
`A, B, F, H, L, O,|
`host fixed-terminal system. The use of
`the Microsoft toolsets and application
`software, along with Ameranth’s modular
`approach to using these tools, makes
`the introduction of wireless a smooth,
`painless, affordable transition.
`Ameranth’s handheld computers commu-
`nicate with Ameranth’s communications-
`control module and other interface
`modules and then with other restaurant
`computers and devices by way of
`Symbol’: Spectrum24 wireless local area
`network. Symbo|’s wireless local area
`network is based on indusgy standards
`and is the technology of choice at more
`than 40,000 customer locations in a
`number of global markets.
`"Our mission is to work with Symbol and
`Microsoft to provide worldwide-standard
`wireless systems solutions," said Keith
`McNally, CEO of Ameranth. "Ameranth’s
`A, B, F, H, J, L,M
`The combination of the UltraPad 2700,
`Spectrum24 wireless LAN technology,
`and Windows CE operating system in a
`hand-held with the form factor and
`elegance required for restaurant applica-
`tions offers unprecedented benefits to
`restaurateurs and the clientele they serv
`The 21st Centug Restaurant System
`allows restaurant processes, including
`order taking, payment processing (credit
`card, debit card, smart card), inventory
`control, process control, waitlist manage-
`ment. table management, personnel
`management, management interface, valet
`panting frequent-diner prgram interface,
`short- and long-range communications, and
`other applications, to be managed and
`controlled from Ameranth’s handheld
`computer, so that customers, employees,
`and managers are no longer constrained by
`the need to work with fixed IT terminals.
`llllCli[lSllll HUSP
`integration ofSymbo|'s unparalleled E
`technological advancements and the m
`Microsoft Windows CE platlomr with the
`other capabilities of our partners will allow
`customers to deploy hilly integrated 4.-
`software and hardware solutions that @
`will provide optimal service, efficiency,
`and profitability for years to come."
`"With Symbol’s proven expertise in mobile
`But the advantages of mobile IT terminals
`computing and wireless networks,
`cannot be realized unless there is software
`that will project legacy, current, and future
`Ameranth’s vision and integration skills, 4.-
`and Microsoft's innovative family of a
`lT capabilities into the wireless, Vlfindows
`software products and solutions, we
`CE environment. Working with Microsoft.
`share in their vision for the 21st Centupy
`Ameranth has developed a fami
`of mod-
`Restaurant System," said Tony Barbagallo
`ulithat allow its PDS, back end and other
`group product manager, Productivity
`systems providers to provide a seamless
`Appliances Division, Microsoft Corp.
`and elegant wireless interface to their
`“With its 21st Centug Restaurant,
`existing and future software installations.
`Developed using standard Microsoft m Ameramh is providing a system solution
`Windows Nl‘Server, Windows 98/95, an
`that makes Symbol's wireless technology
`more accessible to the foodservice
`Windows CE toolsets and application
`modules, Ameranth’s interface modules
`industry, so that restaurateurs can move
`preserve the significant investment in
`away from fixed terminals and gain the
`benefits of wireless that other industries
`existing fixed-tenninal systems by project-
`ing the capabilities of those systems into
`have enjoyed,” said John Harker, Director.
`the wireless Windows CE environment and
`Hospitality and Gaming for Symbol
`by enabling systems providers to create
`hand-held user interfaces that have a look,
`Let the dance begin.
`feel, and functionality similar to that ofthe
`Amaranth and
`21 st Century Restaurant
`By combining the power of Microsoft‘
`Windows’ CE software and Symbol
`Technologies Spectrum24' wireless
`devices in a hand-held computer that has
`the form factor, elegance, and durability
`that the foodsen/ice industry needs, and by
`providing its 21st Centug Restaurant sys-
`tfl to the industry's solutions providers,
`Amaranth Technology Systems is changing
`the choreography of restaurant operations.
`In the foodservice industry, information
`technology has aiways been like the
`"grandame" of the ball—someone with
`whom everyone has felt obliged to dance.
`Unfortunately, because the hardware plat-
`form has always been fixed tenninals, the
`"grandame" hasn't been able to move too
`well, and her immobility has been central
`to how the foodservice industry has
`danced. The result has been that, for some
`applications, operators, customers, and
`employees have danced awkwardly around
`lTs fixed terminals; for other applications,
`—such'as inventory control, they have
`usually chosen not to dance with IT at all.
`\Nith their introduction of the 21st Centug
`Restaurant System, Ameranth Technology
`Systems is giving IT new lgs-—and
`forever changim the choreoflphy of
`restaurant operatic: rs.
`The 21 st Centugy Restaurant System is
`a fully integrated system that provides a
`long-awaited hospitality industry mobile
`wireless solution for traditional restaurant
`A, B,H
`processes. The centerpiece of the 2l_st
`Centugy Restaurant System is Ameranth’s
`UltraPad” 2700, a small, light, beautifully
`designed, hand-held computer that
`operates using the Microsoft Windows CE
`operating system and communicates by
`we ofS mbolTechnolo ies’S ectrum24'
`wireless technology. Small enough and
`light enough to be carried comfortably in
`the breast pocket of a suit or blazer, the
`UltraPad offers long battery life and is
`ruggedized to withstand the rigors of
`commercial use.

`Information and Synchronous Communications System
`Ameranth case Study , The lmprov comedy clubs ;.
`eating 260 people, three times a night is a lot easier
`since the Dallas lmprov installed Ameranth
`Technology Systems, lnc.’s 21st Century
`Restaurant“. Running on the Microsoft”
`Distributed interNet Architecture, the solution boasts a com-
`merce-enabled Web site hosted by Microsoft Windows” 2000
`Advanced Server that’s boosting ticket sales. Ameranth 21_st
`Centur Communicationsm middleware facilitates integration
`of customer data from the Web site with Windows CE ticketing
`software used to wirelessly assign tables.
`and runs on the Microsoft
`Distributed interNet Architecture
`(DNA) platform, gave Castillo the
`security to enjoy his leap into the
`21st century.
`“I am comforted that Ameranth
`uses the Microsoft suite of products
`to provide their integrated solution,’
`he says. “I know that with Microsoft,
`we will have the flexibility to inte-
`grate other software products in the
`Every joke is a tiny revolution, says
`George Orwell, and if the reverse is
`true for the kind of revolution that
`I( Solution overview
`company Profile
`The lmprov comedy Clubs showcase live performanc-
`es by top. nationally known comedians. The Dallas
`lmprov, located in the Dallas metropolitan area. is one
`‘ of ten locations across the United States. The Dallas
`lmprov has a lull drink and dinner menu, and on the
`weekends runs a comedy—intused traffic school.
`‘- Before lmprov Comedy Club owner Tom Castillo went
`looking forL/ay to automate the ticketing, food
`ordering, table management. and payment processing
`at the Dallas lmprov, the operation was making do
`with pens. paper, and a laminated seating chart. The
`resulting inefficiency compromised customer service
`and didn't help the bottom line.
`Business Solution
`The lmprov solution Integrates Ameranth Technology
`Systems, lnc.’s software for Windows CE-cased wire-
`less handheld computers (Ameranth UltraPad“‘ 2700),
`Microsolt'wlndows' NT‘ Sewer. and SOL server“ 7.0‘
`with Ameranth's 21st Century Communications mid-
`dleware and a Symbol 302.11 Fl-l Wireless LAN. The
`solution, called 21st Century Restaurant. provides
`lntemet ticketing and payment processing, tratfic
`school reservations and food ordering, phone-based
`ticketing and payment processing. and wireless hand-
`held ticket authorization and seating assignments. The
`entie solution is built according to the Microsoft
`Distributed interNet Architecture and takes advantage
`commerce enabled Web site. Ameranth has just inked
`a deal to install the same system in the Phoenix and
`Washington DC lmprovs.
`lmmedlate improvements in efficiency and speed of
`service increased revenue and dramatically enhanced
`the customer experience at the Dallas lmprov. A new
`interactive web site allows customers to pre-order
`and pre-pay for food and tickets lcr taster service at
`the theatre, where staff can quickly process their
`reservations and assign tables using a wireless hand-
`held computer. Meanwhile the kitchen already has
`their food prepped and it comes to the table on
`time-definitely the best time in show busine§.
`7 W 7Sonng_.200D7 A Case Study
`signals progress, everyone must be
`laughing at the Dallas lmprov
`Comedy Club. Going from phones,
`pens, paper, and a single laminated
`seating chart to installing a Web, PC,
`and wireless system to handlefl the
`ticketing, food ordering, table man-
`agement, and payment processing for
`three 260-seatings a night has
`undoubtedly made owner Tom
`Castillo a happy man.
`And the fact that the Ameranth
`Technology Systems, Inc. 21st
`Century Restaurant“ solution he
`chose for the Dallas lmprov is built
`using 100 percent Microsoft products
`The Ameranth Advantage
`Castillo first came across Ameranth
`Technology Systems, Inc. last year in
`Chicago at the National Restaurant
`Association's annual tradeshow. At
`that point he told Ameranth that,
`“the lmprov needs to move its sys-
`tems into 21st Century technology,”
`and he was ”won over by the compa-
`ny's demonstration." Looking for a
`total solution, Castillo was particu-
`larly impressed with the fact that
`Ameranth could develop and install
`the entire Web, PC, and wireless s§-
`tem—something no other company
`could match. Because Castillo was

` Ameranth Case Study (c I
`basically starting from scratch. this pro
`coinpany's efficiency and speed of service
`vided a great advantage.
`throughout the entire customer cycle and
`"At the time, the lniprov was a very
`e—commerce enabling the Web site. The
`low-tech and inefficient operation, where
`solution would also provide a way to cre-
`phone-based reservations were noted
`ate a customer database, “Using
`with pencil and papei and the table man’
`.»\meranth’s 21st Centuiy Restaurant, I
`agcment was done with a grease pencil
`believe the lniprov will be able to increase
`and a laminated seating chart." Castill
`ales and increase both the efficiency and
`recalls. The company did have a
`peed of service," he says. “We are predict-
`ing costs will be recovered within a year.”
`Macintosh for accounting and running an
`antiquated POS system. as weU as a pro-
`MiCl'OSOft Scales t0
`motional Web site with no interactive
`the solution
`capabilities. And there was no database
`Ameraniits Core technology is ihc 218i
`housing customer information.
`Cémur ' C0nimutii03ii0nS"' middleware
`Castillo immediately saw Ameranth as
`a way to increase sales by ramping up the Which YOUICS data, I’? 3|’Cii€55 Of
`1'0 r3m-
`/, , _
`, ,
`,,. . .,
`, ._ , . _
`mitts language, across 3
`Imp," comady club‘
`sysmn Arc:-ieocum
`facilitating the data
` "““”’°"
`lnternet ticketing and paflent process—
`ing. traffic school reservation and food
`ordering, phone—based ticketing and pay-
`merit processing with instant database ‘_@
`input, and wireless handheld ticket
`authorization and seating assignments;
`new self—service Web site enables cits-
`tomers to pre-order and pre-pay for tick-
`ets and food.
`Given that the lmprov’s Ameranth
`solution spans the range from Web-based,
`to client/server to wireless technologies
`running on the Microsoft Windows CE
`operating system, it’s no wonder that
`Castillo was happy that his solution
`adheres to Microsoft Windows DNA
`architecture that provides exceptional
`interoperability on a comprehensive, scal-
`able platform for building and hosting
`distributed Web-based applications. “We
`reguired for integrating
`wanted to use the Microsoft Bacl<Office3
`diifcrcni $YSI€mS.
`family oftechnologies and the Windows
`including Web—baSed.
`DNA platform because they are depend—
`Wireless LAN and
`able and interoperable with many‘ hard-
`PC-based cliciit/server
`ware and software technologies," says
`The Impiov solution
`And by taking advantage of Microsoft
`integrates Ameranih'S
`Windows 2000 Advanced Server and its
`software for Windows
`built-in Web server, Internet Information
`CE wireless handheld
`Server 5.0, to host the 1m rov’s new self
`computers. the
`S€fVlCE Web site. the lmpfbv can Internet-
`UltraPad"“ 2700, and
`enable its entertainment business model
`the Microsoft Windows
`and set the stage for an enhanced cus-
`NT‘” Server operating
`iomer experience.
`system and Microsoft
`SQL Server“‘ 7.0 with
`Amerantlfs 21st
`ons ml _ Conirnuiiicati
`A 8‘ B 8' 0
`wtu N:).\1r~G
`The ‘mprov Comedy Clubs system architecture featuring
`Ameranztis Technoiot i,i's 2‘i st Lerituw Restaurant
`dleware and a Symbol
`Technologies 802.1]
` FH WLAN. This total
`solution provides
`Front Row Center
`The best seat in the house is where
`everyone likes to sit, but it’s not the
`only thing that contributes to a great
`evening out. Patrons at the Dallas
`lmprnv benefit from the Aineranth
`solution from the moment they pick up
`the phone, or log on to the Web site to
`- 12

`For more information
`About Microsoft
`Call the Microsoft Sales Infonnation Center at (800) 426-9400. In Canada, call the
`Microsoft Canada lnfonnation Centre at (800) 56343048. Outside me 50 United States
`and Canada, please contact your local Microsoft office.
`For more information about Microsoft Backoffice-based hospitality solutions,
`visit the Microsoft hospitality industry home page on the World Wide Web, at
`“Thanks to the database system we
`now know who our customers are.
`Thanks to the wireless integration, the
`ticketing system, and the Web site, we
`now have a few minutes to get to know
`our customers"
`Tam Cassi//0. Owner The /mm.‘
`book their tickets. Over the phone, the
`Ameranth Desktop Tickctingl
`Reservations software enables staff to
`process orders more efficiently with
`automated table seating assignments.
`Now that agents can also enter customer
`information directly into the SQL
`Server database. management can track
`Amaranth Technology Systems Inc.. founded in 1996. is a systems integrator facilitating
`E]/V sales, implement a fregueni customer
`data exchange between mobile wireless computers and fixed information sflms.
`ro ram and produce mass e—mails.
`Through routing and synchronizing data moving betweenWireless Local Area Networks m
`E]! 30th Online and Phone Orders are the
`and fixed information systems, including lmemet sewers, Ameranlh‘s systems
`5'51 SWP in 5P€€din8
`UP ‘able m3mS€'
`integration, software products and related services increas
`e speed, scope and
`men‘ 3‘ ‘he ‘h°3‘_"' U5l“8 ”‘"‘"a“‘h’5
`efficiency of information processing for various industries, including hospitality and
`1 ‘“"dv
`healthcare. Ameranth‘s customized products, solutions, and services are revolutionizing
`the S
`b‘_’l S “;f'“m 244 “""[e“ IN‘
`the way these industries operate by introducing them to the extraordinary benefits that
` ‘ 5ta,mca"t;:"re|e:ly profess
`CUS Onler Cl
`roug SC3nnlng
`mobile, wireless communications have to offer.Along with its strategic partner. Symbol
`Er‘ the bar code on ticks“ may Primcd out
`Technologies, Amerantti is dedicated to establishing the wireless system standards
`b '
`h '
`the authorization code they received over
`around 8 mbol's Spectrum24 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network and Microsoft's
`w an pm “mg 0 me or Y mp“ mg
`the hone. Using the UltraPad 2700 com~
`windows CE opeming system‘
`Put" t0 - ‘able 3598"‘
`Database Information
`merits are quickly and efficiently given to
`Version Used: Micmson SQL server 7_0
`customers. Internet-ordered food e)_cEe«
`Size of Total Dambase: 145 GB
`dites the wait staff’s job as orders can be
`Size of Largest Database: 1.5 GB
`started upon the customers arrival, leav~
`ing them more time to sell revenue»gen-
`crating drinks and desserts.
`Theater management also benefits
`from the use of Ameranth's 21st Century
`Database Wizard for updating the Web
`site prices, menus, show listings, and
`comedian bios and photos ~— without
`any knowledge of HTML.
`About Ameranth
`Ameranth Technology Systems
`12230 El Camino Real, Suite 330
`San Diego, California 92103-2090
`Tel.: 858-794-8282
`Fax: 858-794-8222
`E-mail address:
`Web site:
`Microsoft sonware used
`Mlcmsafl Vlsual studio.
`wl”d°W5 CE T°°“"lt
`Micfosofl SOL 59”” 7-0
`MlCr0$0ft Wlnd0W3 2000 AdVanCed Sewei
`MlCf‘0S0fl WlnU0WS NT SEWGT
`MlCf0S0ff Office 2000
`~ — A
`f’ X’?
`smngzooijwcésesiugy 13..-

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