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` Petitioner, )
` ) CASE NO. IPR2012-00023
` VS. ) Patent 7,994,609
` )
` Patent Owner )
` ****************************************
` August 9, 2013
` ****************************************
`BLANCHARD, Ph.D., produced as a witness at the instance of
`the Petitioner, taken in the above-styled and -numbered
`cause on the 9th day of August, 2013, from 8:34 a.m. to
`12:30 p.m., before Jamie K. Israelow, a Certified
`Shorthand Reporter in and for the State of Texas,
`Registered Merit Reporter, Certified Realtime Reporter
`and Certified LiveNote Reporter, reported in machine
`shorthand at the offices of Haynes and Boone, LLP,
`located at 2505 North Plano Road, Suite 4000, in the
`City of Richardson, County of Dallas and State of Texas.
`Ref. No.: 10065A
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` A P P E A R A N C E S
`Page 2
` Lori A. Gordon, Esq.
` Salvador M. Bezos, Esq.
` Omar F. Amin, Esq.
` 1100 New York Avenue, NW
` Washington, DC 20005
` 202.371.2600
` E-mail:
` E-mail:
` E-mail:
` -- and --
` Don Coulman, Esq.
` 3150 139th Avenue SE, Building 4
` Bellevue, Washington 98005
` 425.677.2973
` E-mail:
` David M. O'Dell, Esq.
` 2505 North Plano Road, Suite 4000
` Richardson, Texas 75082-4101
` 972.739.8635
` E-mail:
` Alex Downing, videographer
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`2 3

`Page 3
`Appearances 2
` Corrections and Signature 97
` Reporter's Certificate 99
`1 Petitioner Intellectual Ventures' Notice of 8
` Deposition of Richard A. Blanchard, Ph.D..
`2 Declaration of Richard A. Blanchard, Ph.D.. 11
` under 37 C.F.R. ยง 1.68
`3 Curriculum Vitae of Richard A. Blanchard, 18
` Ph.D..
`4 United States Patent 7,994,609 39
`5 United States Patent 6,737,698 44
`6 United States Patent 7,439,570 B2 48
`7 Declaration of Morgan Johnson in Support of 81
` Petition for Inter Parties of U.S. Patent
` No. 7,994,609
`8 9
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` P R O C E E D I N G S
` (On the record at 8:34 a.m.)
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This is Tape Number 1
`of the videotaped deposition of Dr. Richard A. Blanchard
`in the case styled Intellectual Ventures Management,
`LLC, Petitioner, versus Xilinx, Incorporated, Patent
`Owner. The case is IPR2012-00023. The patent number is
`7,994,609. Today's date is August 9th, 2013, and the
`current time is 8:34 a.m.
` Will the counsel please introduce
`themselves, and then the court reporter will swear in
`the witness.
` MS. GORDON: Lori Gordon from the law firm
`of Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox, representing the
`petitioner, Intellectual Ventures Management. With me
`today are Omar Amin and Sal Bezos, also from the law
`firm of Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox, and Don
`Coulman from Intellectual Ventures Management, the
` MR. O'DELL: My name is David O'Dell from
`the law firm Haynes and Boone, and we represent the
`patent owner, Xilinx.
`having been first duly sworn, testified as follows:
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` Q. Good morning. Would you please state your full
`name for the record.
` A. Yes. It's Richard Austin Blanchard.
` Q. Okay. My name is Lori Gordon, and I'm going to
`be taking your deposition today. Have you ever been
`deposed before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. How many times?
` A. I don't remember.
` Q. Okay. Do you remember approximately how many
` A. No.
` Q. In the past six months, have you ever been
`deposed before?
` A. I don't believe in the last six months, but I
`don't remember for sure.
` Q. Okay. How about in the last year? Do you
`recall being deposed?
` A. Possibly. Again, I don't remember the date
`when I was last deposed.
` Q. Okay. In what matters have you been deposed
` A. Well, that's on my resume. There's a copy of
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`that. I'll certainly go over it with you. I'm not
`quite sure the information you're seeking. I've been
`deposed in the last 20 years in a number of different
`subjects or topics.
` Q. Okay. So we'll come back to that later.
` Before we begin, I'd like to go over some
`general ground rules for this deposition. Does that
`sound fair to you?
` A. Yes. I'd appreciate it.
` Q. Okay. So you understand that you're going to
`be testifying under oath today?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Okay. And as part of your oath, you understand
`that you are here to testify fully and accurately and to
`the best of your knowledge?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And as part of this deposition, I'll be
`asking you questions, and my questions and your answers
`are going to be recorded by the court reporter. You
`understand that you'll need to speak up and answer the
`questions orally when I ask them?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Okay. Now, on occasion, I may ask you a
`question that is unclear to you. If that is ever the
`case, please let me know and I'll try to rephrase my
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`question. Does that sound fair to you?
` A. It does.
` Q. Now, as we discussed, the videotapes are
`approximately an hour, so we'd like to plan to take a
`break every hour. Is that acceptable to you?
` A. Yes. Thank you.
` Q. Okay. And if you need a break before then,
`just let your attorney know, and we'll finish the
`pending question and we'll take a break when you need
` A. Thank you.
` Q. Okay. Is there any reason that you can think
`of that you will not be able to provide accurate
`testimony today?
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. Thank you.
` So I'd like to hand you what's been marked
`as Exhibit Number 1.
` MS. GORDON: So, David, I guess before we
`go on, do you want me to hand you the exhibits first or
`hand them directly to him?
` MR. O'DELL: You can hand them directly
`to --
` MS. GORDON: Okay.
` MR. O'DELL: -- Mr. Blanchard.
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` (Exhibit 1 was marked.)
` Q. (By Ms. Gordon) This is Exhibit 1,
`Dr. Blanchard. Please take a moment to review this
`document and let me know when you're ready.
` A. (Witness perusing document.)
` I've quickly looked at this. Is there
`anything in particular you'd like me to look at?
` Q. Nothing particular.
` Have you seen this document before today?
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. Do you understand that you are here
`pursuant to a deposition notice?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay.
` A. I do notice it says the deposition will start
`at 9:00.
` Q. Yeah. We negotiated with your attorney after
`we filed this to accommodate your schedule to start
` A. Great. Thank you.
` Q. Okay. If you turn to the front page of the
`notice, you see the case IPR2012-0023[sic], Patent
`Number 7,994,609.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I do.
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` Q. And do you understand that this deposition
`today covers the direct testimony you provided via
`declaration in this case?
` A. That's my understanding.
` Q. Okay. Did you prepare for this deposition
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. And how did you prepare for this deposition?
` A. I did several things: First, I read the
`material associated with this patent and, certainly, the
`patent itself. Then, as you know, there's some material
`associated with this -- let's just call it "case." I
`either read or reviewed that. And then yesterday, I met
`with Mr. O'Dell, the gentleman to my left, for part of
`the day and reviewed case material for the other part of
`the day.
` Q. Okay. And you mentioned that you read
`materials. What materials did you read?
` A. I believe it's the material that's listed
`inside my report. If you look, there's a list of
`materials. I read or reviewed some or all of that.
` Q. Okay.
` A. There's also a response or reply by Xilinx. I
`reviewed that yesterday.
` Q. Okay. And other than the materials listed in
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`your declaration and the reply by Xilinx, did you review
`Page 10
`any other materials?
` A. Not that I specifically recall.
` Q. Okay.
` A. I'm just trying to remember what's on that
`list. I believe it was -- except what's on the list, it
`would have been a reply, and I believe there's a request
`for -- on this patent, there's a request for new claims.
` Q. Okay. The motion to amend?
` A. That would have been it. Thank you.
` Q. Okay. And outside of Mr. O'Dell and any other
`attorneys, did you speak to anyone else in preparation
`for this deposition?
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. And were there any documents that you
`wanted to review in preparation for this document --
`deposition but did not have access to?
` A. I don't believe so.
` Q. Okay. And was there anyone that you wanted to
`speak to to prepare for this deposition but were unable
` A. No.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Would you like me to hand these (indicating)
`back to my -- hand them to my attorney or hand them to
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`the court reporter?
` Q. No.
` MR. O'DELL: We can leave them in a stack
`in case you need to refer to them again.
` THE WITNESS: Great. Thank you.
` MS. GORDON: So could you mark this one
`Exhibit Number 2.
` (Exhibit 2 was marked.)
` Q. (By Ms. Gordon) You've been handed what's been
`marked as Blanchard Exhibit Number 2. Take a few
`minutes to look through this document and let me know
`when you're ready.
` A. (Witness perusing document.)
` I'm ready.
` Q. Okay. And is this the declaration that -- let
`me start that question again.
` Did you draft this declaration?
` A. I did.
` Q. Okay.
` A. I, in -- in some instances, for instance, with
`regards to the relevant legal standards, I relied on
` Q. Okay.
` A. That -- that was -- part was provided to me. I
`am not an attorney.
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` Q. Okay. I understand.
` But the rest of the sections, outside of
`the legal standard sections, you drafted those sections?
` A. I drafted them in conjunction with Mr. O'Dell.
`I provided the information; he transcribed it and then
`returned it to me to review.
` Q. Okay. So Mr. O'Dell transcribed the
`declaration for you?
` A. In the sense of: We discussed it; he provided
`a copy, as I stated. In addition, there's a front part
`that provides information on my background, education,
`such as that, and I provided that and -- as part of a
`more extens- -- part of a more extensive resume that I
` Q. Okay. And you when were contacted first by
`Xilinx or Mr. O'Dell to provide your expert opinion in
`this matter?
` A. I don't remember the exact date, but it was
`about the middle of April.
` Q. Of this year?
` A. Of this year. I'm sorry.
` Q. Okay. And roughly how many hours did you spend
`preparing this declaration?
` A. I don't remember.
` Q. Okay. Do you have any rough idea of how many
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`hours it would have been?
` A. Not really. It was several months back.
` Q. Okay.
` A. I just don't remember.
` Q. Okay. And do you submit invoices for your
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Okay. And would your invoices reflect how much
`time you spent preparing for this deposition?
` A. You just changed subjects on me. Preparing for
`the deposition or --
` Q. I mean preparing for the declaration. I'm
`sorry. Thank you.
` A. It would.
` Q. Okay. And do you have these invoices in your
` A. They would be in a file cabinet, either in my
`office or in another office.
` Q. And have you sent these invoices to Mr. O'Dell?
` A. No. I submit invoices to the Thomson Reuters
`Expert Witness Service. They then forward them on --
`it's my understanding they forward them on to Haynes
`Boone and we probably directed it to Mr. O'Dell, but I
`don't get involved in that.
` Q. Okay. And outside of your -- the attorneys in
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`this case, did you work with anyone else in the
`preparation of this declaration?
` A. No.
` Q. Dr. Blanchard, are you currently employed?
` A. I am --
` THE REPORTER: I'm sorry. Are you
`currently what?
` MS. GORDON: Employed.
` A. Just in my own company, Blanchard Associates.
` Q. (By Ms. Gordon) And when did you start
`Blanchard Associates?
` A. That was in 1990/1991 time frame. However,
`just so there's no confusion, soon after, within six
`months of forming Blanchard Associates, I joined another
`company called -- at that time, it was called "Failure
`Analysis Associates." It changed its name to Exponent
`Failure Analysis. And I worked with them full-time
`until 1998. So from sometime in 1991 till 1998, I --
`while Blanchard Associates was still in existence, I
`didn't perform any work for them. So it was only later
`that I began working through Blanchard Associates again.
` Q. Okay. And if you turn to Page --
`Paragraph 13 --
` A. 13.
` Q. -- the calculations.
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` A. Right.
` Q. In this paragraph -- would you read
`Paragraph 13 for me, and let me know when you're ready.
` A. (Witness perusing document.)
` I've read it.
` Q. Okay. And in this paragraph, you mentioned
`that in 1998, you joined a company -- or a group called
`"IP Managers" --
` A. Correct.
` Q. -- which is now known as Thomson Reuters Expert
`Witness Services.
` A. Also correct.
` Q. Do you currently work for Thomson Reuters
`Expert Witness Services?
` A. I provide consulting within -- it's associated
`with legal cases through Thomson Reuters, but other
`consulting that isn't of a legal nature is not through
`Thomson Reuters.
` Q. Okay. And the legal consulting that you
`perform through Thomson Reuters Witness Services [sic],
`is any of that consulting related to patent work?
` A. Yes. Such as this project, it is.
` Q. Okay. And how much of that legal consulting
`work involves patents?
` A. It is hard to estimate it. It varies. More
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`than 25, less than 75 percent, but I -- it will change
`month to month.
` Q. Okay. And other than patent work, what other
`type of legal consulting do you do for Thomson Reuters?
` A. Well, when I was at Exponent Failure Analysis,
`I investigated accidents/failures that resulted in
`losses of some sort: Losses of equipment, buildings,
`injury to people, in some cases, death. And so I've
`investigated the electrical/electronic failures that led
`to these, and I still perform some of those services,
`either through Failure Analysis Associates, who I'm
`still associated with on a consulting basis, or through
`other -- or through Thomson Reuters.
` So in addition to what I call
`"intellectual property/patent-related, trade
`secret-related legal projects," there are projects that
`are associated with failure analysis, failures and the
`consequences of those failures.
` Q. Okay. And how much -- what percentage of your
`time currently do you estimate that you spend on legal
` A. Again, that varies. I would estimate somewhere
`in the range of 25 to 50 percent of the time and --
`probably more like 15 to 40 percent of the time, and
`that's an estimate.
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` Q. Okay. When you say "15 to 40 percent," would
`that be an estimate for the last 12 months?
` A. That may be a reasonable estimate. Actually,
`if you wanted a more definite number, I'd have to check
`timesheets and such as that.
` Q. Okay. And have you ever worked as an expert in
`any patent-related reexaminations in front of the United
`States Patent and Trademark Office?
` A. Yes, I believe so.
` Q. Okay. Can you recall what technologies that
`those were related to?
` A. Reexaminations? There was -- I recall one that
`was a reexamination. It was flash memory technology.
`Let's see. Reexaminations. I suspect there are others,
`but I don't remember any other reexaminations at the
`moment. I mean, give me just a minute to think. I'm
`just going back.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Actually, if you have a copy of my resume, that
`might help jog my memory.
` Q. Okay.
` MS. GORDON: We'll mark this Exhibit 3 for
`the record.
` And you're being handed what's going to be
`marked as Exhibit 3, which is a copy of your CV.
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` (Exhibit 3 was marked.)
` THE WITNESS: Thank you.
` A. I'm going to take a minute and just review a
`section that lists --
` Q. (By Ms. Gordon) Okay.
` A. -- the projects I've worked on in the last
`three years or so.
` (Witness perusing document.)
` This does not appear to be a full copy of
`my CV. It doesn't list the projects I've worked on in
`the last -- generally, there's a list of projects. It's
`not -- wasn't on this one.
` Let me -- in the interim, I thought of a
`couple of other reexaminations. There's another one
`that dealt with packaging for power devices, another one
`that dealt with -- if I recall correctly, it was
`actually the power devices.
` Those come to mind, but again, no others.
`If I remember others, should I stop you during the
`course of this deposition?
` Q. Yes. Please do.
` Now, you mentioned you worked on a reexam
`for the packaging for power devices. Did you represent
`the patent holder in that case?
` A. If I recall correctly -- and I'm trying to
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`remember whether it was the reexam or whether something
`is valid or invalid. For the packaging, it was a patent
`dispute, and I worked for one of the parties. I don't
`remember who initiated it, whether it was a reexam or
`just a validity issue.
` Q. Okay. And what party did you work for in that
` A. You want the name of the company?
` Q. Yes.
` A. It was a company called IXYS, I-X-Y-S.
` Q. And for the flash memory matter that you
`mentioned, what party did you represent in that matter?
` A. The company that I represented to counsel for
`us was Atmel, A-t-m-e-l.
` Q. And have you represented Xilinx in any other
`patent-related matters?
` A. I don't believe so.
` Q. And you said that you have a more complete
`version of your curriculum vitae?
` A. I believe there is one. Thomson Reuters, I
`believe, keeps it. It also lists the projects that I've
`worked on within the last three to five years. In
`looking through this, I didn't see that information was
`present. Let me look one more time. I mean, it lists
`patents and publications, but it doesn't list -- it
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`doesn't list the legal projects that I've worked on.
` MS. GORDON: So, Mr. O'Dell, we'd like a
`complete copy of Mr. -- Dr. Blanchard's CV that lists
`the legal matters he's worked on --
` MR. O'DELL: Okay.
` MS. GORDON: -- to the extent that they're
`not covered by privilege.
` Q. (By Ms. Gordon) Okay. Would you please turn
`to Paragraph 4 of your declaration, and if you would
`read that paragraph. Let me know when you finish.
` A. (Witness perusing document.)
` I've read Paragraph 4.
` Q. And the first sentence states: I am familiar
`with and am a practitioner of the technology at issue.
`When you say "technology at issue," would you please
`define that for me.
` A. It would -- in the case of the example of the
`'309, it's the fabrication of fasteners and the
`multi- -- multiple layers of metals that are used in
`integrated circuits, so it has to do with the design of
`capacitor -- capacitance, shielding, things of that
`nature, and multi-layer metal and fabrication sequence.
` Q. Okay. Just for clarity of the record, you
`stated the '309, but you were referring to --
` A. I'm sorry.
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` Q. -- the '609?
` A. I misspoke. I apologize.
` Q. No, no problem. I just want to make sure we
`have a clear record.
` And related to the technology that you
`just defined, which is the fabrication of the capacitor,
`the design of the capacitor, what specific work have you
`done in that area?
` A. Well, I've designed capacitors since very early
`in my career. The first project I worked on included a
`capacitor. It was a specific type for integrating
`charge as the -- in this case, a photo detector received
`light as part of a photographic system.
` I've worked with capacitors over the
`years. Within the last two or three years, I've worked
`on three projects that have involved capacitors.
`They've all been of a legal nature. They had to do
`with -- one of them had to do with finding the prior art
`for a multi-layer capacitor that's very similar to the
`capacitor that's shown in one of the figures on the
` The second patent -- I'm sorry -- the
`second project was similar, in that it -- the patent
`owner had alleged that a company was using his specific
`patent, the capacitor patent. And in this instance, as
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`opposed to looking for -- just looking for prior art, it
`was analyzing the patent to determine what was actually
`claimed. So it was -- I spent more -- more time -- or
`as much time looking at the claims and specification to
`determine what the claims actually entailed.
` And the third one was a project I worked
`on a little more recently. It had to do with pads that
`are -- were designed to be low-noise pads on integrated
`circuits, and as such, one wanted to minimize the
`capacitors, but also shield these pads from noise from
`the substrate or surrounding leads or other pads. So it
`had to do with coupling, including capacitor coupling,
`from other places in the circuit.
` Also, as I said, I designed capacitors or
`used capacitors in integrated circuits over -- over the
` Q. Okay. Was that all the paperwork that you
`recall at this time?
` A. That's what comes to mind. If I -- again, if I
`think of something else, I'll -- I'll mention it.
` Q. Okay. Let's circle back to the first item that
`you mentioned. I think you mentioned you designed a
`capacitor early in your career that was -- is that
` A. That's correct. Or I won't say that I designed
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`it. The first version was already designed, and it was
`there. I had to characterize it, make sure it worked in
`the fab. I don't remember if the layout existed at the
`time or whether I was involved in the layout. This was
`a number of years ago. The second-generation version, I
`was involved in the layout. There are two versions, the
`first and the second generation, of this system.
` Q. And what company did you design a capacitor
` A. I was working with -- at Fairchild
`Semiconductor at the time. The project was a project
`for Polaroid camera company.
` Q. And was that capacitor ever brought to market?
` A. Yes, it was.
` Q. And did that have a product specification or a
`product name?
` A. Yes. It was the Polaroid SX-70 camera. It was
`the electronics that essentially looked at the amount of
`light and then determined the exposure, so that it
`opened a shutter, kept it open for a period of time,
`closed the shutter, so the film was neither under- nor
` Q. And did you retain any design documents related
`to that capacitor?
` A. No.
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` Q. Okay.
` A. That was a long time ago. I have an SX-70
`camera, however. I still field test it, so --
` Q. Okay. Now, you also mentioned in the past two
`to three years there were several projects, and the
`first one you mentioned was a project regarding finding
`prior art.
` A. Correct.
` Q. Okay. And who -- what company or entity did
`you represent in that project?
` A. As best I recall, it was MIPS, M-I-P-S. It's a
`computer manufacturer -- really, an integrated circuit
`manufacturer that I believe has since been purchased,
`but I don't remember for sure.
` Q. Okay. And as part of this, do you recall what
`patent you were searching for prior art against?
` A. I don't remember the number. I think it was
`Akasa, but I don't -- again, it's a little -- a little
` Q. Okay. And can you spell Kasa [sic]?
` A. I think it's something like A-k-a-s-a-u [sic]
`or something like that.
` Q. Okay. And I believe you testified that the
`capacitor in the patent was similar to the '609; is that
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` A. Well, it's similar to one of the ones that's
`Page 25
`shown in the '609 --
` Q. Okay.
` A. -- one of the figures in the '609, in that it
`was fingers that were interdigitated and offset every
`layer as you went upward.
` Q. Okay. And did you find the prior art related
`to that patent?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And did you retain a listing of that
`prior art?
` A. I don't know. I've moved twice since then.
`And every time I move, I try to get rid of old material,
`so I don't remember.
` Q. Okay. Would this legal representation -- would
`this be a representation that would be listed on your
`full CV?
` A. I don't believe so, because I didn't either
`testify or write a report. Normally, the requirements
`for listing the projects I've worked on for federal
`cases says that either presented a -- completed a report
`or testified either in deposition or in trial, so I did
`none of those on that project.
` Q. Okay. And do you recall the filing date of the
`Kasau patent that you were searching for prior art
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`related to?
` A. It was in the early to mid-'90s. I don't
`recall the exact date.
` Q. Okay. But it was a -- was a patent that would
`have predated the '609 patent?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Now, you also mentioned another representation
`where you were -- you were also looking for prior art,
`and you were looking at the claims and the
` A. Right.
` Q. What company did you represent in that matter?
` A. I'm trying to remember if I signed a
`nondisclosure --
` Q. Okay.
` A. -- in these. You know, some of these are --
`are undertaken under nondisclosure, and that may have
`been. I just don't remember. So unless there's a need,
`I prefer not to specifically identify the company. I
`can say it was a -- a Japanese company.
` Q. Okay. And did you provide testimony or a
`declaration for them in that matter?
` A. No, I did not.
` Q. Okay. And was the technology related to the
`technology of the '609 patent?
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 -

`Page 27
` A. It was related in that it was, again, a
`multi-layer capacitor that had alternating rows of --
`that were the two plates of the capacitor.
` Q. Okay. And was the -- the patent at issue in
`that case, when was the filing date of that patent?
` A. It was actually the same patent that I worked
`the first project on. It was just a -- a different
` Q. Okay. Now, the third matter you mentioned
`related to pads --
` A. Cor

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