Network Working Group W. Yeong
`Request for Comments: 1777 Performance Systems International
`Obsoletes: 1487 T. Howes
`Category: Standards Track University of Michigan
` S. Kille
` ISODE Consortium
` March 1995
` Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
`Status of this Memo
` This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
` Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
` improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
` Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
` and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
` The protocol described in this document is designed to provide access
` to the X.500 Directory while not incurring the resource requirements
` of the Directory Access Protocol (DAP). This protocol is specifically
` targeted at simple management applications and browser applications
` that provide simple read/write interactive access to the X.500
` Directory, and is intended to be a complement to the DAP itself.
` Key aspects of LDAP are:
` - Protocol elements are carried directly over TCP or other transport,
` bypassing much of the session/presentation overhead.
` - Many protocol data elements are encoding as ordinary strings (e.g.,
` Distinguished Names).
` - A lightweight BER encoding is used to encode all protocol elements.
`1. History
` The tremendous interest in X.500 [1,2] technology in the Internet has
` lead to efforts to reduce the high "cost of entry" associated with
` use of the technology, such as the Directory Assistance Service [3]
` and DIXIE [4]. While efforts such as these have met with success,
` they have been solutions based on particular implementations and as
` such have limited applicability. This document continues the efforts
` to define Directory protocol alternatives but departs from previous
` efforts in that it consciously avoids dependence on particular
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`RFC 1777 LDAP March 1995
` implementations.
`2. Protocol Model
` The general model adopted by this protocol is one of clients
` performing protocol operations against servers. In this model, this
` is accomplished by a client transmitting a protocol request
` describing the operation to be performed to a server, which is then
` responsible for performing the necessary operations on the Directory.
` Upon completion of the necessary operations, the server returns a
` response containing any results or errors to the requesting client.
` In keeping with the goal of easing the costs associated with use of
` the Directory, it is an objective of this protocol to minimize the
` complexity of clients so as to facilitate widespread deployment of
` applications capable of utilizing the Directory.
` Note that, although servers are required to return responses whenever
` such responses are defined in the protocol, there is no requirement
` for synchronous behavior on the part of either client or server
` implementations: requests and responses for multiple operations may
` be exchanged by client and servers in any order, as long as clients
` eventually receive a response for every request that requires one.
` Consistent with the model of servers performing protocol operations
` on behalf of clients, it is also to be noted that protocol servers
` are expected to handle referrals without resorting to the return of
` such referrals to the client. This protocol makes no provisions for
` the return of referrals to clients, as the model is one of servers
` ensuring the performance of all necessary operations in the
` Directory, with only final results or errors being returned by
` servers to clients.
` Note that this protocol can be mapped to a strict subset of the
` directory abstract service, so it can be cleanly provided by the DAP.
`3. Mapping Onto Transport Services
` This protocol is designed to run over connection-oriented, reliable
` transports, with all 8 bits in an octet being significant in the data
` stream. Specifications for two underlying services are defined here,
` though others are also possible.
`3.1. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
` The LDAPMessage PDUs are mapped directly onto the TCP bytestream.
` Server implementations running over the TCP should provide a protocol
` listener on port 389.
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`RFC 1777 LDAP March 1995
`3.2. Connection Oriented Transport Service (COTS)
` The connection is established. No special use of T-Connect is made.
` Each LDAPMessage PDU is mapped directly onto T-Data.
`4. Elements of Protocol
` For the purposes of protocol exchanges, all protocol operations are
` encapsulated in a common envelope, the LDAPMessage, which is defined
` as follows:
` LDAPMessage ::=
` messageID MessageID,
` protocolOp CHOICE {
` bindRequest BindRequest,
` bindResponse BindResponse,
` unbindRequest UnbindRequest,
` searchRequest SearchRequest,
` searchResponse SearchResponse,
` modifyRequest ModifyRequest,
` modifyResponse ModifyResponse,
` addRequest AddRequest,
` addResponse AddResponse,
` delRequest DelRequest,
` delResponse DelResponse,
` modifyRDNRequest ModifyRDNRequest,
` modifyRDNResponse ModifyRDNResponse,
` compareDNRequest CompareRequest,
` compareDNResponse CompareResponse,
` abandonRequest AbandonRequest
` }
` }
` MessageID ::= INTEGER (0 .. maxInt)
` The function of the LDAPMessage is to provide an envelope containing
` common fields required in all protocol exchanges. At this time the
` only common field is a message ID, which is required to have a value
` different from the values of any other requests outstanding in the
` LDAP session of which this message is a part.
` The message ID value must be echoed in all LDAPMessage envelopes
` encapsulting responses corresponding to the request contained in the
` LDAPMessage in which the message ID value was originally used.
` In addition to the LDAPMessage defined above, the following
` definitions are also used in defining protocol operations:
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` The LDAPString is a notational convenience to indicate that, although
` strings of LDAPString type encode as OCTET STRING types, the legal
` character set in such strings is limited to the IA5 character set.
` LDAPDN ::= LDAPString
` RelativeLDAPDN ::= LDAPString
` An LDAPDN and a RelativeLDAPDN are respectively defined to be the
` representation of a Distinguished Name and a Relative Distinguished
` Name after encoding according to the specification in [5], such that
` <distinguished-name> ::= <name>
` <relative-distinguished-name> ::= <name-component>
` where <name> and <name-component> are as defined in [5].
` AttributeValueAssertion ::=
` attributeType AttributeType,
` attributeValue AttributeValue
` }
` The AttributeValueAssertion type definition is similar to the one in
` the X.500 Directory standards.
` AttributeType ::= LDAPString
` AttributeValue ::= OCTET STRING
` An AttributeType value takes on as its value the textual string
` associated with that AttributeType in the X.500 Directory standards.
` For example, the AttributeType ’organizationName’ with object
` identifier is represented as an AttributeType in this
` protocol by the string "organizationName". In the event that a
` protocol implementation encounters an Attribute Type with which it
` cannot associate a textual string, an ASCII string encoding of the
` object identifier associated with the Attribute Type may be
` subsitituted. For example, the organizationName AttributeType may be
` represented by the ASCII string "" if a protocol
` implementation is unable to associate the string "organizationName"
` with it.
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`RFC 1777 LDAP March 1995
` A field of type AttributeValue takes on as its value an octet string
` encoding of a Directory AttributeValue type. The definition of these
` string encodings for different Directory AttributeValue types may be
` found in companions to this document that define the encodings of
` various attribute syntaxes such as [6].
` LDAPResult ::=
` resultCode ENUMERATED {
` success (0),
` operationsError (1),
` protocolError (2),
` timeLimitExceeded (3),
` sizeLimitExceeded (4),
` compareFalse (5),
` compareTrue (6),
` authMethodNotSupported (7),
` strongAuthRequired (8),
` noSuchAttribute (16),
` undefinedAttributeType (17),
` inappropriateMatching (18),
` constraintViolation (19),
` attributeOrValueExists (20),
` invalidAttributeSyntax (21),
` noSuchObject (32),
` aliasProblem (33),
` invalidDNSyntax (34),
` isLeaf (35),
` aliasDereferencingProblem (36),
` inappropriateAuthentication (48),
` invalidCredentials (49),
` insufficientAccessRights (50),
` busy (51),
` unavailable (52),
` unwillingToPerform (53),
` loopDetect (54),
` namingViolation (64),
` objectClassViolation (65),
` notAllowedOnNonLeaf (66),
` notAllowedOnRDN (67),
` entryAlreadyExists (68),
` objectClassModsProhibited (69),
` other (80)
` },
` matchedDN LDAPDN,
` errorMessage LDAPString
` }
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`RFC 1777 LDAP March 1995
` The LDAPResult is the construct used in this protocol to return
` success or failure indications from servers to clients. In response
` to various requests, servers will return responses containing fields
` of type LDAPResult to indicate the final status of a protocol
` operation request. The errorMessage field of this construct may, at
` the servers option, be used to return an ASCII string containing a
` textual, human-readable error diagnostic. As this error diagnostic is
` not standardized, implementations should not rely on the values
` returned. If the server chooses not to return a textual diagnostic,
` the errorMessage field of the LDAPResult type should contain a zero
` length string.
` For resultCodes of noSuchObject, aliasProblem, invalidDNSyntax,
` isLeaf, and aliasDereferencingProblem, the matchedDN field is set to
` the name of the lowest entry (object or alias) in the DIT that was
` matched and is a truncated form of the name provided or, if an alias
` has been dereferenced, of the resulting name. The matchedDN field
` should be set to NULL DN (a zero length string) in all other cases.
`4.1. Bind Operation
` The function of the Bind Operation is to initiate a protocol session
` between a client and a server, and to allow the authentication of the
` client to the server. The Bind Operation must be the first operation
` request received by a server from a client in a protocol session.
` The Bind Request is defined as follows:
` BindRequest ::=
` version INTEGER (1 .. 127),
` name LDAPDN,
` authentication CHOICE {
` simple [0] OCTET STRING,
` krbv42LDAP [1] OCTET STRING,
` krbv42DSA [2] OCTET STRING
` }
` }
` Parameters of the Bind Request are:
` - version: A version number indicating the version of the protocol to
` be used in this protocol session. This document describes version
` 2 of the LDAP protocol. Note that there is no version negotiation,
` and the client should just set this parameter to the version it
` desires.
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`RFC 1777 LDAP March 1995
` - name: The name of the Directory object that the client wishes to
` bind as. This field may take on a null value (a zero length
` string) for the purposes of anonymous binds.
` - authentication: information used to authenticate the name, if any,
` provided in the Bind Request. The "simple" authentication option
` provides minimal authentication facilities, with the contents of
` the authentication field consisting only of a cleartext password.
` This option should also be used when unauthenticated or anonymous
` binds are to be performed, with the field containing a zero length
` string in such cases. Kerberos version 4 [7] authentication to the
` LDAP server and the DSA is accomplished by using the "krbv42LDAP"
` and "krbv42DSA" authentication options, respectively. Note that
` though they are referred to as separate entities here, there is no
` requirement these two entities be distinct (i.e., a DSA could speak
` LDAP directly). Two separate authentication options are provided
` to support all implementations. Each octet string should contain
` the kerberos ticket (e.g., as returned by krb_mk_req()) for the
` appropriate service. The suggested service name for authentication
` to the LDAP server is "ldapserver". The suggested service name for
` authentication to the DSA is "x500dsa". In both cases, the
` suggested instance name for the service is the name of the host on
` which the service is running. Of course, the actual service names
` and instances will depend on what is entered in the local kerberos
` principle database.
` The Bind Operation requires a response, the Bind Response, which is
` defined as:
` BindResponse ::= [APPLICATION 1] LDAPResult
` A Bind Response consists simply of an indication from the server of
` the status of the client’s request for the initiation of a protocol
` session.
` Upon receipt of a Bind Request, a protocol server will authenticate
` the requesting client if necessary, and attempt to set up a protocol
` session with that client. The server will then return a Bind Response
` to the client indicating the status of the session setup request.
`4.2. Unbind Operation
` The function of the Unbind Operation is to terminate a protocol
` session. The Unbind Operation is defined as follows:
` UnbindRequest ::= [APPLICATION 2] NULL
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`RFC 1777 LDAP March 1995
` The Unbind Operation has no response defined. Upon transmission of an
` UnbindRequest, a protocol client may assume that the protocol session
` is terminated. Upon receipt of an UnbindRequest, a protocol server
` may assume that the requesting client has terminated the session and
` that all outstanding requests may be discarded.
`4.3. Search Operation
` The Search Operation allows a client to request that a search be
` performed on its behalf by a server. The Search Request is defined as
` follows:
` SearchRequest ::=
` baseObject LDAPDN,
` scope ENUMERATED {
` baseObject (0),
` singleLevel (1),
` wholeSubtree (2)
` },
` derefAliases ENUMERATED {
` neverDerefAliases (0),
` derefInSearching (1),
` derefFindingBaseObj (2),
` derefAlways (3)
` },
` sizeLimit INTEGER (0 .. maxInt),
` timeLimit INTEGER (0 .. maxInt),
` attrsOnly BOOLEAN,
` filter Filter,
` attributes SEQUENCE OF AttributeType
` }
` Filter ::=
` and [0] SET OF Filter,
` or [1] SET OF Filter,
` not [2] Filter,
` equalityMatch [3] AttributeValueAssertion,
` substrings [4] SubstringFilter,
` greaterOrEqual [5] AttributeValueAssertion,
` lessOrEqual [6] AttributeValueAssertion,
` present [7] AttributeType,
` approxMatch [8] AttributeValueAssertion
` }
` SubstringFilter
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`RFC 1777 LDAP March 1995
` type AttributeType,
` initial [0] LDAPString,
` any [1] LDAPString,
` final [2] LDAPString
` }
` }
` Parameters of the Search Request are:
` - baseObject: An LDAPDN that is the base object entry relative to
` which the search is to be performed.
` - scope: An indicator of the scope of the search to be performed. The
` semantics of the possible values of this field are identical to the
` semantics of the scope field in the Directory Search Operation.
` - derefAliases: An indicator as to how alias objects should be
` handled in searching. The semantics of the possible values of
` this field are, in order of increasing value:
` neverDerefAliases: do not dereference aliases in searching
` or in locating the base object of the search;
` derefInSearching: dereference aliases in subordinates of
` the base object in searching, but not in locating the
` base object of the search;
` derefFindingBaseObject: dereference aliases in locating
` the base object of the search, but not when searching
` subordinates of the base object;
` derefAlways: dereference aliases both in searching and in
` locating the base object of the search.
` - sizelimit: A sizelimit that restricts the maximum number of entries
` to be returned as a result of the search. A value of 0 in this
` field indicates that no sizelimit restrictions are in effect for
` the search.
` - timelimit: A timelimit that restricts the maximum time (in seconds)
` allowed for a search. A value of 0 in this field indicates that no
` timelimit restrictions are in effect for the search.
` - attrsOnly: An indicator as to whether search results should contain
` both attribute types and values, or just attribute types. Setting
` this field to TRUE causes only attribute types (no values) to be
` returned. Setting this field to FALSE causes both attribute types
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`RFC 1777 LDAP March 1995
` and values to be returned.
` - filter: A filter that defines the conditions that must be fulfilled
` in order for the search to match a given entry.
` - attributes: A list of the attributes from each entry found as a
` result of the search to be returned. An empty list signifies that
` all attributes from each entry found in the search are to be
` returned.
` The results of the search attempted by the server upon receipt of a
` Search Request are returned in Search Responses, defined as follows:
` Search Response ::=
` objectName LDAPDN,
` AttributeType,
` SET OF AttributeValue
` }
` },
` resultCode [APPLICATION 5] LDAPResult
` }
` Upon receipt of a Search Request, a server will perform the necessary
` search of the DIT.
` The server will return to the client a sequence of responses
` comprised of:
` - Zero or more Search Responses each consisting of an entry found
` during the search; with the response sequence terminated by
` - A single Search Response containing an indication of success, or
` detailing any errors that have occurred.
` Each entry returned will contain all attributes, complete with
` associated values if necessary, as specified in the ’attributes’
` field of the Search Request.
` Note that an X.500 "list" operation can be emulated by a one-level
` LDAP search operation with a filter checking for the existence of the
` objectClass attribute, and that an X.500 "read" operation can be
` emulated by a base object LDAP search operation with the same filter.
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`RFC 1777 LDAP March 1995
`4.4. Modify Operation
` The Modify Operation allows a client to request that a modification
` of the DIB be performed on its behalf by a server. The Modify
` Request is defined as follows:
`ModifyRequest ::=
` object LDAPDN,
` modification SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
` operation ENUMERATED {
` add (0),
` delete (1),
` replace (2)
` },
` modification SEQUENCE {
` type AttributeType,
` values SET OF
` AttributeValue
` }
` }
` }
` Parameters of the Modify Request are:
` - object: The object to be modified. The value of this field should
` name the object to be modified after all aliases have been
` dereferenced. The server will not perform any alias dereferencing
` in determining the object to be modified.
` - A list of modifications to be performed on the entry to be modified.
` The entire list of entry modifications should be performed
` in the order they are listed, as a single atomic operation. While
` individual modifications may violate the Directory schema, the
` resulting entry after the entire list of modifications is performed
` must conform to the requirements of the Directory schema. The
` values that may be taken on by the ’operation’ field in each
` modification construct have the following semantics respectively:
` add: add values listed to the given attribute, creating
` the attribute if necessary;
` delete: delete values listed from the given attribute,
` removing the entire attribute if no values are listed, or
` if all current values of the attribute are listed for
` deletion;
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`RFC 1777 LDAP March 1995
` replace: replace existing values of the given attribute
` with the new values listed, creating the attribute if
` necessary.
` The result of the modify attempted by the server upon receipt of a
` Modify Request is returned in a Modify Response, defined as follows:
` ModifyResponse ::= [APPLICATION 7] LDAPResult
` Upon receipt of a Modify Request, a server will perform the necessary
` modifications to the DIB.
` The server will return to the client a single Modify Response
` indicating either the successful completion of the DIB modification,
` or the reason that the modification failed. Note that due to the
` requirement for atomicity in applying the list of modifications in
` the Modify Request, the client may expect that no modifications of
` the DIB have been performed if the Modify Response received indicates
` any sort of error, and that all requested modifications have been
` performed if the Modify Response indicates successful completion of
` the Modify Operation.
`4.5. Add Operation
` The Add Operation allows a client to request the addition of an entry
` into the Directory. The Add Request is defined as follows:
` AddRequest ::=
` entry LDAPDN,
` type AttributeType,
` values SET OF AttributeValue
` }
` }
` Parameters of the Add Request are:
` - entry: the Distinguished Name of the entry to be added. Note that
` all components of the name except for the last RDN component must
` exist for the add to succeed.
` - attrs: the list of attributes that make up the content of the entry
` being added.
` The result of the add attempted by the server upon receipt of a Add
` Request is returned in the Add Response, defined as follows:
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`RFC 1777 LDAP March 1995
` AddResponse ::= [APPLICATION 9] LDAPResult
` Upon receipt of an Add Request, a server will attempt to perform the
` add requested. The result of the add attempt will be returned to the
` client in the Add Response.
`4.6. Delete Operation
` The Delete Operation allows a client to request the removal of an
` entry from the Directory. The Delete Request is defined as follows:
` DelRequest ::= [APPLICATION 10] LDAPDN
` The Delete Request consists only of the Distinguished Name of the
` entry to be deleted. The result of the delete attempted by the
` server upon receipt of a Delete Request is returned in the Delete
` Response, defined as follows:
` DelResponse ::= [APPLICATION 11] LDAPResult
` Upon receipt of a Delete Request, a server will attempt to perform
` the entry removal requested. The result of the delete attempt will be
` returned to the client in the Delete Response. Note that only leaf
` objects may be deleted with this operation.
`4.7. Modify RDN Operation
` The Modify RDN Operation allows a client to change the last component
` of the name of an entry in the Directory. The Modify RDN Request is
` defined as follows:
` ModifyRDNRequest ::=
` entry LDAPDN,
` newrdn RelativeLDAPDN,
` deleteoldrdn BOOLEAN
` }
` Parameters of the Modify RDN Request are:
` - entry: the name of the entry to be changed.
` - newrdn: the RDN that will form the last component of the new name.
` - deleteoldrdn: a boolean parameter that controls whether the old RDN
` attribute values should be retained as attributes of the entry or
` deleted from the entry.
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`RFC 1777 LDAP March 1995
` The result of the name change attempted by the server upon receipt of
` a Modify RDN Request is returned in the Modify RDN Response, defined
` as follows:
` ModifyRDNResponse ::= [APPLICATION 13] LDAPResult
` Upon receipt of a Modify RDN Request, a server will attempt to
` perform the name change. The result of the name change attempt will
` be returned to the client in the Modify RDN Response. The attributes
` that make up the old RDN are deleted from the entry, or kept,
` depending on the setting of the deleteoldrdn parameter.
`4.8. Compare Operation
` The Compare Operation allows a client to compare an assertion
` provided with an entry in the Directory. The Compare Request is
` defined as follows:
` CompareRequest ::=
` entry LDAPDN,
` ava AttributeValueAssertion
` }
` Parameters of the Compare Request are:
` - entry: the name of the entry to be compared with.
` - ava: the assertion with which the entry is to be compared.
` The result of the compare attempted by the server upon receipt of a
` Compare Request is returned in the Compare Response, defined as
` follows:
` CompareResponse ::= [APPLICATION 15] LDAPResult
` Upon receipt of a Compare Request, a server will attempt to perform
` the requested comparison. The result of the comparison will be
` returned to the client in the Compare Response. Note that errors and
` the result of comparison are all returned in the same construct.
`6.9. Abandon Operation
` The function of the Abandon Operation is to allow a client to request
` that the server abandon an outstanding operation. The Abandon
` Request is defined as follows:
` AbandonRequest ::= [APPLICATION 16] MessageID
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`RFC 1777 LDAP March 1995
` There is no response defined in the Abandon Operation. Upon
` transmission of an Abandon Operation, a client may expect that the
` operation identityfied by the Message ID in the Abandon Request has
` been abandoned. In the event that a server receives an Abandon
` Request on a Search Operation in the midst of transmitting responses
` to that search, that server should cease transmitting responses to
` the abandoned search immediately.
`5. Protocol Element Encodings
` The protocol elements of LDAP are enco

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