`United States Patent and TrademarkOffice
`P.O. Box 1450
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`1400 Wewatta Street
`Suite 400
`Denver, CO 80202-5549
`The projected patent numberandissue date are specified above.
`Determination of Patent Term Adjustment under 35 U.S.C. 154 (b)
`(application filed on or after May 29, 2000)
`The Patent Term Adjustment is 612 day(s). Any patent to issue from the above-identified application will include
`an indication of the adjustmenton the front page.
`If a Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) wasfiled in the above-identified application, the filing date that
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`should be directed to the Application Assistance Unit (AAU) of the Office of Data Management (ODM) at
`APPLICANT(s) (Please see PAIR WEBsite http://pair.uspto.gov for additional applicants):
`Jason K. Smith, Breckenridge, CO;
`The United States represents the largest, most dynamic marketplace in the world andis an unparalleled location
`for business investment, innovation, and commercialization of new technologies. The USA offers tremendous
`resources and advantages for those who invest and manufacture goods here. Through SelectUSA, our nation
`worksto encourage andfacilitate business investment. To learn more about why the USAis the best country in
`the world to develop technology, manufacture products, and grow your business, visit SelectUSA. gov.
`IR103 (Rev. 10/09)
`PROVI-1002 - Page 1
`PROVI-1002 - Page 1
`United States Patent and TrademarkOffice
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`Jason K. Smith
`1400 Wewatta Street
`Suite 400
`Denver, CO 80202-5549
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`Notice of the Office communication was sent electronically on above-indicated "Notification Date" to the
`following e-mail address(es):
`docketing-dv @ dorsey.com
`docketingDV @dorsey.foundationip.com
`PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07)
`PROVI-1002 - Page 2
`PROVI-1002 - Page 2
`Noth Comrectod bili
`otice of
`Application No.
`15/061 ,026
`Smith, Jason K.
`AIA (FITF) Status
`-- The MAILING DATEof this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address--
`All claims being allowable, PROSECUTION ON THE MERITS IS (OR REMAINS) CLOSED in this application. If not included
`herewith (or previously mailed), a Notice of Allowance (PTOL-85) or other appropriate communication will be mailed in due course. THIS
`NOTICE OF ALLOWABILITY IS NOT A GRANTOF PATENTRIGHTS.This application is subject to withdrawal from issue at the initiative
`of the Office or upon petition by the applicant. See 37 CFR 1.313 and MPEP 1308.
`1.{¥} This communication is responsive to 09/09/2019.
`(J A declaration(s)/affidavit(s) under 37 CFR 1.130(b) was/werefiled on
`Primary Examiner, Art Unit 3688
`2.() An election was madebythe applicant in responseto a restriction requirement set forth during the interview on
`restriction requirement and election have been incorporatedinto this action.
`; the
`3.4} The allowed claim(s) is/are 1-2,4-14 and 16-21 . As a result of the allowed claim(s), you may beeligible to benefit from the Patent
`Prosecution Highway program at a participating intellectual property office for the corresponding application. For more information
`, please see hittp:/Awww.uspto.gov/patents/init_events/pph/index.jsp or send an inquiry to PPHfeedback@uspto.gov.
`4[_) Acknowledgmentis made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)-(d) or (f).
`Certified copies:
`a) DAI b){JSome=*c) CL) None ofthe:
`1. ( Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2. LJ Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No.
`3. (J Copiesof the certified copies of the priority documents have been receivedin this national stage application from the
`International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)).
`“ Certified copies not received:
`Applicant has THREE MONTHS FROM THE "MAILING DATE"of this communication to file a reply complying with the requirements
`noted below.Failure to timely comply will result in ABANDONMENT ofthis application.
`5.(. CORRECTED DRAWINGS (as "replacement sheets") must be submitted.
`() including changes required by the attached Examiner's Amendment / Commentor in the Office action of
`Paper No./Mail Date
`Identifying indicia such as the application number (see 37 CFR 1.84(c)) should be written on the drawingsin the front (not the back) of each
`sheet. Replacement sheet(s) should be labeled as such in the header according to 37 CFR 1.121(d).
`6.C DEPOSIT OFand/or INFORMATION aboutthe deposit of BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL must be submitted. Note the
`attached Examiner's comment regarding REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEPOSIT OF BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL.
`5. (2 Examiner's Amendment/Comment
`1.[¥] Notice of References Cited (PTO-892)
`2.) Information Disclosure Statements (PTO/SB/08), 6.l¥}Examiner's Statement of Reasonsfor Allowance
`Paper No./Mail Date 04/30/2019.
`3. Examiner's Comment Regarding Requirementfor Deposit 7.¥Other PTO-271.
`of Biological Material
`4.1 Interview Summary (PTO-413),
`Paper No./Mail Date.
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTOL-37 (Rev. 08-13)
`Notice of Allowability
`Part of Paper No./Mail Date 20190930
`PROVI-1002 - Page 3
`PROVI-1002 - Page 3
`Application/Control Number: 15/061,026
`Art Unit: 3688
`Page 2
`Reasons for Allowance
`The following is an examiner's statement of reasons for allowance:
`As currently claimed, the present invention is directed towards optimized
`inventory ordering of beverage products. The present invention registers a plurality of
`users/merchants and distributors. The distributor information including product
`information and promotional information for particular products and the user/merchant
`information including location information and inventory information including par
`values. The invention determines, based on the par and invention information, a need
`for inventory order. Based on the need, particular products are identified including
`determining applicable promotions and respective distributors for the products to restore
`the inventory to a par level. The invention then generates a plurality of orders toa
`plurality of distributors including formatting orders for the individual distributors for based
`on the merchant/user confirmation, and distribute the orders to the respective
`The Examiner notes as previously discussed, the invention was previously
`rejected by the combination of Vanker and Mesaros. As shown, Vanker discloses the
`conceptof determining the need for orders based on a par and current inventory values.
`Mesaros further teaches the concept of managing orders including the concept of
`discounts offered by distributors and splitting a request into orders for multiple
`distributors (See Mesaros §0057). The Examiner notes that while Mesaros teaches the
`concept of managing orders for a user/merchant, Mesaros does not teach the distributor
`discounts to be applicable to a single user/merchant, instead Mesaros teaches the
`conceptof an order to be for a single distributor to a plurality of user/merchants.
`PROVI-1002 - Page 4
`PROVI-1002 - Page 4
`Application/Control Number: 15/061,026
`Art Unit: 3688
`Page 3
`Mesaros further does not teach the concept of automating the process of managing
`multiple products within a single request.
`The Examiner further notes the following references:
`Wolfsonet al. (US 20090055264 A1), which talks about aggregating purchase
`incentive information,
`including the concept of comparing discounts from a plurality of
`sellers for a specific product. Although, Wolfson teaches this concept, Wolfson does not
`address the concept of generating multiple formatted order to a plurality of distributors.
`Still furthermore, the Examiner has not found sufficient motivation to combine or modify
`the existing references with Wolfson.
`Pishevar et al. (US 7124107 B1), which talks about collective procurement,
`teaches the concept of generating multiple orders for multiple distributors to fulfill a
`single request. While Pishevar teaches this concept, similar to Mesaros, Pishevar
`teaches the discounts to be based on volume and groups of user/merchants. Still
`furthermore, Pishevar does not address the conceptof a single request to include
`managing the creation of multiple order to a first and second distributor for a first and
`second product respectively.
`Although the above references and references such as Musa, Pechanec, Tatro
`teaches individual elements of the invention such as automating the selection of
`suppliers, generating and formatting multiple orders for a single request, and performing
`deal identification and updating order totals, The Examiner has not found sufficient
`motivation to combine the plurality of references required to address all of the limitations
`in this particular arrangement. As such, the Examiner has determined the present
`invention to be non-obvious over the prior art.
`PROVI-1002 - Page 5
`PROVI-1002 - Page 5
`Application/Control Number: 15/061,026
`Art Unit: 3688
`Page 4
`The Examiner further notes that while the present invention does implement
`judicial exceptions such as the implementation of promotional discounts, and managing
`transactions, the Examiner has determined the present invention to be significantly
`more and the claimed invention is a practical application of these concepts. In the
`present case, the invention particularly implements these concepts in a computer
`environment, thereby providing a user with a comprehensive andefficient system. As
`such, the Examiner has determined the present invention to be patent eligible.
`Any comments considered necessary by applicant must be submitted no later
`than the payment of the issue fee and, to avoid processing delays, should preferably
`accompany the issue fee. Such submissions should be clearly labeled “Comments on
`Statement of Reasons for Allowance.”
`Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the
`examiner should be directed to VINCENT M CAO whosetelephone numberis
`(571)270-5598. The examiner can normally be reached on Monday - Friday 11-7.
`Examiner interviews are available via telephone, in-person, and video
`conferencing using a USPTO supplied web-based collaboration tool. To schedule an
`interview, applicant is encouraged to use the USPTO Automated Interview Request
`(AIR) at http:/Awww.uspto.gov/interviewpractice.
`If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner's
`supervisor, ABDI KAMBIZ can be reached on (571) 272-6702. The fax phone number
`for the organization where this application or proceeding is assigned is 571-273-8300.
`PROVI-1002 - Page 6
`PROVI-1002 - Page 6
`Application/Control Number: 15/061,026
`Art Unit: 3688
`Page 5
`Information regarding the status of an application may be obtained from the
`Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system. Status information for
`published applications may be obtained from either Private PAIR or Public PAIR.
`Status information for unpublished applications is available through Private PAIR only.
`For more information about the PAIR system, seehttp://pair-direct.uspto.gov. Should
`you have questions on access to the Private PAIR system, contact the Electronic
`Business Center (EBC) at 866-217-9197 (toll-free).
`If you would like assistance from a
`USPTO CustomerService Representative or accessto the automated information
`system, call 800-786-9199 (IN USA OR CANADA) or 571-272-1000.
`Primary Examiner, Art Unit 3688
`PROVI-1002 - Page 7
`PROVI-1002 - Page 7
`Notice ofReferences Cited
`Application/Control No.
`Applicant(s)/Patent Under
`Smith, Jason K.
`Art Unit
`Page 1 of 1
`Document Number
`|*|a|Us-20090055264-A1 02-2009|Wolfson; Donald M. G06030/02 705/14.34
`te US-7124107-B1 10-2006_|Pishevar: Shervin G06Q30/06 705/37
`*A copyofthis reference is not being furnished with this Office action. (See MPEP § 707.05(a).)
`Dates in MM-YYYYformat are publication dates. Classifications may be US orforeign.
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTO-892 (Rev. 01-2001)
`Notice of References Cited
`Part of Paper No. 20190930
`PROVI-1002 - Page 8
`PROVI-1002 - Page 8
`Application/Conirol No.
`Applicant(s)/Patent Under Reexamination
`/ssue Classification|451061.026
`Smith, Jason K.
`| l
`CPC Combination Sets
`2013-0 1-01
`O.G. Print Claim(s)]| O.G. Print Figure (Primary Examiner)
`Assistant Examiner)
`Primary Examiner, Art Unit 3688
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`Total Claims Allowed:
`30 September 2019
`Claim 1
`Fig. 1
`Part of Paper No.: 20190930
`Page 1 of 3
`PROVI-1002 - Page 9
`PROVI-1002 - Page 9
`| i|
`Application/Conirol No.
`Applicant(s)/Patent Under Reexamination
`/ssue Classification|451061.026
`Smith, Jason K.
`30 September 2019
`Total Claims Allowed:
`O.G. Print Claim(s)]| O.G. Print Figure
`Claim 1
`Fig. 1
`Part of Paper No.: 20190930
`Assistant Examiner)
`Primary Examiner, Art Unit 3688
`(Primary Examiner)
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`Page 2 of 3
`PROVI-1002 - Page 10
`PROVI-1002 - Page 10
`| i|
`C) R.1.47
`Application/Conirol No.
`Applicant(s)/Patent Under Reexamination
`/ssue Classification|451061.026
`Smith, Jason K.
`(J) Claims renumbered in the same order as presented by applicant
`() CPA
`(J T.D.
`O.G. Print Claim(s)]| O.G. Print Figure (Primary Examiner)
`Assistant Examiner)
`Primary Examiner, Art Unit 3688
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`Total Claims Allowed:
`30 September 2019
`Claim 1
`Fig. 1
`Part of Paper No.: 20190930
`Page 3 of 3
`PROVI-1002 - Page 11
`PROVI-1002 - Page 11
`Index of Claims
`Application/Control No.
`Applicant(s)/Patent Under Reexamination
`Smith, Jason K.
`| || | | sen
`nN Non-Elected
`Rejected = Cancelled
`=| Allowed = Restricted 1|interference|
`([ Claims renumbered in the same order as presented by applicant
`oor 12088 02/19/2019|05/28/2019 09/30/2019
`C) R.1.47
`aja Oo
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`Page 1 of 1
`Part of Paper No.: 20190930
`PROVI-1002 - Page 12
`PROVI-1002 - Page 12
`Application/Conirol No.
`Applicant(s)/Patent Under Reexamination
`Search Notes
`* See search history printout included with this form or the SEARCH NOTES box below to determine the scopeof the
`US Classification - Searched*
`Primary Examiner, Art Unit 3688 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`15/061 ,026
`Smith, Jason K.
`CPC - Searched*
`CPC Combination Sets - Searched*
`Search Notes
`Interference Search
`US Class/CPC
`US Subclass/CPC Group
`Page 1 of 1
`iar O Pape A ta 281 Gog
`PROVI-1002 - Page 13
`Smith, Jason K.
`Responseto Rule 312 Communication Art Unit|AIA (FITF) StatusExaminer
`Application No.
`-- The MAILING DATEof this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address--
`1. ¥)The amendmentfiled on 09 September 2019 under 37 CFR 1.312 has been considered, and has been:
`entered as directed to matters of form not affecting the scope of the invention.
`disapproved because the amendment wasfiled after the payment of the issue fee.
`Any amendment filed after the date the issue fee is paid must be accompanied by a petition under 37 CFR 1.313(c)(1)
`and the required fee to withdraw the application from issue.
`disapproved. See explanation below.
`entered in part. See explanation below.
`Primary Examiner, Art Unit 3688 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTOL-271 (Rev. 04-01)
`Reponseto Rule 312 Communication
`Part of Paper No. 20190930
`PROVI-1002 - Page 14
`PROVI-1002 - Page 14
`Receipt date: 04/30/2019
`15/061,026 - GAO:
`PTO/SB/08a (02-18)
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`Approvedfor use through 11/30/2020. OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
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`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`| 5061026
`Attorney Docket Number
`| P249656.US.02
`Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`CAO Vincent M.
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
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`EFS Web 2.1.18
`PROVI-1002 - Page 15
`Receipt date: 06/30/2019
`15/061 026 - GAU: 3688
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`Examiner Name
`CAO Vincent M.
`Attorney Docket Number | P249656.US.02
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`APPSUITE, "Revolutionizing Restaurant Customer Loyalty & Reward Programs," 16 September 2014, 5 pages.
`SYRUS RESTAURANT INFORMATION SERVICES, "Powerful Restaurant Inventory Software,” 05 July 2014, 7
`DATA CENTRAL, "Inventory Control," Restaurant Magic Software, 17 June 2013, 2 pages.
`If you wish to add additional non-patentliterature documentcitation information please click the Add button
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`4 Kind of document by the appropriate symbols as indicated on the documentunder WIPO Standard ST.16 if possible. * Applicantis to place a check mark hereiff
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`EFS Web 2.1.18
`PROVI-1002 - Page 16
`Receipt date: 04/30/2019
`15/061 026 - GAU: 3688
`Application Number
`First Named Inventer|SMITH, Jason K.
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Filing Date 2016-03-04
`Art Unit
`| 3688
`Examiner Name
`CAO Vincent M.
`Attorney Docket Number
`| P249656.US.02
`Please see 37 CFR 1.97 and 1.98 to make the appropriate selection{s):
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`PROVI-1002 - Page 20
`Bibliographic Data
`15/061 026
`Application No:
`Foreign Priority claimed:
`O Yes
`35 USC 119 (a-d) conditions met:
`Verified and Acknowledged:
`Examiner's Signature
`LJ Met After Allowance
`FILING or 371(c) DATE
`Jason K. Smith Breckenridge, CO, UNITED STATES
`This application has PRO of 62132623 03/13/2015
`1400 Wewatta Street
`Suite 400
`DENVER, CO 80202-5549
`PROVI-1002 - Page 21
`PROVI-1002 - Page 21
`EAST Search History
`EAST Search History
`EAST Search History (Prior Art)
`Search Query
`(updat$3 or adjust$3) with (price or
`same (discount or promotion$2
`(supplier or
`or incentive)) and
`distributor or wholesaler) and
`(discount or promotion$2 or
`incentive) with (available or option)
`(updat$3 or adjust$) with total same
`(discount or offer or incentive)
`$1 and (restock$3 or reorder$3) and
`minimum same current same
`(inventory or stock)
`(inventory or stock)
`inventory or stock
`file:///C/Users/vcao/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/15061026/EASTSearchHistory. 15061026_AccessibleVersion.htm[2/19/2019 8:09:17 AM]
`PROVI-1002 - Page 22
`PROVI-1002 - Page 22
`EAST Search History
`(inventory or stock) and (discount or