Phrasal Translation and Query Expansion Techniques for Cross-Language
`Lisa Ballesteros and W. Bruce Croft
`Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval
`Computer Science Department
`University of Massachusetts
`Amherst, MA 01003-4610 USA
`Dictionary methods for cross-language information retrieval
`give performance
`below that for mono-lingual
`Failure to translate multi-term phrases has been shown to
`be one of the factors responsible for the errors associated
`with dictionary methods. First, we study the importance of
`phrasal translation for this approach. Second, we explore the
`role of phrases in query expansion via local context analysis
`and local feedback and show how they can be used to signif-
`icantly reduce the error associated with automatic dictionary
`The development of IR systems for languages other than
`English has focused on building mono-lingual
`creased availability of on-line text in languages other than
`English and increased multi-national
`motivated research in cross-language information retrieval
`(CLIR) - the development of systems to perform retrieval
`across languages.
`There have been three main approaches to CUR:
`tion via machine translation techniques [Rad94]; parallel or
`comparable corpora-based methods [DD95a, LL90, SB96],
`and dictionary-based methods [8al72, Pev72, HG96, BC96].
`Each of these approaches has shown promise, but also has
`disadvantages associated with it. Results suggest
`that im-
`provements gained via machine translation techniques may
`not outweigh the cost of linguistic analysis. One disadvan-
`tage of methods based on the use of parallel and aligned
`corpora is lack of resources: parallel corpora are not al-
`ways readily available and those that are available tend to
`be relatively small or to cover only a small number of sub-
`jects. Performance is also dependent on how well the cor-
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`SIGIR 97 Philadelphia PA, USA
`Copyright 1997 ACM 0-89791-836-3/9717 ..$3.50
`pora are aligned. Our work takes the third approach and
`applies dictionary-based methods.
`Automatic machine readable dictionary (MRD) query
`translation leads to a drop in effectiveness of 40-60% below
`that of mono-lingual
`[HG96, BC96]. This is due
`primarily to three factors. First, specialized vocabulary not
`contained in the dictionary will not be translated.
`dictionary translations are inherently ambiguous and add ex-
`traneous terms to the query. Third, failure to translate multi-
`term concepts as phrases reduces effectiveness.
`We are developing strategies for reducing the errors as-
`sociated with dictionary-based methods and focus on strate-
`gies which have a low processing cost and do not require
`scarce resources. This paper explores
`the identification of
`in queries and the effectiveness of simple phrasal
`In addition, we investigate the role of phrases in
`query expansion by comparing two approaches,
`local feed-
`back [AF77] and Local Context Analysis
`to ex-
`panding queries at various stages of the "translation"
`Previous Work
`for mono-lingual
`have been available for several years. Typically,
`in the area of multi-lingual
`information retrieval has focused
`on incorporating new languages
`into existing systems to al-
`low them to run in several mono-language
`retrieval modes.
`Recently, greater interest
`in retrieval across languages has
`motivated more work to study the factors involved in build-
`ing a CUR system.
`Salton [8al72] showed early on that with carefully con-
`structed thesauri, cross-language
`retrieval was nearly as ef-
`fective as mono-lingual
`retrieval. This study was good, how-
`ever the test collection was very small by current standards
`and it is unrealistic to manually index larger databases.
`and Littman [LL90] have also proposed
`method for cross-language retrieval. Latent Semantic Index-
`ing (LSI) [FDD+88] was used to create a multidimensional
`indexing space for a parallel corpus of English documents
`and their French translations. Their method has been sue-
`AOL Ex. 1031
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`in re-
`cessful at the task of retrieving a query's
`sponse to that query. However the collection used was small,
`containing 2482 paragraph-length
`from Cana-
`dian Parliamentary proceedings
`and no results of its effec-
`tiveness on the traditional
`task have been reported.
`The method also relies on the use of parallel corpora which
`are not always readily available.
`Another method that relies on parallel and aligned cor-
`pora has been suggested by Dunning and Davis [DD93].
`Their method is based on the vector space model and in-
`volves the linear
`of the representation
`of a
`query in one language to its corresponding representation in
`another language. The transformation
`is done by reduction
`of the document space to generate a translation matrix. They
`have had some success
`in efficiently estimating the trans-
`lation matrix and results of tests to estimate its quality are
`promising. Further
`tests of the effectiveness of the method
`have been limited by its computational
`Davis and Dunning[DD95a, DD95b] have also devel-
`oped several other approaches
`to query translation, which
`they tested on the TREC ISM Spanish queries and collec-
`tion. Two of these rely on the use of a Spanish-English
`parallel corpus and one uses evolutionary programming for
`query optimization.
`In the first of the parallel corpus ap-
`proaches English queries were translated by replacing the
`original query terms with the 100 most frequent
`terms in the
`top 100 retrieved documents
`from the Spanish side of the
`parallel corpus. The second approach replaces the original
`query terms with terms found to be statistically significant.
`The evolutionary programming method starts with a query
`generated by the high frequency approach.
`It then modifies
`queries by randomly adding or deleting query terms. Opti-
`mization is done by evaluating query fitness after each round
`of mutations, and selecting the "most fit" to continue to the
`next generation. The evolutionary
`programming approach
`was the most effective, but results were disappointing, with
`each of the methods performing well below the word-by-
`word translation baseline.
`[Dav96] uses part-of-speech
`More recently, Davis
`ging to select the best Spanish translations
`for English query
`terms. A parallel corpus is then used to further disambiguate
`the translated queries by choosing the Spanish terms that re-
`trieve documents most
`like those retrieved for the English
`query. This approach is more effective than previous ones,
`achieving up to 73.5% of monolingual performance.
`Sheridan and Ballerini
`[SB96] performed "translations"
`using co-occurrence
`thesauri generated from a comparable
`corpus. Cross-language
`that using co-
`occurrence thesauri generated with this type of data yields a
`translation effect. However, performance measured by aver-
`age precision is still considerably below that of mono-lingual
`retrieval. Disadvantages
`to the approach are that it relies on
`time-sensitive documents, queries are constrained to refer-
`encing specific events, and a strict definition of the notion
`of relevance. This is a side effect of the way in which the
`test data was constructed and in theory should not be a prob-
`lem inherent
`to the approach, but this has yet
`to be shown
`Previous work has been done to recognize and translate
`phrases in text,
`for example
`[SWH96, Kup93]. These ap-
`proaches identify source language phrases and rely upon the
`use of parallel corpora to identify the context
`in which target
`language translations
`should be found. Although these ap-
`proaches work well, we use simple dictionary translation be-
`cause we are interested in exploring what can be done when
`scarce resources such as parallel corpora are unavailable.
`3 Dictionary Translation and Query Expansion
`Previous studies [HG96, BC96] have shown that automatic
`word-by-word (WBW)
`translation of queries via MRD re-
`sults in a 40-60% loss in effectiveness below that of mono-
`lingual retrieval. One of the factors causing this drop in ef-
`fectiveness is ambiguity caused by the transfer of extraneous
`terms. What may be more important however,
`is the failure
`to translate multi-term concepts as phrases. We have shown
`[BC96] that, despite the loss of phrases, query expansion via
`"local feedback" could reduce the errors such an approach
`normally makes. Relevance feedback [SB90] is a method by
`which a query is modified by the addition of terms found in
`documents known to be relevant
`to the query. Local feed-
`back [AF77] differs from classic relevance feedback in that
`it assumes the top retrieved documents are relevant.
`feedback modification before or after automatic
`query translation
`via MRD significantly
`feedback expansion
`creates a
`stronger base for translation and improves precision.
`cal feedback after MRD translation introduces terms which
`de-emphasize irrelevant
`translations to reduce ambiguity and
`improve recall. Combining pre- and post-translation
`back is most effective, and reduces translation error by up to
`36%. Improvement appears to be due to the removal of error
`caused by the addition of extraneous terms via the transla-
`tion process.
`In this paper, we look at another method of query expan-
`sion known as local context analysis (LCA)[XC96]
`to find
`words and phrases
`related to each query. LCA is a query
`expansion method that uses both global and local document
`analysis, and has been shown to be more effective than sim-
`ple local feedback. The reason for this study is two-fold.
`First, we are interested in exploring the effectiveness of sim-
`ple phrasal
`Second, we want
`to compare these
`two methods of query expansion,
`local feedback and local
`context analysis (LCA),
`for addressing the error associated
`with dictionary translation of words and phrases.
`4 Experiments
`in this study were limited to two languages:
`The experiments
`Spanish and English.
`The Spanish queries
`AOL Ex. 1031
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`TREC topics SP26-45. Evaluation was performed on the 208
`MB TREC ISM (El Norte) Spanish collection with provided
`relevance judgments. Training data for the pre-translation
`LCA experiments consisted of the documents in the 301MB
`San Jose Mercury News (SJMN) database from the TREC
`In order
`Each Spanish query has relevance judgments.
`to use these judgments, we need to test the effectiveness of
`MRD translations to Spanish. To do this, we created base
`queries by manually translating the Spanish queries to En-
`glish (herein referred to as BASE). The automatic transla-
`tions of the base queries could then be evaluated using the
`relevance judgments of the original queries. The manual
`translation of the Spanish queries was performed by a bilin-
`gual graduate student whose native language is English.
`Phrases were identified in BASE queries in the following
`way. First, queries were tagged with th BBN part-of-speech
`tagger. Sequences of nouns and adjective-noun pairs were
`taken to be phrases. Automatic translations were performed
`by translating individual terms word-by-word and phrases as
`multi-term concepts. The word-by-word translations were
`done by replacing query terms in the source language with
`the dictionary definition of those terms in the target
`guage. Words that were not found in the dictionary were
`added to the new query without
`translation. The Collins
`English-Spanish bilingual MRD was used for the transla-
`tions. For a more detailed description of this process, see
`[BC96]. Phrasal
`translations were. performed using infor-
`mation on phrases and word usage contained in the Collins
`MRD. This allowed the replacement of a source phrase with
`its multi-term representation in the target language. When a
`phrase could not be defined using this information,
`it was
`translated word-by-word as described above. Stop words
`and stop phrases such as ''A relevant document will" were
`also removed.
`Non-interpolated average precision on the top 1000 re-
`trieved documents is used as the basis of evaluation for all
`experiments. CUR would be useful for people who can only
`afford to have a small number of documents translated or
`who do not speak a foreign language well enough to for-
`mulate a good query, but who can read it well enough to
`judge a document's
`relevance. However it is unrealistic to
`expect the user to read many retrieved foreign documents to
`find a relevant one, so in some cases we also report preci-
`sion at low recall levels. The following sections describe our
`experiments. In section 5 we analyze and discuss the impor-
`tance of phrasal
`translation. Next we present a comparison
`of LCA and local feedback expansion. Sections 6.1, 6.2, and
`6.3 describe how pre-translation, post-translation,
`and com-
`bined pre- and post-translation expansion methods help to
`improve performance (see Fig. 1 for a flow chart of query
`processing for the experiments). Finally, section 7 presents
`conclusions and future work.
`All work in this study was performed using the IN-
`QUERY information retrieval system.
`INQUERY is based
`(MilD tnn.lation)"\ry expan.lon
`(modified "I. expanllon
`modirl.Cd vIA. C1xpaallon
`(MRO u.,ulalion)
`Figure 1: Flow chart of query processing.
`net model
`on the Bayesian inference
`elsewhere[TC91b, TC9Ia, CCB95].
`and is described
`Phrasal Translation
`Failure to translate multi-term concepts as phrases greatly
`reduces the effectiveness of dictionary translation.
`In ex-
`periments where query phrases were manually translated
`[BC96], performance improved by up to 25% over automatic
`word-by-word (WBW) query translation. Our hypothesis is
`that automatically identifying phrases and defining them as
`such would improve effectiveness.
`To test this hypothesis, we compare performance of au-
`tomatically translated queries both with and without phrasal
`identification and translation. Phrasal
`translations are based
`on a database of phrasal and word usage information ex-
`tracted from the Collins Spanish-English MRD. During
`phrase translation,
`the database
`is searched for English
`phrases. A hit returns the Spanish translation of the English
`phrase. If more than one translation is found, each of them is
`added to the query. Table 1 gives some examples of phrasal
`united nations
`trade agreement
`south africa
`member country
`I Translation
`Naciones Unidas
`Organizaci6n de las
`Naciones Unidas
`convenio comercial
`Uni6n Sudafricana
`Africa del Sur
`los paises miembros
`los parses afiliados
`los paises participantes
`los paises pertenecientes
`Table 1: Phrasal
`The results in Table 2 suggest
`that in this case, phrasal
`AOL Ex. 1031
`Page 3 of 10


`It gives average
`translation does not improve effectiveness.
`precision values for a baseline of automatic WBW transla-
`tion vs automatic WBW with phrasal
`translation. A closer
`look at individual queries reveals that phrasal
`translation is
`not ineffective, but that results are sensitive to poor trans-
`lations. Average precision drops 40% below a baseline of
`automatic WBW translation for TREC [Har95] query SP30
`when phrasal
`translations are included. However,
`the prob-
`lem for this query is that "sports program"
`is translated
`as "emision deportiva" meaning televised sports program.
`When the poor phrasal
`translation is replaced with a WBW
`results improve considerably
`(+ 150% over the
`baseline). Table 3 shows 5 representations
`of SP30: Origi-
`nal, BASE, automatic WBW translation, automatic phrasal +
`WBW translation, and automatic WBW translation + "good"
`phrasal translations. Parentheses enclose recognized phrases
`and brackets enclose phrasal
`translations. Results for the last
`three queries are given in Table 4.
`WBW Phrasal
`Table 2: Average precision of WBW vs phrasal translation.
`programas y intercambios deportivos entre Mexico y
`los Estados Unidos
`(Sports programs) and (exchange programs) between
`Mexico and the (United States)
`deporte caza deporte juego diversi6n victima juguete
`programs canje intercambio programs Mejico Mexico
`[emisi6n deportiva] cambio canje intercambio programs
`[Estados Unidos][el colo so del norte]
`[Estados Unidos de America] Mejico Mexico
`deporte caza deporte juego diversi6n victima juguete
`programs cambio canje intercambio programs
`[Estados Unidos]
`[el colo so del norte]
`[Estados Unidos de America] Mejico Mexico
`for SP30:
`Table 3: Five query representations
`BASE, MRD translation of BASE, MRD WBW + phrasal
`~anslation of BASE, MRD WBW + "good" phrasal transla-
`tions of BASE
`% Change:
`WBW Phrasal
`Good Phrasal
`for WBW vs two different
`Table 4: Average precision
`phrasal translations for query SP30.
`phrases can
`that well-translated
`These results
`greatly improve effectiveness,
`that poorly translated
`Phrases may negate the improvements. Translation accuracy
`may be more important
`for phrases than for terms.
`6 Local Context Analysis vs Local Feedback
`to those from our earlier work, we
`In experiments
`translated queries automatically via MRD. Query expansion
`via LCA was performed either prior to or after translation
`in the following way. A query set is evaluated and the top
`ranked passages
`for each query are retrieved. Queries are
`then expanded by the addition of the top ranked concepts
`from the top passages. Recall that concepts may be single or
`In this first set of experiments, we wanted to compare the ef-
`fectiveness of query expansion prior to automatic translation
`via LCA to previous
`results using local
`feedback. Recall
`that the queries were manually translated into English,
`the Spanish ISM database cannot be used for pre-translation
`expansion. We chose to use the SJMN database, described
`above, as a training corpus from which to choose English
`expansion concepts. Multi-term concepts are translated as
`In the event
`that no phrasal
`translation is found,
`phrases are translated WBW. Table 5 shows 4 representa-
`tions of TREC query SP29. First is the original query, sec-
`ond is the manual
`translation (BASE) including automati-
`cally identified phrases,
`third is the LCA expanded query,
`and fourth is the automatic translation of the third. Paren-
`theses surround LCA expansion phrases and phrases auto-
`matically identified in the BASE query. Brackets surround
`the translation of each term or phrase.
`relations) between
`las relaciones econ6micas y comerciales entre Mexico y
`the economic and (commercial
`mexico and canada
`relations) mexico canada
`economic (commercial
`mexico (trade agreement)
`(trade zone) cuba salinas
`[econ6mico equitativo] [comercio negocio trafico
`industria] [narraci6n relato relaci6n] [Mejico Mexico]
`Canada [Mejico Mexico]
`[convenio comercial]
`[comercio negocio trafico industria] zona cuba salinas
`original, BASE (with
`Table 5: Four query representations:
`identified phrases), LCA expanded BASE, WBW + phrasal
`translation of LCA expanded BASE.
`the effects of LCA expansion with-
`First, we look at
`out phrasal
`in the base query and compare a
`straight WBW translation of all concepts with a combi-
`nation of phrasal and WBW translation. We then com-
`bine phrasal recognition in BASE with LCA expansion fol-
`lowed by both WBW and phrasal translation. Translations of
`multi-term LCA concepts were wrapped in the INQUERY
`#passage25 and #phrase operators.
`For example,
`sage25(#phrase(North American Free Trade AgreementĀ».
`Terms within a #phrase operator are evaluated to see whether
`AOL Ex. 1031
`Page 4 of 10


`If they do, co-
`they co-occur frequently in the collection.
`occurrences within 3 terms of each other are considered
`when calculating belief. If not, the terms are treated as hav-
`ing equal influence on the final result in order to allow for
`the possibility individual occurrences are evidence of rele-
`vance. The #passage25 operator looks for the elements to
`occur within a window of 25. This operator ensures that
`terms which do not co-occur frequently be found a limited
`distance apart.
`The best results for automatic translations to Spanish are
`shown in Table 6. Descriptions of query processing for
`rows 2-7 follow. Row 2 (MRD) is the automatic word-by-
`word translation of BASE (original TREC queries manu-
`ally translated). For row 3, phrases were identified in the
`BASE queries and then WBW translation was augmented
`by phrasal
`translation (MRD + Phr). Row 4 shows re-
`sults for pre-translation LCA expanded BASE queries trans-
`lated word-by-word (MRD + LCA-WBW). Row 5 repre-
`sents pre-translation LCA expanded BASE queries trans-
`lated word-by-word with phrasal translation where possible
`(MRD + LCA-Phr).
`In Row 6, after phrase identification in
`BASE queries, they were expanded via LCA prior to trans-
`lation. The expanded queries were then translated word-by-
`word with phrasal
`translation where possible. Finally, row
`7 shows results for pre-translation local feedback expanded
`BASE queries after word-by-word translation (LF).
`Table 6: Average precision for pre-translation expansion re-
`The best results were gained after adding the top 30 con-
`cepts from the top 20 documents. They show that LCA ex-
`p~nsion is effective, but WBW translation of LCA concepts
`yields only a 17% increase. This is probably due to the am-
`biguity introduced through the loss of multi-term concepts.
`Further improvements
`are given when phrases are identi-
`fied in the BASE queries and when multi-term concepts are
`translated as phrases.
`If multi-term concepts are translated
`as phrases, effectiveness goes up by 5%. The addition of
`phrasal recognition in the BASE queries boosts effective-
`ness by an additional 5%. These results show that the use
`of phrasal translation can indeed improve effectiveness.
`Pre-translation LCA expansion results are still not as
`good as those for pre-translation local feedback. This is sur-
`prising since comparisons of local feedback and LCA in the
`mono-lingual environment
`[XC96] have shown LCA to be
`more robust for query expansion.
`We hypothesized that although most phrases added by
`they may lose their effec-
`LCA appear to be good phrases,
`terms. This happens when
`tiveness when taken as individual
`a phrasal
`translation fails and we are forced to translate the
`phrase word-by-word.
`In addition, poor phrases will also
`tend to be ineffective when translated word-by-word. To test
`this, we performed LCA expansion returning only the best
`single-term concepts. Results in section 5 show that query
`is highly sensitive to the accuracy of phrasal
`translation. Expansion by individual
`terms eliminates
`negative effects of poor phrasal
`We found that in some cases, our hypothesis is supported.
`it is not consistent.
`Table 7 gives a few exam-
`ples ofLCA expansion with single- and multi-term concepts
`compared to expansion with only single-term concepts.
`this table, each of the expansions was done using the top 20
`passages and the top 5 or 30 concepts. Automatic translation
`is given as a baseline. We believe the inconsistency is related
`to the types of multi-term concepts that are included in the
`expansion and on translation accuracy.
`Avg prec %Change
`Table 7: Average precision for multi-term and single-term
`concept expansion.
`Table 8 shows the best pre-translation results for expan-
`sion via local feedback and for single-term expansion via
`LCA. This shows that LCA can be more effective than local
`feedback when used prior to translation, however the choice
`of expansion concepts is critical.
`% Change:
`5 docs:
`10 docs:
`15 docs:
`20 docs:
`Table 8: Best pre-translation local feedback and single-term
`LCA expansion results.
`Post-translation Expansion
`In experiments where post-translation LCA expansion was
`performed, multi-term concepts were wrapped in INQUERY
`#PHRASE operators. The top ranked concept was added to
`a query with a weight of 1.0. Each additional concept was
`down-weighted by 11100 with respect
`to the weight given its
`AOL Ex. 1031
`Page 5 of 10


`predecessor. This weighting scheme was shown to be effec-
`tive in LCA experiments for the TREC5 evaluations [Har96].
`Table 10 shows the best results for post-translation
`sion via local feedback and LCA. In this table,
`local feed-
`back expansion was done by addition of the top 20 terms
`from the top 50 documents. LCA expansion was done by
`addition of the top 100 concepts
`from the top 20 passages.
`Table9 shows 2 representations of one of these queries. First
`is the BASE and second the automatic translation of BASE.
`The last row gives the top 20 expansion concepts that were
`added to this query, with multi-term concepts in parentheses.
`Note that all terms are stemmed.
`relations mexico european
`economic commercial
`comerc narr relat rei econom equit rentabl pai patri
`camp region tierr mej mex europ
`(est un) canada pai europ franci (diversific comerc)
`mex polit pais alemani rentabl oportun product apoy
`australi (mere europ) agricultor bancarrot
`(comun econom europ)
`for TREC query SP26:
`Table 9: Two query representations
`BASE and MRD translation of BASE. Row 3 gives the top
`20 post-translation LCA expansion concepts for this query.
`Avg prec
`% Change:
`10 docs:
`15 docs:
`20 docs:
`Table 10: Best post-translation
`pansion results.
`local feedback and LCA ex-
`The best post-translation LCA expansion is 11.6% more
`effective than the best post-translation
`local feedback expan-
`sion. Eleven of 20 queries do better with LCA as compared
`t~ 7 which do better with LF. A paired sign test shows this
`dIfference to be significant at p = .01. This supports earlier
`Workby Xu which showed LCA to be a more effective query
`expansion technique than local feedback.
`6.3 Combined Pre- and Post-translation
`start with the pre-translation
`The combination experiments
`LC~ expansion of the BASE queries. After the expanded
`q~enes are translated automatically,
`they are expanded again
`VIaLCA multi-term expansion. The base query set for the
`post-translation expansion phase in these experiments,
`the best pre-translation,
`single-term concept LCA expanded
`query set, as described in Section 6.1. Table 11 shows 4
`representations of one of these queries. First is the original
`query, second is the manual
`translation (BASE)
`automatically identified phrases,
`third is the pre-translation
`LCA single-term expanded query, and fourth is the auto-
`matic translation of the third. The last row gives the top
`20 expansion concepts
`that were added to this query, with
`multi-term concepts in parentheses. Note that all terms are
`stemmed. Parentheses surround LCA expansion phrases and
`phrases automatically identified in the BASE query. Brack-
`ets surround the translation of each term or phrase.
`relations) between
`las relaciones econ6micas y comerciales entre Mexico
`y Canada
`the economic and (commercial
`mexico and canada
`relations) mexico canada
`economic (commercial
`mexico free-trade canada trade mexican salinas
`cuba pact economies barriers
`[econ6mico equitativo] [comercio negocio trafico
`industria] [narraci6n relato relaci6n] [Mejico Mexico]
`Canada [Mejico Mexicollconvenio
`[comercio negocio trafico industria] zona cuba salinas
`canada (Jibr comerci) trat ottaw dosm (acuerd paralel)
`norteamer (est un) (tres pais) import eu (vit econom)
`comerci (centr econom)
`(barrer comerc) (increment
`subit) superpot rel acuerd negoci
`Table 11: Four query representations: original, BASE (with
`identified phrases), LCA expanded BASE, WBW + phrasal
`translation of LCA expanded BASE.
`The combined approach is more effective than either pre-
`or post-translation LCA expansion alone. This was also
`shown to be the case for local feedback expansion. Table
`12 gives results for automatic translation,
`the best combined
`pre- and post-translation local feedback expansion, and the
`best combined LCA expansion.
`In this experiment, queries
`were expanded by the top 50 terms from the top 20 passages
`in the post-translation LCA phase.
`Fourteen and eleven
`queries show improvement over MRD translation alone for
`LCA and LF, respectively. The LCA approach shows a 9%
`greater improvement
`than the local feedback approach, but
`this difference is not statistically significant. When the two
`methods are compared 9 queries do better with LCA expan-
`sion as compared to 10 that do better with LF expansion.
`However, it is interesting to compare the effects of LCA and
`local feedback expansion on precision. The LCA expansion
`has higher precision at low recall
`levels. This is important
`in a CUR environment. The user may not be proficient at
`reading a foreign language, so could not be expected to look
`through more than the top retrieved documents.
`7 Conclusions and Future Work
`,i ~ .'_'i-
`Automatic dictionary translations are attractive because they
`are cost effective and easy to perform,
`are read-
`AOL Ex. 1031
`Page 6 of 10


`Avg prec
`% Change:
`5 docs:
`10 docs:
`15 docs:
`20 docs:
`Table 12: Best combined pre- and post-translation local
`feedback and LCA expansion results.
`ily available, and performance is similar to that of other
`CUR methods. Ambiguity from failure to translate phrases
`is largely responsible for the large drops in effectiveness be-
`low monolingual performance.
`translation can greatly improve effectiveness,
`however improvements are sensitive to the quality of the
`translations. The effect of one poor translation can coun-
`teract any improvement gained by the correct translation of
`several phrases and may cause additional drops in effective-
`ness. Certain types of multi-term concepts, such as proper
`noun phrases, are easily translated via MRD. However, dic-
`tionaries do not provide enough context for accurate phrasal
`translation in other cases.
`Query expansion via local feedback and LCA can be
`used to significantly reduce the error associated with dic-
`tionary translation. LCA expansion gives higher precision
`at low recall levels, which is important
`in a CUR environ-
`ment. Table 13 shows the performance of each method as
`measured by average precision and percentage of monolin-
`gual performance. LCA, which typically expands queries
`with multi-term phrases, is more sensitive to translation ef-
`fects when pre-translation expansion is performed. This is
`because phrases that must be translated WBW, are not as ef-
`fective when separated into individual terms. Pre-translation
`LCA expansion with single-term concepts can reduce this
`problem. Pre-translation LCA expansion with single terms
`is also more effective than pre-translation local feedback
`and improves both precision and recall.
`LCA is more effective than post-translation local feedback
`and tends to improve precision. Combining pre- and post-
`translation expansion is most effective and improves preci-
`sion and recall.
`It can reduce translation error by 45% over
`automatic translation bringing CUR performance up from
`42% to 68% of monolingual performance. This is stilI well
`below a monolingual baseline, but improved phrasal transla-
`tions should hel

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