Case: 1:09-cv-03895 Document #: 82-28 Filed: 12/29/09 Page 2 of 369 PagelD #11510
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`User Guide
`June 1995
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`Freeform where the trader can move or overlap the various windows.
`and choose whether to display the Trader Mailbox and Ticker windows.
`The instrument Spacing choice lets the user determine how far apart to space
`instruments in the Trading window.
`in Fixed Display Mode, the Knszrumem Overfap Warning choice iets the user
`receive a warning when a window wili obscure instrumem data.
`Page Mam: Functions
`The Page menu has been efiminated; functions on the Page menu have been
`incorporated in the new Window menu.
`Using this Manual
`’ The first two sections of this manual-- Using the GLOBE): Keystation and Basic
`‘ GLOBEX Functions -- inoiude an the basic information you need to use the
`system. Techniques. details. and background are presented separatefy from actuai
`functions (whenever possible) to avoid repetifion.
`Section 3 of the manuat describes Service/Emergency Procedures.
`(f:‘L«’.'»‘L.4;’.:‘-,‘( Use.’ Cimc-‘rs -
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`Lilsing the GLOBEX Keystation
`The GLOBEX keystation is your link to one or more GLOBEX Services. A Ser~
`vice is the set of facilities that support the GLOBEX system. These include a
`GLOBEX central computer (known as the Host). a GLOBEX Control Center
`(G00), and a tickerfclearlng feed. The way orders are accepted, sequenced,
`and processed is the same lot each Service. An individual keystation is permis-
`sioned for and connected to a Service. and a trader is permissioned to trade on
`one or more Exchanges within a Service.
`The components of your keystation are a display screen. keyboard. mouse,
`one or more primers, a modem, and a processor.
`in this section of the User
`Guide, you will learn about these components.
`Your keystation is one of a group of keystatlons linked to one or more adminis-
`trative keystations for the purpose of routing trade confirmations. Trade coniir«
`rnation tickets for the group are produced on an additional primer connected
`onlyto administrative kaystations. All keystations allow trading; however.
`since the administrative keystatiorrs printer receives the tickets, it is possible
`that it may not respond as quickly as a trading keystation during order entry.
`1.1. GLOBEX Login
`The Login dialog box is always displayed if you are not togged into a Service.
`You cannot log into a Service until the Service name and start Session button
`are enabled (btack).
`If you are not permissioned for a Service. its name will not
`appear in the Service list
`gnu,“ L."
`99...-. 1.-..
`suncuult sum: :3
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`’ zur sccuou
`nun Dttllllil
`Figure 1.1 Login matey Bax
`GLOE~’E)(' Usser Guide ~
`I 51:’-if
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`1 The GLOBEX Keysfarian
`Figln 1.2 GLOBEX Keyboard
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`1 The aaoaex Keysration
`1.2. The Keyboard
`The GLOBEX Keystation keyboard is shown in Figure 1.2. Features of the key-
`board are explained below.
`1.2.1. Hard Keys
`The majority of keys on the keyboard are “nard" keys. some of which. labeled
`I and
`in Figure 3.2. are assigned to the most frequently used trading
`12.2. other Important Keys
`in the keyboard cfiagram, to mova the irzseo
`Use arrow keys. shown with
`lion point in a dialog box: use number keys n to enter prices and quantifies.

`Cancels any function.
`Complete and execute a function, submitting the entry
`(gt 13¢? I
`:0 the H051.
`Allows use of the keyboard as a calculator.
`1.2.3. Safl Keys
`svs new
`“Soft” keys. so named because they can have more than one function, are arran-
`5 ged in two staggered rows
`above me main keyboard. In this user guide, soft
`keys are iliustrated as shown at left. The soft key label
`shows the lunctiorus)
`assigned to each key.
` A
`4- soft key to access the function in the top part of the label.
`€3.l..O5r.':':'_X U56-.' (.7:..-‘rite ~ 199:3
`Page 18 of 368

`Case: 1:09-cv-03895 Document #2 82-28 Filed: 12/29/09 Page 20 of 369 Page|D #21528
`1 The GLOBEX Keystation
`Programming Soft Keys
`At any time your keystation is operating, you can program the unlabeled soft
`keys at the right end of each row to pariorm macros. A macro is an automated
`procedure that reduces the number of keystrokes required by repetitive opera-
`lions. Once you save the macro, you can press the soft key to implement the
`operation. Appendix F tells how to program soft keys. Keep a written record of
`each macro and the key to which you assign it.
`1.3. The Mouse
`The mouse is a pointing device that simpfifies GLOBEX operations. The
`mouse has a ieft and a right button. Use the left button unless otherwise in-
`1.3.1. Mouse Pointer
`As you root! the mouse on the desk top. a mouse pointer moves
`on the screen. Use the mouse to point to a menu choice, instru-
`ment on a screen page, item in a list. or command button in a
`dialog box. Pressing (clicking) the mouse button selects the item
`the mouse is pointing to, or activates the command button.
`Point and click anywhere in a window to make the window active
`so you can move, size, or make a selection in it. (The window
`has “focus” when it is active.)
`When you point to the characters in a text box (in a dialog box),
`the arrow pointer changes to an i-beam. when you click in atext
`box, the I-beam becomes a flashing insertion point that shows
`where a character you type writ appear.
`if a procedure requires you to wait for compietion, the mouse
`pointer becomes an hourglass symboi.
`E moving a pop-up window.
`The mouse pointer becomes the move indicator when you are
`('I.I'.Oi3E‘X. -Llscr Gu."do- 19$-25
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`7 Die GLOBEX Keystation
`1.4. The GLOBEX Keystation Display
`Figure 1.3 shows a typical GLOBEX display and identifies the windows and
`areas on the screen.
`P111: * M.-‘.
`. B 1'
`if *
`Meta; Bar
`Page Name
`Tr.='.sm'1:g Windflii‘
`Trader Mailbox
`Itn 1'
`' " ‘T :3.-r.:s~.. 39¢‘?
`.1..; ‘.49-‘.
`Figure 1-3 GLOBEX Display - Fixed 51349
`0 GLOBEX functions are fisted on menus whose tities are shown in the
`menu bar.
`tn the Trading window you can see, at a glance, quotes and quantifies
`at the top of the market as wet! as your best ordars entered at the
`keystation for a set of instruments.
`GLOBTEX U::er Gzzfrle -
`21 1368

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`3' The GLOBEX Keystarion
`1.4.1. Display Styles
`About Dispiay Styles
`There are two disptay styles:
`Fixed where the Trading window, Trader Maiibox, and Ticker window
`dispiay in fixed positions. as shown in Figure 1.3.
`Freerform where the trader can move or overlap the various windows
`and decide which windows should display. An exampie of the freeform
`style is shown In Figure 1.4.
`5pTrade Nodifu nisplau raven unndnu
`an .3
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`x 1
`... ....
`...__ ._...
`¢ 09 Hdq T995 1L:d1 nmf
`' Figure 1.4 8LOBExDisplay-Fneformstyte
`G.’_.C)£3li' K’ User Gurde «- 799.5
`23 1368

`Case: 1:09—cv—O3895 Document #1 82-28 Filed: 12/29/09 Page 25 of 369 Page|D #21533
`1 7779 GLOBEX Keystation
`Changing the Display
`To change the display trom one styte to another:
`1. Move the mouse pointer to Window on the menu bar. Click the re
`The drop~down Window menu disptays.
`2. Move the pointer to Style in the drop—o’own menu. Ctick the r-j---------
`toons (picture symbols} for the two style choices appear. S
`The top icon is for tixed disptay styte; the bottom icon, treeiorrrw
`3. Move the mouse pointer to the styte you want. Ctick the n1ou.<_=;
`disptay changes to the selected style.
`when you change to the treetorm szyte. GLOBEX uses the windov\..--jun-u
`men: chosen when this styte was iast used. Any new settings will e
`when you Iogout.
`Trader‘ Mai 1 box-
`3}‘ instrument I399;-rlap Barn} ng
`.J1:2}r:£29-1338219329”..................... L-
`...................;.... ..
`Figure 1.5 Drop-Down window Menu
`Moving and sizing Windows
`when the display is in tixed style, you can size the Trader Maitbcoc
`window. When the display is In ‘freeform style. you can move, size».-
`Trader Mailbox and Tucker window.
`In either style, you can move -
`the Price Page or change its font size.
`Sizing Windows
`when the disptay is in fixed style. increase or decrease the size car!-“-
`V Mailbox and the Ticker window together by ciicktng the G or - butt¢::--
`right corner at the screen title bar. (The buttons are shown tn Ftgu 2-----------
`{E?Z(IJl?£f'}\'{_l:~;r.ér C".
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`Case: 1:09-cv-03895 Document #2 82-28 Filed: 12/29/09 Page 26 of 369 Page|D #21534
`!‘{¥*i§§:§;,,?ara mreg’ {gays to sizer Mailbox and Tucker window in freetorm
`Page ‘can be sized withvthesa methods in either dis-
`W:t_hf;}cus-in tne _wi§}<:ow (time §:’r‘ar'is grayxpress O to display the System
`'5ne};5£4=*shown §§'1:F}gt;;$*1.6.
`® or G)
`to highlight Grow or Shrink.
`8‘I'5 MENU
`H -= so an fine_s, do no: disglay. scroll bars appear. (See Fig-
`" ure 1,6,) click. the Up or Down Sc:-fol! Arrows to bring additional tines into view.
`Page 25 of 368
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`1 The GLOBEX Keyitalion
`Displaying or hiding Windows
`To dispiay the Trader Mailbox, Ticker window, or Price Page:
`1. Click Wndow in the menu bar to dispiay the Window menu.
`Dome dick the
`control box to
`ciose a window.
`2. Ciick either Trader Mailbox or Ticker in the window menu to display that
`window in traetorm styie. Click Price Page to disptay a menu with a choice of
`available Price Pages. Ciick the name oi the desired page.
`A check appears beside Trader Mailbox. Ticker. or Price Page if it is displayed
`on the screen. The seiected Price Page is checked in the list of available
`To hide the Trader Mailbox or Ticker window (oniy in ireeform style):
`1. Click window in the menu bar to display the Window menu.
`2. Click Trader Mailbox or Ticker. The window is removed from the display.
`at the bottom of
`When Trader Mailbox is hidden. it appears as an icon
`the screen with 5 number
`the number of new messages. up to 109.
`To hide the Price Page:
`1. Click Window in the menu bar to display the Window menu.
`2- Click Price Page. Click the name of the currently checked page. The Price
`Page is removed.
`(To change the éspiayed page, ciick another page in the
`To display or hide windows with the keyboard:
`1. Press 0 to activate the menu bar. (Focus must be in the Trading window.)
`2. Use 6) to highlight the Window menu.
`to highlight menu choices. Press
`~ 3. Use
`choose a highlighted option. (Menu choices are the same as those described
`above for the mouse.)
`displays the Price Page if it is currently hidden.

`To close a window.
`’’°” °’’‘" a's° "'°5‘°’
`svs MENU
`With f00i-I5 "7 3
`Window and
`($0066 C‘05°-
`Gi.O:3E.X‘ Use." Gu.-'dc:- ~
`Page 26 of 368

`Case: 1:09-cv-03895 Document #2 82-28 Filed: 12/29/09 Page 28 of 369 Page|D #21536
`I 7716 GLOBEX Keystazlon
`Moving Windows
`You can move Trader Mailbox or Ticker window in freeform display style. Price
`Page can be moved in either display style.
`Using the mouse:
`1. Click anywhere in the title bar of the window. The mouse pointer changes
`to E.
`2. Move the mouse pointer anywhere on the screen-
`3. when the tip of the arrow is where you want the upper-iett corner of the
`window to be, click again. The window will oispiay as ciose as possible to the
`selected iocation. Windows will not overlap the Command Line, date and
`time. or the Alerts window.
`Using the keyboard:
`svs MENU
`1. Press 0 to display the System menu shown in Figure 1.6. (Focus must be
`and Q) to highlight Move. Press ‘$......."7..'1'.";.....&-'
`in the window.) Use
`The mouse pointer changes to
`2. Use the arrow keys to move the pointer.
`3. when the tip of the arrow is where you want the upper-left corner of the
` window to be, press ' -‘I’ . The window wilt display as close as
`possflale to the selected tocatlon. Windows wilt not overlap the Command
`Line. date and time, or the Alerts window.
`See Section 10 for additional information on these windows.
`i i 3 :
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`1 The GLOBEX Keystation
`tines showing instruments from the lost or logged-out Service are blanked.
`Whenever thekeystation is forced to select a page for display, it atways dis-
`plays a single default system page.
`The Normal View of the Trading window, visible when you tog En. contains four
`btocks of information: instalment biook. market block. statistics block. and
`keystatlon btock. See Figure 1.7, which shows the four blocks. The informa-
`tion in the instrument, market, and statistics blocks is visible to all traders tog-
`ged into the Service. Keystation block information pertains oniy to orders
`entered at your Keystation.
`Ft'g'me 1.7 normal View of Trading window
`instrument Black
`The system or custom page name appears above a numbered list of instru-
`ments. Each page can contain up to 20 contract identification codes, referred
`to in this manual as instrument names,
`Menu Trade
`EDU3 C9503
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`1 The owssx Keystarfon
`Market Black
`The information in the market block is based on air orders for each instrument
`iisted by the Service. The Market Quote column {Bid/Offer) shows the best
`(highest) Bid and best (lowest) Offer prices for that Service. The character
`separating the values is also used to indicate an instrumenfs siata before the
`market opening (closed. halted, or non~<:ance| period) and, after the market
`is open, the ievei of information avaiiabie about the current market (normal,
`drop back, and snapshot modes). Figure 1.9 shows the market brook as it
`might appear prior to Opening and after opening. {See Sections 4.2 and 4.3.)
`. Srirade Niiéifii
`_ "
`Figure 1.9 flame! fiiockafitvn Diiierenzflrnes
`The Market Quantity coiumn _
`;_ (Bid quantitylofler quantity)
`shows the total quantity of ail’
`orders at the best price.
`iA_Ihen'-youhave orders at the
`' best price on aim ‘side of -.
`the market. trratiprioe is
`dispiayed in white on a black
`background (the on-market indicator).
`more 'iiox:?ii"i_r Eisgri. X‘
`Statistics Block
`é The Last column shows one of the foiicrwing events:
`- The latest trade price (Last).
`Settle prioe (displayed in reverse video uniii a new
`Last is reoeivedi.
`o A subsequent Bid higher than the previous Last
`iinoludlrig entry Occurring prior to the first trade of
`the day).
`. A isuosequem Offer iawerthan the previous Last
`{including entry occurring prior to the first trade or
`the oay),
`3 -i. 7 9 ,.
`Fig.1.10 sumac: Block
`. A new indicative Opening Prices (displayed in reverse video during
`staging period prior to market opening).
`:"5:.:}r1:E= -
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`I The G1. OQEX Keysiar.-‘on
`Keystation Block
`The information in this block shows you details about your orders. GLOBEX
`permits multiple orders for the same instrument. at the same or different prices.
`The Keystation block always shows the “best” quotes, and not necessarily the
`most recent.
`in the event that you have multiple orders at the best price on the
`same side of a book; the one dispiayed is the oldest one, the one which would
`trade first. The Trader Quote column (Bicilflifferi shows the best Bid and Offer
`prices entered from this keystation.
`it you have more than one order for an ins-
`trument on the same side of the book, the stash separator changes to an aste-
`The Trader Quantity column (Bid quantity/Offer quan— .;L-.,-4E‘5,_
`iity) shows the quantity oi the oldest best Bid and Ot-
`fer entered from this keystation.
`""‘ 3‘ :
`Additions! Views of the Keystation Block t/9"3‘i'£’
`Figure 1.1: xeystatson am
`Since all the information available for an instrument cannot fit on one line in the
`trading window, you can display three additional views of the keystation block.
`Click the mouse anywhere in the keystation block column headings or press
`O to cycle through the different views. The three views cycle in this order:
`a Normal View
`- Net Positions View
`Statistics View
`when you click in the column headings or press
`in the third view. Stati-
`stics, the Normal View redisplays.
`Figures 1.7, 1.12, and 1.13 show the three views In any view, the last charac-
`ter in the instrument tine is the Exchange identifier.
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`--- .....................................
`1 The GLOBEX xeyszazsen
`Net Positions View
`For this view. keystation block values for each instrument are replaced by the
`accumulated Quantity Bought. Quantity Sold, and resulting Net quantity. follo-
`' wed by a suffix (+, -), based on the current logln session. Column headings
`are white.
`Fgure 1.12 Net Positions View
`Statistics View
`For this view, keystation block values are replaced by the daily High. Low, and
`Volume for each instrument in the current Service, based on the current login
`session. The High and Low are the highest and lowest Last price$2 each may
`be followed by an indicator (A for Ask, B for Bid, or blank for trade price). Vo~
`lume is the total volume actually tradeo. Column headings are black on yellow.
`Note: After trading begins but belore the first Lrade. High representshighest
`Bid above the prior day's settlement; Low represents lowest Offer below the
`prior day's settlement.
` Trade Htdlfo Il:p!a¢ Duran Hi
` in
`CL‘!!! -l‘ [R14
`Figure 1.13 Statistics View
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`1 2 3
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