Page 1
`Case No.
`April 7, 2005
`9:49 a.m.
`Videotaped deposition of ROBERT G.
`taken by Defendant, pursuant to
`subpoena, at the offices of Winston & Strawn LLP,
`200 Park Avenue, New York, New York, before Jack
`Finz, a Certified Shorthand Reporter and Notary
`Public within and for the State of New York.
`IBG 1075
`IBG v. TT


`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`300 South Wacker Drive
`Chicago, Illinois 60606-6709
`Attorneys for Defendant
`35 West Wacker Drive
`Chicago, Illinois 60601-9703
`Attorneys for the Witness
`One New York Plaza
`New York, New York 10004
`ROBERT CALVERT, Videographer
`Page 2


`THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We are now on the
`Page 3
`This is the video operator speaking,
`Robert Calvert, of LegaLink Action Video, offices
`located at 420 Lexington Avenue, New York, New
`York. Today's date is April 7, 2005. The time
`on the video monitor is 9:49 a.m.
`We are here at the offices of Winston
`& Strawn, located at 200 Park Avenue, New York,
`New York, to take the videotape deposition of
`Robert McCausland, in the matter of Trading
`Technologies, Incorporated, versus eSpeed,
`Incorporated. The venue of this case is the
`14 United States District Court for the Northern
`15 District of Illinois. The index number is
`Will counsel please voice identify
`yourselves and state whom you represent.
`MR. PERKINS: Good morning. Ray
`Perkins, representing the defendant, eSpeed.
`MR. ZILBERBERG: David Zilberberg,
`representing the witness, Robert McCausland.
`MR. SAMPSON: Matt Sampson from
`24 McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff,


`representing the plaintiff, Trading
`Technologies. With me today is Steven Borsand
`from Trading Technologies, and Patrick Catania,
`an independent consultant.
`THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Will the court
`reporter please swear in the witness.
`R 0 B E R T
`M c C A U S L A N D,
`having been first duly sworn by the Notary Public
`(Jack Finz), was examined and testified as
`THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Please begin.
`Sir, could you please state your name
`for the record?
`Robert McCausland.
`And where do you live?
`I live in Mendham, New Jersey.
`What's your street address?
`21 Pembroke Drive.
`You have been deposed before; is that
`I have.
`About how many times?
`At least three.
`Page 4


`How many times have you been deposed
`regarding the Intex system?
`Well, once where it was the relevant
`system in question, yes.
`And which case was that?
`That was -- I guess at that point it
`was eSpeed versus the three commodity exchanges,
`Board of Trade, the Chicago Mere and the New York
`9 Mere.
`Do you still have a copy of that
`If I do,
`I don't know where it is.
`If at any time you do not understand
`my questions, just let me know and I will try to
`repeat or rephrase the question. Do you agree to
`do that?
`Yes. Thank you.
`(Defendant's Exhibit 110
`for identification, subpoena.)
`Let me show you what I have marked as
`a copy of Defendant's Exhibit 110, which is the
`subpoena that my office served on you, sir. Have
`you seen this document before?
`I have.
`Page 5


`And in this subpoena, as the
`attachment, there is a request for documents.
`Did you read that, sir?
`I did.
`And did you look for documents in
`response to the subpoena?
`I did.
`And did you have any documents in
`response to the subpoena?
`I had a few documents which were
`relevant to some system design and testing
`procedures, but that was about it. The majority
`of the documents that I once had with Intex, I
`left them in Bermuda when I left.
`When you say you left them in
`Bermuda, specifically where did you leave them in
`in Bermuda?
`Intex had an office on Church Street.
`So you left them at the Intex offices
`When did you leave Intex?
`Well, in -- let's see.
`In 1988
`Security Pacific exercised an option to license
`Page 6


`the Intex software, and at the time they
`purchased the physical computer installation that
`Intex was running, and it was set up so that the
`facility would continue to run Intex and would
`also operate the Security Pacific -- it was an
`odd lot Treasury system. You know, the point was
`at that time I went to work for Security Pacific,
`because I was running the facility.
`And while you were working -- so you
`started working for Security Pacific in 1988?
`Were you still working on the Intex
`system when you were working for Security
`I was only basically overlooking
`the operation of it.
`How long did you overlook the
`operation of Intex when you were at Security
`Until, I guess it was sometime in
`1989, both systems -- Security Pacific had
`started up, and they closed down because the bank
`had decided they were going to get totally out of
`the securities business. And at that time Intex
`Page 7


`also stopped operating.
`So would it be fair to say that your
`involvement with the Intex system ended in 1989?
`And any documents you had regarding
`the Intex system you left at the Intex office in
`What documents -- strike the
`While you were involved with the
`Intex system, what documents did you have
`relating to the Intex system?
`Well, we had very detailed testing
`procedures and scripts, because we did all the
`primary testing of any software versions that
`were introduced at the Bermuda facility.
`Also, there were some, obviously,
`user handbook-type of thing, how to use the
`system, what the operational functions and
`procedures were.
`Any other documents that you recall
`I'm sure there were some other things
`Page 8


`that related to the system. Obviously, the
`system's operational procedures and the
`communications procedures, recovery, fallback
`recovery-type things, would be included in that.
`Do you know if Security Pacific is
`still in business today?
`Do you know when they went out of
`I'm thinking in the early to mid
`nineties, I believe.
`I believe it was the Bank
`of America acquired Security Pacific Bank.
`Do you know what happened to the
`Intex facilities that were in Bermuda?
`Well, it was essentially taken
`Some of the equipment was,
`I think,
`shipped back to New York and stored in Security
`Pacific facilities. What wasn't was sold.
`Things like air conditioners, and those types of
`things, were left there and then sold off.
`Do you know what happened to the
`equipment used with the Intex system?
`Well, the main computers that were
`used in Bermuda were, as I say, shipped back to a
`Page 9


`Security Pacific facility in the metropolitan
`area here. What happened to them then, I have no
`If I wanted to see how the Intex
`system actually looked on the screen, are you
`aware of anyone that may have an operational or
`an inoperational Intex system?
`Well, I'm thinking of the people that
`were involved in Intex, those who might have
`something, first I would think is Larry Gomes,
`who was -- he headed up the development group,
`the programming group. And he very well may have
`documents that would show what the displays
`14 were. My other alternative would be somebody
`like David Thompson, who was the business manager
`for Intex in Bermuda and, you know, was involved
`in actually the ultimate winding up of Intex as a
`business and as a company.
`Anyone else?
`Right offhand, no,
`I can't think of
`anybody else. There was -- Intex had a marketing
`office in New York, and a representative in
`Chicago, I believe, for a while, by the name of
`Pat Catania. Most of the people that were
`Page 10


`involved in the New York office, you know,
`really don't know where they are, or what they're
`You mentioned Pat Catania. Pat
`Catania is here in the deposition room today; is
`that correct?
`Yes, he is.
`What role did Mr. Catania play within
`Intex, to your knowledge?
`I think he was, you know, more or
`less a marketing representative for Intex in
`Chicago. What other duties were pretty much
`involved in supporting installations that were
`made out there.
`To your knowledge, was he in charge
`of selling the Intex system?
`To specific clients in the Chicago
`Do you know who those clients were?
`I can't think of the names of
`who we might have had in Chicago at that point.
`Do you know if Mr. Catania was
`involved in the development of the Intex system?
`Not really.
`Page 11


`When you say not really, what do you
`Well, the development was really -- I
`did most of the specification work for it, and
`Gomes and his company did all the programming,
`and the people we had in Bermuda did all the
`And Mr. Catania was not involved in
`any of those things that you mentioned?
`Not on a regular basis.
`If he did
`participate, maybe in some testing, and so
`forth. But it was not on a regular basis.
`wasn't a primary responsibility for him.
`Did you know Mr. Catania when you
`were at Intex?
`Yes. We met several times.
`Did you have any discussions with Mr.
`Catania about the operation of the Intex system?
`MR. SAMPSON: Objection to the form;
`vague as to time.
`I will rephrase.
`I think you would have to refine that
`a little bit more. That's pretty general.
`All right. Let's start with prior to
`Page 12


`1989, do you recall having any discussions with
`2 Mr. Catania about the operation of the Intex
`I can't say that we didn't discuss
`I don't specifically remember any
`meetings that we had where we were talking about
`the system.
`I think we tended to be more social
`when we saw each other, which was, you know, not
`that frequent.
`Do you know if Mr. Catania was
`involved in preparing any of the user manuals for
`the Intex system?
`I don't know.
`What about -- I'm sorry?
`Because some of that was prepared
`16 with the group in New York.
`What about the functional
`specifications for Intex, was Mr. Catania
`involved in preparing those?
`No. The functional specifications
`were all prepared by myself and the people who
`worked with me.
`After 1989, have you had any
`discussions with Mr. Catania about the Intex
`Page 13


`When is the last time you spoke with
`Mr. Catania?
`It's been a long time. Sometime in
`the late eighties we may have run into each other
`out in Chicago in an unrelated application, when
`I was part of a group that was in the process of
`selling a system to the Board of Trade. Mr.
`Catania worked for the Board of Trade at that
`So I think we probably saw each other once
`or maybe twice during that time. But only just,
`as I say, to exchange pleasantries.
`Larry Gomes, do you know where he is
`In -- I can't think what's the name
`of the town he's in. He lives in West
`not Westport. South side of Boston, in
`19 Massachusetts.
`When is the last time you spoke with
`21 Mr. Gomes?
`Probably maybe two, three months ago.
`Did you two speak about the Intex
`Page 14


`He did bring up the Intex system and
`asked about if certain operational features
`that -- you know, for clarification, but it
`4 wasn't very much.
`I mean, we, again, sort of
`caught up. We had been business partners, and we
`had some joint companies that were at that time,
`or in the last year, have been in the process of
`being wound up.
`When you two spoke about the Intex
`system about two or three months ago, do you
`recall what he asked you about the Intex system?
`I believe, was asking about the
`functionality of how you initiate a trade.
`And what did you say to him?
`Well, you have to understand what we
`were working with at that time at Intex. Our
`trading station was a PDP 11, and it had, you
`know, a keyboard attached to it, it had a CRT
`attached to it, and obviously the communication
`interfaces. And so the keyboard had designated
`keys that were highlighted for certain functions,
`and there were certain, as I say, certain
`designated functional keys that allowed the user
`to move around on the screens and select a given
`Page 15


`contract, and then there were also keys that
`allowed them to initiate an order, to bring up
`the order form and into which you would put the
`variables of price, size, et cetera.
`And, you know, he was asking me about
`that, if what he understood or remembered was
`what I understood and remembered.
`We will talk about --
`And at that point I was going
`strictly from what I remembered.
`I had no
`documents that supported me.
`And we will talk more in the
`deposition about how orders are placed in the
`Intex system.
`Let me ask you this: Did you and Mr.
`Gomes talk about the price column in the Intex
`No. When you say the price column,
`About, specifically -- well, strike
`the question.
`Did you and Mr. Gomes talk about how
`the prices are displayed in the Intex system?
`I think basically what we talked
`Page 16


`about was, you know, how you initiated a
`transaction, or took an order.
`I don't think we
`talked about the composition of the display.
`was more, you know, given you have a certain
`display, how you initiated transactions.
`Did you and Mr. Gomes talk about
`whether or not the Intex system had a static
`price axis?
`MR. SAMPSON: Objection to the form
`of the question.
`I think you will have to define what
`you mean by that.
`Did that subject ever come up in your
`conversation with Mr. Gomes?
`Would you repeat that again?
`Sure. Did the subject of a static
`price axis come up in your conversation where Mr.
`MR. SAMPSON: And I have a continuing
`objection to the extent that he is asking him
`about legal terms in the patent in this case.
`Well, you know, that term never came
`That's all I am asking.
`Page 17


`Now, you said that you and Mr. Gomes
`talked about how the orders were placed in the
`Intex system with the keyboard; is that correct?
`Yes. He did ask, you know, if it
`went the way, you know, the way we understood it
`to have worked.
`And could you describe to me what he
`said to you and what you said to him about how
`orders were placed?
`You're asking me to be very specific
`about a conversation I had several months ago.
`If you can.
`Which I don't necessarily, you know,
`I mean,
`I recall just the subject
`15 matter, what he asked and what I said.
`afraid I couldn't give you any more detail than
`you already have.
`Did you find yourself agreeing or
`disagreeing with how Mr. Gomes described how
`orders were placed in the Intex system?
`MR. SAMPSON: Objection to the form
`of the question.
`Let's put it this way: He asked me
`did it work this way, and I said yes, that was my
`Page 18


`understanding, that it worked this way.
`So you agreed with how Mr. Gomes
`described the operation of the Intex system in
`terms of how it --
`I agreed with the question he had
`asked, and then his conclusion to it.
`Fair enough.
`Do you recall anything else about
`that conversation with Mr. Gomes?
`We talked about his real estate.
`As to Intex, no.
`When was the last time you spoke with
`David Thompson?
`Let's see. Probably close to ten
`years ago.
`Let me ask you this: Other than Mr.
`after 1989, have had discussions with
`anyone else regarding the Intex system?
`I gave the deposition in that
`other case, and that was the subject of a lot of
`the questioning.
`Other than that deposition and your
`conversation with Mr. Gomes, since 1989 have you
`Page 19


`had discussions with anyone else about the Intex
`I may have, but I don't recall
`(Defendant's Exhibit 111
`for identification, document bearing production
`numbers M 1 through M 17.)
`I am showing you what has been marked
`as Defendant's Exhibit 111.
`It is Bates stamped
`10 M 1 through M 17. This is a document that you
`found in response to the subpoena.
`Is that
`This is the only document that you
`found that was responsive to the subpoena; is
`that correct?
`That's correct.
`And could you describe for us what
`this document is?
`Just take however
`much time you need to look it over.
`It also looks like it's a number of
`Page 20


`Yes, it's really three documents.
`The first one has to do with a development to
`process open spreads in the system, and that was
`in a way that would show the implied order that
`exists when a spread is placed in a commodity
`First, just a quickie, a spread is,
`you know,
`I want to buy or I want to sell the
`near month and buy the further month, and it's
`designated that I'm willing to do that with a
`spread value, which determines what the two
`prices will be, or the relationship between the
`two prices.
`Now, when you put a spread order in,
`you say, okay, I want to sell the near and buy
`the far, if you are selling the near and there's,
`say, a bid in the near month, then there's an
`implied sell in the far month at a known price,
`because it's the bid price plus or minus the
`spread value, the differential.
`So what this was was an attempt to
`define how we could put that into the system so
`that we could display these implied orders. And
`obviously that's designed to improve liquidity,
`Page 21


`because people would see more orders,
`particularly in the far months, so that it would
`encourage more trading.
`And the first document, which
`document is that? Could you identify the pages?
`That's 1 through 4.
`And does the first document show how
`the spread was displayed on the screen of Intex?
`MR. SAMPSON: Objection to the form
`of the question.
`Actually, no, it doesn't talk about a
`It has an illustration to show what the
`values would be.
`Do you know the date of this first
`Probably sometime in 1987.
`It could be '86-'87, in that time
`And it says "To: Distribution." Do
`you know who was part of the distribution list?
`Well, there would be -- obviously,
`Mr. Gomes would be on that list. There were Dr.
`Brian and his associates. David Graves, who was
`the senior manager of Intex at that point.
`Page 22


`Anyone else that you can recall?
`Well, a fellow named Bill White, who
`worked for a company that Dr. Brian operated or
`Anyone else that you could recall?
`Not specifically.
`You mentioned Dr. Brian and his
`associates. Who is Dr. Brian?
`Okay. Dr. Earl Brian took over the
`operation, management of Intex, in 1983.
`launched in 1981. There was a period of software
`development by the group that was headed up by a
`fellow named Tom Saleh. They were located in the
`Boston area. At that time Larry Gomes was one of
`the people that he was using for development.
`And at that time his concept, or
`Saleh's concept was that he was going to have a
`network that was going to run on the Stratus
`system. Stratus at that time was a nonstop-type
`of processor, and for reliability purposes he
`felt that that was the proper thing. And he
`actually installed Stratus systems in Bermuda, in
`London and in New York. And he had a group of
`people who were doing development work on the
`Page 23


`Stratus system. A couple of the lead people were
`actually gone and were living in Bermuda. They
`were operating from there.
`And the facility was -- they were
`using a facility on the Cable and Wireless
`grounds there, which was, again, a high
`availability facility.
`In 1983 their software
`couldn't cut the mustard.
`It was simply too
`It just was not an operational acceptable
`Also at that time the funding for
`Intex was running out. Most of the funding had
`come from a man in Texas, Wallace Sparkman, who
`had a company called Sparkman Energy, and he had
`put the initial funding together.
`So the company
`got launched.
`It existed in Bermuda as an
`So it had special legislation which
`created it as an exchange.
`Okay, this gets us back to who is
`Earl Brian.
`In 1983 several of the original
`partners who started Intex sought out Earl Brian
`to take over the management of it, restructure
`it, refinance it, and get it launched, which he
`Page 24


`did. He closed the contract or settled the
`contract with Saleh and his people. They had a
`specific contract with Intex to provide the
`software, and in that they had a significant
`profit-sharing role.
`He settled that. He then actually
`ended up hiring Larry Gomes to form a development
`team and to reprogram, and we ended up doing that
`reprogramming, because we looked at the old
`software and code and it just wasn't applicable,
`it wasn't changeable to what we wanted it to do.
`And so -- I can't remember what his
`company was down in Maryland there. He had a
`software company that did government contracts.
`Earl Brian did?
`Yes. And that was the company that
`was used as a place where the development took
`place. Actually Gomes and his people really
`19 moved down there and operated out of that while
`the initial development work was done.
`Do you know where Earl Brian is
`Exactly, no. He was indicted.
`don't know whether he went to prison or not.
`Page 25


`Can you remember when he was
`That was about four years ago,
`You said four years ago?
`I think about three or four years
`ago. He was -- he had a number of companies, and
`one thing he had gotten involved with was UPI,
`and I think it was relative to the management
`financials that they were publishing. He was one
`of the early ones to figure out a way to cook the
`books and make the thing look more profitable
`than it was. And he got busted for that.
`What about Tom Saleh, do you know
`where he is located?
`I don't.
`What was Mr. Saleh's role with Intex?
`He put together a software group that
`contracted with Intex to develop the software and
`operate it.
`When was the last time you spoke with
`22 Mr. Saleh?
`Well over 20 years, I'm sure.
`Going back to what we marked as
`Page 26


`1 Defendant's Exhibit 111, the documents that you
`produced in response to the subpoena, can we turn
`to what is marked as M 4, page 4 of the first
`And the top of it, that page is
`entitled "Impact of Derived Orders on Outright
`8 Market."
`Then underneath that it looks like
`there is a chart or grid with March, June,
`September, December. Do you see that?
`Urn-hum. Yes.
`What is that representing?
`Well, that was just a graphic to
`illustrate, you know, where derived orders would
`be displayed, or would be
`actually would be,
`and, you know, what would be displayed.
`doesn't represent what the graphic would look
`like on the trading station.
`I mean, it was
`illustrative to show that when you have a spread,
`it really represents two orders.
`Let's look under where it says
`24 March. What does March represent?
`Page 27


`That's a maturity month for the
`And under bid, what does that column
`Well, those are just
`they are --
`that's the bids that would exist
`in the March
`contract. There was a bid for 40 at 769, a bid
`for 70 at 768, and a bid for 50 at 766.
`It looks like there is like a D in
`front of the 40 and 70. Do you see that?
`Yes. The D is equal to a derived
`Under the price column, what does
`that column represent?
`That's the trading price of the
`contract, or the order price in this case.
`And the offer column, what does that
`Same thing. That's the offer size at
`a given price.
`Did Intex have a graphical user
`interface for spread trading?
`Well, this particular aspect of it
`was never implemented. They had a page where
`Page 28


`just spread trades were shown, and at that point
`the spread trade
`at that point the spread
`trade would only be executed when you had an
`offsetting spread trade that came in that had the
`same months but it was the opposite to the
`resting one.
`What is the next document that is in
`8 Defendant's Exhibit 111?
`Okay. This is just -- was an overall
`logic design.
`Just state which
`page you are looking at.
`We are on M 5, is it?
`M 5, yes.
`Can you just identify by page numbers
`what the second document is, the complete second
`M 5 toM 11.
`You said this was a logic design?
`Yes. At one point there was a
`rewrite of the software, and these were -- you
`know, the first page really is listing what the
`objectives of that were.
`When was this rewrite of the software
`Page 29


`Unfortunately, it doesn't have a date
`on it, does it? And I would think this was
`probably in '85-'86, in that time frame.
`And why do you say that?
`That's approximately -- you know, the
`system had been operating for a year.
`probably about the time that the kind of issues
`that this addressed were being becoming obvious,
`and we would have undertaken redesign in
`important aspects of it.
`Do you know who prepared this second
`I prepared the second document.
`Did you prepare this for anyone in
`Well, it would have been, again,
`probably for some of the general distribution
`people, the people that were managing, plus,
`obviously, the development people.
`I mean, some
`of it is just an overview for the first, you
`know, few pages there. And then you get into
`about one, two, three, four -- there's five pages
`of flow documents that highlight the changes.
`Page 30


`What is the next document in
`Defendant's Exhibit 111?
`The next document is an overview of
`the system testing that was going to be done
`prior to starting up Intex.
`It was pre live
`So this next document, the complete
`document isM 12 through M 17; is that correct?
`17, yes.
`And it appears to be dated May 29,
`That's right.
`And you prepared this document; is
`that correct?
`I did.
`And did you prepare it on or about
`17 May 2 9, 19 8 4?
`Well, no, sometime prior to that.
`Was Intex already up and running live
`at the time that you prepared this document?
`No. No, this was describing the
`system test that was going to be done prior to
`going live.
`So when did Intex actually go live?
`Page 31


`That's a good question.
`I don't know
`for sure, but I think it was probably sometime in
`the summer, June-July.
`And what year?
`Down at the bottom of page M 12, it
`says Intex Information Offices.
`And it looks like there is an office
`in New York, an office in Chicago and another
`office in London. Are you aware of any other
`offices that Intex had, other than in Bermuda?
`Intex offices? Well, at this time,
`I mean,
`I know the address changed for the
`New York office. They moved out of the Trade
`Center in Manhattan.
`I think they were in 100
`17 Wall or 90 W

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