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`Doc code: RCEX
`Approved for use lhrough 05-'31f2008. OMB 0551-0031
`Doc description: Request for Continued Examination (RCE)
`u.s. Patent and Trademark Office; us. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
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`/Donald R. Boys]
` Donald R. Boys
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`Art Unit: 2176
`Examiner: Nguyen, Maikhanh
`In Re:
`Ramakrishna Satyavolu
`Serial No.:
`Categorization of Summarized Information
`Commissioner for Patent
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Dear Sir:
`Response F

`In the claims:
`All of the claims standing for examination are presented below with appropriate status
`1. (Currently amended) A system tangibly embodied on a computer-readable medium for
`sortin and re ortin transaction information, comprising;
`a collection function
`navigating to and retrieving
`transaction information associated with a specific person or enterprise from third-party
`Internet-connected web sites , the transaction information
`including at least date, description and amount of the transactions
` ; and
`an input function enabling a client to provide to the system a reguest for a
`summary of transactions over a specific range of dates, according to a definition of
`purpose of transaction;
`a processing function parsing the collected transaction descriptions for purpose,
`using pre-stored description characteristics associated with purpose, and summarizing
`those transactions that meet the purpose and fall into the date range eategorizing
`description; and
`a reporting function for providing the summarized transactions to the specific
`person or enterprise
`2. (Currently amended) The system of claim l wherein the reporting function provides a
`total transaction expenditure amount with the summarized transactions further

`3-4. (Cancelled)
`5. (Currently amended) The system of claim 1 wherein
`a summary
`is provided for a first plurality of persons or enterprises subscribing to the system
`according to e% reguests entered by a second plurality of persons or
`enterprises subscribing to the system.
`6. (Currently amended) The system of claim 1 wherein categories description
`characteristics are developed from information taken from communication between
`clients and the system.
`7. (Currently amended) The system of claim 6 wherein a probability algorithm is used in
`developing categories description characteristics.
`8. (Currently amended) The system of claim 1 wherein
`description characteristics are periodically amended according to further information that
`is collected and processed.
`9. (Canceled)
`10. (Previously presented) The system of claim 1 wherein the system reports to clients
`through the Internet network.
`ll. (Original) The system of claim 2 wherein the system further comprises a function
`storing past transaction history associated with the particular person or enterprise.
`12. (Previously presented) The system of claim ll wherein the past transaction history is
`used to predict future transaction statistical information.

`13. (Currently amended) A method for eategorizing sorting and reporting transaction
`information transactions using proprietary software tangibly embodied on a computer-
`readable medium, comprising:
`(a) automatically navigating to and retrieving transaction information associated
`with a specific person or entepprise from third-party Intemet-connected web sites and
`gathering information concerning transactions by a collection function of the software
` said information including at least date, description and
`amount of the transactions;
`(b) reguesting a summapv_ of transactions by a client via an input function of the
`software over a specific range of dates, according to a definition of pugpose of
`(c) parsing the collected transaction descriptions for pugpose, via a processing
`function of the software using pre-stored description characteristics associated with
`puppose, and summarizing those transactions that meet the puppose and fall into the date
`(c) reporting the categorized summarized transactions to the particular person or
`enterprise by a reporting function.
`14. (Currently amended) The method of claim 13 wherein the reporting function provides
`a total transaction expenditure amount with the summarized transactions fart-her
`15-16. (Cancelled)
`17. (Currently amended) The method of claim 13 wherein
`summapv_ is provided for a first plurality of persons or enterprises according to category
`definition entered by a second plurality of persons or enterprises.

`18. (Currently amended) The method of claim 13 wherein categories description
`characteristics are developed from information taken from communication between
`clients and the system.
`l9. (Currently amended) The method of claim l8 wherein a probability algorithm is used
`in developing description characteristics categories.
`20. (Currently amended) The method of claim 13 wherein
`description characteristics are periodically amended according to further information that
`is collected and processed.
`21. (Canceled)
`22. (Previously presented) The method of claim l3 wherein the system reports to clients
`through the Internet network.
`23. (Original) The method of claim l4 wherein the method further comprises a step for
`storing past transaction history associated with the particular person or enterprise.
`24. (Previously presented) The method of claim 23 wherein the past transaction history is
`used to predict future transaction statistical information.

`The present Response is to the Office Action mailed 10/17/2008, made final.
`Claims 1-8, 10-14, 16-20 and 22-24 are presented for examination.
`Rejections - 35 USC § 102
`Claims 1-8, 10-14, 16-20, and 22-24 maintain rejected under 35 U.S.C. 102(e) as being
`anticipated by Kumar et al. (US 6859212, filed 04/06/2001).
`As to claim 1:
`Kumar teaches a system tangibly embodied on a computer-readable medium for
`categorizing transactions [see the Abstract and col. 5, lines 17- 48: itemized transaction],
`- a collection function gathering information concerning transactions, including at
`least date, description and amount of the transactions, for a particular person or
`enterprise [See Col. 14, lines 41-37; Col. 15, lines I-60: Agent 39 may be
`programmed to perform certain tasks such as obtaining account information,
`executing simple transactions, returning user—requested notification information
`about upcoming events]; and
`° a processing function categorizing individual ones of the collected transactions
`according to at least part of the transaction description [See the Abstract: a
`transaction module having a summary interface is provided as part of a software
`suite for enabling viewing and manipulation ofmultiple categories ofaggregated
`data compiledfrom a plurality of data sources and accessible through a single
`interfacing node operated on a data—packet—network. The transaction module
`comprises, an interactive main interface accessible through the summary
`interface, the main interface for listing new transactions related to registered
`financial accounts
`assigning categories to the listed transactions & Col. 38,
`line 18 - Col.39, line 17: These default categories are intelligent, in that

`transactions are automatically categorized with an appropriate category as they
`occur and are entered under the appropriate category based on a user's prior
`categorization scheme When new transactions occur, they are automatically
`categorized according to user preference];
`wherein the collection function automatically retrieves the information concerning
`transactions from third-party Internet-connected web sites adapted to provide account
`information to the particular person or enterprise [See col. 6, lines 34-50; Col. 11, line 36-
`Col. 12, line l9; Col. 13, line 22- Col. 14, line 8; Col. 18, line 52- Col. 20, line 19: the
`interactive transaction—viewing interface is a personalize hyper—text markup language
`the remote node is a cellular phone
`a hand—held computer the
`categorical criteria for viewing transaction include account, timeframe, and by category
`includingfood and beverage, utilities, home, auto, charitable contribution, and
`entertainment is presentedfor ordering a graphic chart according to the selected
`criteria] .
`As to claim 2:
`Kumar teaches a compilation function summarizing transactions in individual categories
`[See the Abstract and Col. 1, lines 26-35: an interactive softwarefunctionality enabling
`management and transactional control including categorized viewing ofpersonal
`transaction data including account data maintained on behalfofusers by an entity
`providing data compilation, aggregation, and summary services].
`As to claim 3:
`Kumar teaches a reporting function reporting the summarizing transactions to the
`particular person or enterprise [See Col. ll, line 63 - Col. 12, line 20.‘ knowledge of
`specific WEB pages, and certain types of WEB pages, is highly desirable. In many
`embodiments characteristics ofdestination WEB pages are researched by persons
`facilitators) maintaining and enhancing Password—All Portal software 35, and many

`characteristics may be provided in configuration modules for users to accomplish
`specific tasks
`task results including reports, and hard documents such as airline tickets
`may be sent over the Internet or other data packet—networks to user—defined destinations
`such as fax machines, connected computer nodes, e—mail servers, and other Internet-
`connected appliances].
`As to claim 4:
`Kumar teaches categorization is done according to category definitions entered by the
`particular person or on behalf of the enterprise [See Col. 15, lines 12-59: enable directive
`inputfrom both a client (user) and a knowledge worker or workers associated with the
`a unique input scripting module 79 that is adapted to allow a human knowledge
`worker to create and supply directive scripts containing the site logic needed by gatherer
`67 to find and retrieve data from a WEB site].
`As to claim S:
`Kumar teaches categorization is done for a first plurality of persons or enterprises
`subscribing to the system according to category definition entered by a second plurality
`of persons or enterprises subscribing to the system [See Col. 20, lines 7-64: particular
`site associated with the request URLs
`then all site logics for those URLs are accessed
`retrieved at a schedule timefor performing the summary gathering].
`As to claim 6:
`Kumar teaches categories are developed from information taken from communication
`between clients and the system [See the Abstract; Col. 6, lines 22-50; and Col. 8, line 56-
`col.9, line 30.‘ a summary interface for enabling viewing and manipulation ofmultiple
`categories ofaggregated data
`a remote node having access to the data—packet
`As to claim 7:

`Kumar teaches a probability algorithm is used in developing categories [See Col. 3, lines
`23- 44: a plurality ofreport algorithms matches the request to an individual one of the
`report algorithms. The data—gathering subsystem accesses plural Internet sites associated
`with the user and extracts raw data therefrom according to needs of the report algorithm.
`The report processor processes the raw data according to the report algorithm into meta-
`summarized information defined by the report algorithm, and the portal system transmits
`the meta—summarized information as a report to a destination associated with the report
`As to claim 8:
`Kumar teaches identifiers for categories are periodically amended according to further
`information that is collected and processed [See Col. 20, lines 31- col. 2], line 25:
`specified URLs for the purpose of gathering summary data].
`As to claim 10:
`Kumar teaches the system reports to clients through the Internet network [See Col. l4,
`lines 22- 57: Internet servers 23, 25, and 27 represent servers
`return certain summary
`information contained on user—subscribed WEB pages, such as account summaries, order
`tracking information and certain other information according to user—defined
`As to claim 11:
`Kumar teaches function storing past transaction history associated with the particular
`person or enterprise [See Col. 5, line 7 - col. 6, line 14: categorical viewing of transaction
`by a specific account, a specified timefiame, and by a selected category.
`Additionally, the options are selectable for ordering combinations of criteria for
`producing a transaction view, wherein the transaction view comprises an ordered history

`As to claim 12:
`Kumar teaches past transaction history is used to predict future transaction statistical
`information [See Col. 5, line 17 - Col. 6, line 21: history view].
`As to claim 13:
`Refer to the discussion of claim 1 above for rejection. Additionally, Kumar teaches
`automatically navigating to third-party Internet-connected web site [See Col. 2, lines 38-
`53; Col. ll, lines 12- 34; Col. 13, lines 22- Col. 14, line 40.‘ provide an automatic and
`transparent login function for the subscriber while jumping the subscriber to subject
`As to claims 14, 16, 18,-20 and 22-24:
`Refer to the discussion of claims 2, 4, 6-8, and l0 -12 above, respectively, for rejections.
`As to claim 17:
`Kumar teaches categorization is done for a first plurality of person or enterprises to
`category definition entered by a second plurality of person or enterprises [See Col. 15,
`lines l2-59: enable directive inputfrom both a client (user) and a knowledge worker or
`workers associated with the service
`a unique input scripting module 79 that is adapted
`to allow a human knowledge worker to create and supply directive scripts containing the
`site logic needed by gatherer 67 to find and retrieve data firom a WEB site].
`Applicant’s response:
`Applicant herein amends the claims to more particularly point out the patentable
`subject matter of applicant’s invention not taught or suggested in the art of Kumar.
`Applicant’s independent claims, as amended, now recite an input function enabling a
`client to provide to the system a request for a summary of transactions over a specific
`range of dates, according to a definition of purpose of transaction; a processing function
`parsing the collected transaction descriptions for purpose, using pre-stored description

`characteristics associated with purpose, and summarizing those transactions that meet the
`purpose and fall into the date range, and a reporting function for providing the
`summarized transactions to the specific person or enterprise
`Applicant argues that Kumar fails to teach or suggest summarizing transaction
`according to a definition of purpose as requested by a client. The art of Kumar also fails
`to teach or suggest pre-stored description characteristics associated with purpose. As
`admitted by the Examiner in the Response to Arguments portion of the present Office
`Action, Kumar teaches that a person or enterprise may manually categorize new
`transactions, then the system may recognize same transactions received in the future and
`categorize them automatically under the same category initially specified by the person or
`enterprise (Col. 38, line 18 - Col.39, line 17). The system of Kumar teaches that the
`recognition is performed by matching a description of the new, manually categorized
`description with future incoming transactions.
`Applicant provides a unique system with an ability to grow and improve the
`network summarization and reporting system. In one embodiment of applicant’s
`invention, a client may want to receive a summarized report for transactions for "eating
`out", for example, over a specific date range. These transactions will not all be for one
`enterprise, as in Kumar, but may cover a variety of restaurants. The client might profile a
`list of his usual haunts, but that might not be adequate for an efficient accomplishment of
`such a service, because the client may well visit new establishments that are not on the
`profiled list. In this case, and especially because the hosting enterprise may have a large
`number of clients to whom the system provides this service, other abilities are needed to
`make appropriate determinations.
`Beyond the simple case of a client providing the exact listing in "description"
`from account information that can be searched, the client of applicant’s invention may
`want summarization for "travel-related" expenditures. The host, in an embodiment, may
`compile, by a variety of methods, a robust set of identifiers to find travel-related
`expenditures for clients, and the identifiers need not be specific to any one client or small
`set of clients. For example, the host system, which relies on a software suite to

`accomplish the regular scraping of information and the normalization, summarization and
`presentation of the information to clients, might develop a set of identifiers including
`terms and phrases like, "gas", "Chevron", "station" "oil", "lube service" and many more
`for the purpose as specified in the client’s request. If it is understood that the intent is
`broadly for travel-related expenditures, the system might include terms that can test and
`trap expenditures for airline tickets, meals far fiom home related to travel, and other such
`travel-related information.
`Applicant argues the art of Kumar is void of any teaching beyond a client
`specifying categories and descriptors for categorization and viewing a history of
`transactions. Column 40, lines 6-19 of Kumar provide a limiting teaching of a timeframe
`menu 327 enabling a user to select a history time period in graduated increments of YTD
`(Year to Date), this month, last 3 months, last 6 months, last 12 months, and all history.
`Furthermore, a user may, through pre-configuration, create specific and personalized
`timeframes for viewing transactional history.
`Applicant provides a system which is capable of summarizing and reporting
`transactions according to a date range and purpose specified by a client. In applicant’s
`system, the software actually defines descriptors which match a client specified purpose
`enabling valuable reports for a user or enterprise. This ability was not known in the art at
`the time of filing the present invention.
`Applicant’s claims as amended, provide a service which far surpasses the
`teachings of Kumar, as intentionally prepared and filed by the common assignee of the
`present invention and the art of Kumar. Therefore, claims 1 and 13, as amended, are
`easily patentable over the art of Kumar. Claims 3-4 and 15-16 are herein canceled.
`Claims 2, 5-8, 10-12, 14, 17-20, and 22-24 are patentable on their own merits, or at least
`as depended from a patentable claim.

`As all of the claims, as amended and argued above, have been shown to be
`patentable over the art presented by the Examiner, applicant respectfully requests
`reconsideration and the case be passed quickly to issue.
`If any fees are due beyond fees paid with this amendment, authorization is made
`to deduct those fees from deposit account 50-0534. If any time extension is needed
`beyond any extension requested with this amendment, such extension is hereby
`Respectfully submitted,
`Ramakrishna Satyavolu
`By [.?)ana€d KR. 93%]
`Donald R. Boys
`Reg. No. 35,074
`Central Coast Patent Agency, Inc.
`3 Hangar Way, Suite D
`Watsonville CA 95076

`Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
`Title of Invention:
`Categorization of summarized information
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
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