`PATENT (\2 ,0’} 1
`Re Application Of:
`Frederic Reblewski et a1.
`Appln.No.: 09/404,920
`Filed: September 24, 1999
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 223134450
`Group Art Unit: 2123
`Examiner: S. Makhdoom
`Confirmation No.2 8906
`Atty. Dkt. No. 003921 .00099
`J U L 1 5 2003
`Technology Center 2100
`This Amendment is responsive to the Final Office Action mailed February 10, 2003 in the
`above-identified patent application, and it accompanies a Request for Continued Examination and a
`Petition for Extension of Time for two months.
`In response to the Final Office Action, please amend the instant application as described
`Amendments to the Specification begin on page 2 of this Paper.
`Amendments to the Claims are reflected in the Listing ofClaims, which begins on page 4 of
`this Paper.
`No changes to the drawings are made in this Paper.
`Remarks begin on page 10 of this Paper.
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`Frederic Reblewski et al. —- US. Application No.‘ 09/404,920
`(A) ”Please amend the paragraph at page 15, lines 3-8 as follows:
`--In an alternate embodiment ofthe present invention, signals are routed directly from
`I/O pins 510 5_1§ of FPGA 501 to/from I/O pins 533 of FPGA 503 without being
`routed through RC 502. I/O circuitry 515 and 536 are both clocked by one ofeither
`signal routing clock 509 or signal routing clock 510. Thus, even though a routing
`chip is not used in this alternate embodiment, the signal routing between FPGAs is
`still clocked by a signal independent of the user clock signal(s).--.
`(B) ‘/Please amend the paragraph at page 22, linesw as follows:
`--Chips 1102 and 1104 can simultaneously transfer signals to each other via
`connection 1108. Chips 1102 and 1104 each include I/O circuitry, including a driver
`and a detection logic as illustrated. An output signal 1121 to be output by chip 1102
`is driven onto connection 1108 via driveri-l-z-L‘ m3. Concurrently, an output signal
`1132 to be output by chip 1104 is driven onto connection 1108 via driver 1133.
`After the signals are driven onto connection 1108, detection logics 1125 and 1135
`each sample the voltage level of connection 1108. Based on the sampled voltage
`level ofconnection 1108, as well as possiblytheoutput signal 1132, detectionlogic
`1135 provides an input signal 1131 to the internal circuitry of chip 1104 which is
`representative of output signal 1121 driven by chip 1102. Similarly, based on the
`sampled voltage level ofconnection 1108, as well as possibly the output signal 1 121,
`Frederic Reblewski et al. — US. Application No."09/404,920
`£\ 1102 which is representative ofoutput signal 1132 drivenby chip 1104.--.
`detection logic 1125 provides an input signal 1122 to the internal circuitry of chip
`Fredergieblewski et al. — US. Application N$§/404,920
`This Listing of Claims will replace all prior versions and Listings of Claims in the
`Claims 1-9 (Canceled without prejudice or disclaimer by this Amendment).
`Original) A multi-clocked routing chip for use in an emulation system,
`multi-clocked r uting chip comprising:
`a reconfi
`ble static routing circuit;
`a first set of in ut/output circuitry coupled to provide inputs to and receive outputs from the
`reconfigurable static rout1 g circuit, wherein the first set ofinput/output circuitry is clocked by a first
`clock signal; and
`a second set of input/cu
`t circuitry coupled to provide inputs to and receive outputs from
`the reconfigurable static routing circ 't, wherein the second set ofinput/output circuitry is clocked by
`a second clock signal different than the rst clock signal.
`(Original) The multi-routing
`ip of claim 10, wherein the first and second sets of
`input!output circuitry each includes a plurality o one-to-n demultiplexers and a plurality ofn-to-one
`multiplexers, where n is an integer greater than 1.
`(Original) The multi-routing chip of c im 10, further comprising a third set of
`input/output circuitry coupled to provide inputs to and rece ve outputs from the reconfigurable static
`routing circuit, wherein the third set of input/output circui
`is clocked by a third clock signal
`different than the first and second clock signals.
`13. (Original) An emulation system comprising:
`a first plurality of reconfigurable logic devices;
`a second plurality of reconfigurable logic devices;
`Fredergeblewski et a]. — US. Application No. 09/404,920
`a third plurality of reconfigurable logic devices;
`a first time multiplexed interconnection coupled to and situated between the first plurality of
`a S 0nd time multiplexed interconnection coupled to and situated between the second
`plurality of re nfigurable logic devices and the third plurality of reconfigurable logic devices,
`wherein clocking f the second time multiplexed interconnection is independent of clocking of the
`first time multiplexe interconnection.
`e emulation system of claim 13, wherein each of the first plurality of
`reconfigurable logic device each ofthe second plurality ofreconfigurable logic devices, and each of
`the third plurality of reconfigu ble logic devices is a field programmable gate array (FPGA).
`(Original) The em ation system of claim 13, wherein the first time multiplexed
`interconnection includes a first set 0 input/output circuitry of a multi-clocked routing chip and the
`second time multiplexed interconnectio includes a second set of input/output circuitry ofthe multi-
`clocked routing chip.
`(Original) The emulation syst
`of claim 13, wherein the first time multiplexed V
`interconnection includes a first plurality of mul '
`lexers and demultiplexers, and the second time
`multiplexed interconnection includes a second pl
`17. (Original) A system comprising:
`a first chip;
`a second chip; and
`lity of multiplexers and demultiplexers.
`a bi-directional data transfer connection, situated betw en the first chip and the second chip,
`providing simultaneous bi-directional data transfer between the
`rst and second chips via a single
`wire or trace.
`Fredergeblewski et al. — U.S. Application No. 09/404,920
`18. (Original) The system of claim 17, wherein the first chip includes a detection logic for
`ining a signal value asserted by the second chip based at least in part on a voltage level ofthe
`bi-dircc 'onal data transfer connection.
`19. Original) The system of claim 18, wherein the detection logic is also for determining
`the signal value
`serted by the second chip based at least in part on a signal value asserted by the
`first chip.
`20. (Original)
`first chip comprises a first
`configurable logic’device ofa plurality ofreconfigurable logic devices.
`(Original) The system of claim 20, wherein the second chip comprises a first
`interconnect device of a plur
`ity of interconnect devices interconnecting the plurality of '
`reconfigurable logic devices.
`(Original) The system 0 claim 20, wherein the second chip comprises a second
`reconfigurable logic device of the pluralit of reconfigurable logic devices.
`23. (Newly Added) An emulator f0 emulating a circuit design, comprising:
`a first reconfigurable logic device tha includes a first plurality of reconfigurable logic
`elements and first input/output circuitry;
`a second reconfigurable logic device that incl
`(163 a second plurality ofreconfigurable logic
`elements and second input/output circuitry;
`a first clock signal for clocking the first plurality o reconfigurable logic elements;
`a second clock signal for clocking the second plurali
`freconfigurable logic elements; and
`at least one signal routing clock signal for clocking the first input/output circuitry and the
`second input/output circuitry, wherein the signal routing clock si
`signal and the second clock signal.
`is independent ofthe first clock
`' SYNOPSYS 1010
`Fredericgeblewski et al. — US. Application No. 09/404,920
`4. (Newly Added) An emulator according to claim 23, wherein the first reconfigurable
`logic devic is a field programmable gate array.
`wly Added) An emulator according to claim 24, wherein the second reconfigurable
`logic device is a eld programmable gate array.
`26. (Newl
`dded) An emulator according to claim 23, wherein the first clock signal and
`the second clock sign
`are the same clock signal.
`(Newly Add ) An emulator according to claim 23, wherein said at least one signal
`routing clock signal include a first signal routing clock signal for clocking the first input/output
`circuitry and a second signal to ting clock signal for clocking the second input/output circuitry,
`wherein the first signal routing cloc signal is different from the second signal routing clock signal.
`28. (Newly Added) An emul or according to claim 23, further comprising:
`at least one interconnect device int connecting the first reconfigurable logic device and the
`second reconfigurable logic device, wherein aid interconnect device includes a first input/output
`portion and a second input/output portion, wh ein the first input/output circuitry and the first
`input/output portion are clocked by a first signal
`uting clock signal, and wherein the second
`input/output circuitry and the second input/output po 'on are clocked by a second signal routing
`clock signal.
`(Newly Added) An emulator according to c
`'m 28, wherein said at least one
`interconnect device includes a plurality of multiplexers for time
`ultiplexing data transfers to and
`from another interconnect device.
`30. (Newly Added) An emulator according to claim 28, wher 'n signals are transferred out
`interconnect device.
`Frederic Reblewski et al. -— US. Application No. 09/404,920
`1. (Newly Added) An emulator according to claim 23, further comprising:
`' d reconfigurable logic device clocked at least in part by a third clock signal that is
`different from e first clock signal and the second clock signal.
`32. (New Added) An emulator according to claim 23, further comprising:
`a first interco
`ect device interconnecting the first reconfigurable logic device and the second
`reconfigurable logic dev e; and
`a bi-directional data
`sfer connection situated between the first reconfigurable logic device
`and the first interconnect devi
`, wherein the bi-directional data transfer connection provides
`simultaneous bi-directional data tr
`fer between the first reconfigurable logic device and the first
`interconnect device via a single wire 0 trace.
`33. (Newly Added) An emulator ccording to claim 32, wherein the first reconfigurable
`logic device includes detection logic for dete
`'ning a signal value asserted by the first interconnect
`device based at least in part on a voltage level 0
`e bi-directional data transfer connection.
`(Newly Added) An emulator accordi g to claim 33, wherein the detection logic
`determines the signal value asserted by the first interco
`ect device further based at least in part on a
`signal value asserted by the first reconfigurable logic devi
`35. (Newly Added) An emulator according to claim 3, further comprising:
`a first set of input/output pins connected to the first inp t/output circuitry for transferring
`signals to and from the first reconfigurable logic device; and
`a second set of input/output pins connected to the seco d input/output circuitry for
`transferring signals to and from the second reconfigurable logic device
`Frederic Beblewski et al. - US. Application No. 09/404,920
`36. (Newly Added) An emulator according to claim 23, wherein signals can be transferred
`into an
`ut ofthe first reconfigurable logic device asynchronously to changing of signals internal to
`the first recon
`able logic device.
`37. (Newly
`ded) An emulator according to claim 36, wherein signals can be transferred
`into and out ofthe second re nfigurable logic device asynchronously to changing ofsignals internal
`to the second reconfigurable logic
`38. (Newly Added) An emulator
`cording to claim 23, wherein the first reconfigurable
`logic device is a first field programmable gate
`ay located on a first chip and the second
`reconfigurable logic device is a second field programma
`gate array located on a second chip
`separate from the first chip.
`39. (Newly Added) The multi-clocked routing chip of claim 10,
`erein signals can be
`transferred out of the reconfigurable static routing circuit asynchronously to input
`signals to the
`reconfigurable static routing circuit.
`Fredergeblewski et al. - US. Application N39/404,920
`Applicants respectfully request entry ofthis Amendment and continuing prosecution of this
`application, as amended.
`Upon entry of this Amendment, claims 10-39 will be pending in this application. Original
`claims 1-9 are canceled without prejudice or disclaimer by this Amendment, and new claims 23-38
`replace claims 1-9. Original claims 10-22 remain in the application in their original form, and new
`claim 39 depends from claim 10.
`New claims 23-26, 28, 29, and 31-34 are based on original claims 1—9 and find support in '
`these original claims, but the new claims are of somewhat different format and scope. Support for
`new claim 27 can be found, for example, in original claim 3 and at page 10, lines 1-4 of Applicants’
`original specification. Support for new claims 30 and 39 can be found, for example, at page 14, lines
`7-12 of Applicants’ original specification. Support for new claim 35 can be found, for example, at
`page 13, lines 1 1-18 and Fig. 5 ofApplicants’ original specification. Support for new claims 36 and
`37 can be found, for example, at page 9, lines 17-21 ofApplicants’ original specification. Support
`for new claim 38 can be found, for example, at page 12, lines 19-23 and in original claims 17, 20,
`and 22. Also, Applicants have made minor changes to the specification by this Amendment so that
`the reference numbers used in the specification will match those present in the drawings.
`Accordingly, no new matter is included in this Amendment.
`For anticipation to exist, each and every element ofa claim must be shown in a single
`reference, and the reference must show these elements arranged in the same manner as
`Frederic Reblewski et al. — US. Application No. 09/404,920
`recited in the claim. E The Manual ofPatent Examining Procedure § 2131. As will be
`demonstrated below, the Sample and Trimberger patents relied upon by the Office fail to
`anticipate the invention recited in Applicants’ claims because these cited patents do not
`describe the structure defined in the claims.
`Applicants’ Claims 17-22 Patentably Distinguish From Sample
`Claims 17-22 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e) as allegedly anticipated by Sample, et al.,
`US. Patent No. 5,960,191 (hereinafter “Sample”). Applicants respectfully traverse this rejection and
`request its reconsideration.
`Applicants’ independent claim 17 recites a system that includes: (a) a first chip; (b) a second
`chip; and (c) a bi-directional data transfer connection situated between the chips. Additionally, claim
`17 recites that the bi-directional data transfer connection “provid[es] simultaneous bi-directional data
`transfer between the first and second chips via a single wire or trace” [emphasis supplied].
`Applicants respectfully submit that nothing in Sample teaches or remotely suggests this claimed
`simultaneous bi-directional data transfer connection between two chips over a single wire or trace.
`In support of this rejection, the Office points to column 6, line 39 et seq., column 16, lines
`25-30, and column 6, lines 40-67 in Sample. While these portions of Sample generally describe use
`ofbi-directional signals and bi-directional pins, Applicants respectfully submit that these portions of
`Sample do not teach or suggest a bi—directional data transfer connection that provides simultaneous
`bi-directional data transfer between two chips via a single wire or trace, as recited in Applicants’
`claim 17. Accordingly, Sample clearly fails to anticipate the invention defined in Applicants’ claim
`17. Allowance of claim 17 and its associated dependent claims is earnestly solicited.
`As to claim 18, this claim additional recites that the first chip includes detection logic for
`determining a signal value asserted by the second chip based at least in part on a voltage level of the
`Frederic keblewski et al. — US. Application N39/404,920
`bi-directional data transfer connection. The Office points to column 16, line 30 et seq. and Fig. 13 in
`Sample as allegedly supporting the rejection of this claim. This portion of Sample mentions that a
`power board 240 converts from a 48V DC main power supply to a 3.3 V supply necessary to power
`the logic board. Nothing in this disclosure ofvoltage reduction teaches or remotely suggests use of
`detection logic and a voltage level of a bi-directional data transfer connection to determine a signal
`value asserted by a chip, as recited in Applicants’ claim 18. Accordingly, Applicants respectfully
`submit that Sample fails to anticipate the subject matter of claim 18.
`Sample also clearly fails to anticipate the subject matter ofApplicants’ claim 19. This claim
`depends from claim 18 and additionally recites that the detection logic determines the signal value .
`asserted by the second chip based, at least in part, on a signal value asserted by the first chip. The
`cited portion of Sample (column 23,
`line 5 et seq.) generally describes routing signals to
`programmable edge detectors. Applicants respectfillly submit that this general disclosure in Sample
`does not teach or even remotely suggest use ofdetection logic to determine the signal value asserted
`by a second chip based, at least in part, on a signal value asserted by a first chip, as recited in
`Applicants’ claim 19. Accordingly, Applicants respectfully submit that Sample fails to anticipate the
`subject matter of claim 19.
`In view of the foregoing, Applicants respectfully submit that claims 17-22 patentably
`distinguish from the cited Sample patent. Withdrawal ofthis rejection and allowance of claims 17-
`22 are earnestly solicited.
`Applicants’ Claims 10-16 and New Claims 23-39 Patentably Distinguish
`From Trimberger
`Claims 1-16 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as allegedly anticipated by Trimberger,
`US. Patent No. 5,701,441 (hereinafier “Trimberger”).
`Insofar as this rejection may be applied
`Fredericgeblewski et al. — US. Application No. 09/404,920
`against claims 10-16 and 23-39, Applicants respectfully traverse the rejection and request its
`Applicants’ claim 10 recites a multi—clocked routing chip for use in an emulation system.
`The claimed multi-clocked routing chip includes: (a) a reconfigurable static routing circuit; (b) a first
`set ofinput/output circuitry coupled to provide inputs to and receive outputs from the reconfigurable
`static routing circuit, wherein the first set of input/output circuitry is clocked by a first clock signal;
`and (c) a second set of input/output circuitry coupled to provide inputs to and receive outputs from
`the reconfigurable static routing circuit, wherein the second set ofinput/output circuitry is clocked by
`a second clock signal different than the first clock signal. Applicants respectfully submit that
`Trimberger does not teach or suggest this claimed multi-clocked routing chip arrangement.
`The Office points to column 24, Section 8.2a of Trimberger as allegedly teaching the
`clocking aspects recited in Applicants’ claim 10. This portion ofTrimberger relates to clocking ofa
`flip-flop 2700 that forms part of a user’s design and receives a clock signal from clock gating
`circuitry 2701. While generally discussing multiple clocks in a user circuit design, this portion of
`Trimberger has little in common with the invention recited in Applicants’ claim 10. For example,
`nothing in this portion of Trimberger and/or the other portions of Trimberger cited by the Office
`teach or suggest a multi—clocked routing chip that includes two sets ofinput/output circuitry that are
`clocked by two different clock signals as recited in Applicants’ claim 10.
`With respect to claim 1 1, this claim further recites that the input/output circuitry in the multi-
`clocked routing chip includes multiplexers and demultiplexers. In rejecting this claim, the Office
`points to Fig. 52 and column 35 in Trimberger. This portion of Trimberger generally relates to a
`multi-clock sequencer 5200 that receives external clock signals and outputs internal micro cycle
`clocks that determine the appropriate micro-cycle in which to be active. Nothing in this portion of
`Fredergeblewski et al. —- US. Application No. 09/404,920
`Trimberger teaches or remotely suggests the multi-clocked routing chip including multiplexers and
`demultiplexers configured in the manner recited in Applicants’ claim 11.
`Applicants’ claim 13 recites an emulation system that includes: (a) a first plurality of
`reconfigurable logic devices; (b) a second plurality of reconfigurable logic devices; (c) a third
`plurality ofreconfigurable logic devices; ((1) a first time multiplexed interconnection coupled to and
`situated between the first and second plurality ofreconfigurable logic devices; and (e) a second time
`multiplexed interconnection coupled to and situated between the second and third plurality of
`reconfigurable logic devices. Claim 13 further recites that the clocking of the second time
`multiplexed interconnection is independent ofclocking ofthe first time multiplexed interconnection.
`The Office relies on Fig. 58 and Fig. 55 of Trimberger as allegedly showing the time
`multiplexed interconnection and clocking features of Applicants’ claim 13. As described in
`Trimberger, the circuit of Fig. 58 is used to eliminate or bypass some of the buffers normally
`associated with multiplexers 5601A and 5602A. Applicants respectfully submit that, when
`considered in context, the combination of Figs. 55 and 58 clearly does not result in an emulation
`system including the independent time multiplexed interconnection arrangement recited in claim 13.
`Applicants further submit that new claims 23-38 patentably distinguish from the teachings of
`Trimberger. Claim 23 recites an emulator for emulating a circuit design that includes: (a) a first
`reconfigurable logic device that includes a first plurality of reconfigurable logic elements and first
`input/output circuitry; (b) a second reconfigurable logic device that includes a second plurality of
`reconfigurable logic elements and second input/output circuitry; (c) a first clock signal for clocking
`the first plurality ofreconfigurable logic elements; ((1) a second clock signal for clocking the second
`plurality ofreconfigurable logic elements; and (e) at least one signal routing clock signal for clocking
`Frederic keblewski et al. - US. Application No. 09/404,920
`the first input/output circuitry and the second input/output circuitry. Moreover, claim 23 recites that
`the signal routing clock signal is independent of the first clock signal and the second clock signal.
`In rejecting previous claim 1, the Office relied on column 25, line 30 et seq. ofTrimberger as
`allegedly disclosing independent clocking features similar to those recited in claim 23. This portion
`of Trimberger relates to a sequencer that sequences through microcycles. Applicants respectfully
`submit that nothing in this portion ofTrimberger teaches or suggests the reconfigurable logic device,
`clocking signal, and independent signal routing clock signal features and structures in the manner
`recited in claim 23.
`With respect to claims 24 and 25, Applicants further submit that nothing in Trimberger
`teaches or suggests the arrangement of claim 23 wherein the first and/or second reconfigurable logic
`devices are field programmable gate arrays.
`Regarding claim 27, Applicants respectfully submit that Trimberger does not teach or suggest
`use of two different signal routing clock signals in the arrangement of claim 23. Furthermore,
`Applicants submit that nothing in Trimberger teaches or suggests the inclusion of an interconnect
`device between the two reconfigurable logic elements wherein two portions of the interconnect
`device are clocked by different signal routing clock signals as recited in claim 28.
`With respect to claims 32-34, Applicants respectfully submit that nothing in Trimberger
`teaches or suggests a bi-directional data transfer connection situated between a reconfigurable logic
`device and an interconnect device, wherein the bi-directional data transfer connection provides
`simultaneous bi-directional data transfer via a single wire or trace as recited in these claims.
`Additionally, nothing in Trimberger teaches or suggests the additional detection logic features recited
`in claims 33 and 34.
`Frederickeblewski et a]. — US. Application No. 09/404,920
`Applicants further submit that Trimberger does not teach or suggest the asynchronous signal
`transfer aspects in structures as recited in claims 30, 36, 37, and 39.
`In View of the foregoing, Applicants respectfully submit that claims 10-16 and 23-39
`patentably distinguish from Trimberger. Withdrawal ofthis rejection and allowance ofthese claims
`are earnestly solicited.
`If any additional fees are required, such as fees under 37 CPR. §§ 1.16 or 1.17, or if an
`extension oftime is necessary that is not accounted for in the papers filed with this Amendment, the
`Commissioner is authorized to debit our Deposit Account No. 19-0733 for any necessary fees,
`including any necessary extension fees. Any overpayment also can be credited to Deposit Account
`No. 19-0733.
`All rejections having been addressed, Applicants respectfully submit that the instant
`application is in condition for immediate allowance and respectfully solicit prompt notification ofthe
`Respectfillly Submitted,
` William F. Rauchhol
`Registration No. 34,7 1
`1001 G Street, NW, 11th Floor
`Washington, DC. 20001
`(202) 824-3000 (Telephone)
`(202) 824-3001 (Facsimile)
`Dated: July 10, 2003