(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0107170 A1
` Labrou et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jun. 3, 2004
`US 20040107170A1
`Publication Classification
`Inventorsz Yannis LabroU, Baltimore, MD (US);
`Lusheng Ji, Silver Spring, MD (US);
`Jonathan Russell Agre, Brinklow, MD
`Correspondence Address:
`SUITE 700
`(73) Assrgnee: FUJITSU LIMITED’ Kawasak1(JP)
`(21) App1. No.1
`Jul. 29, 2003
`Related US, Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/401,807, filed on Aug.
`8, 2002.
`Int. Cl.7 ..................................................... G06F 17/60
`(52) us. Cl.
`................................................................ 705/64
`(3 )
`A computer system for conducting purchase transactions
`using wireless communication between a consumer and a
`merchant includes a consumer operated mobile device, a
`merchant operated device, a trusted secure transaction server
`(STS) device, one or more payment service devices, a
`wireless communication network in communication with the
`consumer device and the merchant device, a communication
`network in communication with the merchant device and the
`STS device, and a communication network in communica-
`tion with the STS device and the payment service devices.
`The consumer device, merchant device and secure transac-
`tion server device are capable of executing the Secure
`Transaction Protocol.
`Server 106
`AP 114
`P 114
`‘ P 114
`Sewer 12I
`stitution 108
`Customer 102
`lifgter/NAT , Hlillifia
`Server 124 Server 126
`Server 802.1x 122
`App. 128
`App. 130
`Merchant Transaction Server 104


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 1 0f 63


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 2 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 3 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 Al
` NowhmEowwzo


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 4 0f 63
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 5 0f 63
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 6 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
` .9:53mm


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 7 0f 63
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`Patent Application Publication
`US 2004/0107170 A1


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 9 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 Al


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 10 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`Purchase Order Acquisition -
`Direct Purchase Order Exchange


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 11 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`E2202 98.
`Purchase Order Acquisition —
`Purchase Order Request


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 12 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`285802 99—.35528n:<5Bumbaganac:Emma
`Purchase Order Acquisition —
`Purchase Order Request from STS


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 13 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`Merchant Verification


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 14 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`3—55.80 wemrwwi:EEEDESH.$83200


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 15 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`hDF—DmGDU N3$85280
`AUTHorization (includes payment)


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 16 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`3.55;mbm 2:2.".hcmkD<w=Smu=Om—m
`Single step
`REQuest andAUTHorizat


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 17 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`58380i 285:85on88?.
`Token Creation an
`d AUTHor


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 18 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
` 3:528EmE382:83w@5anmncommu:9.x5:355~.658.“05:23:owoamfib2:
` _=c$§€cflh§<SEEEBEHD’N‘
`mEm 333%mm?
`Token Creation and AUTHor


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 19 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`Token Creation


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 20 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`#839521 @3059“mm:ozocmnabh.€9—m883:8Snowflake”.
`Single step REQuest, AUTHor
`tion and Token Great


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 21 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`Single’step REQuest, AUTHo
`tion and Token Creation


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 22 of 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`Service Tokén Verification and Consumption
` 5:5389:2033%32>on32222


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 23 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`Token Creation


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 24 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`Single step REQuest, AUTHorization and Token Creation
`(for token certificate verification by STS)


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 25 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`Token Creation
`(for token certificate verification by STS)


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 26 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
` 2:3:3grease:2:@6388:a:ozamtowfibax2556033053:0382552?:o32ro«Ex98:05:
`Single step REQuest, AUTHo
`(for token certificate verification by STS)
`ion and Token Great


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 27 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`Service Token Consumption (Verification by STS)


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 28 of 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`Service Token Consumption (Verification by Merchant only)


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 29 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
` 3:22.222
`gang nan-EH:55gag


`Patent Application Publication
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`"Efim0::EH—3.3.222035. mazxoo_


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`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 31 0f 63
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`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 32 0f 63
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`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 34 0f 63
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`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 36 0f 63
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`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 37 0f 63
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`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 38 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1


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`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 39 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1


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`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 40 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1


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`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 41 0f 63
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 42 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1


`Patent Application Publication
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`F N 6': <r Lo <0 F no a:


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 44 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`mmO A:m.03«553285w:m


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 45 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1


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`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 46 0f 63
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 47 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
` \O


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 48 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`i m
`m 03


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 49 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`EmomP60:85 cmmEUmano


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 50 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`N 2


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 51 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`Pre-purehasing phase,
`example 6%
`Discover UPTF merchants 602
`I can find the following merchants:
`Sam’s Restaurant
`Jeff Books
`Movie Park
`Connect to a UPTF merchant 604
`Welcome to Sam’s Restaurant
`iew your Order
`Pay your Bill
`m V
`Interaction with a UPTF merchant 606
`Figure 51


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 52 of 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`Physical Goods
`' Purchase 1, example 6 1 O
`Purchase Order Acquisition 612
`Sam’s Restaurant
`Select which table you want to
`pay for
`l 2 .3: i .5.
`5. Z 5
`Sam’s Restaurant
`i \
`V 102
` PRESS the PAY button on
`Your bill fortable 3 is $34.58
`When you are ready to pay,
`your device
`If you want to pay $34.58
`to Sam’s Restaurant
`on Mon', Sept. 1, 2003, 6:54 PM ‘
`enter PIN and select Continue
`1 2 3 4 '
`_REQuest614 V
`AUTHorization 6 16
`U P T D
`Select one of your accounts to
`authorize the payment
`AllFirst Visa
`Bank of Amexica bankcard
`Figure 52


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 53 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`Physical Goods Purchase 1,
`example, variation'620
`Purchase Order
`Sam’s Restaurant
`Acquisition 622
` Select which table you want to
`pay for
`Sam’s Restaurant
`Your bill for table 3 is $34.58
`en you are ready to pay,
`5: SS the PAY button on
`u -
` REQuest &
`If you want to pay $34.58
`to Sam’s Restaurant
`AUTHorization 624
`on Mon, Sept. 1, 2003, 6:54 PM
`enter PIN and select account
`Next Page
`U P T D
`_ PIN 9
`1 2 3 4
`Account 9
`AllFirst Visa
`Bank of America bankcard
`Figure 53


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 54 of 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`Physical Goods Purchase II,‘ example _63_0
`Purchase Order Acquisition 632
`Your total is $13.65
`When you are ready to pay;
`PRESS the PAY button on
`your device
`R E
`QueSt 634
`AUTHorization 636
`Figure 54
`U P T D
`Ifyou want to pay $13.65
`to KWIK Mart
`on Mon, Sept. 8, 2003, 3:54 PM
`enter PIN and select Continue
`1 2 3 4
`U‘P T D
`Select one of your accounts to
`authorize the payment
`m D
`Bank of America bankcard


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 55 of 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`Service PurchaSe 1,
`example @333
`Purchase Order Acquisition 640
`REQuest 642
`AUTHonzation 644
`Figure 55
`, P
`ParEMOVie Theater
`Park Movie Theater
`Your total is $12.00
`When you are ready to pay,
`RESS the PAY button on
`your device
`U P T 1)
`If you want to pay $12.00
`to Park Movie Theater
`on Mon, Sept. 1,2003, 6:04 PM
`enter PIN and select continue
`1 2 3 4
`Selectpne ofyour accounts to
`authorize the payment
`Bank of America bankcard


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 56 of 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`Service Purchase I — token
`verification and
`consumption, example 65—_
`Park Movie Theater
`Press the SUBMIT button on
`your UPTD to present your ticket
`on Mon, Sept. 1, 2003
`Park Mov1e Theater
`We have confirmed admission
`for 2 adults
`for Jaws
`at 7:00PM
`Token Consumption 652
`Service Granted 654
`Figure 56


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 57 of 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
` Transaction
`1 l 16
` AVP 1106
` Transaction
`1 1 1 3
` API 1101
`View Gathering
`1 108
` AP21102
`I User and
`AP View 2
`1 1 14
`Figure 57


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 58 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`.1230 1232
`7’,’/’{’4 74’.”/’.’
`.gyfiyi “gr/I
`</ I z ’4’
`V ’{f’fl’V/fé’fi’féfl
`{II/W mtg/{I
`//’//‘//M ’I/////)
`;////’//J ‘r'fr/l/f
`Algorithm 258
`Figure 58


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 59 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 60 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`$7914 36””5 WWI/9 W19 WWI/{4’9
`:2‘29 fl ”9;: {OW/9’;
`I/zfi‘ :W’II
`[91/94 9/9}; 79/92/74
`é/l/m 9/792
`. Pseudorandom
`AP View1_
`1 1 10
`AP View1
`AP Viewzr
` Decryption
`Received ,
`AP Wm: WM *9/21
`;.:; 99%

`{fl/’6::2 /Il


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 61 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
` AVP 1506
` Agreement
`1 5 12
` Agreement
`1-5 10
`1503 .
`User and
`15 14
`Local Agreement
`Channel 1505
`Figure 61'


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 62 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`WLAN Access
`1 6067
` ‘WLAN Service
`1 614
`Figure 62 ‘


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 3, 2004 Sheet 63 0f 63
`US 2004/0107170 A1
`1810 1-812 1814 '
`'///////////////////////////////////////////////7/,’W” .2. .... ..
`-1Im mum DE:
`1824 /’//////////////////////////,/c/////
`Figure 63


`US 2004/0107170 A1
`Jun. 3, 2004
`[0001] This application is related to, and claims the benefit
`of priority to, Provisional Application U.S. Serial No.
`60/401,807, Attorney Docket No. 1634.1002P, entitled
`Labrou, Lusheng Ji, and Jonathan Agre, filed Aug. 8, 2002
`in the US Patent and Trademark Office,
`the contents of
`which are incorporated herein by reference.
`[0002] This application is related to US. Ser. No. 10/458,
`205, Attorney Docket No. 16341003, entitled SECURITY
`PERVASIVE TRANSACTIONS, by Yannis Labrou, Lush-
`eng Ji, and Jonathan Agre, filed Jun. 11, 2003 in the US.
`Patent and Trademark Ollice,
`the contents of which are
`incorporated herein by reference.
`[0003] This application is related to US. patent applica-
`tion No.
`, Attorney Docket No. 1634.1002, entitled
`VICES, by Yannis Labrou, Lusheng Ji, and Jonathan Agre,
`filed Jul. 29, 2003 in the US. Patent and Trademark Office,
`the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.
`[0004] This application is related to US. patent applica-
`tion No.
`, Attorney Docket No. 16341005, entitled
`GOODS AND SERVICES, by Yannis Labrou, Lusheng Ji,
`and Jonathan Agre, filed Jul. 29, 2003 in the US. Patent and
`Trademark Office, the contents of which are incorporated
`herein by reference.
`1. Field of the Invention
`[0006] The present invention relates generally to the fields
`of financial transactions, security and methods for purchas-
`ing goods and services, and a framework thereof. More
`the present
`invention relates to a computer-
`implemented system, methods and processes, and a frame-
`work enabling consumers to purchase goods and services,
`primarily at the locations where the goods and services are
`offered, more securely,
`faster and more efficiently than
`current methods.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`[0008] To date, E-commerce (electronic commerce) for
`consumers (or business-to-consumer, B2C, transactions) is
`essentially a personal computer-mediated process. The typi-
`cal consumer that wants to purchase a good or service
`though an e-commerce transaction (“buying on the web”)
`has to go through the following steps:
`Buy or own a personal computer (PC);
`Be physically present at the computer;
`Have network access;
`Turn on the computer;
`[0013] Log on to the computer and/or to the network;
`[0014] Open a web browser;
`Identify, find and visit the particular website that
`offers the good or service of interest;
`[0016] Find the correct item or service on that website and
`then add it to a “shopping cart”;
`[0017] Provide the identity information, which might

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