`Page 1
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
` Petitioners, :
` vs. :Case CBM2016-00009
`TRADING TECHNOLOGIES :Patent 7,685,055 B2
` Patent Owner. :
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
` Washington, D.C.
` Thursday, July 14, 2016
`Deposition of:
`Called for oral examination by counsel for Patent
`Owner, pursuant to notice, at the law offices of
`Sterne Kessler Goldstein Fox, 1100 New York
`Avenue, Northwest, Washington, D.C., before Denise
`M. Brunet, RPR, a Notary Public in and for the
`District of Columbia, beginning at 9:05 a.m., when
`were present on behalf of the respective parties:
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` A P P E A R A N C E S
`Page 2
`O n b e h a l f o f t h e P e t i t i o n e r s :
` R I C H A R D M . B E M B E N , E S Q U I R E
` L O R I A . G O R D O N , E S Q U I R E
` S t e r n e K e s s l e r G o l d s t e i n F o x
` 1 1 0 0 N e w Y o r k A v e n u e , N o r t h w e s t
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 0 5
` ( 2 0 2 ) 3 7 1 - 2 6 0 0
` r b e m b e n @ s k g f . c o m
`O n b e h a l f o f t h e P a t e n t O w n e r s :
` M I C H A E L D . G A N N O N , E S Q U I R E
` M c D o n n e l l B o e h n e n H u l b e r t &
` B e r g h o f f , L L P
` 3 0 0 S o u t h W a c k e r D r i v e
` C h i c a g o , I l l i n o i s 6 0 6 0 6
` ( 3 1 2 ) 9 1 3 - 0 0 0 1
` g a n n o n @ m b h b . c o m
`( A p p e a r a n c e s c o n t i n u e d o n t h e n e x t p a g e . )
`2 3
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
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`APPEARANCES (continued):
`Page 3
`On behalf of the Patent Owners (continued):
` Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett &
` Dunner, LLP
` 271 17th Street, Northwest
` Suite 1400
` Atlanta, Georgia 30363
` (404) 653-6400
` Veritext Legal Solutions
` Mid-Atlantic Region
` 1250 Eye Street NW - Suite 350
` Washington, D.C. 20005
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`2 3
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` C O N T E N T S
`Counsel for Patent Owner 5
`Page 4
`2330 - Diagram of non-compressed price
` display method and compressed price
` display method 42
` (*Exhibit attached to the transcript.)
`4 5
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`Page 5
` P R O C E E D I N G S
`called as a witness, and after having been first
`duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows:
` Q Good morning, Mr. Rho.
` A Good morning.
` Q Nice to see you again.
` A Good to see you as well.
` Q Could you state your name for the record,
` A Yes. My name is David Rho, R-H-O.
` Q And your address?
` A My current address is 60 Demott Street,
`D-E-M-O-T-T, in Tenafly, New Jersey.
` Q Okay. And you understand you're under
`oath this morning, correct?
` A I do.
` Q And that means you're sworn to tell the
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`Page 6
`truth just as if you were testifying before a
`jury, correct?
` A I understand that, yes.
` Q Okay. Is there anything that would
`prevent you from providing truthful and accurate
`testimony today?
` A Not that I'm aware of, no.
` Q Okay. You're not on any medication that
`would prevent you from doing so?
` A No, I am not.
` Q I know you've been deposed before. We
`met on some other TT patents, so I know you're
`familiar with the proceedings. But if you don't
`understand any of my questions, please just let me
`know and I'll try to rephrase them. Okay?
` A Okay.
` Q Is it fair for me to assume that if I ask
`you a question and you provide an answer, that
`you've understood my question?
` A Yes, but I would, of course, reserve the
`right to change my answer if I realize that I
`didn't understand the question.
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` Q Okay. Fine. And we'll be -- we can take
`a break whenever you'd like. Just let me know.
` A Okay.
` Q I just ask that if a question is pending,
`that you provide an answer to the question before
`we break.
` A Yes, of course.
` Q And you understand that at the break,
`you're not permitted to discuss your testimony
`with counsel, correct?
` A Yes. I've been instructed as such.
` Q Did you prepare for the deposition today?
` A Yes, I did.
` Q And what did you do to prepare?
` A I spoke with counsel. I reviewed
`documents. And I think I'm not allowed to dig
`into any of the details, but that's pretty much
`what we did.
` Q About how long did you take preparing for
`the deposition today?
` A Less than a day.
` Q Was that yesterday?
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` A That was yesterday.
` Q And who did you meet with to prepare for
`the deposition today?
` A I met with Rich and with Lori.
` Q Okay. Did you review any documents?
` A Yes, we did.
` Q What documents did you review?
` A I reviewed my declaration. I reviewed
`the patent. I reviewed most of the listed
`materials in my -- for my declaration, and I
`reviewed the petition and the institution -- the
`institution decision.
` Q Okay. You said that you --
` A Oh. Also, I reviewed my transcripts from
`my two previous depositions.
` Q What two previous depositions was that?
` A So that was the -- the one that we did a
`couple of months ago, or a month or so ago, and
`then for the TD.
` Q Okay. And you said you reviewed some of
`the listed materials; is that right?
` A Yes.
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` Q But not all the listed materials?
` A Not necessarily all, no.
` Q Why is that? Why did you pick some but
`not others?
` A It was -- I think it was a practical
`matter. There were items such as the case file.
`We didn't review that.
` Q So let me hand you what's been marked as
`Exhibit 1004 in the '055 CBM.
` So, Mr. Rho, I've handed you what's been
`marked as Exhibit 1004. Do you recognize it?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q And what is it?
` A This is my declaration for the '055
` Q And did you prepare this exhibit?
` A This exhibit was prepared in close
`collaboration with counsel.
` Q And what does that mean?
` A That means that we worked together. We
`crafted words together. So some of the words are
`mine; some of the words may have been crafted by
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`the attorneys, in large part, to ensure that it
`met legal standards. But the substantive content
`of the document was prepared -- or at least was
`prepared with input from me or was actually
`crafted by myself.
` Q You said in your previous answer that
`some of the words are yours; is that right?
` A Yes.
` Q Do you know which ones are yours?
` A This was a long collaboration, and I
`couldn't point out exactly which words are mine
`and which words were necessarily crafted by the
`attorneys. But, regardless, I did review the
`entire document --
` Q Okay.
` A -- and read it front to back several
` Q Okay. That was going to be my next
`question, which words were selected by counsel?
`Do you know?
` A I wouldn't be able --
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection. Work product.
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` You don't need to answer that question.
` Q Are you going to follow that instruction?
` A I'll follow my attorney's advice, yes.
` Q Okay. This particular declaration
`references something called TSE, correct? And in
`particular, I'm looking at page 9 of your
` A The first word on that page,
`paragraph 28, is TSE. So yes.
` Q Okay. And in this -- this is section 4
`of your declaration, correct?
` A I apologize. Once again -- I think this
`happened the last time. The formatting was --
`there was an error in the formatting. So it goes
`from section 1 to section 2, back to section 1, to
`section 3. So this is -- should actually be
`section 5, but it's labeled as section 4.
` Q Okay. So in paragraphs 28 through 36,
`there appears to be a discussion of your
`understanding of how TSE operates. Is that a fair
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` A I apologize. I'm just trying to get this
`Page 12
`to stop buzzing.
` Q No problem.
` A I'm sorry. Could you repeat the
` Q Sure. Paragraphs 28 through 36 of your
`declaration appear to be a description of your
`understanding of how TSE operates. Is that a fair
` A Well, the section is also -- this
`subsection A is also listed as overview. So, yes,
`that would be a fair assessment.
` Q That's an overview of how you believe TSE
`operates, right?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection. Mischaracterizes
` THE WITNESS: I believe this is more of a
`review of the TSE document and what it describes.
` Q Right. And paragraphs 28 through 36
`include a description of your understanding of
`TSE. Is that a fair statement?
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`Page 13
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection. Asked and
` THE WITNESS: Could you put a little bit
`more context around that, because it's pretty
`broad. You just asked a very broad question.
` Q I'm just trying to -- just a general
`question. In paragraphs 28 through 36 --
` A Yes.
` Q -- those paragraphs deal with your
`understanding of how TSE operates. Is that a fair
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection. Foundation.
`Asked and answered.
` THE WITNESS: So if you're talking about
`TSE as a whole, so floor versus electronic -- I
`mean, that's why I'm -- you're saying you're
`asking a general question, but you're asking a
`very, very broad question. So does it give me a
`full understanding as to how TSE as a whole works?
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`Page 14
` Q Okay. Well, what was the purpose of this
`overview section, then? When I say overview
`section, I'm referring to paragraphs 28 through
`36, just generally.
` A So this was to really cover the trading
`system, this futures and options purchase system
`that was described in the TSE document that I did
` Q Okay.
` A So this was to summarize my findings on
`that and -- the pertinent findings because the
`document itself is quite large and covers areas
`that are outside of the scope of the patent.
` Q Okay. Let me show you what's been marked
`as Exhibit 1008 in the '055 CBM. And, Mr. Rho, I
`just wanted to ask you a general question, and
`feel free to look at it, but do you recognize
`Exhibit 1008?
` A Yes. This is the TSE manual for the
`futures options purchasing system, trading
`terminal operation guide.
` Q Okay. And the information in this
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`particular manual, Exhibit 1008, formed the basis
`of your overview section of TSE in your
`declaration that we were just referring to?
` A Yes, it did.
` Q Okay. So let's go to your declaration.
`I just have some questions about -- pertaining to
`this overview section where you're describing TSE.
`And, in particular, I have a question with respect
`to paragraph 32. And in the middle of
`paragraph 32 -- about the middle of paragraph 32,
`you say the trader sets the price display method
`by selecting a radio button. Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q And the radio button that you're
`referring to there enables you to switch between
`compressed and uncompressed; is that right?
` A That's my understanding, yes.
` Q Okay. So let me just ask you this: In
`TSE, how does a user switch from compressed to
`uncompressed and vice versa?
` A Well, I'll read you from the TSE
`document, page 69: Setting method, selecting the
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`sequence of setting, 5 Board/Quotation screen
`setting -- that was in double quotes -- from the
`main window's menu bar. Select the radio button
`by the attached information that you wish to set
`up for each screen in the -- again in double
`quotes -- attached information typesetting column,
`end quote, of the, double quote, Board/Quotation
`screen setting instruction input window, end
`quote. And then the third line is, Make the
`setting by the attached information type by
`operating send, enter.
` Q Does this part -- now you're referring to
`Exhibit 1008, correct, page 69?
` A Page 69 of Exhibit 1008. That's correct.
` Q Does that show the radio button, that
` A It shows several radio buttons on this
` Q Can you describe them? You're looking at
`the figure on page 69?
` A I'm looking at the figure 6-4 on page 69,
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` Q What does that figure show?
` A It shows a dialog box with a number of
`radio buttons, some of which appear to be
`selected, some of which appear to be nonselected.
`And then, in the lower right-hand corner, it
`appears to have two buttons that -- one is likely
`send and the other is likely cancel. It's a
`little difficult to read this figure.
` Q The send and cancel, where are those?
` A That would be in the lower right-hand
`corner. That's a typical GUI -- that would be
`what you would typically do in a GUI, is you would
`put them towards the bottom or on the right-hand
` Q Is that written in Japanese?
` A It's obscured, so I wouldn't be able to
`tell you what language it's in. It is likely that
`it is in Japanese.
` Q Do you read Japanese?
` A No, I do not.
` Q So how do you know which one is the --
`how do you know, then, how those buttons in the
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`lower right-hand corner are labeled?
` A How do I know? That's general
`convention. That's general convention for GUIs is
`that you have the ability to tell the system that
`you would like to accept your changes and then you
`also give the user an opportunity to cancel any
`changes that you put in place.
` Q In this figure on page 69, can you
`actually identify the cancel button?
` A No, I cannot.
` Q What was the other button that you
`referred to in the lower right-hand corner?
` A Again, I refer back to the text above,
`which calls it send, enter.
` Q Can you identify the send button on
`page 69?
` A No, I cannot.
` Q Okay. Which radio button sets the screen
`for compressed or uncompressed in the figure shown
`on page 69?
` A I can't be sure.
` Q All right. Let me direct your attention
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`to paragraph 33 of your declaration. And this
`appears to show, at the top of the page, two
`screens, one uncompressed and one compressed. Is
`that a fair statement?
` A Well, one is labeled non-compressed and
`the other is labeled compressed.
` Q Okay. Is non-compressed the same as
`uncompressed? I just want to get the terminology
`right. Because in this case, I've heard it
`referred to as uncompressed as well.
` A Uncompressed and non-compressed are
`effectively the same thing, yes.
` Q Okay. What would you prefer -- what
`language would you prefer to use, and I'll try to
`use it, just to be consistent, uncompressed or
` A I have no real -- I have no real -- no
`real preference.
` Q Okay. And then paragraph 33 below, you
`talk about a board screen, and you refer to a
`basic board screen. Do you see that in the middle
`of paragraph 33?
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` A A board screen that does not scroll is
`called a basic board screen. Is that what we're
`Page 20
`referring to?
` Q Right.
` A Okay.
` Q So the basic board screen -- when you're
`in the basic board screen, there's no scroll,
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection. Foundation.
` THE WITNESS: Well, I'll refer to
`page 115 of the -- Exhibit 1008. The first
`bulleted paragraph: A board screen that does not
`scroll is called a basic board screen wherein the
`display of the board information is updated so
`that the board display center price is
`continuously displayed at the center part of the
` Q So in the basic board screen, there's no
`scrolling, right?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection. Mischaracterizes
`his testimony. Foundation.
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`Page 21
` THE WITNESS: I'll again refer to the TSE
`document on page 110. It's description number 5,
`scroll buttons and home button. So the first one
`has an up arrow. Clicking this button with a
`mouse scrolls the prices upward one price at a
`time. A down arrow. Clicking this button with
`the mouse scrolls the prices downward one price at
`a time. And the H. Clicking this button with the
`mouse after the board information has been
`scrolled causes the screen to return to the basic
`board screen, with the board display center price
`at the center.
` So the screen itself is in a non -- when
`it's in basic board screen mode, it is not in a
`scrolling mode, but to say that it does not scroll
`or is not -- I guess you have to define what
`you're asking for when it says does not scroll.
`Is it incapable of scrolling? Is it capable of
`scrolling but isn't in a scrolling mode?
`What's -- what's the question?
` Q Okay. Well, let's look at
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`paragraph 33 --
` A Sure.
` Q -- where you say, in the middle of the
`paragraph, a board screen -- do you see where it
`says, in the middle, a board screen, quote, that
`does not scroll is called a basic board screen,
`unquote -- do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q So in the basic board screen, there's no
`scrolling going on, correct?
` A When it's in basic board screen mode, it
`is not being manually scrolled.
` Q I just want to make sure we're talking
`about the same thing. So what you said here is
`accurate, a board screen that does not scroll is
`called a basic board screen. Is that accurate?
` A It's a quote from the TSE document.
`So -- you would have to make sure that -- overall,
`that would have to be placed in the context of the
`rest of the document, but, yes, that is accurate.
` Q Okay. Now, the last sentence of
`paragraph 33, you say, For purposes of this
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`proceeding, I refer to the board screen as having
`a basic board screen mode and a scrolling screen
`Page 23
` Do you see that?
` A That is the last sentence in that
`paragraph, yes.
` Q Right. When you said -- when you say in
`that sentence, basic board screen mode and
`scrolling screen mode, what do you mean by the
`word "mode"? What does that mean?
` A Well, I'm not a dictionary, but
`essentially, those two -- those are two
`different -- I'm sorry, I hate using -- I know
`they say you're not supposed to use the word when
`describing something. So there are two different
`possible settings you can have the screen working
`in. So basic board screen mode is one way for the
`screen to be displayed and updated. And then
`scrolling screen mode is a different way to have
`the information updated and displayed.
` Q All right. So let's look at page 115 of
`the TSE document, Exhibit 1008. Are you at
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`page 115?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. Do you see in the middle of the
`page where it refers to the basic board screen in
`the middle?
` A The paragraph starts, In a basic board
` Q All right. And then at -- well,
`actually, let me -- before I ask you that, let me
`go to paragraph 32 of your declaration. Are you
`at paragraph 32?
` A Yes, I'm at paragraph 32.
` Q You say, The trader can select from two
`price display methods, non-compressed or
`compressed method.
` Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q Are the compressed and non-compressed
`methods you refer to in paragraph 32, are those
`compressed and non-compressed modes?
` A It could be referred to as that, yes.
` Q And why is that?
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` A When it's in non-compressed mode, it
`displays all of the prices that are available
`regardless of if there's a bid or an offer at that
`level. And then there's the compressed method
`which skips over any prices -- still in ascending
`order of prices, but it skips over any prices that
`do not have a bid or an offer available at that
` Q Okay. So let's talk about this
`uncompressed and compressed, because I have some
`questions about that. So on page 12 of your
`declaration, there's that figure at the top of the
`page which shows non-compressed and compressed,
` A Yes.
` Q And in the compressed screen, the center
`price is always positioned in the center of the
`axis. Is that a fair statement?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection. Foundation.
` THE WITNESS: Okay. I'll refer back to
`page 115. It is the third bullet point on that
`page. In the compressed price display mode, the
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`Page 26
`board displayed center price is automatically
`revised and displayed continuously at the center
`of the board.
` The next bullet point. In addition, in
`the scrolling screen, the price display
`portions -- positions -- I apologize -- do not
`change automatically.
` So in what mode are we in? Are we in a
`scrolling screen mode or are we in the more -- the
`non-scrolling screen mode?
` Q Well, let me -- I guess let me ask you
`that just to clarify. On page 12 of your
`declaration, the figure on the right at the top of
`the page, is that -- what mode is that in?
` A That's in a compressed price display
` Q And is that in a scrolling mode or a
`non-scrolling mode?
` A That is in a non-scrolling mode.
` Q How do you know that?
` A I'm going to refer to page 116 of the TSE
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`Page 27
`document. It's in the box with the exclamation
`point in there. It's the second bullet point.
`The information of the over and under fields is
`not displayed if the screen is scrolled.
` So if you look at the scrolling operation
`figure that's below, you could see there's the
`first one, which is in a non-scrolling mode. When
`it's switched to a scrolling screen mode, the over
`and under that was in the first piece is no longer
`there. And then, when you go back to the basic
`board screen mode, the over and under come back
`and are displayed.
` So we'll go back to the compressed price
`display method that is being shown on page 12 of
`my declaration. It says over and under. That
`signifies that it is in a non-scrolling screen
` Q Okay. When you're in a compressed mode,
`can you go from a non-scrolling screen mode to a
`scrolling screen mode?
` A Well, again, I'll refer back to page 115
`of the TSE document, that last bullet point. In
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`Page 28
`addition, in a scrolling screen, the price display
`positions do not change automatically.
` And the previous one, which is talking
`about, in the compressed price display mode, the
`board display center price is automatically
`revised and displayed continuously at the center
`part of the board.
` Those two statements in conjunction seem
`to point to the fact that you can turn this from a
`non-scrolling mode to a scrolling mode.
` Q Okay. So let's get back to the original
`question I think I was asking you about the
`compressed mode when it's not scrolling. I want
`to limit my question to that -- my next question
`to that. Fair enough?
` A Compressed mode when it is non-scrolling.
` Q Right. And, again, I'm going to refer
`you back to your declaration on page 12, which is
`the figure on the right. That is the compressed
`mode, non-scrolling, correct?
` A Compressed mode, non-scrolling, yes.
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`Page 29
` Q Okay. Do you see the price 004 in that
` A The price 004, yes. 004.
` Q Is that in the center of the compressed
`mode screen?
` A It looks to be approximately in the
`center, yes.
` Q And just so I'm clear, where price 004
`is, that's the center position of the compressed
`mode, correct?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection. Foundation.
` THE WITNESS: Well, when referencing the
`size of the window compared with the
`non-compressed price display method figure, it
`appears there are nine lines in total. And so
`it's the fifth line up that would be the center.
`So it looks to be in approximately the same
`location in the compressed price display figure.
`So, yes, I'd say that is in the center.
` Q Okay. And in this particular figure on
`the right on page 12 of your declaration, the
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830
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`center price is 004, correct?
` A I believe I answered that question
`Page 30
` Q And that's yes?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And the center price will always
`appear at this position in the compressed mode,
` A Again, I'll refer you to page 115 of the
`TSE document. In addition, in a scrolling screen,
`the price display positions do not change
` So if we are limited to the non-scrolling
`mode, then the board display center price,
`whatever that happens to be, that is what will be
`displayed at the center of the board continuously.
` Q I'm still asking about non-scrolling.
`You understand that, right?
` A Sorry, I guess I -- it's sometimes hard
`to keep all the context in place. But, yes, if
`it's non-scrolling, then whatever is defined as
`the board display center price will be displayed
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830
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`Page 31
`at the center of the screen continuously.
` Q Okay. So, for example, on the figure on
`the right on page 12, the center price will never
`appear in the position marked 007, correct?
` MR. BEMBEN: Objection. Foundation.
` Q And, again, I'm limiting my question to
` A "Never" is a very strong word. So it
`depends on what is defined as the board display
`center price. So what it is in this case, I could
`not be 100 percent certain, but if it is last
`contract price, if it traded at 007 for its
`last -- the last time, then 007 would become the
`center -- the board display center price and
`would, therefore, be displayed in the middle.
` Q Yeah, but I'm asking you about what's
`shown on page 12 of your declaration. The center
`price is 004, right, in the non-scrolling mode?
` A Okay. I just want to make sure I have
`the question, again, just so that I --
` Q Okay. So on page 12 of your declaration,
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830

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