`(12) United States Patent
`[10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,577,813 32
`*Nov. 5, 2013
`Inventor: Kenneth P. Weiss. Newton. MA (US)
`Assignee: Universal Secure Registry, LLC.
`Newton. MA (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(1)) by 0 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis—
`Appl. No; 131237.184
`Sep. 20, 2011
`Prior Publication Data
`May 24, 2012
`US 201230130904 Al
`Related US. Application Data
`Continuation of application No. 121393586. filed on
`Feb. 26. 2009, now Pat. No. 8,234,220. which is a
`continuation-in-part of application No. 111760.732.
`filed on Jun. 8, 2007. now Pat. No. 7.809.651. and a
`continuation-in-part of application No. “£760,729.
`filed on Jun. 8. 2007. now Pat. No. 1805.372. and a
`continuation-in-part of application No. 111627.490.
`filed on Feb. 21. 2007, now Pat. No. 8.001.055.
`continuation-impart of application No. 131168556.
`filed on Jun. 24. 2011. which is a continuation of
`application No. 111677.490. filed on Feb. 21. 2007.
`now Pat. No. 8.001.055.
`Provisional application No. 60f812.279. filed on Jun.
`9. 2006, provisional application No. 601859.235. filed
`on Nov.
`15. 2006, provisional application No.
`filed on Feb. 21. 2006, provisional
`application No. 611031529. filed on Feb. 26. 2008.
`Int. Cl.
`G06Q 20/00
`U.S. Cl.
`705176: 70564: 705171: 705r’i'2:
`7:052‘73; 705174; 705175: 705177; TOSNS;
`Field of Classification Search
`705!64. 71—79
`References Cited
`4.720.860 A
`4.856.062 A
`M988 Weiss
`8-0989 Weiss
`“Biometrics: Who‘sWatchingYou'?". Eleclronic Frontier meriai ion
`(EFF). Sep. 2003. all pages. http:L’wwwcfiiorgr'wp-‘biornetrics-
`Prirmirj' Exarriirier — Calvin C hating
`(74) Allomqi’. Agent. or Firm — Lando & Anastasi. LLP
`A device is configured to allow a user to select any of a
`plurality of accounts to employ in a financial transaction. The
`user device includes a biometric sensor configured to receive
`a biometric input. a user interface configured to receive a user
`input including secret information known to the user and
`identifying information concerning an account selected by
`the user from the plurality of accounts. The user device
`includes a communication link configured to communicate
`with a secure registry. and a processor coupled to the biomet-
`ric sensor to receive information concerning the biometric
`input. the user interface, and the communication link. The
`processor is configured to generate a non-predictable value
`and encrypted authentication information from the non—pre—
`dicta ble value. the identifying infonnation. and at least one of
`the information concerning the biometric input and the secret
`information. and comnnmicate the authentication informa-
`tion via the communication link to the secure registry.
`See application file for complete search history.
`26 Claims, 29 Drawing Sheets


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`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheetl of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
`Universal Secure
`_. .30
`Person No.


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 2 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
`Computer Computer Computer
`In terfoce
`FIG. 2
`USR System
`Computer Computer Computer
`Wide Area Network


`US. Patent
`US 8,577,813 B2


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 4 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
`Information information Information
`Computer Computer Computer
`USR System
`Tax _
`dab .
`Information Applicatlon Information
`Computer Computer Computer
`Wide Area Network
`Tax _
`_ information
`Job Application
`FIG. 4


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 5 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
`th Dtb
`e aaase
`Validate Person's
` No
`Person Have Rights to
`Enter Data
`Enable Person to Enter
`Basic Personal Data
`Person Have Right to
`Enter Additional Data
`to Advanced Personal Data
`Enable Person to Enter
`Advanced Personal Data
`Enable Person to Specify Access
`FIG. 5


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 6 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
`Enable Access to
`Basic Personal Data
` 13 No
`Additional Information
`Does Requester
`Have Rights to Access
`Type of Requested
`Data ‘?
` No
`Is Person
`Participating in
`Validate Person's
`Enable Person to
`Rights to Data
`Change Access
` Does Requester
`Have Rights to Access
`Type of Requested
`Data ?
`Cause USR to Enable
`Access to Type of
`Requested Data
`FIG. 6


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 7 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
`User initiates Purchase
`User Enters Secret Code
`in Secure 1D
`Merchant Transmits to Credit
`Card Company
`(1) Code from Secure ID
`(2) Store Number
`(3) Amount of Purchase
`Transfers $ to Merchant’s Account
`Credit Card Company
`Sends Code to USR
`USR Determines if Code is Valid, and if
`Valid Accesses User's Credit Card
`Information and Transmits Credit Card
`Number to Credit Card Company
`Credit Card Company Checks
`Credit Worthiness and Declines
`Card or Debits User's Account and
`CCC Notifies Merchant of
`Result of Transaction
`FIG. 7


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 8 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
`User Initiates Purchase
`User Enters Secret Code
`in Secure ID
`Merchant Transmits to USP!
`(1) Code from Secure ID
`(2) Store Number
`(3) Amount of Purchase
`USR Determines if Code is Valid
`USR Accesses User’s Credit Card
`Information and Transmits to CCC
`(1) Credit Card Number
`(2) Store Number
`(3) Amount of Purchase
` 814
`CCC Checks Credit Worthiness and
`Declines Card or Debits User's Account
`and Transfers $ to Merchant's Account
`CCC Notifies USR of
`Result of Transaction
`USR Notifies Merchant of
`Result of Transaction
`FIG. 8


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 9 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
`User Initiates Purchase and
`Writes Check to Merchant
` 902
`User Enters Secret Code
`in Secure iD
`Merchant Transmits to USR
`(1) Code from Secure ID
`(2) Store Number
`(3) Amount of Purchase
`USR Determines if Code is Valid
`USR Accesses User's Bank
`Information and Transmits to Bank
`Bank Checks Account Balance
`(1) Bank Account Number
`(2) Store Number
`(3) Amount of Purchase
`to Verify Availability of Funds
`Bank Notifies USR of
`Result of Verification
`USR Notifies Merchant of
`Result of Verification
`FIG. 9


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 10 0f 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
`User Initiates Anonymous Purchase
`by Entering Secret Code in Secure
`ID and Transmitting Result to
`On—Line Merchant
`Merchant Transmits to USR
`(1) Code from Secure ID
`(2) Store Number
`(5) Amount of Purchase
`USR Determines if Code is Valid
`USR Accesses User’s Credit Card
`Information and Transmits to CCC:
`(1) Credit Card Number
`2 Store Number
`3 Amount of Purchase
`CCC Checks Credit Worthiness and
`Declines Card or Debits User's Account
`and Transfers $ to Merchant's Account
`CCC Notifies USR
`of Result of Transaction
`if Credit Accepted, USR
`Accesses Address Code
`and Provides Merchant
`with Address Code
`If Credit Declined.
`USR Notifies Merchant
`Merchant Labels Package
`with Address Code and Ships
`FIG. 70


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 11 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
` User Provides Address
`User Provides Address Information
`Code on Public Area
`in Address Area of USR
`to be Mailed
`Person Places Public Code
`on Parcel
`Post Office Accesses USR
`to Retrieve Address Information
`Post Office Prints Bar Code
`on Parcel
`to Automate
`Delivery of Parcel to Address
`in Address Area of USR
`Post Office Delivers Parcel
`Address in Address Area of USR
`User Provides Telephone
`Code on Public Area
`User Provides Telephone Information
`in Telephone Area of USR
` 1204
`Person Dials USR Phone Number and
`Enters Telephone Code for User
`USR Connects Person to Telephone
`Number Without Providing User
`Person with Telephone Number
`FIG. 72


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 12 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
`we:won“ coEmozom35:00:35?
`3330)3thman.ucocosoEktE £35305;
` mmmmmuu<mm: naLogo—26> n:EsomwE800“ScummhmacmEm:n:0.33mE300#Eomw
`.62.. 09:ooh.“


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 13 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 14 of 29
`US 8,577,813 32
`USR System
` Lap Top
`FIG. 77


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 15 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
`/ /
`| Access 1
`| Access |
`F___ __|l
`i Device E
`USR System
`FIG. 78A
`: Access :|
`USR System
`FIG. 18B
` |
`i Device E
`|___ ___|
`L._.. ___r
`L __________ i __________


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 16 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
`1900\ 1902
`Entity Initiates Access Request
`Entity Supplies
`1) Authentication info
`2) Computer Network ID
`USR Receives Access
`Request Including
`1 Authentication Info
`2 Computer Network ID
`Provide Indication that
`Entity is Denied Access
` ls
`Info Vaiid
`for a User
`ls Entity Authorized
`to Access the Computer Network
`Identified by the ID
`Allow Communications Between
`the Entity and Secure System
`FIG. 79


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 17 of 29
`US 8,577,813 32
`2000 \
`Entity initiates Access Request
`Entity Supplies
`Authentication information
`Secure System Receives
`Authentication Information
`Secure System Communicates
`Authentication Information to USR
`USR Validates
`Authentication Information
`Secure System Receives
`Indication from USR
`Secure System Grants or
`Denies Access Based
`on the indication
`FIG. 20


`US. Patent
`Sheet 13 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
`Challenger /
`: Biometric :
` Database
`2142— 2754
`| Addititionai
`Wireless T/R I
`|_ __________ _l
`Fiat—689336“ Addititionol
`I_ ______ J! Wireless T/R I
`L. __________ _l
`FIG. 27


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 19 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
`r “““ 7—7" "*I
`Per‘ofi‘ca'w ,
`I No:
`Device #1
`Commumcate WithI—I
`L _________ J
`_ __________1 __.1__-
`Periodically "I Nol—
`No :
`lCommunicate withi—"i
`'LSecure Database I
`Device #2
`FIG. 22A


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 20 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
`initiate Valid
`Communication Protocol
`Transmit First Wireless Signal
`Containing Encrytped Authentication
`Information to Device 2
`Authenticate Identity of User #1
`Transmit Second Wireless Signal
`i Containing Encrytped Authentication :
`No I
`Authenticate Identity of User #2
`____________________________ J
`I Yes
`_____________________________ _|
`Contact Secure Database
`for Information
`____________________________ _|
`230/ I
`Take Appropriate Action
`FIG. 223


`US. Patent
`US 8,577,813 B2


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 22 of 29
`US 8,577,813 132
`Sense Header #1
`Verify Protocol
`I Verify/Decrypt Respondent #1
`Digital Signature
`/ 404
`{Verify/Decrypt One—time Code
`I_ ________________________ __|
`Authenticate User #1
`FIG. 24


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 23 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
`Receive Public ID #1 PKI Encrypted DES
`Key. Encrypted Portion of Biodato
`Look Up from ID #1, Public Key #1
`f I
`Look Up Remainder of
`Biodoto Information #1
`Combine Biodoto Information to
`Recreate Biodoto Information
`Process Biodoto information
` 5.36
`FIG. 25


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 24 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
`Receive Public Key ID #1, PKI
`Encrypted DES Key (Optional)
`Look Up Public Key #1
`Unhash Files
`Transmit Public ID #2 Information
`to Secure Database
`Determine Whether l0 #2 Has Right
`to Access Secure Database
`From lDi
`Information (Time—varying)
`L ______________________________ J
`Transmit Public ID #1 from Device #2
`to Secure Database
`Access with Secure Database at Least
`Portion of Bio information of Entity #1
`Transmit Bio Information of
`Entity #1 to Device #2
`Display Bio Information
`Process Biodata Information
`FIG. 26


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 25 of 29
`US 8,577,813 32
`Private Key of #2
`Public Keys of
`Plural 1st Entities
`Portion of Biodato
`Files of Other Users
`Biodota of #2
`FIG. 27


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 26 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
`Lmiwoom_ »


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 27 of 29
`US 8,577,813 32
`Authenticate User
`Simulate Data
`Receive User
`L. __________________ _i


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 28 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2


`US. Patent
`Nov. 5, 2013
`Sheet 29 of 29
`US 8,577,813 B2
` comF2.2300022com


`'lhis application claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. § 120 as
`a continuation of US. patent application Ser. No. 127393.586
`filed Feb. 26. 2009. now US. Pat. No. 8.234.220 which is a
`contimtation-in-part of each of US. patent application Ser.
`No. 117760.732 filed Jun. 8. 2007. now U.S. Pat. No. 7.809.
`65]; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 117760.729 filed Jun. 8.
`2007. now U.S. Pat. No. 7.805.372; and U.S. patent applica-
`tion Ser. No. 117677.490 filed Feb. 21. 2007. now U.S. Pat.
`No. 8,001.05 5. This application also claims the benefit under
`35 U.S.C. § 120 as a continuation-impart ofU. S. patent appli-
`cation Ser. No. 137168.556 filed on Jun. 24. 2011. which
`claims the benefit under 35 U .S.C . §120 as a continuation of
`U.S. application Ser. No. 117677.490 filed Feb. 21. 2007. now
`U.S. Pat. No. 8.001.055. Each of U.S. application Ser. Nos.
`117760.732. 117760.729 and 117677.490 claim priority under
`35 U.S.C. §119 (e) to U.S. Provisional Application Nos.
`607812.279 filed on Jun. 9. 2006. and 607859.235 filed on
`Nov. 15. 2006. U.S. application Ser. No. 117677.490 also
`claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119 (e) to US. Provisional
`Application No. 607775.046 filed on Feb. 21 . 2006. Each of
`the above-identified applications is hereby incorporated
`herein by reference in it's entirety.
`Application Ser. No. 127393.586 filed Feb. 26. 2009 claims
`priority under 35 U.S.C. §119(e) to U.S. Provisional Appli—
`Ser. No.
`entitled “UNIVERSAL
`SECURE REGISTR ." filed on Feb. 26. 2008. which is
`herein incorporated by reference in its entirety.
`1. Field of Invention
`Embodiments ofthe invention generally relate to systems.
`methods. and apparatus for authenticating identity or verify-
`ing the identity of individuals and other entities seeking
`access to certain privileges and for selectively granting privi-
`leges and providing other services in response to such iden-
`In addition. embodiments of the
`invention relate generally to systems and methods for obtain—
`ing information from and70r transmitting information to a
`user device and. in particular. to systems. methods. and appa-
`ratus that provide for contactless information transmission.
`2. Discussion of Related Art
`Control of access to secure systems presents a problem
`related to the identification ofa person. An individual may be
`provided access to the secure system after their identity is
`authorized. Generally. access control to secure computer net-
`works is presently provided by an authentication scheme
`implemented. at least partly. in software located on a device
`being employed to access the secure computer network and
`on a server within the secure computer network. For example,
`if a corporation chooses to provide access control for their
`computer network. they may purchase authentication soft—
`ware that includes server—side software installed on a server in
`their computer system and corresponding client-side soli-
`ware that is installed on the devices that are used by employ-
`ees to access the system. The devices may include desktop
`computers. laptop computers. and handheld computers (cg.
`PDAs and the like).
`In practice. the preceding approach has a number ofdisad—
`vantages including both the difliculty and cost of maintaining
`the authentication system and the difficulty and cost o f main-
`taining the security of the authentication system. More spe-
`US 8,577,813 B2
`cifically. the soltware resides in the corporation‘s computers
`where it may be subject to tamperingfunaulhorized use by
`company employees. That is.
`the information technology
`team that manages the authentication system has access to the
`private keys associated with each of the authorized users. As
`a result. these individuals have an opportunity to compromise
`the security ofthc system. Further. any modification and7or
`upgrade to the authentication system soltware is likely to
`require an update to at least the server-side software and may
`also require an update of the software located on each user7
`client device. In addition. where the company‘s computer
`systems are geographically distributed. sofiware upgradest’
`updates may be required on a plurality of geographically
`distributed servers.
`There is also a need. especially in this post September 11
`environment. for secure and valid identification of an indi-
`vidual before allowing the individual access to highly secure
`areas. For example. an FBI agent or an air marshal may need
`to identify themselves to airport security or a gate agent,
`without compromising security. Typically such identification
`may comprise the air marshal or FBI agent showing identifi—
`cation indieia to appropriate personnel. I-lowever. there are
`inherent flaws in this process that allow for security to be
`compromised. including falsification of identification infor-
`mation and failure ot‘the airport security or other personnel to
`recognize the situation. Of course this process could be auto-
`mated. for example. by equipping airport personnel or secti—
`rity with access to a database and requiring the FBI agent or
`air marshal to appropriately identify themselves to the data-
`base. for example, by again providing identification which
`airport personnel can then enter into the database to verify the
`identity of the person seeking access to a secure area. How-
`ever. this process also has the inherent flaws in it as described
`above. In addition. there may be times when airport security
`or personnel may not be able to communicate with the data—
`base to check the identity of the person seeking access. for
`example. when they are not near a computer terminal with
`access to a database or are carrying a hand-held device that
`does not have an appropriate wireless signal to access the
`database. In addition. there is a need to ensure that it' such a
`hand—held device ends up the wrong hands. that security is not
`Further. both commercial (e.g.. banking networks) and
`non-commercial (cg. security systems) information systems
`often rely on magnetic card readers to collect infomiation
`specific to a user (e.g.. a security code. a credit card number.
`etc.) from a user device (eg, a transaction card). Credit card
`purchases made in person provide an example of the most
`common transaction—type that relies on a user device= the
`credit or debit card. which is read by a magnetic card reader.
`User devices that rely on magnetic-stripe based technology
`magnetically store infonnation (e.g.. binary information] in
`the magnetic stripe. The magnetic stripe reader provides an
`interface to a larger computerized network that receives the
`user’s information to detemiine. for example. whether to
`authorize a transaction. to allow the user access to a secure
`area. etc.
`Recently. such devices have seen technological advances
`that increase their capabilities and improvetheir security. For
`example. such devices may now include embedded proces-
`sors. integral biometric sensors that sense one or more bio-
`metric feature (e.g.. a fingerprint) of the user. and magnetic
`stripe emulators. As one result. such devices may provide
`greater security by dynamically generating the necessary
`information. for example. generating the credit card number
`at the time of a transaction. Improved security can also be


`US 8,577,813 B2
`provided by such devices because more sophisticated authenfi
`tication schemes can be implemented with the devices.
`In addition. user devices such as transaction cards may now
`also provide for one or more modes of information transmis-
`sion other than transmission via a magnetic stripetcard reader
`combimttion. For example, user devices that may transmit
`information optically or via radio frequency (“RF") signal
`transmission to a compatible system interface are now avail-
`able. Further. the architecture of a user device that includes a
`processor is generally compatible with both the improved
`security features described above and the contactless trans-
`mission modes such as optical and RF signal transmission. As
`a result of the improved security and greater functionality of
`some current user devices. there is a desire to replace mag—
`netic—stripe based user devices with devices that
`forms ofinformation transmission other than the reading ofa
`There is. however. a substantial installed base of interfaces
`(for example. at points of sale, at automatic teller machines
`(“A'I'M”). and the like) that include magnetic card readers
`which are not equipped to receive information from a user
`device in any other format other than from a magnetic stripe.
`.As a result ofthe cost to replace or retrofit the installed base.
`efforts to more-widely introduce user devices

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