Breakpoints and Breakpoint Detection in
`Source Level Emulation
`Gernot Koch1, Udo Kebschull1, Wolfgang Rosenstiel2
`1Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI), Haid-und-Neu-Straße 10-14, D 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
`2FZI and University of Tübingen, Sand 13, D 72076 Tübingen, Germany
`In this paper we discuss, what breakpoints in Source Level
`Emulationa are, how we can work with them and how we
`have to change the cicuit generated by high level synthesis
`to do so. We show the details of breakpoint encoding and
`detection in our approach. The presented approach allows
`for breakpoint detection by hardware means without seri-
`ously slowing down the circuit or dramatically increasing
`its size.
`1. Introduction
`For years, high level synthesis is of increasing impor-
`tance in design automation. The increasing number of
`commercial available tools for high level synthesis indi-
`cates that the abstraction level of the design entry will
`raise to the algorithmic level at least for some kinds of
`While there is much effort spent in methods for synthe-
`sis, there are only few groups concentrating on design val-
`idation and debugging of high level specifications. In
`general, validation can be done by simulation and emula-
`tion. Simulation is a powerful means to detect mistakes in
`the specification. Some groups work on simulation tools
`for whole systems consisting of hardware and software
`and even other technologies like mechanics [1][2]. How-
`ever, simulation can only be applied to the specification
`level, and even there, a design can only be partially vali-
`dated because simulation is very time consuming.
`Validating at the specification level is not sufficient, if
`high level synthesis is applied. There are interface compo-
`nents and custom components in such designs, which are
`not visible at the algorithmic level. So validation is also
`necessary on lower levels of abstraction. But there, simula-
`tion is less applicable because it is too slow.
`a. Work partially supported by the Deutsche For-
`schungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
`Emulation is a technique, which allows for validation
`of designs at a low abstraction level almost in real time [3].
`But emulation works at the gate level. Thus, a designer
`cannot relate the probed signals to the specification. For
`this reason, debugging is only possible at the I/O signals of
`the system. Quickturn has addressed this problem with the
`HDL-ICE [4] system, which allows to relate the probed
`signals to an RT-specification, but still there is a big gap
`between the algorithmic level and the level, where valida-
`tion is done.
`In [10], we have proposed Source Level Emulation
`(SLE) as a method to close this gap by combining behav-
`ioral simulation with hardware emulation. The idea of
`SLE is to run the application on an emulator hardware and
`to keep the correlation between hardware elements and the
`behavioral VHDL source such that it is possible to stop the
`hardware by interrupting the clock and to extract values of
`variables in the source code by reading registers of the cir-
`cuit. This correlation is mainly obtained through logging
`the synthesis steps of the high level synthesis.
`SLE allows for symbolic debugging of a running hard-
`ware similar to software debugging. This includes the
`examination of variables, the setting of breakpoints, and
`single step operation. All this is possible with the applica-
`tion running as a real hardware implementation on a hard-
`ware emulator. By backannotating the values read from the
`circuit, we can do debugging at the source code level. We
`do not need to capture the environment of the application
`in a simulator. We just connect the emulator to the envi-
`ronment of the application. There is no need to write
`(often enormous) simulation environments in VHDL
`which is even better since these simulation environments
`are at least as fault-prone as the application itself.
`In this paper, we discuss two important issues of SLE in
`more detail: The hardware that we introduce additionally
`into the generated circuit to set and detect breakpoints, to
`read data path registers, and to control the circuit opera-
`tion. The second issue of this paper is to define, what a
`breakpoint is in terms of hardware and how we can man-


`age to set and detect such breakpoints without needing a
`tremendous hardware overhead and without extremely
`slowing down the circuit. In the next chapter we discuss
`the breakpoint issue. In chapter 3 we give a detailed
`description of the hardware extensions we need for SLE.
`We conclude the paper with some results in chapter 4 and
`a summary.
`2. Breakpoints in SLE
`2.1. Breakpoint definition
`High level synthesis generates a circuit from a software
`program like specification. The circuit contains a data
`path, where the data computations are carried out, and a
`controller, which controls when a component in the data
`path is active. The controller is a finite state machine that
`sets control values for the data path and reacts to condition
`values from the data path.
`Since we want to debug a running circuit at the source
`code level, we have to define a breakpoint as something
`which is visible in the source code. On the other hand, a
`breakpoint must also be visible in the circuit to enable us
`to detect it. Thus, we define a breakpoint as an operation
`like +, *, etc. If such an operation is executed by a compo-
`nent, we can detect it in the running hardware.
`Definition 1. A breakpoint is a triple (Op, IO, T). It is
`interpreted as the time T, at which the input or output IO of
`operation Op transports data.
`Definition 2. A breakpoint is called detectable break-
`point, if Op is implemented by a hardware component and
`if IO is visible in the data path at the RT level.
`Figure 1 illustrates the definitions. Part a) shows all
`inputs and outputs of a '+' operation as visible in the data
`path. Part b) shows an example, where the input/output X
`is not visible due to an optimization during synthesis.
`In the following, we will use breakpoint as synonym to
`detectable breakpoint. The use of non detectable break-
`points is not allowed since we cannot detect them by hard-
`ware means.
`2.2. Breakpoint types
`One possibility to detect the time T of a breakpoint in
`the hardware is by looking at the controller states, since
`the controller manages the sequential behavior of the data
`path. The relation between the breakpoint time, and a con-
`troller state is static and known from the synthesis process.
`In the data path, there are operations which are always
`executed in a certain controller state. We call breakpoints
`Y := A + B;
`X := A(i) * B(i);
`Y := Y + X;
`A(i) B(i)
`Figure 1. a) A, B, Y as detectable breakpoints
`and b) X as non detectable bp
`at this type of operations Moore breakpoints. Such a
`breakpoint is reached, if the controller state matches the
`breakpoint time T.
`There are also operations, that are executed at transi-
`tions of controller states. To detect breakpoints at those
`operations, we need to know about the current state and
`the next state of the controller. These breakpoints are
`called Mealy breakpoints. A Mealy breakpoint is
`reached, if the controller state matches the breakpoint time
`T and if the next state is right one for the breakpoint.
`Both, Mealy and Moore breakpoints, can be extended
`by data dependency. This allows for setting a conditional
`breakpoint. For instance we could say "stop at B in the
`expression Y := A * B; if B = 5." More sophisticated
`conditions are possible, but require also more hardware
`overhead. Naturally, we could always stop at a breakpoint
`and do the evaluation of the conditional expression in soft-
`ware after reading the corresponding values from the cir-
`cuit. This is not what we want, since it would make it
`impossible to run the circuit in its real environment. Thus
`we have to keep the conditions very simple.
`2.3. Breakpoint encoding
`Since we want to react, if a breakpoint is reached by
`interrupting the circuit, we have to detect the breakpoints
`by hardware means. To do that, we need to encode the
`breakpoints in a way that allows for very simple testing
`whether a controller state corresponds to a breakpoint or
`not. This encoding of the breakpoint (breakpoint ID) has
`to satisfy the following constraints:
`• Different breakpoints must have different IDs.
`• For each controller state that is element of a particular
`breakpoint set the controller must produce the correspond-
`ing breakpoint ID. This can be compared to a breakpoint
`register. If equal, the breakpoint is reached.
`Above, we have implicitly mentioned. that a breakpoint
`would correspond to one controller state. Then the state


`problem. Thus, for the general case, a heuristic has to be
`2.4. A heuristic for breakpoint encoding
`The heuristic we use is driven by the following assump-
`tions and facts:
`• Usually, if a breakpoint set A intersects with another
`breakpoint set B, then A is a subset of B or vice versa.
`• A subset structure like the one given in Figure 2 can
`be constructed, but it will happen very rarely to that
`extend, since the data dependencies usually won‘t allow
`for such differences in the execution order in different if-
`• Breakpoint intersection can only happen in the local
`context of loops if these contain a hierarchy of if-branches.
`There cannot be an intersection of breakpoints belonging
`to different loops, since all loop are scheduled independ-
`ently of each other. This greatly reduces the size of such
`intersected breakpoint clusters.
`The algorithm we use is hierarchically organized. A
`level of hierarchy is made up of all intersecting sets,
`excluding supersets, which belong to the next higher level,
`and subsets, which belong to the next lower level. Encod-
`ing starts at the highest of hierarchy.
`We define Top as the set of all breakpoint sets, Top(S) as
`the set of all subsets of S. The set of clusters in the set S is
`C(S), where a cluster CS is given by:
`N M∩
`N M∪
`N M∪
`Init: We set the working set Current = Top.
`Step 1:
`: Assign a binary
`CCurrent C Current
`encoding (the cluster ID). The following sub-encodings of
`different clusters are attached to the cluster ID and can
`share the same bit positions.
`Step 2: Within each CCurrent, all intersecting sets are
`assigned one bit. This number of bits is added to the clus-
`ter ID.
` ∈(∀
`Step 3:
` : Set
`CCurrent C Current
`S CCurrent
`Current = Top(S), and go to Step 1. The result of this sub-
`encoding is attached to the encoding achieved so far. For
`different S, these share the same bit positions.
`In step 2, we need the assumptions we made above
`about the intersection of breakpoints. E.g. in a case like the
`one given in figure 2, the encoding according to step 2 is
`far away from being optimal. Here we would need 8 bits
`with our heuristic, while an encoding with 4 bits is possi-
`ble to fulfil the constraints mentioned above.
`The number of bits is given by the following recursive
`Bits Top( )
`Bits ∅(
`max CTop(
`C Top
`max Bits S CTop(
`encoding would also serve as breakpoint encoding for
`hardware breakpoint detection. The reality is not as sim-
`ple. A breakpoint can be represented by a whole set of
`controller states. Furthermore, these sets of states can
`intersect, as the example in figure 2 shows. For instance
`this could be caused by path based scheduling [7].
`In Figure 2 we have constructed a case to show what
`3 5 7
`if cond then
` C := M + N; (OP1)
` X := X1 + X2; (OP2)
`end if;
`Y1 := A + B; (OP3)
`Y2 := B + C; (OP4)
`Y3 := Y1 + A; (OP5)
`Y4 := Y1 + B; (OP6)
`Y5 := Y2 + Y3; (OP7)
`cond OP1 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 OP2
`Figure 2. Breakpoints represented by an inter-
`secting set of controller states
`can happen. For simplicity, we identify the breakpoint tri-
`ple (Op, IO, T) by the operation Op.The code fragment
`does not compute anything sensible, but a similar case
`may occur in a real example. If we constrain the hardware
`resources to two adders and a comparator, scheduling and
`controller construction can result in a controller as shown.
`The left path of the controller shows the if-path, the right
`one shows the else-path. There are 8 detectable break-
`points, three of them represented by one controller state,
`the others represented by two states each.
`In state 3, for instance, we have to produce the ID of
`breakpoint OP3 and of breakpoint OP4, but we can only
`have one controller output word in this state. An easy but
`inefficient way to solve the problem would be to code each
`breakpoint with three bit and to have a 6-bit word as con-
`troller output containing both IDs. The first 3 bit would
`then indicate OP3, while the last 3 bit would indicate OP4.
`To detect breakpoint OP3, we would tell the breakpoint
`comparator to ignore the last 3 bit. States 3 and 4 have to
`show the same pattern in the first 3 bit then. The same rule
`can be applied to each state. Then we would have to add a
`6 bit word to the controller outputs just for breakpoint
`detection. This can cause an explosion of the controller
`logic in larger applications.
`In general, this can be formulated as the problem to
`binary encode elements of an arbitrary set structure in a
`way, that, given a particular subset code, one can see
`whether or not an element is part of that subset just by
`ignoring some bit positions (which are fixed for a subset).
`As many other problems in synthesis, this is an NP-hard


`0 10 10
`0 10 00
`0 10 11
`0 10 01
`0 11 00
`0 01 10
`0 01 11
`0 01 01
`1 1 1 --
`1 1 0 --
`Table 1. Example State encodings
`fier. The identifier is a signal generated by the controller.
`An example of the VHDL style of the generated controller
`together with the breakpoint identifier is shown in figure 4.
`fsmlogic: process(current_state, input_list)
` case current_state is
` WHEN state1 =>
`identifier <= "01010";
` WHEN state2 =>
`identifier <= "01000";
` ......
` end case;
`end process fsmlogic;
`Figure 4. Breakpoint IDs in the generated
`VHDL controller
`It is a process with a case statement, in which the outputs
`and the next state are computed according to the current
`state. In each state, we generate the corresponding identi-
`fier for breakpoint detection.
`The breakpoint detection logic we need to add to the
`generated circuit is shown in figure 5.
`We need a register to write in the desired breakpoint
`and a mask register, where we tell the comparator, which
`bits of the breakpoint identifier and the breakpoint register
`it should ignore. The first bit of the breakpoint register
`tells the comparator to constantly output '0' if it is set, i.e.
`it represents the operation with no breakpoint set. The
`comparator tests the not masked bits of the breakpoint
`identifier and the breakpoint register for equality. If equal,
`the BP-reached signal is raised to '1'. The BP-scanin signal
`represents a scan path for setting and changing break-
`points in circuit. Thus, we do not need to synthesize the
`the algorithm
`runtime of
`The worst case
`O(Bp2 * CS), where Bp denotes the number of possible
`different breakpoints and CS denotes the number of con-
`troller states. This is an equal complexity to state of the art
`scheduling algorithms since Bp is proportional to the
`number of operations. In practice, the runtime is much
`less, since there is no global intersection of breakpoints,
`thus the algorithm always works locally.
`2.5. Example for breakpoint encoding
`The example in figure 3 shows a number of intersecting
`breakpoints to which we apply our algorithm to clarify its
`9 1
`6 7 8
`3 4
`Figure 3. Example for the encoding algorithm
`First, we identify two clusters at the top level of hierar-
`C1: Bp. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
`C2: Bp. 7, 8
`The first bit of the encoding is then '0' for C1 and '1' for
`C2. The next bits depend on the clusters and may be
`shared for different clusters. For C2 we get one bit for Bp.
`7 on the highest level and if we go down one level, we get
`an additional bit for Bp. 8.
`For cluster 1, we get 2 bits, one for Bp.1 and one for
`Bp. 2 at the highest level. Going down one level, we get
`another 2 bit for Bp. 3 and Bp. 4, which share the positions
`with the 2 bit for Bp. 5 and Bp. 6. Thus, the encoding of
`the states is according to table 1.
`Bit 1 tells us the cluster, bit 2 indicates that a state
`belongs to Bp 1, if we are in cluster C1, or to Bp. 7, if we
`are in cluster C2. The meaning of the other bits is analog
`to that. The encoding needs 5 bit, which is optimal by
`chance in this case. It cannot be done with less bits and
`still satisfy the necessary constraints.
`3. Breakpoint detection in the hardware
`3.1. Breakpoint detection logic
`As mentioned above, we can detect breakpoints by
`comparing the encoded controller state identifier with a
`given breakpoint ID. Depending on the breakpoint we are
`interested in, we need to ignore certain bits of the identi-


`BP-ID (from controller)
`BP scanin
`BP-ID reg.
`mask reg.
`BP reached
`Figure 5. Breapoint detection logic
`circuit each time we want to set a new breakpoint. All this
`is done dynamically in the implemented circuit.
`The detection of data dependent breakpoints is also
`very similar to that. We just replace each register in the
`data path by a component which contains a data register, a
`programmable register for breakpoint detection and a
`3.2. Debugging controller
`The programming of breakpoints and the interrupt of
`the circuit is done by the debugging controller. This com-
`ponent allows the host to control the circuit operation. An
`abstract scheme of its operation is shown in figure 6.
`Step one
`Write to
`breakpoint or
`data path
` registers
`data path
`or Interrupt
`Figure 6. Simplified diagram of dbg. controller
`The macro state command is the initial state of the
`controller. In this state it waits for a command and the cir-
`cuit is interrupted. As commands we can have the follow-
`• Write a breakpoint
`• Write values to the data path registers
`• Read the contents of the data path registers
`• Step one clock cycle
`• Run the circuit
`Each command is decoded, and the controller switches
`to the corresponding macro state, which manages the
`required action. In each macro state, the controller comes
`back to the command state after the action is finished.
`Only in run_circuit state it remains until a breakpoint is
`reached or an interrupt command is issued by the host.
`Interrupting the circuit is done by setting a clock_control
`signal to '0', which then prevents the data path registers
`and the circuit controller from operation. Thus, the circuit
`Each register in the data path is exchanged according to
`figure 7by a register which allows for the required opera-
`load inp
`Figure 7. a) Original and b) for dbg inserted
`data path register
`tion control. The inputs added to the original data path reg-
`ister are used for programming/readback of the register
`contents via a scan path (scan_in, scan_en, scan_out), and
`for enabling normal data path operation (clock_ctrl).
`These additional inputs are managed by the debugging
`The debugging controller is not application dependent.
`We implement it together with the application on the
`FPGAs for reasons of simplicity, but it may also reside
`outside of the programmable logic.
`4. Results
`The described technique is implemented within our
`synthesis tool named CADDY [5][6][7]. All changes to
`the circuit controller and to the data path are applied auto-
`matically during the generation of the VHDL code by
`CADDY. There is no manual work by the user required for
`the generation of the debug model. The debugging control-
`ler communicates with a SUN workstation via the parallel
`The applications listed below for the results were all
`real synthesized, downloaded and run on our WEAVER
`[8] prototyping board. The following applications were
`• GCD: A standard example for high level synthesis.
`• SIRDG: A circuit which computes "single image ran-
`dom dot stereograms". It receives a source image with the
`height information via a parallel interface and writes the
`generated image to a host via a parallel interface.


`• DCT: A circuit which computes a two-dimensional
`8x8-DCT. It is implemented as a coprocessor for the
`Hyperstone processor [9]. The communication with the
`processor is done via the external processor bus.
`In table 2, the area values of the different circuits are
`listed. All values are given in CLBs for the Xilinx XC4000
`series. Please note, that the constant overhead for the
`debugging controller (ca. 44 CLBs) virtually can be sub-
`tracted from the overhead numbers for the examples,
`because it is not depending upon the application. It could
`easily be implemented separately from the FPGAs.
`Dbg 2 Mealy Moore
`Circuit Orig. Dbg 1
`190/146 213/179 2
`474/430 476/432 1
`Table 2. Area values
`• Orig. refers to the original circuit without debug over-
`• Dbg 1 includes the overhead for debugging without
`the possibility of data dependent breakpoints. It shows the
`value with/without debugging controller.
`• Dbg 2 represents the full version with data dependent
`• Mealy denotes the number of bits needed for the
`Mealy identifiers, Moore denotes the number of bits of the
`Moore identifiers. The sum of Mealy and Moore is added
`to the output of the circuit controller.
`• #Bp denotes the number of different detectable break-
`points in the specification.
`• #States lists the number of controller states of the cir-
`cuit controller.
`Table 3 shows the delay that is added by the additional
`logic for debugging.
`5.7 Mhz
`7.7 Mhz
`3.5 Mhz
`Dbg 1
`4.7 Mhz
`4.8 Mhz
`3.5 Mhz
`Dbg 2
`4.5 Mhz
`4.9 Mhz
`3.5 Mhz
`Table 3. Clock frequencies
`The values are obtained by the Xilinx tool 'xdelay'. This
`tool provides a quite pessimistic estimation. All designs
`run at a significantly higher clock speed on our Weaver
`board. Nevertheless, it shows the relation between the dif-
`ferent implementations. There is not much difference
`between the two versions with debugging overhead, since
`the evaluation of conditional breakpoints does not slow
`down the circuit additionally. Our approach mainly adds
`controller delay. Therefore we do not add any delay to the
`dct, which is mainly determined by the combinatorial mul-
`tiplier. To this path, we do no add any delay. Therefore, the
`debug versions can be clocked with equal frequency.
`5. Summary
`In this paper, we have presented the details of how we
`handle breakpoints in our new SLE approach. We have
`discussed, how we can relate breakpoints set in an algo-
`rithmic specification to an implemented circuit. We have
`shown, how we encode the breakpoints and how we detect
`them by hardware means. We have demonstrated the
`applicability of our approach by a set of implemented cir-
`6. References
`[1] Y. Tanurhan, S. Schmerler, K. Mueller-Glaser, A Back-
`plane Approach for Cosimulation in High-Level System
`Specification Environments, European Design Automation
`Conference EURODAC‘95, Brighton, 1995
`J. Soininen, T. Huttunen, K. Tiensyrjae, H. Heusala,
`Cosimulation of Real-Time Control Systems, European
`Design Automation Conference EURODAC‘95, Brighton,
`[3] H. Owen, U. Kahn, J. Hughes, FPGA based ASIC Hard-
`ware Emulator Architectures, School of Electrical and
`Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology,
`[4] ASIC-Emulation auf RTL-Level, Markt&Technik
`Wochenzeitung für Elektronik Nr. 42, 1994
`[5] R. Camposano, W. Rosenstiel, Synthesizing Circuits from
`Behavioral Descriptions, IEEE Transactions on CAD, Vol.
`8, 2-1989
`[6] P. Gutberlet, J. Müller, H. Krämer, W. Rosenstiel, Auto-
`matic Module Allocation in High Level Synthesis, Euro-
`pean Design Automation Conference EURODAC‘92,
`Hamburg, 1992
`[7] P. Gutberlet, W. Rosenstiel, Scheduling Between Basic
`Blocks in the CADDY Synthesis System, European Confer-
`ence on Design Automation EDAC‘92, Brussels, 1992
`[8] G. Koch, U. Kebschull, W. Rosenstiel, A Prototyping
`Architecture for Hardware/Software Codesign in the
`COBRA Project, Proceedings of 3rd international Work-
`shop on Hardware/Software Codesign Codes/CASHE‘94,
`Grenoble 1994
`[9] Hyperstone electronics, Hyperstone E1 32-Bit-Microproc-
`essor User‘s Manual, 1990
`[10] G. Koch, U. Kebschull, W. Rosenstiel, Debugging of
`Behavioral VHDL Specifications by Source Level Emula-
`tion, European Design Automation Conference EURO-
`DAC‘95, Brighton, 1995

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