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`Mr. Gilbert and his team talk a lot about “iteration cycles,” “lateral thinking,”
`“user journeys” and “empathy maps.” To the uninitiated, the canons of design
`thinking can sound mushy and self—evident. But across corporate America, there is a
`rising enthusiasm for design thinking not only to develop products but also to guide
`strategy and shape decisions of all kinds. The September cover article of the Harvard
`Business Review was “The Evolution of Design Thinking.” Venture capital firms are
`hiring design experts, and so are companies in many industries.
`Still, the IBM initiative stands out. The company is well on its way to hiring
`more than 1,000 professional designers, and much of its management work force is
`being trained in design thinking. “I’ve never seen any company implement it on the
`scale of IBM,” said William Burnett, executive director of the design program at
`Stanford University. “To try to change a culture in a company that size is a daunting
`Daunting seems an understatement. IBM has more than 370,000 employees.
`While its revenues are huge, the company’s quarterly reports have shown them
`steadily declining in the last two years. The falloff in revenue is partly intentional, as
`the company sold off less profitable operations, but the sometimes disappointing
`profits are not, and they reflect IBM’s struggle with its transition. Last month, the
`company shaved its profit target for 2015.
`In recent years, the company has invested heavily in new fields, including data
`analytics, cloud computing, mobile technology, security, social media software for
`business and its Watson artificial intelligence technology. Those businesses are
`growing rapidly, generating revenue of $25 billion last year, and IBM forecasts that
`they will contribute $40 billion by 2018, through internal growth and acquisitions.
`Just recently, for example, IBM agreed to pay $2 billion for the Weather Company
`(not including its television channel), gaining its real—time and historical weather
`data to feed into Watson and analytics software.
`But IBM’s biggest businesses are still the traditional ones — conventional
`hardware, software and services — which contribute 60 percent of its revenue and
`most of its profit. And these IBM mainstays are vulnerable, as customers
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`increasingly prefer to buy software as a service, delivered over the Internet from
`remote data centers.
`Virginia M. Rometty, IBM’s chief executive, has warned that this will be a
`difficult transition year. It will take time, she says, before its new businesses are large
`enough to become engines of growth for the whole company. The strategy, she
`insists, is the right one. What remains is to move ahead faster. “People ask, ‘Is there
`a silver bullet?”’ Ms. Rometty said in a recent interview. “The silver bullet, you might
`say, is speed, this idea of speed.”
`Ms. Rometty is pulling other levers to accelerate the pace of change at IBM, but
`she said, “Design thinking is at the center.”
`Breaking With the Past
`Recognizing the importance of design is not new, certainly not at IBM. In the
`1950s, Thomas J. Watson Jr., then the company’s chief executive, brought on Eliot
`Noyes, a distinguished architect and industrial designer, to guide a design program
`at IBM. And Noyes, in turn, tapped others including Paul Rand, Charles Eames and
`Eero Saarinen in helping design everything from corporate buildings to the eight—bar
`corporate logo to the IBM Selectric typewriter with its golf—ball—shaped head.
`At that time, and for many years, design meant creating eye—pleasing, functional
`products. Now design thinking has broader aims, as a faster, more productive way of
`organizing work: Look at problems first through the prism of users’ needs, research
`those needs with real people and then build prototype products quickly.
`Defining problems more expansively is part of the design—thinking ethos. At a
`course in New York recently, a group of IBM managers were given pads and felt—tip
`pens and told to sketch designs for “the thing that holds flowers on a table” in two
`minutes. The results, predictably, were vases of different sizes and shapes.
`Next, they were given two minutes to design “a better way for people to enjoy
`flowers in their home.” In Round 2, the ideas included wall placements, a rotating
`flower pot run by solar power and a software app for displaying images of flowers on
`a home TV screen.
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`Mr. Gilbert came to design thinking as a technologist and a software
`entrepreneur. He helped build Lombardi Software, in Austin, Tex., first as its chief
`technology officer and then president. Over the years, in trying to develop software
`faster and to improve products, he studied and adopted some of the design
`principles of people like David Kelley, chairman of the global design company IDEO
`and a founder of the Stanford design program.
`In 2010, when IBM bought Lombardi Software, with its 220 people, he had no
`inkling of what lay ahead for him.
`When Ms. Rometty became chief executive in January 2012, she told her
`executive team that she wanted to improve — “to rethink and reimagine” — the
`experience of IBM’s customers. This was motivated partly by a shift in how
`businesses were buying technology. As more purchased software as a service over the
`Internet, buying decisions were often being made by workers in functional
`departments — human relations, sales, marketing and data analytics — rather than
`by a central corporate information technology office. In this new market, software
`that was tailored to workers’ needs and could be used without technical help from IT
`employees would win the day.
`At a top—management meeting, Robert J. LeBlanc, a senior software executive,
`mentioned that there was a guy in Austin, at a start—up IBM had acquired, who was a
`design and user—experience fanatic. Mr. LeBlanc called Mr. Gilbert and asked if he
`thought the design work he was doing in a small corner of the software business
`could be done across IBM. Mr. Gilbert replied that he didn’t know but it was worth
`considering. After a couple of days’ study, Mr. Gilbert came back and said that to
`have an impact, IBM had to be prepared to hire and train 1,000 designers.
`Mr. Gilbert assumed that would be the end of the matter. But two weeks later,
`he got a call from Ms. Rometty. “Go,” she said, as he recalled. “And how fast can you
`go? How many can you hire in the first year?”
`The Need for Speed
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`Since the program began in August 2012, IBM has hired several hundred
`designers, about two—thirds of them freshly minted college graduates and a third
`experienced designers. By the end of this year, IBM plans to have 1,100 designers
`working throughout the company, on the way to a target total of 1,500. They are
`embedded in IBM product teams and work alongside customers in the field or at one
`of 24 design studios around the world.
`IBM has hired designers from top schools like Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, the
`Rhode Island School of Design and Parsons School of Design. But initially, recruiting
`required skillful persuasion. When Mr. Gilbert first showed up at the graduate
`design school at Stanford, he was greeted with skepticism. “These are millennials in
`Silicon Valley — they think Google is an old company,” Mr. Burnett said, recalling
`their first impression. “To them, IBM was a historical relic.”
`The recruiting pitch made by Mr. Gilbert and his colleagues has been essentially
`twofold: First, you can make a difference in socially important fields because IBM’s
`technology plays a crucial role in health care, energy, transportation, water and even
`agriculture. Second, you can be part of a groundbreaking effort to apply design
`thinking in business.
`At Stanford, the prevailing view of working for IBM, Mr. Burnett said, has
`shifted from “Are you kidding me?” to “This is a pretty interesting opportunity.”
`Joe Kendall thinks so. Mr. Kendall, 28, finished a two—year graduate design
`program at Stanford and joined IBM in June. He chose IBM over Apple, where he
`would have worked in its iPhone business. At Apple, he figured, his opportunity
`would be to help make a great product a little bit better. At IBM, Mr. Kendall sees a
`different opportunity. “No one is using design thinking to solve problems on this
`scale,” he said, adding that he could be part of “changing the future of this giant
`IBM’s senior managers have all been through design training. Ms. Rometty and
`her executive team were among the first. The training varies, with executives getting
`one—day sessions; product managers, a week; and new designers, three—month
`programs. In all, about 8,000 IBM employees so far have had some in—person
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`training in design thinking. It’s an impressive number, but it’s also only 2 percent of
`the work force.
`How broadly design thinking is being embraced across IBM is hard to say. It is a
`new, unfamiliar ingredient in the corporate mix. Doug Powell, a leading design
`expert who joined Mr. Gilbert’s team in 2013, said, “It’s not as though the masses of
`IBM were waiting for us to arrive.”
`The incubator for the company’s ambitious experiment in corporate culture
`renovation can be found in a building on a corporate campus in Austin. Above a
`sprawling open—plan space, metal tracks fit movable whiteboard walls, creating
`temporary rooms — “huddle spaces” — for small teams of workers, rarely more than
`a dozen. The walls are covered with drawings, text and Post—it notes — “idea parking
`lots,” they’re called. If teams have to travel and don’t meet for a week or two, the
`walls come down and are stored in steel transport carts, notes and sketches intact.
`The space constantly changes, as teams form or disband, add people or shed
`them, according to the nature of the work.
`“In a week, every one of these configurations will be different,” Mr. Gilbert
`observed, as he toured the floor.
`The work groups assemble from across IBM — hardware, software and services,
`but also from departments like marketing and communications. Customers are often
`in the mix, especially when collaborating with IBM developers to write cloud
`software applications. Getting clients into the free—form work space, Mr. Gilbert said,
`can help “fundamentally change their relationship with IBM.”
`That proved to be the case for GameStop, a video game and electronics retailer.
`Jeff Donaldson, a GameStop technology executive, recalled that IBM’s reputation at
`the company’s suburban Dallas headquarters was as a slow—moving corporate
`bureaucracy, dominated by a sales culture offering expensive hardware and software.
`The reputation, he said, was “certainly not positive.”
`But in the last year or so, the two companies have worked side by side — often in
`IBM’s Austin studio — to figure out better ways to serve GameStop customers with
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`mobile devices and data. The floor staff at GameStop’s more than 4,100 stores in the
`United States can now tap iPads to look up the past purchases of customers who
`have downloaded the GameStop app or joined the company’s loyalty program.
`Coupons, trade—ins and loyalty—point rewards can be offered on the spot, as well as
`game recommendations.
`The cloud software to make it happen was built in a few months, tested in a
`small group of stores and then quickly rolled out nationwide. Further projects are in
`the works to study how online behavior affects buying patterns.
`“They’ve completely turned us around,” Mr. Donaldson said. “We’re working
`with the fast company part of IBM.”
`Strength From Adversity
`If you ask people inside IBM for a design—thinking success story, they are likely
`to mention Bluemix, a software tool kit for making cloud applications. In just one
`year, Bluemix went from an idea to a software platform that has attracted many
`developers, who are making apps used in industries as varied as consumer banking
`and wine retailing. In the past, building that kind of technology ecosystem would
`have taken years.
`Software developers are just as important as customers to IBM, since both
`groups create markets. “We wanted to redefine IBM for developers,” said Damion
`Heredia, an IBM vice president who leads the Bluemix operation.
`Like most of IBM’s new units, Bluemix is run much like a start—up, at arm’s
`length from the corporate bureaucracy. Mr. Heredia, who worked closely with Mr.
`Gilbert for years, is steeped in design—thinking methods. His team studied how
`young programmers built cloud apps. Tarun Gangwani, a manager in the Bluemix
`unit, recalled traveling to all—night “hackathons” to watch developers as they worked,
`step by step. Guided by what they learned, the Bluemix team built prototype
`software, tested it with users, and modified and refined it.
`When a free test version of Bluemix was offered in February 2014, Mr. Heredia
`figured it might attract 2,000 developers in the first few months. It reached that
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`number within a week, and a commercial version was introduced that July. Today,
`Bluemix is signing up 10,000 new users a week.
`As software becomes more an online service, analysts say, the big corporate
`contracts that have sustained IBM’s software business will become less frequent.
`“For IBM, the dollars are going to have to come from sharply expanding its customer
`base so that developers at all kinds of companies, including start—ups, see IBM as a
`place to go to build new things,” said Frank Gens, chief analyst of the market
`research firm IDC. “That’s not been IBM’s reputation, and that’s the challenge
`Bluemix faces.”
`IBM has an impressive track record of corporate evolution over its 104—year
`history. At different times, the minicomputer, the personal computer and the
`Internet were seen as threats to its survival. IBM’s deepest crisis — and revival —
`came in the 1990s after the collapsing economics of the mainframe business sent it
`into a tailspin. IBM was often late to new markets, but each time it adapted.
`The company’s predicament today has echoes of the past. IBM is gaining ground
`now, but it was late to the cloud business, behind Amazon, Google, Microsoft and
`Salesforce. The company’s financial performance is deteriorating, but it is still a
`corporation that generated nearly $16 billion in net profit from continuing
`operations last year. Its old—line businesses are in retreat, but with Watson it seems
`to be at the forefront of applying data—driven artificial intelligence to mainstream
`John E. Kelly, a senior vice president who oversees several of the new
`businesses and research, is a 36-year IBM veteran who has experienced plenty of ups
`and downs and shifts in strategy.
`This time, Mr. Kelly observed, is different in one way. “In the past, we changed
`what we were working on, but we were pretty much working the same way,” he said.
`“Now, we’re changing how we work too. And the how element is always related to
`The pace and trajectory of the business are the big questions about IBM today.
`IBM’s stock price has declined 16 percent in the last year. Ms. Rometty is under
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`pressure — and that pressure will not ease until its new businesses overshadow its
`legacy products. “The theory is that the new lines of business grow faster than the
`old ones decline, but we’ve not seen it yet,” said A. M. Sacconaghi, an analyst at
`Sanford C. Bernstein & Company.
`Asked what she tells anxious large shareholders, Ms. Rometty replied that “the
`key message” is that IBM is the only technology company that is more than a century
`old because it has reinvented itself repeatedly in the past, and it is doing so again
`today. “And that does take some time — yes, it does,” Ms. Rometty said. “But don’t
`underestimate us. This is in our DNA, this ability to transform.”
`A version of this article appears in print on November 15, 2015, on page BU1 of the New York edition with
`the headline: Setting Free the Squares.
`© 2016 The New York Times Company
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