`Versata 2007
`Ford Motor v. Versata

`Inside CIO
`‘|.I'C|ILLHI.-'.E 1|] 1 NUMBER ‘:3 I AFIIIL15,
`."rInI:u.|'3 IS Enufl ..H::I.:-area‘ III?
`CEO‘: .-;.-:I.' for .I'r1rr:°;m;'ri gfobaf
`read: and ms: crurfiug.
`Cu['|:’1‘ pk-urn Ely Kalherinr Lszneiaerr
`III Wainhinntll-! Hesand £955
`H}'Mi?‘_'I':rm ‘Lt-’.f1'J':'.J-um-Jr:
`l'I' prcnpocrsfi Stan "A-'ll.'I'l a s.pI'ca-:1;=.hrcr.
`By 51:: n-u:lrn1:|i:r.i1'Ig 15 :1-pcraflnnei
`and tuning Dl':I'5l":'i. Mtzlhil I'H.!ITH.'|l
`its L'u:npI:liti1r'|: Iflljfl.
`5}, J._,J_”—fl. Gross
`(3 ; (},n3;rE 3 M A 5T]=_R
`‘II-"|'In:11 w|:'|'|rn:L5tL*r5 and {ZIDE clash.
`Thr: chans 1'i1.':3|s EI'lH.|' tn‘ 5 had B-n1::u'I.':ic.
`5}‘ I3¢i"J”'“"'f¢'*‘7=T'"1'
`E” remme Wm Ammg
`Hpfi,|r:EHn-fin. jrm|Irnu_.s
`Fag? 35'
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`mt:-rc E}{-|EIEF.PT: WHAT WILL BE
`4:aI]s:!1:= "'['|urd li.ew|urinI1.“
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`l- E|C|.-'AF'H|L15.|‘§l'§T
`IN flux 1 1
`render feedback, Jmw Err reach us
`1 It Publisher‘: Hut!
`am. "End sign.“ firm-Hg
`Eh: inh and keeping it
`16: 5aIp'fI1.Irl’I.'und Sure!
`Hetwurk s:~uJrtIpa.IL£-rs cut CD515
`1:: Expnrimantatinn Ilm-hnut Tautinn
`Ptpplltafitm d|:1.'tIupm-tnt tax break
`PLUS.‘ If-:'I--.':'_'1'nrnn:nt wnsbc, 5-‘car EEIIIJII
`hntlinc, ::In]:im: I'.|1i.':]'I:.'I'.lE.l.'l|:.II51:.‘il1b'|2ll.‘I.'tII::|-I'l
`Prxadructs uxm’ services frmn
`“U ‘5°”‘”’“'*"“"'°”‘ “"-
`I kit}; M.1\.'II'n|zII1g_Ihr I|1|T'|!'“l'II."f. .'\-1anng,-
`I. {,3-"'.:
`I1”-L "II1. '5.
`II‘|!I1'I|'|-I! !'I-L1.rI:‘|-TI
`' HE“ nDE”“I‘3'*“’3° “A TE“ "I T“"'
`‘I-I!.l1.|T I.IIt:r:1nt'I: '.111i.I I:I1:: I511:I:r-
`11n.'t J".1jr' UH," J'-.-lay H4 1 I. at III11: Lima]
`Gulf liesurt 45¢ Spa. ."u1i;1|11i

`.'ll'!|lE:ILl'l.' $l.'ill tn 53llll. l'v1'tt1'rtl1l3.' accents lees
`typically run from $25 to $.iL'|. plus ner-
`rnittutt: t.'harj.3;.es of zero to 1.‘? i.'et1Is ide-
`pencling on vvheth er the tttrrrteetinn is
`made du ring pealr or nonpoilt lmilrsi.
`ISDN mt.ui.l.erru.', also ltnovvtit as |'.t.-rnr.irra|
`adapters. are generally price-J r'r-nrn Sltiii
`to 5400.
`ll one is lucky £11.rl.'I'lJgl!l to he in an area
`with multiple |Sl‘.+l‘s' ptovid ens. --ne ta-1
`shop around For at:t.'e'ss on the l'I.s-‘is til
`price and technical quality. ."iotne l.‘il")N
`pm-1.-‘idem. dor|.‘r offer EH1 ser'.'n.:t- at the
`full ri4l€.l:ups rate. I.--.1-aienient
`limitatioris Fore: ii'sIt.'il'ir: Bell. ltire ~t::n11-
`ple, to limit the maximum
`tltrrmghpttt in. some areas
`to Se-ifilvpe per channel.
`I.inltin;g tt:i the Internet
`via HRI can also be moree:t-
`pensive than with an analog
`mt:-dern. .-i'dl:l'ltJl:lEi'! ntangr Inter-
`net access provitlets are bring-
`irtg their ISDN few r.'lursaer to the
`"$19.95 per month, unlimited
`time“ deals ava'IlaI:uie to art-tilor.
`modem sultsetilaets, others erm-
`rin Lie to charge JSDN customers signifi-
`4'.':il'Il'l].-' higher access 1"ecs—‘5i ill to F-Ea“?
`per month plus per—n'I-inure I.'l1nF!T.I.‘!~-
`The Salt Eltalleage
`fitlthnugh ISDN has lilttsstnnetl. several
`challengers Inorn on the l'iI1'|'|}‘-I-II1. Tl'H.'
`mos-t irnmediaee threat mmes its:-lit 11-:1-.
`5|.‘‘.'.hprs tnotierns, which prorttise to pro-
`vide near-FRI-class service with:-Ilr the
`eontplesitv or esrra cost. L|.:-r. Itr.-l'«e1r~.'s
`Pt-i:t:r:a 'F.'_".t1ri:I.trnfEl:t:ii-'.:ir:,,llL,. and l:'lot.'Ln'ell
`Sern ico rid IJEEFI r Sgrstern s I if He 1.~.'fIr:rt
`Beach. Calif., have each dc-'-.'|o]'u.'d
`itiiébrps modern eeehnologies 1-eailn.-d 12
`and K.‘i|5-Plus, respectively? th-.1t worlt
`over standard telephone lines.
`Both tet:hnt.r-lr.t1s,it:s ttllte adt-'arit.'Lis.e |..|l
`modern digital phone netwtirks and i.li_i:,-
`Ita] l:-r connected mod ern r:I~:l-c- .1 r the
`server end oi the telepltone tit'LwI.rtlr.. Ilte
`EEK rnu-deln is a useful st:-lutitnr l'r1ri11d1'
`viduals and -er:ttttpa.1'i.ies. that I.-.'ni1t taster
`data cornmnnications hut nI'rI1'r r<':I:i1.'
`toinvest in l1iLZiI~l._s-at;-s Robert I-!--.iu-.-r.
`vice president of fl'|iFl|:t'tIlr|5t.E l-I3-T l.l.5.
`Corp. in 5:1ltL:slr.-e Czitgr. “5 Fill cat: -Jeri.‘
`q1.|.'|i;kl1_|.' meet users’ near-terrn te-t[Liite-
`HIE. CID n'
`.'tF'lllL I5.
`Design sgtflerns allow eortsmners to create
`products e:-::;terf}r the wttj-' they went‘.|'r=..’:i".P‘I
`T titttltat. .\t'l=.1‘\ii-'t'iIt|trret.'
`AsupplierCiscoSystems inc.
`in Sattjuse, lI.'stliE., u.'l1e'n
`sales reps or resellers need new con-
`neetivttv, Tliej-' tlial into 'Cise-.'r‘s
`secure Web site, t.'l'llZHZI5l:l-l'|Z]ll1 a
`tnenu of options.antl then design
`and 1:'rtit.'e a t.'ueitutniz'.etl [rm-d unit that
`meets their sptszific neecls.
`fit Cl‘: rvsler Corp. in rl'.i-il'.|l|I'l'|
`Hills. lv1ieh.. ttistoeners
`sun-on will use the Web to
`design and order their
`“drea rInears"'e-i:|u ip-
`ped Wl rh IJELB features.
`eoltrr and finant;irtg
`tltcy require.
`'T'he eotnrntnt
`element in each
`transaction is
`inneraetive prod-
`'lJL"lI Cl'l-]'ll'.|.E'IElfa-
`tion. .1 nev-' generation of
`sales lI’:ii.'l1I‘JtJlI:Jg_1r that E.ll|:1-M-‘Ii r:.1s1.-eus-
`tnmizntion of cnmpicx products. Be-
`j.-'Dl1I2i sales ioroc automation. vvhich
`strea ntlines the sales process. eonlig—
`uration systems aim to better match
`a t.'t.impan'_r‘s p‘tui]ui..'t-.- witlt iizi cus-
`tomers’ speizilit; needs. Two promi-
`nent vendors In this emerging field
`are Calioo ‘iieelutolugv lite. in San
`_lr:rse, Cnlili.'ru:‘,l
`an-cl Trilngr Dercloprrhent IT roup Inc.
`in Austin. '1'e:~:as Fri-ttirtatrr-iiog}'.eoIrti'.
`CisI..'t:r-'s sales I.:t.1n figuration is
`Concinitjr Configuration
`Engine. 'I.I.-'hic|'t.,l1'ltr: an e'.rpct'ienr;e.u;l
`sales rep, provides users with Feed-
`h-:Ii.:lt on the seleetit:-ns they tnttlte.
`Concinitv uses an ol:i-ject-orientetl
`approach to -Lleveltlp models that
`d.est:r'il:re htne each ptoduret is config-
`i.1ri.‘.tl., prioed an-tl t,]|IE!Il'l:Ei., and the
`relationship benveeii options and
`how their solve user needs. The sys-
`tetnsintt.1_.1rt1tu.t tools ptL1v'id.e devel-
`opers and inuqrtafim 1.".-'l1‘l1t1['|l.Tlt'|l'|i-ll
`services. including amilneation pre-
`_igra1nmingi1ttetI'aee support.
`!vi.i-erosuft UL!-L Automation. open
`ilatalsaeae tJ.n1 n-et:tivi t'_v tirivet and an
`enterprise resource pla rtning EERH
`translator that enables customers to
`e.'tt'rt1t:tpt'L1t.lur:t data and lsusiness
`logic from ERP systems.
`Curt-eirtir_v, wltieh Ci:a:u has used.
`sirtcie T995, has helped reduce the
`error rate on customer orders Itgr 3!}
`percent, aectirding to vice prtsidettt
`of I5 and CID Peter S-olvilt. who
`sagrs Cisco recouped its investment
`in L2onr.init3.- vi-irltitt a year.
`PFiE|llLll'.i' U.'ll'll-|i3|Jiifiil'|i.ll'l
`Chrvslefs approach is refined by
`Trilrtgfs 5-ellin g l.".l'tain, :3
`cl ienniserver enterprise a pplicatlon
`suite dist helps eumpanies sttearttline
`t'rn1'Lt-olifiee 1'ru.siness processes arid.
`create direct links between cttsrotners
`and ente:-prisetvirle itifunrratiun sys-
`tems. lii-'ith rt linelthttne tl'i.-at supports
`."t-1 icrosoft's fll. E. Selling Chain ere-
`.iIl1'l'5 a Elliii-]'.l.'il1i|lT.'2l'|‘l£'l1'll:t:l'l:'..iIi.‘C For [111 Ind‘
`net, pricing; and market infnnnacion
`while providing a real-time view into
`the sales pipeline of orders. requests
`and sales infomtation. Selling Chain
`also integrates tvitla Efll‘ s1_r'st-ertls
`lirntn such vendors as Uraele Ct'.ri'p.,,
`P-aan international Ine. antl 5.-i.l". At
`f..‘he_vslr.-t. Selling Cltain vv:ill he used
`|l.'lJ2|'l.'l.'lTl'Li:l'.‘i !il'I[]F EH-F and de-
`sign new cars via the lntcrneror at
`free— ltioslts in dealer show-
`rotnns. E-3' tg.-"pita; in their s]:ret.'i.1'it:
`nnlnit-—-.:nlrrr. 'rrI-unnthltr pavmcnt lim-
`liearitr-e.-s.—.::u:stnn1a:rs will
`be able to get the car they want
`ratlter than settle For an availzthle
`car that almost in-nets their neetls.
`ihlthuuiflt the '|K"t:'l:r-etla bled reun-
`liguttstion ttptittn won't he a1.'a.ilal:rle
`to customers until later this ‘year,
`{.'hr_vs|et officials say the new techv
`t'.it.1-logy will ret.'ulutit.r-ni:£e auto sales
`arid pm-rJuL‘i:it:rn. Rather than base
`nettt rnnntl'i's 11rritlu|:rin-n on last
`mtriithis sales. Chrysler espects to
`l.'rui|d the ears eus-tun-ters 1.1.-ant.
`tvlaen and where the_v v.-ant the-in.
`-Tu:-r.i Fiie-.l.i.i

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