1 E mu I at ion S y s te m
`video_p: process
`wait until CLK’event and CLK = '1’
`'if{RESET = '0’) then
`RED <= “00OO0000“;
`GREEN <= "0O000OO0“;
`BLUE <= “00O000O0";
`if (V_BLANK = '0’ O1‘ H__BLANK 2
`RED <= "0O000OO0“;’
`GREEN <= “0O0O00O0";
`BLUE <=-“00000000";
`if X__COUNT(3)
`else RED <= "OOOOOO
`end if; -- X_COUNT
`if Y_COUNT(4) = '1’
`else GREEN <= "0000
`Bring Your High Levei Designs to Life. Fast.

`' A high-level bottleneck I
`if you’re designing the new, generation of complex electronic systems with multiple ASlCs
`‘ or designing systems-on-a-chip, your team undoubtedly uses the latest tools for high-level
`design automation.
`Hardware description languages (HDLs) enable you to evaluate designs at behavioral
`‘and register transfer levels (RTL). Then, automated synthesis tools help you create
`manufacturable gate-level design descriptions. Using these tools, your team’s design
`creation productivity has probably increased fivefold compared with older methodologies.
`Yet managing the complexity of chip and system verification with gate-level simulations
`can bring your team’s progress to a standstill. Furthermore, it's extremely difficult to
`determine ifnew IC designs" will perform as required in a real system using software
`before actually fabricating silicon and testing it.
`Logic emulation is the proven technology to manage the complexity of chip designs and.
`system verification. lt enables designers to exercise chips in a real operating environment
`several orders of magnitude faster than a simulator.
`But until now, emulation only accepted the gate-level netlist output of synthesis tools.
`So your team could not take advantage of emulation during the early stages of the design
`process when working with RTL designs.
`Quickturn opens the bottleneck,
`Today, you cantconquer high-level verification problems with a new emulation solution.aQ;
`Quickturn Design Systems, the leader in system-‘level verification. We call it the HDL-HICE
`ASIC Emulation System. But you’ll call it a high-level design verification dream come true.
`Quickturn’s emulation technology creates a highly observable and reprogrammable “virtual
`silicon’"” representation of complex designs in hardware directly from your VHDL orsVeri|og
`RTL designs. Now you can expose your system to real-time operating conditions very early
`in the design cycle.
`You can debug chips, systems, and software at hardware speeds, before the process of
`gate-level synthesis and optimization for layout and manufacturing.
`What's more, by starting system-level verification several weeks or months earlier, you .
`can increase product quality and obtain a full working system with first silicon. lt’s the best
`A way to increase productivity on HDL-based designs.
`Directly reads Verilog or VHDL designs in RTL or mixed RTL and
`ll-Imulates ASIC and ASSP designs with up to 250,000 emulation—gate ~
`Memory compiler automatically maps `n ROMs and register filés
`Automatic, single-pass, correct-by-construction design mapping
`Integrated logic analyzer and pattern generator capturesland
`processes large volumes of real-tim_e data 0}n
`Fast, incremental design change capability shortens design
`iteration cycles
`Debug familar RTL code with Source l_.ev“e| Browser
`U 3 E
`U U

`.En‘1 Iation System’
`Create real working"systen1s fast
`Together, the HDL_and Quest. emulation software components provide a unique approach to efficiently
`mapping designs described in"jsy‘nthesizable RTL. HDL—lCE is the only emulation solution that logical P maps
`the design directly from Veriloggor VHDL code into emulation hardware primitives. This represents vast V
`improvement in generating gate‘-level netlists over using silicon oriented synthesis tools which are optimized
`for silicon fabrication, and not extended debug. With HDL-ICE, the design is mapped rapidly and directly to
`the emulator.
`Further, HDL—lCE preserves the familiar RTL net names which is essential to providing an efficient debug
`Quest software partitions your design into blocks, automatically using a correct—by-Construction process, so
`that even complex designs are ready for emulation in a single pass. By directly mapping designs from RTL,
`you can control emulation and debug at the source level. And by rapidly processing large blocks of RTL design
`descriptions, you can shorten time-to—emulation.
` n
`V I

`+ "A
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`Flexible memory emulation
`Using Quest’s memory compiler, you can automatically compile the broad range of memory configurations
`found in today’s ASICs, including single, dual and triple port RAM, ROM or register files.
`Reliable, in-circuit connections
`Quickturn’s new Target Interface Module (TIM) is a subsystem that addresses the complex issue of interfacing to
`the real world. It simplifies making low stress mechanical connections to the prototype target system and minimizes
`signal integrity problems using standard adapters that route system 1/O signals to signals in the emulated design.
`The TIM subsystem also provides 3 and 5 volt support. For design reuse, complex ASIC functions —including
`microcontrollers, CPUs, peripheral controllers, and complex macro functions—— can be accurately emulated by
`plugging real chips into the TIM.
`Easily blends into your design environment
`HDL-ICE lets you import your entiredesign or incrementally import modified modules. It supports most
`popular netlist formats including RTL and structural Verilog, as well as VHDL* , EDIF, TDL, and NDL. In
`addition, Quickturn provides a comprehensive set ofpopular ASIC and synthesis vendor libraries to automati-
`cally map the building blocks ofyour design into emulationiprimitives. Quicl<turn’s library tools allow you
`to create your own proprietary library cells using Quickturn functional building blocks for logic and memory
`*Availab|e firs: half of 19953 ,
`. SYNOPSYS 1008

`’ 0 ' nn then "
`if (RESET = ’ 0 ’
`\1se if HS NC'event and HSYNC = '1'
`if (
`(L_coUNT >=*v#FRsNW
`then V_;BLAV‘:
`else V_BLANK <:
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`Register Transfer
`T1’ IV‘! 7"I\"ff"I
`Level Compilation
`IC Design
`_ j; '
`Target System
`Target System, IC and Software Debugging
`at Hardware Speeds

`Pinpoint system level problems months earlier
`The HDL—'ICE’s integrated PowerDebug environment helps you quickly and easily locate errors, probe circuit intemals, and
`make changes in the HDL code. Power Debug interacts with the waveform display and the debug kemel to give you high
`level control of debugging activities.
`HDL Debug
`Functional Test
`. Logic Analyzer
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`Debug HDL source code
`Tight integration between the HDL Hierarchy Browser, source code windows, and waveform windows give you the
`power to zoom into design problems within your source code. You can easily drag-and-drop information between
`windows showing HDL structure and contents into forms in the Quest emulation software.
`Accelerate vector debugging tests
`To verify your emulation implementation, Vector Debug mode lets you run a virtually unlimited number of vectors at
`speeds orders of magnitude faster than simulators. You can apply breakpoints, query signals, read back intemal nodes,
`I single step, and continue just as ifyou were running a simulator — only much faster.
`Interactive Readbackm capability streamlines debugging by letting you take snap—shots of internal register state and sig-
`nal data anywhere in the emulated design. So you can select and access thousands of signals without recompiling your
`design and without affecting your hardware setup. Using this technique, you can selectively probe key nodes to access
`cycle—by—cycle data, unrestricted by the number of available channels in the logic analyzer, and without affecting the usable
`emulation gate "capacity, available I/O resources, system configuration, or timing.
`Verify correct emulation mapping
`For regression testing, the System Realizer also provides a Functional Test mode, which runs up to 128K ofvectors at
`speeds up to 4 MHz in an IC tester—like functional validation environment. It includes built-in automatic vector com-
`pare logic for quick go/no go testing. Apply stimulus vectors to the emulated design allows you to quickly verify cor-
`rect emulation mapping.
`Zoom into design problems fast
`Once the emulated design is plugged into a target system environment, Quicl<turn’s embedded logic analyzer
`lets you zoom into design problems and quickly pinpoint necessary changes. The 1152 channel, 128k deep Logic
`Analyzer has state machine based trigger and acquire capability (up to 8 states) and 8 event trigger support.

`\ «Q
`The HDI.—l(.l~. .-\t~l(-. I.It\\‘l:‘
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`system leverage
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`Automatically erenlt‘ \‘
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`s0urce—level cleltlllllllml M"
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`Speed design ilt‘
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`To help you meet yum’
`l'wIii» Hll"""
`lines, Quickturn l)eMi;4H 3‘
`complete documentnllmi.
`training and l10tlim' H”l’l""'l l"
`for our .solutmn.~ th
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`your productivity.
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`' Y4 ntinuilw.
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`SpeAe;:.fI,. through design iteration cycles
`HDL-1C1-I enables you to l‘1l].7lLll}';ll1(l easily l'L‘Pl‘0gI‘Lll11)'0LlI‘Cl11L1liltl0l1 environment. By
`’ncrementa1ll\' adding wrobes durinv emulation, vou can L uicklv identifv am’ bu is vou mi tht
`hnd 1nyo—Lu' design and shorten design itenition cycles.
` .
`L sing HDL-l(.I-. 5 1nc1'ement'al design compilation opt1on,you can then make quick, mcre—
`-..- .
`mental design changes at any le\ el 01‘ the l11CIfl1Ll1} without iecompiling the entire design.
`Incremental compile autoimticully detects the ClTdngc‘S in a l'l11IOI‘ l1iei'u1‘cl1ieal design netlist
`and alters only the affected portion of an l-l’(:A in a configured emulation system, while
`ensuring timing correctness.
`_ SYNOPSYS 1008

`Features and Specifications
`HDL—ICE ASIC Emulation System
`Hierarchical multiplexing architecture
`Custom interconnect chip
`Xilinx 40 I 3 FPGA
`250,000 emulation gates*
`Memory Support
`Memory compiler for RAM
`(single or multi-port) and ROM
`Emulation Speed
`IIO connections
`4-8 MHZ typicaI**
`Up to 600 total I/O signals
`Design entry
`Target System
`484 for PGA
`330 for QFP
`Existing components
`Mixed RTL and gate—|eveI
`design import
`Maps RTL into emulation primitives
`HDL debugger
`Quest Emulation Software:
`Single-pass automatic compilation
`Correct-by—construction timing
`Incremental compilation
`Verilog, VHDL*** , EDIF, TDL,
`NDL formats
`Over 55 ASIC libraries available
`Integrated logic analyzer.
`I I52 probes.
`l28K depth memory, I6 MHz operation,
`8 events, complex trigger and acquire,
`Interactive readback
`Bench top (8.5’' H x 4.5" D x 27.7" \/V)
`500 watts
`65 lbs
`_90 l- 220 VAC
`Form factor
`Line in
`World Headquarters
`and Western Sales
`Quicktum Design Systems. Inc.
`440 Clyde Avenue
`Mountain View, CA 94043
`Phone 4|5-967-3300
`Eastern Sales
`Quiclctum Design Systems. Inc.
`Suite 340
`33 Boston Post Road
`Mariborough, MA 0I752
`Phone 508-480-0660
`Central Sales
`Quiclctum Design Systems, Inc.
`Suite 600
`I0l East Park Boulevard
`Plano, TX 75074
`Phone 2I4-5 I 6-3838
`European Headquarters
`Quiclctum Design Systems - GmbH
`Kronstadter Strasse 9
`8 I 677 Munich, Germany
`Phone 49 (89) 939-44I 0
`Quicktum Design Systems, Inc.
`Madre Matsuda Bldg. 4F
`4-I3 Kioi-cho
`Chiyoda-ku. Tokyo I 02 Japan
`Phone 8 I '(3) 3237 68 I 0
`Quicktum, The Quicktum Logo, Quicktum Design
`Systems. Quest, PowerDebug, and HDL-ICE are trade- ' ‘
`marks of Quicktum Design Systems, Inc. All other trade-
`marks or registered trademarks are the property of their
`respective holdeis.
`* Actual emulation capacity is design style and memory dependent. For
`example. designs with low pin-to-net ratios and many small memories may
`achieve 250K gateslmodule. Typical design styles will achieve |50K
`gates/‘module or 500k transistors.
`"°"Actual performance is design dependent.
`*"°"AvaiIable first half of I995.
`. SYNOPSYS 1008

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