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`Attorne Docket No. 1002 CIP III
`System and Method For Effecting A Real-Time ...
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`1 ourezos ..,
`January II, 2002
`eBay et al., Ex.1015, p.1

`Artny. Docket No. 1002 CIP III
`We Claim:
`A method for effecting payment for at least one item offered for sale by a
`seller and purchased by a buyer via an electronic auction web site, where the electronic
`auction web site is accessible by a plurality of users and maintained by an electronic auction
`system, the method comprising the steps of:
`sending an e-mail by the electronic auction system to the buyer of the at least one
`receiving, via one of the electronic auction web site and the e-mail, at least one input
`from the buyer indicating an initiation to effect payment;
`providing a payment page to the buyer after receiving the at least one input from the
`receiving, via the payment page, authorization from the buyer to deduct funds from a
`payment account corresponding to the buyer;
`deducting funds from the payment account corresponding to the buyer; and
`using at least a portion of the deducted funds to effect payment to at least the seller,
`wherein the method for effecting payment does not provide for any interaction between the
`buyer and the seller.
`The method according to Claim 1, further comprising the step of using at least
`another portion ofthe deducted funds to effect payment to an operator of the electronic
`auction system.
`eBay et al., Ex.1015, p.2

`The method according to Claim I, further comprising the step of sending an e-
`mail to at least the seller indicating that payment has been made by the buyer.
`Attny. Docket No. 1002 CIP III
`The method according to Claim 3, wherein the e-mail sent to the seller
`contains a link to a web site for leaving comments regarding the payment transaction
`between the buyer and the seller.
`The method according to Claim 1, wherein the payment page includes a
`plurality of fields, and further comprising the steps of
`receiving information from the seller; and
`automatically filling out at least a group of the plurality of fields using at least the
`information received from the seller.
`The method according to Claim 5, wherein the plurality of fields consist ofa
`sales tax field, and a shipping and handling field.
`The method according to Claim 1, wherein the step of sending the e-mail
`occurs after an auction conducted by the electronic auction system for the at least one item
`has closed.
`The method according to Claim 1, further comprising the step of receiving
`authorization from the buyer to loan funds thereto for effecting payment prior to the step of
`deducting funds.
`eBay et al., Ex.1015, p.3

`Attny. Docket No. 1002 CIP III
`The method according to Claim l, further comprising the step of skipping the
`providing a payment page and receiving authorization steps if the at least one input is not
`received within a predetermined time period.
`The method according to Claim 1, further comprising the following steps
`prior to the deducting step:
`determining whether notification has been received from the seller that payment has
`not been made by the buyer within a predetermined time period; and
`skipping the providing a payment page and receiving authorization steps, if it is
`determined that notification has been received.
`The method according to Claim l, wherein the method comprises the
`following steps prior to the step of receiving the at least one input from the buyer:
`activating a character recognition mode;
`receiving characters corresponding to a portion of a hyperlink provided on the e-mail;
`recognizing the received characters as corresponding to the portion ofthe hyperlink.
`eBay et al., Ex.1015, p.4

`Attny. Docket No. 1002 CIP III
`A method for effecting payment for at least one item offered for sale by a
`seller and purchased by a buyer via an electronic auction web site, where the electronic
`auction web site is accessible by a plurality of users and maintained by an electronic auction
`system, the method comprising the steps of:
`sending an e-mail by the electronic auction system to the buyer ofthe at least one
`receiving, via one ofthe electronic auction web site and the e-mail, at least one input
`from the buyer indicating an initiation to effect payment;
`providing a payment page to the buyer after receiving the at least one input from the
`receiving, via the payment page, authorization from the buyer to effect payment to the
`seller of the at least one item; and
`effecting payment to at least the seller.
`The method according to Claim 12, further comprising the step of effecting
`payment to an operator of the electronic auction system.
`The method according to Claim 12, further comprising the step of sending an
`e-mail to the seller indicating that payment has been made by the buyer.
`The method according to Claim 12, wherein the method for effecting payment
`does not provide for any interaction between the buyer and the seller.
`eBay et al., Ex.1015, p.5

`Attny. Docket No. 1002 CIP III
`A method for effecting payment for at least one item offered for sale by a
`seller and purchased by a buyer via an electronic auction web site, where the electronic
`auction web site is accessible by a plurality of users and maintained by an electronic auction
`system, the method comprising the steps of:
`receiving, via one of the electronic auction web site and an e-mail transmitted by the
`electronic auction system, at least one input from the buyer indicating an initiation to effect
`payment; and
`effecting payment to the seller, wherein the method for effecting payment does not
`provide for any interaction between the buyer and the seller.
`The method according to Claim 16, wherein the step of effecting payment
`includes the steps of:
`deducting funds from a payment account corresponding to the buyer; and
`transferring at least a portion ofthe deducted funds to at least one payment account
`corresponding to the seller.
`The method according to Claim 16, wherein the step of effecting payment
`includes the step of loaning funds to the buyer by the electronic auction system.
`The method according to Claim 16, further comprising the step of displaying a
`page including a plurality of fields, the plurality of fields including a field providing an
`auction identification code corresponding to the at least one item, a field providing an
`identification name for the buyer, a field providing an identification name for the seller, and
`eBay et al., Ex.1015, p.6

`a field providing a description of the at least one item.
`Attny. Docket No. 1002 CIP III
`The method according to Claim 19, wherein the plurality of fields includes a
`field indicating if insurance was purchased by the buyer, and at least one field indicating
`payment details.
`The method according to Claim 16, wherein the at least one input is received
`after the conclusion of an electronic auction conducted by the electronic auction system for
`the at least one item.
`The method according to Claim 16, further comprising the step of transmitting
`an e-mail to at least the seller.
`The method according to Claim 22, wherein the e-mail indicates an address
`corresponding to the buyer, a description of the at least one item, a purchase price of the at
`least one item, and an identification code corresponding to the at least one item.
`The method according to Claim 22, wherein the e-mail indicates an
`identification name corresponding to the buyer, and an identification name corresponding to
`the seller.
`The method according to Claim 22, wherein the e-mail includes a link to a
`page for leaving comments regarding the payment transaction.
`eBay et al., Ex.1015, p.7

`The method according to Claim 22, wherein the e-mail includes a link to a
`page for displaying and/or printing payment transaction information.
`Artny. Docket No. 1002 CIP III
`A method for effecting payment for at least one item offered for sale by a
`seller and purchased by a buyer via an electronic auction web site, where the electronic
`auction web site is accessible by a plurality of users and maintained by an electronic auction
`system, the method comprising the steps of:
`receiving at least one input from the buyer to initiate a payment method; and
`initiating the payment method, wherein the payment method is at least one of
`deducting funds from a payment account corresponding to the buyer and loaning funds to the
`buyer for effecting payment, wherein the method for effecting payment does not provide for
`any interaction between the buyer and the seller.
`A method for effecting payment for at least one i!em offered for sale via an
`electronic auction by a seller and purchased by a buyer, where the electronic auction is
`conducted via an electronic auction web site accessible by a plurality of users and maintained
`by an electronic auction system, the method comprising the steps of:
`receiving at least one input from the buyer indicating an initiation to effect payment
`after the conclusion ofthe electronic auction; and
`effecting payment to the seller, wherein the method for effecting payment does not
`provide for any interaction between the buyer and the seller.
`eBay et al., Ex.1015, p.8

`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`. Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`George Likourezos
`1002 CIP III
`George Likourezos
`9321 Ridge Boulevard
`Brooklyn, NY 11209
`DATE MAILED: 09/08/2004
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`PTO-90C (Rev. 10/03)
`eBay et al., Ex.1015, p.9

`Office Action Summary
`Application No.
`Art Unit
`Clement B Graham
`-- The MAILING DA TE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address --
`Period for Reply
`• Extensions of time may be available under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a).
`after SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`If the period for reply specified above is less than thirty (30) days. a reply within the statutory minimum of thirty (30) days will be considered timely.
`If NO period for reply is specified above. the maximum statutory period will apply and will expire SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`- Failure to reply within the set or extended period for reply will, by statute. cause the application to become ABANDONED (35 U.S.C. § 133).
`Any reply received by the Office later than three months after the mailing date of this communication. even if timely filed. may reduce any
`eamed patent term adjustment. See 37 CFR 1.704(b).
`In no event. however. maya reply be timely filed
`1)~ Responsive to communication{s) filed on 11 January 2002.
`2a)0 This action is FINAL.
`2b)~ This action is non-final.
`3)0 Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordance with the practice under Ex parte Quayle. 1935 C.D. 11,453 O.G. 213.
`Disposition of Claims
`4)~ Claim{s) 1-27 and 32-71 is/are pending in the application.
`4a) Of the above claim{s) __ is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`5)0 Claim{s) __ is/are allowed.
`6)~ Claim{s) 1-27 and 32-71 is/are rejected.
`7)0 Claim{s) __ is/are objected to.
`8)0 Claim{s) __ are subject to restriction and/or election requirement.
`Application Papers
`9)0 The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
`10)0 The drawing{s) filed on __ is/are: a)O accepted or b)O objected to by the Examiner.
`Applicant may not request that any objection to the drawing(s) be held in abeyance. See 37 CFR 1.85(a).
`Replacement drawing sheet(s) including the correction is required if the drawing(s) is objected to. See 37 CFR 1.121 (d).
`11)0 The oath or declaration is objected to by the Examiner. Note the attached Office Action or form PTO-152.
`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
`12)0 Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119{a)-{d) or (f).
`a)O All
`b)O Some * c)O None of:
`1.0 Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2.0 Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No. __.
`3.0 Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this National Stage
`application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2{a».
`* See the attached detailed Office action for a list of the certified copies not received.
`1) ~ Notice of References Cited (PTO-892)
`2) 0 Notice of Draftsperson's Patent Drawing Review (PTO-948)
`3) ~ Information Disdosure Statement(s) (PTO-1449 or PTO/SB/08)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date ~.
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date. __ .
`4) 0 Interview Summary (PT0-413)
`5) 0 Notice of Informal Patent Application (PTO-152)
`6) 0 Other: __.
`u.s. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 1-04)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No.lMaii Date 2004-24-08
`eBay et al., Ex.1015, p.10

`OCT 132004
`January 11) 2002
`Clement B. Graham
`Atty. Docket No. 1002 CIP ill
`P.O. Box 1450
`Commissioner for Patents
`Alexandria, VA 22313~14S0
`AMENDMENT UNDER 37 C.F.~ See. 1.111
`Please consider the following amendments and remarks in light of the Office Action. of
`the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office mailed on September 8, 2004:
`The Claims are reflected in the listing of claims which begins on page 2 ofthis paper.
`Remarks begin on page 21 of this paper.
`I hereby certify that this cortespondenee is being sent via facsimile to facsimile number 703·'72(cid:173)
`~&'6 ofthc United States Patcm and TIadmlark Office and to tbe attention ofExaminer Clement B. Graham at
`Group Art Unit 3628 on the date shown below.
`PAGE 2130' RCVD AT 1011312004 3:34:45 PM ~astern DaylightTone]' SVR:USPTO-EFXRF·115·DNIS:8n9306' CSID:6315013259'DURATION (mm-ss):07·26
`eBay et al., Ex.1015, p.11

`18/13/2004 14:44
`This application has been reviewed in light of theokce Action mailed on September 8,
`2004. Claims 1-7,9-27 and 32-71 are pending in the aPPlibation with Claims 1, 12, 16,27,47,
`54,55 and 62 being in independent form. By the present iendm<mt, Claims 1, 12, 13, 16, 17,
`27,37,47,49,52, 54, 55, 59, 62 and 65 have been amcnddd. It is believed that no new matter is
`introduced into the claims by the amendm.euts.
`The Applicants gratefully acknowledge the Exami"
`'s courtesy in granting an interview
`with the Applicants on October 8, 2004. The proposed IJtations presented to the Examiner
`during the interview have been incorporated within the pjding independent claims.
`The Applican.ts further gratefully acknowledge the lsponsivencss by the Examiner i.p.
`initialing and returning the outstanding 1449 Forms WbiChl~eresubmiUed with conesponding
`Infonnation Disclosure Statements and were not returnedLth the Office Action. The Examiner
`initialed and sent the outstanding 1449 Fonns via facsimill to the Applicants on September 21,
`In the Office Action, Claims 1-7, 11-17,21,22,25-17,32-36,40,42.51,53-58, 60-67 and .
`69-71 wererejected under 35 U.S.C. §102(e) as being antiliPated by U.S. Patent No. 6,760.470
`method for transferring funds between buyers and sellersl an. electronic commerce system thai
`issued to Bogosian et aI. on July 6, 2004 (hereinafter ...Bogbsian et aI."). Bogosian et aI. teaches a
`provides a marketplace for users to buy and sell goods, sJh as online auction systems or a "flea
`market" system.
`Independent Claims 1, 12, 16,27,47,54,55 and 62 have been amended. in a m.anner
`wh.ich is believed to better define Applicants' invention.
`particular, independent Claims 1, 27~
`- 21 -
`tlest Available Copy
`PAGE 22/30 aRCVDAT 10113120043:34:45 PM [Eastern Da~ight Time) ~ SVR:USPTO.£FXRF·115 ~ DNIS:87293D6 1CSID:6315013259I DURATION(mrn-ss):07·26
`eBay et al., Ex.1015, p.12

`54 and 62 have been amended and now recite the follo'
`limitations: '~ayment account
`storing funds therein and corresponding to the buyer." InJvendent Claim 55 has been amended
`and now recites the following limitaiions: ''the at least onJ payment account corresponding to
`the buyer and the at least one payment account correspondmg to the seller are configured for
`storing funds therein and. are stored within a database systl of the integrated platform."
`Independent Claims l2~ 16 and 47 have been amended and now recite the foUowing limitations:
`"payment account storing funds within the electronic auctiL system"; or CCpayment account
`storing funds within the electronic commerce system." .l
`The above-noted limitations are supported by Appli ants~ specification. Applicants'
`specification expressly teaches that each payment account 1s configured for storing funds which
`can be used to effect payment. The specification oxp1icit1~states !bat each payment account does
`. not store information relating to sources which can be used to initiate paymen~ such as credit
`. card information. See paragraph 0049 of Applicants' PUbl~shedpatent application.
`Bogos;anet al. teaches away from thereci~onso~Applicants'claims. BOgosi~ et aI.
`.teaches that when a buyer purchases one or more ltems froL a seller, the buyer's credit card
`account is charged to collect funds for the purchase, anld at least a portion of the collected
`funds is deposited into a bank account of the seller us~ a previously extracted bank routing
`number. (Emphasis added) See Abstract; column 2, lineSl~8-67; colwnn 5, 41-55; column
`13, lines 48-55.
`Applicants were aware ofcredit card payment meth dolopJ-es for effecting payment for
`electronic commerce transactions as of the effective filing Lte of the SUbject patent application.
`In fact, a similar, if not identical method to the method desL.bed by Bogosian et aI., is described.
`-22 -
`PAGE 23130' RCVDAT 10113120043:34:45 PM !Eastern Da~ight Time)' SVR:USPTO-EFXRF·115· DNIS:8729306· CSID:6315013259 *DURATION (mm-ss):07·26
`eBay et al., Ex.1015, p.13

`in Applicants' Ba<:kgl<>und of the Invention sectionlh 0010 of Applicant's published
`application) where Applicants describe a prior art method }or effecting payment where a winning
`bidder ofan electronic auction web site accesses a paymenl web site (or a payment segment of
`the electronic auction web site) and enters credit card infolation. The Applicants describe that
`subsequently a management system overseeing the paymJt web site charges the credit card and
`upon payment confmnation. an e~mail is sent to the seller kstructing th.e seIter to ship the item to
`the winning bidder. The Applicants further describe that ~er two to three business days; the
`payment web site management system pays the seller by diLct deposit an amount equal to the
`charged amount minus a commission and a transaction feel
`. .
`.Bogosian et al. does not disclose or suggest deducJg funds from a payment account.
`storing funds therein and corresponding to the buyer, as rJited by Applicants' claims. Bogosian
`et at. effects payment for a buyer by charging the buyer's cLdit card Bogosian et al. recites in
`the Abstract, u •••when a buyer purchases one or more iteml from a seller, the buyer's credit card
`. account is charged to collect funds for the purchase....". Jogosian et aI. does not disclose or
`suggestcollecting funds by deducting funds from a paymJt account storing funds therein and
`corresponding to the buyer, as recited by Applicants' ClaiJS. IfBogosian et. at. taught a payment
`described such a payment account for effecting payment Bogosian et a1. only describes charging
`account storing funds therein and corresponding to the4, then Bogosian et aI. would bave
`the buyer's credit card for effecting payment.
`Additionally, Bogosian et aI. does not disclose or su cst transferring funds to a payment
`account storing funds within \the electronic auction. system 6r electronic commerce system, as
`recited by AppHcants' claims. Bogosian et al. recites in tblAbstract .....the buyer's credit card
`PAGE 24130 rRCVDAT 10113120043:34:45 PM [Eastern Da~lght Time]· SVR:USPTO-EFXRf·1/5·DNIS:8729306· CSID:6315013259· DURATION (mrn-ss):07·26
`eBay et al., Ex.1015, p.14

`10/13/2004 14:44
`account is charged to collect funds for the purchase, and at least a portion of the collected funds
`is deposited into the bank account ofthe seller using the e tTacted bank routing number."
`Bogosian et aI. does not disclose or suggest transferringJds to a payment accotmt storing funds
`within the electronic auction system or electronic commerJe system, as recited by Applicants'
`claims. IfBogosian et al. taught transferring funds to a patent account storing funds within the
`electronic auction system. or electronic commerce system,
`en Bogosian et a1. would have
`described such a payment account for effecting paym.ent. ~ogosian et al. only describes
`depositing a'portion of the collected funds into a bank acJunt of the seller using the ex.tracted
`bank routing number fot' effecting payment.
`It is therefore believed that Applicants' Claims 1,2 ,54 and 62 which. reci.te at least the
`limitations '"ayment account storing funds therein and co
`sponding to the buyer" and Claims
`.'12, 16 and 47 which recite at least the limitations "paymenl account storing funds within the
`electronic auction system" and "payment account storing rbds within the electro~ic commerce
`system," lespectively, are patentably distinct from the teacbingS of Bogosian et aI. It is also
`.. believed that Applicants' Claim 55 which recites at least Je limitations "the at-least one payment
`account corresponding to theb~yer and the at least onepakent account corresponding to the
`seller are configured for storing funds therein and arc store~ within a database system of the
`integrated platfonn" is patentably distinct from the teachinks of Bogosian et aI.
`Based at least on the above reasons, Applicants' indkendent Claims 1, 12, 16,27,47,54,
`55 and 62 are not anticipated Wlder 35 U.S.C. §102(e) ovJ Bogosian et a1. Accordingly,
`withdrawal of the rejection under 35 U.S.C. §102(e) with lspect to Clairits 1, 12, 16,27,47,54,
`55 and 62 and allowance thereof are respectfully requestedl
`- 24-.
`PAGE 25130· RCVD AT 1011312004 3:34:45 PM (Eastern Da~ight Timel aSVR:USPTO.£FXRF·115 aDNIS:8729306 aCSID:6315013259· DURATION (mrn-ss):07·26
`eBay et al., Ex.1015, p.15

`Applicants' dependent Claim 4 recites features WID
`are not disclosed or suggested by
`BogoSian.el~. Bogosian et aI. does not disclose0<SUggj "sending an ..-IDlliIto at least the
`seUer indicating that payment has been made by the buyerI.. wheretn the e-m.atl sent to the seller
`contains a link to a web site for leaving comments regarJg the payment transaction between the
`buyer and the seller," as recited~y Applicants' dependent blaim 4 taken in conjunction with
`Applicants' dependent Claim 3 from which Claim 4 depeJb from. Column 13, line 65 to
`column 14, line 5 of Bogosian et a1. discloses sending an mail to the buyer with a link to an
` Payments web page. Bogosi8lJ. et a1. does n1 disclose that the e-mail sent to the
`buyer includes a link to a web site for leaving comments Jgarding the payment .transaction
`between the buyer and the seller. The same arguments staJed above for dependent Claim 4 are
`applicable to dependent Claim 25 as well, since Claim 25 Lites similar recitations as dependent
`Claim 4.
`Applicants' dependent Claim 11 recites features which are not disclosed or suggested by.
`Bogosian et aI. Bogosian et aI. does not disclose or suggeJt "activating a character recognition ..
`mode; rece;ving characters corresponding to a portion ofalhYPerlink provided on the e-mail; and
`recognizing the received characters as corresponding to th portion of the hyperlink," as recited
`by Applicants' dependent Claim 11. ColulX1IJ. 13, line 65Jcolumn 14, line 5 ofBogosiao. et al.
`discloses sending an e-mail to the buyer with a link to an Payments web page.
`Bogosian et at does not disclose or suggest the features Jited by Applicants' dependent Claim
`Additionally, with respect to dependent Claims 4,1 and 25, as weU as dependent Claims
`2,3, S-7, 13-1 S, 17,21, 22,26,32-36,40,42-46,48-51. 5J. 56-58, 60, (1) 63-67 and 69-71,
`- 25-
`PAGE 26130 I RCYD AT 1011312004 3:34:45 PM ~astem Da~ight Time)ISVR:USPTO-EFXRf.115I DNIS:87293061 CSID:63150132S9IDURATION Imrn-ss):07·26
`eBay et al., Ex.1015, p.16

`these claims depend from Claims 1, 12, 16,47,55 and 62,
`d tberefore include the limitations
`oCClaims 1, 12~ 16,47,'55 and 62. Therefore, for at least ie same reasons given above for
`Claims I, 12, 16, 47, 55 and 62, Claims :z,.7, 11, 13-15, 17j21, 22, 25, 26, 32-36, 40, 42-46, 48(cid:173)
`51,53,56-58,60,61,63-67 and 69-71 arc believed to be Jlowable over Bogosian et aI.
`Accordingly, withdrawal of the rejection under 35 U.S.C. JI02(e) with respect to Claims 2-7,11,
`8' 60, 61, 63-67 and 69-71 and
`13-15,17,21,22,25,26,32-36,40,42-46,48-51.,53, 56_
`allowance thereof are respectfully requested.
`Dependent Claims 9-10, 18-20,23-24,37-39,41, 5 ~ 59, 65 and 68 were rejected under 35
`U.s.C. §103(a) as being unpatentable over Bogosianet aI.1
`Applicants' dependent Claim 9 and 10 recites feaJr. which arc not disclosed or,
`suggested by Bogosian et aI. In particular, with respect to ependent Claim 10, Bogosian et at.
`does n,ot disclose or suggest "skipping the providing a palent page and receiving authorization
`,steps if the at least one input is not received within a PredeLined time period.," as recited by
`" Applicants' dependent Claim 9. As such, if the at least onl input is not received within the
`"'predetermined time period., Applicants' method for effectiJg payment proceeds wit~, the step of
`deducting funds from the payment account storing funds Jer.ejn and corresponding to ilie buyer
`and the step ofusing at least a portion of the deducted funL to cffect payment to at least the
`seller, as recited by Applicants' Claim 1. Accordingly. A~licants' method for effecting payment
`is not cancelle~as stated by the Examiner as being old anA well known in the art, but the method
`from thc seller that payment has not been made by the bul within aPrede~ermined time period,
`With respect to dependent Claim. 10, if it is deterrnj
`.ed that notification has been received
`proceeds and the seller is subsequently paid.
`- 26-
`PAGE 27130 *RCVD AT 1011312004 3:34:45 PM ~astem Da~ight Timel' SVR:USPTO-EFXRF·115· DNIS:8729306 *CSID:6315013259 *DURATIONImrn-ssj:07·26
`eBay et al., Ex.1015, p.17

`the steps of providing a paymeo.t page and receiving authorization steps are skipped. AB such, if
`notification is received from the seller, Applicants' method for effecting payment proceeds with
`the step of deducting funds from tbe payment account storing funds therein and corresponding

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