Paper No. ____
`Filed: February 17, 2016
`Patent Owner.
`Patent No. 6,766,304
`UNDER 35 U.S.C. § 325(c) AND 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.22 AND 42.222(b)

`Motion for Joinder
`U.S. Patent No. 6,766,304
`Petitioners IBG LLC and Interactive Brokers LLC (collectively, “IBG” or
`“Petitioners”) respectfully submit this motion for joinder together with a petition for
`covered business method review (“the petition”) of claims 1-40 of U.S. Patent No.
`6,766,304 (“the ’304 patent”), assigned to Trading Technologies International, Inc.
`(“TT” or “Patent Owner”). Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 325(c) and 37 C.F.R. § 42.222(b),
`IBG requests that this proceeding be joined with TradeStation Group, Inc. and
`TradeStation Securities, Inc. v. Trading Technologies International, Inc., CBM2015-
`00161 (“the ’161 CBM review”).
`IBG is filing this petition and joinder motion to ensure that trial is completed
`in the event that the current petitioners in the ’161 CBM review reach settlement with
`Patent Owner. Given that Patent Owner has already settled with at least one other
`defendant accused of infringing the ’304 patent, this is a significant concern.
`Moreover, joinder of IBG’s petition with the ’161 CBM review would allow for
`consolidation of the proceedings and promote efficient resolution of the two
`IBG’s request for joinder is timely because the Board issued its institution
`decision instituting trial in the ’161 CBM review on January 27, 2016, less than one
`month ago. IBG’s petition is also narrowly tailored to the identical ground of
`unpatentability for which trial was instituted on the ’161 petition and relies on the
`same analysis and evidence. Accordingly, joinder of the petition to the ’161 CBM
`review is appropriate. In addition, joinder is appropriate because it will efficiently
`- 1 -

`resolve the validity of the claims of the ’304 patent in a single proceeding, without
`prejudicing the parties to the ’161 CBM review.
`Absent termination of TradeStation Securities, Inc. and TradeStation Group,
`Inc. (collectively, “TradeStation”) as parties to the proceeding, IBG anticipates
`participating in a limited capacity. To the extent that IBG does participate, IBG will
`coordinate with TradeStation to consolidate any filings, manage questioning at
`deposition, manage presentations at the hearing, ensure that briefing and discovery
`occur within the time normally allotted, and avoid redundancies.
`IBG has conferred with counsel for TradeStation regarding the subject of this
`motion. TradeStation has indicated that it does not oppose joinder.
`Beginning in 2005, TT began asserting a number of patents, including the ’304
`patent, against numerous companies. In August 2005, CQGT, LLC and CQG, Inc.
`(collectively, “CQG”) filed a complaint for declaratory judgment of non-
`infringement and invalidity of the ’304 patent. See CQG v. Trading Techs. Int’l,
`CBM2015-00057, Paper 13 p. 2 (July 10, 2015). Later that same month, Patent
`Owner sued CQG for infringement of the ’304 patent. Id. at 2-3. Patent Owner
`subsequently sued TD Ameritrade, Inc. and TD Ameritrade Holding Corp.
`(collectively “TD Ameritrade”), TradeStation, and IBG in separate actions
`commenced in 2010.
`The ’304 patent has also been the subject of a number of petitions for covered
`business method review. First, TD Ameritrade filed a CBM review petition on May
`- 2 -

`20, 2014. Ex. 1005. While the Board found that the ’304 patent was eligible for CBM
`review, it denied the petition based on deficiencies in the proposed grounds of
`challenge. Ex. 1003.
`On January 9, 2015, CQG filed a CBM review petition directed to the ’304
`patent. See CQG, CBM2015-0057, Paper 3. On July 10, 2015, the Board denied
`institution of the CQG petition based on CQG’s filing of a declaratory judgment
`action challenging the validity of the ’304 patent. CQG, CBM2015-00057, Paper 13.
`The merits of CQG’s petition were not reached. Id.
`On July 20, 2015, TradeStation filed a CBM petition challenging the validity
`of claims 1-40 of the ’304 patent. See TradeStation, CBM2015-00161, Paper 2. In its
`petition, TradeStation acknowledges that portions of its petition, including the
`supporting expert declaration, are substantially identical to CQG’s petition and
`exhibits. Id. at 4. The Board issued its institution decision in the ’161 CBM review on
`January 27, 2016, instituting trial on all claims.
`IBG’s petition raises the identical ground of unpatentability as was raised in
`the ’161 CBM review and instituted by the Board, and is essentially a copy of
`TradeStation’s petition in the ’161 CBM review with respect to the challenge under
`§ 101, while omitting the challenge under § 112 that was denied institution. See,
`generally, Petition.
`- 3 -

`Legal Standard
`The Leahy-Smith America Invents Act permits joinder of like review
`proceedings, including joinder of a covered business method review to another
`covered business method review. 35 U.S.C. § 325(c); 37 C.F.R. 42.222. In deciding
`whether to exercise its discretion and allow joinder of proceedings, the Board
`considers several factors including: (1) the reasons why joinder is appropriate, (2)
`whether the party to be joined has presented any new grounds of unpatentability, (3)
`what impact, if any, joinder would have on the trial schedule for the existing review,
`and (4) how briefing and discovery may be simplified. Dell Inc. v. Network-1
`Security Solutions, Inc., IPR2013-00385, Paper 17 p. 4 (July 29, 2013); see also
`Skimlinks, Inc. v. Linkline, Inc., CBM2015-00087, Paper 14 p. 24 (June 15, 2015)
`(citing Frequently Asked Question H5,
`IBG’s Motion for Joinder Is Timely
`Joinder may be requested no later than one month after the institution date of a
`covered business method review for which joinder is requested. 37 C.F.R.
`§ 42.222(b). The Board issued its institution decision in the ’161 CBM review on
`January 27, 2016, less than one month ago. Accordingly, IBG’s request for joinder is
`- 4 -

`The Relevant Factors Weigh in Favor of Joinder
`Each of the four factors considered by the Board weighs in favor of joinder. As
`discussed below, granting joinder will not enlarge the scope of the ’161 CBM review
`and will not impact the schedule in that proceeding.
`Joinder is Appropriate
`Joinder with the ’161 CBM review is appropriate because the petition is not
`only limited to the same § 101 ground raised in TradeStation’s petition, but also
`relies on the same analysis submitted by TradeStation. Indeed, the petition is virtually
`identical with respect to the analysis regarding the ’304 patent’s eligibility for CBM
`review, claim construction, and the asserted ground of challenge under § 101.
`Moreover, the petition does not assert any grounds of challenge not already raised or
`instituted in the ’161 CBM review. The Board recognizes a “policy preference for
`joining a party that does not present new issues that might complicate or delay an
`existing proceeding.” Enzymotec Ltd. v. Neptune Techs. & Bioresources, Inc.,
`IPR2014-00556, Paper 19 p. 6 (July 9, 2014); see also 157 Cong. Rec. S1376 (daily
`ed. Mar. 8, 2011) (statement of Sen. Kyl) (“The Office anticipates that joinder will be
`allowed as of right ... for example, a party that files an identical petition will be
`joined to that proceeding.”).
`Joinder of the petition to the ’161 CBM review will promote the efficient
`determination of validity of all claims of the ’304 patent, as it will consolidate
`identical challenges to the validity of the ’304 patent. If the Board institutes a
`separate CBM review of the ’304 patent based on IBG’s petition in addition to the
`instituted ’161 CBM review proceeding, the Board would be required to determine
`- 5 -

`the same issues in multiple proceedings, requiring duplicative efforts and creating a
`risk of inconsistent results.
`Moreover, granting IBG’s joinder motion will further the interests of justice in
`that it will permit IBG to protect its interests related to the validity of the ’304
`patent—interests which could be prejudiced if IBG is not permitted to be joined. On
`the other hand, permitting joinder will not prejudice TradeStation or Patent Owner, as
`IBG raises no issues that are not already before the Board so joinder would not affect
`the timing or content of any of TradeStation’s or Patent Owner’s responses.
`Moreover, as discussed below, IBG is amenable to coordinating with TradeStation on
`filings such that Patent Owner will not suffer any additional costs or burdens in
`preparing motions and arguments. Additionally, TradeStation does not oppose IBG’s
`joinder request. Accordingly, because of the substantially identical petitions involved
`here, joinder is appropriate.
`No New Grounds of Unpatentability Are Presented
`The petition does not present any new ground of unpatentability. As
`mentioned above, the ground of challenge set forth in the petition is substantially
`identical to the ground presented in the ’161 CBM review.
`The petition differs in a single way, which does not warrant denying this
`motion. The petition in the ’161 CBM review included a ground of challenge based
`on § 112. The Board did not institute trial based on that ground, and IBG has
`therefore omitted it from its petition. The omission of the § 112 ground of challenge
`- 6 -

`does not change the substantive analysis presented in the § 101 ground of challenge
`in any way.
`No Impact on the Trial Schedule for the ’161 CBM Review
`Granting this motion for joinder will have no impact on the trial schedule for
`the ’161 CBM review proceeding because the Board only recently issued its
`institution decision in that proceeding. Because the ’161 CBM review is still in its
`early stages, joinder will not prevent the Board from issuing a final written decision
`in a timely manner. If the Board grants this joinder request, the joined proceeding can
`continue on the schedule set by the Board in the ’161 CBM review, which would
`substantially minimize any burden on the Board and the parties.
`Moreover, IBG’s petition does not raise any issues that are not already before
`the Board. Thus, TT does not need to specifically address any issues raised by IBG,
`and thus, joinder would have no impact on the timing or cost of the proceeding.1
`1 To the extent that TT may argue CQG is a real party-in-interest to IBG’s
`petition, IBG has already addressed this in the petition by applying the same analysis
`as is set forth by TradeStation in the petition for the ’161 CBM proceeding. See
`Petition pp. 3-7. In addition, IBG notes that the Board has already denied TT’s
`motion for discovery on this issue with respect to TradeStation in the ’161 CBM
`review and ruled in its institution decision in that proceeding that Patent Owner has
`- 7 -

`Joinder Will Simplify Discovery and Briefing
`Given that the petition is practically identical to TradeStation’s petition with
`respect to the ground of unpatentability instituted in the ’161 CBM review, the Board
`may adopt procedures similar to those used in related cases to simplify briefing and
`discovery during trial. See, e.g., Samsung Elecs. Co., Ltd. v. e-Watch, Inc., IPR2015-
`00611, Paper 9 pp. 5-8 (July 10, 2015); Skimlinks, CBM2015-00087, Paper 14 pp.
`23-28. Specifically, the Board may order petitioners to consolidate filings. IBG is
`willing to allow TradeStation to have primary responsibility for filings on behalf of
`all petitioners. Unless and until TradeStation settles with Patent Owner, IBG is
`willing to be limited to separate filings, if any, of a reasonable number of pages (e.g.,
`seven pages) directed only to points of disagreement with TradeStation with the
`understanding that it will not be permitted any separate arguments in further of those
`advanced in TradeStation’s consolidated filings. See, e.g., Samsung, IPR2015-00611,
`Paper 9 pp. 6-7.
`Further, no additional depositions will be needed and depositions will be
`completed within ordinary time limits. Moreover, IBG will coordinate with
`TradeStation to consolidate filings, manage questioning at depositions, manage
`presentations at the hearing, ensure that briefing and discovery occur within the time
`not identified any evidence demonstrating CQG is a real-party-in-interest. See
`CBM015-00161, Paper 20 (generally) and Paper 29 pp. 27-30.
`- 8 -

`normally allotted, and avoid redundancies. These procedures should simplify briefing
`and discovery.
`For the forgoing reasons, Petitioner respectfully requests that this motion be
`granted and that this proceeding be joined with the ’161 CBM review.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/ Michael T. Rosato /
`Michael T. Rosato, Lead Counsel
`Reg. No. 52,182
`Dated: February17, 2016
`- 9 -

`Certificate of Service
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.6(e) and 42.105(a), this is to certify that I caused
`to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing Petitioner’s Motion for Joinder
`Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 325(c) and 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.22 and 42.222(b) by overnight
`courier (Federal Express or UPS), on this 17th day of February, 2016, on the Patent
`Owner at the correspondence address of the Patent Owner as follows:
`300 South Wacker Drive, Suite 3200
`Chicago, IL 60606
`Leif R. Sigmond, Jr.
`McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert &
`Berghoff LLP
`300 South Wacker Drive, Suite 3000
`Chicago, IL 60606
`Dated: February 17, 2016
`/ Michael T. Rosato /
`Michael T. Rosato, Lead Counsel
`Reg. No. 52,182
`- 10 -

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