Case 5:11-cv-00155-cr Document 1 Filed 06/16/11 Page 1 of 4
`Case No. IPR2013-00010
`Patent No. 7,516,484
`Exhibit 2003


`Case 5:11-cv-00155-cr Document 1 Filed 06/16/11 Page 2 of 4
`Case 5:11-cv-OO155-cr Document 1
`Filed 06/16/11 Page 2 of 4
`Motorola is in the business of manufacturing, distributing, and/or selling the
`MOTOROLA ATRIX 4G portable computer/smartphone (the “ATRD(”) in combination with the
`MOTOROLA LAPDOCK reader (“LAPDOCK”) throughout the world, including in the United
`States and this judicial district.
`The ATRIX and the LAPDOCK have been and are being offered together and
`individually for sale within this judicial district.
`The ATRIX and the LAPDOCK have been and are being sold together and
`individually within this judicial district.
`Michael Amouse, the sole owner of the ‘484 patent, has exclusively licensed ADD
`under the ‘484 Patent in a License Agreement effective January 2, 201 1, as amended in a First
`Amendment effective June 15, 2011. A copy of the ‘484 patent is attached as Exhibit A.
`ADD’s exclusive license runs for the full term of the ‘484 patent and includes all
`substantial rights in such patent, including the explicit right to sue and recover damages for
`infringement of the ‘484 patent and to otherwise seek enforcement of the rights it owns under the
`‘484 patent.
`Defendant Motorola has directly infringed and is still directly infringing and is
`contributing to and actively inducing infringement of the ‘484 patent by making, offering for sale
`and selling the ATRIX and LAPDOCK together which, in combination, embody the subject
`matter and include each and every element of one or more of the claims of the ‘484 patent.
`Defendant Motorola has directly infringed and is still directly infringing and is
`contributing to and actively inducing infringement of the ‘484 patent by making, offering for sale


`Case 5:11-cv-00155-cr Document 1 Filed 06/16/11 Page 3 of 4
`Case 5:11-cv-OO155-cr Document 1
`Filed 06/16/11 Page 3 of 4
`and selling the LAPDOCK separately to be used with the ATRD(, which LAPDOCK alone
`embodies the subject matter and includes each and every element of one or more of the claims of
`the ‘484 patent.
`Motorola has had knowledge of the ‘484 patent since at least February 15, 2011,
`and has no license for use of the ‘484 patent. Accordingly, Motorola’s infringement of the ‘484
`patent has been and continues to be willful, wanton, deliberate and without license.
`Unless enjoined by this Court, Defendant Motorola will continue its acts of
`infringement to Plaintiff ADD’s immediate, substantial and irreparable harm.
`THEREFORE, the Plaintiff demands:
`a permanent injunction against the Defendant’s continued infringement of the
`‘484 patent;
`an accounting for damages;
`enhanced and/or treble damages;
`attorneys fees;
`interest and costs; and
`such other and further relief as the Court deems appropriate.


`Case 5:11-cv-00155-cr Document 1 Filed 06/16/11 Page 4 of 4
`Case 5:11-cv-OO155-cr Document 1
`Filed 06/16/11 Page 4 of 4
`Plaintiff ADD demands trial by jury of all issues so triable with respect to the
`Brattleboro, Vermont
`June 16, 2011
` . Bradford Fawley
`Lawrence H. Meier
`28 Vernon Street,
`Brattleboro, VT 05301
`(802) 258-3070
`(802) 258-4875


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`Case 5:11-cv-00155-cr Document 1-1 Filed 06/16/11 Page 2 of 15
`Case 5:11-cv-OO155-cr Document 1-1
`Filed 06/16/11 Page 2 of 15'
`(12) United States Patent
`US 7,516,484 B1
`' (10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`1''Apr. 7, 2009
`None ’
`(58) Field of Classification Search"
`See application file for complete searchhistory.
`Inventor: Michael Amouse, 15 Hickory D11, Old
`Bruckville, NY (US) 11545
`References Cited
`(‘) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(1))12)r 0 days.
`Tins patent is subject to a terminal dis—
`(21) App" No" 121092032
`(22) Filed.
`Apr. 7, 2008
`Related US. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 61/028,373, filed on Feb.
`13. 2008-
`Int Cl
`G06F 7/04
`0961" 1 7/30
`G06K 9/00
`HWL 9/32
`G06F 7/58
`6061’ 15/76
`6‘06}? 17/00
`6061‘” 12/00
`6062‘w 12/14
`096}? 13/00
`606K 19/00
`GIIC 7/00
`H035! [/68
`HWK I100
`11041; 9/00
`HWN 7/36
`B41K 3/38
`(52) US. (:1.
`..................... 726/9; 726/2; 726/4; 726/16;
`726/17; 726/20; 726/21; 726/26; 726/27;
`726/28;726/29;7131182; 7131135; 713/186;
`5,264,992 A * 11/1993 Hogdahl etal.
`Co tinned
`............. 361/681
`Ricardo A. Barratto, Shaya Potter, Gong Su, and Jason Nick,
`Mob/Desk: Mobile firmeiDes/dop Computing, MobiCom, ’04, Sep.
`26-Oct. 1, 2004, Philadelphia. PA, pp) 1-15.
`Muueeb Ali and Loen Langendoen. 1mm.- Enabling Low-Cost
`Internet/lows: in Developing Regions, NSDR '07, Aug. 27, 2007,
`Kyoto, Japan, (6 pages)!
`Primary ExaminermNasser Moazzami
`Assistant Examiner—fiscar A Louie
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Fl'rm—DLA Piper LLP (US)
`A reader for interacting with a credit-card-sized pocket per-
`sonal computer is disclosed. The reader and pocket PC com-
`prise a cemputing system. The system comprises storage, a
`processor, a GPS chip and an operating system. The reader
`includes at least one input device such as a keyboard and at
`least one output device such as a display. A user cannot
`interact with the pocket PC without the reader. The reader is
`a non-functioning “shell" without the pocket PC, however,
`when they are connected the system becomes a fully func-
`tional personal computer. To log on, a user provides security
`information, for example, a password or biometrics, such as
`fingerprints. The credit card size and capabilities of the
`pocket PC allows a user to easily carry virtually their entire
`computer in a pocket for use anywhere there is a reader. In
`addition, the pocket PC provides security against unautho—
`fixed use, even if lost 01' swim since a password or finger-
`prints are required to access to the devices
`20 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
`ISO 7816


`Case 5:11-cv-00155-cr Document 1-1 Filed 06/16/11 Page 3 of 15
`Case 5:11-cv-OO155-cr Document 1-1
`Filed 06/16/11 Page 3 of 15
`US 7,516,484 B1
`Page 2
`111998 Klkmxs et aL
`11! 1999 Swindler et a1.
`22000 Jenkins et a1.
`3/2003 Kamijo eta}.
`3/2008 Nonhcutt et a1. ............ 7093227
`5/2008 8310‘“? """""""""" 72637
`7/2002 Smith eta]. ................. 361/683
`1212004 Ym
`12;?005 Ym
`5,708,840 A
`5,991,838 A
`6,029,183 A
`6,538.,880 B1
`1346.689 Bl *
`7370350 B1 5’
`2002/0097555 Al“
`2004/0249990 A1
`2005/0270731 A1
`2006/0075342 A1
`200610146017 A].
`2007;003772 5 A!
`2008?“)02350 AI
`4/2006 Penning
`732006 Leung et 31.
`453907 Anderson
`1/2008 Farrugia
`Brad A. Mycxs, Using Handheld: andPCs Together, Nov. 2001, vol.
`44, No. 11‘ Comtnunications ofthe ACM, pp. 3441.
`“ cited by examiner


`Case 5:11-cv-00155-cr Document 1-1 Filed 06/16/11 Page 4 of 15
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`Filed 06/16/11 Page 4 of 15
`US. Patent
`Apr. 7, 2009.
`Sheet 1 OH
`US 7,516,484 B1
`ISO 7816
`FIG. 1
`802.11 .X
`FIG. 2
`ISO 7816
`FIG. 3


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`Filed 06/16/11 Page 5 of 15
`US. Patent
`Apr. 7, 2009
`Sheet 2 of5
`US 7,516,484 B1
`FIG. 4


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`Filed 06/16/11 Page 6 of 15
`us. Patent
`Apr. 7, 2009
`Sheet 3 as
`US 7,516,484 B1


`Case 5:11-cv-00155-cr Document 1-1 Filed 06/16/11 Page 7 of 15
`Case 5:11-cv-OO155-cr Document 1-1
`Filed 06/16/11 Page 7 of 15
`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 7, 2099
`Sheet 4 015
`US 7,516,484 Bl
`/ P


`Case 5:11-cv-00155-cr Document 1-1 Filed 06/16/11 Page 8 of 15
`Case 5:11-cv-OO155-cr Document 1-1
`Filed 06/16/11 Page 8 of 15
`US. Patent
`Apr. 7, 2009
`Sheet 5 of5
`US 7,516,484 B1
`FIG. 8


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`Filed 06/16/11 Page 9 of 15
`US 7,516,484 Bl
`This application claims priority to US. patent application
`No. 61/028,373, filed on Feb. 13, 2008, the entire contents of
`which are incorporated by reference.
`The present invention relates to computing systems and in
`particular to a portable computer that is small in size so as to
`be easily carried, and yet have the capabilities of a conven-
`tional large scale computer, and also secure to address con-
`cerns as to data theft and corruption.
`Computers have historically been large in size based on the
`components required for providing sufficient computing
`capabilities, such as mainframe computers. With the advent
`of personal computers, computers which once would fill the
`size ofa room were able to be reduced down in size so as to be
`contained within a single desktop device. However, desktop
`computers which require a large tower to house the process-
`ing components, a monitor and keyboard are not conducive to
`be taken from place to place. Instead, laptop computcrs were
`developed to contain the computer processing capabilities,
`monitor and keyboard within a smaller unitary package, in
`order to allow transport from place to place. However, laptop
`computers are still fairly large in size and also sacr'nice qual—
`ity as compared to desktop computers. Moreover, desktop,
`laptop and mamfiame computers all suffer from being sus-
`ceptible to data corruption from viruses or worms, and also to
`data thefi from hackers. While computers need to be immune
`to these threats, they also need to be portable and convenient
`to use easily almost anywhere.
`There is a need for a computing system that is portable, can
`be used in a number of different applications, and protects
`sensitive information. The present invention provides a com-
`puting system that satisfies these needs and provides addi-
`tional advantages.
`'lhe present invention comprises in an exemplary embodi-
`ment a computing system comprised ofa portable computer.
`The portable computer has all of the components of a fully
`functional, conventional general purpose computer, but is
`small is size, preferably the size of a credit card, so as to be
`easily carried in a wallet or ones pocket. In certain embodi—
`ments, the portable computer is operable only when used with
`a reader, which is described in more detail below. The por—
`table computer reader supplies the means for a user to interact
`with the portable computer and the programs thereon; for
`example, the portable computer mder can comprise a moni-
`tor and/or a keyboard. In essence, the portable computer
`reader is a non-functioning “shell” when not connected to the
`portable computer. However, once the portable computer is
`connected to the portable computer reader, the portable com-
`puter and the portable computer reader create a fully opera-
`tional computing system. The portable computer thus acts as
`the brain and the portable computer reader operates as the
`body which will perform the functions, however, without the
`bran}, the body will do nothing.
`When a user is finished, he or she simply removes the
`portable computer and can simply take it with him or her.
`Because the portable computer reader is a shell, none of the
`user’s information is left behind. Thus, various embodtments
`do not make any information, including sensitive informa—
`tion, available to subsequent users of the portable computer
`reader. In addition, there is virtually no danger that the por—
`table computer reader could be afl'ected by a computer virus
`for this same reason, as there is no capability for the portable
`computer reader to retain any data from a previous person’s
`use. As a result, the applications for the portable computer are
`almost limitless where security and privacy of content is a
`concern, and where there may be concern of corruption by
`viruses or worms. For example, applications include, but are
`not limited to, hotels , internet cafes or other public locations,
`such as libraries or universities, etc.
`Further, various embodiments provide the versatility of a
`“Pocket PC” with the advantages and capabilities of a tradi-
`tional computer. For example, the portable computer is easily
`transportable and the portable computer reader provides use
`of a full computer with as a full-sized screen, keyboard, etc.
`Finally, in certain embodiments,
`the portable computer
`may comprise one or more flash memory devices or flash
`drivesA flash drive is a storage device that uses flash memory
`rather than conventional spinning platters to store data.
`Advantages of using flash memory or flash drives with the
`portable computer is that there is little delay time when start-
`ing up, such as is the case when booting conventional com-
`puters. Also, flash memory is non-volatile, which means that
`it does not need power to maintain the information stored in
`the device. As a result, the portable computer requires only
`low power for operation, which can be readily supplied by
`batteries or similar low power sources, such as solar cells. The
`flash memory can also be tailored to provide as much storage
`capacity as may be desired depending on the particular appli-
`FIG. 1 is a perspective view ofan embodiment ofa portable
`computer according to the present invention.
`FIG. 2 is a perspective view of another embodiment of a
`portable computer according to the present invention.
`FIG. 3 is a perspective view of another embodiment of a
`portable computer according to the present invention.
`FIG. 4 is a perspective view of an embodiment of a com-
`puting system according to the present invention.
`FIG. 5 is a perspective view of an embodiment of a com-
`puting system according to the present invention
`FIG. 6 is a perspective view of another embodiment of a
`computing system according to the present invention.
`FIG. 7 is a perspective view of another embodiment oi‘a
`computing system according to the present invention
`FIG. 8 is a perspective View of various embodiments of a
`portable computer reader according to the present invention.
`The following embodiments of the invention may be
`implemented using hardware or software or any combination
`of the two where desired. Various embodiments may also be
`implemented using commercially available technology.
`The invention comprises, in various embodiments, a com—
`puting system having at least one portable computer and one
`or more portable computer readers. As illustrated in FIGS.
`1—3, and inApplicant’s co—pending patent application Ser. No.
`in one exemplary embodiment. the portable


`Case 5:11-cv-OO155-cr Document 1-1
`Case 5:11-cv-00155-cr Document 1-1 Filed 06/16/11 Page 10 of 15
`Filed 06/16/11 Page 10 0f 15
`US 7,516,484 B1
`computer comprises a card, preferable the size ofa credit card
`so as to be easily carried in one's pocket or wallet. The
`portable computer reader, shown in FIGS. 4~7, comprises a
`reader, which is described in more detail below. The portable
`computer readers may comprise a main docking station that is
`a computer keyboard and monitor. phone or cell phone. Any
`of the portable computer readers may also include a card
`reader andlor a biometric reader, as described in more detail
`In one embodiment, the portable computer is hand-held,
`transferable, removable and portable. As provided above, the
`computer is preferably a card. As shown in FIG. 1, in one
`embodiment (“Portable Computer ”A” , the computer is a
`card with a CPU, reader contacts and memory. As shown in
`FIG. 3 (“Portable Computer ‘0”), in another embodiment,
`the computer may comprise only a memory and reader con-
`tacts.All ofthe components shown in FIGS. 1 and 3 may be
`on a surface of the cord, preferably, embedded thereon, or
`may be internally within the card. The cards have embedded
`integrated circuits which can process information. This
`implies that it can receive input which is processed—~13): way
`ofthe ICC applications—and delivered as an output. The card
`may be ofany desired size and thickness, which may also be
`attributed to desired capabilities and technologies used, such
`as memory/storage requirements. Dimensions are normally
`credit card size. Preferably, the card meets ID-l of ISOfIEC
`7810 standard, which defines card size as 85.60x 53 .98 mm.
`’lhus, the card is generally no larger than approximately 90
`mm by 60 mm and no greater than approximately 80 mm
`thick. The card may be other sizes such as ID~000 which is
`25x15 mm. The card is preferably about 0.76 mm thick.
`As shown in FIG. 2 (“Dual Layer Portable Computer ‘3’”),
`in one embodiment,
`the computer comprises at least two
`cards connected. Preferably, the cards are stacked one on top
`of the other but may be connected in other ways. The cards
`may be credit card sized, as described above. The cards may
`be stacked directly on top of one another or there may be a
`space between that may hold computing components . The top
`card may comprise a controller, CPU and GPS and a female
`connector on an edge. It may also comprise additional ele-
`ments such as a GPS chip, processor, RFID crypto memory,
`logic clement, Specialized reader contact, controller, micro-
`processor, and means for interacting with the portable com-
`puter readers, such as pins, USB, etc. The bottom card may
`comprise all memory. It would be understood that the cards
`may comprise difi‘erent elements than shown. In another
`embodiment, the portable computer contains its computing
`components within a housing so that the physical components
`are not easily removable from the portable computer. In this
`embodiment, the computer is preferably a box or rectangular
`prism but may take other shapes. The portable computer may
`take other forms larger or smaller than a credit card, for
`example, a compact disc, cell phone, PDA, Smartphone, etc.
`Regardless of the form of the computer, in the embodi-
`ments shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, the portable computer contains
`all of the components of a fully functional, conventional
`general purpose computer but, generally, is without means for
`interacting with the computer, as described below. “General
`purpose computes” means that the computer contains sulfi-
`cient hardware and software that will enable a user to do many
`different things with the computer such as type documents,
`send e-mail, browse the Internet and play games. In the
`embodiment shown in FIG. 3, the portable computer com-
`prises only a memory and ISO 7816 reader contacts for con-
`necting to the portable computer readers.
`As shown. at the least, the portable computer’s components
`include a main or primary memory and a connector for con»
`necting to a reader. A central processing unit (“CPU”) may
`reside in the card or the portable computer reader. For
`example, where minimal processing capabilities may be
`required, the CPU may readily be accommodated within the
`computer card. In addition, in embodiments where significant
`processing capabilities are desired. a larger sized CPU may be
`preferred, which may be easier to accommodate by locating
`the CPU in the portable computer reader, such as in the
`keyboard and/or monitor. Alternatively, the CPU may be
`located in the computer reader, as described below.
`The CPU is preferably a microprocessor as is known in the
`art. The CPU is preferably a microprocessor as is known in
`the art. The CPU, preferably, is designed for portability. As
`such, it may include 800 MHZ of speed so that it uses less
`power, for example, 0.65 watts and is built to run without
`active cooling such as a fan. Such a processor may be an
`“ATOM” processor curremly available from INTEL®. The
`main memory is accessible to the CPU. In one embodiment,
`there are levels of storage and the primary storage is acces-
`sible only to the CPU. The primary storage may comprise
`processor registers and cache, ROM, as well as BIOS, RAM,
`magnetic or optical storage. The primary memory may be
`volatile or non—volatile. The portable computer may also have
`a preferably, non-volatile, read-write, secondary storage,
`which may not be readable by the CPU. Secondary storage
`may comprise a hard drive or optical storage devices. such as
`CD and DVD drives, flash memory (cg. USB sticks or keys),
`floppy disks, magnetic tape, paper tape, standalone RAM
`disks, and ZIP drives. Preferably, the secondary storage is
`formatted according to a file system format. Where the por-
`table computer is desired to be particularly small, it may not
`contain a hard drive. Rather, it can contain only ROM and/or
`RAM, wherein the RAM may be a flash drive.
`Loaded onto the memory, preferably, onto the RAM, is
`software that is executed in the central processing unit. Such
`software may include application software such as word pro—
`cessors, system scfiware such as operating systems, which
`interface with hardware to provide the necessary services for
`application sofiware, and middleware which controls and
`coordinates distributed systems. The applications may also
`include control applications. Control applications enable the
`portable computer to generate control signals interpretable by
`the portable computer reader, which is explained in more
`detail below. Control applications may generate a user inter-
`face on a display of the portable computer reader and receive
`user inputs into the portable computer reader. by means ofthe
`inputioutput devices in the portable computer reader, which
`are shown in FIGS. 4—? and described below. The control
`applications translate the user inputs into control signals pro~
`vided to the portable computer reader.
`The system software may include device drivers, diagnos-
`tic tools, servers, windowing systems and utilities. In one
`embodiment, the portable computer comprises the hardware
`and software necessary to run the aforementioned software.
`In other embodiments, this hardware and software is a part of
`the portable computer reader. Application software may
`include business software, educational software, medical
`software, databases, word processing software and computer
`games. The sottware incIudes an operating system such as
`Microsoft Windows® or Mndows Mobile, NetBSD, Mac OS
`X, Ifmux, Palm OS or Windows Mobile. The operating sys-
`tem may be capable of using the TCP/IP networking protov
`cols, has a graphical interface and device drivers. The oper-
`ating system may be placed on‘ the portable computer by the
`manufacturer or later downloaded by the user. The capacity
`and speed of each core unit can be made compatible with the
`state-of-the—art computer science as with the enclosures used-


`Case 5:11-cv-OO155-cr Document 1-1
`Case 5:11-cv-00155-cr Document 1-1 Filed 06/16/11 Page 11 of 15
`Filed 06/16/11 Page 11 of 15
`US 7,516,484 Bl
`The portable computer may also comprise, but is not lim-
`ited to, various activation means, a video display controller,
`video card, a graphics processing unit, graphics card, graph—
`ics chip, sound card, sound interface such as an AC97 inter-
`face, sound producing means, input/output controller means,
`PCMCIA controller, a graphics controller and a serial con-
`trollcr, a power source, which may include an electrical trans-
`former that regulates the electricity used by the computer and
`means for communication with outside sources of data and
`information. Preferably,
`the aforementioned components
`(CPU, RAM, hard drives, etc.) are attached to a motherboard.
`The motherboard may also include a PC] or a planar device
`forattaching peripheral devices to the motherboard or devices
`located on or in the portable computer reader. All of the
`aforementioned components (CPU, RAM, hard drives, etc.)
`may be attached to a motherboard. The motherboard may be
`within the portable computer or may be within the portable
`computer reader.
`The portable computer may also comprise a GPS chip, a
`specialized reader contact, a logic element, a smart card
`device, and RFID crypto memory. The specialized reader
`contact is the interface to the portsfcard readers’ specialized
`readers. It utilizes ISO-7816 pattern locations for interface to
`the single chip smart card microprocessor, and AFNOR pat-
`tern locations for interface to the logic element. The logic
`element acts as the “policeman” of the card. It directs mes-
`sage traffic and interrogates readers and secure keys to allow
`access to the compartmentalized data contained in the flash
`memory. This device interacts with the smartch chip and the
`GPS device over SPI communication links. Only ifthe correct
`security is met will data access be allowed. The RFID crypto
`memory is an ISO 14443 compliant contact-less RFD). This
`allows for expanded use of the card in proximity ID applies.
`tions. For example, the portable computer may communicate
`with the reader in a contactless manner, via the RFID. The
`subsystem is powered up in the presence of an ISO 14443
`compliant reader (or, the portable computer reader could be
`such a reader). Limited duplicate data is stored in encrypted
`form in CryptoRF memory for access by RFID systems
`employing the standard protocol. The smart card device is a
`specifically designed secure micro controller targeted for the
`existing smart card market, produced by ATMEL. The device
`runs specific application soitware that allows for standard
`smartcard, javacard, and secure partitioning control.
`In addition, the portable computer may include security
`information in the software. The security information allows
`only authorized users to access certain information on the
`computer. Access information may include personal identifi-
`cation numbers, security questions, passwords, etc. The por-
`table computer may also contain stored or baseline biometric
`mformation such as height, weight, blood type, voice and
`retinal patterns, fingerprints, pulse rate, etc. Preferably, the
`portable computer reader or computer would comprise means
`for reading the biometric information. Such means include,
`butare not limited to, a pulse reader, fingerprint reader, retinal
`scanner, voice recognition recorder, etc. For example, the
`system may include biometric mice as an input, which
`includes an integrated fingerprint reader either in the receiver
`or the mouse. Such biometric information, readers, storage
`means etc, are disclosed in Applicant’s U.S. patent applica-
`tion Ser. No. ll!054,519, the contents of which are incorpo-
`rated by reference herein.
`In most embodiments, the computer does not contain
`means for a user to interact directly with the computer. In
`other embodiments, the computer contains means for inter-
`acting therewith. By interacting directly it is meant that a user
`cannot access the software programs, hardware or other func-
`tionality such as sounds, visuals, etc, on the computer with-
`out a portable computer reader, which provides the means for
`accessing the computer, as described below.
`As shown in FIGS. 4-7, such means for interacting with the
`computer may include a reader, which is preferably an input
`and output device. Such an input/output device may be, for
`example, a keyboard, display, mouse, speakers, etc. In one
`embodiment, the portable computer reader provides only
`means for a user to interact with or use the portable computer.
`The portable computer reader is a “shell"without the portable
`computer and, therefore, is inoperable for performing com-
`puting functions without the portable computer. Once the
`portable computer is connected to the portable computer
`reader, preferably,
`in a plug-and-play style,
`the system
`becomes a fully operational conventional computer capable
`of any known computing operation. When the pertablc com-
`puter is disconnected from the portable computer reader, the
`portable computer reader once again becomes a shell and the
`computer cannot be directly accessed unless reconnected to
`the portable computer reader or another portable computer
`As provided above, in one embodiment, the portable com—
`puter does not comprise means for a user to interact directly
`with the contents of the computer. For example, as shown in
`FIGS. 1-3, the portable computer does not have a display or
`monitor. a keyboard or keypad, voice input device, etc.
`Rather, such input devices are included on the portable com-
`puter readers. in other embodiments, the computer may have
`such inpute’output devices. For example, in one embodiment,
`the portable computer itself is a cell phone that can access the
`internet via a wireless network.
`The portable computer preferably also has means for con-
`necting to any portable computer reader, which means that it
`can be used virtually anywhere. “Connecting” refers to being
`attached or in communication with the portable computer
`reader by being affixed to, stored within or in operable com-
`munication with the portable computer reader. As shown in
`FIG. 2, the female connector may include one uniquely con-
`figured universal connector portable computer reader that
`mates with or fits against a power connector source or acti-
`vating means in any of the portable computer readers in the
`system. As shown in FIGS. 4-6, the connecting means may
`also include a wireless connection between the portable com-
`puter and the portable computer readers. Thus, the portable
`computer may have a wireless transmitter and the portable
`computer readers have a receiver, or vice versa. The universal
`connector may be a USB~type connector. Regardless of the
`form of the connector, the connector will be configured to
`connect to every portable computer reader in the system and
`provide firll computing fimction once connected. The means
`for communicating also provides conunuuication or transfer
`of information over a bus or in a wireless fashion, Preferably,
`the computer and portable computer reader would support
`various wireless protocols including, without
`WiFi, Bluetoothm, Wymax, etc. For example, a wireless
`chip(s) may be contained on the card andfor portable com-
`puter reader to accommodate wireless connnunication with
`other devices or over the interact.
`As provided above, and as shown in F1G8. 4-7, a comput-
`ing system ofthe present embodiment also comprises at least
`one portable computer and a plurality of portable computer
`readers» In one embodiment, these portable computer readers
`are located at various locations that are spread out hum one
`another so that a user can take his or her computer with him or
`her and use it in remote locations. For example, the portable
`computer readers can include readers located at central loca-
`tions for access by numerous users.- such as located in com-


`Case 5:11-cv-OO155-cr Document 1-1
`Case 5:11-cv-00155-cr

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