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`02282-P055 E2
`First Named Inventor or Apprication tdent/tier
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`Our Reference: 02282.PO55
`inventors: Alain Raynaud and Luc M. Burgun
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`Prepared by:
`(503) 684-6200
`Attorney Docket No. O2282.P055
`EM 542801726 US
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`July 31, 1993
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`F R
`UR E-
`This invention relates to the fields of simulation and prototyping
`when designing integrated circuits.
`In particular, this invention is drawn to
`debugging synthesizable code at the register transfer level during gate-level
`Integrated circuit designers have adopted the use of high—level
`hardware description languages due in part to the size and complexity of
`modern integrated circuits. One such description language is Very High
`Speed Integrated Circuit (VHSIC) Description Language, or VHDL. Further
`information regarding VHDL may be found in the IEEE Standard VHDL
`Language Reference Manual (IEEE 1076-1987, IEEE 1076-1993). Another such
`description language is Verilog. These high level description languages are
`typically generically referred to as hardware description languages (I-lDLs).
`Synthesis is the process of generating a gate—level netlist from the
`high—leVel description languages. Presently, synthesis tools recognize a subset
`of the high-level description language source code referred to as Register
`Transfer Level (RTL) source code. Further information regarding RTL source
`code may be found in the IEEE 1076.6 /D1.10 Draft Standard for VHDL Register
`Transfer Level Synthesis (1997).
`The RTL source code can be synthesized into a gate-level netlist. The
`gate-level netlist can be verified using gate-level simulation, The gate-level
`simulation can be performed using a software gate-level simulator.
`Express Mail No: EM 542801726 US
`Attorney Docket No: O2282.P055
`E '

`Alternatively, the gate-level simulation may be performed by converting the
`gate-level netlist into a format suitable for programming an emulator, a
`hardware accelerator, or a rapid-prototyping system so that the digital circuit
`/description can take an actual operating hardware form.
`Debugging environments for high—level hardware description _
`languages frequently include a number of functionalities for analyzing and
`verifying the design when performing simulation. For example, a designer
`can typically navigate the design hierarchy, View the RTL source code, and set
`breakpoints on a statement of RTL source code to stop the simulation.
`Statements are usually identified by their line number in the RTL source
`code. In addition, the debugging environment often supports viewing and
`tracing variables and signal values. The RTL simulation environment
`typically offers such RTL debugging functionalities.
`RTL simulation is typically performed by using software RTL
`simulators which provide good flexibility. However, for complex designs, a
`very large number of test vectors may need to be applied in order to
`adequately verify the design. This can take a considerable amount of time
`using software RTL simulation as contrasted with hardware acceleration or
`emulation starting from a gate-level netlist representation (i.e., ”gate—level
`hardware acceleration,” or "gate—1evel emulation”). Furthermore, it may be
`useful to perform in-situ Verification, which consists of validating the design
`under test by connecting the emulator or hardware accelerator to the target
`system environment (where the design is to be inserted after the design is
`Express Mail No: EM 542301726 US
`Attorney Docket No: 0228213055

`One disadvantage with gate—level simulation, however, is that most of
`the high-level information from the RTL source code is lost. Without the
`high-level information, many of the debugging functionalities are
`For example, the designer typically cannot set a breakpoint from ‘the
`source code during gate-level simulation. Although signals can be analyzed
`during gate-level simulation, mapping signal values to particular source code
`lines can be difficult, if not impossible.
`If the source code is translated into a
`combinatorial logic netlist, for example, the designer cannot ”step” through
`' the source code to trace variable values. Instead, the designer is limited to
`analyzing the input Vector and resulting output vector values. Although the
`signals at the inputs and outputs of the various gates may be traced or
`modified, these values are determined concurrently in a combinatorial
`network and thus such analysis is not readily mappable to the RTL source
`A typical design flow will include creating a design at the RTL level,
`then synthesizing it into a gate-level netlist, Although simulation of this
`netlist can be performed at greater speeds using emulators or hardware
`accelerators, the ability to debug the design at the gate level is severely limited
`in comparison with software RTL simulation.
`Express Mail No: EM 542801726 US
`Attorney Docket No: D2282.P055

`Methods of instrurnenting synthesizable register transfer level (RTL)
`source code to enable debugging support akin to high-level language
`programming environments for gate-level simulation are provided.
`One method of facilitating gate-level simulation includes the step of
`generating cross-reference instrumentation data including instrumentation
`logic indicative of the execution status of at least one synthesizable statement
`within the RTL source code. A gate-level netlist is synthesized from the RTL
`source code. Evaluation of the instrumentation logic during simulation of
`the gate-level netlist enables RTL debugging by indicating the execution status
`of the cross~referenced synthesizable statement in the RTL source code.
`In one embodiment, the gate—leVel netlist is modified to provide
`instrumentation signals implementing the instrumentation logic and
`corresponding to synthesizable statements within the RTL source code.
`various embodiments, this may be accomplished by modifying the RTL
`source code or by generating the modified gate-level netlist during synthesis
`as if the source code had been modified.
`Alternatively, the gate-level netlist is not modified but the
`instrumentation signals implementing the instrumentation logic are
`contained in a cross-reference instrumentation database.
`In either case, the instrumentation signals indicate the execution status of the
`corresponding cross-referenced synthesizable statement. The
`instrumentation signals can be used to facilitate source code analysis,
`breakpoint debugging, and visual tracing of the source code execution path
`during gate-level simulation.
`Express Mail No: EM 542801726 US
`Attorney Docket No: 02282.PO55

`For example, a breakpoint can be set at a selected statement of the
`source code. A simulation breakpoint is set so that the simulation is halted at
`a simulation cycle where the value of the instrumentation signals indicate
`that the statement has become active .
`With respect to visually tracing the source code during execution, the
`instrumentation logic is evaluated during gate-level simulation to determine
`a list of at least one active statement. The active statement is displayed as a
`highlighted statement.
`With respect to source code analysis, cross-reference instrumentation
`data including the instrumentation signals can be used to count the number
`of times a corresponding statement is executed in the source code. For
`example, an execution count of the cross-referenced synthesizable statement
`is incremented when evaluation of the corresponding instrumentation logic
`indicates that the cross-referenced synthesizable statement is active.
`Other features and advantages of the present invention will be
`apparent from the accompanying drawings and from the detailed description
`that follows below.
`Express Mail No: EM 542801726 US
`Attorney Docket No: o22s2.r=o5s

`The present invention is illustrated by way of example and not
`limitation in the figures of the accompanying drawings, in which like
`references indicate similar elements and in which:
`Figure 1 illustrates the process of synthesizing RTL source code into a1
`gate-level design.
`Figure 2 illustrates one embodiment of a modified process for
`generating a gate-level design.
`Figure 3 illustrates one embodiment of a method for instrumenting
`level-sensitive RTL source code.
`Figure 4 illustrates VHDL source code.
`Figure 5 illustrates the gate-level design synthesized from the RTL
`source code of Figure 4.
`Figure 6 illustrates the VHDL source code of Figure 4 modified in
`accordance with the method of Figure 3.
`Figure 7 illustrates one embodiment of the gate-level logic synthesized
`from the modified RTL source code.
`Figure 8 illustrates sample Verilog source code before instrumentation.
`Figure 9 illustrates the Verilog source of Figure 8 instrumented in
`accordance with the method of Figure
`Figure 10 illustrates the gate—1evel logic synthesized from the
`instrumented Verilog source code of Figure 9.
`V H D ‘—
`Figure 11 illustrates ¥er-i-legsource code for a D flip-flop with
`asynchronous reset.
`Express MailNo: EM 542801725 Us
`Attorney DocketNo: 02282.PD55

`Figure 12 illustrates one method of instrumenting event-sensitive RTL
`source code.
`Figure 13 illustrates the source code of Figure 11 modified in
`accordance with the instrumentation process of Figure 12.
`Figure 14 illustrates the gate—level logic synthesized for the
`instrumented source code of Figure 13.
`Figure 15 illustrates Verilog source code for a D flip-flop with
`asynchronous reset.
`Figure 16 illustrates the Verilog source code of Figure 15 after
`instrumentation in accordance with the method of Figure 12.
`Figure 17 illustrates a method of instrumenting process activation.
`Figure 18 illustrates source code modified in accordance with the
`method of Figure 17.
`Figure 19 illustrates an instrumented ”case” statement.
`Figure 20 illustrates a process for decreasing the logic needed to
`instrument the source code,
`Figure 21 illustrates incorporating instrumentation within the
`synthesis process.
`Figure 22 illustrates a method of setting a breakpoint in RTL source
`code for use during gate-level simulation.
`Express Mail No: EM 542801726 US
`Attorney Docket No: 02282.PD55

`Figure 1 illustrates a typical RTL source code synthesis process. HDL
`code including synthesizable RTL source code (110) serves as input to a
`synthesis process 120. In one embodiment, the RTL source code 110 is
`synthesized in step 140 to produce a gate-level design 150. The gate-level
`design can be used for gate—level simulation as illustrated in step 160.
`Typically the gate-level design comprises a hierarchical or flattened
`gate-level netlist representing the circuit to be simulated. The various signals
`in a design are referred to as nets. A hierarchical netlist is made of a list of
`blocks, whereas a flattened netlist comprises only one block. A block contains
`components and a description of their interconnection using nets.
`Components can be reduced to combinatorial or sequential logic gates, or they
`may be hierarchical blocks of lower level.
`For example, the component may be a primitive gate denoting a single
`combinatorial logic function (e.g., AND, NAND, NOR, OR, XOR, NXOR, etc.)
`or a single storage element such as a flip-flop or latch for sequential logic.
`One example of a set of primitive gates is found in the generic library GTECH
`available from Synopsys, Inc. of Mountain View, California.
`Alternatively the component may be an application specific integrated
`circuit (ASIC) library cell which can be represented by a set of primitive gates.
`One example of an ASIC library is the LCASOOK ASIC library developed by LSI
`Logic, Inc., Milpitas, California.
`A component may also be a programmable primitive that represents a
`set of logic functions and storage. One example of a programmable primitive
`Express Mail No: EM 542801726 US
`f /.. _
`if r/
`Attorney Docket No: 02282.P055

`is the configurable logic block (CLB) as described in The Programmable Gate
`Array Handbook, Xilinx Inc., San Iose, 1993.
`Another example of a component is a macro block denoting a complex
`logic function such as memories, counters, shifters, adders, multipliers, etc.
`Each of these can be further reduced to primitive gates forming combinatorial
`or sequential logic.
`Three major categories of tools are available to the designer to simulate
`and test the design. Software RTL simulators (such as ModelSimTM from
`Model Technology, Inc.) typically offer a high-level of abstraction for their
`debugging environment, but have limited performance in terms of speed and
`no in—situ capacity. Software gate—leve1 simulators (such as Quicl<SirnTM from
`Mentor Graphics Corporation) typically offer limited level of abstraction and
`speed as well as no in—situ capacity. Hardware gate—level simulators (such as
`Cobalt” and System Realizer‘-‘M from Quickturn Inc., Avatar” from Ikos,
`and fast-prototyping systems usually built from FPGAs) typically offer very
`good performance i.n terms of speed and in—situ capacity, but a limited
`debugging environment.
`When testing the design described by the HDL source code a designer
`may choose to simulate and validate the design at the RTL source code level
`(i.e., RTL simulation). RTL simulation typically permits the designer to set
`breakpoints in the source code, navigate the design hierarchy, View variables
`and signals and trace the value of these variables and signals.
`When testing complex designs, millions or billions of test vectors may
`need to be applied in order to adequately test the design. Hardware
`accelerators or emulators can be used with the gate-level design to test the
`Express Mail No: EM
`Attorney Docket No: 9223113055

`design at a much greater speed than what is typically possible through
`software simulation (i.e. either software RTL simulation or software
`gate-level simulation). Unfortunately, the gate-level design generated in step
`150 typically includes none of the high-level information available in the
`RTL source code 110. As a result, features available during RTL simulation
`such as setting breakpoints or analyzing the source code coverage are not
`available during gate-level simulation.
`Instrumentation is the process of preserving high—1evel information
`through the synthesis process.
`Instrumentation permits simulation of a gate-
`level netlist at the level of abstraction of RTL simulation by preserving some
`of the information available at the source code level through the synthesis
`Figure 2 illustrates one embodiment of the instrumentation process in
`which instrumentation is integrated with the synthesis process. RTL source
`code 210 is provided to the synthesis process 220. The synthesis process 120 of
`Figure 1 has been modified to include an instrumentation step 234. After
`instrumentation the instrumented code is then synthesized in step 240 as the
`original RTL source code was in step 140 of Figure 1.
`In one embodiment, instrumentation results in generating a modified
`gate-level design to permit reconstitution of the flow of execution of the
`original RTL source code during gate—leve1 simulation. Generally
`instrumentation logic is created for a synthesizable statement in the RTL
`source code either by modifying the RTL source code or by analyzing the RTL
`source code during the synthesis process. The instrumentation logic provides
`an output signal indicative of whether the corresponding synthesizable
`Express Mail No: EM 542801726 US
`Attorney Docket No: o22a2.1=o5s

`statement is active. A gate-level design including the instrumentation
`output signal is then synthesized. Referring to Figure 2, the resulting
`gate~leve1 design 250 contains additional logic to create the additional
`instrumentation output signals referenced in instrumentation data 238.
`In an alternative embodiment, the RTL source code is analyzed to’
`generate a cross-reference database as instrumentation data 238 without
`modifying the gate-level design. The cross-reference database indicates the
`combination of already existing signals in the form of instrumentation logic
`that can be evaluated during simulation to determine whether a particular
`line of the RTL source code is active. The cross-reference database contains a
`cross-reference between these instrumentation logic output signals and the
`position of the corresponding statement in the source code.
`instrumentation data 238 is likely to contain considerably more complex logic
`to evaluate during simulation when the approach of not modifying the
`gate-level design (i.e., ”pure" cross-reference database) is taken.
`The two approaches have tradeoffs. The gate-level design modification
`technique does not require special knowledge of the target simulation
`environment. Moreover, the gate—level design modification technique
`significantly reduces or eliminates the complexity of the logic to be evaluated
`during simulation to the extent that emulator or accelerator hardware
`triggering circuitry can be used to take an action when the corresponding
`statement is executed.
`For example, the hardware triggering circuitry may be used to halt the
`simulation at a particular statement or to count the number of times a
`particular statement is executed. The resulting gate-level design used during
`Express Mail N0:
`Attorney Docket No: O2282.P055

`simulation, however, Will not be the design actually used for production thus
`simulation may not verify accurately the behavior of the gate-level design
`used for production. Furthermore, simulation of modified gate-level design
`may require more physical resources in hardware than the original design
`alone if gates have been added in order to implement the instrumentation
`Alternatively, the pure cross—reference database technique typically
`results in greater complexity of instrumentation logic to evaluate during
`simulation, but does not otherwise affect the original gate-level design. The
`greater complexity, however, may prevent the use of the hardware triggering
`circuitry to halt the simulation or to track source code coverage. Thus the
`pure cross-reference database technique may result in a significantly slower
`simulation time. Furthermore, since the evaluation may be performed by
`software, direct verification of the gate—level design in the target system
`through in—situ verification may not be possible. The instrumentation data
`including the logic added for instrumentation purposes can be eliminated
`after testing, however, without disrupting the gate-level design.
`In essence the gate-level design modification technique greatly
`simplifies the analysis and the instrumentation logic required for
`cross—referencing by modifying the gate-level design to create unique signals
`and therefore simpler logic to evaluate (

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