`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`15 December 2016 (15.12.2016) WI PO 1 P CT
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2016/197236 A1
`International Patent Classification:
`H01M 10/36 (2010.01)
`H01M 4/485 (2010.01)
`H01M 4/42 (2006.01)
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`A0, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`31 May 2016 (31.05.2016)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`8 June 2015 (08.06.2015)
`Inventors; and
`Applicants : ADAMS, Brian D. [CA/CA]; 228 Morenz
`Drive, Mitchell, Ontario NOK 1N0 (CA). KUNDU, Dipan
`[IN/CA]; Apartment 914, 11 Overlea Drive, Kitchener,
`Ontario N2M 5C8 (CA). NAZAR, Linda F. [CA/CA]; 504
`Fox Cove Place, Waterloo, Ontario N2K 4A7 (CA).
`BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM,
`70c70m.0 m
`E, E,G ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`PA, PE, PG, P , PL, PT, QA, RO, RS RU, RW, SA, SC,
`SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN,
`TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for evety
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ,
`TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,
`TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE,
`DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU,
`LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK,
`GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Agent: HILL & SCHUMACHER; 264 Avenue Road, Published:
`Toronto, Ontario M4V 2G7 (CA).
`with international search report (Art. 21(3))
`Figure 1A
`(57) Abstract: The present disclosure discloses
`a rechargeable Zn battery based on layered/tun-
`nelled structure vanadium/molybdenum oxides,
`With/without the presence of neunal/cationic/an—
`ionic species and/or water molecules inserted
`into the
`interlayers/tunnels, of nano/micro-
`particle morphology as robust materials for high
`rate and long term reversible Zn2+ ion intercala-
`tion storage at the positive electrode,
`that are
`coupled with a metallic Zn negative electrode,
`and an aqueous electrolyte. The positive elec-
`trode may include electronically conducting ad—
`ditives and one or more binders along with the
`Zn2+ intercalation material;
`the negative elec-
`trade is Zn metal in any form; the aqueous elec-
`trolyte is of pH 1
`to 9 and contains a soluble
`zinc salt in a concentration range from 0.01 to
`10 molar.
`uw Exhibit 1004, pg. 1
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 1


`WO 2016/197236
`This disclosure relates generally to batteries, and, more specifically to
`zinc ion batteries involving zinc intercalation positive electrode materials, zinc
`metal based negative electrodes in any form, and an aqueous electrolyte
`containing zinc salt and batteries using these positive electrode materials.
`Given the looming concerns of climate change, sustainable energy
`resources such as solar and wind have entered the global spotlight, triggering
`the search for reliable, low cost electrochemical energy storage. Among the
`various options, lithium ion batteries are currently the most attractive candidates
`due to their high energy density, and foothold in the marketplace. However,
`many factors (cost, safety, and lifetime) will likely limit their large scale
`applications, and dictate against their use in stationary grid storage where low
`cost and durability are more of a concern than weight. What is needed is a high
`energy density battery that is rechargeable, cheap, safe, and easy to
`manufacture and dispose of or recycle. Aqueous batteries (water based
`electrolytes) are therefore attracting tremendous attention. Their high
`conductivity (up to 1 Siemens (S) cm") compared to the non—aqueous
`electrolytes (0.001 to 0.01 S cm'1) also favour high rate capabilities suitable for
`emerging applications.
`The use of metallic negative electrodes is a means to achieve high
`energy density and ease of battery assembly (hence lower cost). There is a
`uw Exhibit 1004, pg. 2
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 2


`WO 2016/197236
`trade-off between the reduction potential of a metal, E°, (low values give higher
`cell voltages) and safety. Metals with low reduction potentials (e.g., lithium,
`potassium, calcium, sodium, and magnesium) react with water to produce
`hydrogen. However, zinc is stable in water and for that reason it has been used
`as the negative electrode in primary aqueous battery systems. Moreover, zinc
`has (a) high abundance and large production which makes it inexpensive; (b)
`non-toxicity; (c) low redox potential (0.76 V vs. standard hydrogen electrode
`(SHE)) compared to other negative electrode materials used in aqueous
`batteries; and (d) stability in water due to a high overpotential for hydrogen
`evolution. The latter renders a large voltage window (~2 V) for aqueous zinc-ion
`batteries (AZlBs) employing a metallic Zn negative electrode.
`Vanadium and molybdenum are low cost metals possessing a range of
`oxidation states (V: +2 to +5; Mo: +2 to +6), which allows for multiple redox and
`hence large specific capacities for vanadium or molybdenum based electrode
`materials. Layered VnOm (vanadium oxides: V205, V308, V4011) and MoOy
`(molybdenum oxides) that are made of two dimensional sheet structures were
`the subject of much past investigation for non-aqueous and aqueous alkali (Li
`and Na) ion batteries. The additional presence of interlayer neutral molecules,
`ions, metal ions and/or water of hydration in such layered oxides act as pillars,
`providing structural stability during long term charge discharge cycling.
`The present disclosure discloses a rechargeable Zn battery based on
`layered/tunnelled structure vanadium/molybdenum oxides, with/without the
`presence of neutral/cationic/anionic species and/or water molecules inserted
`uw Exhibit 1004, pg. 3
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 3


`WO 2016/197236
`into the interlayers/tunnels, of nano/microparticle morphology as robust
`materials for high rate and long term reversible Zn2+ ion intercalation storage at
`the positive electrode, that are coupled with a metallic Zn negative electrode,
`and an aqueous electrolyte. The positive electrode may include electronically
`conducting additives and one or more binders along with the an“ intercalation
`material; the negative electrode is Zn metal in any form; the aqueous electrolyte
`is may have a pH in a range of 1 to 9 and contains a soluble zinc salt which
`may be in a concentration range from 0.01 to 10 molar.
`Thus, disclosed herein is a zinc ion battery, comprising:
`a positive electrode compartment having enclosed therein an
`intercalation layered positive electrode material MXV205.nH20, wherein x is in a
`range from 0.05 to 1, n is in a range from 0 to 2, wherein M is any one or
`combination of a d-block metal ion, f-block metal ion and alkaline earth ion, the
`metal M ion being in a +2 to +4 valence state, and wherein said V205 is a
`layered crystal structure having the metal ions M pillared between the layers,
`and waters of hydration coordinated to the metal ions M;
`a negative electrode compartment having enclosed therein a negative
`electrode for storing zinc;
`a separator electrically insulating and permeable to zinc ions separating
`the positive and negative compartments; and
`an electrolyte comprising water and having a salt of zinc dissolved
`There is also disclosed herein a zinc ion battery, comprising:
`a positive electrode compartment having enclosed therein and
`intercalated layered positive electrode material MXV307.nH20, wherein x is in a
`uw Exhibit 1004, pg. 4
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 4


`WO 2016/197236
`range from 0.05 to 1, n is greater than 0 and less than 2, wherein M is any one
`or combination of a d-block metal ion, f-block metal ion and alkaline earth ion,
`the metal M ion being in a +2 to +4 valence state, and wherein said V307 is a
`layered crystal structure having the metal ions M pillared between the layers,
`and waters of hydration coordinated to the metal ions M and/or hydrogen
`bonded to the layers;
`a negative electrode compartment having enclosed therein a negative
`electrode for storing zinc;
`a separator electrically insulating and permeable to zinc ions separating
`the positive and negative compartments; and
`an electrolyte comprising water and having a salt of zinc dissolved
`There is also disclosed a zinc ion battery; comprising:
`a positive electrode compartment having enclosed therein an
`intercalated layered positive electrode material MxMoOynHzO, wherein x is in a
`range from O to 1, y is in a range from 2 to 3, n is in a range from O to 2,
`wherein M is any one or combination of a d-block metal ion, f—block metal ion
`and alkaline earth ion, the metal M ion being in a +2 to +4 valence state, and
`wherein said MoOy has a layer or tunnel crystal structure, and the metal ions M,
`if present, pillared between the layers, and waters of hydration coordinated to
`the metal ions M pillared between the layers;
`a negative electrode compartment having enclosed therein a negative
`electrode for storing zinc; a separator electrically insulating and permeable to
`zinc ions separating the positive and negative compartments; and
`uw Exhibit 1004, pg. 5
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 5


`WO 2016/197236
`an electrolyte comprising water and having a salt of zinc dissolved
`A further understanding of the functional and advantageous aspects of
`the disclosure can be realized by reference to the following detailed description
`and drawings.
`Embodiments of the disclosure will now be described, by way of example
`only, with reference to the drawings, in which:
`Figure 1A shows a conceptual scheme of a zinc-ion battery constructed
`in accordance with the present disclosure.
`Figure 1B is a cross section of a zinc-ion battery.
`Figure 2 shows linear sweep voltammograms at 1 mV/s on Pt, Ti, and
`Zn in 1 M Na2804 showing the onset of the hydrogen evolution reaction.
`Figure 3 shows linear sweep voltammograms at 1 mV/s in 1 M NaQSO4
`showing the hydrogen evolution reaction. The dotted voltammogram in (a)
`shows zinc deposition on a zinc disk electrode in 1 M ZnSO4 for comparison.
`Figure 4A shows cyclic voltammograms at 5 mV/s on a Ti disk
`Figure 4B shows cyclic voltammograms at 5 mV/s on stainless steel rod
`in 1 M ZnSO4.
`Figure 5 shows linear sweep voltammograms on a zinc disk electrode
`(cathodic sweep) and a stainless steel disk electrode (anodic sweep) at 1 mV/s
`in 1 M ZnSO4. The cathodic sweep on zinc shows zinc deposition and the
`anodic sweep on the stainless steel shows the oxygen evolution reaction.
`uw Exhibit 1004, pg. 6
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 6


`WO 2016/197236
`These two electrochemical reactions dictate the potential operating window for
`aqueous zinc-ion batteries using this electrolyte.
`Figure 6A shows Rietveld refinement of H2V308. Data points (circles);
`calculated profile (line); difference profile (dotted line); Bragg positions (vertical
`lines) are as indicated. Refined lattice parameters are a = 16.87 A, b = 9.332
`(3) A, c = 3.63 A, and d = B = y = 90°. inset shows the layered structure
`projected in the ac plane. VOx polyhedra are shown in black.
`Figure GB shows the Rietveld refinement of ZI’logngOanHzO. Data
`points (circles); calculated profile (black line); difference profile (blue line) are as
`indicated. Refined parameters are a = 10.75 A, b = 7.77 A, c: 10.42 A, a =
`9126", [3 = 90.31 °, and y = 88.66°. The VOx and ZnOx polyhedra are shown in
`black and grey, respectively.
`Figures 7A, 7B, 7C and 70 show a typical SEM image of the H2V308
`(7A and 7B) and Zno,25V2O5.nH20 (7C and 7D) nanofibers.
`Figures 8A and BB show galvanostatic polarization curves for the (8A)
`H2V303 and (BB) Zno,25V205.nH20 electrodes at various current rates. Here, 10
`is defined as 350 mA g“1 for szgo8 and 300 mA g1 for 2n025v205.nii20.
`Figures 9A. 9B, 9C and 90 show specific capacity and coulombic
`efficiency of the H2V3Og (9A and 9B) and Zno,25V205,nH20 (90 and QD) as a
`function of cycling at 40 (9A and 9C) and 8C (QB and 9D) current rates.
`Figures 10A and 108 show rate capability of the (9A) H2V308 and (QB)
`Zn0.25V205.nH20 cells studied under variable current loading as a function of
`cycling. The corresponding coulombic efficiencies are also shown.
`uw Exhibit 1004, pg. 7
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 7


`WO 2016/197236
`Figure 11 shows the tradeoff between energy and power density
`(Ragone plot) for reversible Zn2“ storage in Zno,25V205.nH20, H2V308, Mnog,
`and Zn3[Fe(CN)6]2.
`Various embodiments and aspects of the disclosure will be described
`with reference to details discussed below. The following description and
`drawings are illustrative of the disclosure and are not to be construed as limiting
`the disclosure. Numerous specific details are described to provide a thorough
`understanding of various embodiments of the present disclosure. However, in
`certain instances, well-known or conventional details are not described in order
`to provide a concise discussion of embodiments of the present disclosure.
`The Figures are not to scale and some features may be exaggerated or
`minimized to show details of particular elements while related elements may
`have been eliminated to prevent obscuring novel aspects. Therefore, specific
`structural and functional details disclosed herein are not to be interpreted as
`limiting but merely as a basis for the claims and as a representative basis for
`teaching one skilled in the art to variously employ the present disclosure.
`As used herein, the term “about”, when used in conjunction with ranges
`of dimensions, temperatures, concentrations or other physical properties or
`characteristics is meant to cover slight variations that may exist in the upper
`and lower limits of the ranges of dimensions so as to not exclude embodiments
`where on average most of the dimensions are satisfied but where statistically
`dimensions may exist outside this region.
`uw Exhibit 1004, pg. 8
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 8


`WO 2016/197236
`As used herein, the phrase “a negative electrode for storing zinc” means
`that the negative electrode can incorporate and release zinc reversibly by
`electrodeposition/dissolution (plating/stripping) of elemental zinc from/to the
`electrolyte, by alloying/dealloying reaction, or the negative electrode comprises
`a material that can store zinc by any one or combination of intercalation,
`conversion, and capacitive storage (adsorption/deadsorption of Zn2+ ions).
`Figure 1A shows a conceptual scheme of a zinc-ion battery shown
`generally at 10, which includes an anode 12, and an intercalated layered
`positive electrode material 14 separated by an electrolyte 16, with Figure 1A
`showing diagrammatically the operation of the battery 10, namely during the
`charging cycle Zn ions are attracted to the negative electrode 12, and during
`the discharge cycle Zn ions are attracted to the intercalated positive electrode
`material 14 into which they intercalate. Electrons flow through the external
`circuit connecting the negative and positive electrodes which are used to do
`Figure 1B is a cross section of an actual zinc-ion battery showing the
`positive electrode 14 contained in a positive electrode compartment 20, the
`negative electrode 12 contained in a negative electrode compartment 22, and
`the electrolyte 16 contained in an electrolyte compartment 24 in which a
`separator 28 which is electrically insulating and permeable to zinc ions
`separating the positive and negative compartments is located. Non-limiting
`examples of separator 28 include organic polymers (polyethylene (PE),
`polypropylene (PP), poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE), poly(vinyl chloride)
`(PVC)), polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), nylon, organic polymer-inorganic oxide,
`uw Exhibit 1004, pg. 9
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 9


`WO 2016/197236
`silica glass fiber, porous silica or alumina ceramic membranes, cellulose,
`cellulose-ceramic oxide, wood, or any combination of these.
`The present disclosure provides several embodiments of the intercalated
`layered positive electrode material 14. in an embodiment the intercalation
`layered positive electrode material 14 may be MXV205.nH20, where x is in a
`range from 0.05 to 1, n is in a range from 0 to 2, and M is any one or
`combination of a d-block metal ion, f—block metal ion and alkaline earth ion with
`the metal M ion being in a +2 to +4 valence state. The V205 has a layered
`crystal structure having the metal ions M pillared between the layers, and
`waters of hydration coordinated to the metal ions M. The number of waters of
`hydration n in some embodiments may be greater than 0 and less than 1.
`Some of the waters of hydration may be hydrogen bonded to the layers.
`In a preferred embodiment x = 0.25, and n = 1.
`In another embodiment, the intercalated layered positive electrode
`material 14 may be MxV307.nH20, wherein x is in a range from 0.05 to 1, n is
`greater than 0 and less than 2. M is any one or combination of a d-block metal
`ion, f-block metal ion and alkaline earth ion, with the metal M ion being in a +2
`to +4 valence state. The V307 is a layered crystal structure having the metal
`ions M pillared between the layers, and waters of hydration coordinated to the
`metal ions M and/or hydrogen bonded to the layers. In an embodiment n is
`greater than 0 and less than 1.
`in a preferred embodiment x = 0.05, and n = 1.
`in another embodiment, the intercalated layered positive electrode
`material 14 may be MxMoOy.nH20, in which x is in a range from 0 to 1, y is in a
`range from 2 to 3, and n is in a range from O to 2. M is any one or combination
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 10
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 10


`WO 2016/197236
`of a d—block metal ion, f-block metal ion and alkaline earth ion, with the metal M
`ion being in a +2 to +4 valence state. The MoOy has a layer or tunnel crystal
`structure, and the metal ions M,
`if present, are pillared between the layers, and
`waters of hydration are coordinated to the metal ions M pillared between the
`in some embodiments n is greater than 0 and less than 2. In some
`embodiments the waters of hydration are hydrogen bonded to the layers.
`in a preferred embodiment x = 0.25, y = 3 and n = 0.
`The electrolyte 16 is an aqueous based electrolyte and contains a salt of
`zinc dissolved therein. Non-limiting examples of the zinc salt comprises any one
`or combination of zinc sulfate, zinc acetate, zinc citrate, zinc iodide, zinc
`chloride, zinc perchlorate, zinc nitrate, zinc phosphate, zinc triflate, zinc
`bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide, zinc tetrafluoroborate, and zinc bromide to
`mention a few.
`The dissolved zinc is present in an amount in the liquid in a range from
`about 0.01 to about 10 molar (M), and preferably is present in a range from
`about 0.1 to about 4 M.
`The electrolyte may have a pH in a range between 1 and about 8 but
`preferably between 4 and about 8 and more preferably 4 to 7. The electrolyte is
`an aqueous based electrolyte and may be just water containing the dissolved
`salt of zinc, or additional solvents may be included, for example alcohols,
`nitriles, carbonates, ethers, sulfoxides, glycols, esters, and amines. Typically,
`the zinc salt may comprise anyone or combination of zinc sulfate, zinc acetate,
`zinc citrate, zinc iodide, zinc chloride, zinc perchlorate, zinc nitrate, zinc
`phosphate, zinc triflate, zinc bis(trifluoromethanesulionyl)imide, zinc
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 11
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 11


`WO 2016/197236
`tetrafluoroborate, and zinc bromide in 0.1 to 4 M concentration of Zn2+ with or
`without the nonaqueous component and with or without additional ionicaliy-
`conductive salts such as quaternary ammonium salts or alkali metal salts.
`The negative electrode may be made of a solid sheet, mesh, or rod of
`zinc, or it may be comprised of a zinc layer formed on a current collector. When
`the battery is assembled with metallic zinc contained in the negative electrode,
`the battery is typically referred to as a zinc battery. This is opposed to a zinc ion
`battery in which the negative electrode in its initial state does not contain any
`zinc. The zinc layer may be a thin sheet of zinc or an alloy, or powder zinc
`bonded adhered to the surface of the negative electrode facing into the
`negative electrode compartment. The zinc may be a constituent of a formulation
`which is adhered to the surface of the current collector. Non-limiting examples
`of zinc alloys that may be used include alloys of zinc with lead, vanadium,
`chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, cadmium, tungsten, bismuth, tin,
`indium, antimony, copper, and titanium.
`The negative current collector is an electrically conductive support for
`active zinc which may be comprised of any one or combination of carbon,
`boron, lead, vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, cadmium,
`tungsten, bismuth, tin, indium, antimony, copper, titanium, and zinc metal. A
`feature of the negative electrode is that it comprises a material that can store
`elemental zinc by any one or combination of intercalation, conversion, and
`capacitive storage. in a conversion process, the electrochemical reaction of the
`negative electrode material with zinc leads to its decomposition into two or
`more products. in capacitive storage the an+ ions are stored at the surface of
`the negative electrode material by a non—faradic process.
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 12
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 12


`WO 2016/197236
`The intercalated layered positive electrode material may have different
`morphologies. The intercalation layered positive electrode material 14 has a
`nanostructured morphology. Preferably the average particle size is less than
`1000 nm in a direction of Zn ion transport through the particle, and more
`preferably less than 500 nm in a direction of Zn ion transport through the
`particle. Non-limiting morphologies include nanowires, fibers, wires, cubes,
`platelets, spheres, and uneven morphology. They may be simple particles. The
`particles may have a mean size in a range from about 5 nm to about 50 um.
`The particles may be coated with electrically conducting material, in
`the electrically conducting material is any one or combination of carbon powder
`and conducting polymer. The particles may be embedded in an electrically
`conducting matrix and the electrically conducting matrix may comprise any one
`or combination of carbon and conducting polymer, and including a binder. The
`binder may be any one or combination of styrene butadiene rubber (SBR),
`sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), polyvinyl acetate (PVAc), polyethylene
`glycol (PEG), polybutyl acrylate (PBA), polyurethane, acrylonitrile, polypyrrole,
`polyaniline, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF),
`perfluorosulfonic acid (PFSA), and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT).
`The zinc ion battery materials disclosed herein will now be illustrated by
`the following non-limiting examples.
`Two vanadium oxide based compounds with layered crystal structures
`and in ultralong one-dimensional morphology exhibiting as robust host
`materials for high rate and long term reversible an+ ion storage in aqueous
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 13
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 13


`WO 2016/197236
`electrolyte were produced. Vanadium is a cheap and environmentally benign
`metal possessing a range of oxidation states (+2 to +5), which allows for
`multiple redox and hence large specific capacities for vanadium based
`electrode materials. Particularly, oxides of vanadium e.g., V205 which is non-
`toxic and produced in large quantities, displays numerous crystal and
`compositional chemistries for reversible metal ion storage. Layered MXVnOm
`oxides (M = metal ion) of compositions such as V205, V308, V4011 that are
`made of two dimensional sheet structures have been the subject of intense
`investigation for both non-aqueous and aqueous alkali (Li and Na) ion batteries.
`The presence of interlayer metal ions and/or water of hydration act as pillars,
`providing structural stability during long term charge discharge cycling.
`Embodying such qualities are H2V30a and anV205.nH20, which we
`have synthesized in nanofiber morphology by a simple and rapid microwave
`hydrothermal treatment of V205, without using any toxic or corrosive chemicals,
`and converted to freestanding film electrodes by adopting a cheaper and
`greener water based electrode fabrication process. Nanomorphology and
`compact film structure allows for facile release of strain resulting upon Zn2+
`cycling, shorter ion diffusion paths, better interaction of carbon additives with
`the active material and robust conductive wiring — facilitating high specific
`capacities of ~300 mAh g'1 and long term cyclabilities up to 1000 cycles at high
`coulombic efficiency using fast current rates.
`Experimental Methods
`Synthesis of H2V308 and anV205
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 14
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 14


`WO 2016/197236
`Microwave solvothermal method developed over last two decades are
`now often used to prepare positive electrode materials for lithium ion batteries.
`in this work, we have modified a time consuming and energy expensive
`hydrothermal approach used in the synthesis of single crystalline H2V303
`nanobelt to a rapid and scalable microwave hydrothermal method for the
`synthesis of highly homogeneous H2V308 and anV205.nH20 nanofibers. In a
`typical procedure, 3 to 4 millimoles (mmol) V205 was dispersed in 15:1
`water/ethanol (v) mixture with or without stoichiometric amount of zinc acetate
`(for anV205.nH20) and transferred to a sealed TeflonTM vessel. The vessels
`were fitted to a rotor equipped with temperature and pressure sensors. The
`rotor containing the vessels was then placed in a rotating platform for uniform
`heating in an Anton Parr microwave synthesis system (Synthos 3000). The
`system temperature was raised to 180°C in 10 minutes and maintained for 60
`to 90 minutes. The preset temperature was maintained automatically by
`continuous adjustment of the applied power (limited to 800 Watts). The as-
`synthesized product was thoroughly washed with distilled water followed by a
`small amount of iso—propanol and dried at 60°C for 24 h.
`Characterization Methods
`Powder X—ray diffraction was performed on a Bruker D8—Advance
`powder diffractometer equipped with Vantec-1 detector, using Cu-Ko radiation
`(A: 1.5405A) in the range from 5°to 80° (29) at a step size of 0025" using
`Bragg-Brentano geometry. X-ray data refinement was carried out by
`conventional Rietveld refinement method using the Bruker-AXS TOPAS 4.2
`software (Bruker—AXS, 2008). The background, scale factor, zero point, lattice
`parameters, atomic positions and coefficients for the peak shape function were
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 15
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 15


`WO 2016/197236
`iteratively refined until convergence was achieved. The morphologies of the
`samples were examined by field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-
`SEM, LEO 1530) equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
`(EDX) attachment.
`Battery Cycling
`For electrochemical performance evaluation, a freestanding film type
`electrode was fabricated by a facile green approach. in a typical process,
`nanofibers were mixed with conducting nanocarbon Super P® and water based
`composite binder carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) and styrene-butadiene
`rubber(SBR) (CMC/SBR: 2:1) in 70:27:3 weight ratio. The mixture was
`dispersed in small amount of water by using an ultrasonic mixer to obtain a
`stable homogeneous ink which was filtered through Durapore® DVPP 0.65 um
`filtration membrane. The water soluble CMC facilitates the dispersion of
`hydrophobic carbon particles into water and enables its intimate mixing with the
`nanofibers. Whereas SBR with high binding abilities for a small amount
`provides adhesion and electrode flexibility. The binder molecules not involved in
`this anchoring and adhesion get washed away during filtration and that way
`electrode films with very small binder content is achieved. After drying at 60°C
`the composite film automatically came off which was then punched into 1 cm2
`electrode coins. The electrodes were further dried at 180°C for 1 h (HngOa) or
`60°C for 12 h (for anV205.nH20). The electrochemical properties were
`investigated in PFA based Swagelok® type cell using 1 M ZnSO4 in water as the
`electrolyte and titanium or stainless steel rods as the current collector. The
`H2V308 or anV205.nH20 and zinc foil served as the positive and negative
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 16
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 16


`WO 2016/197236
`electrodes, respectively. Galvanostatic cycling studies were performed using
`multichannel biologic VMP3 potentiostat/galvanostat.
`Three-Electrode Electrochemical Measurements
`The voltammetric electrochemical experiments were performed with a
`three-electrode cell consisting of the working electrode, Pt mesh (1 cm2) as the
`counter electrode, and an Ag/AgCl (3 M KCI) reference electrode. The working
`electrodes examined were a Zn disk (cp = 2 mm), a Ti disk ((1) = 2 mm), a
`stainless steel rod (316 grade, (p = 12 mm), and the H2V308 composite
`electrode. Cyclic voltammetry was performed at a scan rate of 5 mV/s and
`linear sweep voltammograms were acquired at 1 mV/s. These techniques were
`controlled with a CHl700E potentiostat (CH instruments, lnc.). The electrolytes
`used were 1 M NaZSO4 for the hydrogen evolution reaction and 1 M ZnSO4 for
`zinc plating/stripping and the oxygen evolution reaction. All experiments were
`performed at room temperature (23 i 2°C).
`Results and Discussion
`The operating voltage of all secondary aqueous batteries is limited by
`the potentials for hydrogen evolution and oxygen evolution from water
`electrolysis. Since both the hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions (HER and
`OER, respectively) are pH dependent (see reactions 2 to 5) and catalytic in
`nature, the precise potential at which they occur is sensitive to the electrolyte
`composition and electrode material. HEFt and OER occur during charge at the
`negative and positive electrodes, respectively, and are displayed below in
`reactions 2 to 5, while the zinc deposition reaction is shown in reaction 1:
`Cathodic Reactions:
`Zinc Deposition:
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 17
`UW Exhibit 1004, pg. 17


`WO 2016/197236
`Zn2+ + 2e‘ —» Zn
`E°= -O.76 v vs. SHE
`Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER):
`Anodic Reactions:
`2H20 + 2e" —> H2 + 20H‘
`E°= -0.83 V vs. SHE
`2H+ + 2e' —+ H2
`E°= 0.00 v vs. SHE
`Oxygen Evolution Reaction (OER):
`4OH’ —> 02 + 2H20 + 4e'
`E°= 0.40 V vs. SHE
`2H20 ——> 02 + 4H + 4e'
`E°= 1.23 V vs. SHE
`To examine the suitability of a metallic zinc negative electrode for
`secondary zinc-ion batteries, linear sweep voltammetry was used to probe the
`HER. in Figure 2, a zinc-ion-free (1 M Na2804) electrolyte was used which
`contained the same concentration of the sulfate anion and similar pH value (4-
`5) as the 1 M ZnSO4 electrolyte used for all other studies. Here, it can be seen
`that the hydrogen evolution reaction has an overpotential of ~0.4 V with respect
`to Pt on both zinc metal and titanium metal. Titanium was found to be an

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