr. Gohmert. No.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Gohmert votes no.
`Chairman Smith. The gentleman from California, Mr.
`Mr. Issa. No.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Issa votes no.
`Chairman Smith. Are there other members who wish to
`vote or change their vote?
`Ms. Jackson Lee. Aye.
`Ms. Kish. Ms. Jackson Lee votes aye.
`Chairman Smith. The clerk will report.
`Ms. Kish. Mr. Chairman, 14 members voted aye; 17
`members voted nay.


`HJU104000 PAGE 81
`Chairman Smith. In the opinion of the chair, the noes
`have it and the amendment to the amendment is not agreed to.
`We will now move on to the next amendment, and that
`will be offered by the gentleman from Virginia, Mr.
`Mr. Goodlatte. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr.
`Chairman, I have an amendment at the desk, Goodlatte number
`Chairman Smith. The clerk will report the amendment.
`Ms. Kish. “Amendment to the amendment offered by Mr.
`Smith to H.R. 1249 offered by Mr. Goodlatte” --
`Chairman Smith. Without objection, the amendment will
`be considered as read.
`[The information follows:]


`HJU104000 PAGE 89
`Chairman Smith. And the gentlewoman from California
`is recognized to explain her amendment.
`Ms. Chu. Mr. Chair, a longstanding goal of patent
`reform has been to improve the U.S. Patent and Trademark
`Office’s administrative procedures for challenging poor
`quality patents through reexamination. This procedure, if
`effective, can be an important tool to avoid costly
`litigation and ensure the overall quality of patents by
`encouraging the resolution of complex questions of patent
`validity by the experts at the PTO instead of lay jurors.
`Rather than expanding the availability of the PTO’s
`inter partes reexamination, the manager's amendment imposes
`new restrictions that makes invoking this procedure more
`difficult. Unfortunately, the manager's amendment creates
`an unworkable standard for initiating inter partes
`reexamination proceedings making it more difficult for
`companies to weed out bad patents.
`Instead of restricting this important process, my
`amendment would keep the current standard of a substantial
`new question of patentability. To be clear, this is the
`current threshold for entering the inter partes
`reexamination process. Since the procedure was first


`HJU104000 PAGE 90
`created in 1999, PTO has issued decisions in 221
`reexaminations and 90 percent of those resulted in the
`invalidation of at least patent claim. Again, 90 percent of
`the patents that go through the inter partes process under
`the current threshold are found to be defective. Even PTO
`Director Kappos testified that the current standard allows
`the PTO to weed out meritless petitions.
`This is clearly a solution without a problem. I ask
`you to support my amendment and reject the unworkable
`standard that is in the current manager's amendment.
`Chairman Smith. Thank you, Ms. Chu.
`I will recognize myself in opposition to the
`The balance that we have struck in the inter partes by
`raising the threshold and extending the deadline to 12
`months after the filing of a civil action is a fair deal.
`But if we do as this amendment suggests and couple such a
`1-year period of time to decide whether or not to even enter
`inter partes with a lower threshold, it could create
`problems for the PTO and open the program up to litigation
`abuse. The lower threshold standard for inter partes really
`does not make that much sense for infringing parties. Inter

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