`USAA 1051
`USAA v Asghari-Kamrani

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`Direct Authentication System and Method
`via Trusted Authenticators
`U.S. Patent Agglication of
`Nader Asghari-Kamrani
`Kamran Asghari-Kamrani

`Direct Authentication System and Method
`via Trusted Authenticators
`This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. Patent Application No.
`09/940,635 filed August 31, 2001, and claims priority to U.S. Provisional
`Application No. 60/650,137 filed February 7, 2005.
`The present invention generally relates to a direct authentication system
`and method, more particularly, to a new tvvo-factor authentication method used
`by a business to authenticate its customers’ identity utilizing trusted-
`Fraud and Identity theft, the taking of a person’s identity for the purpose of
`committing a criminal act, is a growing national concern, both in terms of its affect
`on its victims, and its potential national security implications. Checking account
`fraud costs US banks USD 698 million in 2002, according to the American

`Bankers’ Association, while those perpetrating the fraud attempted to take USD
`4.3 billion in total. Identity theft costs financial institutions USD 47.6 billion in
`2002-2003. A report issued in September 2003 by the Federal Trade
`Commission estimates that almost 10 million Americans were victims of some
`type of identity theft within the previous year. Especially unnerving are the
`numerous accounts of the ordeals that victims endure as they attempt to deal
`with the results of this crime. They are assumed to be responsible for the debts
`incurred by the thief until they can demonstrate that they have been victims of
`fraud. They are targeted by collection agencies trying to collect on debts
`generated by thieves who open new accounts in their name. They have to deal
`with damaging information placed in their credit files as a result of the imposter’s
`actions. It's well known how this can happen. Fraudulent charges may be posted
`to someone’s checking account if the thief knows the account number and banks
`routing number. Identity thieves can “take over” an existing account and withdraw
`money, as well as change other account information such as mailing address, if
`the thief knows a few pieces of sensitive personal information, especially the
`account holder's Social Security Number (SSN). Perhaps worst of all, a thief can
`easily open a new account in someone else’s name by completing an application
`for a new credit account, using the victim’s name and SSN, but"with a different
`address. The credit grantor, whether it be a retailer offering instant credit
`accounts via their website, a telecommunications company offering a new cell
`phone account, a bank offering a credit card, or an auto dealership offering a
`new car loan, uses the information provided by the thief to obtain a credit report
`on the person named in the account application. if the report indicates that the
`person named in the application is a good credit risk, a new account will likely be
`opened in the victim’s name. But the victim never knows about the late and
`unpaid bills, until his credit is ruined.

`Online Fraud happens because online businesses such as retailers
`assume that the person shopping online is the same person whose personal or
`financial information are given. Identity theft happens because creditors assume
`that the person filling the application is the same person whose name and
`personal information are used in the application, unless there is clear evidence to
`the contrary. A business “authenticates” a customer by matching personal and
`financial information provided, such as name, SSN, birth date, etc., with
`information contained in third party databases (indirect authentication). If there is
`a match on at least a few items of information, it is assumed that the person is
`the same person who he says he is. This assumption itself is a direct result of a
`belief that sensitive personal and financial information can be kept secret and out
`of the hands of thieves. Yet the widespread incidence of fraud and identity theft,
`as detailed by the personal stories of its many victims, clearly demonstrates that
`this notion is false. A recent paper by Prof. Daniel Solove (‘‘Identity Theft,
`Privacy, and the Architecture of Vulnerability”, Hastings Law Journal, Vol 54, N o.
`4 (2003), page 1251) of the Seton Hall Law School aptly points out that “The
`identity thief’s ability to so easily access and use our personal and financial data
`stems from an architecture that does not provide adequate security to our
`personal and financial information and that does not afford us with a sufficient
`degree of participation in the collection, dissemination, and use of that
`information." He further goes on to say “The problem, however, runs deeper than
`the public disclosure of Social Security Numbers (SSN), personal and financial
`information. The problem stems not only from the government’s creation of a de
`facto identifier and lax protection of it, but also from the private sector’s
`inadequate security measures in handling personal informatiorf’. “Further, identity
`thieves can obtain personal and financial information simply by paying a small

`fee to various database companies and obtaining a detailed dossier about their
`victims.” There’s only a certain amount that an individual can do to prevent
`sensitive information from getting into the wrong hands, such as keeping a tight
`grip on one’s purse or wallet. Beyond that, the information is easily available to a
`thief in numerous other ways. It may be available through certain public records.
`It can be purchased from publicly available databases for a nominal fee. It can be
`copied from medical claims forms lying around in a doctor’s office. Other
`methods include breaking into various commercial databases containing
`sensitive information about business’s customers, many times with the help of an
`insider. As long as the authentication of new credit applications is based upon
`knowledge of a few items of personal information that are supposed to be
`confidential, the only way to truly prevent this type of identity theft is to keep
`one’s personal information out of the hands of thieves, an impossible task. This is
`also true in the case of identity theft involving account takeovers, in which the
`thief uses knowledge of personal information about the victim to obtain
`information needed to take over someone’s existing account.
`There have been many attempts to solve above issues and concerns. One
`being the recent paper by Prof. Lynn LoPucki of the UCLA School of Law
`( The paper addresses many of these
`concerns, and suggests an approach to the identity theft problem that addresses
`the fundamental flaws in the process. This approach does not depend on
`keeping personal information secret, asking out-of-wallet questions, or computing
`fraud scores based on historical data and analytical fraud models. LoPucki’s
`approach, which he calls the Public Identity System (PIDS), would establish a
`voluntary list of people concerned about identity theft, and who consent to be
`directly contacted for verification when someone applies for credit in their name.

`The list would be maintained by a government agency. An individual would
`voluntarily provide his/her personal information to the list, including name, SSN,
`and perhaps other identifying information. A thorough authentication process
`would ensure that new members of the list are truly the persons they claim to be.
`A personal appearance before the government agency that maintains the list
`would be required. Individuals participating in PIDS would specify one or more
`standardized ways that a creditor should contact them when the creditor has
`received a new account application in their name. Contact methods would likely
`be limited to a phone call, e-mail (encrypted or unencrypted), or US Mail. When a
`creditor receives a new account application, the creditor would consult the list to
`determine if the person named in the application, as identified by a SSN or other
`information, is a PIDS participant. If the named person is not a participant, the
`new account application would be processed in the usual manner. if, however,
`the named person is a PIDS participant, the creditor would contact the individual
`directly using one or more of the contact methods specified in the instructions
`provided by the individual.
`A PIDS participant may even require, under some circumstances, a
`personal appearance before the creditor by anyone applying for a new account in
`his or her name. The reason for contacting the participant would be to verify that
`the participant is truly the person who submitted the new account application.
`To significantly reduce identity theft using this approach, creditors would need to
`have an incentive to consult the list and follow the instructions given, and
`consumers would need to participate in PIDS in large numbers.
`Although Prof. LoPucki’s approach addresses the fundamental flaws in the
`credit granting process responsible for identity theft, it is time consuming for

`creditors to verify customer’s identity. Also, some difficulties may arise with its
`implementation. The list of PIDS participants, together with their Social Security
`Numbers and contact information, would reside on a government website, and
`the information would be available to the public. This would only be implemented
`if the laws were changed to prevent knowledge of this information alone as
`providing “proof” of identity, as well as preventing other types of privacy invasions
`that might be enabled with public access to such information. Although the legal
`changes would make one's personal information much less useful to an identity
`thief, it is not clear how comfortable people would feel about an arrangement that
`allows their personal information to be made public in such an overt manner. In
`addition, PIDS participants would also need to personally appear before the
`government agency managing the list. These factors may inhibit many people
`from participating in PIDS. Since creditors would be required to directly contact
`individuals named in an account application if the person’s name appears on the
`list, creditors may find this type of “direct authentication” process to be
`burdensome, especially if it involves more than a simple phone call or email. This
`may lead creditors to oppose PIDS. In addition, there is the question of how the
`creditor should authenticate the person taking the call, or responding to the
`email. How can the creditor be sure that the person taking the call, or responding
`to the email, is truly the person who joined PIDS, and who now should be queried
`about the credit application? Finally, the implementation of PIDS would seem to
`require the establishment of a new government bureaucracy to perform
`necessary functions such as establishing and maintaining the PIDS list, meeting
`with those individuals seeking to participate, verifying their identity credentials,
`and establishing the standardized methods by which creditors will contact and
`interact with PIDS participants. Of course, implementing any alternative to PIDS
`would also require a certain amount of up-front work to develop the necessary

`capabilities and infrastructures. And while it is not unreasonable for a
`government agency (such as a state motor vehicles bureau) to undertake at least
`some of these tasks, it is not clear whether any federal or state agencies would
`be ready and willing to fulfill the entire role.
`Another possible solution has been suggested to modify Prof. LoPucki’s
`approach (PIDS procedure) somewhat to take advantage of the existing trust
`relationships that individuals have already established with various organizations
`that they deal with. Rather than requiring creditors to authenticate applicants for
`new accounts by contacting them directly, these interactions could instead be
`performed by a “trusted authenticator.” The trusted authenticator would be an
`entity that already knows the individual, maintains personal information about
`that individual, and has established a trusted relationship with that person. The
`advantage of using trusted authenticators is that the authentication process can
`be built on trust relationships and infrastructures already in place. A reasonable
`candidate for such a trusted authenticator would be a bank or other financial
`institution with whom the individual has already established an account. After all,
`if most people trust a bank to handle their money and keep it safe, trusting that
`same bank to authenticate their identities in other financial transactions should
`be natural. Prof. LoPucki’s paper hints at such an arrangement in its discussion
`of how list members may choose to be contacted:
`The [e-mail] contact could be directly with the owner or through the
`owner’s trusted intermediary. Instead of creating a new government bureaucracy
`to implement PIDS, the existing infrastructures and trust relationships within the
`financial services community could be enhanced to more efficiently derive the
`same benefits that PIDS provides.

`In this modified authentication procedure, a list of all individuals who
`choose to participate (the “participants”) would still be needed. The list would
`contain a name and SSN of each participant, together with the identity of their
`trusted authenticator. The list would be maintained by a new organization created
`by the financial services community specifically for this purpose, rather than by
`the government. However, the information on the list would not be accessible by
`the general public, but only by creditors and other members of the financial
`services community acting as trusted authenticators. The modified authentication
`procedure works as follows:
`The creditor, upon receiving a new account application, checks the list to
`determine if the person named in the application is a participant. If so, the
`creditor queries the trusted authenticator designated on the list, and requests
`verification that the person named in the application is actually the person filing
`the new account application. If the person is not a participant, the creditor will
`process the application in the usual way.
`Upon receiving a request from a creditor for direct authentication of a
`participant, who is also one of its customers, the trusted authenticator contacts its
`customer via a secure email message or phone call, as specified by the
`When communication is established, the trusted authenticator must first
`determine that it is actually communicating with its customer, and not someone
`else who has intercepted the email or phone call.

`An email would contain a link that takes the customer to an authentication
`screen on the trusted authenticator’s website. Here the customer would provide a
`password or Personal Identification Number (PIN) to authenticate himself/herself.
`The authentication process may also include an additional biometric factor such
`as a fingerprint or voiceprint. Most likely, the method of authentication used «
`would be the same as the customer would use for online banking, which provides
`access to his/her banking accounts online.
`A phone call would contain, at least, a request for the customer to provide
`a PIN or some other secret. A more secure authentication process might include
`an additional biometric factor, such as a voiceprint. Again, the method of
`authentication may be the same as the customer may use to perform telephone
`banking, which provides access to his/her banking accounts over the phone.
`Once the trusted authenticator has verified the identity of its customer, the
`trusted authenticator asks its customer whether he/she has filed a specific
`application for credit, as indicated in the creditor’s request for authentication.
`If the customer responds affirmatively, the trusted authenticator replies to
`the creditor that the application appears to be authentic. If the customer responds
`negatively, the bank responds to the creditor that the application appears to be
`The first problem with this solution is the fact that the trusted authenticator
`contacts its customer via an email message, which allows for phishing or brand
`spoofing. The customer could receive an email from a user falsely claiming to be
`the trusted authenticator in an attempt to scam the customer into surrendering
`private information that will be used for identity theft.

`The second problem is the fact that a list of all individuals who choose to
`participate would still be needed. This will add to privacy and security concerns.
`Another problem is the fact that this authentication method lacks the real-
`time authentication and therefore it is not suited for online transactions.
`There have been many attempts to solve the online identification problems
`using tokens, smart cards or biometrics authentication methods, but these
`methods failed due to high cost and consumers’ dissatistactions:
`Password Generation Tokens — creates custom passwords each time they
`are activated. The cost of each token makes this type of two-factor authentication
`method suited only for enterprise spaces and not to the consumer level outside
`of the enterprise. Another problem with this method is that the passwords are
`generated using an algorithm that is based on both a unique user ID and the
`current time, which makes the next generated password guessable. Another
`drawback of this authentication method is that a consumer has to manage
`different tokens for different relationships.
`Biometrics — measure unique bodily characteristics such as fingerprint as
`a form of identification. Again, the cost of the devices makes this type of two-
`factor authentication method suited only for enterprise spaces. For privacy and
`security reasons, it’s not suited to consumer level authentication where biometric
`images need to be stored and transmitted over a public network such as the
`Internet for authentication (opens to theft or interception).

`Smart Cards and — store information on a tiny computer chip on the card.
`This type of two-factor authentication method requires a reader device and
`therefore makes it suited only for enterprise spaces. There have been many
`attempts to implement this method to the consumer level, but each time it failed
`because consumers find it difficult to use (Hooking up smart card readers to
`computer systems), costly and software dependent.
`Smart Tokens — are technologically identical to the smart cards with the
`exception of their form factor and interface. Again, many attempts to implement
`this type of two-factor authentication method to the consumer level failed due to
`the same reasons: cost and consumer adoption (difficult to use and difficult to
`In view of the foregoing, a need exists for a new and improved direct
`authentication system and method via trusted-authenticators that validates
`customers’ identity without the deficiencies and disadvantages of the prior arts,
`mainly the cost and consumer adoption. This new direct authentication system
`and method via trusted-authenticators will reduce the identity theft, fraud and
`customer privacy concerns, will be secure, easy to use and manage, will be
`inexpensive, will offer a high level assurance that an individual is who he/she
`claims he/she is, and will provide a real-time authentication solution that is suited
`for the consumer level authentication where real-time identity validation of the
`consumer is necessary.

`Briefly described, the present invention relates to a direct authentication
`system and method via trusted-authenticators.
`In this invention, direct authentication of an individual would be achieved
`via a new two-factor authentication method used by businesses to authenticate
`customers’ identity utilizing trusted-authenticators. A trusted-authenticator would
`be an entity that already knows the individual, maintains information about that
`individual, and has established a trusted relationship with that individual. A
`reasonable candidate for such a trusted-authenticator would be bank or other
`financial institution with whom the individual has already established a
`relationship. In this invention, the financial services community will have a
`leading role in implementing stronger forms of authentication for identity theft and
`fraud prevention.
`Experience shows that knowlege-based authentication, where individuals
`are recognized by demonstrating that they are in possession of information which
`only that individual would be expected to know,
`is an inexpensive, easy to use
`and easy to implement authentication method, where the authentication is
`beween two entities such as a banks’s customer and the bank. It relies on the
`secret information that is shared between these two entities. Therefore the
`underlying basis for this method is that only the real individual (bank’s customer)
`would know such identifying information. But, when it comes to direct
`authentication to the consumer level, where the individual needs to authenticate
`his/her identity to any other entities with whom the individual does not have an
`existing relationship, such knowledge-based authentication will not work.

`Therefore, it's not secure to share the same secret information that the individual
`shares with one entity, with other entities for identification purposes. Such
`information is static and someone who happens to get access to such
`information could use it for authentication at other entities as well. Therefore,
`knowledge-based authentication is not secure for direct authentication of
`To eliminate the risks associated with the static nature of the knowledge-
`based authentication, this invention suggests combining knowledge-based
`authentication with a dynamic key or information maintained by the trusted-
`authenticator to create a new two-factor authentication. This new two-factor
`authentication confirms individual identities using two different credentials:
`a) Something the individual knows — This factor is a static key or
`information that the individual shares with his/her trusted-authenticator.
`b) Something the individual receives - This factor refers to SecureCode
`which is a dynamic key or information that the individual requests and
`receives from his or her trusted—authenticator at the time of authentication
`through a communication network. It is important to note that the
`individual’s dynamic key is an alphanumeric code and will have a different
`value each time the individual receives it from his/her trusted—authenticator
`for authentication purpose.
`The strength of this new method of authentication occures when
`combining two factors. This achieves a high level of assurance that an individual

`is who he/she claims he/she is and enhances security and reduces privacy
`The direct authentication of an individual works as follows:
`When an individual is on a business’s site (offline or online), for successful
`direct authentication, the business requires the individual to provide his/her static
`and dynamic keys. The individual requests a dynamic key from his/her trusted-
`authenticator (using any communication network such as Internet or wireless)
`and provides it along with his/her static key to the business. When the business
`receives individua|'s static and dynamic keys, the business communicates
`authentication messages including individua|’s static and dynamic keys to the
`trusted-authenticator. The trusted-authenticator verifies individual’s identity if both
`static and dynamic keys are valid, othen/vise will send a denial authentication
`message back to the business over the same communication network.

`Fig. 1a is a high-level overview of a direct authentication system and method
`according to the present invention where the business directly contacts the
`individual’s trusted-authenticator for validation of the individual’s identity.
`Fig. 1b is another high-level overview of a direct authentication system and
`method according to the present invention where the business contacts the
`individual’s trusted-authenticator through its own trusted-authenticator to validate
`the individual’s identity.
`Fig. 2a illustrates the direct authentication system and method according to the
`present invention where the business directly contacts the individual’s trusted-
`authenticator for validation of the individual’s identity.
`Fig. 2b illustrates the direct authentication system and method according to the
`present invention where the business contacts the individual's trusted-
`authenticator through its own trusted-authenticator to validate the individual’s

`Detailed descriptions of the preferred embodiment are provided herein.

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