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`PTO Grant NOV 1 7 1998




`**CONTINUING DATA*********************
` 4
`that annexed hereto is a true co y fr9m_ the rqcords of the United States
`This is to certi
`Patent and Tra emark Office of the application w Ich Is Identified above.
`By authority of the
`***** SMALL ENTITY *****
`SEATTLE WA 98104—7092
`Certifying Officer


`6300 Columbia Center
`Seattle, WA 98104-7092
`Phone (206) 622-4900
`Fax (206) 682-6031
`Express Mail Certificate No:
`Docket No:
`December 1, 1995
`Transmitted herewith for filing is the patent application of:
`Geoffrey J. Bunza
`Enclosed are:
`[ X]
`[ X]
`ll sheets of drawings
`, a corporation of .
`An assignment ofthe invention to:
`A Declaration and Power of Attorney (facsimile).
`An associate power of attorney.
`A verified statement to establish small entity status under 37 CPR. 1‘9 and 37 C.F.R. 1.27 (facsimile)
`A certified copy of Application No. , filed , fi'om which priority is claimed, .
`The filing fee has been calculated as shown below.
`Filed without fee or formal papers,
`ther Than A
`mail Enti
`Total Claims
`lnde - endent Claims
`( ) Multiple Dependent
`Claim Presented
`Please charge my Deposit Account No. 19-1090 in the amount of $_. A duplicate copy of this sheet is enclosed,
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`[ ] Any additional filing fees required under 37 CFR. 1‘ 16‘
`[ ] Any patent application processing fees under 37 C.F.R. l. 17‘
`Respectfully submitted,
` Michael J.
`Registration No. 35,859


`Geoffrey J 1 Bunza
`December 1, 1995
`Docket No.
`December 1, 1995
`Box Patent Application
`Assistant Commissioner for Patents
`Washington, DC 20231
`I hereby certify that the enclosures listed below are being deposited with the
`United States Postal Service "EXPRESS MAIL Post Office to Addressee" service under 37
`C.F.R. § 1.10, Mailing Label Certificate No, RB871013528US, on December 1, 1995,
`addressed to: Box Patent Application, Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, DC
`2023 1 ,
`Respectfully submitted,
`Kay HZwe
`Form PTO-1082 (+ copy)
`Specification, claims, abstract
`Drawings (Figures 1-10)


`MAILN0.: WWW («J/Q]
`Technical Field
`The present
`invention relates generally to computer hardware
`simulators, and, more specifically, to a system and method for the simulation of
`systems that combine hardware and software interaction.
`Background of the Invention
`The use of computer simulation has become widespread in many
`areas such as circuit design. The cost of manufacturing an integrated circuit is
`extremely high, and it
`is desirable that
`the hardware incorporated into the
`integrated circuit be tested prior to the actual fabrication of the chip. To that end,
`integrated circuit manufacturers often use simulators to test the hardware and the
`software intended to be executed by the hardware. The desired hardware design
`is designated as the target hardware, while the software intended to be executed
`by the target hardware is designated as the target program.
`There are several techniques that are used to simulate the target
`hardware and software. One approach is to simulate the hardware using a
`computer hardware simulator. The hardware simulator is a software program
`that simulates the responses of the target hardware and is implemented entirely in
`in the hardware simulator,
`the target hardware and target
`program are simulated entirely by computer software. Another approach uses a
`microprocessor emulator to model a microprocessor that is typically part of the
`target hardware and used to execute the target program. Thus, the target program
`and portions of the target hardware are simulated by hardware devices such as
`the processor emulator.
`Each of the above-described approaches has advantages and
`disadvantages. The hardware simulator is extremely slow and cumbersome,
`particularly when used to simulate a complex microprocessor executing a target
`program. Thus, testing a complete target program is impractical due to the
`extremely long execution times required by the typical hardware simulator. The
`processor emulator is able to execute a target program much faster than the
`hardware simulator but requires the development of external circuitry that is


`expected to interact with the target microprocessor.
`it can be
`appreciated that there is a significant need for a system that allows complete
`testing of the target hardware and software with efficiency and low cost. The
`present invention provides this and other advantages, as will be illustrated by the
`following description and accompanying figures.
`Summgy of the Invention
`The present invention is embodied in a system and method for
`testing and analyzing electronic systems, including a target microprocessor and
`simulated target circuitry, and accompanying target software to be executed on
`the target microprocessor. The system comprises a memory storing a plurality of
`computer instructions, including the target software and a processor emulator
`employing a hardware device for emulating the microprocessor. The processor
`emulator is coupled to the memory to execute the computer instructions. A
`hardware simulator is coupled to the processor emulator to simulate the target
`circuitry. A communications interface controls communication between the
`memory, the processor emulator, and the hardware simulator. The processor
`emulator communicates with the memory to receive the computer instructions
`and communicates with the hardware simulator using the communications
`interface only on an occasion when the target software requires interaction with
`the target circuitry,
`The processor emulator may be coupled to the hardware simulator
`by computer network connection, with the communications interface controlling
`communications over the network. The system may also include an exception
`detector coupled to the processor emulator to detect the occasion requiring the
`target software to interact with the target circuitry. The exception detector may
`temporarily halt execution of the plurality of computer instructions while the
`hardware simulator processes the occasion requiring the target software to
`interact with the target circuitry. The occasion requiring the target software to
`interact with the target circuitry may be an input/output (I/O) instruction to the
`simulator, with
`communication of the I/O instruction from the processor emulator to the
`hardware simulator.
`The processor emulator typically utilizes a first data format, and
`the hardware simulator uses a second data format. The system includes a
`translator to convert an event requiring the target software to interact with the


`target circuitry from the first data format to the second data format for events
`requiring interaction. The hardware simulator may contain a processor model
`shell to simulate the target circuitry.
`In such circumstances, the system also
`includes a mapper to map the event type to a set of signal sequences compatible
`with the processor model shell. The processor emulator may be coupled to the
`translator and mapper by a first computer network connection, with the
`communications interface controlling communication over the first network
`connection. The translator and the mapper may be coupled to the hardware
`simulator by a second computer network connection, with the communications
`interface controlling communication between the processor emulator and the
`hardware simulator over the first and second network connections. In a preferred
`embodiment, the mapper may directly determine the event type and map the
`event type into a set of signals compatible with the hardware simulator without
`the need of a translator.
`In one embodiment the processor emulator is a microprocessor
`emulator with the memory integrated therein with the integrated memory
`containing the computer instructions. In an alternative embodiment the processor
`emulator is a hardware circuit emulator with memory integrated therein, with the
`integrated memory containing the computer instructions.
`In another alternative embodiment,
`the system includes first and
`second target microprocessors each having a memory storing a set of computer
`instructions to be executed on the respective target microprocessors.
`In this
`the communications interface controls communication from the
`first and second processor emulators to the hardware simulator. The first and
`second processor emulators communicate with the first and second memories,
`to receive the first and second sets of computer instructions
`The first processor emulator communicates with the hardWare
`simulator using the communications interface only on an occasion when the
`target software for the first target microprocessor requires interaction with the
`target circuin and the second processor emulator communicates with the
`hardware simulator using the communications interface only on an occasion
`when the target
`software for
`the second target microprocessor
`interaction with the target circuitry.
`The dual target processor embodiment may also include first and
`second portions for the communications controller, with the first communications
`controller portion being operatively coupled to the first processor emulator to


`control communication between the first processor emulator and the hardware
`simulator only on the occasions when the target software for the first target
`microprocessor requires interaction with the target circuitry.
`The second
`communications controller portion is operatively coupled to the second processor
`emulator to control communications between the second processor emulator and
`the hardware simulator only on occasions when the target sofiware for the
`second target microprocessor requires interaction with the target circuitry. In this
`embodiment, the first and second processor emulators may be microprocessor
`emulators or hardware circuit emulators.
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`Figure 1 is a fimctional block diagram of a traditional hardware
`simulator employing a processor functional model to simulate target program
`set simulator.
`Figure 2 is a functional block diagram of a conventional instruction
`Figure 3 is a functional block diagram of a traditional hardware
`simulator employing a hardware modeler to simulate target program execution.
`Figure 4 is a functional block diagram of a conventional processor
`Figure 5 is a functional block diagram of a conventional hardware
`circuit emulator.
`Figure 6 is a fimctional block diagram ofthe present invention.
`Figure 7 is a table of processor operations which are used as part of
`a communications protocol with the system of Figure 6.
`Figures 8A and BB are flowcharts illustrating the operation of the
`control program in the present invention.
`Figure 9 is a functional block diagram of a dual processor
`configuration of the present invention employing two processor emulators.
`Figure 10 is a block diagram of a dual processor configuration of
`the present invention employing a processor emulator and a software processor
`simulation engine.
`Detailed Description of the Invention
`With the advent of 32-bit microprocessors and complex operating
`software, embedded systems have become very complex systems. The vast


`majority of electronic products built today include some form of computer
`hardware executing a stored sofiware program. An embedded system may
`typically include a microprocessor executing instructions and interacting with an
`application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) or a custom Integrated Circuit (IC).
`The microprocessor used in the system is designated herein as a target
`interacts with the
`circuitry that
`microprocessor, whether it
`is the ASIC, custom 1C, or some other form of
`electronic circuitry, is designated herein as the target circuitry. The combination
`of the target circuitry and the target microprocessor is designated herein as the
`target hardware. The software program that is intended to be executed by the
`target microprocessor is designated herein as the target program.
`Given the complexity and density of modern electronics designs, it
`is desirable that the first system prototype, including the target hardware and the
`target program, is typically close in form, fit, and function to the end product.
`The target hardware prototypes would therefore include the ASIC and custom IC
`designs, which were fabricated and passed their respective qualification and
`acceptance tests at the foundry.
`With respect to the target program, code is typically designed,
`written, and tested, module by module. The module integration process also
`involves testing of the integrated software modules. However, because the target
`hardware may not be available at the time of the software development, it is not
`possible to test the interaction of the target hardware and the target program. To
`substitute for the missing target hardware, pieces of the design are “stubbed out,”
`or mockups built
`to substitute for anticipated missing parts of the target
`hardware. The term “stubbed out” refers to a mock response to a program call to
`a location in the yet unbuilt circuitry. The programmer must program a return
`command that causes the target program to ignore the lack of a true response
`fiom the target circuitry. The substitution of mocked up target hardware requires
`further interpretation of the original hardware design specifications.
`common to find that no single combined soflware system integration occurs
`before the software is loaded onto the hardware prototype, let alone tested as a
`whole (stubbed out or otherwise).
`When software engineers start work, the physical target hardware
`which will ultimately execute the target program does not exist. The target
`program can be cross-compiled onto an existing system for testing, and the
`hardware-dependent parts of the target program can be emulated with other


`software modules. Typically, this entails writing simulated hardware functions
`to simulate the low—level interaction with the target hardware, allowing a “black-
`box” approach to the design. Thus, a particular software function can be written
`to simulate a response expected from the target hardware. If the projected target
`hardware changes, then only the particular simulated hardware function need be
`The rest of the simulation program remains unchanged.
`approach also allows some conceptual testing to occur. However, the ability to
`emulate the target hardware in custom software modules is normally very
`It can be a lengthy modeling task to write an equivalent functional
`module of the unbuilt target hardware.
`It can be an even larger task to verify that
`the sofiware module provides compatible responses to the target hardware circuit
`because the software module is simply the programmer’s interpretation of the
`original system specifications. The target program is not normally used with this
`approach, unless the development system happens to be the expected target
`computer system to some large extent.
`the hardware and software components of a target
`system design are brought together for the first time when the prototype target
`hardware has been fabricated. Because of the prior unavailability of the actual
`target hardware, one often finds that the target program loaded at the time of the
`integration of the prototype target hardware and software does not work.
`It is
`the integration problems are strictly due to software
`common to find that
`This may cause a significant delay in the software
`complications alone.
`development due to the problems in the target program. Other problems with the
`integration may be caused by the interaction of the target hardware with the
`target program. Consequently, considering the large cost of ASIC and custom IC
`design, and the relatively low cost ease of software modification, it is common
`that the software will be force-fitted to the target hardware prototype, thereby
`increasing the overall planned software development time.
`The target hardware can be simulated at the chip, board, and
`system level to varying extents. Because of the availability of simulated target
`there is a significant benefit to including the target program in a
`system simulation, including the chance to debug code and verify the correct
`operation of both the target program and target hardware before the target
`hardware is built. Problems associated with the interaction between the target
`hardware and the target program Can be detected and corrected before final


`hardware fabrication, often saving costly and time-consuming redesign of the
`Current technology facilitates only primitive and low performance
`hardware and software simulation. Large amounts of processing power are
`required to simulate a microprocessor executing a few hundred lines of the target
`program code.
`Traditional hardware simulated microprocessors
`approximately 1-4 microprocessor instructions per second, which barely allows
`for a system to boot itself up. Meaningful system simulations, where significant
`amounts of target program code are to be executed, require massive computing
`The target hardware prototype is built in order to verify that the
`target program runs with the custom designed target circuitry and target
`microprocessor. One issue in using the target hardware prototype is the loss of
`debug visibility once the prototype is built. As those skilled in the art can readily
`the typical embedded system does not have any debugging and
`control capabilities. When errors are detected in the prototype target system,
`there are no facilities to utilize the software development tools required to debug,
`analyze and correct the problems. A loss of visibility refers to the inability to
`examine the contents of internal registers, memory locations, and the like. The
`prototype hardware also lacks debugging control ability, which is the ability to
`control the flow of the target program using start and stop command, single step
`commands, and the like.
`A brief discussion of conventional simulation systems will serve to
`distinguish the present
`invention. Conventional simulations systems can be
`categorized as hardware,
`software, or a combination.
`The “brute-force”
`illustrated in
`hardware simulation method of verifying the target system,
`Figure 1, uses a hardware simulator 20. The hardware simulator 20 is a software
`program that accepts a description of the target hardware, including electrical and
`logical properties of the target microprocessor and the target circuitry. The target
`hardware design may be specified graphically by schematic diagrams or by a
`hardware description language (HDL),
`such as VHDL.
`The hardware
`simulator 20 is a commercially available product.
`The hardware simulator 20 simulates signal propagation and logical
`functionality of the target hardware event by event.
`It should be noted that a
`typical microprocessor instruction cycle is actually the result of a large number
`of hardware events within the target. Thus, the hardware simulator 20 attempts


`to represent signal timing, signal strength, and logical function as accurately as
`possible, often enabling sub-nanosecond timing accuracy in simulating these
`hardware events. To achieve this degree of accuracy for a highly complex target
`microprocessor, functions are often represented with detailed structures, although
`most hardware simulators allow multiple levels of modeling abstraction from a
`switch or transistor level model to a high level behavioral model.
`A target program 22 is compiled into object code, and the object
`code is downloaded into a processor memory model 24 within the hardware
`simulator 20. A processor functional model 26 is a software description,
`including the electrical and logical properties, of the target microprocessor, while
`a target circuitry functional mode128 provides a model of the target circuitry,
`such as an ASIC, or other custom or semi-custom design.
`The hardware
`simulator 20 allows the processor functional model 26 to simulate execution of
`the target program 22 event by event. As discussed above,
`the processor
`frmctional model 26 and the target circuitry functional model 28 can be specified
`to various levels of abstraction by a conventional HDL.
`There are disadvantages in using the hardware simulator 20 to
`simulate the target hardware. Microprocessor manufacturers are cautious about
`providing the full-functional processor model 26 that could be
`engineered into a competitive product.
`In addition, the full-frmctional processor
`model 26 can be extremely detailed for a complex circuit such as the target
`microprocessor. For an accurate simulation,
`the hardware simulator 21 must
`simulate all activity that occurs in the target microprocessor using the processor
`functional model 26 to detect tinting errors, race conditions, and the like. This
`requires many processor cycles in the hardware simulator 20 to simulate each
`instruction of the target program 22 by the target hardware. The execution time
`required to simulate the full-functional processor model 26 can add significantly
`to the simulation run-times. The target program 22 can be quite long. The
`additional burden of trying to run longer simulation required for larger target
`program 22 into the processor memory model 24 can consume large amounts of
`system resources, and simulation run time can become unacceptably long.
`Typical simulation speeds may only reach 2-4 microprocessor instructions per
`If the target program 22 malfunctions, then the programmer has the
`unenviable task of debugging the target program and relating the object code
`locations back to some high-level program statements outside the typical


`software development environment.
`This debugging task must
`typically be
`accomplished without the aid of debuggers or any other software design and
`analysis tools.
`Variations on the use of the full
`fimctional mode126 in the
`hardware simulator 20 include a trade~off in both timing accuracy and gross
`fimctionality. To speed the overall hardware simulation,
`timing accuracy is
`sometimes only maintained for major processor or bus cycles, reducing the
`overall number of simulated events. However, the loss of such detailed analysis
`means that timing problems and race conditions may not be reliably detected.
`Delay calculations can also be curtailed using “zero-delay” timing for hardware
`functions. A zero-delay timing system assumes that all events happen without
`propagation delays or response delays. This assumes that all internal functions in
`the target microprocessor occur with zero delay and that response from that
`target circuitry also occur with zero delay. While this approach speeds up the
`simulation, it does not providei an accurate simulation of the system timing.
`Another form of software simulation of the target hardware uses an
`instruction set simulator (ISS) 40, illustrated in Figure 2. The ISS 40 includes a
`memory 42 that contains the target program 22. The ISS 40 strives to guarantee
`functional accuracy of both instruction functions and memory references only at
`the processor instruction level. As a result, accuracy to detailed internal timing is
`sacrificed for speed. The speed of a typical ISS 40 is on the order of 1,000-
`10,000 microprocessor instructions per second. While the ISS 40 provide a
`functional model of the target microprocessor, they do not interface with custom
`designed hardware such as
`the ASIC.
`The ISS 40 executes the target
`program 44, but has only limited visibility to circuitry outside of the target
`The typical ISS 40 does not represent any custom target
`circuitry in simulation beyond a register reference, and hence is of limited value
`to hardware designers.
`The systems illustrated in Figures] and 2 simulate the target
`hardware completely in software. As is known by those of ordinary skill in the
`art, software simulation of the target hardware offers relatively low cost and
`flexibility'in altering the simulated target hardware. However, the total software
`simulation approach suffers from the disadvantages that the target hardware often
`cannot be completely modeled.
`In addition, the simulator processing time is
`enormous for the processor functional model 26 (see Figure 1) making it difficult
`or impossible to simulate the complete target program 22.


`A common technique to address
`e unacceptably long run-times
`encountered with the full functional mode122’(sLee Figure 1)15 to replace the full
`fimctional model1n the hardware simulator 20 with a physical integrated circuit
`(IC) microprocessor 50, as illustrated in Figure 3. The micr0processor 50 is
`connected to the hardware simulator 20 viaLa/hardware modeler 52 The target
`program 22 is contained'm the memory mode 4 in the hardware simulator 20,
`and all instructions are executed out of the memory modc124, as previously
`discussed with respect to Figure 1. A significant difference between the system
`illustrated in Figure] and that of Figure 3 is that the processor functional
`model 26 (see Figure 1), which is simulated completely in software, is replaced
`by the physical microprocessor 50 and the hardware modeler 52.
`microprocessor 50 may be the actual target microprocessor or other circuit to
`simulate the behavior of the target microprocessor.
`It should be noted that the
`physical microprocessor 50 and the hardware modeler 52
`are hardware
`components rather than software simulations. The cost of the typical hardware
`modeler 52 can be quite high, ranging from $40,000 to over $200,000.
`While the use of the hardware modeler 52 can provide a full
`functional processor model, regardless of processor complexity, the significant
`extra cost of the hardware modeler 52 is not always reflected by an increase in
`a vector
`hardware modeler 52
`simulation performance. The
`memory (not shown) to store the input data for each pin of the physical
`microprocessor 50 for each time slice of the hardware simulator. A time slice
`can be arbitrarily small, and is typically less than a single microprocessor clock
`cycle. As previously discussed, the detection of timing problems requires an
`event by event analysis, including propagation delays, of the target hardware.
`The hardware modeler 52 runs lockstep with the hardware simulator 20 with the
`physical microprocessor 50 generating the next set of binary signals from the
`vector memory at the microprocessor pin connections for incorporation with the
`next simulated step of the hardware simulator 20.
`the hardware
`modeler 52
`synchronization with
`simulator 20.
`The processor in the hardware modeler 52 is ofien a dynamic
`device that must maintain a running clock in order to retain data. Because the
`hardware simulator 20 simulates the system responses event by event for an
`arbitrarily small time slice, the physical microprocessor 50 must wait for each
`simulation cycle to be completed by the hardware simulator 20. Therefore, the


`physical microprocessor 50 must be reset areal-fire start of each simulation cycle,
`and all the previous vectors rerun. As the simulations get longer, the time taken
`to rerun all the previous vectors increases. Executing the target program 22 takes
`a large number of clock cycles, often exceeding the maximum amount of vector
`memory available for the hardware modeler 52 and thus severely limiting the
`length of the target program.
`In addition to the large memory refluirement in the
`hardware modeler 52, the execution of the target program-24'AF“ the object-code
`level does not provide a convenient means for debugging the target program 22.
`The system illustrated in Figure 3 uses some hardware, namely the
`hardware modeler 52, to model portions of the target hardware. However, as
`discussed above, this approach is both costly and limited in its ability to model
`the large size of the typical target program 22. Another device used to model the
`target processor is a processor emulator 60, illustrated in Figure 4. The processor
`emulator 60 is a hardware device that substitutes for the target microprocessor.
`Processor emulators are conventional devices presently available fr

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