`IBG LLC, et al. v. TTI, Inc.
`Teleconference Transcription
`Page 1
` Petitioners,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` Case CBM2016-00054
` Patent 7,693,768 B1
` 10:00 a.m.
` April 21, 2017
` SALLY C. MEDLEY, Administrative
` Patent Judge
` MEREDITH C. PETRAVICK, Administrative
` Patent Judge
` JEREMY M. PLENZLER, Administrative Patent
` Judge
` 1730 M Street, NW, Suite 812
` Washington, D.C. 20036
` (202) 232-0646
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`IBG 1083
`IBG v. TT


`IBG LLC, et al. v. TTI, Inc.
`Teleconference Transcription
`Page 2
`A P P E A R A N C E S:
` Attorneys for Petitioners
` 1100 New York Avenue
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` Attorneys for Patent Owner
` 300 South Wacker Drive
` Chicago, Illinois 60606
`2 3
`8 9
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`IBG LLC, et al. v. TTI, Inc.
`Teleconference Transcription
` P R O C E E D I N G S
`Page 3
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: Good afternoon.
` This is Judge Petravick, on the
` phone with Judge Medley and Judge
` Plenzler.
` This is a conference call for CBM
` 2016-00054.
` Can I know who is on the line for
` the Petitioner?
` MR. SOKOHL: Yes, Your Honor this
` is Robert Sokohl representing
` Petitioners, lead counsel.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: And is there
` anybody else on the line for Petitioner?
` MR. SOKOHL: No, Your Honor.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: And for patent
` owner?
` MS. KURCZ: Good morning, Your
` Honors, this is Jennifer Kurcz on behalf
` of patent owner Trading Technology.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: And is there
`2 3
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`IBG LLC, et al. v. TTI, Inc.
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` anybody else on the line?
` MS. KURCZ: No, Your Honor.
` court reporter?
` MR. SOKOHL: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: Who arranged
` for the court reporter, the Petitioner?
` MR. SOKOHL: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: And you will
` file the transcript when it's available?
` MR. SOKOHL: Yes, Your Honor.
` All right, for today we are here to
` discuss your request for an increase in
` the word count limit for the Petitioner's
` reply.
` We will hear from Petitioner first.
` MR. SOKOHL: Thank you, Your
` Honor.
` As the panel is aware on March 17
` we had a telephone conference to discuss
` Petitioner's request to strike certain
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`IBG LLC, et al. v. TTI, Inc.
`Teleconference Transcription
`Page 5
` portions of the patent owner's reply,
` response as well as increase the word
` count.
` We were asking for authorization to
` file a motion to strike and for an
` increase in the word count, and we believe
` that the court misapprehended what we were
` asking for.
` We never intended to ask for one or
` the other.
` Our intent was to ask for a modest
` increase in the word count and if the
` Board did not agree with our request for a
` motion to strike, that we would ask for
` more words.
` We specifically had mentioned the
` CV and the prior CBMs 2015-00181 and 182
` where we had been -- we had asked and had
` been granted a 1,000 word increase to
` 6,600 words to cover all the issues in the
` CBM.
` We have very similar issues here,
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`IBG LLC, et al. v. TTI, Inc.
`Teleconference Transcription
`Page 6
` and our intent was to ask for the same
` modest increase to 6,600 words.
` We believe the Petitioners are
` entitled to respond to all of patent
` owner's arguments.
` We simply can't do that adequately
` in 5,600 words.
` The issues to be discussed, as you
` are likely aware, are CBM eligibility,
` 101, including referencing the CPG Federal
` Circuit case, claim construction, CP
` status on prior art, which the court has
` already ruled on but we still need to deal
` with here in full, multiple secondary
` considerations.
` And in addition to that we had --
` patent owner filed numerous declarations,
` we cross-examined three experts, one
` translator and one trader and we would
` like to be able to use that testimony.
` As the Board is aware, Petitioners
` and patent owners get more words for
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`IBG LLC, et al. v. TTI, Inc.
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` petitions and responses in CBMs, but
` Petitioner does not get more words in
` their reply.
` And here, because of the large
` number of issues, we believe that the
` Board should use its discretion and
` increase the word count, again, just by
` 1,000 words.
` There are certain issues that we
` could not have anticipated, such as the
` volume of secondary considerations
` arguments that the patent owner has made.
` We also could not have anticipated
` the volume of declarations the patent
` owner would have filed.
` And finally, obviously the CPG
` versus Trading Technologies Federal
` Circuit case is something we should deal
` with.
` Something we didn't have to deal
` with in the prior two CBMs where we got
` the word increase, but I would think the
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`IBG LLC, et al. v. TTI, Inc.
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`Page 8
` Board would want us to deal with that case
` in full in this pleading.
` And if you take just a step back
` and ask us, if this is a request for
` reconsideration of our prior request for
` increase in would count or a new request
` for just 1,000 words because of all these
` issues, we believe just a modest increase
` of 1,000 words is just in this situation.
` Particularly given that the Board
` has granted such a request in the past on
` very similar issues.
` At the end here we want the Board
` to -- we just we don't want to deprive
` Petitioner of an opportunity to fully
` respond.
` Thank you, Your Honor.
` We will hear from the patent owner
` now.
` MS. KURCZ: LlThank you, Your
` Honor.
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`IBG LLC, et al. v. TTI, Inc.
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` Petitioners are reraising the same
` request that they previously raised before
` you in March.
` They don't identify facts that have
` changed since that time frame.
` In terms of what we filed that was
` the same then as it is now.
` I know Mr. Sokohl raised the volume
` of secondary considerations as an example,
` but the patent owner's response is the
` same then as it is today.
` And Petitioners did not have a
` court reporter on the last call, the prior
` request back in March, but I actually had
` a different recollection of the request
` for words, and I actually did not recall
` that those were independent.
` So that's my recollection that they
` were not.
` Another point is that overall the
` Petitioner gets more words.
` They fully should have anticipated
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` there is a number of the petitions that
` they have filed.
` They are the ones that raised all
` the issues, and again, Your Honors have
` already considered and addressed their
` request for additional words in an earlier
` order.
` And because they haven't identified
` facts that have changed or things that
` have been overlooked or misapprehended,
` the standard for reconsideration hasn't
` been that it -- excuse me -- it is our
` position that Your Honor should deny this
` request.
` thank you.
` Petitioner, last words?
` MR. SOKOHL: Sure, Your Honor.
` I want to be clear on something.
` As I said earlier it was never our intent
` to ask for one or the other.
` Counselor is right, we did not have
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`IBG LLC, et al. v. TTI, Inc.
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`Page 11
` a court reporter on that, that was our
` error, in hindsight, and to the extent
` that I was inartful in making our request
` that is my fault, but it was clearly our
` intent to ask for more words, just as we
` had in prior CBMs, and asked for
` additional words if, in fact, the board
` did not agree that patent owner properly
` incorporated material by reference.
` Thank you.
` correctly I asked during the last
` conference call whether there was a
` request for links and the answer was
` yes.
` MR. SOKOHL: You are absolutely
` correct, Your Honor.
` I do recall that, Your Honor, and
` they were linked in the sense that we
` needed more words if we were not going to
` have -- if the board was not going to
` allow us to file a motion to strike.
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` Again, if I was inartful in my
` answer, that was my fault, but that's what
` I intended.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: And if I recall
` correctly, and please correct me if I'm
` wrong, when we granted a request to
` extend the word count for the
` previous -- I will call this back CBMs
` which include more than the 181, the
` 182, the 161 and the 179 CBM, correct?
` In those cases the Petitioner or
` the patent owner had made numerous due
` process arguments.
` MR. SOKOHL: That is correct,
` Your Honor.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: That's not the
` case here, correct?
` MR. SOKOHL: That is correct, and
` in that situation, frankly, because of
` the even the 6,600 words we have limited
` ability to even respond there.
` We had actually requested more
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`Page 13
` words at that time and the board gave us
` 6,600, which we appreciated.
` arguments aren't raised in the patent
` owner's response in this case?
` MR. SOKOHL: They are not, Your
` Honor.
` MS. KURCZ: LlYour Honor, if
` patent owner can address your question?
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: Let Petitioner
` finish first then you will have another
` opportunity to respond.
` MR. SOKOHL: Thank you, Your
` Honor.
` I was just going to say, Your
` Honor, you are right, they are not
` addressed to the best of my knowledge in
` patent owner's response, however the new
` issues today that we didn't have back
` again is of course the CPG Trading
` Technologies case, which the court has
` asked for additional briefing in the past,
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`Page 14
` and we would like to incorporate that
` briefing into our response.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: All right and
` the patent owner?
` MS. KURCZ: LlThank you, Your
` Honor.
` I just wanted to make the record
` clear that we are not waiving any due
` process objections.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: Yes, I didn't
` comment on whether you are waiving any
` objections, I was just asking whether
` they were raised in the brief to request
` the word count request.
` MS. KURCZ: LlThank you, Your
` Honor.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: I am going to
` query the panel right now to see if they
` have any questions.
` The panel is going to take a moment
` to consider the request. We are going to
` go off line.
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`IBG LLC, et al. v. TTI, Inc.
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`Page 15
` We will be back shortly.
` Please hold.
` (Discussion off the record.)
` judges have returned.
` Is counsel for Petitioner still
` there?
` MR. SOKOHL: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: And counsel for
` patent owner?
` MS. KURCZ: LlYes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: I do have one
` question for the patent owner.
` Was the CPG case addressed in the
` patent owner's response?
` MS. KURCZ: LlYes, I believe so,
` yes.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: Okay. And that
` case issued just prior to the patent
` owner's response?
` This would be the first time that
` the Petitioner would be able to address
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` that issue.
` All right, the panel has considered
` your arguments and conferred.
` We are going to grant the
` Petitioner a 500 word extension, but
` solely limited to addressing the CPG case.
` MR. SOKOHL: Okay, thank you,
` Your Honor.
` MS. KURCZ: LlThank you, Your
` Honor.
` Are there any other questions or
` issues?
` MS. KURCZ: We have none, Your
` Honor.
` MR. SOKOHL: Actually, Your
` Honor, one related issue, forgive me I
` don't have the CBM number in front of
` me, but we will have the exact same
` issue for the '382 Patent.
` Sorry, I forgot the CBM number,
` should we send an e-mail to the panel for
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`Page 17
` authorization for 500 words in that case
` as well?
` which case are you referring to?
` MR. SOKOHL: It's another -- let
` me see if get it for you, I'm sorry,
` Your Honor.
` We have one more.
` MS. KURCZ: LlI believe it's CBM
` 2016-00090.
` MR. SOKOHL: Thank you.
` MS. KURCZ: LlFor the '382
` Patent, Mr. Sokohl.
` MR. SOKOHL: Thank you.
` We would have the same request in
` that case.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: When is your
` Petitioner's reply due in that case?
` MR. SOKOHL: It is due in -- it's
` right around mid-May, I think May
` 14th-ish.
` MS. KURCZ: LlPatent owner would
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`Page 18
` have the same objections, the same issue
` was raised in Your Honors' April 7th
` Order.
` able to bring up the case, but I'm
` assuming there is a 101, are they are
` all the same issues in 101, the prior
` art?
` MR. SOKOHL: All the same.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: All the same
` issues?
` MR. SOKOHL: Yes, and CPG was
` around -- CPG was dealt with in the POR.
` MS. KURCZ: That's my
` recollection.
` I haven't specifically looked at
` that one, but I believe so.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: All right, I am
` trying to bring the case up on my
` docket.
` MR. SOKOHL: Sorry, Your Honor.
` I should have said this at the
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` beginning.
` MS. KURCZ: LlYour Honor, I was
` able to just confirm we did raise CPG.
` that's what I was going to check.
` All right.
` Yes, you can have a 500 word count
` extension limited only to addressing the
` CPG case.
` MR. SOKOHL: Thank you, Your
` Honor.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: All right, any
` other issues?
` MR. SOKOHL: None for Petitioner.
` MS. KURCZ: None for patent
` owner, Your Honor.
` All right, we will be -- we will
` adjourn and I will send out an Order
` memorializing what we discussed on this
` call.
` Please file the transcript.
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`Teleconference Transcription
`Page 20
` MR. SOKOHL: We will, Your Honor,
` thank you.
` MS. KURCZ: Thank you.
`5 6 7 8 9
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`IBG LLC, et al. v. TTI, Inc,
`Teleconference Tra nscri ption
`Page 2I
`It STEPHEN J. MOORE, a Shorthand
`Reporter and Notary Public of the State of
`New York, do hereby certify:
`That the transcript
`hereinbefore set forth i-s a true and
`accurate record of said proceedings.
`I further certify
`that I am not
`related to any of the parties to this
`action by bJ-ood or marriage,. and that I am
`in no hray interested in the outcome of
`this matter.
` Digital EvidenceGroup C'rt20t7

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