Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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` _____________________________
` )
` )
` )
` Plaintiffs, )
` )
` vs. ) Civil Action No.
` ) 2:15-cv-00478-
` )
` )
` Defendant. )
` )
` ____________________________)
` Videotaped Deposition of STEVE JAE
`YOUN KIM, held at the offices of Fish & Richardson
`P.C., 1425 K Street, Northwest, Washington, D.C.,
`commencing at 9:42 a.m., Monday, February 13,
`2017, before Cappy Hallock, Registered
`Professional Reporter, Certified Realtime
`Reporter. and Notary Public in and for the
`District of Columbia.
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
` 1
`USAA 1069
`USAA v Asghari-Kamrani


`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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` A P P E A R A N C E S O F C O U N S E L
` 818 18th Street, Northwest
` Suite 410
` Washington, D.C. 20006-3506
` (202) 567-6417
` 601 Lexington Avenue
` 52nd Floor
` New York, New York 10022-4611
` (212) 765-5070
` One Marina Park Drive
` Boston, Massachusetts 02210-1878
` (617) 542-5070
` TJ O'Toole, Videographer
`2 3
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE


`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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` I N D E X
` Deposition of Steve Jae Youn Kim
` February 13, 2017
` Mr. Zoppo 7
` Mr. Nienstadt 239
` Mr. Zoppo 262
` -o0o-
`2 3
`5 6
`8 9
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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` E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit 1 U.S. Patent No. 7,356,837 B2 35
`Exhibit 2 U.S. Patent No. 7,444,676 B1 36
`Exhibit 3 U.S. Patent No. 8,281,129 B1 36
`Exhibit 4 U.S. Patent No. 8,266,432 B2 36
`Exhibit 5 curriculum vitae 37
`Exhibit 6 NKL Law - Professionals: Web 41
` site printout Steve Jae Youn Kim
`Exhibit 7 Notice of Deposition 65
`Exhibit 8 handdrawn illustration 86
`Exhibit 9 Application No. 11/239,046, '676 100
` file history USAA_AK_0014310-597
`2 3
`5 6
`7 8
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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` E X H I B I T S: (Continued)
`Exhibit 10 2-8-16 letter, Zoppo to 116
` Nienstadt
`Exhibit 11 2-11-16 letter, Zoppo to 116
` Nienstadt
`Exhibit 12 Application No. 11/333,400, '129 119
` file history USAA_AK_0006159-879
`Exhibit 13 Application No. 12/210,926, '432 139
` file history USAA_AK_0031183-2140
`Exhibit 14 Documents submitted 2-12-16, 197
` NOVKIM000001-019
` -o0o-
`2 3
`6 7
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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` P R O C E E D I N G S
` - - - - - -
` THE VIDEO OPERATOR: All right, stand
` On the record with Disc 1 of the video
`deposition of Jae Youn Kim taken in the matter of
`Nader Asghari-Kamrani, et al. versus United
`Services Automobile Association, being heard
`before the United States District Court for the
`Eastern District of Virginia, Norfolk Division.
`This deposition is being held at the Law Offices
`of Fish & Richardson located at 1425 K Street,
`Northwest in Washington, D.C. on February 13th,
`2017 at approximately 9:42 a.m.
` My name is TJ O'Toole. I am the
`Certified Legal Video Specialist. The court
`reporter is Cappy Hallock. We are both here
`representing GregoryEdwards LLC.
` Will counsel please introduce
`themselves and indicate which parties they
` MR. ZOPPO: Michael Zoppo, Fish &
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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`Richardson for defendant United Services
`Automobile Association. I'm joined by my
`colleague Matthew Berntsen, also of Fish &
` MR. NIENSTADT: Reece Nienstadt of
`Mei & Mark LLP on behalf of Plaintiffs and Steve
`Jae Youn Kim.
` THE VIDEO OPERATOR: Thank you. Will
`the reporter please swear in the witness.
` A Witness called for examination, having
`been first duly sworn, was examined and testified
`as follows:
` Q Good morning, Mr. Kim.
` A Good morning.
` Q Thank you for being here today.
` A No problem.
` Q Thank you. Okay.
` If you could, could you state your
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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`name for the record, please?
` A My name is Jae Youn Kim. My English
`name is Steve.
` Q Okay, so throughout this deposition I
`will probably often refer to you as Mr. Kim or
`sir; is that okay?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Okay. You can call me Mr. Zoppo or
`Michael and that's just fine. Okay?
` A Thank you.
` Q Thank you.
` For the record, could you state your
`home address?
` A 7545 Red Hill Drive --
` Q I'm sorry?
` A 7545 Red Hill Drive, Springfield,
`Virginia 22153.
` Q And do you have a business address,
` A Yes.
` Q Could you state it for the record,
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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` A 3521 Old Lee Highway, Fairfax -- I'm
`sorry, Fairfax City, 22030.
` Q Thank you, sir.
` Are you an attorney?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay.
` To which bars are you admitted to
` A Virginia and Tennessee.
` Q I see. Okay.
` Have you ever taken a deposition
`before, sir?
` A Yes.
` Q Yes. In what context have you taken a
`deposition, sir?
` A I represented a client in a
`re-examination before, and I defended the patentee
`and the other party deposed me for my work in the
` Q Okay, so you took a deposition in a
`patent office post-grant proceeding; is that
`correct? Am I understanding your testimony?
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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` A Yes. It's correct.
` Q Have you ever taken a deposition in
`the context of a litigation proceeding?
` A No.
` Q Okay.
` And I believe you said you have been
`deposed previously; is that correct? Did I
`understand your testimony?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And the time that your
`deposition was taken, you said that was in a
`re-examination proceeding?
` A Yes, it was.
` Q Okay, and what was the subject matter
`of that deposition?
` A I don't recall.
` Q Do you remember the name of the
`proceeding in which your deposition was taken?
` A Do you mean the court proceeding or
`the re-examination proceeding?
` Q The re-examination proceeding.
` A I'm not sure.
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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` Q Do you remember the subject matter of
`the patent that was involved in that
`re-examination proceeding?
` A I do.
` Q What was that subject matter, sir?
` A It was related to a cell phone having
`a digital camera built in there.
` Q A cell phone camera -- a cell phone
`with a built-in digital camera; is that correct?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay.
` I want to talk a little bit about how
`this proceeding, this deposition is going to work.
`I'm not going to go through all the details
`because it seems you have some experience, so I
`will just go over some of the highlights. Okay?
` A Yes.
` Q The fundamental process of what is
`going to happen here is I'm going to ask you a
`question and you're going to answer the question.
`You have Mr. Nienstadt here. From time to time he
`may interpose an objection. Okay? Do you
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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`understand why Mr. Nienstadt might interject an
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. Why?
` A Do you mean -- your question is why I
`understand he is objecting to your questions?
` Q No. Why do you understand
`Mr. Nienstadt might object during these
` MR. NIENSTADT: Objection, vague and
`ambiguous. Calls for speculation.
` A He is my attorney defending me at this
`deposition, and the questions might be
`objectionable so he may say objections for me.
`That's what I understand. I don't know.
` Q Okay, but do you understand that if
`Mr. Nienstadt makes an objection you still have to
`answer the question unless he instructs you not to
`answer the question. Do you understand that?
` A I do.
` Q Okay.
` Now, we have madam court reporter
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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`present, and what she is doing, she is typing down
`my words and your words, and occasionally
`Mr. Nienstadt's words. Okay?
` And what that means is we can't talk
`over each other, okay, because the court reporter
`can only take down one thing at a time. Okay? So
`I will do my best not to speak over you and I will
`ask that you do your best not to speak over me.
`Is that okay?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Okay.
` Also because of your cold, which may
`have compromised your ability to speak today, I
`would ask you to try to speak as clearly and
`loudly as you can for the benefit of the court
`reporter. Is that okay?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Okay.
` And also we have a videographer
`present so this proceeding is being videotaped and
`may be played at the trial for this case. Do you
`understand that?
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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` A I do.
` Q Okay.
` During the course of the examination
`if I ask you a question and you don't understand
`something you have to tell me that you don't
`understand it, because if you answer a question
`that I ask, we are all going to understand that
`you understood my question. Does that make sense?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay.
` You understand you are under oath
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. That means you have to tell the
`truth, right?
` A Yes.
` Q Is there any reason why you can't give
`truthful testimony today?
` A No.
` Q During the course of the deposition if
`you feel the need to take a break, you just let me
`know that and that's fine. The only rule is you
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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`have to answer the pending question; is that fair?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Okay.
` Now, I understand that English is not
`your first language, correct?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. Do you consider yourself fluent
`in English?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. You seem so.
` Now, are you aware that in this
`litigation that there have been expert reports
`served from USAA onto the Plaintiffs?
` A I don't know.
` Q You're not aware of any expert reports
`that exist or have been served in this litigation?
` A To whom? To me or to the patentee in
`the litigation, or to patentee in this CBM?
` Q I'm talking about the litigation,
`reports that USAA served onto the patentees or the
` A From your side to the Plaintiffs?
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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` Q Correct.
` A Yes, I am aware of the expert report.
` Q Have you reviewed those?
` A Yes.
` Q When did you review those?
` A I'm not sure the date.
` Q Approximately.
` A About one or two weeks ago.
` Q Okay.
` Now, we are going to get into your
`background in some more detail but I just wanted
`to put this one thing out there. Clearly you are
`a very experienced patent lawyer, okay, and
`many -- I will say all the lawyers in this room
`are also experienced patent lawyers, and so the
`four of us share a certain, I will say a lingo
`about patents, okay, and we all share a common
`understanding of a great deal of principles having
`to deal with patent law. However, I will probably
`be asking you a number of questions that seem
`simplistic to you, and the reason for that is this
`matter is currently set for a jury trial. And I
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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`think you would agree with me that we shouldn't
`expect that the entire jury is going to be
`impaneled with patent lawyers, okay, so we need to
`make sure we have a basic understanding of some of
`our principles on the record so that everybody can
`understand what the issues are in this case.
` Does that make sense?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay.
` Did you do anything to prepare for
`this deposition today?
` A I had a meeting with Reece.
` Q Okay. Was it only Reece?
` A Yes.
` Q How long was that meeting?
` A About two or three hours.
` Q When did that meeting occur?
` A Saturday, last Saturday.
` Q Saturday. Working on the weekend, I
`see. Okay.
` A Yes.
` Q Did you review any documents during
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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`that meeting?
` A What do you mean by the document?
` Q Did you review any documents? What
`don't you understand about that question, sir?
` A What kind of document do you mean?
` Q Did you review any documents, sir?
`I'm not asking which ones. I'm asking did you
`review any documents.
` A I did not review any document that I
`submitted to the USPTO or any document submitted
`to any court. And I printed out some
`communications, e-mail communications during the
`meeting, and then I gave them to Reece.
` Q Okay.
` Do you know if these are the documents
`that were produced to us Sunday evening,
`yesterday, at around 6 p.m.?
` A Those document are some of the e-mail
`communications that I printed out and gave to
` Q Okay, so -- so you reviewed additional
`documents in addition to the ones that were
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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`produced to us; is that what you're saying?
` A The additional document means some
`e-mail communications.
` Q Okay, and e-mail communications
`between whom?
` A Between me and the three lawyers and
`also between me and my client patent owner.
` Q Okay.
` So is it your understanding that there
`are certain e-mails between the three lawyers and
`the patent owner that are being withheld on
`whether it's attorney/client privilege or work
` MR. NIENSTADT: Objection, vague and
` A That's my understanding, that these
`communications are privileged under
`attorney/client or the work product.
` Q Okay.
` Now, when you were reviewing these
`documents with Mr. Nienstadt, did any of those
`documents refresh your recollection about any of
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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`the facts in this case?
` A Yes. I did some recollection on this
` Q Okay. Did any of the documents that
`are being withheld from production on the basis of
`work product or privilege, did any of those
`refresh your recollection about any facts in this
` MR. NIENSTADT: I am going to object
`to that as privileged as it gets to the content of
`the communications.
` MR. ZOPPO: It does not get to the
`content of the communications.
` MR. NIENSTADT: I am going to instruct
`you not to answer that question. Maybe there is a
`way you can rephrase it, but I think that asks him
`to essentially describe -- it tries to do an end
`run around the privilege and get him to describe
`what's in them.
` MR. ZOPPO: I am not going to ask the
`witness what is in the documents. I assure you
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` MR. NIENSTADT: I think that's sort of
`what you're doing.
` MR. ZOPPO: Okay, let's ask it a
`different way.
` Q Among the documents that you reviewed
`yesterday with Mr. Nienstadt --
` A It was Saturday.
` Q I'm sorry. Among the documents that
`you reviewed Saturday with Mr. Nienstadt, were
`there -- strike that.
` Among the documents you reviewed
`Saturday with Mr. Nienstadt, did all of those
`documents refresh your recollection of the facts
`in this case?
` MR. NIENSTADT: Objection, vague and
` A I don't know. Maybe not.
` Q Were there some -- were some of the
`documents that you reviewed with Mr. Nienstadt
`that did not refresh your recollection of facts in
`this case?
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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` MR. NIENSTADT: Objection, asked and
` A I mean, you ask whether I get all of
`the recollections during review of the
`communications regarding the fact, the fact of
`this case. My answer to that question is maybe
`not, because I cannot remember all the things that
`I communicated with the client and with the
` Q Okay, but it's possible that to some
`extent the documents that you reviewed Saturday
`with Mr. Nienstadt refreshed your recollection of
`the facts relevant to this case?
` MR. NIENSTADT: I'm going to instruct
`you not to answer. That's a repetition of the
`previous question that I instructed you not to
` MR. ZOPPO: You can't instruct the
`witness not to answer because of asked and
` MR. NIENSTADT: I know, but it's
`repetition of the previous question that asked for
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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`privileged information.
` MR. ZOPPO: How am I asking -- how
`does that ask for privileged information?
` MR. NIENSTADT: You are trying to make
`an end run by asking if it refreshes his memory
`and then bringing up what the subject matter is
`that he was refreshed on later.
` MR. ZOPPO: I'm not going to ask him
`what was refreshed on. All I'm asking is whether
`it refreshes his recollection. That's it.
` MR. NIENSTADT: What significance
`could that possibly have other than some argument
`about waiver of attorney/client privilege?
` MR. ZOPPO: We will hold that question
`and we have to go to the court on that.
` Q But I want to summarize your testimony
`because I don't know that the record is exactly
`clear. You testified earlier that you reviewed
`documents Saturday with Mr. Nienstadt; isn't that
` A Yes.
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` Q And you testified that to one extent
`or the other your memory was refreshed by review
`of some of those documents; isn't that correct?
` A Yes, to some extent.
` Q Fair enough, sir. Thank you.
` Now, I understand that you are
`represented by Mr. Nienstadt today; that's
` A Yes.
` Q Okay, and Mr. Nienstadt is
`representing you in your personal capacity; is
`that correct?
` MR. NIENSTADT: I will represent that
`I am, yes.
` Q Do you accept your lawyer's
` A Yes, of course.
` Q Okay.
` Do you have any other lawyer
`representing you in this matter?
` A No.
` Q Okay. It's only Mr. Nienstadt?
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` A Yes.
` Q Okay.
` Are you paying Mr. Nienstadt for this
` A No.
` Q That's a bargain. Who is paying him?
` MR. NIENSTADT: Move to strike that
` Q Who is paying him?
` A I don't know.
` Q Okay.
` Now, I assume that you're aware that
`Mr. Nienstadt is also representing the Asgharis in
`this litigation, right?
` A Yes.
` Q That being the case, you don't have
`independent counsel in this action; is that true?
` MR. NIENSTADT: Objection, asked and
` A Why do I --
` MR. NIENSTADT: Vague and ambiguous as
`to the word independent.
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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` Q You don't have your own lawyer
`separate and apart from the lawyer that's
`representing the Asgharis in this case.
` MR. NIENSTADT: Objection, asked and
` Q Right? Isn't that true?
` MR. NIENSTADT: Same objection.
` A Reece is my attorney.
` Q Right.
` A I think he is independent attorney for
` Q Okay, understood.
` Are you being paid to be here today,
`Mr. Kim?
` A No.
` Q Are you billing your time for this
` A I want to bill my time to you.
` Q I'm sorry, but I need a real answer.
`That was funny, though.
` Are you billing your time for this
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` A No.
` Q Okay.
` Let's see, have you ever heard of an
`individual named Shawna Shaw?
` A I'm not sure if Shawna is the Shawn
`who is one of the attorneys.
` Q That's the one I'm referring to,
`Mr. Kim. Have you ever heard of her?
` A I vaguely remember the name.
` Q Okay.
` MR. NIENSTADT: I think there may be a
`misunderstanding. Sorry to interrupt, but she is
`not an attorney so I think you may be talking past
`each other or talking about different people.
` Q Mr. Nienstadt makes a good point.
`Ms. Shaw is a patent agent, not a patent lawyer.
`I don't know if that may clarify your
` A I'm not sure about her position. I
`said I'm vaguely, I'm not sure, but I vaguely
`remember the name.
` Q Thank you, sir.
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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` You're not her lawyer; is that
` A No.
` Q Okay.
` Now, since you don't really know about
`Shawna Shaw, you don't really have an opinion as
`to whether she is a competent patent agent or not,
`do you?
` MR. NIENSTADT: Objection, lacks
` A I don't have an opinion.
` Q That's fine.
` Have you ever heard of an individual
`named Michael Fortkort?
` A Yes.
` Q You have. Okay.
` Do you represent Mr. Fortkort? Are
`you his attorney?
` A No.
` Q Have you ever been his attorney?
` A No.
` Q Has your law firm ever represented
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`Mr. Fortkort?
` A No.
` Q Okay.
` Do you -- are you able to form any
`opinion as to the competency of Mr. Fortkort as a
`patent lawyer?
` MR. NIENSTADT: Objection, vague and
`ambiguous. Calls for speculation.
` A No.
` Q You have no opinion?
` MR. NIENSTADT: Same objections.
` A No.
` Q Have you ever heard of a law firm
`called Fortkort & Houston?
` A Would you repeat that question?
` Q Sure. Fortkort & Houston.
` A No.
` Q Okay. In that case, I would assume
`that you are not counsel to Fortkort & Houston?
`You are not their lawyer; is that correct?
` A Right.
` Q Okay.
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` And I assume you have never been the
`lawyer for Fortkort & Houston?
` A No.
` Q And your law firm hasn't either; is
`that correct?
` A Not that I know.
` Q Have you ever heard of an individual
`named Veronica Cau, and I may be mispronouncing
`her last name.
` MR. ZOPPO: Am I?
` MR. NIENSTADT: I think that's fine
`the way you pronounced it.
` Q Okay. Veronica Cau is her name.
` A Yes.
` Q Are you Ms. Cau's lawyer?
` A No.
` Q Have you ever been her lawyer?
` A No.
` Q Okay.
` Has your law firm ever served as
`Ms. Cau's lawyers?
` A No.
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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` Q Have you formed any opinion as to
`whether Ms. Cau is a competent patent lawyer?
` MR. NIENSTADT: Objection, vague and
`ambiguous. Calls for speculation.
` A No.
` Q Have you ever heard of a law firm
`called Weiss & Moy?
` A Weiss & Moy?
` Q Yes, sir.
` A No.
` Q So I assume you are not Weiss & Moy's
`lawyer, you have never been Weiss & Moy's lawyer,
`and your law firm has never been the lawyer for
`Weiss & Moy; is that correct?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay.
` Have you ever heard of an individual
`named Stanley Green?
` A Stanley Green. No.
` Q Okay, so we can assume that you're not
`Mr. Green's lawyer, you have never been
`Mr. Green's lawyer and your law firm is not
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`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
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`Mr. Green's lawyer; is that correct?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay.
` Now, I assume you have heard of an
`individual named Mr. Nienstadt sitting at the
`table today, correct?
` A Yes, of course.
` Q Okay.
` Are you Mr. Nienstadt's lawyer?
` A No.
` Q Okay.
` Have you ever been Mr. Nienstadt's
` A No.
` Q Okay. Has your firm ever been
`Mr. Nienstadt's lawyer, or counsel?
` A No.
` Q Okay.
` Have you ever formed any opinion as to
`whether Mr. Nienstadt is a competent patent
` MR. NIENSTADT: Objection, vague and
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE


`Steve Jae Youn Kim - February 13, 2017
`Page 33
`ambiguous. Calls for speculation.
` A No.
` Q Have you ever heard of a law firm
`named Mei & Mark?
` MR. NIENSTADT: Mei & Mark.
` MR. ZOPPO: I'm sorry, let me ask the
`question again.
` Q Have you ever heard of a law firm
`named Mei & Mark?

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