`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`5 February 2015 (05.02.2015) WIPO|PCT
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2015/015251 Al
`International Patent Classification:
`GO6F 3/048 (2013.01)
`International Application Number:
`PCT/IB2013/0563 14
`International Filing Date:
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`1 August 2013 (01.08.2013)
`Inventor; and
`: RATHOD, Yogesh Chunilal
`1502/A Mahavir Residency, L B S Marg, Near Balrajesh-
`war Mandir, Mulund(W), Mumbai 400080 (IN).
`Agents: WILSON,Neeti et al.; Anand And Anand, B-41,
`Nizamuddin East, New Delhi 110013 (IN).
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available). AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
`BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KN, KP, KR,
`KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,
`SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN,
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ,
`UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,TJ,
`TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
`KM,ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Declarations under Rule 4.17:
`as to the identity of the inventor (Rule 4.17(i))
`as to applicant's entitlement to apply for and be granted a
`patent (Rule 4.17(ii))
`of inventorship (Rule 4.17(iv))
`[Continued on next page]
`(54) Title: Presenting plurality types of interfaces and functions for conducting various activities
`(57) Abstract: A methods, systems and apparatus for en-
`abling user to access, use, register, communicate, connect,
`participate, share, transact and interact with internet enabled
`or associate heterogeneous types of web sites, web sites’ het-
`erogeneous features, applications, services, objects, data &
`user connections, web pages, portals, functions, widgets, ob-
`jects, applications, providers, sources, destinations, services,
`servers, databases, networks, devices,
`social networks,
`’ search engines, e- commerce web sites, peer top peer net-
`works, web services, APIs, storage mediums, user data, pro-
`files, payment information, social graph, user connections
`for conducting various user activities, actions, transactions,
`interactions & communications from one place or single or
`parent user interface or via interfaces & functions manage-
`ment interface. User can also communicate with other inter-
`faces & functions management interfaces of other users of
`Interfaces and Functions
`Interfaces and Functions Provider(s)’
`(Mobile Client Device)
`(Mobile Client Device)
`Figure 4


`—__with international search report (Art. 21(3))


`WO 2015/015251
`Presenting plurality types of interfaces and functions for conducting various activities
`A portion of the disclosure of this patent document contains material that is subject to copyright
`protection. The copyright owner has no objection to the facsimile reproduction by anyone of the
`patent documentor the patent disclosure, as it appears in the Patent and Trademark Office patent
`file, but otherwise reserves all copyright rights whatsoever. The applicant acknowledges the
`respective rights of various Intellectual property owners.
`The present
`invention relates generally to enabling multiple functions or subprograms or
`packaged applications, processing & services on one or more types of interface(s) and/or
`contents provided by one or more sources including 3parties’ developers and service providers
`for communications, messaging, publishing, posting,
`executing commands,
`presenting, processing, e-commerce, transactions, workflow, activities, actions, searching, and
`sharing. User is enabled to select, use, access, define, orchestrate, determine, attach, auto match
`one or more interfaces and/or functions for conducting variousactivities.


`WO 2015/015251
`Generally users
`are using various
`services, web sites
`and devices
`communicating and messaging with other users, sharing user generated contents, creating
`connections and social networks, conducting e-commerce. User are enabled to input, select,
`attach, compose, draft
`various types of contents, so why user required to register various
`applications, services, web sites and devices for various types of needs. Present invention enables
`multiple functions on contents for communications, messaging, publishing, posting, requesting,
`executing commands, presenting, processing, e-commerce,
`transactions, workflow, activities,
`actions, searching, and sharing via single interface.
`By using present invention user can input, select, attach, prepare, compose one or more types of
`contents including text, commands, audio, video, photos or images, files, applications, objects,
`workspaces, URLs or links and can select one or more functions for conducting one or more
`types of activities, actions, process, workflow,tasks, transactions, communications, messaging,
`publishing, presenting, posting & requesting contents, executing commands, processing,
`formatting, structuring & interpreting contents, conducting e-commercetransactions, searching,
`and sharing with one or more sources and/or destinations including one or more applications,
`services, social networks, users, web pages, web sites, domains, databases, networks and devices
`from single standard user-friendly and mobile or Smartphonefriendly interface.
`Some application or device provide one or more features e.g. send message, send contact and
`like which are limited and not provide list of plurality types of pre-created standard functions
`which are operable on selected or inputted or attached or composed contents and enable user to-
`do plurality of tasks including communications, messaging, publishing, posting, requesting
`contents, executing commands, presenting, processing, conduction e-commerce,
`workflow, activities, actions, searching, and sharing.
`Some application or device provide command line for executing commands whichare limited
`comparedto provided full feature functions which comprise function specific user selections and
`present function specific interface(s), list(s), template(s), objects, multimedia data or contents,
`metadata, system data, user selection or input controls, applications and/or services.
`At present, various web sites are enabled to integrate various buttons of various web sites or
`applications or providers with web page(s) and are able to provide various functions to users


`WO 2015/015251
`including Twitter, Facebook sharing, Youtube, Goggle and like. But users have to register or
`visit various web sites and use various integrated buttons and associate interfaces integrated by
`that web site and provided by others for various purposes. But in present scenario useris not able
`to use single interface for selecting, inputting, editing, drafting & composing contents and can
`access plurality types of functions provided or integrate by Function Server and various sources,
`3" parties’ developers and providers.
`Currently, user or application can access various distributed objects via various web services and
`user can also access various features of menu(s) of application(s). But user is not enable to
`access heterogeneous types of functions and interfaces provided by wide varieties of 3" parties’
`developers and services providers for wide variety of requirements from one parent interface or
`from one source in an unified, integrated, interwoven, collaborative, shared manner.
`Present invention provides wide verities of generalize, standardize, and unified interfaces and/or
`functions from plurality of sources, wherein each interface(s) can use one or more user selected
`functions or each function(s) can use one or more interface(s) and each function can connect
`with one or moreservers, sources, applications, services, objects, distributed objects, web sites,
`web pages, networks, social networks, features, databases and devices for one or more types of
`tasks, activities, actions, events, transactions, interactions, communications, sharing, messaging,
`e-commerce transactions, requesting contents, downloading and/or uploading applications and/or
`services and/or one or more types of contents, subscribing, publishing, posting, executing
`commands, presenting, processing, workflow, searching and accessing.
`At present users are using internet including plurality of non-standard web sites for various types
`of general activities including Use a search engine to find information, Send or read e-mail or
`messages, Look for info on a hobbyorinterest, Search for a map or driving directions, Check the
`weather, Look for information online about a service or product you are thinking of buying, Get
`news, Go online just for fun or to pass the time, Buy a product, Watch a video on a video-sharing
`site like YouTube or Vimeo, Visit a local, state or federal government website, Use a social
`networking site like Facebook, LinkedIn or Google Plus, Buy or make a reservation for travel,
`Do any banking online Look online for newsor information about politics, Look online for info
`about a job, Look for "how-to," "do-it-yourself" or repair information, Look for information on
`Wikipedia, Use online classified ads or sites like Craigslist, Get news or information about
`sports, Take a virtual tour of a location online, Search for info about someone you know or might
`meet, Send instant messages, Upload photos to a website so you can share them with others


`WO 2015/015251
`online, Pay to access or downloaddigital content online, Look for info about a place to live,
`Download music files to your computer, Get financial info online, such as stock quotes or
`mortgage interest rates, Rate a product, service or person using an online rating system, Play
`online games, Categorize or tag online content like a photo, news story or blog post, Read
`someone else’s online journal or blog, Look for religious/spiritual info, Post a comment or
`review online about a product you bought or a service you received, Post comments to an online
`news group, website, blog or photo site, Share something online that you created yourself Make
`a phonecall online, using a service such as Skype or Vonage, Research your family’s history or
`genealogy online, Participate in an online auction, Make a donation to a charity online,
`Download a podcast so you can listen to it or view it later, View live images online of a remote
`location or person, using a webcam, Use Twitter and/or Facebook, Download orshare files using
`peer-to-peer file-sharing networks, such as BitTorrent or LimeWire, Sell something online,
`Create or work on your own webpage, Create or work on your own online journal or blog, Buy
`or sell stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, Use an online dating website, Visit virtual worlds such as
`Second Life. Majority of theses activates are divided into general types of activities and it is
`possible to develop and present generalized, unified, common, structured and standardized user
`interfaces and functions to users, so user is enabled to conduct various types of activities from
`one place and does not have to register, access and maintain account & user data including
`profile, payment information, connections and like at various websites, applications, services to
`conduct theses activities. In another embodiment user can dynamically select, order, orchestrate
`one or more dynamically presented or auto matched or determined by other users or provided or
`presented by 3™ parties’ developers and providers one or morefunctions.
`Presently user has to register with different web sites for different purposes including search
`engines, e-commerce websites, social networking web sites, messaging and communication web
`sites and applications. Conventionally, a user can search, register web sites, subscribe services,
`install applications, share contents, and make payments by using plurality of sources for wide
`different varieties of user’s requirements and activities. Typically these sources are disparate and
`disorganized. In other words,
`the user must spend time researching, searching, registering,
`accessing, and identifying different sources that are not present in consolidated, coherent, unified
`and integrated manner. Often many of the sources are not relevant to user. What is needed is
`enabling user(s) to conduct plurality types of tasks, activities, actions, events,
`workflow, communications, messaging,
`social networking,
`searching, matching,
`questioning, commanding, requesting, publishing, advertising, posting comments & reviews,


`WO 2015/015251
`transactions from oneplaceor via single standard user friendly interface in unified and integrated
`mannerfor solving users on demand widevarieties of requirements.
`Therefore, it is with respect to these considerations and others that the present invention has been
`No prior art provides on demand, customize, contextual, dynamic, unified and integrated
`environment for communication, collaboration,
`transaction, participation, sharing, providing
`response. User does not haveto install plurality of applications, subscribe services, register with
`different applications, web sites and services, and maintain different profiles for different web
`sites & apps, searching content and media data from plurality of different sources. By using
`present invention user can access plurality of applications, services, communication channels,
`activities specific dynamic actions, objects, connected or connectable nodes of network without
`departing from present network and user can share user data, application data, and profile with
`plurality of apps, services and users based on privacysettings.


`WO 2015/015251
`The principal object of the present invention is to enabling user to-do various human mediated
`actions including select, input, attach, compose one or more types of contents including text,
`commands, audio, video, photos or images, files, applications, objects, workspaces, URLs or
`links via single dynamic and intelligent interface and enable to select one or more functions for
`conducting various types of
`activities, actions, process, workflow,
`communications, messaging, publishing, presenting, posting & requesting contents, executing
`commands, processing, formatting, structuring & interpreting contents, conducting e-commerce
`transactions, searching, and sharing with one or more sources and/or destinations including one
`or more applications, services, social networks, users, web pages, web sites, domains, databases,
`networks and devices from single standard user-friendly and mobile or Smartphone friendly
`Another significant objective of the present invention is to enable 3" parties developers and
`providers to develop, create, register, verify, maintain, store, upload, update, upgrades, process,
`manage, provide interfaces and/or functions and/or function links and associate referred
`applications, services, objects, controls, multimedia data, user actions,
`interface, networks,
`groups, databases, attachments,
`lists, connections, privacy settings, preferences, metadata,
`connectable nodes of the network(s) and verify, validate, register, store to Interfaces and
`Function Server(s) or central server unit for making them searchable for network users and
`enable users to search, match, select, purchase, download, subscribe, register, attach, associate,
`update, upgrades, rank and access on or moreinterfaces and/or functions and/or functions links.
`Another significant objective of the present
`invention is to enable user to define, create,
`compose, develop, generate, order, orchestrate, orchestrate or compose based on rules one or
`more functions. User is enabling to apply privacy settings to one or more functions for allowing
`selected users including connected or related or matched or suggested or subscribers or users of
`network(s) to access said one or more functions. Interfaces and Functions Server(s) or central
`server unit dynamically updates and presents said each interface and/or function and/or function
`link of each user to selected, connected, related users of user based on said privacy settings of
`sender or source and/or receiving users, wherein accessing of said dynamically presented
`interface and/or function and/or function link enables dynamic, customize, contextual, unified,
`in-single interface, collaborative, integrated, trusted, verified, secure, on demand & accessible
`social networks, groups, workflow, workspace, communication, collaboration, making new


`WO 2015/015251
`connections, e-commerce, viral marketing, advertisements,
`transactions, user
`actions, sharing, and participation of activities between or among user, connected users of users,
`providers and dynamic & accessible function link(s). Interfaces and Functions Server(s) or
`central server unit and providers stores information about interactions between or among user,
`connected users of users, providers, various types of interfaces and functions.
`Another significant objective of the present invention is to provide platform or application
`network or framework to developers, service providers, sponsors, advertisers and content or
`multimedia data providers to develop, register, verify, upload, test, making them searchable &
`available, provide updates, upgrades, support, integrate advertisement or e-commerce, share
`revenue and/or
`sell one or more interfaces and/or
`functions and associate or
`applications, objects, process, services and content or multimediadata.
`Another significant objective of the present invention is to providing platform for presenting and
`accessing plurality types of generalized interface(s) and functions from plurality of sources for
`enabling communications, messaging, publishing, posting, requesting, executing commands,
`presenting, processing, e-commerce, transactions, workflow, activities, actions, searching, and
`sharing from single user interface.
`Another significant objective of the present invention is to providing combined multi-tier or n-
`tier Internet or Network Architecture and unified generalized presentation & functions oriented
`Another significant objective of the present invention is to internet middleware for enabling user
`to access plurality features of plurality of web sites, applications, services, databases, networks,
`social networks and peer to peer networks from single user friendly interface.
`Another significant objective of the present invention is to providing domain or subject or feature
`or task specific general and/or dynamic form(s) or interface(s) for enabling user to select, input
`and compose various types of pre-created or dynamically generated or user created or
`customized form(s) or form(s) field(s), contents and items including job(s) requirement posting,
`profile posting, question posting, message posting, purchase requirement posting general and/or
`dynamic form(s) or interface(s) and enable to select one or more functions for each form(s) or
`interface(s) for conducting various types of actions, execution, activities, transactions, tasks,
`jobs, workflows, including post job requirement to 100 top or curated or selected site, post


`WO 2015/015251
`purchase requirement to 1000 of sites, servers, applications, services, databases, devices and
`sources. Server formats, process, transform, verify, validate, test user requests including user
`selections and/or contents for each type of functions and/or interface and/or sources to makeit
`compatible for each function and/or source.
`Another significant objective of the present invention is to presenting to user various selected
`features, functions, web parts, user actions of one or more websites at central interface.
`Another significant objective of the present invention is to present various collaborative, unified,
`standardized, customizable, dynamic,
`run time customizable, and generalized
`interface(s) and/or features, functions, web parts, user actions of web sites, applications, services
`from one or more sources at central interface.
`Another significant objective of the present invention is to enabling users or developers or
`service providers and/or 3K parties web sites, applications, networks, services, social networks,
`search engines, e-commerce web sites, databases, devices, peer to peer networks to easily,
`directly, single source accessibility, dynamically, quickly integrating, registering, participating,
`providing applications & services, collaborating, communicating, searching, sharing, publishing,
`messaging, accessing, using, conducting of facilitating various types of activities, actions,
`interactions, participations, workflow, events, transactions at/of/with/by/to/in/on one or more
`websites, applications, networks, services, social networks, peer to peer networks and connected
`or related or network(s) users of web sites, portals, applications, services, networks, groups,
`social networks and devices.
`Another significant objective of the present invention is to increase user base, user engagement,
`user activities, actions, transactions, communications & interactions and user participations with
`internet, web sites, applications, services, databases, networks, social networks and devices.


`WO 2015/015251
`The present invention now will be described more fully hereinafter with reference to the
`accompanying drawings, which form a part hereof, and which show, by way ofillustration,
`specific exemplary embodiments by which the invention maybe practiced. This invention may,
`however, be embodied in many different forms and should not be construed as limited to the
`embodiments set forth herein; rather, these embodiments are provided so that this disclosure will
`be thorough and complete, and will fully convey the scope of the invention to those skilled in the
`art. Among other things,
`the present invention may be embodied as methods or devices.
`Accordingly, the present invention may take the form of an entirely hardware embodiment, an
`entirely software embodiment or an embodiment combining software and hardware aspects. The
`following detailed descriptionis, therefore, not to be taken in a limiting sense.
`Throughout the specification and claims,
`the following terms take the meanings explicitly
`associated herein, unless the context clearly dictates otherwise. The phrase "in one embodiment”
`as used herein does not necessarily refer to the same embodiment, though it may. Furthermore,
`the phrase "in another embodiment” as used herein does not necessarily refer to a different
`embodiment, although it may. Thus, as described below, various embodiments of the invention
`may be readily combined, without departing from the scopeorspirit of the invention.
`In addition, as used herein, the term "or" is an inclusive "or" operator, and is equivalent to the
`term "and/or," unless the context clearly dictates otherwise. The term "based on"is not exclusive
`and allows for being based on additional factors not described, unless the context clearly dictates
`otherwise. In addition, throughout the specification, the meaning of "a,"
`"an," and "the" include
`plural references. The meaning of "in" includes "in" and "on."
`As used herein,
`the term "receiving" requests, responses, communications,
`interfaces, and
`from a device or
`receiving the
`communications, interfaces, and functions indirectly, such as when forwarded by one or more
`other devices or components. Similarly, "sending" an item, requests, responses, communications,
`interfaces and functions to a device or component
`includes sending the items,
`responses, communications, interfaces, and functions indirectly, such as when forwarded by one
`or more other devices or components.


`WO 2015/015251
`As used herein,
`the term "client application" refers to an application that runs on a client
`computing device. A client application may be written in one or more of a variety of languages,
`such as “C’, “C++°, “C#, “J2ME’, Java, ASP.Net, VB.Net and the like. Browsers, email clients,
`text messaging clients, calendars, and games are examples of client applications. A mobile client
`application refers to a client application that runs on a mobile device.
`As used herein,
`the term "network application” refers to a computer-based application that
`communicates, directly or indirectly, with at least one other component across a network. Web
`sites, email servers, messaging servers, and game servers are examples of network applications.
`Briefly stated, the present invention is directed towards new type of internet including enabling
`user to access all generalized features collaboratively from single user friendly interface. User(s)
`is/are enabled to search, match, purchase, install, attach, subscribe, update, upgrade, select,
`switch, access, use one or more generalized, multi-purpose, multi sources enabled, customizable,
`personalize, dynamic, unified, domain or subject or task or workflow or category or type specific
`interfaces from plurality of sources including 3" parties developers, providers, users of
`networks, sponsors, and advertisers. User(s) is/are also enabled to search, match, purchase,
`install, attach, subscribe, update, upgrade, select, switch, access, use one or more pre-created or
`user created or customized or orchestrated plurality types of domain or subject or task or
`workflow or category specific multi-purpose, multi source enabled, multi task specific functions.
`User can access multiple features of multiple web sites from single user interface. User can
`communicate, share, post messages, sent search requests, conduct plurality types of banking or
`monetary or e-commerce transactions, conduct plurality types of activates, actions, events,
`functions, tasks, workflow with plurality types of web sites, applications, services, networks,
`devices, databases, sources from one single source or single place or central user interface.
`Mechanismsof the invention may enable user to access all generalize subject or domain or task
`specific features of internet including features, forms, database, profile, applications, objects of
`3" parties web sites, applications, services, networks from single standard user interface. Useris
`enabled to select interface(s) and/or functions provided by various sources for conducting wide
`verities of user activities including online activates, various types of e-mail, instant messaging,
`e-commerce, entertainment, booking, searching, sharing, viewing, commenting, reviewing,
`rating, participating, writing & posting blogs, communicating, downloading, uploading, and


`WO 2015/015251
`In computer programming, a subroutine is a sequence of program instructions that perform a
`specific task, packaged as a unit. This unit can then be used in programs whereverthat particular
`task should be performed. Subprograms may be defined within programs, or separately in
`libraries that can be used by multiple programs.
`In different programming languages a subroutine may be called a procedure, a function, a
`routine, a method, or a subprogram. The generic term callable unit is sometimes used
`As the name subprogram suggests, a subroutine behaves in much the same way as a computer
`program that is used as one step in a larger program or another subprogram. A subroutine is
`often coded so that it can be started (called) several times and/or from several places during one
`execution of the program, including from other subroutines, and then branch back (return) to the
`next instruction after the call once the subroutine's task is done.
`Subroutines are a powerful programming tool, and the syntax of many programming languages
`includes support for writing and using them. Judicious use of subroutines (for example, through
`the structured programming approach) will often substantially reduce the cost of developing and
`maintaining a large program, while increasing its quality and reliability. Subroutines, often
`collected into libraries, are an important mechanism for sharing and trading software. The
`discipline of object-oriented programming is based on objects and methods (which are
`subroutines attached to these objects or object classes).
`The content of a subroutine is its body, the piece of program code that is executed when the
`subroutine is called or invoked.
`A subroutine may be written so that it expects to obtain one or more data values from the calling
`program (its parameters or formal parameters). The calling program provides actual values for
`these parameters, called arguments. Different programming languages may use different
`conventions for passing arguments.
`The advantages of breaking a program into subroutines include: decomposing a complex
`programming task into simpler steps:
`this is one of the two main tools of structured
`programming, along with data structures, reducing duplicate code within a program, enabling
`reuse of code across multiple programs, dividing a large programming task among various
`programmers, or various stages of a project, hiding implementation details from users of the


`WO 2015/015251
`subroutine, improving traceability, i.e. most languages offer ways to obtain the call trace which
`includes the names of the involved subroutines and perhaps even more information suchasfile
`names and line numbers; by not decomposing the code into subroutines, debugging would be
`impaired severely
`In one embodiment present invention presenting one or more types of unified or dynamic or
`generated or customized or standard user interfaces, wherein said interfaces provided, presented
`and integrate by/from one or more sources, providers, connected or related users of user
`developers, servers, web sites, databases, applications, services, networks and devices; enabling
`user to use or access or interact or select from one or more types of controls of one or more types
`of interfaces and/or search, match, select, input, capture, record, import, attach, edit, format,
`and/or compose one or more types of contents; and enabling user to select one or more functions
`or types or categories or links of functions or requests or features or actions or activities or
`transactions or events or objects or modules or process or workflow, wherein said functions
`integrate and/or provided and/or host and/or execute by/from/on one or more sources, providers,
`developers, servers, web sites, databases, applications, services, networks and devices.
`In another embodiment interface(s) comprising editor, one or more types of controls or user
`interface components & presentation logic components including textbox, search box, checkbox,
`radio button, list box, combo box, menu, wizard, grid, button(s), form(s) and one or more types
`of controls, objects, plug-ins, applications, application code or script, dynamic presentation
`In another embodiment
`interface(s) type of interface or unified interface comprising send
`message interface, search interface, share interface, e-commerce or buy interface, registering
`domain nameinterface and plurality types of subject or domain or appl

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