`Page 1
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
` Petitioners, :
` v. : CASE NO. CBM2016-00009
` TRADING TECHNOLOGIES : Patent 7,685,055 B2
` Patent Owner. :
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
` Deposition of DAVID RHO
` Washington, D.C.
` Tuesday, December 6, 2016
` 9:30 a.m.
`Reported by:
`Cassandra E. Ellis, RPR
`Job No.: 17672
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`Page 2
` Deposition of DAVID RHO, held at the offices
` of Sterne Kessler Goldstein & Fox, 1100 New York
` Avenue, Northwest, Washington, D.C. 20005, pursuant
` to agreement, before Cassandra E. Ellis, Registered
` Professional Reporter, Certified Livenote Reporter,
` Realtime Systems Administrator, Certified Court
` Reporter - WA, Certified Shorthand Reporter - HA, and
` Notary Public of The District of Columbia.
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`Page 3
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` 1100 New York Avenue, Northwest
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` (202) 371-2600
` 300 South Wacker Drive
` Chicago, Illinois 60606
` (312) 913-2139
` ALSO PRESENT: Robert Sokohl
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`Page 4
` C O N T E N T S
` By Mr. Gannon 5
` By Mr. Bemben 175
` By Mr. Gannon 177
` E X H I B I T S
` (None)
`6 7 8 9
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`Page 5
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` having been sworn, testified as follows:
` Q Good morning, Mr. Rho.
` A Good morning.
` Q Could you state your name for
` the record, please?
` A Yes. My name is David Rho,
` R-h-o.
` Q And your address?
` A It has changed since last time,
` it is 25 Oak Street in Tenafly, New
` Jersey.
` Q Okay. And since last time, do
` you mean --
` A T-e-n-e-f-l-y.
` Q And since last time do you mean
` the last deposition that we took of you
` in connection with the `055 patent?
` A Yes.
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`Page 6
` Q Okay.
` A No, it's T-e-n, T-e-n-a-f-l-y,
` Tenafly.
` Q And do you understand you're
` under oath this morning?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q Is there anything that would
` prevent you from giving me full and
` truthful answers today?
` A I don't believe so, no.
` Q Okay. You're not on -- on any
` medication that would prevent you from
` doing so?
` A No, I am not.
` Q Okay. So I know you've been
` deposed before, I deposed you earlier in
` connection with the `055 patent; do you
` recall that deposition?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q And that I deposed you prior to
` that in some other proceedings; do you
` recall that generally?
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`Page 7
` A Generally, yes.
` Q Okay. So you're familiar with
` the deposition process, I won't bore you
` with the details, but if there's a -- a
` question you don't understand, please ask
` me to clarify and I will try to do so; is
` that okay?
` A Yes, that's fine.
` Q Okay. And is it fair of me
` assume -- to assume that if I ask you a
` question and you answer it that you
` understood my question and what I was
` asking for?
` A Yes, but I would always reserve
` the right to update my answer if I
` realize I was in error.
` Q Okay. And we'll try -- try to
` take breaks throughout the day, I don't
` expect this to go all day, actually, but
` we'll take breaks occasionally, but if
` you want to take a break at any time just
` let me know and we can do that, okay?
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`Page 8
` A Okay, thank you.
` Q I just ask that if a question
` is pending that you answer the question
` before we break, okay?
` A Yes.
` Q Did you prepare for the
` deposition today?
` A Yes, I did.
` Q Okay. What did you do to
` prepare?
` MR. BEMBEN: I caution the
` witness just not to divulge any
` privileged or work product. You
` can answer.
` A I came in yesterday and sat
` down with counsel that's here, that's
` currently present, and we reviewed
` documents and -- and discussed the merits
` of the case.
` Q Okay. And you say you were
` with attorneys, is it the two gentlemen
` sitting here today?
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`Page 9
` A It is the two gentlemen sitting
` here today, yes.
` Q Okay. Anybody else?
` A No, there was nobody else
` present.
` Q Okay. What documents did you
` review?
` A If you look in my deposition,
` it was effectively a set of those
` documents, not necessarily all of them.
` And I reviewed the transcript from my
` previous deposition, yes.
` Q The previous deposition
` relating to the `055 patent?
` A Correct, the most -- the most
` recent one before this.
` Q Okay. And you reviewed
` documents identified in your declaration;
` is that right?
` A Declaration, yes.
` Q Okay. And that's your
` declaration in support of petitioner's
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`Page 10
` reply; is that right?
` A I -- I believe so, yes.
` MR. GANNON: Okay. Oh, and
` just for the record, I guess, just
` so it's clear to everyone, I'm
` sure it wi- -- will not come as a
` surprise, we're taking the
` deposition today, but we're not
` waiving our right, obviously, to
` object to petitioner's reply brief
` or the declaration of Mr. Rho
` supported in connection with the
` reply.
` So just wanted to state that
` for the record, we're not waiving
` our right to object to both of
` those.
` MR. BEMBEN: Your statement
` is noted.
` MR. GANNON: Okay.
` Q Why don't we -- why don't I
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`Page 11
` show you your declaration in connection
` with the reply brief. It's been marked
` as IBG1035 and CVN201600009.
` Mr. Rho, I'm handing you
` what's been marked as IBG1035. Do you
` recognize Exhibit 1035?
` A Yes.
` Q And what is it?
` A It appears to be my declaration
` that I submitted for this particular --
` for the `055 patent.
` Q Okay. And I see it was dated
` November 4, on the last page; is that
` right?
` A The fourth day of November
` 2016, yes.
` Q And that's your signature?
` A That is my signature.
` Q Okay. And this declaration,
` and I'll call it your reply declaration,
` for short, if that's okay, or we can call
` it whatever you'd like, but this reply
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`Page 12
` declaration, is this a document that you
` reviewed in preparation for your
` deposition?
` A Yes, I did.
` Q And the document says that, at
` the title of the declaration, says:
` "Declaration of David Rho in support of
` petitioner's reply to patent owner's
` response"; do you see that?
` A That is in bold on the first
` page, yes.
` Q Right. Did you actually review
` petitioner's reply?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection,
` form.
` Q At any time?
` A At any time? You're talking at
` any time?
` Q Yeah.
` A Yes.
` Q When?
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` A It was subsequent to my writing
` this document.
` Q Okay. So you didn't look at
` the reply prior to signing your
` declaration on November 4; is that a fair
` statement?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection,
` asked and answered.
` A Yeah, I think I answered that
` question by my previous answer.
` Q And what's your answer? That's
` not an objection to not answer so you can
` go ahead and answer.
` A So did I look at or review the
` reply prior to signing this?
` MR. BEMBEN: Actually, I'm
` going to object and assert the
` work product doctrine, I'm going
` to instruct you not to answer that
` question, okay?
` Q Are you going to follow that
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`Page 14
` instruction?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. Now, in your reply
` declaration, you don't identify the
` actual reply brief of the petitioner's;
` correct, as something that you reviewed?
` A So if you look at paragraph two
` of my declaration, I did list out a
` number of items, including going on to
` page two, there's the one bullet point
` there, you'll see that the reply is not
` listed there.
` Q So you didn't look at the reply
` brief or review the reply brief prior to
` you signing your reply declaration on
` November 4th, 2016; correct?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection, work
` product. I instruct you not to
` answer that.
` THE WITNESS: Okay, so I'm
` following my counsel's advice.
` ///
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`Page 15
` Q And you're not going to answer
` that question?
` A Correct.
` Q Now, in preparing for your
` deposition today, how much time did you
` spend preparing? I know you mentioned
` you met yesterday, how much time did you
` spend?
` A It was about one day.
` Q Did you spend any time prior to
` that preparing for your deposition?
` A No, I did not.
` Q And again, can you describe
` what it is -- what documents you reviewed
` in preparation for your deposition?
` MR. BEMBEN: Again, I'm
` going to caution the witness not
` to divulge any work product.
` Q Yeah, and I'm not asking for
` that, I'm just asking for what documents
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`Page 16
` you reviewed?
` A Well, including the document
` that we discussed before, it was a number
` of these, I couldn't tell you exactly
` which ones, but it was a number of them,
` that are listed in paragraph two of my
` declaration.
` Q Do you remember yesterday which
` documents in paragraph two of your
` declaration you reviewed?
` MR. BEMBEN: Again, I'm
` going to caution the witness, you
` know, not to divulge any work
` product and you can answer yes or
` no.
` A I believe so, yes.
` Q Which ones?
` A Well, I mentioned the
` transcript before, that was certainly
` one. The TSE document was certainly one
` that I reviewed. The `055 patent
` certainly I reviewed. The others I don't
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`Page 17
` remember how much I might have reviewed
` them, but --
` Q Okay. In your reply
` declaration, Exhibit 1035, why did you
` select these particular documents to put
` in paragraph two in terms of documents
` you reviewed?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection,
` that's work -- covered by the work
` product, and I instruct you not to
` answer.
` THE WITNESS: I'm following
` my counsel's advice.
` Q Did you prepare Exhibit 1035,
` the reply declaration?
` MR. BEMBEN: I'm just going
` to caution the witness not to
` divulge any work product or
` privileged communications.
` A This document was prepared in
` great deal of cooperation with -- with
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`Page 18
` the attorneys. So did I prepare every
` single word? No. But I read this
` document from front to back, several
` times.
` Q When did you start working on
` it, do you recall, given the signature
` date of November 4?
` A I don't recall exactly when.
` Q Was it some time in October of
` 2016?
` A It should have been some time
` in October of 2016, yes.
` Q Do you know if it was prior to
` that, like in September of 2016?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection,
` asked and answered.
` A I don't recall.
` Q Okay. Let me show you what was
` previously marked as Exhibit 1004, which
` is the declaration of David Rho in
` support of petition for covered business
` method review of US patent number
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`Page 19
` 7,685,055, handing you Exhibit 1004. Do
` you recognize Exhibit 1004, Mr. Rho?
` A Yes.
` Q And what is it?
` A Well, it appears to be my
` declaration and the previous declaration
` that I did for patent `055.
` Q Okay. And this Exhibit 1004 is
` referenced in paragraph two of your reply
` declaration; correct?
` A Yes.
` Q So in preparing your reply
` declaration you reviewed your previous
` declaration, Exhibit 1004; correct?
` A Correct.
` Q Okay. And if you look at
` Exhibit 1004, page 20 -- well, let me --
` let me -- let me take a step -- step
` back.
` With Exhibit -- with respect
` to Exhibit 1004, you have a discussion
` of TSE starting on page 9 and
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`Page 20
` continuing on to page 15; is that a
` fair statement?
` A I'm sorry, could you ask the
` question again?
` Q Sure. In Exhibit 1004, you
` have a section labeled TSE Section IV,
` and it starts on page 9 and it continues
` through page 15; do you see that?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q And that's an overview of TSE;
` right?
` A Well, at the top of page nine
` of my declaration, it says: "Subsection
` A overview," so yes.
` Q Okay. And then in your reply
` declaration, Exhibit 1035, you have a
` Section IV entitled overview of TSE,
` starts on page 5, and it continues
` through page 12 or at least part of page
` 12; do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q Are there any differences
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`Page 21
` between those two overviews of TSE and
` the two declarations that you recall, or
` is it -- is one just a carbon copy of the
` other?
` A Would you like me to do a
` comparison of the two?
` Q Well, I'm just asking if you
` recall in preparing your declaration,
` your reply declaration, Exhibit 1035,
` when you included an overview of TSE,
` whether you had just lifted that from
` your previous declaration?
` A Well, without sitting here and
` doing a word for word comparison, that
` sounds accurate, but I haven't done the
` word for word comparison between the two.
` Q And by the way, when you were
` preparing for your deposition, you
` reviewed your transcript, that was the
` transcript from July 14, 2016, that
` deposition; is that -- is that right?
` A I'm sorry, could you ask the
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`Page 22
` question again?
` Q Sure. When you were preparing
` for your deposition you mentioned you
` reviewed a deposition transcript, was
` that the July 14, 2016 transcript?
` A I believe so, yes.
` Q Okay. When you were reviewing
` that transcript did you see anything in
` that transcript that you thought was an
` error or was inaccurate or was there
` anything that you thought you wanted to
` clarify with respect to that transcript?
` A I think when I read through it
` again I saw maybe some typos. But other
` than that, the substantive body of it,
` no, there was nothing that I wished to
` add to that.
` Q Okay. All right. And now,
` going back to Exhibit 1004, after you did
` your overview of TSE you have a section
` on claim one; do you see that, starting
` on page 15?
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`Page 23
` MR. BEMBEN: So I'm going to
` object to scope, here. And I'll
` give you a little bit of latitude
` on this, but you had an
` opportunity to depose him on
` Exhibit 1004, and you've already
` taken that deposition, this
` deposition is for the reply
` declaration, Exhibit 1035.
` MR. GANNON: Okay.
` Q Do you see that, Mr. Rho?
` A It starts with subsection B,
` claim one, yes.
` Q Right. And -- and then after
` that it appears like starting on page 17,
` for example, and continuing on through
` page, I guess it's page 24, you go
` through claim one and the TSE reference;
` is that a fair statement?
` A I don't see references to any
` documents outside of TSE, so that seems
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`Page 24
` to be a fair statement.
` Q Okay. And then on page 20 of
` your declaration, 1004, Exhibit 1004,
` same declaration, page 20, there's a
` screen shot of TSE at the top; do you see
` that?
` A Well, this is a figure that
` comes from page -- I assume, this -- this
` reference is correct, it comes from page
` 68 of the TSE document.
` Q Right. And is it fair to say
` that what you were doing here was you
` were showing switching between compressed
` to uncompressed to show one or more
` elements of claim one of the `055 patent?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection,
` form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm sorry,
` could you restate the question?
` MR. GANNON: Sure.
` Q And is it fair to say that when
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`Page 25
` you -- that what you were doing on page
` 20 of your declaration Exhibit 1004, is
` that you were showing TSE switching
` between compressed and uncompressed to
` show one or more elements of the claim,
` such as, for example, the adjusting step?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection,
` scope. Again, counsel, you have
` had the opportunity to depose
` Mr. Rho on the declaration, you've
` done that.
` If we continue down this
` line we're going to stop it and
` we're going to go to the court.
` MR. GANNON: I'm laying
` foundation for further questions
` that I have.
` MR. BEMBEN: Okay. Well,
` I'm just letting you know that
` you've already had an opportunity
` to depose him on this declaration.
` We're not going to go much further
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`Page 26
` down this road.
` A Well, I refer to my
` declaration, this is the Exhibit 1004,
` starting at paragraph 41, actually just
` subsequent to that, I had the claim
` language listed there: "In response to
` an input command received via an input
` device associated with a computing device
` adjusting the first plurality price
` levels," dot, dot, dot.
` "As discussed above, a trader
` can select from two price display
` methods, non-compressed or compressed,
` for each display board screen.
` Specifically, a trader can toggle between
` the non-compressed and compressed display
` modes of the board screen using a radio
` button.
` In the non-compressed method,
` regardless of the existence of the
` orders, et cetera, at the corresponding
` price, it is a method to display all
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`Page 27
` prices on the board.
` "The compressed method, on the
` other hand, displays only the price that
` satisfies the following requirements out
` of the prices on the board, including the
` current price with an order, the latest
` agreement price, including the standard
` price of the day, the quotation display
` price, and the matching price."
` There's some additional text
` here: "Mode that displays only
` designated prices, such as a price for
` which there is an order."
` Continuing on to paragraph 42,
` "The figure on 0068 of the TSE is
` reproduced below. In this example, the
` compressed display has three price
` levels, 002, 004, and 007, for example, a
` first plurality of price levels. The
` non-compressed display has seven price
` levels, 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006,
` 007, for example, an adjusted plurality
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`Page 28
` of price levels, which include the three
` levels that are displayed on the
` compressed display.
` "Thus, when a trader using
` TSE transitions from the compressed
` display to the non-compressed display,
` by selecting the radio button," in
` quotes, "in response to an input
` command, TSE display adjusts the first
` plurality of price levels among a
` range of price levels to an adjusted
` plurality of price levels, including
` the first plurality of price levels."
` Q So what you read, you were
` relying on TSE switching from compressed
` to uncompressed to meet --
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection,
` scope.
` Q To meet the adjusting step;
` correct?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection,
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`Page 29
` scope.
` Q To meet -- to meet the
` adjusting -- so what you were reading,
` Mr. Rho, is from your earlier
` declaration. You were relying on going
` from compressed to uncompressed to show
` the adjusting step; is that a fair
` statement?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection,
` form, scope.
` A Well, I reread the last
` sentence in paragraph 42: "Thus, when a
` trader uses TSE transitions from the
` compressed display to the non-compressed
` display by selecting the radio button,
` again, in response to an input command,
` that's," in quotes, "TSE's display
` adjusts the first plurality of price
` levels among the range of price levels to
` an adjusted plurality of price levels,
` including the first plurality of price
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`Page 30
` levels."
` Q And what you're saying there is
` you're relying on TSE going from
` compressed to uncompressed to show that
` adjusting step; correct?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection,
` misstates his testimony, asked and
` answered, scope.
` A Yeah, I -- I think that that
` final sentence in 42 speaks for itself,
` and answers my question -- and answers
` your question.
` Q Okay. The figure that you show
` on page 20 of the compressed mode; do you
` see that?
` A The figure on page 20? On the
` right-hand side of that figure is the
` compressed price display method.
` Q And is that scrolled or
` unscrolled?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection,
` scope.
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`Page 31
` THE WITNESS: I'm sorry,
` could you please rephrase the
` question?
` MR. GANNON: Sure.
` Q That compressed screen that you
` show on page 20 is that shown in
` scrolling mode or unscrolled mode?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection, this
` is outside the scope, and I'm
` going to instruct the witness not
` to answer at this point.
` THE WITNESS: I'm following
` my counsel's advice.
` Q All right. Well, let me ask
` you, on page three of Exhibit 1035, if
` you could look at page three of your
` reply declaration, same question.
` A Based on my understanding of
` the TSE document, which I don't currently
` have in front of me, by the way, because
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`Page 32
` of the existence of over and under the
` over at the top part of the price axis,
` under at the bottom part of the price
` axis, this is in non-scrolling mode, this
` is the --
` Q All right. And then, going
` back to Exhibit 1004, on page 20, that
` figure at the top of the page, is that
` what's shown also in the compressed
` screen on the right?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection,
` scope. Again, I'm going to
` instruct the witness not to
` answer.
` THE WITNESS: I'm following
` my counsel's advice.
` Q Okay. You're going to follow
` that instruction and refuse to answer
` that question?
` A I think it's wise to always
` follow -- follow counsel's advice when --
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`Page 33
` yes.
` Q Okay. So let's look at your
` reply declaration, Exhibit 1035, in
` particular, Section V, starting on page
` 12. And Section V is on page 12 and 13
` of Exhibit 1035. And Section V is
` entitled "TSE's price axis is static when
` the display is in the Scrolling Screen
` Mode with a compressed price display"; do
` you see that?
` A On page 12? Yes, and it's in
` bold on that page.
` Q Okay. So you're putting forth
` that opinion on pages 12 and 13 of your
` reply declaration; correct?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection,
` document speaks for itself.
` A I believe so, yes.
` Q Okay. Is it fair to say that
` that opinion, that TSE's price axis is
` static when the display is in the
` Scrolling Screen Mode with a compressed
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`Page 34
` price display, as you say, that opinion
` is not in your earlier declaration,
` Exhibit 1004?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection,
` scope. Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm sorry,
` could you rephrase the question?
` MR. GANNON: Sure.
` Q Your opinion in Exhibit 1035,
` your reply declaration, when you say:
` "TSE's price axis is static when the
` display is in the Scrolling Screen Mode
` with a compressed price display," that
` that opinion is not anywhere in your
` earlier declaration, Exhibit 1004?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection,
` scope and form.
` A Well, I haven't done a detailed
` re-reading of Exhibit 1004, but it
` doesn't appear to be in there.
` Q Okay. All right. Let's take a
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`Page 35
` look at your reply declaration, Exhibit
` 1035, starting at page 14, you have a
` heading number -- Roman numeral VI, that
` continues on page 14 and 15 and part of
` 16; do you see that section?
` A It's Section VI, that starts
` with what you stated before, in bold,
` yes.
` Q Okay. And in your reply
` declaration in that Section VI, Roman
` numeral VI, you say that: "Transitioning
` TSE's display from a non-compressed
` 'Board x 4' to a non-compressed 'Board x
` 2' mode meets the adjusting step,
` essentially," and I'm paraphrasing, here,
` but is that a fair statement?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection,
` document speaks for itself,
` misstates his testimony.
` A Well, I would read from my
` declaration the first sentence in
` paragraph 23: "Regardless, transitioning
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`Page 36
` TSE's display from a non-compressed
` 'Board x 4' display to a non-compressed
` 'Board x 2' display, adds price levels
` even

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