`Request For Comments: 59.0
`J. Kotanchik (Security Dynamics)
`March 1994
`The following quotation from the MIT Project Athena Kerberos V5Draft4 document
`strengths and weakness of the Kerberos environment:
`identifies the primary
` ‘‘Kerberos provides a means of verifying the identities of principals (e.g., a workstation user or a network
`server) on an open (unprotected) network. This is accomplished without relying on authentication by the
`host operating system, without basing trust on host addresses, without requiring physical security of all the
`hosts on the network, and under the assumption that packets traveling along the network can be read,
`modified, and inserted at will.’’
`The ability of Kerberos to function in an open hardware and network environment is a unique strength. Kerberos
`suffers, however, from the same weakness that is characteristic of all traditional authentication paradigms: the reli-
`able identification of the human component of the human/machine system.
`Kerberos, like all other major machine authentication implementations, requires only a single factor for user
`identification: a privately owned password (‘‘something you know’’) which is used in conjunction with the user’s
`public name. This password is quite susceptible to compromise and is the weakest link in an otherwise strong
`Two-factor authentication technology — ‘‘something you know’’ (a password) and ‘‘something you possess’’ (a
`token) — can be added to Kerberos Release 5 to provide a level of authentication for the human component as
`secure as is available from Kerberos for the machine component. Using optional fields in the initial client-to-
`authentication server (the ‘‘AS Request’’) exchange, adding a pre-authentication flag and linking with appropriate
`vendor-supplied authentication API, are all required.
`Finally, note that although only ‘‘raw’’ Kerberos (as distributed from MIT) is explicitly mentioned, everything
`applies equally well to the version of Kerberos distributed with DCE.
`In the discussion below, several data items, hashing functions, and encryption steps are discussed. A consistent
`notation is used:
`It usually consists of 4 or more
`(a) A password is a reusable quantity, known only to an individual user.
`alphanumeric characters. In the text below the password is referred to as pwd.
`(b) A PRN (‘‘pseudo-random number’’) is a second authentication factor, generated by a handheld token dev-
`ice. There are a variety of such devices available from a number of vendors. The PRN typically consists of
`from 4 to 8 digits, and once used in an authentication sequence the PRN cannot be reused. Various kinds of
`tokens are available, some of which require special hardware for their use, such as swipe readers.
`(c) When Time is referenced, it is the time of day (sampled at the authentication server) when the user initiated
`the login sequence.
`(d) Hashes are one-way functions which transform an input quantity to a new quantity, usually with some data
`loss in the process. Hash functions are inherently one-way processes, in the sense that it is computationally
`infeasible to compute any input which produces a required hashed output. In the text below, use of a hash-
`ing function on some quantity t is indicated by the expression h(t).
`(e) Encryption of data is indicated by enclosing the data in braces {...}K, where K is the encryption key. For
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`DCE-RFC 59.0
`Kerberos and Two-Factor Authentication
`March 1994
` {PRN}h(pwd)
`indicates that the PRN is encrypted using a key which is the hashed value of the user password.
`In the discussion of Kerberos request and authentication packets, only the fields relevant to the enhanced authenti-
`cation sequence are shown and described.
`The following describes the Kerberos authentication protocol1 for the acquisition of the first ticket (a ticket grant-
`ing ticket). It is a somewhat simplified description. It ignores realms and details such as the actual contents of tick-
`ets, which are themselves encrypted packets.
`The user begins by providing the login name. The login name, the name of the ticket-granting service for which a
`ticket is desired, and the current time are put in a packet and sent to the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) in
` {Login Name, TGS Name, Time}
`In this context the client workstation Time value is a convenient quantity for use in the ‘‘nonce’’ field of the
`KRB_AS_REQ transaction. When the transaction is received, the KDC looks up the login name and the ticket-
`granting service name and determines their private keys. In the case of the login name, the private key is the
`hashed user’s password. The KDC creates a temporary session key and a ticket for the ticket-granting service. The
`KDC returns a packet containing the temporary session key, the name of the ticket-granting service (same as in the
`cleartext request packet), the lifetime of the ticket, the nonce (copied from request packet), and the ticket to the
`ticket-granting service, encrypted under the already hashed user’s private key:
` {TGS Key, TGS Name, Lifetime, Time, TGS Ticket}h(pwd)
`The principal requirements for Kerberos passwords (length, characters used, repeating fields, etc.) are derived from
`this use of the hashed password as an encryption key for the return packet. Use of short passwords, or ‘‘rational’’
`passwords (e.g., user name, street address, Star Trek character names, ...) make the packet highly susceptible to
`password guessing games if the password hashing function is available to the trespasser. This, combined with the
`use of a static password, is the weakest point of the Kerberos authentication process.
`When this packet is received, the user is prompted for his or her password, which is hashed to produce the user’s
`private key. The password is destroyed at this point. The packet above is decrypted using this key. The current
`time and name of the ticket-granting service are checked for validity. At this point the user has a temporary session
`key and ticket to the ticket-granting service. The user’s private key is destroyed at this point since it will not be
`required again until the next login.
`The concern is that someone snooping on the network can read the cleartext initial request, and could capture the
`reply. Because the format and contents of the reply would to some extent be known, someone trying different pass-
`words would know when the packet had been deciphered. Success has been achieved when the name of the ticket-
`granting service and the current time in the decrypted reply packet equal those in the original cleartext request
`packet. It would not matter how long the deciphering would take; the lifetime of tickets would be of no concern,
`because once the decryption key (the hashed user’s password) was known, the initial cleartext request could be
`replayed. In this way the first ticket could be obtained through normal, legal channels, but by someone not author-
`ized to do so! This is the network-sniffer analog of a compromised password.
`1. Project Athena Technical Plan, Section E.2.1, ‘‘Kerberos Authentication and Authorization System’’.
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`DCE-RFC 59.0
`Kerberos and Two-Factor Authentication
`March 1994
`In general there are three ways that an individual can identify him/herself. By ‘‘something secret we know’’ (such
`as a password), by ‘‘something unique that we possess’’ (a token of some sort), and/or by ‘‘something we are’’ (reti-
`nal pattern, voice print, etc.). The present Kerberos implementation utilizes only one of these components, the
`‘‘something secret we know’’. Adding a second component would greatly enhance the reliability of the
`The current technology for using the ‘‘something we are’’ factor is still in its infancy, and most implementations
`suffer from either (and usually both) high cost and low authentication reliability. The use of the ‘‘something we
`possess’’2 reliable authentication tool.
`For nearly all vendors, the ‘‘something we posses’’ is a token, frequently of credit card or small calculator form fac-
`tor, or of the size of a key fob, but having a display (and possibly a keypad) for the presentation of a 4-to-8 digit
`number. These tokens utilize one of two fundamentally different technologies:
`(a) Time-Varying tokens present a number on the token LCD display for the user. This number changes at regu-
`lar intervals. The current value of the number is supplied to the authentication software along with the login
`name and password.
`(b) Challenge/Response tokens always have a numeric keypad. As part of the authentication sequence, the
`authentication server will provide a number to the user (the challenge) who must then enter it and a PIN into
`his or her token. The token will generate a new number (the response) on the LCD which the user will then
`key into the computer.
`It can be shown that there is virtually no difference in the level of security provided by each of these competing
`technologies. The differences occur primarily in ease of use and token reliability.
`From the user’s point of view the authentication process for each technology is quite different. A typical interac-
`tion using a challenge/response token is:
`(a) The user is prompted for his or her login name and password.
`(b) The login name and password (or value derived from the password) are subjected to validation by the Ker-
`beros authentication server.
`(c) If the test above succeeds, the token support software is invoked with the login name and returns some piece
`of information considered the challenge. Typically this is a numeric value.
`(d) The user takes the number (the challenge) and enters it into his or her token. In most cases the user must
`also enter some other piece of information known only to the user (a PIN) and used to validate the user to
`the token. The token produces a value which is the response to the challenge.
`(e) The response is returned to the token support software and the second stage of validation is performed.
`And for the time-varying token:
`(a) The user is prompted for his or her login name and password.
`(b) The login name and password (or value derived from the password) are subjected to validation by the Ker-
`beros authentication server.
`(c) If the test above succeeds, the user is prompted for his or her passcode (the current value displayed on the
`token LCD).
`(d) The response is returned to the token support software and the second stage of validation is performed.
`Other differentiating factors in the two technologies could include token cost, reliability and warrenty of the token
`from the vendor, and availability of authentication software for different platforms and network protocols.
`2. Obviously the ‘‘thing’’ possessed must be extremely difficult or extremely expensive to counterfeit.
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`DCE-RFC 59.0
`Kerberos and Two-Factor Authentication
`March 1994
`The remainder of this document proposes a set of modifications to the initial authentication sequence for a Kerberos
`environment. A number of assumptions have been made which have an impact on the selection of a strategy for
`supporting 3rd party authentication mechanisms.
`(a) For a given Kerberos environment, there is likely to be a mixed community of users, some of whom are not
`subject to secondary authentication. For those who are require secondary authentication, it is possible that a
`variety of tokens are in use representing both time varying and challenge/response technologies.
`(b) Modifications to the Kerberos protocol should be kept to a minimum, and for the default case of no secon-
`dary authentication required, the changes should be negligible.
`(c) The changes necessary to support secondary authentication should be independent of vendor and technol-
`(d) Changes to the content and architecture of the Kerberos user database should be limited to the addition of a
`small amount of new data. This will minimize the impact on the Kerberos administrative software.
`(e) Changes in client code (kinit) should be generic in nature so that the same client code can be freely dis-
`tributed regardless of the presence or absence of secondary authentication.
`The following section presents a model for authentication which satisfies all of the above requirements.
`This section proposes a modification to the Kerberos initial authentication protocol which supports proprietary
`tokens of the two predominant types. For users who are not required to provide second factor authentication, the
`protocol defaults to the standard Kerberos message sequence. For users with authentication tokens, a second
`interaction with the KDC is required which uses the KRB_AS_REQ and KRB_AS_REP message types.
`The architecture hinges on three essential elements:
`(a) Each token vendor can provide an API package for essential authentication functions as required by the
`Kerberos environment.
`(b) The Kerberos database contains a new data item that identifies which, if any, secondary authentication
`token is assigned to a user. An unsigned binary byte field would allow up to 255 different token types to be
`supported. The identifier is by token type, but the protocol itself is vendor independent. Note that some
`vendors supply multiple token types. The identifier could be used as in index into an array of entry point
`addresses for the vendor supplied programming interface.
`(c) The introduction of an initial identification exchange between the client and the Kerberos authentication
`server. This exchange allows the server to determine the type of authentication sequence to be invoked.
`The identification exchange uses two new application transactions KRB_AS_IREQ and KRB_AS_IREP.
`Definition of their contents is given below where these record types are introduced.
`In general the proposal relies heavily on the use of the padata field which is present in both the KRB_AS_REQ
`and KRB_AS_REP messages.3
`Briefly described, the steps are as follows:
`(a) The user is prompted for his or her login name.
`(b) The initial identification transaction is constructed as a message of type KRB_AS_IREQ.4 The format of
`this transaction is:
`3. See MIT Project Athena Kerberos V5Draft4-RFC, for complete definitions of these and the other message types used in this proposal.
`4. All items in KRB_AS_IREQ are defined in Section 5.3.1 of Project Athena Kerberos V5Draft4-RFC.
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`DCE-RFC 59.0
`Kerberos and Two-Factor Authentication
`March 1994
`The transaction is sent to the Kerberos authentication server (AS) and the login name is used to identify the
`user in the Kerberos database. If the login name is not found in the Kerberos data base, a KRB_ERROR
`message is returned.
`(c) If secondary authentication is required the AS invokes the appropriate vendor supplied interface routine to
`obtain the challenge data. For the case of time-varying tokens and users not requiring secondary authentica-
`tion a meaningless random number (time of day is probably a good choice) should be used in order to avoid
`constructing an encrypted field with a well known cleartext value. For challenge/response tokens, the chal-
`lenge value is returned by the vendor supplied interface.
`(d) The KDC constructs a KRB_AS_IREP message whose format is:
`where IREQEncpart is defined as:
` IREQEncpart ::= SEQUENCE {
`The enc-part field is encrypted using the hashed user password obtained from the Kerberos user data
`database. The pvno, msg-type, and padata fields are as defined in various locations in the Kerberos
`specification. The values for ath-type are: 0 = Default Kerberos authentication; 1 = challenge/response
`authentication; and 2 = time-varying authentication. The padata field contains either the ‘‘challenge’’ or
`the time as noted above.
`(e) When the KRB_AS_IREP transaction is received by the client, the user is prompted for his or password
`which is immediately hashed using the Kerberos hash function. The cleartext user password is removed
`from the client machine. The enc-part of the KRB_AS_IREP is then decrypted in the client using the
`hashed password as the key. Failure to decrypt the padata field results in a failed authentication.
`(f) If no secondary authentication is required (indicated by ath-type set to zero) a standard Kerberos
`authentication sequence is initiated using KRB_AS_REQ/REP exchanges.5
`(g) If second factor authentication is required, as indicated by the ath-type field, the user is prompted for
`additional authentication data. If the value of ath-type is 2 the client would issue a generic prompt of
`the form Enter PASSCODE:. If ath-type is 1, and after decryption of the padata field, a generic
`prompt similar to Enter response to <challenge>: would be issued. In either case, the user
`will supply a response which is a numeric string which will be termed a PRN for the following discussion.
`(h) The client then constructs two strings to be used as encryption and decryption keys. They are (where ||
`denotes concatenation):
`5. Note that in the case of no secondary authentication, the Kerberos authentication server could without loss of generality have returned a
`KRB_AS_REP message (rather than KRB_AS_IREP) thus avoiding a second exchange of messages.
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`DCE-RFC 59.0
`Kerberos and Two-Factor Authentication
`March 1994
` key1 = h(PRN||h(pwd))
`key2 = h(h(pwd)||PRN)
`(i) The value of the PRN (the user response) may then be discarded. The PRN itself is present in cleartext in
`the client machine only for the time required to construct the two keys above. The first key is used to con-
`struct the padata field which will be used as described in the next step.
`(j) The client now constructs and delivers a KRB_AS_REQ transaction where the padata field contains the
`time encrypted under key1.
`(k) The KDC can interpret this message by examining the padata field in the message, and from the vendor
`identifier in the Kerberos database invoke the vendor supplied entry point providing the padata field, the
`cleartext time value from the KRB_AS_REQ message and the hashed user password from the Kerberos
`(l) The vendor software will validate the padata field and if successful will construct a copy of key2 and
`return it to the KDC.
`If successful, the KDC prepares a
`(m) If authentication fails, the KDC returns a KRB_ERROR message.
`KRB_AS_REP message with the TGT ticket encrypted using key2 and dispatches it to the client with the
`standard Kerberos session key.
`(n) The client is able to decrypt the ticket using its saved value of key2. The client then constructs its mes-
`sages to the TGS using the session key. Note that the process of encrypting the return TGT ticket with a key
`that is a function of the PRN is a mutual authentication of the server to the client workstation. Since a
`server spoofing as a Kerberos server would not be able to generate the PRN required for the encryption of
`the return packet, the client workstation is assured that the authentication service is really a valid Kerberos
`The extended authentication sequence above requires only minimal changes for support of an extremely wide
`variety of tokens of the two basic types. It utilizes two new message types and two existing message types and
`stays within the confines of the well-defined Kerberos protocol. The most significant change to Kerberos is the
`maintenance of the token vendor data element in the Kerberos database.
`At a more detailed level, the modifications to Kerberos fall primarily into two areas: changes to the existing authen-
`tication process in kinit, and changes within the Kerberos authentication server. Some modifications will also
`be necessary in the kadmin and kpasswd routines for the administration of the authentication type field in the
`Kerberos database. These changes do not change the user interaction with Kerberos except to request the second
`factor for user authentication or to process the system challenge.
`The author is grateful to Bob Blakley (IBM), without whose encouragement and sponsorship this document would
`not have been published in the DCE-RFC series.
`Jim Kotanchik
`Security Dynamics Inc.
`One Alewife Center
`Cambridge, MA 02140
`(Internet email not available)
`Telephone: +1-617-547-7820
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