`United States Patent
`Rangan ct at.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,802,042 B2
`*Oet. 5, 2004
`Inventors: P. Venkat Rangatt, San Diego, CA
`(US); Mnrtoj Shanna, College Park,
`MD {US}; Sreerartgn P. Rajah, Santa
`Clara, (TA (US); Jonathan Wu,
`Mountain View, CA (US)
`YodIee.Com, Ine., Redwood Shores,
`(‘A (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(1)) by 0 days.
`5,923,':’36 A *
`s924noa A *
`533?J68 A
`7tl9(.r9 Sihaehar
`7.r’l99*} Krellertstein
`8t’1999 Anderson ct at.
`(List continued on next page.)
`Hilbert et al., Agents for Collecting Application Usage Data
`over the Internet, ACM 1998, pp. 149—156.*
`Schwartz et al., Applying an Information Gathering Archi-
`tecture to Netfind: a White Pages Tool for a Changing and
`Growing Internet, IEEE 1994, pp. 426-439.‘
`(List continued on next page.)
`Primary ExamrTner—Stephen 8. Hong
`Assistant Examt'rter—Cong—Lac Huynh
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—I)onald R. Boys; Central
`Coast Patent Agency, Inc.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`Appl. No.:
`on. 22, 1999
`Prior Publication Data
`US 20D2t"l3U'.l'S|'J79 Al Jun. 20. 2002
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation—in—parl of application No. 091321598, llled on
`Jun. 1, 199").
`Int. CL? .............................................. .. GOGF I5,"00
`U.S. Cl.
`715/'5Il'I.I; 7I5;"5(lU; 70725;
`707501, 3-5;
`70586; 709217; 7l5;'5U1.1, 500
`Field of Search
`References Cited
`An Internet-connected portal system has a data repository, a
`data-gathering system, a request processor, a pturality of
`report algorithms, and a report promssor. The request pro-
`cessor receives a request from a user and matches the request
`to an individual one ot‘ the report algorithms. The data-
`gathering subsystem accesses plural Internet sites associated
`with the user and extracts raw data therefrom accord ing to
`needs of the report algorithm. The report processor pro-
`cesses the raw data according to the report algorithm into
`metasurrtmarizcd information defined by the report
`algorithm, and the portal system transmits the metasumma—
`rized infortrtation as a report to a destination associated with
`the report request. In some cases there is an aggregated-data
`database in the data repository storing aggregated data
`retrieved for specific users periodically, and the request
`processor checks the aggregated-data database for needed
`data before requiring the datzvgathcring system to retrieve
`data from the associated Internet sites. In the instance that
`the needed data is stored in the aggregated-data database, the
`report is prepared from the aggregated data. Reports can be
`in a mix of text and graphic formats.
`5,4-5‘),3f.l6 A "
`5,855,008 A *
`l(l;‘l‘J95 Stein et at.
`l2t’l998 Goldhaber ct al.
`14 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets
`Plaid 1041

`US 6,802,042 B2
`Page 2
`US. P1\TEN'I'
`.. 7131202
`4.32002 Leonard
`6,377,567 B1 *
`512002 Smith el al.
`6,385,055 B1 ‘*
`012002 Rangan
`0,412,073 01 *
`0.490,055 01 * 1212002 110111 ctal.
`0,517,507 02 ==
`212003 Satyavolu 51111.
`5,539,370 131 3
`312003 Chang elal.
`0,075,350 B1 =1
`112004 Abrams ct al.
`Lukose et al., Surfing as a Real Option, ACM 1998, pp.
`Jones el al., Credentials for Privacy and Inleroperatiorl,
`Bina et al., Secure Access to Data over the Internet, IEEE
`9194» PP« 99-101*
`Iqbal el al., A Simplified and an Eflicient Packet Level
`InIernetAccess Control Scheme, IEEE 11;’92, pp. 963—967.*
`Cftgfrgfiggi at a;,_1g;n;na 9° W 5 wk
`3 913'
`Das et al., Experiments in using ager1t—based retrieval trom
`distributed heterogeneous database, Knowledge and Data
`Engineering Exchange Works, 111'97, abstract.‘
`Frecon, WEBPA'I'H—a three dimensional Web history, Infor-
`gnjllgnp Visualization IEEIL Symposium on, 10198, pp.
`Park, Intelligent query and browsing tntormation retrieval
`UQBIR} agent, Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing,
`IEEE International Conference, SE98. pp. 1173-1170.‘
`* cited by examiner
`-- 709926
`.. 71313155
`.. 707004
`.. 3701252
`-. 7071‘51'Ji.l
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`.. 7017200
`0, 1 1 9, 101
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`101’ 1999
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`Bisdikian cl 91-
`T-flmbert =1 «'11-
`Abuja 9191-
`Biitinaer et «'41-
`Hcrz et al.
`Peckover ...... ..
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`Gcltsnlan el 3]‘
`Boss cl :1].
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`Kumar et al.
`Dogaflam 9' 31-
`Liu ct 31,
`Hancock etal.
`Ger-shman et al.

`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 5, 2004
`Sheet 1 M10
`US 6,802,042 B2

`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 5, 2004
`Sheet 20f 10
`US 6,802,042 B2
`ao.,._a_§mEMU0O.OOnoooJ2.3.Eou.w:_%_onmEa mmVOOOOOOA25.mE2.
`non2:3Eoo.uEE<E OOQD_.Hm_,..\._.—.£O_aEOU.DWmwfiOE

`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 5, 2004
`Sheet 3 of 10
`US 6,802,042 B2
` User Name
` Personal
`Select URL
`for display &
` Invoke Search
`Input Seaxch
` 64
`Fig. 3

`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 5, 2004
`Sheet 4 of 10
`US 6,802,042 B2
`-...-... -.............. .........-. ..........-..-
`-....--o--I E

`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 5, 2004
`Sheet 5 of 10
`US 6,802,042 B2
`New request
`Request is
`Knowledge Wmker
`accesses site logic
`1 d
`18 St01‘ed
`Browser control
`Auto login
`is Perforn-led
`Summary data
`stored for latter
`Site is parsed
`for data
`On demand?/Schedual ed?
`1 13
`Network appliance
`and delivery method
`1 19
`Summary data
`delivered accord1ng
`to protocol
`User receives
`requested information
`Data is compile
`and rendered as
`1 15
`“FEB summary
`made available
`to user
`Fig. 5

`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 5, 2004
`Sheet 6 of 10
`US 6,802,042 B2
`New summary
`process begins
`1 19
`Data base
`Knowledge worker
`accesses site logic
`KnOw.lcdge worker
`template if reqmred
`55 5t°1'°d
`Browser control
`begins navigation
` process
`Auto logins
`pcrfotmed at
`each site
`Sites are parsed
`for summary data
`All dam
`Data is
`compiled and
`rendered as HTML
`WEB summary
`made available to
`Fig. 6

`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 5, 2004
`Sheet 7 M10
`US 6,802,042 B2
`‘pg-.- --eon -. no. -u.. p... .. .....----g

`U.S. Patent
`US 6,802,042 B2
`I.-..---.aouooou—--- ---Illa‘:-nqogqnunn-Imam --.---.on...---...----...gaun---....-.----u--.»-......--.——a--ad

`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 5, 2004
`Sheet 9 of 10
`US 6,802,042 B2
`1 83
`1 9 1
`Logs and confirms
`1 99
`Pass Request
`TC’ G53
`Obtain Site
`Data Processed
`For Results
`1 93
`Prepared For
`1 9 5
`Fig. 9

`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 5, 2004
`Sheet 10 of 10
`US 6,802,042 B2

`US 6,802,042 B2
`The present invention is a continuation in part (CIP) to
`patent application Ser. No. 09,=’323,598 entitled "Method and
`Apparatus for Obtaining and Presenting WEB Summaries to
`Users" filed on Jun. 1, 1999, which is a CIP to patent
`application Ser. No. U9;’2[l8,74U entitled “Method and Appa-
`ratus for Providing and Maintaining a User-Interactive Por-
`tal System Accessible via Internet or other Switehcd—Packet-
`Network" filed on Dec. 8, 1998, now US. Pat. No. 6,412.
`073, disclosures of which are incorporated herein in their
`entirety by inclusion.
`t7IEI.I) 0|" 'I'lll-.'l INVENTION
`The present invention is in the field of Internet navigation
`including various communication means and connection
`technoiogies. The present invention pertains more particu-
`larly to methods and apparatus,
`including software,
`gathering summary information for users from user-
`subscribed WEB services and aggregating the collected data
`such that a user, through a single interface, may view varied
`calculated and surnmariaied reports rellecting user activity
`among a plurality of user-subscribed services.
`The information network known as the World Wide Web
`(WWW), which is a subset of the well-known Internet, is
`arguably the most complete source of publicly accessible
`information available. Anyone with a suitable Internet appli-
`ance such as a personal computer with a standard Internet
`connection may access (go on-line) and navigate to infor-
`mation pages (termed web pages) stored on Internet-
`connected sewers for the purpose of gathering information
`and initiating transactions with hosts of such servers and
`Many companies offer various subscription services
`accessible via the Internet. For example, many people now
`do their banking, stock trading, shopping, and so forth from
`the comfort of their own homes via Internet access.
`Typicaliy, a user, through subscription, has access to per-
`sonalized and secure WEB pages for such functions. By
`typing in a user name and a password or other personal
`identification code, a user may obtain information, initiate
`transactions, buy stock, and accomplish a myriad of other
`One problem that is encountered by an individual who has
`several or many such subscriptions to Internet-brokered
`services is that there are invariably many passwords andfor
`log-in codes to be used. Often a same password or code
`cannot be used for every service, as the password or code
`may already be taken by another user. A user may not wish
`to supply a code unique to the user such as perhaps a social
`security number because of security issues, including quality
`of security,
`that may vary from service to service.
`Additionally, many users at their own volition may choose
`dil].’erent passwords for ditferent sites so as to have increased
`security, which in fact also increases the number of pass-
`words a user may have.
`Another issue that can piague a user who has many
`passworded subscriptions is the fact that they must book-
`mark many WEB pages in a computer cache so that they
`may quickly find and access the various services. For
`exampic, in order to reserve and pay for airline travel, a user
`must connect to the Internet, go to hisrher book-marks file
`and select an airline page. The user then has to enter a user
`name and password, and follow on-screen instructions once
`the page is delivered. If the user wishes to purchase tickets
`from the WEB site, and wishes to transfer finds from an
`on-line banking service, the user must also look for and
`select the personal bank or account page to initiate a funds
`transfer for the tickets. Different user names and passwords
`may be required to access these other pages, and things get
`quite complicated.
`Although this preceding example is merely exemplary, it
`is generally known that much work related to finding WEB
`pages, logging in with passwords, and the like is required to
`successfully do business on the WEB.
`A service known to the inventor and described in patent
`application Ser. No. 09f2t}8,74U entitled “Method and Appa-
`ratus for Providing and Maintaining a User-Interactive Por-
`tal System Accessible via Internet or other Switched-Packet
`Network”, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,412,073 provides a WEB
`service that allows a user to store all of his password
`protected pages in one location such that browsing and
`garnering information from them is much simplified. A
`feature of the above service allows a user to program certain
`tasks into the system such that requested tasks are executed
`by an agent (software) based on user instruction. The service
`stores user password and log—in information and uses the
`information to log-in to the user’s sites, thus enabling the
`user to navigate without having to manually input log-in or
`password codes to gain access to the links.
`The above-described service uses a server to present a
`user-personaliared application that may be displayed as an
`interactive home page that contains all of his listed sites
`(hyperlinks) for easy navigation. The application lists the
`user’s URL’s in the form of hyperlinks such that a user may
`click on a hyperlink and navigate to the page wherein login,
`if required, is automatic, and transparent to the user.
`The application described above also includes a software
`agent that may be programmed to perform scheduled tasks
`for the user including returning specific summaries and
`updates about user-account pages. A search function is
`provided and adapted to cooperate with the software agent
`to search user-entered URI-’s for specific content if such
`pages are cached somewhere in their presentable form such
`as at the portal server, or on the ctient’s machine.
`In addition to the features described above, patent appli-
`cation Scr. No. 09r'523,598 entitled “Method and Apparatus
`for Obtaining and Presenting WEB Summaries to Users”
`describes a software agent used in conjunction with a search
`function that is enabled to navigate to any URL or group of
`URL.’s, provided as input by a user or otherwise deemed
`appropriate by the service provider, for
`the purpose of
`providing summary information regarding updated content
`for each URL, which may be presented as an HTML
`information-page to the user.
`The above described service uses known site logic for
`navigating to specific “chunks" of data contained in Web
`pages at the site. Logic scripts are prepared by knowledge
`workers operating on behalf of users. With such scripts,
`gatherer agents may navigate directly to data portions that
`users are interested in.
`Users who subscribe to many on—line services generally
`do all oftheir banking, investing, travel arranging, shopping,
`and so on while on-line with the Internet. I-Iaving all of his

`US 6,802,042 B2
`or her services available at one portal provides a conve-
`nience to a user in not having to remember a plurality of
`passwords, or to be required to physically log-on to each
`site. Similarly, the ability to obtain summary data associated
`with selected sites through one interface allows a user to
`greatly speed any decision making process related to his or
`her on—lir1e activity. However, summary information may
`not help a user with certain other concerns. For example,
`obtaining accurate financial
`information concerning his
`entire portfolio of banking and investments would require
`much user calculation depending on the exact nature of the
`result desired. Similarly compiling a trend that reflects a
`user’s on—linc activity at a plurality of shopping services
`may also require considerable calculation to be performed
`by a user. Summary data presented in the above methods is
`in nature and reflects such as updates, status of
`orders, and the like.
`What is clearly needed is a method and apparatus that can
`perform complicated calculations on aggregated summary
`data held on behalf of a user such that a user may be
`presented exact data reports reflecting activity across mul-
`tiple user accounts. Such a system would provide a conve-
`nient and effective enhancement to a data snmmarization
`service wherein important calculated information may be
`presented to a user without requiring that the user perform
`his or her own analysis on summary data to obtain a solution
`oriented result.
`with a request, and the report is then sent to the alternative
`site. For alternative sites, data formats may be changed for
`a report, such as synthesized voice, e-mail. pager message,
`or facsimile format, and wherein the format used for the
`report generated is determined by the nature of the report
`destination specified in the received request.
`In another aspect of the present invention a method for
`gathering raw data from Internet sites and presenting meta-
`summarized information from the data to a requesting user
`is provided, comprising steps of (a) receiving a report
`request by a report processor at an Internet-connected portal
`system from a user; (b) matching the request to an individual
`one of multiple report algorithms stored at the portal system;
`(c) gathering raw data by a data gathering system operating
`on the portal system from multiple Internet sites associated
`with the requesting user; ((3) processing the raw data accord-
`ing to the report algorithm into meta-summarized informa-
`tion defined by the report algorithm; and (e) transmitting the
`meta-sunimarized inforrnation as a report to a destination
`associated with the report request. The portal system may
`further comprise an aggregated-data database in the data
`repository storing aggregated data retrieved for specific
`users periodically, and there may be a further step for
`checking the aggregated-data database for needed data
`before requiring the data-gathering system to retrieve data
`from the associated Internet sites. In the instance that
`needed data is stored in the aggregated-data database, the
`preparing the report from the aggregated data.
`In embodiments of the present
`enabling detail below, for the first time a portal system is
`provided wherein data may he gathered and stored from sites
`associated with specific subscribers and users, and users
`may request specialized reports prepared from the data
`gathered, such as meta-summarized and trend reports.
`FIG. I is an overview of an Internet portal system and
`network according to an embodiment of the present inven-
`FIG. 2 is an exemplary plan view ofa personalized Portal
`home page application as it may be seen on a display
`monitor according to an embodiment of the present inven-
`FIG. 3 is a flow diagram illustrating user interaction with
`the Internet portal of FIG. 1.
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram illustrating a summarization
`software agent and capabilities thereof according to an
`embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 5 is a logical flow chart illustrating an exemplary
`summarizalion process performed by the software agent of
`FIG. 4 operating in a user-defined mode.
`FIG. 6 is a logical flow chart illustrating an exemplary
`summarization process performed by the software agent of
`FIG. 4 in a User-independent smart mode with minimum
`user input.
`FIG. 7 is an overview of a meta-summarization process
`according to an embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 8 is a block diagram illustrating components and
`functions of the database-reporting engine of FIG. 7 accord-
`ing to an embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 9 is a process flow diagram illustrating logical user
`and system steps for initialization to completion of a meta-
`summarized report according to an embodiment of the
`present invention.
`In a preferred embodiment of the present invention an
`Internet portal system for gathering raw data from Internet
`sites and presenting meta-summarized information from the
`data to a requesting user is provided, comprising an Internet-
`eonnected portal system having a data repository; a data
`gathering system operating on the portal system, gathering
`data from multiple Internet sites; a request processor for
`receiving and defining a user's request; a plurality of stored
`report algorithms; and a report processor for proces.sing the
`raw data and presenting reports to requesting users. The
`request processor receives the request and matches the
`request to an individual one of the report algorithms, the
`data~gathering subsystem accesses plural Internet sites asso-
`ciated with the user and extracts raw data therefrom accord-
`ing to needs of the report algorithm, the report processor
`processes the raw data according to the report algorithm into
`meta-summarized information defined by the report
`algorithm, and the portal system transmits the meta-
`summarized information as a report to a destination associ-
`ated with the report request.
`In some embodiments the portal system further comprises
`an aggregated-data database in the data repository storing
`aggregated data retrieved for specific users periodically, and
`wherein the request processor checks the aggregated-data
`database for needed data before requiring the data-gathering
`system to retrieve data from the associated Internet sites, and _
`in the instance that
`the needed data is stored in the
`aggregatcd—data database, the report is prepared from the
`aggregated data.
`In various embodiments the report processor prepares and
`presents reports in both text and graphic formats. In some
`cases the data used in preparing a report is time related, and
`the report generated includes presentation of data trend. Also
`in some embodiments the reports may include one or more
`of tables, bar charts, pie charts, and line graphs in a report
`generated for a user.
`Reports may be returned to the destination where a
`request originates, or an alternative site may be associated

`US 6,802,042 B2
`FIG. 10 is a representative view actual screen shot of a
`meta-summarized report on display in a user’s browser
`interface according to an embodiment of the present inven-
`According to a preferred embodiment of the present
`invention, a unique Internet portal is provided and adapted
`to provide unique services to users who have obtained
`access via an Internet or other network connection from an
`Internet-capable appliance. Such an interface provides users
`with a method for storing many personal WEB pages and
`further provides search function and certain task-performing
`functions. The methods and apparatus of the present inven-
`tion are taught in enabling detail below.
`FIG. I is an overview of an Internet portal system 11 and
`Internet network 13 according to an embodiment of the
`invention. Portal system 11,
`in this embodiment,
`operates as an ISP in addition to a unique network portal, but
`may, in other embodiments be implemented as a stand-alone
`Internet server. In yet other embodiments the service and
`apparatus described herein may also be provided by such as
`a search and listing service (AltaVist"‘. Yahoo”) or by any
`other enterprise hosting a WEB-connected server.
`Internet 13 is representative of a preferred use of the
`present invention, but should not be considered limiting, as
`the invention could apply in other networks and combina-
`tions of networks.
`ISI’ 15 in this embodiment comprises a server 31, a
`modern bank 33, represented here by a single modern, and
`a mass storage repository 29 for storing digital data. The
`modem bank is a convenience, as connection to the server
`could be by another type of network link. ISP 15, as is
`in the art, provides Internet access services for
`individual subscribers.
`In addition to well-known Internet
`access services, ISP 15 also provides a unique subscription
`service as an Internet portal for the purpose of storing many
`WEB pages or destinations along with any passwords and or
`personal codes associated with those pages, in a manner
`described in more detail below. This unique portal service is
`provided by execution of Portal Software 35, which is
`termed by the inventors the Password-All suite. The soft-
`ware of the invention is referred to herein both as the Portal
`Software, and as the Password-all software suite. Also, in
`much of the description below, the apparatus of the inven-
`tion is referred to by the Password-All terminology, such as
`the Pas.sword—All Server or I’assword—All Portal.
`ISP 15 is connected to Internet 13 as shown. Other
`equipment known in the art to be present and connected to
`a network such as Internet 13, for example, II’ data routers,
`data switches, gateway routers, and the like, are not illus-
`trated here but may be assumed to be present. Access to ISI’
`15 is through a connection-oriented telephone system as is _
`known in the art, or through any other lnternct;'WEB access
`connection, such as through a cable modem, special network
`connection fe.g. Tl), ISDN, and so forth. Such connection is
`illustrated via access line 19 from Internet appliance 17
`through modem bank 33.
`In a preferred embodiment a user has access to Internet
`Password-All Portal services by a user name and password
`as is well known in the art, which provides an individualized
`WEB page to the subscriber.
`In another embodiment
`wherein a user has other individuals that use his or her
`Internet account, then an additional password or code unique
`to the user may be required before access to portal 31 is
`granted. Such personalized Portal WEB pages may be stored
`in repository 29, which may be any convenient form of mass
`Three Internet servers 23, 25, and 27, are shown in
`Internet 13, and represent Internet servers hosted by various
`enterprises and subscribed to by a user operating appliance
`17. For example, server 23 may be a bank server wherein
`interactive on-line banking and account managing may be
`performed. Server 25 may be an investment server wherein
`investment accounts may be created and managed. Server 27
`may be an airline or travel server wherein flights may be
`tickets may be purchased. and
`In this
`example, all three servers are secure servers requiring user
`ID and password for access, but the invention is not neces-
`sarily limited to just secure services.
`invention, a
`In a preferred embodiment of the present
`subscribing user operating an Internet-capable appliance,
`such as appliance 17, connects to Password-All Portal
`system 11 hosted by ISP I5, and thereby gains access to a
`personalized, interactive WEB page, which in turn provides
`access to any one of a number of servers on Internet 13 such
`as servers 23, 25, and 27, without being required to enter
`additional passwords or codes. In a preferred embodiment
`the software that enables this service is termed Password-All
`by the inventors. Password-All may be considered to be a
`software suite executing on the unique server, and in some
`instances also on the user’s station (client). Additional
`interactivity provided by portal software 35 allows a con-
`nected user to search his listed pages for information asso-
`ciated with keywords, text strings, or the like, and allows a
`user to program user-defined tasks involving access and
`interaction with one or more Internet-connected servers such
`as servers 23, 25, and 2'7 according to a pre-defined time
`schedule. These functions are taught
`in enabling detail
`FIG. 2 is an illustration of a personalized portal page as
`may be seen on a display monitor according to an embodi-
`ment of the present invention, provided by Password-All
`Portal software 35 executing on server 31. in response to
`secure access by a subscriber. Page 32 presents an interac-
`tive listing 34 of user-subscribed or member WEB pages,
`identified in this example by URL, but which may also be
`identified by any convenient pseudonym, preferably
`descriptive, along with user name and typically encrypted
`password information for each page. Listed in a first column
`under destination, are exemplary destinations, My
`, My Stoekscom, My,
`Mortgagecom, and These are but a few of
`many exemplary destinations that may be present and listed
`as such on page 33. In order to view additional listing listed
`but not immediately viewable from within application 33, a
`scroll bar 35 is provided and adapted to allow a user to scroll
`up or down the list to enable viewing as is known in the art.
`Items listed in list 34 in this example may be considered
`destinations on such as servers 23, 25, and 27 of FIG. 1.
`Typically the URL associated with an item on this list will
`not take a user to a server, per se, but to a page stored on a
`server. User names and pamword data associated with each
`item in list 34 are illustrated in respective columns labeled
`user name, and password, to the right of the column labeled
`destination. Each listing, or at least a portion of each listing,
`is a hyperlink invoking, when selected, the URI. to that
`destination. In some instances a particular service may have
`more than one associated URL. For example, My
`may have more than one URL associated for such as
`different accounts or businesses associated also with a single
`In this case there may be a sub-listing for

`US 6,802,042 B2
`different destinations associated with a single higher-level
`listing. This expedient is not shown, but given this teaching
`the mechanism will be apparent to those with skill in the art.
`In some embodiments one page 33 may be shared by more
`than one user, such as a husband and wife sharing a common
`account and subscription. An instance of this is illustrated
`herein with respect
`to the server labeled Mortgagexorn
`wherein both a John and a Jane Doe are listed together under
`the column labeled user name. In another embodiment, a
`network of individuals, perhaps business owners, authorized
`co-workers, investment parties, or the like may share one
`In this way

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