`Page 1
` - - -
` Petitioner
` v.
` Patent Owner
` CASE CBM2016-00100 - Patent 8,805,825
` - and -
` Petitioner
` v.
` Patent Owner
` CASE CBM2016-00101 - Patent 7,739,080
` - - -
` Wednesday, January 11, 2017
` 12:00 noon
` - - -
` - - -
` Administrative Patent Judges
` - - -
` 1250 Eye Street, NW, Suite 1201
` Washington, DC 20005
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830
`Versata 2012
`Ford v. Versata

`Page 2
` 1000 Town Center, 22nd Floor
` Southfield, MI 48075-1238
` 248-358-4400
` Representing the Petitioner
` 1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20005-3934
` 202-371-2600
` and
` 1605 Lakecliff Hills Lane, Suite 100
` Austin, TX 78732-2437
` 713-446-0217
` Representing the Patent Owner
` - - -
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830
`7 8

`Page 3
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Good afternoon. This
`is Judge Medley along with Judges Turner and Arpin.
`This is a call regarding Proceeding CBM2016-00100
`and -00101.
` I'd like to begin with a roll call.
` For Petitioner?
` MR. SMITH: Good afternoon, Judge.
`This is Christopher Smith and Thomas Lewry on behalf
`of Ford Motor Company.
` MR. STERNE: Good afternoon, Judge
`Medley. This is Robert Sterne on behalf of Patent
`Owner, Versata; and on the call we have my
`colleague, Michele Holoubek, Sharoon Saleem, and Sal
` I will say we also have a court
`reporter, Your Honor, who will be providing a
`transcript of the call for the record if you so
` And my final point is that I request
`that Michelle Holoubek speak on behalf of Patent
`Owner for the call today.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Thank you very
` So, Patent Owner, did you request the
`court reporter?
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`Page 4
` MR. STERNE: Yes, Patent Owner
`requested the court reporter, Your Honor, and we're
`taking care of that for the Board.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. So as soon as
`possible, if you could file that as an exhibit, that
`would be great.
` All right. We understand that
`Petitioner requests authorization to file a reply to
`address certain arguments made by the Patent Owner
`in its preliminary response.
` Petitioner, you may proceed to
`explain your position.
` MR. SMITH: Thank you, Your Honor.
`So Christopher Smith on behalf of Ford Motor
` So we request this opportunity to
`brief the specific issues raised in the Patent
`Owner's preliminary response specifically to the
`financial nature of the patents-in-suit or the
`patents at issue in the CBMs, and we think there is
`good cause basically for two reasons with respect to
`both CBMs and an additional reason for the other
` With respect to the CBM2016-00100 and
`00101, we would like the opportunity to respond to
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`Page 5
`Petitioner's preliminary response on the Unwired
`Planet Federal Circuit decision which issued kind of
`in the pendency between the filing of the original
`petition and then the preliminary response.
` We believe that the standard at some
`level has changed, at least the standard as it was
`argued in several PTAB decisions prior to the
`Unwired Planet decision, so we would like the
`opportunity to address the arguments raised in view
`of Unwired Planet and deal with some level of change
`in law that would suffice as good cause to have a
`preliminary reply brief.
` With respect to the CBM2016-00100
`petition specifically, also during the pendency
`between the petition and the preliminary response
`the Patent Owner disclaimed certain dependent claims
`which actually expressly claimed that the
`independent claims that are also at issue in the
`CBMs are used for financial products and so we would
`like to address that argument.
` In the preliminary response the
`Patent Owner cites laws that basically says you just
`ignore it and you don't look at it, it's like it
`never existed, which we don't necessarily disagree
`with that statement.
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`Page 6
` However, there's additional PTAB law
`that says you may look at dependent claims and how
`it educates the independent claim and the scope of
`the independent claim, which is not an issue we
`specifically addressed in our original petition
`because it wasn't an issue because the claims hadn't
`been disclaimed yet, so we would contend that that
`would be a change in fact, which would show good
`cause for having a preliminary reply in this
` As far as the schedule goes, my
`understanding is that the institution deadline for
`these petitions is going to be March 23rd, 2017. So
`we would propose, if the Board allows a preliminary
`reply, that we would file the preliminary reply in
`two weeks, on January 25th, which would give plenty
`of time before the March 23rd date for the
`institution decision so the Board would not be
`prejudiced by that filing.
` Thank you, Your Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: And how many pages?
`How many pages are you requesting?
` MR. SMITH: Ten pages for each CBM.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Is that all?
` MR. SMITH: Yes, Your Honor.
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`Page 7
` Patent Owner, I'd like to hear from
`you, please.
` MS. HOLOUBEK: Thank you, Your Honor.
`This is Michelle Holoubek speaking for the Patent
` THE COURT REPORTER: Michelle, could
`you please raise your volume or speak up.
` MS. HOLOUBEK: Is this better? Can
`you hear me now?
` THE COURT REPORTER: Yes, thank you.
` MS. HOLOUBEK: Okay. So I'll address
`first the Petitioner's comments regarding Unwired
`Planet and then I'll address the disclaimer issues
` So regarding Unwired Planet, that
`decision did not change the law. Since its
`enactment, Section 18 has said that the Petitioner
`must show that the patent is directed to the
`practice, administration, or management of a
`financial product or service. Unwired Planet did
`not change that.
` There are other factors that the
`Board has additionally used to determine whether a
`claim or the patent itself is completely ineligible,
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`Page 8
`and the Petitioner here should have addressed those
` Ford's petition should have been
`complete when it was filed. Now there's no way that
`Ford can remedy its lack of analysis without adding
`new matter/new arguments. This fundamentally
`disrupts the CBM due process that the Petitioner is
`required to follow and that the Patent Owner should
`be able to rely on, particularly when the law and
`its application haven't changed.
` When we filed our POPR, our approach
`was predicated on the petition, and giving a redo
`opportunity to Ford to add new arguments to the
`petition disrupts that process and makes the Patent
`Owner incapable of properly responding to that.
` We note that if the Board decides
`anyway to give Ford a reply, then the Patent Owner
`should also be granted a sur-reply. As I mentioned,
`there is no way that Ford can recast its eligibility
`argument without adding new matter if they simply
`did not make those arguments before, and Patent
`Owner should be allowed to reply to those new
` This is an issue that can only be
`addressed pre-institution and to make those changes
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`Page 9
`now seems like a fundamental shift in the
`Petitioner's arguments that the Patent Owner should
`be able to address if they're allowed to do that,
`although we want to make it clear that it's our
`position that Ford should not be allowed to go back
`and recast its arguments now once the fundamental
`law has not changed.
` Regarding the disclaimer, so in the
`CBM review, this has come up before. There are a
`number of cases from the Board, for instance, AT&T
`Mobility vs. Intellectual Ventures, which is
`CBM2015-00185, there's also CBM2016-00070, Plaid
`Technologies, where the claims were made
`pre-institution, and the Board has said that the
`claims are treated as though they have never existed
`and they will not consider the now statutorily
`dependent claims in their determination.
` Petitioner has known for some time
`now that they need to address all claims they intend
`to rely on should disclaimer come up and Ford chose
`not to do that. They did not address the issues
`that they now say are raised with regard to Claim 1.
`They addressed only those claims that are now
`disclaimed. They did not address the independent
`claims that they could have. They now say they want
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`Page 10
`to go back and address the independent claims. But
`that's something that should have been done when the
`petition was filed.
` There are some cases -- well, only
`one that we know of -- where claims were disclaimed
`post-institution and the Board has not gone back and
`changed its institution decision. But this is
`pre-institution and the Board's decisions so far
`follow the law that those claims simply don't exist.
` So we do not believe that the
`additional briefing should be given now to allow
`Ford to go back and, again, redo its petition to do
`what it should have done in the first place.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Thank you.
` Petitioner, you may briefly respond
`before the panel confers on the issue.
` MR. SMITH: Thank you, Your Honor.
` Well, on the first point regarding
`Unwired Planet, I would just submit that the
`underlying PTAB decision in Unwired Planet
`specifically said that the proper inquiry is whether
`the patent claim claims activities that are
`financial in nature, incidental to a financial
`activity, or complementary to a financial activity.
` The Federal Circuit obviously
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`Page 11
`subsequently, in November, reversed course on that
`and that standard is exactly what the preliminary
`response raises as an incorrect standard. So I
`would argue that Unwired Planet, at least in view of
`this PTAB decision in the Unwired Planet CBM, is a
`change in law that we ought to be able to address.
` And I would also add that it's not
`that the statute doesn't apply. I think it's that
`the language in the earlier PTAB decisions regarding
`"incidental to a financial activity" language was an
`interpretation of the statute and the Federal
`Circuit has changed that interpretation now in a way
`that we would like an opportunity to address in our
` Regarding the second issue, as far as
`the disclaimer issue, first of all, Ford only had
`to, under the rules, identify one particular claim
`on which it's seeking CBM qualification. At the
`time when we filed the petition, there had been no
`disclaimer so we had no reason to believe we
`couldn't rely on the dependent claims.
` But I would also add that we did
`point to independent claims as well as the basis for
`why there should be CBM qualification, but we didn't
`make the specific argument that I am proposing now
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`Page 12
`with respect to the dependent claim, reading into
`the scope or interpreting or broadening the scope of
`the independent claim to cover financial, because it
`wasn't necessary when the dependent claim hadn't
`been disclaimed.
` So we would like that opportunity
`now, which has been at least contemplated by other
`PTAB Boards in the past. Thank you, Your Honor.
` MS. HOLOUBEK: Your Honor, may I
`respond briefly to that?
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Sure, just one last
`point and then we're going to wrap up.
` MS. HOLOUBEK: Sure. Just regarding
`the disclaimer issue, it has been said many times
`that when the disclaimer occurs, it is as though
`those claims had never existed; and therefore when
`the Petitioner just mentioned that they want to talk
`about a broadening of scope or something along those
`lines that has somehow been due to the claims
`disclaimed, then it's just inappropriate to talk
`about the effect that these now disclaimed dependent
`claims have on the independent claims.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. All right. I
`think we understand.
` We're going to take a recess and we
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`Page 13
`will get back on the line in just a minute, so
`please do not hang up.
` MS. HOLOUBEK: Thank you, Your Honor.
` MR. SMITH: Thank you, Your Honor.
` - - -
` (Whereupon there was a recess in the
` - - -
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. I'm back.
` The panel believes that some limited
`additional briefing would be helpful. So we are
`going to authorize further briefing by both parties.
`We will limit the briefing to three pages each on
`each paper.
` And, Petitioner, your response will
`be due a week from today, the 18th of January.
` And, Patent Owner, your sur-reply
`will be due January 25th.
` And we'll memorialize this in an
`order that will go shortly, but we just wanted to
`let the parties know when your respective papers
`would be due.
` So that, Petitioner, you can go ahead
`and get busy formulating that, but it is limited to
`three pages and it's directed only to the two issues
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`Page 14
`that we've discussed today, so no other further
`briefing on any issues; just the Unwired Planet
`issue and the disclaimer issue.
` Are there any questions?
` MR. SMITH: One, Your Honor. I just
`want to make sure that this preliminary reply will
`be a preliminary reply for the 00100 CBM and then a
`preliminary reply three pages long for the 00101
`CBM; correct?
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Yes. I'm sorry; I was
`not clear about that. Yes, it would be four papers
`total, so two in 00100 and two in 00101, each
`limited to three pages.
` MR. SMITH: Okay. Thank you, Your
` MS. HOLOUBEK: Thank you, Your Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Any other questions?
` MS. HOLOUBEK: None from Patent
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Thank you for
`your participation. We are adjourned.
` MR. SMITH: Thank you.
` MS. HOLOUBEK: Thank you.
` - - -
` (Whereupon the conference call
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`a d j o u r n e d a t 1 2 : 1 5 p . m . )
` - - -
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`3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5

` - - -
` C E R T I F I C A T I O N
` - - -
`Page 16
` I, Susan Marie Migatz, RMR, CRR, do hereby
`certify the foregoing is a true and correct
`transcript from the conference call held in the
`proceedings in the above-entitled matter.
`<%signature%> January 12, 2017
`____________________________ _________________
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`[& - claims]
`& 2:8,13
`00100 14:7,12
`00101 3:4 4:25
`1 9:22
`100 2:14
`1000 2:4
`11 1:14
`1100 2:10
`12 16:13
`1201 1:24
`1250 1:24
`12:00 1:14
`12:15 15:1
`1605 2:14
`18 7:18
`18th 13:16
`20005 1:25
`20005-3934 2:10
`2017 1:14 6:13
`202-371-2600 2:11
`22nd 2:4
`23rd 6:13,17
`248-358-4400 2:5
`25th 6:16 13:18
`48075-1238 2:4
`7,739,080 1:12
`713-446-0217 2:15
`78732-2437 2:15
`8,805,825 1:7
`able 8:9 9:3 11:6
`activities 10:22
`activity 10:24,24
`add 8:13 11:7,22
`adding 8:5,20
`additional 4:22
`6:1 10:11 13:11
`additionally 7:24
`address 4:9 5:9,20
`7:12,14 9:3,19,21
`9:24 10:1 11:6,13
`addressed 6:5 8:1
`8:25 9:23
`adjourned 14:21
`afternoon 3:1,7,10
`ahead 13:23
`allow 10:11
`allowed 8:22 9:3,5
`allows 6:14
`analysis 8:5
`anyway 8:17
`appeal 1:2
`appearances 2:1
`application 8:10
`apply 11:8
`approach 8:11
`argue 11:4
`argued 5:7
`argument 5:20
`8:20 11:25
`arguments 4:9 5:9
`8:6,13,21,23 9:2,6
`arpin 1:19 3:2
`at&t 9:10
`atlantic 1:24
`austin 2:15
`authorization 4:8
`authorize 13:12
`avenue 2:10
`b 1:19
`back 9:5 10:1,6,12
`basically 4:21 5:22
`basis 11:23
`behalf 3:8,11,20
`believe 5:5 10:10
`believes 13:10
`better 7:9
`bezos 2:9 3:14
`board 1:2 4:3 6:14
`6:18 7:24 8:16
`9:10,14 10:6
`board's 10:8
`boards 12:8
`brief 4:17 5:12
`briefing 10:11
`13:11,12,13 14:2
`briefly 10:15
`broadening 12:2
`brooks 2:2
`busy 13:24
`Page 1
`c 2:3 16:2,2
`call 3:3,5,12,17,21
`14:25 16:7
`care 4:3
`case 1:7,12
`cases 9:10 10:4
`cause 4:21 5:11
`cbm 6:23 8:7 9:9
`11:5,18,24 14:7,9
`1:7 3:3 4:24 5:13
`cbms 4:20,22 5:19
`center 2:4
`certain 4:9 5:16
`certify 16:6
`change 5:10 6:8
`7:17,22 11:6
`changed 5:6 8:10
`9:7 10:7 11:12
`changes 8:25
`chose 9:20
`christopher 2:3
`3:8 4:14
`circuit 5:2 10:25
`cites 5:22
`claim 6:3,4 7:25
`9:22 10:22 11:17
`claimed 5:17
`claims 5:16,18 6:2
`6:6 9:13,15,17,19
`9:23,25 10:1,5,9
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`[claims - issue]
`10:22 11:21,23
`clear 9:4 14:11
`colleague 3:13
`come 9:9,20
`comments 7:13
`company 1:4,9,23
`3:9 4:15
`complete 8:4
`completely 7:25
`conference 14:25
`confers 10:16
`consider 9:16
`contemplated 12:7
`contend 6:7
`correct 14:9 16:6
`course 11:1
`court 1:23 3:15,25
`4:2 7:7,11
`cover 12:3
`crr 16:5,15
`csmith 2:5
`d.c. 2:10
`date 6:17 16:15
`dc 1:25
`deadline 6:12
`deal 5:10
`decides 8:16
`decision 5:2,8 6:18
`7:17 10:7,20 11:5
`decisions 5:7 10:8
`dependent 5:16
`6:2 9:17 11:21
`determine 7:24
`development 1:10
`directed 7:19
`disagree 5:24
`disclaimed 5:16
`6:7 9:24 10:5 12:5
`disclaimer 7:14
`9:8,20 11:16,20
`12:14,15 14:3
`discussed 14:1
`disrupts 8:7,14
`due 8:7 12:19
`e 16:2
`earlier 11:9
`educates 6:3
`effect 12:21
`eligibility 8:19
`enactment 7:18
`entitled 16:8
`esquire 2:3,3,8,9,9
`exactly 11:2
`exhibit 4:5
`exist 10:9
`existed 5:24 9:15
`explain 4:12
`expressly 5:17
`eye 1:24
`f 1:19 16:2
`fact 6:8
`factors 7:23
`far 6:11 10:8
`federal 5:2 10:25
`file 4:5,8 6:15
`filed 8:4,11 10:3
`filing 5:3 6:19
`final 3:19
`financial 4:19 5:19
`7:21 10:23,23,24
`11:10 12:3
`first 7:13 10:13,18
`floor 2:4
`follow 8:8 10:9
`ford 1:4,9 3:9 4:14
`8:5,13,17,19 9:5
`9:20 10:12 11:16
`ford's 8:3
`foregoing 16:6
`formulating 13:24
`four 14:11
`fox 2:8
`fundamental 9:1,6
`fundamentally 8:6
`further 13:12 14:1
`give 6:16 8:17
`given 10:11
`giving 8:12
`go 9:5 10:1,12
`goes 6:11
`going 6:13 12:12
`12:25 13:12
`goldstein 2:8
`good 3:1,7,10 4:21
`5:11 6:8
`granted 8:18
`great 4:6
`greene 2:8
`Page 2
`group 1:10
`hang 13:2
`hear 7:2,10
`held 16:7
`helpful 13:11
`hills 2:14
`holoubek 2:9,12
`3:13,20 7:4,5,9,12
`12:9,13 13:3
`honor 3:16 4:2,13
`6:20,25 7:4 10:17
`12:8,9 13:3,4 14:5
`identify 11:17
`ignore 5:23
`incapable 8:15
`incidental 10:23
`incorrect 11:3
`independent 5:18
`6:3,4 9:24 10:1
`11:23 12:3,22
`ineligible 7:25
`inquiry 10:21
`instance 9:10
`institution 6:12,18
`8:25 9:14 10:6,7,8
`intellectual 9:11
`intend 9:19
`interpreting 12:2
`issue 4:20 5:18 6:4
`6:6 8:24 10:16
`11:15,16 12:14
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`[issue - predicated]
`issued 5:2
`issues 4:17 7:14
`9:21 13:25 14:2
`james 1:19
`january 1:14 6:16
`13:16,18 16:13
`jones 2:13
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`3:22 4:4 6:21,24
`7:1 10:14 12:11
`12:23 13:9 14:10
`judges 1:20 3:2
`k 2:9
`kessler 2:8
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`8:9 9:7 10:9 11:6
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`6:24 7:1 10:14
`12:11,23 13:9
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`n 16:2
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`12:23 13:9 14:14
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`4:25 5:9 8:13
`11:13 12:6
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`3:12,21,24 4:1,9
`5:16,22 7:2,6 8:8
`8:15,17,22 9:2
`13:17 14:19
`owner's 4:18
`p.c. 2:2
`p.l.l.c. 2:8
`p.m. 15:1
`pages 6:21,22,23
`13:13,25 14:8,13
`panel 10:16 13:10
`paper 13:14
`papers 13:21
`Page 3
`particular 11:17
`particularly 8:9
`parties 13:12,21
`patent 1:1,2,6,7,11
`1:12,20 2:16 3:11
`3:20,24 4:1,9,17
`5:16,22 7:2,5,19
`7:25 8:8,14,17,21
`9:2 10:22 13:17
`patents 4:19,20
`pendency 5:3,14
`petition 5:4,14,15
`6:5 8:3,12,14 10:3
`10:12 11:19
`petitioner 1:4,9
`2:6 3:6 4:8,11
`7:18 8:1,7 9:18
`10:15 12:17 13:15
`petitioner's 5:1
`7:13 9:2
`petitions 6:13
`place 10:13
`plaid 9:12
`planet 5:2,8,10
`7:14,16,21 10:19
`10:20 11:4,5 14:2
`please 7:3,8 13:2
`plenty 6:16
`pllc 2:13
`point 3:19 10:18
`11:23 12:12
`popr 8:11
`position 4:12 9:5
`possible 4:5
`post 10:6
`practice 7:20
`pre 8:25 9:14 10:8
`predicated 8:12
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830

`[prejudiced - town]
`prejudiced 6:19
`preliminary 4:10
`4:18 5:1,4,12,15
`5:21 6:9,14,15
`11:2 14:6,7,8
`prior 5:7
`proceed 4:11
`proceeding 3:3
`proceedings 13:7
`process 8:7,14
`product 7:21
`products 5:19
`proper 10:21
`properly 8:15
`propose 6:14
`proposing 11:25
`providing 3:16
`ptab 2:11,12 5:7
`6:1 10:20 11:5,9
`questions 14:4,17
`r 16:2
`raise 7:8
`raised 4:17 5:9
`raises 11:3
`reading 12:1
`reason 4:22 11:20
`reasons 4:21
`recast 8:19 9:6
`recess 12:25 13:6
`record 3:17
`redo 8:12 10:12
`regard 9:22
`regarding 3:3 7:13
`7:16 9:8 10:18
`11:9,15 12:13
`region 1:24
`rely 8:9 9:20 11:21
`remedy 8:5
`reply 4:8 5:12 6:9
`6:15,15 8:17,18,22
`11:14 13:17 14:6
`reporter 3:16,25
`4:2 7:7,11
`reporting 1:23
`representing 2:6
`request 3:18,19,24
`requested 4:2
`requesting 6:22
`requests 4:8
`required 8:8
`respect 4:21,24
`5:13 12:1
`respective 13:21
`respond 4:25
`10:15 12:10
`responding 8:15
`response 4:10,18
`5:1,4,15,21 11:3
`reversed 11:1
`review 9:9
`right 4:7 12:23
`rmr 16:5,15
`robert 2:8 3:11
`roll 3:5
`rsterne 2:11
`rules 11:17
`Page 4
`statement 5:25
`states 1:1
`statute 11:8,11
`statutorily 9:16
`sterne 2:8,8 3:10
`3:11 4:1
`street 1:24
`submit 10:19
`subsequently 11:1
`suffice 5:11
`suit 4:19
`suite 1:24 2:14
`sur 8:18 13:17
`sure 12:11,13 14:6
`susan 16:5,15
`t 16:2,2
`take 12:25
`talk 12:17,20
`technologies 9:13
`ten 6:23
`thank 3:22 4:13
`6:20 7:4,11 10:14
`10:17 12:8 13:3,4
`think 4:20 11:8
`thomas 2:3 3:8
`three 13:13,25
`time 6:17 9:18
`times 12:14
`tlewry 2:6
`today 3:21 13:16
`total 14:12
`town 2:4
`sal 3:13
`saleem 2:14 3:13
`sally 1:18
`salvador 2:9
`says 5:22 6:2
`sbezos 2:12
`schedule 6:11
`scope 6:3 12:2,2
`second 7:15 11:15
`section 7:18
`seeking 11:18
`service 7:21
`sharoon 2:14 3:13
`shift 9:1
`shortly 13:20
`show 6:8 7:19
`signature 16:13
`simply 8:20 10:9
`situation 6:10
` 2:11,12
`smith 2:3 3:7,8
`4:13,14 6:23,25
`10:17 13:4 14:5
`software 1:5
`soon 4:4
`sorry 14:10
`southfield 2:4
`speak 3:20 7:8
`speaking 7:5
`specific 4:17 11:25
`specifically 4:18
`5:14 6:5 10:21
`spross 2:13
`standard 5:5,6
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830

`[trademark - york]
`Page 5
`weeks 6:16
`wrap 12:12
`york 2:10
`trademark 1:1
`transcript 3:17
`treated 9:15
`trial 1:2
`true 16:6
`turner 1:19 3:2
`two 4:21 6:16
`13:25 14:12,12
`tx 2:15
`underlying 10:20
`understand 4:7
`united 1:1
`unwired 5:1,8,10
`7:13,16,21 10:19
`10:20 11:4,5 14:2
`v 1:5,10
`ventures 9:11
`veritext 1:23
`versata 1:5,10
`view 5:9 11:4
`volume 7:8
`vs 9:11
`want 9:4,25 12:17
`wanted 13:20
`washington 1:25
`way 8:4,19 11:12
`we've 14:1
`wednesday 1:14
`week 13:16
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830

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