`Page 1 of 103

`© ENEFFE 2001
`All preprietary fights and it':i€*r'{~3Sf
`in this puisiicatéon shali be'~JS‘§€.'Cl
`in L..1i~?FE zixdminéstsation and
`Manage-meat {“L1FFE”} am $61 ether rights; irwcluciing, bu: withon.§t Iimitaticm, ggatent, :egi3:ere<§ €${3S§{,;n,
`copyright, irademark, servicé mark, Conn:-‘:<:ied with this ptJb1%cat§<3-n shalé also be‘: vesstsed in LIFFE.
`LKSFE CONNECT“ i3 3 iraciemark :3: LIFHE Aénwéaisiraiien and éviarzagzemeni.
`No par§csft§*1is pusbiication may be redi3:r§E:zv.:ted or reproduced in any form or by any maans er Lif3€3d
`make any cIeu‘iv2:té»:s2 Wm: [such as transéation, Lrarus.f:::rmati<:>n, <31‘ acfiaptatiang without written ;3ermi3si»::m
`from LEI‘-‘E-)E.
`1..§FF:?£ fesserves the right in rexxisse this put:-iicatian and to make changes in content 1‘r<3i“s1 t‘::‘r1e lo i§mc:~‘;
`-«.r«.+iihouI Qbligation on the par: of LIFFE 10 pmvide mtificatien of such r'exsisic»n var charge.
`This msblicatiora corltairrs irzfczrmation provider? by O¥'§8f’iiSaIiOF1S <::«Lh&' ihar: LIFFE,
`LIFFE shafi not ‘Se liabie iexcegt to the ezxfierzt reéguised ‘fly iaw) fer the use :3? me in§:1rrr1aEiaI“u ::c>r':§ai:§ed
`herein he:>wevrer afisirag in any cir<:urr3star1-::es connected with acmal Wading C-I’ oiheh.-visr2:~. Neiéher §_1F§E.
`near its servarwts mar agewis. is responsible fur any esmrs <3: omisskz-Ins somaineci in {his ;:.aub1%::a£i-::sn. This
`pasblécatéen is far infermatism orziy and does not ccmstituia an ofier. aeiicitakion or remmmencfiation to
`acquire or disposa of any inxxestmnarst or to engage in any etézer transacziorz. Ail informatim, descripiicens.
`s><ampie:=; and calculatioha carwtaiaed ii“: this pasbliczaéinn are far gL:§{§é3t'}C8 pI..::'p:woses3 r::-rfigr, and S§‘1!i2ILl5<:5 net
`be Ireaied as céefinitive. i.1FFE reSer\.-‘€33 the right is alias“ as}; :31’ its rules or corwtraci sgaecificatioas. and
`gush an evern may afhect the vaiirjity of the irxformation is {his g:>L:b1i<;atE::’3n.
`T§'1<::«$e ~.-.eis1"a‘mg eiths-:=r £0 vacie LII"-‘FE fastursa and ctuptéons contracts as’ to Qffer and $<.21§ them ii} otlwers
`shcxuié establish the reguiatory position in the reievani jxarisdiaiiazw §:>ef{:>:'a ::§<:«ii";g so.
`Page 2 of 103
`Page 2 of 103

`3. Member Order
`6. Market
`Page 3 of 103

`of Access
`Access to
`Page 4 of 103

`C3 etdsnere wishing to access Li??? can ates» cheese tron’: ea number of back ottice and
`middle dtfice systems. The back dtiice and rniddie etfice suppiiere of these systems are
`an ical in the deiivery Qt‘ accurate trade reconciliation data to LlFFE Clearing Members and
`therefore play a crucial reie in the ri:sl< management and straight through rarocesaing
`ed utien chain between the trdnt, middle and back offices.
`Fe lowing the launch at LEFFE CONNECT“ and a recent rnajer upgrade ‘ad the LIFFE Market
`Feed, dnete xrenciere and sub quote xrendere are new able td provide aceess ta reamirne
`da a for tne %.iFi'—"E market in the form of market depth. Market depth provides a significantly
`enhanced view of the strength of tne order book in the marketplace for all euetdrnera.
`Tne choice and tiexibélity avaiialdia for customers wishing to access the i..iFFE market and
`View its data is untaaralieled. this nae been deveidgded in conjunction witit tne euppdrt of
`our many business partners iieted in this directory.
`"l"nese successful padnersnipe enable us in continue te issue an our care buetneee of
`being a teadins; géebal ptayer in the Exchange arena, providing -are {:L,§8E{3t"I’tE§t’S with
`prdduete required te manage exeosdre te financial markets in a meet effective and efficient
`ln doing ed, we are confident shat LEFFE wtii maintain its edeitidn as the
`leading; eiectrdnie derivatives exchange in the world.
`Simon A Raybould
`Managing iltfrectorg Safes and ilxtaricating
`:LiFF‘E Exchange
`Page 5 of 103
`Page 5 of 103

`Partners in Performance
`Page 6 of 103

`ORC Software
`RTS Realtime
`Yes Trader
`Page 7 of 103

`AQTOR;!) Automated
`Page 8 of 103

`Page 9 of 103

`Unit.-2rses 3!acts: Features »
`seamless integration of tickets into
`euceeesiuily beat and tested its interface
`Sleemberge risk management systems
`tar LiFFE CONNECT” for financial
`electronic link te back etiice system
`futures, eetiene, E3TlRe. nonmtinancial
`evaiieble fer
`i3iO0l’t"t‘a:)8rg Trading
`commeditées and tjniirereal Stock Futures.
`System customers
`Bteombergs“~"!—”—E CONNECTTM iront—enr:l
`trading eeetication is tutti; integrateci with
`t‘§C>f1~.§’r3t33i'§’tli1){-3~f te rnernber ercler routing
`eveiteble ever 8ieernt>erg's giebel )
`e free software upgrades provided
`e ntuitiele Exchange Connectivity
`in addition to the trading interface,
`the SLOQittBEFtG F*l3tQFE8S%C1%\lr7tL""*"*
`service prevides reel~tirne enci ltietericel
`e ereltne euptzert wertdwide, 2&1 neurs a
`prices, news, technical analysis and
`day, 385 days per year
`analytics for finenciet markets worldwide.
`e ctecticatect LJFFE CONNECT?” ereiect
`Exchange rnemiaere can new trecte en
`LEFF-“E CONNECT“ train anywhere in the
`management team
`weed {subject to restrictions} tseéng the
`e untttnitect free personal training
`BLOOt\z'iBERG l3'ROFESSiOt\t§aLW service.
`e tree seminars
`one ef the financial markets‘ meet
`eeenistieetecl anetytieal teele:
`e no additional nardirrare is needed at
`@ market monitor, ticketing, and tracking
`client site. The 3128;; connection
`e tutl suite of trading strategies apt3rOx:er:l
`by UFFE
`required for eecn member tirrn to
`access l_t§-"FE CONNECT“ will be
`E3lOD¥‘t"ib€i’Q'8 London site.
`Page 180 of 103
`Page 10 of 103

`Page 11 of 103

`Ctzimrmsnicating Ltd.
`Dniigereai sficck F».-teirm‘ '
`J V
`Gemmunicaiing Ltd.
`is e prixxaieiy neid
`® a COM autr:-melien object mode?
`i_i:in«::fc3n—i:iased :3-:;>m;3ara§x speciaiising in
`innmrelive e><c;i:enge—reiaied software iar
`ihe finance community.
`XL Ccmnect
`XL Connect
`><L.. Cenneci ceniinuee :0 be cieveieeeci
`iunciionaliiy 3332 inez-grating ilie érading
`objects with lneir own erder rcilifing
`soiiware and trading slraiegy mecleis
`and le itieiid their ewn custom user
`and now offers supper: for iraciing LiFi“~“E
`interfaces easiéy using Excei,
`fuiuree coniiacée in equity, shesi ierrn
`Basic? Deiplii or viii-+
`interest reie, bend and index markeie.
`The XL Connect wading package offers
`Communicating offers
`iiiree l...iFFE
`all ef the following features:
`CQNNECTW implementation epiicine:
`ser inieriece may be ei-iiireiy ineiise
`e a IAFFE trading <‘":1}3*;)§iC2ElTi{3Il'3 designed in
`ccéiaberalien with eiierzts em? focused
`é sereefined market watch and antler
`on speed el‘ execution, ease of use and
`book windows
`ciarily (if orciere
`eal«time user-defined marl<e’i waien
`a version which offers mebiie trading
`and ercies beak winclews
`functionality epereiirig via a radio MN
`eeJ—iiiTie usemzleiineci risk eeci P&L
`Card from mobile Windows CE palmtop
`est trade order management '«.r‘i,«‘i‘{l’i
`back office integration
`Page 12 of 103
`Page 12 of 103

`“~‘ {firth 3Ls‘.?-iannmti
`5» Gain gin may give
`Il3§ Mm........................,,,
`. .
`H _______
`.i.g.i.m.L?.-'2-E«*."'LIE.._2s:iie:e§. i
`am tsmuaufi
`"3F>¢fiJ‘l£0 lI§4H‘3
`IT.‘-menial mam
`8 Tm” _w..W
`4’? Far!
`I" in-2-p&...|
`1"’ Erxriiavr
`ii-Iii‘-il‘zFf.1|I freer
`ufiaiéwihsi rhhk
`: mm; jmae
`” ‘
`tar 2.SEiP?‘3 auccozsniolxy ubnuod
`iully auhnxn-sci.
`;J|!:ii3 ‘frudsa ins“ 2:,SEE"3‘3
`:1l3:3I‘> Trade 10:‘ Z.$EE”$"3 .-zucczassfnlh! sulunitcd.
`3848 Trade in: Z QEVS9 mica:-:2 ulky suhuilzed.
`::u.-an Trad: [tar 3.59922
`ulhy aohnited,
`1*. :**.*:«-..-n.‘-v-,:*.r'::***:’:
`9 very rapid order entry anti cusiem
`scripting fer user~{:iefined program
`‘xfiadan Jovanovic
`E39 ivianseil Street
`user ascess, whetixer trader or ‘Ciie§1§.
`London E? SAN
`either acress LAN. IP conseciion or by
`+44 {@120 E702 0800
`mobéie paimtsp Windows CE davice
`seamkess intagraiicm of exchange siaia
`and Liaer-»deiir:eCi pricing medals
`Cemmmiiaaiing Limitsd
`Page 13 of 103
`Page 13 of 103

`eey$ereerr ere
`ilniqerssat Stock r-‘utuma
`in 1
`l£esj,rS«::reerr was founded in "1998 by two
`e screens
`end iunctieneiity fuily
`termer Lit“-“F“E traders arid has achieved
`custemieeele by the trecter
`outstanding success with its ereducts.
`Having been designed tor traders by
`traders, the system offers Errtematéorael
`coverage and sophisticated itmcticrneiity
`whrlet remaining easy and irstuétixre to use.
`{Eur pre-trade. reet-time risk management
`system alters the risk manager the ebility
`tr: imtzieee trading end tinericiei Eimits on
`traders and to monitor
`Easzflrede combines futty integrated
`performance irr reeE—t§rrie. Features incitrde:
`iwictienailty ier tuteres, deticrts and
`equities tredéeg err LIFFE COt~§NECT'"“*‘.
`Features include:
`0 prewtrede order ;Z}€3l’fT7iSS§C}fi§E'§g
`6 trtrrcrvetive trettic light iedieetere to alert
`supervieer to violations
`ability to set permissions in respect of
`9 access te multiple exchanges from a
`position limit, pretit and less and net
`0 eemplete audit trail Ecg of activity
`Our sophisticated iredirtg toei effere the
`feeiiity te lirtk the Easgfirade application
`10 a customised Microsoft Excel“
`spreadsheet and use live exchange date as
`a basis for further calculation.
`tts meey
`uses include the ebitity Tie:
`eingie screen
`order types such as imrieibies, icebergs,
`triggers, trarrcttee and baskets
`automated market making
`a spread matrix whictt offers a
`graphical way et tracking and trading
`short term interest rate ceiender
`epreeds including impiiede
`sephisticated order ticket,
`facility to track or dime tee merket
`Page 14 of 103
`Page 14 of 103

`Page 15 of 103

`T -Ware modules
`T -ware
`Page 16 of 103

`Enfieflligenfi Reels far efiectmrafic tradmg
`__.__.,.... W..wwxmwW.m.-._,__._.._,......~,....m.>.m..e.e.._........
`m.,1;_«.:r;zyi x-'

`—___ ______________WI
`;- we
`X‘ ggmse:
` mu-:»2:-s-..ea 1 1
` :rr<s**=w**':r'w==r:75513:.
`319>5sx.1:."§ua:5s Enoizzzs
`l&.I£€§.§‘ A l¥?A€-Efl
`§‘2!J$J:_ Fvfure
` .‘ 3.4“ I -....:§;;:;'.; ".r"::;;‘;;"§:
`...................... .. ....
`W -H
`f-‘ I:-:1:-:3
`34$” “
`{'5 Elulfl-'!5.xI
` -as
`3 3i
`‘o’%.”-2“-3-'1-°-.?.€CC¢‘3‘ré"~s*Eif'€. COFT}
`5!? Si: Helen's Piacs
`#222 100 S Wacker ifirive
`Illmoés E30606
`+44 {O}20 ?861 9350
`+1 3?? 62$} S253
`Page 17 of 103
`Page 17 of 103

`Universssl Starte. ¥uii.-res
`J J
`l-“l~"eetFiil designs and markets SeCQl"£Ci-
`generetéen tractmg and risk rnanegemeet
`Risk management features:
`e reei—t§rrie ovewéew of
`eettware solutions for trading or: etectrenirs
`user configurable screen layouts
`The :’3FestFilt product range §i)I’£3‘tri<‘iE3S e
`trading troeterzd,
`aggregate risk: eneiyels across
`integrated real-time riel< management,
`client ittanegemertt and an order reutieg
`system via a E..eN,
`lrtttriatxl er the irtterrset.
`l:t?aetFill provides reaetime straight through
`cermectéee from werkstatieiw ts order
`reel~time $2321. breekdewn by contract
`aggregate risk ter ttrturesftinenciai
`eptrohe and equity options
`eutomatic and meme? btocking et
`trading actévity
`three level vésuet aterm with eudibte
`matching engines of itmltipte electronic
`exchanges etfering financial futures and
`eptiene, equities and cemrrrediiiee.
`user definable position limits by
`Trading functionaiity inciuctesz
`abiiitgr iie enable or disable evernight
`e unique spread matrix tee?
`peeitiens by trade: or group
`e smart and simple STOPS, Witt, MOE
`rear-time aggregate rseertiee Eirriéte by
`and C380
`reel«t%me ctearing commission anti
`exchange tee ealculetien
`single stick scalp trading
`market watch
`group errster books
`pertfetie risk analysis
`for each
`workstation with graphieet representation
`at position P&s'_.
`ttteoreticet fair xretues
`Page 18 of 103
`Page 18 of 103

`+ i
`Page 19 of 103

`crossfire. web.
`Page 20 of 103

`la: ram: F-‘T13
`(N w aumge
`charting aacl technical analyei$
`SL3;:‘.:D£‘4l'i for “virlual" ccerltracl types
`Steve Tuckerfcharles iikobsen — Lemon
`risk and limit managemeni
`+44 :::§,»2::; ?247 4300
`manual osclet‘ input
`user conflgurable screens
`clienlfsemer and inlzemel opéicns
`Patrick Tl'lemlc«rl~Smilh »~ New ‘r’os*l<
`+1 2?? 8?’? 8915
`ccsrragalele iniegralion with middle and
`Pete: Huichison -Chicago
`back office
`+l 33 2 435 0&8‘?
`@ global 24;’? support
`@ demonstrations avaélalale
`isarge tuziméiéil sums ‘
`4. G3'?‘?.‘5«!1
`E; s:_>%f §'e::u'=!l.‘aL’
`~ 245::
`- I-§.(t§1l‘s
`: f,.:.;;:§'"§=L.¥:§
`'al-sum ‘
`':}:\I‘;'X!}'t'd,l§w*I :-.-.»..;.§§i.'gLT:;.;
`Page 21 of 103

`Electronic Market
`Page 22 of 103

`Mark E?’-’emy
`Ycny Narih
`Mariaer House
`‘15?—363 High Street
`SS1 1 LL
`+ 44 i{})‘1?’O2 348888
`Email: m.penn3;@getreaJ—Iime.c0m
`Mum inxztax«wk-.-.......a:.....
`!%9§i‘.- F'§“:‘;E'5 E:iM~'£E]E
`!«€‘1=1i?§‘3E. ¥~.‘s‘2al'fil
`¥’‘«‘%1=*W?-§ f
`1319-? «am: 3
`I?Sa::1a-9:3: £:2$2k=-'3 ¥.«‘PvJa:“»w
`I211:-E€~v§~::% WM
`1...................._..-sum... ...............‘RF’:
`E32;-::i:==~§£? ‘v‘i!:i*w
`.. M. .. ..
`' Réaaet e‘5~£££‘¢i:r's!
`Page 23 of 103
`Page 23 of 103

`Page 24 of 103

`geiiramci Rassal — London
`ma l-lanisch - Frankfurt
`-I-44 {O}:2€i 13685 6200
`+4? 8% ?‘l9‘: 3008
`il" radede
`Jean Philippe Barioli «« Pazis
`+33 l 5346 U808
`Marc Niceiiel — New York
`-+-‘E 2l2 599 @510
`Email: §
`Email: mrlic<3llei@gl~L:s.c:cm
`GL TRRGE also have newly opened offises
`in Tskyo, Syiiney, Madrid, Amslerfiam and
`sfi fagw-:1 ‘x'§1ZC$
`Mm! 651.1219:
`: 5px_"én}-xi 5-;1_1g§_1
`I éprmd GQIUQ3
`E Spmni GQIMI
`Ispm-.1 cam:-is
`S Ike-:3 M31262
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`1 iilfié
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`Page 25 of 103
`Page 25 of 103

`Market View
`Page 26 of 103

`if:13 -JJNEDH
`5r:_w<ss-:«u_:_m= Fm surest)
`‘{F1.__l]v3i2i3f3flGDF Fur traces:
`T?“-‘Mt (Pg: énésosoass w. Juwiii
`nsaaaoomr m Axinoa
`wrrm-.r4.1' % -'>‘i‘F*fi¢0l -man
`N :>n§':4:>:s;*~_a:s:.>¢z.-:'r}r~:1
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`A _ss.4s 1} W;
`is:-a':[6T{? 11
`I‘-‘ Lmt
`Ty}!-tIf% 6"
`31 ‘fl
`Roberto Filippi
`Luca Eamboni
`iC3%\i Trading Systems Ltd.
`cmr; Com
`2ff2.8 St Swithirfs tame
`London EC-’—?»I\E 82333
`+44 (0)20 ?':3§8 020?
`Page 27 of 103
`Page 27 of 103

`Page 28 of 103

`Chris Edwards
`+«£4 (€320 ?§}a12 0950
`$85 Cannon Street
`am flcser
`Loradon EC«iiN 53}?
`Anders Henrikssen
`mg 69 8650 88430
`News Mamzer Strasse 52
`68 311 Frankfurt
`3.§'_T3 nm._
`{. ;:.sf:_ 9249 n .5:-.:.‘
`H3 El!
`awn film
`$616!? flléfl
`"ea".4$"s{ ss.s;=5;
`‘,3 o mama:
`:-. I!(R_31.*|)Ili’l
`mat.-nf fiaglose-zm.
`Page 29 of 103
`Page 29 of 103

`features of the
`Other features:
`Page 30 of 103

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`Mafix’ si1*«.I‘|c§e:‘sa:’a - Qhicaga
`«M 812 §22 '?6{ZIG
`é<a:<3.:al<i Takabatake ~ Singapore
`+65 21 E3 CHEESE
`Bséan Goadman — Sydney
`+81 fi2}9293 2323
`Email: saleS@pa‘£
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`Page 31 of 103

`real-time ""''"'r'~
`Features and .-unctrnn;::~l
`Page 32 of 103

`TF8 §%eaI§ime Systems (Deu‘rsc:h3ar3d) AG
`RTS Reafitéme Systems SR8
`%emb:amdtstr. “E3
`2:: Rue Buffauli
`Z3 «- 60596 Frankfurt X M.
`IFSCIOQ Paris. France
`+49 {(389 819096
`+33 {OH 58 21 SW9
`RTS Realtime Systems LLC
`PS8 Realfime Systems LLC
`29 South L€:SalEe Street
`Chicago 31. 80608. USA
`‘H f”§€$r10'\.«’€§SC;LiEi§‘8
`2?%:h i3I«:3c>r
`+3 312 2380 9806
`ems York ‘IOU-O5
`§%“§”S Fieaitime Syatems Ltd.
`Elarmon Centre
`}78 Carmerw Street
`Landon EC4N SHH
`M +44 ma mm we
`-H 212 1328 D330
`RTS Realtime Systems Group
`Qhisage * gfaflkfuft ' Landon ! New York ¢ Paris
`_ we ~13: 14.2’-i
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`Page 33 of 103
`Page 33 of 103

`feeding teeheeiegies
`§.l::ir.°cr::.;2:l Steclr: $31-[recs
`J l
`Established in lead, Trading Techrrcicgiee
`}{mTRr‘-lDERi‘ features include:
`{TI} is at glcbel software clevetoement and
`eerxsice ecihpahy focused cri the tctal
`autematleri of eiectrceic traclihg.
`fast Greer entry - single click tracllrrg,
`crceeing and editing
`Our ciiact fist includes many er the werlcfs
`management ~ fast anti secure -3l‘E%ti?lilf
`p§‘ei"l”li€§i’ mcriey-centre backs, securities
`brokers. and proprietary trading houses.
`MD_TRA3)Ef-W‘ - unique static display
`Ger ccmrcitrrreht tc wcrlci class service,
`ef cleclh allows maximum precisieri and
`coupled with our offices in Lehdcm,
`speed of execution
`Frahleert, New Ycrir artcl Chicago, protriclee
`heslret trading —— creetieri and trading cf
`these ceeterriere with the kihcl of market
`complex haskete
`access and surrecrl that they clemanct.
`lrrler~mari<et sereacl tccl -— autoieatically
`TT Solutions
`TT Solutions
`XWTRADEFW one cf the fastest, most
`flexible tracilrtg screens tor futures, eptloris.
`hchcle acct equity trading
`tracks legs for epreaci erciere
`flexible spread matrix — ier order entry
`on both eutrighte and spreads
`mutt; market access - trade ell
`exchanges trcm one screen
`X__TRADER WEST” for secure, highly
`crder blotter - simuilaeeous entry of
`scalabie lntemet ‘trading
`multiple orders;
`X_Ri$K'”*‘ for muiti~level risk management
`across. all exchanges? from any Eecatlcrl
`Excel kinks - tare way real~time
`calccletlehe and uceetee
`open AP! — easily link to irihcruse and
`X_.QUO"fE‘"‘* tcr two-way queting based
`thirct party eppiécaticne
`en theoretical mcdeie
`Page 34 of 103
`full market clecth — gprevieiee all levels,
`as eubiiehed by the exchanges
`strategy creation tool - for exchange
`recognised etrategies
`Page 34 of 103

`xenzaun 6
`_(‘g_g_Ie_a]:Ho¢:¢v E{l$\{|’|.'¥A1 v
`3 ‘*
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`_ Mlsmg-ate-c§vo1:i_§ aw _§L£m\1Plfllmaall'|¥n‘l¥‘t§flick§At!4f'1l'I3R1Li=xI9|§.uliWo3ki]1! ___.L, “""” "‘‘‘°‘*‘5 ‘*‘‘-‘‘°‘‘'* .?”~'I=l'"!! ““‘°"
`G detailed iii. beak aria P&£.., ~ compieée
`Ste’-we ixfioniesan
`listing of trade executions anti mark is
`'!‘rading Teci’ir*i0iogie8
`iiili} South Wa::i<:ar Dyive
`9 fiiiesirig iunctionaiiiy — an muiiipie iieiiis
`SLii‘£e 182%
`both fo:’ worE~<ing aria executed srcfers
`Mark Tmrnberry
`X/Li Si 2 8?? 339?
`Trading Techmiegies UK Lici.
`i‘v’iiCi"i3€§i Peters
`38 i3ou%try
`Lcmcfon Ef32i3% 8&1
`Liriitecf Kingdam
`Beckenhaémer Laadairasse 39
`E30825 Frankiuri gikivi Main
`a;-sis: (0)20 ?€CiO Si 21
`+539 69 ‘i38 ?26 0
`Jim iviarviri
`Trading ’§'eci':n«:;~ic;agies. inc.
`One Worézti Trade Carma, 88th Fioer
`New York, NY 143048
`-i-é 21.2 838 5300
` ~33
`TRAC)lN{3 T€f3E~'iN{ZlL8SlEt'E";U’"'“’
`Page 35 of 103
`Page 35 of 103

`Winfiteeh Sysfieme
`Linévarsel Stem: 'r'u:ureE *
`J 3
`Order Bool< Ma
`Order Book Management System
`in addiiion, ”l”nnEteC'n Systems erevidee:
`{GBMS} — at the heart of ”l”rinitect;'s.~3
`seieiion is the Globe: Order Routing and
`Order ivtersageinent Syetem {OBMS} wlxici:
`9 wet: t:>n;>wser cennectivity fer client
`erder capture ene’ ere-trade risk centrol
`access it) multigale global elecirenic
`exchanges, eael<~e€tice
`systems and
`a user centégwebte input screen for
`third party vendors tnreegh eur Flx
`quick and efficient order capture.
`executéon and centirmetien cmrerieg
`products aveilabie in fiexiete euiiding
`rnultiele exchanges
`an order book ereviding trade
`blocks the: can ice Lees’ either éegeéner
`er eeearately to eempiement existing
`for ati ordet
`euetemer components
`wnettler eiectrenic or open eaten;
`telally ecaleabte roll out of l._E?FE
`CGNNECTW either as a stand elene er
`3 true straight through processing
`networked sclution
`{STP} solution actress air exchanges
`global suepert eveélable areune ine
`creating Es tleketless enxrimnment anti
`redueten in the processing eisetheerfi
`melee: management
`:3 LiFF: CONNECT“ solution eeveréng
`the W eie range of centracés traded en
`LlFFE previding at? me benefits of the
`system's exéiensisre
`develepecl with ear Clients since ‘EQQES
`Page 36 of 103
`eeneultancy summon
`We have a broad base of clients tnreugheut
`Europe, 138$. and eeia and in eartnersnép
`with many at the major gtebal clearers we
`are we of ‘the Eaygest gsreviders of ciérect
`exenange access. Trinétecn Systems lnt.
`a subsidiary of s\1YFi>< me. ~ a pubtécly
`trades‘ cempany en eeeem.
`Page 36 of 103

`§§1 nu .m;.m«
`MI-x-_a.§ I-ur._x_]5'q:up:.‘:u,1-.....a;
`1 :|§-""
`Jen Séeward
`Philéip Smoe — London
`Barbican City Gate
`3.33 Duffserin Street
`Landan E301?‘ SNA
`sixniziy Wilsen — New York
`2? st Fioer
`108 Wail Street
`E\Eew Yark, NY 18066
`+1 212 809 354:2
`+44 {@320 X558 5559
`Trisiiech aE$<:) provides saies and technical
`coverage through oificeg in iirarwkfurt,
`Takya, Singagore. Sydney and fiong
`éxdam Roberts — Chicago
`‘M? W. Jaciasen
`Suite 2220
`Chicago, IL 8060£§
`+*: 312 5881031
`Page 37 of 103
`Page 37 of 103

`Service Provider
`Page 38 of 103

`_/ 3
`"‘ #3 rag rnaas
`+ ma. ,1.,,___ W“:
`Landon E03 W-LHJ
`E~maii: mromanek@'yesirader.corn
`+44 {G}2€I
`?9E:">‘E SW30
`Siil Cassaio ~— Chisagva
`M? W Jackson Blvd {CBUT} Suite #210
`Chicags, IE. 606134
`E~mait: bcassa§o@:¢
`+1 STE 8?’? 5<§{){J
`Page 39 of 103
`Page 39 of 103

`wattta &@d@@ etwwtt gym; gtmpttars
`LAFFE has atso eatalalistterrt }’;1<’;if§I’iE‘3I’8§”litf}$ witti selected lhirct patty network supptiers to
`faciiitate access to l_lF’FE COl\.¥\iEt3T“‘t.
`lxrtezrrtaers wishing to utilise any of these solutions
`szttould be aware that corariestivitgr is estabtishecl aria the third party rtetx.-v<>rl< infrastructure
`as weir‘ as lJl”~"E"E's own r'ietw<:>rl<. As a resuit members should ensure that the assess
`solatieris meet their GWF1 busirzess re»;1uii'err:ents ir: terms at pertarmarice, availabitrty and
`Far an ut:«~tt3~d.s:te list of Value Added Network supptiers, email: lit§ecortrte0t@iitte.c9m
`Page 40 of 103
`Page 40 of 103

`Order ~-<nr'lnr•n Services
`Member firms
`Futures Ltd.
`Banca D'lntermediazione Mobiliare IMI
`Banco Santander Central
`Caboto Securities Ltd.
`P~·'""'lnvestor Services Ltd.
`Carr Futures Inc.
`Credit Suisse First Boston
`Deutsche Bani< AG
`Dresdner Kleinwort
`Direct ltd.
`Fimat lnt.<'>l"n,;:.ti.nn;:.l
`GNI Ltd.
`HSBC Bank
`Mn.-n<=•n Securities ltd.
`lehman Brothers
`Man Financial ltd.
`Merrill lynch International
`Monument Derivatives lt

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