
`Patent Owner
`Case CBM2016-00051
`Patent No. 7,904,374


`Proceeding No.: CBM2016-00051
`Attorney Docket: 41919-0013CP1

`INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1 
`  ARGUMENT ...................................................................................................... 2 
`A.  The TSE manual has been properly authenticated. ....................................... 2 
`TT has conceded that the 2005 Kawashima deposition transcript is
`permissible hearsay; TT thus moots its own evidentiary objection. ................... 2 
`2.  Admissible evidence shows that Exhibit 1003 is what Petitioners purport;
`TT’s arguments to the contrary are without merit. ............................................. 3 
`  CONCLUSION ................................................................................................ 8 


`Proceeding No.: CBM2016-00051
`Attorney Docket: 41919-0013CP1
`Patent Owner (“TT”) raises two evidentiary objections in its Motion to
`Exclude. (Paper 34.) The first challenges the authenticity of the TSE manual, (Ex.
`1003) and the second seeks to exclude the authenticating evidence, the transcript of
`a 2005 deposition of Atshushi Kawashima (Ex. 1009) because it is allegedly hearsay
`under FRE 801 and supposedly irrelevant as Petitioners have not cited it thus far.
`Both objections lack merit. Notably, the Board has already rejected an
`admissibility challenge based on similar arguments and the same evidence in a
`related proceeding, and it should do so here for the same reasons. (See CBM2015-
`00182 Paper 129 at 22-27.)
`First, no legitimate challenge can be made to the authenticity of the TSE
`manual. There is unequivocal and reliable evidence to support the finding that
`Exhibit 1003 is what it purports to be: namely, a 1998 publication issued by the
`Tokyo Stock Exchange. (Ex. 1009, 9:19-10:9, 10:19-24, 11:1-3, 11:11-24; Ex. 1040,
`45:7-46:3.) This 1998 publication has been twice authenticated by an employee of
`the Tokyo Stock exchange, Atshushi Kawashima, who TT has twice deposed—once
`in a related CBM proceeding (CBM2015-00181, Ex. 2163, Ex. 1040 in this
`proceeding) and once in 2005 (Ex. 1009). Given these circumstantial guarantees of
`trustworthiness, TT conceded that the 2005 deposition transcript is permissible
`hearsay in a related proceeding. (CBM2015-00181, Paper 109 at 3). TT does not


`Proceeding No.: CBM2016-00051
`Attorney Docket: 41919-0013CP1
`point to any evidence suggesting that Exhibit 1003 is not the 1998 TSE manual.
`Moreover, TT’s argument that the transcript should be excluded as irrelevant
`because Petitioners have not relied on it thus far should be rejected. Petitioners filed
`Exhibit 1009 and served Exhibit 1040 anticipating that TT would challenge the
`authenticity of the TSE manual. Now that TT has indeed filed a motion to exclude,
`Petitioners now rely on Exhibit 1009 (and 1040) to overcome TT’s authenticity
`objection to the TSE manual thus rendering TT’s irrelevancy argument moot.
`Accordingly, the Board should deny TT’s Motion to Exclude.
`A. The TSE manual has been properly authenticated.
`TT has conceded that the 2005 Kawashima deposition
`transcript is permissible hearsay; TT thus moots its own
`evidentiary objection.
`TT asserts that Petitioners failed to authenticate the TSE manual (Exhibit
`1003) because the 2005 Kawashima deposition transcript—which authenticates the
`TSE manual—is allegedly hearsay. Yet TT undermined all of its alleged “doubts”
`about the authenticity of the TSE manual when it conceded that it is admissible
`hearsay in a related CBM proceeding. (CBM2015-00181, Paper 109 at 2-7, 3.)
`(“[T]he residual hearsay objection of FRE 807 applies to . . . the 2005 Kawashima
`deposition transcript.”) TT presumably took that position hoping to receive
`favorable treatment of its own unrelated testimonial evidence from the related


`Proceeding No.: CBM2016-00051
`Attorney Docket: 41919-0013CP1
`district court litigation, arguing that “Patent Owner’s evidence from district court
`litigation and the 2005 Kawashima deposition transcript should stand or fall
`together.” (Id. at 6, emphasis added.) Now that TT does not see any benefit to
`conceding the admissibility of the 2005 Kawashima deposition transcript in this
`proceeding, TT wants to retract its previous concessions. TT should not be allowed
`to do so. Having conceded that Exhibit 1009 is permissible hearsay, TT should be
`taken at its word. As such, its motion fails.
`Admissible evidence shows that Exhibit 1003 is what
`Petitioners purport; TT’s arguments to the contrary are
`without merit.
` Petitioners have produced unequivocal and unrebutted evidence showing that
`Exhibit 1003 is the TSE manual. That evidence meets the requirement for
`authentication under each of Fed. R. Evid. 901, 902(11), and 901(b)(4). The certified
`English translation bears the name of the “Tokyo Stock Exchange Operation System
`Division” and the date “August, 1998.” (Ex. 1003 at 5.) The 2005 deposition of Mr.
`Kawashima provides further supporting evidence of authenticity. (Ex. 1009.) Mr.
`Kawashima’s testimony establishes that: (1) Exhibit 1003 is “the current futures
`options trading system -- trade manual” (compare Ex. 1003 at 1, marked “DX 179”
`with bates numbering “TSE 647-981”; with Ex. 1009, 9:19-10:9); (2) confirmed that
`the document was prepared and disseminated in 1998 by the Tokyo Stock Exchange
`(Ex. 1009, 10:19-24, 12:22-24); (3) that Mr. Kawashima had personal knowledge of


`Proceeding No.: CBM2016-00051
`Attorney Docket: 41919-0013CP1
`that, as he “was in charge of preparing this document” (Id. at 11:3); (4) that he
`prepared Exhibit 1003 in the ordinary course of business, as a regular practice of the
`Tokyo Stock Exchange (Id. at 11:4-14); and (5) that Exhibit 1003 was maintained
`thereafter at the Tokyo Stock Exchange in the ordinary course of business. (Id. at
`11:15-24.) Accordingly, there is no question that Exhibit 1003 is the TSE manual
`referred to in the deposition. Furthermore, independent of Kawashima’s 2005
`deposition testimony (Exhibit 1009) Petitioners authenticated the TSE manual
`during Mr. Kawashima’s second deposition in a related proceeding. (CBM2015-
`00181, Ex. 1040, 45:7-46:3.) Thus, regardless of whether his prior testimony is
`considered, the TSE manual has been properly authenticated.
`(a) Exhibit 1003 has been authenticated under Fed. R.
`Evid. 901.
`Petitioners have offered evidence that is more than sufficient to support a
`finding that Exhibit 1003 is what Petitioners claims it is. Fed. R. Evid. 901. And
`Fed. R. Evid. 901(b)(1) provides that “a proponent may authenticate evidence
`through testimony.” See, e.g., SAP Am., Inc. v. Arunachalam, IPR2013-00195,
`Paper 60 at 22 (P.T.A.B. Sept. 18, 2014). Mr. Kawashima “was in charge of
`preparing the document.” (Ex. 1009 at 11:3.) He is, and was, competent to identify
`it for purposes of authentication. Rosenberg v. Collins, 624 F.2d 659, 665 (5th Cir.
`1980) (“Any person in a position to attest to the authenticity of certain records is


`Proceeding No.: CBM2016-00051
`Attorney Docket: 41919-0013CP1
`competent to lay the foundation for the admissibility of the records; he need not
`have been the preparer of the record, nor must he personally attest to the accuracy
`of the information contained in the records.”) See, e.g., EMC Corp. v. Personalweb
`Techs., LLC, IPR2013-00084, Paper 64 at 44 (May 15, 2014) (rejecting argument
`that a witness cannot authenticate a document unless he himself authored it). TT’s
`criticism of the way Mr. Kawashima verified his identification of the TSE manual
`(based on his personal knowledge about how it was prepared), does not cut against
`authenticity in a way supported by law. (Paper 34 at 3-4.) TT does not cite any
`legal authority in support of the unreasonably high standard it asks the Board to
`impose on Mr. Kawashima. Nor does the law require a witness to specify precisely
`how they would go about confirming their identification of a document, given that
`a witness need not attest to its complete accuracy. See Rosenberg, 624 F.2d at 665.
`Exhibit 1003 is self-authenticated under Fed. R. Evid.
`Additionally, Exhibit 1003 is self-authenticated under Fed. R. Evid. 902(11)
`because it comes from the business records of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Mr.
`Kawashima’s testimony establishes that preparation and maintenance of manuals,
`such as the TSE manual, was a regularly conducted activity by the Tokyo Stock
`Exchange. (See, e.g., Ex. 1009, 11:4-24.) Mr. Kawashima was an employee with
`the requisite knowledge during the relevant timeframe to establish this. (Id. at
`5:15-21.) Manuals prepared in the ordinary course of business “fall under the


`Proceeding No.: CBM2016-00051
`Attorney Docket: 41919-0013CP1
`business record exception” and “meet the authentication standard.” Dataquill Ltd.
`v. Handspring, Inc., 2002 WL 31870560 at *3 (N.D. Ill. Dec. 23, 2002). Mr.
`Kawashima’s testimony stands unrebutted that the TSE manual was prepared and
`maintained as a regularly conducted activity in the ordinary course of business (Ex.
`1009, 11:4-24). Fed. R. Evid. 803(6)(B)-(D). When Mr. Kawashima testified in
`2005 as to its authenticity, the TSE manual was only seven years old. (Ex. 1009,
`10:19-24.) Fed. R. Evid. 803(6)(A). TT has not shown, nor can it, that “the source
`of information or the method or circumstances of preparation indicate any lack of
`trustworthiness.” Fed. R. Evid. 803(6)(E). TT’s suggestion that Mr. Kawashima’s
`testimony is conclusory does not establish untrustworthiness. (Paper 34 at 5). And
`TT’s allegation that Mr. Kawashima is biased is merely self-serving speculation.
`(Id. at 8.) Indeed, this Board has rejected exactly the same unfounded allegations
`of bias TT makes here in a related proceeding, and TT offers no reason whatsoever
`why the Board should not reach the same conclusion on the same arguments and
`the same evidence as it did before. (See CBM2015-00182 Paper 129 (Final
`Written Decision) at 23 (“we are not persuaded that Mr. Kawashima is an
`interested witness”).) Accordingly, all of the requirements for authenticating the
`TSE manual (Exhibit 1003) as a record of regularly conducted activity are satisfied
`in this case. Fed. R. Evid. 902(11).
`c) Exhibit 1003 is authenticated under Fed. R. Evid. 901(b)(4).


`Proceeding No.: CBM2016-00051
`Attorney Docket: 41919-0013CP1
`And, although not necessary, the TSE manual is authenticated under Fed. R.
`Evid. 901(b)(4) which provides that “appearance, contents, substance, internal
`patterns, or other distinctive characteristics of the item, taken together with all the
`circumstances” is sufficient to satisfy the Fed. R. Evid. 901(a). Exhibit 1003 shows
`a distinctive layout with a large number of unique illustrations. Exhibit 1003 also
`includes the Bates numbering applied in connection with the related district court
`action. (Ex. 1003, marked “DX 179” with bates numbers “TSE 647-981,” and page
`numbering “1-1,” etc.) This branding is distinctive and confirms the authenticity of
`Exhibit 1003. A distinctive circumstance here also includes that Mr. Kawashima
`made himself available for cross-examination in a related proceeding. In view of
`this, Petitioners have laid a sufficient foundation to establish that Exhibit 1003 is
`authentic under Fed. R. Evid. 901(b)(4). See, e.g., Ericsson Inc. v. Intellectual
`Ventures I LLC, IPR2014-00527, Paper 41 at 12 (P.T.A.B. May 18, 2015) (finding
`collection of papers with sequential pages authenticated). Accordingly, because
`Petitioners properly authenticated the TSE manual in numerous ways, and TT
`offers no evidence suggesting the TSE manual is not what Petitioners purport it is,
`TT’s request to exclude Exhibit 1003 should be denied. And even if TT had raised
`legitimate questions, which TT has not, “[a]ny doubts. . . [go] to the weight and not
`the admissibility of the [evidence].” United States v. Albert, 595 F.2d 283, 290 (5th
`Cir.1979), cert. denied, 444 U.S. 963 (1979).


`Proceeding No.: CBM2016-00051
`Attorney Docket: 41919-0013CP1
`For the above reasons, Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude should be denied.
`Dated: April 12, 2017
`Respectfully submitted,
`/John C. Phillips/
`John C. Phillips
`Reg. No. 35,322
`Fish & Richardson, P.C.
`Attorney for Petitioners


`Proceeding No.: CBM2016-00051
`Attorney Docket: 41919-0013CP1
`Pursuant to 37 CFR §§ 42.6(e)(4) and 42.6(e)(4)(iii), the undersigned certifies
`that on April 12, 2017, a complete and entire copy of this Petitioners’ Opposition to
`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude was provided via email to the Patent Owner, by
`serving the correspondence address of record as follows:
`Leif R. Sigmond, Jr., Cole B. Richter,
`Michael D. Gannon and Jennifer M. Kurcz
`McDonnell, Boehnen, Hulbert & Berghoff LLP
`Steven F. Borsand, Jay Q. Knobloch
`Trading Technologies International, Inc.
`/Diana Bradley/
`Diana Bradley
`Fish & Richardson P.C.
`60 South Sixth Street, Suite 3200
`Minneapolis, MN 55402
`(858) 678-5667

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