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` - - -
` Petitioner
` v.
` Patent Owner
` CASE CBM2016-00100 - Patent 8,805,825
` - - -
` Monday, May 1, 2017
` 4:03 p.m.
` - - -
` - - -
` Administrative Patent Judges.
` - - -
` Veritext Legal Solutions
` Mid-Atlantic Region
` 1250 Eye Street NW - Suite 350
` Washington, D.C. 20005
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830
`8 9
`Versata 2013
`Ford v. Versata


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` 1000 Town Center, 22nd Floor
` Southfield, Michigan 48075-1238
` 248.358.4400
` E-mail:
` 1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20005-3934
` 202.371.2600
` E-mail:
` 1605 Lakecliff Hills Lane, Suite 100
` Austin, Texas 78732-2437
` 713.446.0217
`Also Present: Cathy Nikkila
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`8 9


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` ---oOo---
` JUDGE MEDLEY: All right. So we're on the
`record. Good afternoon. This is Judge Medley, along
`with Judge Arpin. This is a call regarding CBM
` I'd like to begin with a role call for
` MR. SMITH: Good afternoon, Judge, this is
`Christopher Smith on behalf of Ford Motor Company, and
`also on the call with me is Tom Lewry and Cathy Nikkila.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay, thank you.
` MS. MOJICA: This is Lissi Mojica also on the
`call for the Petitioner.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Anybody else for
` MR. SMITH: No, Your Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay, and for Patent Owner?
` MS. HOLOUBEK: For Patent Owner, this is
`Michelle Holoubek and with me on the call are Rob Sterne,
`Sal Bezos and Sharoon Saleem.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay, great, thank you very much.
`And obviously we have a court reporter. Who requested,
`or who is the court reporter working for?
` MS. HOLOUBEK: The Patent Owner, Versata,
`requested the court reporter.
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` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay, so Patent Owner, could you
`please file a copy of the transcript as an exhibit as
`soon as possible?
` MS. HOLOUBEK: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: We understand the Patent Owner
`requests us to expunge Petitioner's rehearing request as
`untimely, and if we do not, Patent Owner requests
`authorization to file an opposition to their --
`Petitioner's rehearing request. I'd like to begin by
`hearing from Petitioner as to why your rehearing request
`was filed a day late.
` MR. SMITH: Yes, Your Honor. This is
`Christopher Smith on behalf of the Petitioner.
` It's Ford's position that it wasn't filed late.
`There was an issue with the -- attaching the document,
`and we could -- we'd actually be willing to provide a
`declaration that sets forth all the facts, but
`effectively, we went through the procedure and submitted
`the filing, we actually got a receipt indicating that it
`had been filed on April 19th at 3:18 p.m. Eastern
`standard time, and at that point we thought we were
` JUDGE MEDLEY: So you didn't check -- you didn't
`independently check the P -- Patent End To End system to
`make sure that it had been uploaded?
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` MR. SMITH: It was listed on the docket report
`but -- would it be okay if Cathy Nikkila could speak?
`She was the secretary that actually filed the document
`and she has information that might be helpful to the
` JUDGE MEDLEY: That's fine, I don't need to hear
`from her. I'd rather hear from counsel for Petitioner.
`I just wanted to know if you all had independently gone
`into Patent End to End to verify that, yes, it had been
`uploaded. I'm not saying you had to, I'm just wondering
`what other steps you had taken besides just receiving the
` MR. SMITH: We did not independently check that
`based on the fact that we had received a receipt,
`therefore we thought it was filed.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay, good enough. And then I
`believe we contacted you the following day to say it
`looked like you had attempted but we don't see anything,
`and then you went ahead and uploaded again; correct?
` MR. SMITH: That is correct, Your Honor.
`Immediately after we had received your phone message,
`we actually followed up with the PTAB to verify what they
`wanted us to do and we were instructed to try refiling.
`Apparently the issue had come down to -- with the PTAB
`website, effectively a window -- after the filing issue
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`had come up and we thought it had been filed, there was a
`window under multiple windows where there was a Done
`button that needed to be clicked and it was just missed.
` MR. SMITH: But on top of filing it -- just to
`make this clear -- we also served the document on
`opposing counsel, on then what was filed the subsequent
`day was the identical document that was served on counsel
`on April 19th.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: So you independently served; you
`didn't agree to serve it through Patent End to End?
` MR. SMITH: We independently served via email.
` Okay, I'd like to hear from Patent Owner. So
`having heard from the Petitioner, we wanted to focus
`specifically on why we should not excuse a one-day late
`filing for rehearing request. Specifically, could you
`identify the prejudice to you?
` MS. HOLOUBEK: Certainly, Your Honor. This is
`Michelle Holoubek for the Patent Owner. There are a couple
`of things here that need to be pointed out as they should
`be considered as calculus.
` One, the renotice, this receipt that Petitioner
`talks about that was received on the 19th, it actually
`includes a document uploaded field that was left blank,
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`so it should have been evidence that no documents were
`uploaded. Even though the Patent Owner called it a
`receipt, it's a receipt that actually puts the Petitioner
`on notice that no document was uploaded.
` Additionally, the Board has a rule that governs
`late filings. They're governed by 35 CFR 42.5(c)(3) and
`that indicates that a late action will be excused on a
`showing of good cause or upon the Board's decision that
`consideration would be in the interest of justice.
` Here the proper procedures weren't followed and
`the e-mail that we received, the service e-mail that we
`received on the 20th, Ford indicated that due to a
`clerical error -- and I think we just heard them admit
`that there was an error on filing when they didn't click
`the Done button, they said that the request hadn't been
`uploaded into E to E and so they just filed the document
`anew on the 20th.
` This -- you know, the Board has rules for
`reasons and the Board has previously dealt with issues
`where dates were missed because of upload issues and laid
`out a particular procedure that should be followed. That
`hasn't been done here. The filing was made without any
`discussion with Patent Owner about whether that was the
`proper procedure to follow when they had been notified
`that their filing had not actually been made. And so --
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`Page 8
`the Board also has a procedure for requesting a waiver of
`due date. That hasn't happened. We've heard the
`Petitioner say that a filing date was not missed, and
`they had previously indicated to us in other
`correspondence that they do not believe a waiver of the
`due date was necessary because they maintained that it
`was filed on the 19th. And therefore, the harm to the
`Patent Owner is that this case was over and done with,
`and a day after the deadline it has now been tried to
`revive. The deadline passed without documents being
`filed or having performed the necessary showings of good
`cause in the interest of justice to accept the late
`filing, and it's really opening a Pandora's box to grant
`a filing date -- or extension of a filing date that the
`Petitioner hasn't requested or argued is necessary. And
`could be detrimental to us as well because this case was
`finished, and even though Petitioner may have tried to
`upload, they were unsuccessful in the proper filing by
`the due date.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. We'll let Petitioner wrap
`up on this issue just briefly.
` MR. SMITH: Thank you, Your Honor. I've just
`got a couple things.
` First, the filing receipt, it did -- the filing
`courtesy notice, the notice I believe that wasn't
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`uploaded, admittedly -- admittedly -- I mean, we'll agree
`that the document doesn't appear at the bottom of the
`page, but it wasn't our understanding that that indicated
`it hadn't been uploaded.
` And I would further argue that in the interest
`of justice -- so, first of all, we served the proper
`document on Patent Owner, so they're not prejudiced at
`all. They had the document on the date. As soon as we
`were notified by the Patent Office that it didn't get --
`the document did not get uploaded properly, we
`immediately called the Patent Office, followed their
`procedure, which was to refile the document, and within
`an hour of receiving the call we refiled the document,
`included the Patent Owner on the communication when we
`sent that e-mail that the Patent Owner referenced about
`the clerical error. It all really comes down to a Done
`button being missed under three layers of web pages on
`the PTAB website, and we would think it would be against
`the interest of justice to conclude that we missed our
`ability to seek rehearing over something as trivial as
`that, and we had served it already on Patent Owner the
`day before. Thank you, Your Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. All right, thank you.
`We've conferred and based on the facts of this case and
`the presentation, we excuse the one-day late filing of
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`Page 10
`the rehearing request.
` So moving on, Patent Owner seeks authorization
`to file an opposition to the rehearing request. We
`generally do not authorize oppositions to rehearing
`requests, as you know, so Patent Owner, we would like you
`to please explain why we should deviate from our ordinary
`practice of not entertaining opposition to rehearing
` MS. HOLOUBEK: Certainly, Your Honor. Again,
`this is Michelle Holoubek for the Patent Owner.
` In this case, the Patent Owner should be
`instilled to an opposition because Ford's request raises
`new arguments on a cap federal circuit opinion that was
`decided after the instituted decision in this case was
`issued. This constitutes a new argument based on a case
`that had not previously been briefed in the CBM. So
`Patent Owner would like a reply so that it can address
`two issues. The first is the procedural errors for
`submitting a reply that does not meet the requirements of
`37 CFR 42.71(d), which is the rule that governs the
`filing of a request for rehearing in the first place.
`And then second, the reasons why Ford's argument on this
`new case has not disturbed the non-institution decision
`already entered on the Board.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay, I'd like to hear from
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`Petitioner. Petitioner, I'm assuming you oppose, or do
`you oppose them filing an opposition?
` MR. SMITH: Your Honor, in general we oppose
`because typically it's our understanding that a response
`is not typically granted or allowed. Ultimately, Your
`Honor, we would defer to the Board. If the Board feels
`that the Patent Owner -- a response would be helpful, you
`know, obviously it's the Board's discretion to do that.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Yeah, so you raised the
`Rembrandt Wireless case initially, it may be pertinent to
`hear from them on that issue.
` Okay, we're going to confer and we'll be right
`back with you.
` MS. HOLOUBEK: Thank you, Your Honor.
` (Pause in proceeding.)
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay, we're back. Thank you for
`your patience.
` We've conferred and we've decided that we would
`like to hear from the Patent Owner, especially on the
`Rembrandt Wireless case and how that would apply in this
`case. So we're going to authorize Patent Owner to file a
`four-page response or opposition to the rehearing motion,
`and we're also going to authorize Petitioner to file a
`reply, two-page reply, and these papers are limited only
`to the Rembrandt Wireless case. We don't want to hear
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`Page 12
`anything else. We will give Patent Owner a week, and
`then subsequently we'll give Petitioner a week from that;
`so we'll be a week from when we come out with the order,
`which will probably be tomorrow or the next day.
` Are there any questions, issues with timing?
` MR. SMITH: No questions from Petitioner, Your
` MS. HOLOUBEK: No questions from Patent Owner,
`Your Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: All right, we will send out an
`order shortly. And again, as soon as you get the
`transcript, if you could file it as an exhibit, we would
`greatly appreciate that.
` MS. HOLOUBEK: Yes, Your Honor, we'll do that.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay, we are adjourned. Thank
`you very much.
` (Time noted: 1:18 p.m.)
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` I, the undersigned, a Certified Shorthand
`Reporter of the State of California, do hereby
` That the foregoing proceedings were taken
`before me at the time and place herein set forth;
`that any witnesses in the foregoing proceedings,
`prior to testifying, were administered an oath; that
`a record of the proceedings was made by me using
`machine shorthand which was thereafter transcribed
`under my direction; that the foregoing transcript is a
`true record of the testimony given.
` Further, that if the foregoing pertains to
`the original transcript of a deposition in a Federal
`Case, before completion of the proceedings, review
`of the transcript [ ] was [ ] was not requested.
` I further certify that I am neither financially
`interested in the action nor a relative or employee
`of any attorney or any party to this action.
` IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have this date
`subscribed my name.
`Dated: May 3, 2017
` <%signature%>
` CSR NO. 9966
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`[& - couple]
`& 2:10,16
`1 1:14
`100 2:17
`1000 2:5
`1100 2:12
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`1605 2:17
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`1:18 12:17
`20005 1:23
`20005-3934 2:13
`2016-00100 3:5
`2017 1:14 13:22
`202.371.2600 2:13
`20th 7:12,17
`22nd 2:5
`248.358.4400 2:6
`3 7:6 13:22
`35 7:6
`350 1:22
`37 10:20
`3:18 4:20
`42.5 7:6
`42.71 10:20
`48075-1238 2:5
`4:03 1:14
`713.446.0217 2:18
`78732-2437 2:17
`8,805,825 1:7
`9966 13:25
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`admit 7:13
`admittedly 9:1,1
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`agree 6:11 9:1
`ahead 5:19
`allowed 11:5
`anew 7:17
`anybody 3:14
`apparently 5:24
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`appear 9:2
`appearances 2:1
`apply 11:20
`appreciate 12:13
`april 4:20 6:9
`argue 9:5
`argued 8:15
`argument 10:15
`arguments 10:13
`arpin 1:19 3:4
`assuming 11:1
`atlantic 1:22
`attaching 4:15
`attempted 5:18
`attorney 13:18
`austin 2:17
`authorization 4:8
`authorize 10:4
`avenue 2:12
`b 1:19
`back 11:13,16
`based 5:14 9:24
`behalf 3:9 4:13
`believe 5:17 8:5,25
`bezos 2:12 3:20
`blank 6:25
`board 1:2 7:5,18
`7:19 8:1 10:24
`board's 7:8 11:8
`bottom 9:2
`box 8:13
`briefed 10:16
`briefly 8:21
`brooks 2:3
`button 6:3 7:15
`c 2:3 7:6
`calculus 6:22
`california 13:2
`call 3:4,6,10,13,19
`called 7:2 9:11
`cap 10:13
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`9:24 10:11,14,15
`10:23 11:10,20,21
`11:25 13:14
`Page 1
`cathy 2:20 3:10
`cause 7:8 8:12
`cbm 3:4 10:16
`center 2:5
`certainly 6:19
`certified 13:1
`certify 13:3,16
`cfr 7:6 10:20
`check 4:23,24 5:13
`christopher 2:3
`3:9 4:13
`circuit 10:13
`clear 6:6
`clerical 7:13 9:16
`click 7:14
`clicked 6:3
`come 5:24 6:1 12:3
`comes 9:16
`company 1:4 3:9
`completion 13:14
`conclude 9:19
`confer 11:12
`conferred 9:24
`consideration 7:9
`considered 6:22
`constitutes 10:15
`contacted 5:17
`copy 4:2
`correct 5:19,20
`counsel 5:7 6:7,8
`couple 6:20 8:23
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`[court - issued]
`court 3:22,23,25
`courtesy 8:25
`csmith 2:6
`csr 13:25
`d 10:20
`d.c. 1:23 2:13
`date 8:2,3,6,14,14
`8:19 9:8 13:19
`dated 13:22
`dates 7:20
`day 4:11 5:17 6:8
`6:16 8:9 9:22,25
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`dealt 7:19
`decided 10:14
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`declaration 4:17
`defer 11:6
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`docket 5:1
`document 4:15 5:3
`6:6,8,25 7:4,16
`documents 7:1
`due 7:12 8:2,6,19
`e 2:6,14 7:11,11,16
`7:16 9:15
`eastern 4:20
`effectively 4:18
`email 6:12
`employee 13:17
`entered 10:24
`entertaining 10:7
`error 7:13,14 9:16
`errors 10:18
`especially 11:19
`esq 2:3,4,4,11,11
`evidence 7:1
`excuse 6:16 9:25
`excused 7:7
`exhibit 4:2 12:12
`explain 10:6
`expunge 4:6
`extension 8:14
`eye 1:22
`fact 5:14
`facts 4:17 9:24
`federal 10:13
`feels 11:6
`field 6:25
`file 4:2,8 10:3
`11:21,23 12:12
`filed 4:11,14,20,22
`5:3,15 6:1,7 7:16
`filing 4:19 5:25 6:5
`6:17 7:14,22,25
`8:24 9:25 10:21
`filings 7:6
`financially 13:16
`fine 5:6
`finished 8:17
`first 8:24 9:6
`floor 2:5
`focus 6:15
`follow 7:24
`followed 5:22 7:10
`7:21 9:11
`following 5:17
`ford 1:4 3:9 7:12
`ford's 4:14 10:12
`foregoing 13:4,6
`forth 4:17 13:5
`four 11:22
`fox 2:10
`further 9:5 13:12
`general 11:3
`generally 10:4
`give 12:1,2
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`going 11:12,21,23
`goldstein 2:10
`good 3:3,8 5:16
`7:8 8:11
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`governs 7:5 10:20
`grant 8:13
`granted 11:5
`great 3:21
`greatly 12:13
`greene 2:11
`happened 8:2
`harm 8:7
`hear 5:6,7 6:14
`10:25 11:11,19,25
`Page 2
`heard 6:15 7:13
`hearing 4:10
`helpful 5:4 11:7
`hills 2:17
`holoubek 2:11
`3:18,19,24 4:4
`6:19,20 10:9,10
`11:14 12:8,14
`honor 3:16 4:4,12
`5:20 6:19 8:22
`9:22 10:9 11:3,6
`11:14 12:7,9,14
`hour 9:13
`identical 6:8
`identify 6:18
`immediately 5:21
`included 9:14
`includes 6:25
`4:24 5:8,13 6:10
`indicated 7:12 8:4
`indicates 7:7
`indicating 4:19
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`initially 11:10
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`instituted 10:14
`institution 10:23
`instructed 5:23
`interest 7:9 8:12
`interested 13:17
`issue 4:15 5:24,25
`8:21 11:11
`issued 10:15
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`[issues - previously]
`issues 7:19,20
`10:18 12:5
`james 1:19
`jones 2:16
`judge 3:2,3,4,8,11
`3:14,17,21 4:1,5
`4:23 5:6,16 6:4,10
`6:13 8:20 9:23
`10:25 11:9,16
`judges 1:20
`justice 7:9 8:12
`k 2:11
`kessler 2:10
`know 5:8 7:18
`10:5 11:8
`kushman 2:3
`laid 7:20
`lakecliff 2:17
`lane 2:17
`late 4:11,14 6:16
`7:6,7 8:12 9:25
`layers 9:17
`left 6:25
`legal 1:22
`lewry 2:4 3:10
`limited 11:24
`lissi 2:4 3:12
`listed 5:1
`lmojica 2:7
`looked 5:18
`m 2:12
`machine 13:9
`mail 2:6,14 7:11
`7:11 9:15
`maintained 8:6
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`mean 9:1
`medley 1:18 3:2,3
`3:11,14,17,21 4:1
`4:5,23 5:6,16 6:4
`6:10,13 8:20 9:23
`10:25 11:9,16
`meet 10:19
`message 5:21
`mholoubek 2:14
`michelle 2:11 3:19
`6:20 10:10
`michigan 2:5
`mid 1:22
`missed 6:3 7:20
`8:3 9:17,19
`mojica 2:4 3:12,12
`monday 1:14
`motion 11:22
`motor 1:4 3:9
`moving 10:2
`multiple 6:2
`n.w. 2:12
`name 13:20
`nardello 13:24
`necessary 8:6,11
`need 5:6 6:21
`needed 6:3
`neither 13:16
`new 2:12 10:13,15
`nikkila 2:20 3:10
`non 10:23
`noted 12:17
`notice 7:4 8:25,25
`notified 7:24 9:9
`nw 1:22
`oath 13:7
`obviously 3:22
`office 1:1 9:9,11
`okay 3:11,14,17
`3:21 4:1 5:2,16
`6:4,13,14 8:20
`9:23 10:25 11:9
`11:12,16 12:15
`ooo 3:1
`opening 8:13
`opinion 10:13
`oppose 11:1,2,3
`opposing 6:7
`opposition 4:8
`10:3,7,12 11:2,22
`oppositions 10:4
`order 12:3,11
`ordinary 10:6
`original 13:13
`owner 1:6 2:9 3:17
`3:18,24 4:1,5,7
`6:14,20 7:2,23 8:8
`9:7,14,15,21 10:2
`10:5,10,11,17 11:7
`11:19,21 12:1,8
`p 4:24
`p.c. 2:3
`p.m. 1:14 4:20
`Page 3
`page 9:3 11:22,24
`pages 9:17
`pandora's 8:13
`papers 11:24
`particular 7:21
`party 13:18
`passed 8:10
`patent 1:1,2,6,7,20
`2:9 3:17,18,24 4:1
`4:5,7,24 5:9 6:11
`6:14,20 7:2,23 8:8
`11:7,19,21 12:1,8
`patience 11:17
`pause 11:15
`performed 8:11
`pertains 13:12
`pertinent 11:10
`petitioner 1:4 2:2
`3:7,13,15 4:10,13
`5:7 6:15,23 7:3
`8:3,15,17,20 11:1
`11:1,23 12:2,6
`petitioner's 4:6,9
`phone 5:21
`place 10:21 13:5
`please 4:2 10:6
`pllc 2:10,16
`point 4:21
`pointed 6:21
`position 4:14
`possible 4:3
`practice 10:7
`prejudice 6:18
`prejudiced 9:7
`present 2:20
`presentation 9:25
`previously 7:19
`8:4 10:16
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`[prior - trivial]
`prior 13:7
`probably 12:4
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`6:17 9:20 10:1,3,4
`10:7,21 11:22
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`renotice 6:23
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`3:25 13:2
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`11:12 12:10
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` 2:14,14
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`4:12,13 5:1,13,20
`6:5,12 8:22 11:3
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`Page 4
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`9:22,23 11:14,16
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`transcript 4:2
`12:12 13:10,13,15
`trial 1:2
`tried 8:9,17
`trivial 9:20
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830


`[true - york]
`Page 5
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`7:16 9:1,4,10
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`week 12:1,2,3
`went 4:18 5:19
`whereof 13:19
`willing 4:16
`window 5:25 6:2
`windows 6:2
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830

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