US 7,461,353 B2
`tion for a plurality of objects. including at least one of
`text obje-ets. graphic layout objects. or graphic image
`objects included in the Web page:
`delining a primary datum corresponding to the original
`page layout: and.
`l'or each object,
`defining an object datum corresponding to the layout
`location for the object;
`generating a vector from the primary datum to the object
`datum for tl1e object; and
`creating a re lerence that links the object to the vector that
`is generated.
`123 . The method ofclaim H8, litrtlter comprising enabling
`l.l‘te Web page to be displayed at different resolutions by
`sealing the scalable content
`to re-render the display in
`response to associated user inputs.
`wherein the original page layout, litnetionality, and design
`of the Web page content are preserved at each of the
`differetit resolutions.
`124. Tlte rnetl'to(l ol' claim I18. litrtlter comprisillg return-
`ing the display olthc Web page to a previous view in response
`to a corresponding user input.
`125. The method ofclaim .1 18. lurther comprising enabling
`a user to pen a view of the Web page in response to a corre-
`sponding user input.
`l26.The method ofclaini 125, funher comprising enabling
`the view oi’ the Web page to be panned in real-time.
`127. The method of claim 1 18. wherein the page layout ol‘
`the Web page is dclincd to have an original aspect rutiti. and
`wherein the scalable content is scaled when rendered so as to
`produce :1 display of the Web page having :1 di Fl'erent aspect
`128. Themethod ofclaim 118. further comprising enabling
`a user to zoom on a col tunn ofthe Web page via a correspond-
`ing user input. wherein in response thereto. the display is
`re-rendered such that content corresponding to I_he selected
`column is rendered to fit across the display.
`H9. The method ol’claitn 128. wherein the corresponding
`user input comprises tapping on the column via the display.
`130. The tnethod of claim 128, wherein the content of the
`column is reformatted to fit characteristics of the display
`when Lhe display is re-rendered.
`13] . The method of l 18. wherein the Web content
`includes at least one iniage. the method further comprising
`enabling a user to zoom on an image via a corresponding user
`input. wherein in response thereto. the display is re-rendered
`such that the image is rendered to lit across the display.
`132. The method of claim 131. wherein the corresponding
`user input‘ comprises tapping on the image via the display.
`133.'lhc method ofclaim 1 18, further comprising enabling
`a user to xoom on a paragraph of the Web content via a
`corresponding user input. wherein in response thereto, the
`display is re—rendered such that content corresponding to the
`selected paragraph is rendered to lit across the display.
`134. The method of claim 133. wherein the corresponding
`user input comprises tapping on the paragraph via the display.
`135. The method o l' claim 133, wherein the content of the
`paragraph is reformatted to lit characteristics of the display
`when the display is re-rendered.
`136. The method of claim 118. wherein the Web page
`includes text. layout attributes, and images. Ilte method Fur-
`ther comprising:
`receiving content corresponding to the text and layout
`attributes via a first connection: and
`receiving content C‘0l1"L‘S]'Jt]l‘ttlil1g to at least one image via -.1
`second connection.
`137. The method ofclaim 118, further compri sing:
`generating a vector-based display list associated with the
`scaluble content: rmd
`employing the display list to re-render the display at dif-
`lizrent scale factors to mom the Web page.
`138. The method of claim 118. lilrllier composing:
`parsing markup language code corresponding to the
`retrieved Web page to deterntine the original page layout
`of the content ot1 the Web page;
`logically grouping selected content into objects;
`defining a primary datum corresponding to the original
`page layout: and.
`for each objetrl.
`defining an olzject datum corresponding to a layotlt loca-
`tion datum for the object's associated display content:
`generating a vector from the primary datum to the obj ect
`datum for the object: and
`creatinga reference that links the object to the vectorthat
`is generated.
`139. The method of claim 138. further oomprising:
`generating a bounding box for each object. the bounding
`box representing a portion of n rendered display page
`occupied by the object‘s associated group of content.
`140. The method olclaim 139, Further comprising:
`mapping the object vectors and associated bound lug boxes
`to a virtual display in nteinory.
`141. The method of claim 14!}. litrther comprising:
`enabling a user to view the Web page at a usenselectable
`/.tJt}t‘t1 level and panned view by.
`den.-rnijning a first scale factor and offset in response to
`one or more corresponding user inputs defining a
`user-selectable zoom level and panned view corre-
`sponding lo a rendered display of the Web page
`desired by a user: and
`determining a virtual display bounding box for the vir-
`tual display ussociated with the First scale factor and
`identifying object bounding boxes having at least a por-
`lion falling within the virtual display bounding box:
`for each ol'such object bounding boxes.
`retrieving content associated with that object bound-
`ing box:
`applying an appropriate scale factor to the content
`associated with that object bounding box to pro-
`duce scaled content; and
`rendering the pen ion of scaled content within the
`virtual display bounding box to render the content
`on Lhe display.
`142. The method of claim 118, wherein the scalable cott-
`tenl includes scalable text content. the method further com-
`prising scaling a scalable font to render the scalable text
`143. The method of claim 118. wherein the method is
`facilitated, at
`in part. via ettectltion oi‘ Java-based
`144. The method of claim 118. wherein the device com-
`priscs a mobile phone.
`145. The method olclaim 118. wherein the device corn-
`priscs a hand-held device.
`146. The method ofclaitn 118. further comprising aceess~
`ing the Internet via a wireless connection to retrieve the Web
`_ page.
`147. The method of claim 118. wherein a portion ofthe
`scalable content comprises vector-based content.
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`US 7,461,353 B2
`148. The method of claim 118. wherein the device coin-
`prises one of a desktop computer. notebook computer or
`laptop computer.
`149. A method. comprising:
`rendering a browser interface on a hand-held device via
`which -.1 user is enabled to request access to a Web page
`comprising HTML~based Web content defining an
`original page layout. fitnctionality. and design ofcontent
`on the Web page:
`retrieving the Web page via the ltattcl-lield device. and
`processing H"l"Ml'.-based Web content to produce scal-
`able content; and
`employing at least one oi‘ the scalable content or data
`derived therefrom to.
`render the Web page on a display of the hand-held
`device: and
`re-render the display in response to associated user
`inputs to enable the Web page to be browsed at various
`zooni levels and panned views while preserving the
`original page layout. liinctitittality. and design of the
`Web page content at each zoom level and panned
`150. The method of claim 149. wherein the hand-held
`device comprises a mobile phone.
`15] . The method oi‘ claim 149. wherein the hand-held
`device comprises one ofa Personal l)igilalAssistant t'l’l)A) or
`hand-held computer.
`152. The method ofclaim 149. further comprising enabling
`the user to zoom in on a user-selectable ponion ofa display of
`the Web page in response to a user interface input.
`153. The method ofclaim 152. wlicrein the user interface
`input enables the user to define an area ofat current view of the
`Web page on which to zoom in on.
`154. The metlmd ol‘ 149. wherein the display ofthe
`Web page is re-rendered in real—ti me to eflect zooming opera-
`155. The method of claim 149. wherein the Web page
`includes at least one hyperlink. the method titrtltcr compris-
`enabling the user to select the hyperlink via the display;
`and. in response thereto.
`retrieving and processing HlVfTL—based Web content‘
`associated with the hyperlink to produce additional
`scalable content": and
`employing at least one of the additional scalable content
`or data derived tltcrefrum to render the Web content
`associated with the hyperlink on the display.
`|S6.'l'he method olclaim I49, wherein at least a portion ol'
`the scalable content comprises scalable vector-based content.
`157. The method of claim 149. litrtlztcr comprising t'El'tlt"El.—
`ing the display ofthe Web page to a previous view in response
`to a corresponding user input made via the display.
`lfiflfllie method ofclaim 149. further comprising enabling
`a user to pen a view oftlte Web page in response to a corre-
`sponding user input made via the display.
`159. The method ofclaim 149. further comprising enabling
`the view of the Web page to be panned in real-time.
`160. The method ofclaitn 149. wherein the page layout‘ of
`the Web page is defined to have an original aspect ratio. and
`wlierein said at least one of scalable content or data derived
`therefrom is scaled to render 3 display ofthe Web page having
`a dillcrcnl aspect ratio.
`16] . The method ofclaim 149. liirther comprising enabling
`a user to zoom on a column of the Web content via a corre-
`sponding aser input. wherein in response thereto. the display
`is rc-rendered such that content corrcspotidirlg to the selected
`column is enlarged.
`162. The method ofclaitn 161. wherein the corresponding
`user input comprises tapping on the column via the display.
`163. The method of claim I61. wherein the content of the
`column is reliztrmatted to fit characteristics of the display
`when the display is re-rendered.
`164. The method of claim 161. wherein the display is
`re—rendered such that content corresponding to the selected
`column is rendered to lit across the display.
`165. The method oi‘ claim 149. wherein the Web content
`includes at least one image. the method further comprising
`enabling a user to zoom on an image via a corresponding user
`input, wherein in response thereto. the display is rc-rendered
`such that the image is enlarged.
`166. The method ofclaim 165. wherein the corresponding
`ttscr input comprises tapping on the image via the display.
`"167. The method of claim 165. wherein the display is
`re-rendered such that the image is rendered to tit across the
`1 68. The method ofclaim I-19. fnrtlier comprising enabling
`a user to ‘(omit on 21 paragraph ofthe Web page via a corre-
`sponding user input. wherein in response thereto. the display
`is re—rendercd such that content corresponding to the selected
`paragraph is enlarged.
`"169. The method of claim 168, wherein the content of the
`paragraph is refonnatted to lit characteristics of the display
`area when the display is re-rendered.
`170. The method of claim 168. wherein the display is
`1'e-rendered such that content correspc.-nI:l.'tng to the selected
`paragraph is rendered to [it across the display.
`17]. The method ofclaint 168. wherein the corresponding
`user input comprises tapping on the paragraph via the display.
`172. The method of claim 149. wherein the Web page
`includes text. layout attributes. and images. the method fur-
`ther comprising;
`receiving content corresponding to the text and layout
`attributes via a first connection: and
`rcceivittg content corresponding to at least one image via a
`second connection.
`173. The method oi’ claim 149. wherein the hand-held
`device includes dynamic rnetnory having at least a portion
`employed for rendering purposes. the method further com-
`building a display list via use of the scalable content and
`rendering display list content on a virtual display in
`dynamic memory: and
`scaling the display list content to re-render the display of
`the Web page.
`I'M. The rnethod ofclaitn 149. further comprising:
`parsing HTMT_—based code corresponding to the retrieved
`Web page to determine the original page layout ofthe
`content on the Web page;
`logically grouping selected content into objects;
`defining a primary datum corresponding to the original
`page layout: and.
`for each object-
`defining an object datum corresponding to a layout loca-
`tion dattutt for the object ‘s associated display content:
`generatinga vector from the primary datum to the object
`datum for the object: and
`creating a relerettce that li nits the object to the vector that
`is generated.
`175. The method ofclairn 174. further comprising:
`generating a bounding box for eaclt object, the bounding
`box representing a portion ol' :1 rendered display page
`occupied by the object’s associated group oi‘ content.
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`US 'i',-461,353 B2
`176. The method of claim 175, wherein the hand-held
`device includes dynamic memory having at least a portion
`employed for rendering purposes. the method liuther com-
`mapping the object vectors and associated bounding boxes
`to a virtual display in the dynamic memory.
`177. The method oliclaint 176. further comprising:
`enabling a user to view the Web page at a user-selectable
`zoom level and panned view by.
`detcrntining a lirst scale lhctor and offset in response to
`one or more corresponding user inputs defining a
`user-selectable zoom level and panned view corre-
`sponding to a rendered display of the Web page
`desired by a user:
`detcriuining a virtual display bottttding box for the vir-
`tual display associated with the first scale Factor and
`identifying object bounding boxes having at least a por-
`tion Falling within the virtual display bounding box:
`for each of such object bounding boxes,
`retrieving content associated with that object botutd-
`ing box:
`applying an appropriate scale Factor to the content
`associated with that object bounding box to pro-
`duce sea led content: and
`1 ll
`rendering the portion of scaled content within the
`virtual display bounding box to render the content
`on the display.
`178. The method ofclaint 149. wherein the scalable con-
`tent includes scalable text content. the ntethod litrthcr com-
`prising scaling a scalable font to render the scalable text
`179. The method ofclairn 149. wherein the origi nal format
`of the Web page defines a height and width for the Web page.
`the method fttnher comprising:
`determining an applicable scale factor to display at least
`one of the width and height of the Web page across a
`browser display area of the display: and
`employing the scale factor to render the browser display
`180. The method oi" claim 149. wherein the ntcdtod is
`facilitated. at
`in part, via execution of lava-based
`18]. The method of claitn 149, wherein a portion ol’ the
`HTML-based Web content comprises XML code.
`182. The method of claim 149. wherein a portion of the
`HTML—based Web content comprises cascaded style sheet
`data defining aspects of lltc Web page design that are pre-
`served at each zoom level and panned view.
`183. "Ihe method of claim 149. wherein 2: portion of the
`scalable content comprises vector-based content.
`l84.'l'he melhodo fclairn 149. further comprising enabling
`a user to browse. zoom, and pan billions of Web pages in a
`manner that preserves the original layout. lhnctionality. and
`design of the HTML-based Web page content of each Web
`185. A method, coniprising:
`rendering a browser interface on a display of a device via
`which a user is enabled to request access to a Web page
`coinprishig HTML~based Web content defining an
`original page layout. Iilnctional ity. and design ofconlent
`on the Web page:
`in response to a user request of the Web page via the
`browser interl‘ace_.
`retrieving the Web page via the device:
`rendering the Web page via the device suclt that a full
`width of the Web page is rendered on the display: and
`re-rendering the ‘Web page in response to associated user
`inputs to the hand—l1cld device to enable the Web page to
`be browsed at various zoom levels and panned views
`while preserving the original page layout. functionality.
`and design of the Web page content at each zoom level
`and panned view of the Web page,
`wherein the method enables a user of the device to browse,
`mom, and pan billions of Web pages in a manner that
`preserves the original layout.
`l'l.ll1CliUt2IE1l.lT_\’. and design
`of the HTML-based Web page content of each Web
`186. The nlclhod ofclairn I85. l'tLrt.l‘tcr comprising enabling
`a user to mourn ona column of the Web page via a correspond-
`ing user input. wherein in response thereto. the display is
`rc—rendercd such that content correspondittg to the selected
`colunui is enlarged.
`187. The method ofclaint 186. wherein the corresponding
`user input comprises tapping on the column via the display.
`188. The method of claim 186. wherein the content of the
`column is reformatted to Fit characteristics of the display
`when the display is re-rendered.
`189. The method of claim 186. wherein the display is
`re—rendered such that content corresponding to the selected
`coltunn is rendered to lit across the display.
`190. The method of claim 185, wherein the Web page
`includes at least one image. the method thrllter comprising
`enabling a user to zoom on an image via a corresponding user
`input, wherein in response thereto. the display is rc-rendered
`such that the image is enlarged.
`191. The method ofclaim 190, wherein the corresponding
`user input comprises tapping on the image via the display.
`192. The method of claim 190. wherein the display is
`re-rendered such that the image is rendered to lit across the
`193 . The method ol'c|ain1 I85, linthcr comprising enabling
`a user to room on it paragraph oi‘ the Web page via a corre-
`sponding user input. wherein in response thereto. the display
`is rc—rendered such that content corresponding to the selected
`paragraph is enlarged.
`194. The method of claim 193. wherein the corresponding
`user input comprises tapping on the paragraph via the display.
`195. The method of claim 193. wherein the content of the
`paragraph is reformatted to lit characteristics of the display
`when re—rendered.
`196. The method of claim 193. wherein the display is
`re—rendered such that content corresponding to the selected
`paragraph is rendered to 131 across the dlbTplE|y‘.
`197. 'I‘hen1cthodol'clai1n 185. further comprising enabling
`a user to pan a view of the web page while in a zoomed state
`under which a portion of the web page is displayed in
`response to a user input made via the display.
`198. The method of claim 185, tiuther comprising return-
`ing the display ot'tl1eWeb page to a previous view in response
`to a corresponding user input.
`199. The method of claim 185. wherein the display of the
`Web page is rc-rendered in real-time to el"l'cct xoomitig opera-
`200. The method ofcla ha 185. litrther comprising enabling
`a user to pain a view of the Web page in response to a corre~
`spending user input made via the display.
`201 . The method ofclaitn I85. lurtlier cornpri sing enabling
`the view of the Web page to be panned in real-tintc.
`Kyocera PX 1019a 123
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`US 'i',-461,353 B2
`202. The method of claim 185, wherein the Web page
`includes text. layout attributes. and images. the method litr-
`ther comprising:
`receiving content corresponding to the text and layout
`attributes via a firsl connection: and
`receiving content corresponding to at least one image via a
`second connection.
`2113. The method ofclaiin 185. wherein a portion of the
`Ii’l‘Ml_-based Web content comprises XML code.
`204. The method of claim 185. wherein a portion of the
`l-ITML.-based Web content comprises cascaded style sheet
`data delinirtg aspects of the Web page design that are pre-
`served at each zoom level and panned view.
`205. The method of claim 185. wherein the Web page is
`retrieved via a wireless connection to one ofa mobile service
`provider network. local area network. or wide area network.
`2116. The ntctltod ofclainl 185. wherein the device corn-
`prises a mobile phone.
`297. The method ol'clain1 185. wherein the device com-
`prises a hand-held device.
`208. The method of claim 185. wherein tlte device cont-
`prises one of a desktop computer. notcboolc computer or
`laptop computer.
`209. A method. cornprising:
`rendering a browser interface on a display via which a user
`ol'a device is enabled to request access to a Web page.
`the Web page comprising I-ITMI.-based Web content
`having an original format including HTML code defin-
`ing an original page layouL functionality. and design of
`corresponding content on the Web page;
`retrieving the Web page. via the device, and Lramsiatiiig at
`least a portion of the EITML-based Web content into
`scalable content that supports a scalable resolution-iw
`dependent representation of the Web page that preserves
`the original page layout. functionality and design of the
`content defined by its original format when scaled and
`rendered; and
`employing the scalable content to render the Web page on
`the display using a first scale fiictorz and
`enabling the Welt page to be displayed at a different reso-
`lution by scaling the scalable content rising at second
`scale factor to re—render the display.
`wherein the original page layout. htnctionality. and design
`ofthc Web page content are preserved under both the
`Lirst and second scale factors.
`210. The method ol‘ claim 209. wherein the display is
`re-rendered in real-lime.
`211. The rnethod ofclaim 209. wherein the device cont-
`prises a hand—held device.
`212. The method of claim 2tl9, wherein the device cont-
`prises one of a desktop computer. notebook computer or
`laptop conlptttcr.
`213. The method ofclaim 289. further comprising enabling
`a user to pen a view o l' the Web page in response to a corre-
`sponding uscr input.
`21-1.'H'tc method ofclaim 213. further comprising enabling
`the view of the Web page to be panned in real-time.
`215. The method ofclaim 209. further comprising enabling
`a ttser to browse. zoon.t. and pan billions of Web pages in a
`marutcr that preserves the original layout. fttnctionality. and
`design of the HTML-based Web page content of each Web
`216. A machine-readable medium having a plurality of
`instrttctions tangibly stored thereon. which when executed
`enable I! device to perform operations comprising:
`rtcntlcring ti browser interface via which a user‘ is enabled to
`request access to a Web page hosted by an Internet Web
`site, the Web page comprising HTML-based Web con-
`tent having an original format defining an original width
`and height ol’ the Web page and an originttl page layout.
`lhnctiontiliry. and design of content on the Web page;
`retrieving the Web page via the wireless cortununicalion
`irtearts. and translating at least a portion ofI.l1e il‘l'Ml_-
`based Web content from its original format into scalable
`content that supports a scalable resolution-independent
`representation ofthe Web page that preserves the origi-
`nal page layout, functionality and design of the content
`defined by its original format when scaled and rendered:
`scaling the scalable contcrtt to render the Web page on the
`display such that a width ofthe Web page is rendered to
`lit across the display.
`217. The machine-readable medium to l'clait'n 216. wherein
`eitecutiun of the instructions pcrliomts fitrlltcr ()pt.:l":ll.i.UI.'lS
`comprising enabling the user to zoom in on a user-selectable
`portion otia display of the Web page in response to a corre-
`spondirtg user interface input.
`218. The mach.ine—readable medium ofclairn 217. wherein
`the display of the Web page is re-rendered in real-time to
`effect zooming operations.
`219. The macltinc-readable mcditun ofclaiin 216. wherein
`the Web page includes at least one hyperlink. and wherein
`execution of the instructions perlornts litrtltcr operations
`enabling the user to select" the hyperlink: and. in response
`retrieving and translating Web content associated with
`the hyperlink to produce additional scalable content:
`employing the additional scalable content to render the
`Web content associated with the hyperlink on the
`220. The machine—readablc medium ofclaim 216. wherein
`execution of the instructions perlorms litrther operations
`parsing markup language code to determine the original
`page layout ol’ display content within the Web page.
`wherein the original page layout delincs a layout loca-
`tion for at plurality of objects. including at least one of
`text objects. graphic layout objects. or graphic image
`objects included in the Web page:
`defining a primary datum corresponding to the original
`page layout: and.
`For each object.
`definittg an object datum corresponding to the layout
`location for the object:
`generating a vector from the primary datum to the object
`datum for the object; and
`creating a rel'e-rcncc that links the obj act to the we tor that
`is generated.
`221. The machine-readablemediunt ofclaim 216. wherein
`execution of the instructions performs litrtlier operations
`comprising enabling the Web pageto be displayed at different
`resolutions by scaling the scalable content to re-render the
`display in response to associated user inputs.
`wherein the original page layout. litnctiortality. and design
`of the Web page content are preserved at each of the
`dillcrettt resolutions.
`222. The machine-readable medium o Fclaim 216. wherein
`execution of the instructions performs further operations
`comprising retuming the display of the Web page to a previ-
`ous view in response to a corresponding user input.
`223. The niachinc-readable medium of claim 216. wherein
`execution of the instructions performs further operations
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`US 7,461,353 B2
`comprising enabling a user to pan :1 view of the Web page in
`response to a corresponding user input.
`224. The machine-readable medium ofclaim 223. wherein
`execution of the instructions performs further operations
`comprising enabling the view of the Web page to be panned in
`225. The machine-readable medium ofclaim 216. wherein
`the page layout o f the Web page is defined to have an original
`aspect ratio, and wherein the scalable content is scaled when
`rendered so as to produce a display oftlte Web page having a
`diflerent aspect ratio.
`226. The machine—readable1nedium ofclaim 2| 6. wherein
`e)tecut_ion of the inslrtlctions performs fttrther operatiotis
`comprising enabling a user to mom on a column of the Web
`page via It corresponding user input. wherein in response
`thereto. the display is re-rendered such that content corre-
`sponding to the selected column is enlarged.
`227. The machine-readable medium of claim 226. wherein
`the corresponding user input comprises tapping on the col-
`umn via the display.
`228. The machine-readable medium o l'claim 226, wherein
`the display is re-rendered such that content corresponding to
`the selected column is rendered to tit across the display.
`229.T11c machine-readable medium ofclaim 226. wherein
`the content of the colunm is reformatted to H1 characteristics
`of the display when the display is re-rendered.
`230. The niacltine-readable medium nfcl-aim 216. wherein
`the Web content includes at least one image. and wherein
`execution of the insmictions performs further operations
`comprising enabling a user to zoom on an image via a corre-
`sponding user input. wherein in response thereto. the display
`is re-rendered such that the image is enlarged.
`23] . The machine-readable medium o fcla lI1't 230. wherein
`the corresponding user inptll comprises tapping on the image
`via the display.
`232. The machine-readable medium o felaim 230, wherein
`the display is re-rendered such that the image is rendered to lit
`across the display.
`233. The machine-readable medium o fclaim 216. wherein
`execution of the instructions performs further operations
`comprising enabling a userto zoom on a para graph ofthe Web
`content via a currcspoiidiitg user input. wlierein in rcsptuisc
`thereto. the display is rc-rendered such that content corre-
`sponding to the selected paragraph is enlarged.
`23-1. The machine-readable medium ofclaim 233. wherein
`the corresponding user input comprises tapping on the para-
`graph via the display.
`23-5.The macl1ine—reatlable medium ofclaim 233. wherein
`the content of the paragraph is reformatted to lit characteris-
`tics of the display when the display is re-rendered.
`236. The machine-readable medium t1ft:lai.lJt 233. wherein
`the display is re-rendered such that content corresponding to
`the selected paragraph is rendered to Hit across the display.
`237. The machine-reada ble medium of claim 216. wherein
`4: Lil
`the Web page includes text. layout attributes. and images. and V
`wherein cxeeu tion oftbe instructions performs further opera-
`tions comprising:
`receiving content corresponding to the text and layout
`attributes via a first connection: and
`receiving content corresponding to at least one image via a
`second connection.
`238. The machine-readable medium ofclaim 216. wherein
`execution of the instructions performs further operations
`geiieratitig a vector-based display list associated with the
`scalable content: and
`employing the display list to re-render the display at dif-
`ferent scale factors to room the Web page.
`239. The machine-readable medium of claim 216. wherein
`execution of the instructions performs liirther operations
`parsing marlulp language code corresponding to the
`retrieved Web page to determine the original page layout
`of the content on the Web page:
`logically grouping selected content into objects:
`defining a primary datum cumesponding to the original
`page layout: and.
`for each object,
`defining an object datttm correspotidiltg to alaytJtItlt1ca-
`tion darunt for the object‘s associated display content:
`generating a vector from the primary datum to the object
`datum for the object: and
`creating a reference that l inks the object to the vector that
`is generated.
`240. The machine-readable medium ofclaim 239. wherein
`execntiotl of the instructions performs fttrlher operations
`generating a bounding box for each object. the bounding
`box representing a portion of it rendered display page
`occupied by the c-bjcct‘s associated group of content.
`241. The machine-readable medium of claim 240. wherein
`execution of the instructions perlornis further operations
`mapping the object vectors and associated bounding boxes
`to a virtual display in memory.
`242. The machine-readable medium ofclaim 241. wherein
`execution of the instructions perfornis further operations
`enabling :1 user to view the Web page at at user-selectable
`zoom level and panned view by.
`determining a first scale factor and offset in response to
`one or more corresponding user inputs dcftnjiig a
`user-selectable zoom level and panned view corre-
`sponding to a rendered display of the Web page
`desired by a user: and
`determining a virtual display bounding box for the vir-
`tual display associated with the first scale factor and
`identifying object bounding boxes having at least a por-
`tion falling within the virtual display bounding box:
`for each of such object bounding boxes.
`reuieving content associated with that object bound-
`ing box:
`applying an appropriate scale factor to the content
`associated with that object botindirtg box to pro-
`duce scaled content; and
`rendering the portion of scaled content within the
`virtual display bounding box to render the content
`on the display.
`243. The machine-readable medium ofclaim 216. wherein
`the scalable content
`includes scalable text content. and
`wherein execution of|.hc instructions perfonns l'1u1her opera-
`tions comprising scaling a scalable font to render the scalable
`text content.
`244. The tnacltine-readable medium ofclaim 216. wherein
`at least a portion of the instructions comprise Java-based
`245. The n1ach.ine—readabie medium of claim 216. wherein
`the device comprises a mobile phone.
`246. The niacltinc-readable median] of claim 216. wherein
`Lhe device comprises a hand-held device.
`Kyocera PX 1019a 125
`Kyocera PX 1019a_125

`US 'i',-461,353 B2
`employing at least one ofthe additional scalable content
`or data derived tlten-:from to render the Web content
`associated with the hyperlink on the display.
`259. The maclunc-readable medium of claim 252. wherein
`at least a portion oi‘ the scalable content comprises scalable
`vector-based content.
`260. The machine-readable medium ofclairo 252. wherein
`execution of the instructions perlomts further operations
`comprising retuming the display of the Web page to at previ-
`. ous view in response to a corresponding user i

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