` B E F O R E T H E P A T E N T T R I A L A N D A P P E A L B O A R D
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`I B G L L C a n d I N T E R A C T I V E B R O K E R S L L C ,
` P e t i t i o n e r ,
` v s .
`T R A D I N G T E C H N O L O G I E S I N T E R N A T I O N A L , I N C . ,
` P a t e n t O w n e r .
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
` C a s e C B M 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 9 ; P a t e n t 7 , 6 8 5 , 0 5 5 B 2
` T E L E P H O N I C C O N F E R E N C E
` B E F O R E T H E P A T E N T T R I A L A N D A P P E A L B O A R D
` H O N O R A B L E M E R E D I T H C . P E T R A V I C K
` H O N O R A B L E S A L L Y C . M E D L E Y
` H O N O R A B L E J E R E M Y M . P L E N Z L E R
` D e c e m b e r 1 4 , 2 0 1 6
` 9 : 0 0 a . m .
`R e p o r t e d b y : K u r t M . S p e n c e r
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` U N I T E D S T A T E S P A T E N T A N D T R A D E M A R K O F F I C E
` B E F O R E T H E P A T E N T T R I A L A N D A P P E A L B O A R D
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`I B G L L C , I N T E R A C T I V E B R O K E R S L L C , T R A D E S T A T I O N
`G R O U P , I N C . , T R A D E S T A T I O N S E C U R I T I E S , I N C . ,
`T R A D E S T A T I O N T E C H N O L O G I E S , I N C . , a n d I B F X ,
`I N C . ,
` P e t i t i o n e r ,
` v s .
`T R A D I N G T E C H N O L O G I E S I N T E R N A T I O N A L , I N C . ,
` P a t e n t O w n e r .
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
` C a s e C B M 2 0 1 5 - 0 0 1 8 2 ; P a t e n t 6 , 7 7 2 , 1 3 2 B 1
` C a s e C B M 2 0 1 5 - 0 0 1 8 1 ; P a t e n t 7 , 6 7 6 , 4 1 1 B 2
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` ----------------------------------------------
` Petitioner,
` vs.
` Patent Owner.
` Case CBM2015-00161; Patent 6,766,304 B2
` Case CBM2015-00172; Patent 7,783,556 B1
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`CQG, INC., and CQGT, LLC,
` Petitioner,
` vs.
` Patent Owner.
` Case CBM2015-00179; Patent 7,533,056 B2
` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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` JUDGE PETRAVICK: Ms. Kurcz, after
`the conference, could you make sure that the
`transcript gets filed into the case, as an
` MS. KURCZ: I will, Your Honor.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: Thank you. We
`will hear from the Patent Owner first, since
`they requested the call. Let's start with the
`supplemental briefing issue.
` MS. KURCZ: Thank you, Your Honor.
`Patent Owner respectfully requests
`authorization to file additional submissions
`pursuant to 37 CFR Section 42.20.
` Specifically, Patent Owner requests
`permission to provide a submission to explain
`the relevance of the following decisions that
`issued, after Patent Owner's July 21, 2016
` I would like to address a few
`issues to establish why there is good cause for
`this relief. First of all, the timing of this
`request. The cases that we have cited before
`Your Honors are all intervening. That is, they
`issued between the time after we filed our
`Patent Owner's response in July, through the
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`present time.
` As trial is just a few weeks away,
`now is an appropriate time to present
`intervening case law that's issued to date,
`cases that are highly relevant to issues that
`are before this tribunal, in which, Trading
`Technologies would like to address at the
`hearing before Your Honors.
` The scope of Trading Technologies'
`request is also reasonable. Trading
`Technologies requests filing of a summary, with
`respect for each case, contained in one paper.
`That would be akin to a citation of a
`supplemental authority that would be filed in
`the Federal Circuit. That is for each case,
`we're proposing three hundred and fifty words
`to address the portion of the case that is
`relevant to the issues before Your Honors, as
`well as how it relates to pending arguments
`from both sides.
` Trading Technologies would not
`object to Petitioners filing a similar paper.
`In the conferral, Petitioner has indicated that
`they may also be interested in filing a paper
`as well.
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` Trading Technologies would also
`propose that each side could file a three
`hundred fifty-word response with respect to
`each case that is raised by the other side,
`which, again, would be in accordance with
`appellate practice for a similar citation of
`supplemental authority.
` And, Trading Technologies' basis
`for its request -- we are seeking only to find
`cases that we believe are impactful to the
`issues before Your Honors. They are
`significant cases that, all cases that Trading
`Technologies would have included in its Patent
`Owner's response, had they issued prior to the
`filing our Patent Owner's response.
` For instance, with respect to 101,
`you know, the Supreme Court has said that it is
`appropriate to compare claims of prior cases
`against those before Your Honors.
` So, with respect to the McRo and
`Amdocs cases, we'd like to cite out to Your
`Honors as to how those cases are relevant and
`analogous to Trading Technologies' claims.
`And, why that sheds light on the eligibility of
`Trading Technologies' claim.
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` With respect to 103 issues, issues
`of whether or not the claims are obvious, we
`believe that the cases that we have identified
`before Your Honors shed light on arguments to
`establish why Petitioners cannot have been
`found to have met their burden under 103. For
`instance, with respect to GoPro, this case
`sheds light on the fact that TSE is not prior
` With respect to Immunivasive (ph.),
`this sheds light on a couple of issues. The
`first being that there must be specific
`evidence of a motivation to combine. And,
`secondly, that there are APA standards on an
`opportunity to respond.
` A Petitioner cannot make a new
`argument in their Reply, because it's a private
`patent owner's ability to adequately and fairly
`respond, because there is no other avenue to
`address that. And, that's depriving Trading
`Technologies of its due process.
` Also, relevant to motivation to
`combine is the Apple v. Samsung case, which we
`have also identified before Your Honors, which
`is this en banc's opinion that says that there
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`must be actual evidence of a specific
`motivation to combine.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: Let me ask you a
` MS. KURCZ: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: These 103 cases,
`they're not presenting new law. In raising
`these --
` MS. KURCZ: Well --
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: -- cases, right?
`Motivation to combine is not new law, I mean,
`requiring motivation is not new law. It didn't
`come out of these new cases.
` And, in fact, in your Patent
`Owner's response, you do argue that there's no
`motivation to combine.
` What's new that's added by these
`cases, other than, you know, they're cases that
`seek new law that would apply to this briefing?
`Other than, that you want to cite more cases
`that further support what you've already argued
`in your Patent Owner's response. What's new?
` MS. KURCZ: Sure, Your Honor.
`Well, you know, like with respect to Apple v.
`Samsung, that is actually an en banc opinion,
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`so that would be controlling over, I would say,
`a non-en banc opinion.
` And, we think that it's
`significant. There isn't, for instance, at the
`Federal Circuit, there's not a rule that you
`can only cite Supreme Court authority, instead,
`the rule is whether or not the authority is
` And, we believe that these cases
`are highly significant to the issues before
`Your Honors, because it applies factual
`scenarios under governing standards creating
`new law. And, certainly, with respect to 101
`issues as well, the Supreme Court, itself, has
`said that when analyzing patent eligibility,
`the Court should look at, and compare and
`contrast, claims of other cases.
` And, the Court should always look
`at --
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: Ma'am, I'm --
` MS. KURCZ: -- case law that's
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: I'm familiar with
`the 103 issues.
` MS. KURCZ: I'm sorry to get off
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`track, Your Honor.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: That's fine. Let
`me ask you another question.
` MS. KURCZ: Sure.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: I mean, GoPro is
`a Board case that's not precedential, and not
`binding this Panel. So, what would be new on
`that, especially, for a printed publication
`issue, which is fact specific?
` MS. KURCZ: We think that the facts
`in GoPro are highly, highly analogous to those
`before Your Honors.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: I mean, it's not
`new law, correct? I mean, this is applying old
` MS. KURCZ: Well, it's certainly
`another panel opinion to be highly persuasive
`to other panels. And, there also cannot be
`conflicting panels. And, so, there cannot be a
`ruling that conflicts with GoPro.
` So, that's, you know, our basis is
`that this Court should apply --
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: You're asking for
`us to file a briefing about what the case says.
`But, these are. I mean, you're telling us that
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`you really want to compare to the facts. And,
`these are the facts for specific
` So, what would be good cause for
`adding cases that are just applying, you know,
`old law, law that you've already argued in your
`Patent Owner's response?
` MS. KURCZ: Your Honor, again, I
`don't think that this is, you know, I disagree
`with that it is old law. I believe, that any
`time there's a new case that applies facts in a
`different way that that is new law. That
`should be examined. It can't be conflicting.
` Especially, for instance, in GoPro,
`where the factual scenario is highly analogous,
`and that there's no evidence it was ever
`submitted to (inaudible.) There cannot be
`conflicting rulings from panels against that.
` So, we submit that Your Honors, you
`know, must look at these other cases. They're
`significant. We should, at least, be entitled
`to make our argument.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: So, what you
`really want is not only do you want to tell us
`about these cases, with the most cases cited,
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`you want to provide, you know, quick, more
`substantial briefings.
` MS. KURCZ: Well, Your Honor, we --
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: You want to apply
`them to the facts of this case.
` MS. KURCZ: Your Honor, we've only
`asked for three hundred fifty words. You
`really can't do a lot of that in three hundred
`fifty words. We thought that that would be
`similar to what happens at the Federal Circuit.
` And, so, we really can't go through
`all the facts, as you would know, in three
`hundred and fifty words.
` But, what we hoped to do was to try
`to, at least, provide a road map to Your
`Honors, as to why these cases are highly
`relevant, and should be highly persuasive to
`these issues. And, with respect to Apple,
`that's an en banc opinion as well. That's
`understand what you're looking for. Do you
`have anything else on this topic?
` MS. KURCZ: I just wanted to point
`out one other issue, if I may, Your Honor, is
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`that, as I said in the e-mail, Petitioners do
`not object to identification of the Amdocs and
`the McRo cases.
` And, I believe, that they're, and
`I'll let them speak. But, I believe, that they
`agree that we could brief, you know, that they
`may, at least, want to cite other cases as
` And, I'll reserve the rest of the,
`you know, I know we had sent another e-mail to
`Your Honor. Were you planning on addressing
`that at the end of Petitioner's --
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: We'll address
`that next. Yes, one topic at a time.
` MS. KURCZ: Okay. Thank you, Your
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: Petitioner.
` MR. SOKOHL: Yes, Your Honor.
`Thank you. So, we're not opposed to parties
`bringing relevant, positive precedential cases
`to the Court's attention. But, as you point
`out, there's no new law being cited in these
` And, as to turn in a briefing, I
`think counsel just provided you the relevance
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`of these cases, or, at least, in their view.
` It appears to us that Trading
`Technologies just wants to continuously bring
`101 and 103 cases to the Court's attention.
`And, we do disagree strongly with the relevance
`of these cases. I'm not going to go through
`each case.
` But, Apple, and Samsung, and Wynd
`are just not relevant in this case. The fact
`that one case is en banc doesn't make it
`instructive of the issues in this case. They
`were just reversing a Panel decision. They
`didn't even hold oral hearings in this case.
` The case cited by Trading
`Technologies from the Board, the GoPro case, as
`you pointed out, Your Honor, is a mock
`precedential panel decision that is really
` It's the Federal Circuit case law
`that is relevant. That's been cited by both
`parties in their briefs. That's the
`controlling law. That's the precedential law.
`That's the laws that the Court has to follow.
` And, in citing the two 101 cases, I
`agree with counsel that every, you know, the
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`101 cases can be instructive. But, there are
`going to be countless 101 cases between now and
`prior written authorization.
` And, we're going to be seeking some
`guidance as to what the appropriate mechanism,
`and the character of the case is that should be
`brought to the Board's attention.
` I think it's noteworthy that
`counsel continues to cite 101 cases, but, then,
`leaves out a very highly relevant case from
`Federal Circuit that came out about a week or
`two ago, Apple v. Ameranth, A-M-E-R-A-N-T-H,
`which is relevant to whether or not it is first
`ineligible in a statutory subject matter. And,
`the case concluded that --
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: You don't have to
`tell me about that case. I wrote the Panel,
`the PTAB decision in that case.
` MR. SOKOHL: Yes, perfect.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: I am intimately
`familiar with the facts of that case.
` MR. SOKOHL: Perfect. So, the
`point is, is that they're not bringing all the
`cases that are relevant to the Board's
`attention. So, you know, we just don't think,
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`bringing cases to the Board's attention is one
`thing, but, we don't think further briefing at
`this time, would be instructive to the Board.
`You are familiar with Federal Circuit Board's
`decision, as she just points out.
` MR. SOKOHL: And, I think, that
`that's sufficient.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: All right. Thank
`you. Patent Owner, do you have any other
`comments on this topic?
` MS. KURCZ: Only Your Honor, just
`that these are our property rights. And, we
`believe that we are entitled to present every
`significant authority to Your Honors that
`impact our property rights.
` And, we believe that it should be,
`you know, we're not asking for an unreasonable
`length of a submission. We haven't asked for
`every single case that was ever issued. We've
`only identified ones that we believe are
`significant and pertinent to the issues before
`Your Honors. And, so, we respectfully request
`authorization to file something short akin to a
`citation of a supplemental authority.
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` JUDGE PETRAVICK: Okay. Thank you.
`Let's move onto topic No. 2. Patent Owner, can
`you tell us about your request for
`authorization for a Motion, your renewed
`request for an authorization for a Motion to
` MS. KURCZ: Thank you, Your Honor.
`Trading Technologies renews its request to file
`a Motion to Strike Petitioner's reply. While
`the Board previously allowed Trading
`Technologies to file page and line numbers with
`respect to arguments that Trading Technologies
`had identified in Petitioner's reply that were
` Trading Technologies also wanted to
`call to the Board's attention new testimony
`from Petitioner's expert, Mr. Rowe, who
`recently admitted that his Declaration
`contained new arguments.
` Specifically, with respect to
`Section 4(a)3, which is switching from Board
`times four to Board times two.
` Mr. Rowe admitted that that wasn't,
`his opinion on that was not in his prior
`Declaration. It was a new opinion.
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` And, the same thing with respect to
`Section 4(a)1(d) of Petitioner's reply
`regarding TSE's compressed rolling mode is also
`static. Mr. Rowe also admitted that that
`opinion was not in his prior Declaration.
` You know, importantly, Mr. Rowe
`also admitted that he had rendered an opinion
`without even examining the file history.
` And, I think, all of this new
`evidence really underscores the point we were
`trying to make before is that, you know, it's
`very evident to us that the Petitioner's reply
`contains new arguments.
` It's highly prejudicial to us to
`have new arguments, never raised before in a
`Petition, now, being raised for the first time
`in a reply when we have no mechanism to respond
`to that.
` And, given the really tight
`timeframe between now, and the trial on January
`6th, is the only possible remedy that would
`cure this problem in view of the compressed
`timeframe would be to strike the Reply.
` However, alternatively, if Trading
`Technologies requests, if the Board is
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`unwilling to strike the Reply before the trial
`on January 6th, that Trading Technologies
`requests the schedule be extended so Trading
`Technologies can respond to these new arguments
`with a short brief. We are proposing
`sixty-five hundred words, an expert
`Declaration, and, to fully respond to these
` Again, as I said, these are our
`property rights. We should have an opportunity
`to respond to every argument that's been
`alleged, and asserted against these property
`rights. And, the Federal Circuit --
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: Let me ask you a
`question really quick.
` MS. KURCZ: Sure.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: I'll interject
`here. So, we've already let you file. Our
`rules say that no new arguments are going to be
`considered. We've already let you file a
`listing what you consider, allege to be the new
`arguments. And, last night, you filed a Motion
`for Observation, you know, pointing out what
`you think is Mr. Rowe's testimony on this
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` And, our rules say that new
`arguments, or improper arguments that are not
`within the scope of the Reply, aren't
`considered. Why isn't that sufficient?
` You've already had an opportunity
`to point out to us what you think, or what you
`allege are the new arguments.
` If they're not considered, then,
`why is that not sufficient? Why do you need to
`file a briefing on the issue?
` MS. KURCZ: That's a good question,
`Your Honor, thank you. At this point, we don't
`know what the Board will rule yet. I mean,
`those are pending before Your Honors, and there
`hasn't been a ruling.
` I mean, we feel very confident in
`our position. However, we believe we would be
`greatly prejudiced absent striking of those
`arguments. And, we're trying to explore and
`exhaust every possible remedy to address that
` And, so, that's why we're
`alternatively proposing briefings in the event
`that we don't --
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: Why do you need
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`briefings --
` MS. KURCZ: -- hear by now.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: Why do you need
`briefings to consider arguments that can't be
`considered under the rules?
` MS. KURCZ: Well, my only point is
`that I don't know how Your Honors are ruling
`yet. And, to fully protect Trading
`Technologies' interests, we are seeking,
`alternatively, if we don't hear, you know, very
`soon on the ruling, we're not going to know,
`prior to the hearing if, you know, what is in
`and out.
` And, presumably, Petitioners may
`seek to try to raise these arguments. And, we
`will not have a mechanism to address and
`respond to these arguments. It's, of course
`not in our response, because they weren't in
`the Petition, you know. They weren't in the
`institution decision.
` So, we just want to make sure that
`we're exhausting every avenue to fully address
`these arguments to the extent that the Board
`does not make a ruling on this soon, then,
`Trading Technologies alternatively requests,
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`you know, an extension of the schedule.
` Of course, we would much rather
`prefer that the Board just strike the new
`arguments now so we know what's in and out.
` But, alternatively, if you know the
`Board's not inclined to do that, we just don't
`want to be in this situation where the Board
`disagrees with us, and we're not able to
`respond to the new arguments.
`Mr. Sokohl, would you like to respond?
` MR. SOKOHL: Yes, Your Honor.
`Without getting into the substance of the
`issue, we, obviously, disagree that the
`Petitioner has not supplied fair arguments.
` The Board has already provided
`Trading Technologies' relief. They've provided
`a listing, we wrote responses to that listing.
`Mr. Rowe's issues did not change anything.
` As to further briefing, I would
`note that this request is just untimely.
`Trading Technologies first notified the Board
`on November 14th. But, no mention of
`supplemental briefing was made at that time.
` We are almost three weeks away from
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`the hearing, with two major holidays in
`between. Trading Technologies now wants to
`file a supplemental briefing along with a
`Declaration. I hear for the first time today
`they want sixty-five hundred words, which is
`more words than we got for an entire reply.
` We would need to have to file a
`supplemental reply to that, depose their
`witness, file observations. It is just not
`feasible to do all that in this timeframe.
` And, I think, that Trading
`Technologies should have asked if they wanted
`supplemental briefing prior to this. So, at
`the bottom, we think the request is untimely.
` Furthermore, as counsel for Trading
`Technologies points out, Mr. Rowe, merely said
`that the opinion and his supplemental
`Declaration did appear in his original
`Declaration. That doesn't mean he says that
`these are new arguments. That doesn't mean
`that Petitions and other evidence, Petitioners
`didn't support the Reply.
` The purpose of the trial is to, as
`the Federal Circuit pointed out, is to create a
`record. And, the remarks that Trading
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`Technologies complains about are directly
`responsive to arguments set forth in their
` And, we are allowed to present our
`counter-arguments, and that's what we have
`done. At the end of the day, if the Board
`doesn't accept Trading Technologies narrow time
`construction, these arguments are mute anyway.
` We believe that the ATA is a
`two-way street. We are last presenting our
`arguments, particularly, when Trading
`Technologies comes forth with narrow-claim
`constructions. And, again, these are all
`supported by the decision, as you pointed out
`in our list.
` Now, the appropriate vehicle for
`bringing Mr. Rowe's testimony to the Board's
`attention is a Motion for Observations, which
`they have filed yesterday. And, so, there's no
`need for further briefing. They've already
`brought testimony to the Board's attention.
` Furthermore, yesterday, they also
`filed, Trading Technologies, a Motion to
`Exclude, including a Motion to Exclude Portions
`of the Reply.
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` And, so, we would suggest that
`they've already had their briefing on this
`Ms. Kurcz, any final thoughts?
` MS. KURCZ: Thank you, Your Honor.
`We disagree that we waived anything as an
`initial matter. This is new evidence that just
`came out last week. It's a new basis to
`further strike the Reply. We didn't have that
`basis when we initially requested. And, we
`haven't gotten a ruling on our request to
`strike. And, so, that's the additional basis,
`as to wanting to be able to fully respond.
` And, I agree with Mr. Sokohl that
`there wouldn't be time. But, I think, that's
`exactly why, if Your Honors aren't inclined to
`rule on the strike, that we should have an
`extension of time, you know, if Your Honors are
`not inclined to strike those portions of the
` The trial is to create a record.
`But, it's also to make sure that everyone's
`rights are being preserved, especially, the
`Patent Owner's. We should be entitled to
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`Page 27
`respond to the new arguments.
` And, Mr. Rowe, his acknowledgement
`that these are new arguments, they're new, his
`new testimony in his reply Declaration. They
`don't exist in the Petition.
` In fact, you know, when Petitioners
`even tried to respond to our citation of lines
`and numbers, as to where it possibly could have
`been, they don't fight to the grounds of
`invalidity. And, those are the grounds of
`invalidity that they argued in their Petition,
`and that Your Honors --
` MS. KURCZ: -- did execution on.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: We don't need to
`argue the Motion to Strike on this phone call.
` MS. KURCZ: Okay, Your Honor.
`deciding whether to authorize the Motion to
`Strike. So, we're not going to decide the
`substance. We're not going to hear the
`substance of the issue right now.
` MS. KURCZ: Okay. Understood, Your
`Honor. This last closing remark is that, you
`know, if there isn't a ruling on the Motion to
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 28
`Strike, then, we would request, as I said, a
`brief of sixty-five hundred words, an expert
`Declaration, a response date within twenty-one
`days, and Petitioner's, well, strike that.
`And, then --
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: Well, that point
`is sort of premature. It's premature.
` MS. KURCZ: Okay.
` JUDGE PETRAVICK: And, you would
`have to establish good cause for that. It's
`not, we're not doing an either or situation
`here. When you request a motion, you need to
`present a factual basis for good cause.
` So, we're going to decide these two
`issues, at this point in time. I believe, if
`we don't decide that your Motion to Strike is
`authorized, I'm not really sure we can
`establish good cause for extra briefing.
` That being said, we're going to
`take these issues under advisement. And, then,
`we'll issue you an Order in due course on these
` Are there any other issues that the
`parties want to discuss today?
` MR. SOKOHL: No, Your Honor.
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 29

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