`IBG LLC, et al. v. Trading Technologies International, Inc.
`Christopher Thomas
`Page 1
` )
` Petitioner, )
` ) Case CBM2016-00009
` vs. ) U.S. Patent No.
` ) 7,685,055
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` _________________________ )
` Deposition of CHRISTOPHER H. THOMAS, taken
` in the above-captioned cause, at McDonnell,
` Boehnen, Hulbert & Berghoff, 300 South
` Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois, before
` Rachel F. Gard, CSR, RPR, CLR, CRR,
` commencing at the hour of 9:05 a.m. on
` Wednesday, October 26, 2016.
` 1730 M Street, NW, Suite 812
` Washington, D.C. 20036
` (202) 232-0646
`Digital Evidence Group C'rt 2016
`IBG 1036
`IBG v. TT

`IBG LLC, et al. v. Trading Technologies International, Inc.
`Christopher Thomas
`Page 2
` 1100 New York Avenue, NW
` Washington, DC 20005
` 202.371.2600
` 300 South Wacker Drive
` Chicago, Illinois 60606
` 312.913.2139
` and
` 271 17th Street, NW
` Suite 1400
` Atlanta, Georgia 30363
` 404.653.6484
`7 8
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`IBG LLC, et al. v. Trading Technologies International, Inc.
`Christopher Thomas
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` I N D E X
` Cross-Examination by Mr. Bemben 4
` Redirect Examination by Mr. Gannon 174
` Recross-Examination by Mr. Bemben 179
` E X H I B I T S
` Exhibit 2169 Declaration of 5
` Christopher H. Thomas
` Exhibit 2201 Curriculum Vitae of 25
` Christopher H. Thomas
` Exhibit 1001 U.S. Patent No. 101
` 7,685,055
` Exhibit 1008 Tokyo Stock Exchange 134
` Operation System
` Division
`7 8
`Digital Evidence Group C'rt 2016

`IBG LLC, et al. v. Trading Technologies International, Inc.
`Christopher Thomas
` (Witness sworn.)
`Page 4
` called as a witness herein, having been first duly
` sworn, was examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Please state your name for the record.
` A. Christopher Hugh Thomas.
` Q. Mr. Thomas, I know you've been deposed. I
` sat across from you several times this summer. I'll
` still go over the ground rules. So I'll ask the
` questions today, and you will answer. Please
` provide verbal responses, so we can develop a clear
` record. Okay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And for the same reason, let's try not to
` speak over each other. I'll allow you to answer my
` questions. Just let me ask my questions.
` A. Sure.
` Q. If you don't understand a question, I'll
`2 3
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`IBG LLC, et al. v. Trading Technologies International, Inc.
`Christopher Thomas
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` be happy to clarify it. Is that okay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If you answer my question, I'll assume
` that you've understood it. Is that fair?
` A. Yes.
` Q. During the deposition, I encourage you to
` take breaks as needed. We'll try to take periodic
` breaks maybe every hour or so. But if you need to
` have a break, bathroom, get a drink or something
` like that, just let me know. All I ask is that you
` answer the pending question. Is that fair?
` A. Sure.
` Q. And you understand you're under oath
` today?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is there any reason at all you cannot give
` truthful and complete testimony today?
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. Okay. Mr. Thomas, I'm going to
` hand you what has been marked in this proceeding as
` Trading Tech Exhibit 2169 and this proceeding is
` CBM2016-00009.
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`Christopher Thomas
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` Do you recognize this document, sir?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What is it?
` A. It's a declaration that I filed in this CBM
` proceeding.
` Q. Okay. And if we turn to Page 91, it's the
` last page.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Is that your signature on Page 91?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. When was the last time you reviewed
` this document?
` A. Yesterday.
` Q. Are there any corrections that you'd like
` to make to this document at this time?
` A. I don't believe so.
` Q. Okay. So this document is, in your
` opinion, complete and accurate?
` A. I believe so. I mean, there might be one
` errata place somewhere, but I think it's okay.
` There might be a word here or there that's a typo,
` but I didn't notice anything, reviewing it.
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`Christopher Thomas
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` Q. Okay. Other than typos, it's complete and
` accurate?
` A. Yeah.
` Q. Potential typos. We don't know if there
` are?
` A. Yes, yes.
` Q. Did you prepare this declaration?
` A. Yes.
` Can I just ask, do you mean did I type
` every word of it?
` Q. Well, let's ask that question. Did you
` type every word of this declaration?
` A. No.
` Q. Did counsel type some of the words of the
` declaration?
` A. I met with counsel over a period of time
` and went through material. I formed my opinions.
` Sometimes I type, sometimes one of them would type.
` That's how it happened.
` Q. Okay. Do you recall which sections you
` typed personally?
` A. No. I mean, no.
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` Q. Okay. Approximately how long did it take
` you to prepare your declaration?
` A. Well, there are several parts of this that
` are common to several other declarations I've done.
` Q. And when you say several other
` declarations, what do you mean?
` A. Other CBM declarations. Like my
` background, background of the industry, things like
` that.
` Q. Okay.
` A. So it probably took me, you know, 4 or 5
` weeks to do this, something like that.
` Q. And when you say that, you're talking
` about aggregate time with the other CBM proceedings
` you were deposed in early this summer; is that
` right?
` MR. GANNON: Object to the form.
` A. No, no, I'd say 4 or 5 weeks just on this
` document itself?
` Q. 4 or 5 weeks just on this document itself?
` A. Yeah.
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` Q. Is this 4 or 5 weeks of continuous work,
` like 40 hours per week?
` A. No.
` Q. How many hours per week in those 4 to 5
` weeks?
` A. Maybe 25, 30. I don't think it was
` consistent every week.
` Q. Can you estimate how many hours you spent
` preparing this document?
` A. 80 to a hundred maybe.
` Q. Okay.
` A. That's just an estimate.
` Q. Approximately 80 to a hundred hours?
` A. Yeah, perhaps.
` Q. Okay. Did you review any materials in
` preparing this document, your declaration?
` A. Sure.
` Q. What materials did you review?
` A. Well, what I've cited to in here. Let me
` see.
` Q. I think you might be looking for
` Paragraph 16.
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` A. Okay, yeah. I don't remember at this time.
` Q. Pages 12 and 13?
` A. Yeah.
` Q. I think. I'm not sure.
` A. Yes. I think it's everything in here. I
` don't see anything that, anything else that I
` reviewed that's not in here.
` Q. Okay. So just to be clear, so when you
` say everything in here, I'm referring to
` Paragraph 16 of your declaration. There you state:
` I am familiar with the CBM materials in the
` above-captioned matter, including the petition and
` supporting exhibits and declarations.
` A. Yeah.
` Q. The patent owner's preliminary response,
` and the board's institution decision. Correct?
` A. Yeah.
` Q. So you're familiar with all those
` documents?
` A. I have reviewed those documents, yes.
` Q. When you say supporting exhibits, do you
` mean all of the exhibits that were filed with the
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`IBG LLC, et al. v. Trading Technologies International, Inc.
`Christopher Thomas
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` petition?
` A. I have at some point read those, yes.
` Q. At some point in preparation -- strike
` that.
` When you say at some point, do you mean in
` preparing this declaration?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Who provided those materials to you?
` A. The attorneys at MBHB.
` Q. And other than materials listed in
` Paragraph 16 of your declaration, did you review
` anything else -- strike that.
` Besides the materials that you listed in
` Paragraph 16 of your declaration, did you review
` anything else when you prepared your declaration?
` MR. GANNON: Object to the form.
` A. No, I mean I just say in Paragraph 17, just
` from my District Court proceedings, I'm also
` familiar with other matter too that is relevant.
` Q. Okay. So in Paragraph 17, you mentioned
` the eSpeed case?
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` A. Yes.
` Q. So you're familiar with the documents in
` that case?
` A. Yes, I have been over time, yes.
` Q. All of the documents?
` A. There may be a document in the case I
` haven't reviewed.
` Q. But generally?
` A. Yes. All the documents in the case that
` were relevant to what I was doing in the case, yes.
` Q. What do you mean by -- when you stated all
` the documents that are relevant, what did you mean
` by that?
` A. I guess I mean documents that I would have
` used in preparing my expert report in those cases,
` documents that I would have seen in preparation for
` trial testimony in that case. Stuff like that.
` Q. Can you provide me some examples of what
` those documents would be?
` A. Manuals for the eSpeed products, alleged
` prior art in the case, deposition transcripts of
` people deposed in the case, emails that were
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`Christopher Thomas
`Page 13
` produced -- there are probably a lot more stuff too.
` Q. You mention in Paragraph 17 that you were
` involved in the eSpeed case?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What was the scope of your involvement?
` MR. GANNON: Object to the form. Scope.
` A. Now, this is 2007, so I'm trying to recall
` exactly. But I provided testimony on infringement
` and obviousness, I believe. I provided testimony at
` trial on those two things.
` Q. Okay. So you analyzed infringement. You
` also analyzed obviousness in the eSpeed case,
` correct?
` MR. GANNON: Object to the form.
` A. Yes, I believe so, yes.
` Q. Did you analyze anything else?
` A. I mean, I don't know if I did anticipation.
` I can't remember. It's one of the two, obviousness
` or anticipation. Honestly, it was a long time ago.
` Q. Let's make it easy, you analyzed validity?
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`Christopher Thomas
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` A. Validity, yes.
` Q. And infringement?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And anything else?
` A. I don't believe so. As I sit here, I
` honestly don't recall.
` Q. Okay. And previously you mentioned that
` you reviewed those documents in preparation of an
` expert report; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So you provided an expert report in the
` eSpeed case?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that expert report was on validity and
` infringement?
` A. I provided an expert report. There was two
` pieces. There was a report on infringement, and
` there was a response to the other side's report,
` their expert's report on invalidity.
` Q. So were there two separate reports that
` you provided in the eSpeed case, then?
` A. I believe so.
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`IBG LLC, et al. v. Trading Technologies International, Inc.
`Christopher Thomas
`Page 15
` Q. Are you aware that Trading Technologies --
` strike that. If I refer to Trading Technologies as
` TT today, will you understand I mean Trading
` Technologies?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that's the patent owner of the '055
` patent, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Let's be clear. If I refer to U.S. Patent
` No. 7,685,005 as the '055 patent, you'll understand
` what I'm talking about?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are you aware that TT filed a patent owner
` response in this proceeding? That is CDM2016-00009.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you review that document?
` THE COURT REPORTER: Can you say the first
` question again?
` Q. I believe I said, are you aware that the
` patent owner, TT, filed a patent owner response in
` this proceeding?
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` A. They filed an initial and then the patent
` owner's response, yes.
` Q. And you reviewed the initial response,
` correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you review the patent owner response?
` A. I have in the last week or so.
` Q. Okay. Did you review it before you
` prepared your declaration?
` A. The patent owner's response?
` Q. Yes.
` A. No.
` Q. So the first time you saw it was after you
` prepared your declaration, correct?
` A. I read the initial before I prepared my
` declaration.
` Q. Just to be clear for the record, that's
` the preliminary response?
` A. Yes, the preliminary. Sorry.
` Q. But you didn't read the patent owner
` response until after you filed your declaration,
` correct?
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` A. Correct.
` Q. Do you know who Richard Hartheimer is?
` A. He's an inventor of some patent. I can't
` remember.
` Q. Have you ever spoken to Mr. Hartheimer?
` MR. GANNON: Objection. Outside the scope.
` A. I don't think so.
` Q. So other than that he is an inventor, do
` you know anything else about Mr. Hartheimer?
` MR. GANNON: Objection.
` A. I --
` MR. GANNON: Just give me a second to give the
` objection.
` MR. GANNON: Objection. Scope.
` A. I've heard the name. But as I sit here, I
` can't recall exactly who he is.
` Q. Do you know whether Mr. Hartheimer was --
` do you know whether Mr. Hartheimer provided a
` declaration in a previous CBM proceeding of the '055
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` patent?
` MR. GANNON: Object to the form. Scope.
` Relevance.
` A. Right, that's the TD Ameritrade one. That
` has refreshed my memory. I don't know, but I think
` so.
` Q. So just to be clear, you believe so? You
` think Mr. Hartheimer provided a declaration in the
` TD Ameritrade --
` MR. GANNON: Objection.
` Q. Let me start over again. So just be
` clear, you believe that Mr. Hartheimer provided a
` declaration in the TD Ameritrade proceeding of the
` '055 patent?
` MR. GANNON: Objection. Scope, relevance.
` A. I think that's where I recall it from, but
` I'm not sure.
` Q. Do you know whether Mr. Hartheimer was
` deposed in that proceeding?
` MR. GANNON: Objection. Scope, relevance.
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`Christopher Thomas
`Page 19
` A. Yes. I think so.
` Q. Did you review the transcript of that
` deposition?
` A. No.
` MR. GANNON: Objection. Scope, relevance.
` Q. Did you speak to Mr. Hartheimer when you
` were preparing your declaration?
` A. This declaration?
` Q. This declaration.
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever spoken to Mr. Hartheimer?
` MR. GANNON: Objection. Scope, relevance.
` A. I believe that I actually -- no, I believe
` I met -- I met him in Washington last year when I
` was being deposed for the TD Ameritrade CBM matters.
` Q. So you did speak to him last year; is that
` correct?
` MR. GANNON: Objection. Scope. Relevance.
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`Christopher Thomas
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` A. I met him.
` Q. What do you mean you met him, just in
` passing?
` MR. GANNON: Same objection.
` A. He was in the same office, and I was
` introduced to him.
` Q. Besides being introduced, did you speak
` about anything?
` MR. GANNON: Object to the form. I'm also
` going to caution the witness not to reveal any
` attorney-client work product communications. Also
` scope. And relevance.
` A. It was more -- it was just an introduction.
` I didn't speak to him about anything to do with
` these cases at all.
` Q. Was an attorney present when you spoke to
` Mr. Hartheimer?
` MR. GANNON: Objection. Scope. Relevance.
` A. Yes.
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` Q. Which attorney was present?
` MR. GANNON: Objection. Scope. Relevance.
` A. Rachel Emsley.
` Q. Rachel Emsley, an attorney for Finnegan
` Henderson, correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Did you review Mr. Hartheimer's -- strike
` that.
` Earlier you said you believe
` Mr. Hartheimer did provide a declaration in the TD
` Ameritrade CBM of the '055 patent, correct?
` MR. GANNON: Object to the form.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you review Mr. Hartheimer's
` declaration that he provided in that proceeding, the
` TD Ameritrade?
` MR. GANNON: Object to the form. Scope.
` Relevance.
` A. I have never reviewed his declaration.
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`Page 22
` Q. Has anyone ever informed you of the
` content of that declaration?
` MR. GANNON: Object to the form.
` Q. Let me strike that. Has anyone ever
` informed you of the content of Mr. Hartheimer's
` declaration in the TD Ameritrade CBM proceeding of
` the '055 patent?
` MR. GANNON: Object to the form. Scope.
` Relevance. And also caution the witness not to
` reveal any attorney-client work product
` communications.
` A. No.
` Q. What did you do to prepare for this
` deposition today?
` MR. GANNON: Objection. Caution the witness
` not to reveal any attorney-client work product
` communications.
` A. I reviewed my declaration, some of the
` documents that I reference in my declaration, and I
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`Page 23
` met with attorneys from MBHB and from Finnegan.
` Q. You mentioned that you reviewed some of
` the documents that you referenced in your
` declaration. Which documents?
` A. The petition, patent owner's response, the
` patent. I think that's it. I might be forgetting
` something, but I believe that's it.
` Q. So the petition, patent owner's response,
` and the patent. And of course your declaration,
` correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you mentioned that you met with
` attorneys from MBHB and Finnegan, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are those the two attorneys that are
` sitting here at this table?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Anyone else?
` A. No.
` Q. You didn't meet with anybody else in
` preparation for your deposition?
` A. No.
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` Q. And you mentioned that you met with them
` yesterday, correct?
` A. And Monday.
` Q. So Monday and -- Monday and Tuesday of
` this week?
` A. Correct.
` Q. How long did you meet with them on each of
` those days?
` A. Maybe 7, 8 hours.
` Q. 7 or 8 hours total?
` A. No. Per day.
` Q. Per day, thank you.
` You were deposed earlier this summer in
` covered business method review proceedings, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you review the transcripts of those
` depositions?
` MR. GANNON: Object to the form. Scope.
` Relevance.
` A. I did.
` Q. Did you review them in preparation for
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` your deposition?
` MR. GANNON: Object to the form.
` A. For this deposition?
` Q. For this deposition.
` A. No.
` Q. When did you review those documents?
` A. Maybe middle of September.
` Q. And when I mentioned CBM proceedings
` earlier this summer, what I meant by that was the
` CBM proceeding of the '132 patent, the '304 patent,
` and the '056 patent. Is that your understanding as
` well?
` MR. GANNON: Object to the form.
` A. There's that and there was one more. The
` '411.
` Q. And the '411 patent. Correct. So your
` depositions were -- strike that question. Thank
` you.
` Okay. Mr. Thomas, I'm going to provide
` you what's been marked Trading Tech Exhibit 2201 in
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`Christopher Thomas
`Page 26
` CBM 201600009. Do you recognize this document?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What is it?
` A. It's my CV.
` Q. Did you prepare this CV?
` A. Yeah.
` Q. Is it up to date?
` A. Yes.
` Q. When was the last time it was updated, if
` you can recall?
` A. This summer.
` Q. This summer --
` A. Yes.
` Q. -- 2016. Let's take a look at Page 5.
` I'll give you a second to review it.
` A. Right. Okay.
` Q. So this page describes your education and
` it appears that in 1987, you received a Bachelor's
` of Science in applied biological sciences; is that
` right?
` A. Yeah.
` Q. What type of coursework did you complete
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`Page 27
` to receive that degree?
` A. What do you mean by that? I mean, the
` schooling system in Britain is a bit different than
` here. What do you mean by coursework?
` Q. Did you take courses to complete that
` degree?
` A. Yeah.
` Q. Classes?
` A. Of course, yeah.
` Q. What were the types of classes that you
` took?
` A. Well, it was over four years, lots of
` different things. Histology, virology, molecular
` biology, plant production biology, computing. We
` had to do some computing for basic analysis of lab
` results. We had detailed lab projects. Genetics.
` Physiology. Pathology, cell pathology. That's just
` what I can remember off the top of my head.
` Statistics was another one.
` Q. Let's focus on the computing. You
` mentioned that you did some computing for basic
` analysis of lab results, correct?
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` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. What types of computers did you use
` in this 1983 to '87 time frame?
` A. UNIX machines. I think they were VAX
` machines, so we'd be using terminals on VAX
` machines. And also at that point, microcomputers
` were starting, so we had what were called the BPC
` microcomputers, which were programmed using Basic
` language to analyze lab results. So we got taught
` some basic programming.
` Q. And did you write any computer programs
` yourself?
` A. We actually did some Fortran, too. I
` remember that because we actually had to -- it was
` back in the day of still using punch cards. So I do
` recall that specifically, the frustration with that.
` Yes.
` Q. What type of applications did you program?
` A. They were analysis.
` Q. Analysis?
` A. Yeah. So taking results from experiments
` and performing statistical calculations on them.
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` Q. Did the computers that you used have
` graphical user interfaces?
` A. Back in 1983/'84, well, they were VAX
` machines. They were green screens that were
` really -- no, they were command line mostly.
` Q. So they had a user interface but it was a
` text based interface, correct?
` A. Correct, everything was done text based.
` Q. If I say today, G U I, GUI, to say
` graphical user interface, you'll understand what I
` mean?
` A. Of course.
` MR. BEMBEN: That's just G U I.
` Q. So you also have listed under education,
` Control Training Limited, 1990. Can you explain
` what that is? Is that a university?
` A. No, it's a commercial -- it was a
` commercial firm that you could go to, to do classes
` on various either systems analysis or programming,
` and you would get a certificate from the National
` Computer Center if you completed the course.
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`Page 30
` Q. Did you receive a certificate from Control
` Training Limited?
` A. I can't recall, actually. I did the
` course. I'm not sure.
` Q. Got you.
` A. I have the certificate of completion.
` Q. And you mentioned the description is
` structured systems analysis and design methodology?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What was that?
` A. It is taking a -- looking at a high level,
` it is looking at a business, looking at the physical
` processes that a business has, analyzing all those
` processes, trying to figure out if there's
` redundancy in some, and coming up with a streamlined
` physical set of processes. And then seeing which
` pieces of those could be computerized, if any, in
` some businesses. Back then you just couldn't,
` because -- back then, computers weren't anything
` like they were -- they are right now.
` But I mean, structured systems analysis and
` design is still exactly the same. So you analyze a

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