
`Mwwfl to! WI Ihmugft ‘HBOIZWV. OMB 0853-0031
`US. Pe|8M end Tredecnerir Oman;
`411.’. MB '.:4lIL" Der.
`Subetiiuteievienn 1649/PTO
`(Ute ee meny meet: u neeeuery)
`include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS). titie of the erticie (when appropriate). title of
`the Item (book. magazine, ioumei, seriai. symposium. catalog. etc.). date. pege(s). volume-Issue
`Castn‘I DE a.
`I '” _ O 5751-G 2580
`CAC and sroxx Futures on MATIF NSC v1= Launch: 3/15/99, ex 537, G
`107561—G 107574, DTX 537
`GL WIN Version 4.50. 03/03/99. ex 538, G 107459—G 107480. DTX 538
`Trading Pad User Manuai, oa/1o/99. ex 539, G 112123-G 112131, DTX 539
`% E '
`A 9sensIII
`Email from WATTIER to M. Cartier attaching Matii VF: V4.50 manual.
`3/so/1993, ex 592, MCOO0046-MCOO0i16. DTX 592
`LIFFE Connect tor Futures User Guide V4.50, 02/00/99. DX 593, G 122900-G
`122933, orx 593
`User Guide V4.50 LIFFE Connect tor Futures by GL Trade. 03/00/99, DX 598,
`G 123439-G 123477. DTX 598
`User Guide V4.60 LIFFE Connect tor Futures by GL Trade. 06/00/99. Dx 605,
`G 123548-G 123603. DTX 605
`. ,.....,..J
`I£0 2/2r/av— Date
`. 1: mice eonsdered. whether or not citation b in contonnetice with MPEP 809. Dremihe though diation it not in centotmente ell! not
`initial it
`tnetude copy ettnis term vain next communication to applicant.
`1 Apeiieenre unique dteibn designation number (optional). 2 Apptiani is to piece e chad: merit nere ti English iengueoe Yreneiatien ie etiedved.
`Tnie collection elinierrneibn is required ey 37 CPR 1.08. The hiennetbn le required in obtain or reteh e benefit by the patio which ie ieflo (end by the USPTO
`to process) en eppiitatten. Cenneentteiity Ie governed by 35 u.s.c. 122 end 31 cm 1.14. rm eeiiedien is estimated te take 2 hours to complete. tnauetng
`gathering. prepedng. end euhnitting the aunpleted epeiiceiien turn to the USPTO. 111M will very depending upon the individual ceee. Any eerninenie on me
`emounl at time you require to complete this ten-n endler euggeaeem tar red
`this eureen. eneuie be will to the Ohio! iniermetien Oflieer. U.5. Petent end
`Yreeemett Ollice. PD. 801 1450. Aiexmdrie. VA 22313-1450. 00 NOT SEND EES OR COWLETED FORMS To THIS ADDRESS. BEN! 70:
`Commissioner tor Petence. P.0. Box 1450. Alexendrie. VA 22313-1450.
`"You need assurance In comP’9WD9 the loan. can 1-800-PTO~9199 (1-800-768-9199) and attract option 2.
`Page 2 of 38

`Appmocior use uuuugn 11mnoo1.oMs can-com
`u.s. mum and Trauomanl Oiilca: u.s. ospmmem o commence
`. RndudionAc1oi1996
`Suhsiilulc for iorm 1449IP'i’0
`(Use in Inlay about it noeuury)
`the Item (book. magazine. ioumai. aerial. symposium. ialog, ei.c.). data. page(s), volume-issue
`ubiiahor, -
`andlor count where
`include name oftheauthor(In CAPITAL LETTERS). we at the article (when approptiata). we of
`Matii VF: V4.50 Manual, 3/so/1999, ox 612, MC 000047-MC 000116. I
`3 orx 612
`I V,I
`CAC and STOXX Futures on MATIFF NSC VF— GL Win User Inio Note,
`/ A 3/15/1999. ox 626. CME-E11252-11265, DTX 626
`W '
`or Conducting Security Transactions Over Coputer
`URO & BUIST. 03/01/99. DX 196, eS 066150-eS 066229. DTX 196 I
`I. RCG's Preentation re wnca
`- 0'0’: . , o
`-1 =o
`ertiiied Patent Appliéation No. 09/292,552. 4/15/1999, ox 209. eS I
`°65994'e5° "
`(N h
`E-wn‘ osm user intetface instructions. O8/06/98. ox 427, cm 006591-CM
`EXAMINER mum Ii . mica considered. mm: 0! not citation is h anniovmlmce mm MP8? 808. mm lino Ihrough citation II not In eonimmnnco no not
`aopyoi this loan with next out-nrnunlcaiion Io ogpllcanl.
`1 Applicant‘: unique dluiion duignaiian numbot (opiiouoi). 3 Amalia»! in to pines I chad: mark new it English language Translation in Iitachod.
`Thin collection cl Iniormaiion in nqulten by 37 cm 1.06. The Inionnniion is roqumd lo oolain or retain a benefit lay tha pubic which I! to inn (and by we USPTO
`to menu) on application. Confldenflailyia povamod by 35 u.s.c. 122 and 37 CPR 1.14. Thin ceiiociinn is uflmaioc in lake 2 hours in cotnpiflfl. iM'-106109
`gathering. preparing. and uubmiiilnu Ibo comoioiud applicoibn form in vm USPTO. Time will vary depending upon me tnamaum can. My comment: on me
`nmounl oi Iimo you ncuiro to complete that icrm indict Iuugoslbn: lav Inducing this human. shouia be com to the cm: Iniormaion Olflur. u.s_ Paint and
`Tradnrnurt Omen, 9.0. Box 1450, Aieuandvh. VA 22313-1450. no NOT SEND FEES OR CODAPLEYED FORMS TO mus ADDRESS. SEND to:
`Commisaionur for Patents. P.O. Box 1450. Alonndrln. VA 22313-1450.
`If yuu need assistance in completing the arm. can 1-800-PTO-9199 (L800-786-9199) and select option 2.
`Page 3 of 38

`lo! me through HIJOIZOOT. OMB W51-0031
`u.s. Paton! and Trndamart Omen: US. DEPARTMENT O COMMERCE
`v- lo a aallodlon oflnlnrmalion unless ll —-
`5 1"
`Complete If
`Subllitulo lot lorm MWIPTO
`(Use on many shoot: as necessary} NON PATENT LITERATURE DOCUMENTS
`W Include name orthe author(in CAPITAL LETTERS). title orthe article (when appropriate). title of
`the item (book. magazine. loumal. serial. symposium. catalog, etc.), date. paga(s). volume-issue
`numbers .
`andlor ooun whero - bllshed.
`ET Presentation prepared for FIatiro
`X 437. CM 007139-CM 007172. DTX 437
`-. ital Corporation digital trading facility presenta i u
`- A
`-= DTX 441
`Utility Patent Application Transmittal He: Computer Trading System,
`Method and Interface, 4/15/1999, MAURO, KLEIA. and BUIST, PX368
`consldarud. vmelmr at nm citation in in conlormance Mm MPEP 609. Draw Ilno lhruugh cllnllon II no! In conlormanco and not
`lndudn copy ol thin farm with non rmmrnunlcalion lo applicant.
`1 Appleonfa mm dlnfion dulonollm nvmbor (optional). 2 Agpucam In to vines in aim mm mm ll Englsh language Translation In unacnou.
`‘ms coilocmn oi lnlorrrmion is required by 37 CPR 1.08. The lnlorrnollon is required in obtain or retain a banalll by Ina puui: which in In lilo (and by the USPTO
`to procouhn Ippllcstlon. curlldanlhlny is governed by J! U.B.C. 122 and 37 CPR 1.14. Thu collection In oullrnulod lo Ian 2 hours to complete, Including
`enlhoflnn. rnpning. and submitting the cornplalod application lorm lo mo USPTO. Tune MI vary aapondlng uyen mo rnamouu case. Any comments on no
`amount oi line you roquiru to ocrngute ml: lorm undo: Iuuesllurn lbr mtrclna this burden. shout! to mm lo the chic! Iniormallon Oihor. u.a Felon! and
`Tnaunan: once. 9.0. So: H50‘ Nuundna. VA 22313-1430. 00 N01’ SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. OEND 1'0:
`Commissioner lor Patents. P.O. Box 1450. Alexandria. VA 22311-1450.
`If you need assistance In completing the form. cal 1-600-PTO-9199 (1-800-788-9199) and select option 2.
`Page 4 of 38

`PTOISBMGB (1 1431)
`Approved For an Inmunh11I30I2001. OMB N51-0031
`u.s. Potant und Tradnrnnrt OM:-.9: U.8. DEPARTMEN! OF COMMERC
`Subaflmo (or him IMOIPTO
`(Uu at many anon: on nocouuy)
`Include name of the author (In CAPITAL LETTERS). tins of the aniclo (when appropriate). we of
`the Item (book. magazine. Journal. serial. symposium, catalog. etc.). data. I-3396(3). volume-Issue
`W Declaration of w. BUIST re: WIT DSM System, 04/26/06. PX 365,
`2 -
`: : a ‘

`0- Market Trader - Nikkei 225 8. Nikkel 300 Index options and Index tutures trading
`“ 1 users guide, 03/20/98. ox 618. G100444-G100-162. orx are
`Exam lner
`§/_@ 2/ ur a Y
`lnlthi I! re arena continued. whine: or not umlon b h conformance with MPEP 609. Dmw uno lhrough citation U noun coniormaneo and MI
`comldorod. memo copy of this form van nut qnnlmultcauon lo applcnnl.
`I Apollcanfo unique dtallon dulgnmon numbor (optional). 2 Aopllanl Is to plan 0 chuck mark have It Engillh language Tumiauon to Bllldiid.
`Thin wlladton cl Inbrmaunn II Nfiulru by 37 CPR 1.98. TM Inbnnauon II mqulnd to oblaln or min!» I hunafll try Ira puhflc vmkh It to filo turd Dy ma USPTO
`to puma) on apnllauvn. Confldwllallly Is governed by 35 u.s.c. I22 and 37 CFR 1.14. ‘ml; aolhcflon Is ulhnabd to Ian 2 hours to complain, lndufllng
`nalnarlng. pmpaflnn. Ind submitting the mmpwoa anpunallon loan in ma USPTO. Turn wll vary depending upon the mamas tun. My wmnenu on me
`amounl or lino you require to annotate rm roan andlor suagwlam (or roduclno Imu burden. ohwid be «M lo the crust lntormauon Omar. U.S. Parent and
`rmdnmam omen. P.O. am 1450. Nouanana. VA 22313-1450. 00 N01’ SEND FEES on COMFLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO:
`Commlnlonor for Patents. P.O. Box 1450. Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`I! you need assistance In completing the form. call 1-800-PTO-9199 (1-BOO-788-9199) and select option 2.
`Page 5 of 38

`Svbillllm lot lovm MIDIPTO
`Approved lot use through maoizoor. OMB W51-0031
`U.S. Patent and Tmdomart Otflcu; U.S. DEPFRTENT OF COMMERCE
`- I
`. _.
` (Ute u may shoot: an nncosaooy)
`07-1021 -US-REX-1
`Examiner Cite
`Include name of the author (In CAPITAL LETTERS). tltle of the article (when appropriate), title of
`the Item (book. magazine. journal. sadal. yrnposfum. calalog, otc.). dale, paga(a), voiume-Issue
`number s ubllsher. cit andlor coun where - bllshed.
`754, o'rx 622 01.
`=._ - . ea.,O 31/1998.
`ooseo -PATS ooseo. DTX 113
`2/us» cry
`lnllal If -»: nm command. whetmr or not dtelloo Is In axllatmenco with MPEP 609. Draw line through dlnllon 31 not In eonlonrianca and nci
`lnchada uopyol Eh: loin wflh non oomrnunlcauon lo nypllcanl.
`1 Auptluzlnfl unbw cuallo-1 Goalonnnon number (opaonal). 2 Agollanl In in plot: a chad: mark have If English iungungo Trumlanon Ls attached.
`‘Mg ooliocllon oi (nforrnmlon b mculrers by 37 CFR 1.98. The lnrormnelon I: roqumd to obtain or main a bonoill by me puwo whbh rs to mo (and by the USPTO
`Io WDCUI3)G-'1 ocprlcnuon. Ccnfldununllrv is govnmazl ay 35 U.S.C. 122 and 31 CFR 1.14. This cdlocllon Ia oslllnatoa In Into 2 hour! to compute. Indudlnc
`galnodna. propnflnn. and uubmtmng the oompioiud nyplhcauon mm to me USPTO. Ylmo MI vary depending upon mo Indmduoi an. My uummonu on the
`amount 01 time you require to complain on form nmflor nuagoallom lo: reducing this burden. ahouid in nut to the cm! lntormatlon Oincer. 0.3. Patent and
`Tr:-‘amarx Oflb. R0. 80: N50. Alaxandrla. VA 22313-1450. Do No‘! SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS To THIS ADDRESS. SEND rm
`commissioner for Putsntu. PO. Box 1450. Alexandria. VA 22313-1450.
`II‘ you used osalaranco In cornplbflag mo form, call 1-800-P709199 ( I-800-766-9199,‘ and salad option 2.
`Page 6 of 38

`Sublllltdl ta form IMBIPTO
`ABMDVN [W 080 INUIDQVI ‘T503007. ONB $51-0031
`U.S. P018!“ Illfl Tfldiffllfl 0%: U5. DEPARTKNT OF COMMERCE
`- l’z:~ NIH!!! “‘.-
`E 5‘
`* " .
`cam are I! wn
`Include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS). title of the article (when approprlate). title at
`the Item (book, magazine. lcumal. aerial. symposium. catalog. etc.). date. pagels). volume-issue
`number s . ubllsher cl
`and/or count where
`(the an many sheen ee neceuery)
`I - .
`/ Lfl
`Directory of Software Solutions for LIFFE Connect, Issue 3. 6/10/1999. 0x 157.
`DTX 157
`s em ser Documentation. 04/01/98.
`-TT 015955. DTX 3
`I "
`Osa ..
`TSE Manual (Japanese Document).1t/15I05.Dxt79.'l'sE647-995.w/certltled tranalatlon eS62258-62388 3
`apanese ocument). 1/1996. RE
`0'0 I
`I i :
`-H 127-eSO003541

`The Application Program Interface (API) Ftelerence Manual for LIFFE Connect,
`Release 3.0, 9/1998. DDX 159, DTX 159. eSO0O60055-eS0O060145
`2 18 (J V
`‘EXAMINER: Inltlet ll telerence cenllderae. whether or not cltetlen ln ln conformance ulth MPEP 609. Drew tlne through dtallon It not In
`otrnenoe and not
`ccnelderad. Include envy el we term wlth next wmrmnleatlen te epallcent.
`‘ Aavtlconfo Imlnun dtetton deelgnallcn number (optional). 2 Apptlant la to place a check man: here ll English language Trenetetlen I: attached.
`TM! cethcllen cl lnlounetbn b reunited by 31 CFR ‘.98. The Inicrrrtetlcn te required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public which I: to me (and oy the USPTO
`'0 NONI!) In lflflallolt centldentletlty la governed by 35 U.8.C. 122 and 31 CFR 1.14. ‘IN: cdlectton Ia eetlmelea to tetra 2 hour: Incomplete. Including
`gathering. anaemia. and submitting the cemrdetee eppllcetlen loan to the USPTO. Tlvne Mil very deyenelng upon the lndlvtdual eeee. My comments on the
`amount cl limo you requlre to complete thle term andlor eugoeetlone for reducing thla burden. ehetld be not to the cm! Intermelten Omar. 0.5. Patent and
`Tnwernertr Otnce, 9.0. Be: ‘I460. Nexandrle. VA 22313-1450. 00 NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS To THIS ADDRESS. SEND 70:
`Comrnlaaloner tor Patents. P.O. Box 1450. Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`Ilyuu need assistance In completing the farm. can 1-800-PTO-9199 (I-800-788-9199) and select option 2.
`Page 7 of 38

`Appruved re: use lhrouyh11I30f2007.0MB oeswnsr
`US. Patent and Tredamerlr Omen: u.s. DEPARTMENT OF OOMMERCE
`..A.‘,m_L_ .,
`,, .
`compo I!
`Subfllmo lot term 144NFTO
`(use as many meet: u neceeury)
` Include name oflhe author (InCAPITAL LETTERS). title ofthe artlde (when epproprlele). title of I
`the Item (book. magazine. journal. serial. symposlurn. catalog. eIc.). dare. pege(s). volume-lssue
`E |
`The Appllcatlon Program lnter1‘ace(API) Reference Manual for LIFFE. Connect.
`Release 3.2. 121998, DDX 161. DTX 161. eS00060239-eS00060331
`The Application Program ln1erlace(APl) Reference Manual for UFFE Connect,
`Release 3.8, 1/1999, DDX162. DTX 162, eS0O059959-eS00O6O054
`TheA ..
`' ;- r
`: .- " ': = :- eManuaI1orLIFFEConnect,r
`‘— e ease 2.7, 9/1998. DDX163, DTX 163. eS0005986-
`= ~
`. . -
`ae User's Guide for Wrndows ‘
`‘ eS0O064671-eS00064773
`- Chlca
`-1 . 534, 01x63
`D rF 2/ mo 3/
`lnluell relerenee eoneleered. whether or not clletlen ls lrr cerdormerrce vdlh MPEP 60!. Drew nee through diallon ll nol In conterrnena end not
`considered. lndude copy of we lonn wmnearl comnwnlcelbn to epplleenl.
`1 Appllcenfl unlzuo dlellen deelgneflon number (opllonel). 2 Appaant In to meet: 0 chad: manr here ll English Ienguege Tremhllen le eneched.
`‘me collection of Inlonnalbn In mqulred lay 37 CFR 1.98. no lnbmulan la requlred lo oblnln or releln e uenem oy lne nubile vrhldr In In £1e(end In the 08710
`to process) an eppbllon. Confldoflllnllly la governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 end 37 CPR L14. 1110 cdlecllon Ie ewmeled to late 2 Home to mrnplale. Indlfllng
`gerherlw. propane. and wborlmlng the oenreleled eppllcelloe lean lo lhe USPWO. Tlmo ell very dependlng upon lhe lndmduel can. Any eemmerne on the
`amount or Ilrne you require to complete 1111: lorrn ennler eugauxlorl rer reduclru lnle burden. enema be sent to me Cale! lnlormellen Ofllcer. us. Pelenl enn
`Trademark Ofla. e.o. sex 1460. Nenndrle. VA 22313-1450. 00 NOT SEID FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS ro THIS ADDIIESS. 85140 to:
`cemmleeloner lot Patents, P.O. Box 1450. Aluandrla. VA 22313-1450.
`I! you need assistance In completing the (arm. can 1-800-PTO-9199 (1-B00-788-9199) and select option 2.
`Page 8 of 38

`prorsama (1 107)
`Approved ior use imough HISOIZOO7. OMB 0851-0031
`U.S. Pnieni and Trademani Offleoz U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`lntorrnllbnurieul --. Irreeveiki Olaficon Imrnber.
`Suhelltuie Io! Iorm IMSIPTO
`(Use an merry sheen es neceeury)
`Include name at the author (ln CAPITAL LETTERS), lltle of the article (when appreprlaie). lltle oi
`the Item (book, magazine, journal, serial, syrnposlum. catalog, etc.), date, paga(s), volume-issue
`;!GL Trading Pad Manual. G0020819-Go020826
`6‘ V"
`:e:':I'. V;'e '
`i':‘, ‘f
`m :3
`ya Trading pad.doc Document, 1/26/1999, G0111671-GO111672
`7, L S? d ;/
`nee considered. vmeiher or not diellon is h conlermence wllli MPEP 80!. Drew line thrown clieflon ll no! In confo nee end not
`lnlilei Ii
`considered. lnuude copy oi we turn mm non curnmunlrar-Ion lo eoeileanl.
`1 Applcanfe unique unaiion doelgnelion number (optional). 2 Applleeni la in place a clued: men: here It Engllen language Trunelellen le eiiached.
`TN: wliecoon er lnlermailon In required by :7 CFR 1.83. The Iniormatbn I: required in oolaln or retain a benem by he public which in to Illa (and wine USPTO
`I0 Brown) 1"‘ Biwllcedon. Conlidcnilailiy is governed by 35 U.S.C. I22 and 37 CFR 1.14. This cdleellon le eeilmnied we like 2 hours ie GIMDIBIB. Inulidlnn
`gathering. preoerlng. nnd eubmiillna the completed application form in live USPTO. 11me will vary depending upon the individual cue. Any comment: on me
`ernaunl at lime you reoulre in eemnlele ihll form India! Iuogesilone lei reducing rm burden. u-we be ion! in me cm! Iniorrneliori Offieer. 0.3. Patent and
`Truoernart Olnw. Po. Box 1450. Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. 00 NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS To THIS ADDRESS. BEND 1'0:
`Commissioner for Petenla. P.0. Box 1650. Alexandria. VA 22313-1450.
`I! you need assistance In completing the (arm. cefl 1-600-PTO-9199 (1-€00-786-9199) and soles! option 2.
`Page 9,of 38

`Subaiima lav Iovrn 1¢49IPTO
`Approved in: use through nmtzoor. OMB 0661-0031
`U.S. Polo!!! and Trademark Oflbo: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`{Uu as many about at nacaaalry)
`Include name of the author (In CAPITAL LETTERS). mie oi the anlcia (when appropriate). title of
`ihe Item (book. magazine, ]ouma|,3ar1al. symposium, caiaiog. eIc.). data. page(s), volume-issue
`number a .
`Directory of Software Solutions Ior LIFFE CONNECT, 2/00/99.
`41 G009006-G009042
`ll —.
`-9 scorn -
`GL WIN et Logiciels complernentaires (French), 7/00/99.
`J ‘
`iradepad.Ixt (French), 3/a/2ooo, GO025616-G0025618
`LIFFE comvecr for FUTURES User Guide V4.50 Beta, 1/1999 .
`_ Yo:
`v .-


`GOO9875-G01 0238
`M ~
`' GL Enhanceiients Soitware Version 4.11I. 10/29/1998.
`/g‘ 60060853-G0O60854
`m GL Enh
`9, 60101682-G0101688
`Considered WLV (1 Y
`-‘ cnaa aanaiduad. whatnot or not citation is In cantcrrnanco mm MPEP 609. Draw IIna through dtaiion II no: In conicrmanca and not
`‘EXAMINER: Initial
`aonalaaraa. Induda may a! this farm mm nan communication to aanawnx.
`1 Applcanfa unique diailan dulanlllan mambo: (optional). 2 Apalicuni I: la ciaco I much man: have I! Engflan language Translation In albchod.
`This culiaclian oi Iniarrnauan la raquhad by 37 CPR 1.00. Tho Inlorrnaunn la raquirad to oouln or raunln a mum by Ina public Milan is to mo (and by Ina USPTO
`In praaaaa) an applaailon. confloaniialny is governed by 35 U.3.C. 122 and 37 CPR 1.14. This cdlacilon la animated in into 2 noun to complain. Inoiudlng
`authoring. Bmfllflna. and uubmming the aampiated apailuuan Iann Ia Ina USPTO. Time win vary dapanalna upan tho hdwiduai case. Any comments on In
`amount a! who you mature to complete lhb iavm and/at augualilana Ia! radochn this Burma. should an aam to ma Chiai Iniamauarr 0d'IIaa:. U3. Faiami and
`Trademark Omen. P.O. an 1450. Ah:-mafia. VA 22313-1450. no N01’ SEND FEES OR COMPLEYED FORMS To THIS ADDRESS. SEND ro.
`Commissioner Ia: Patents, P.O. Box 1050, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`IIyou need assistance In completing the form. can 1-£00«PTo-9199 (mac-rec-9199) and soiaci option 2.
`Page 10 of 38

`Aoprvvod la use Drum" \1I30fl007. OMB 0661-0001
`tom and Trademark Oman: U.8. DEPARTIIENT OF COMMERCE
`Sumfimio iov mm 14495370
`..,....,....,, .,................,, on
`Jeanne Marie Clark
`-US -REX-1
`lnciudo name of the author (In CAPITAL LETTERS). this of the anlclo (when appropriate), We of
`the Item (book. magazine. journal, serial. symposium. catalog. eta). data, pago(s). volurno-Issue
`number s . ublisher ci
`and/or count where ubllshod.
`- : sroxx surMATiF NSC VF Fren , .e-FUTURE '‘- l
`LIFFE CONNECT for Equity Options User Guide V4.30, 11/1998,
`G01 19052-G01 19086
`‘SKA?-IINER: Inli
`indudo copy oi W9 form with cum common‘-:a'.!on lo oppicint.
`1 Anpucanrs uniqus dmicn oaalgnasion number (cpdonsli. 2 Anpiiwni is in -,:i:.en a chock mark um I: Eugusn language Translation In auud-ad.
`Tm cni.'ac1im of inbnnuii-.In is IDQ1-Hod by 37 CH‘! 1.118. Tho iniorrrmlbn is required to obtain or retain a benoili by the public which in to no (and by ms USPTO
`2: raucous) an oppflczullon. conadentlairly to govnrnnu: by 35 U.3.€‘-.
`I22 and 37 CFR L14. TN: colloctlon in ouiirrulod to him 2 hours locomplole. Inducing
`goals.-‘Lg. ‘-Jwramu. ans‘ cut/mining mo com,-Mica" awlioosion (cm in may USPTO. Tune win vary cooonulng upon me Indwldual can. my uommonlo on ma
`omuuni oi iima you :-aquim lo or-rnoiaia cm: farm an-.l‘ce |u9nuu'x::.: tor mdu-zinc this burden, shouts be um to Inc China! Inlormuuon Omoor. U.S. Forum and
`T-tau:-nr$: Om:-.. °.('.. am: 2450, /.:9xan¢!n‘.1. VI\ 12313-V60. DO NOT SEND FEES OR EOAPLETED FORMS T0 Ti-(is ADDRESS. BEND TO:
`Uoumniasiunar for Forums. 7.0. Ba: 1450, Aianndna. VA 22313-1450.
`Ilyau naeo assisinrrca in corrzaicang (no form, cm’! 1-660-FTC.‘-9199 n-800-786-9199) and select option 2.
`Page 11 of 38

`Approved for we Iuouah nlaorzoov. OMB 0851-0031
`u.s. Paton! and ‘rnsdoman: Olflcoz us. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`-- nurnbol.
`;. OMB -
`(Uu as many shoot: an noeuuuy)
`Include name of the author (In CAPITAL LETTERS). title of the article (when appropriate). tltla of
`the Item (book. magazine. journal, serial. symposium. catabg, etc.). date. page(s). volume-Issue
`: __.J
`/ LIFFE CONNECT tor Futures-Project Update #1. Meeting of 1/11/99.
`- ‘
`for FUTURES: Project Update 2. Meetnng ot 2/1 0
`G01 19698-G01 19704
`/ ,
`Screenshot of GL TradePad, GO119660
`W LIFFE CONNECT for Futures Schedule for Project Deliverables, 2/4/1999.
`I I
`' '
`L8’ A3
`- once considered. whether or no! citation In In oonlonnnnoa vmn MPEP 009. Draw line through dlauon It not In contoumonco and non
`uonnldovod. Include may of this lonn Min non communication lo nppilconl.
`I Applcanfo unique dlanon designation number (opzlonai). 2 Applanl to to plow o chad: mm: mm It sum: language Tlunalaflon In almchod.
`This eollocllon of lmormallon in required by 37 CPR 1.93. The lnlormsflon In raqulrod Io obtain or retain . ogngm oy mg pupa: mum is to Rio (am! by [he USPTO
`to moon») on upplaian. conmonualny In governed by 35 u.s.o. 122 and 37 CPR 1.14. This cunacllon Io omnoloa In mu) 2 hour: to compiolo. lndudhg
`galhonna. pnpanno. and nuornmlng Ina arnpialoo oonlluuon Iotrn lo the USFTO. Tuna mu vary dapandlnp upon the Indmduai cue. My eoinrnento on me
`omoum oi limo you roqulro to complain um fonn uncle: auggosllono tor ndudng this burden. shout! no pool to the cm: lnfounotlon Omar. U.S. Patent and
`Tradoman Omen. Po. Box 1450. Noxanona. VA 22313-1460. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO:
`Comrnlsslanor for Potonln, P.O. Box 1650, Moxandrlo, VA 23134450.
`lfyou need assistance In completing the form. call 1-800-PTO~9199 (1-800-786—9199) and select option 2.
`Page 12 of 38
`EN i
`- G0119617-G0119618
`- 9- ~
`- n
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`saciuolouom IMIIPTO
`us. Paul and Ynoomat O1IIu;U.8.oEPAKT|£NI' OF EINIERCE
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`r. MIVI-Kl
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`as as-aoov
` (030 u mnny than on nocnury)
`E""“'"°' ""”‘°
` Induce name of the author (In CAPITAL LETTERS). ml: 01 the cruel: (when appropriate), We of
`the Item (book. magazme. Ioumal. serial. symposium. catalog. ctc.). data. paae(s). voIuma-Issue
`numbe s ubllsher cl andlorcoun
`Jeanne Mario Clark
`E. Installation, Market Entry Test. and Technical Dress Rehearsal Summa
`_ -' :. " =
`3. ? 2 13 AK
`‘EXAMINER: Inlhl Mcnnnwnflunnmmrunuduuuvhmcawmrummufivam. Dmvluuulrucwudtnlarullrnotuueoriourlwlacnruanot
`concland. bud;-awwdiwumvmnmdmvrmmkahnwaaplan
`‘lNoedh¢bnolInbnnoIIonbnquh¢Dy37CFR1.fl. Tholrcfcrunslbnhocqalndvnwblnarotdnubcunflbyvuop\bIcwNcMsIolIa(cMbylMUsPl'O
`Io9Iucou)uIInlIaIIcIL Oonflhntldlyliouvwmdby15U.3.C.I11nrIdJ‘7CFRI.I4. Tucccliowonboslrmloabhhclvnurltoalnplomunanho
`guhoovug.wnpom9.u-ambvnmn9moeou;iuadcnIhaIbnIumbvausP1’o. Tianoualvnryacpntvdlllouoorlthnvuahnunaciaso. Anylaumlantnontho
`Tnoanun Oman. 1450. Alcundm. VA 22313-1460. DON01 SE90 FEESGICOMPLETED FORM: To THIS Aoomsss. SEND To:
`commlnlonor Io! Pcunlo. P.O. Box 1650, Alounddl. VA 22313-1090.
`Ilyou mod onlalanco In compfeling the loan. cal I-800-PTO-9199 (1-O00-786-9199) and select option 2.
`Page 13 of 38

`PTOISBIDBB (1 1-07)
`Aowwee let use on-au9h1II30I20o7.oM8 06$‘!-0031
`U8. Pelee! and Treaemart Ofilce: U.S. DEPAR'I'&N‘I' OF COMMERCE
`sueemule lorlonn IHOIPTO
`(use so many «mu ee neceuuy)
`|ncIude name 0! the author (In CAPITAL LETERS). title oi the article (when appropriate). tide of
`the Item (book. magazine, Journal, serial. symposium. catalog. etc.). date. 9890(3). volume-Issue
`andlor coun where ubllshed.
`rder Book & Order Entry 1 (Single new ,
`Examiner 7
`Considered 2 z,Y,e) 8’
`Signature /
`Inlxui - relerence considered. whether 01 not clurden be In cuntermence with MPEP 609. Drew line mount: dlellon line: In wntemanw and net
`eomlcened. Include may 0! ma Iorm mm next eemmmlanllon Io epplkani.
`I Appucenre unique dteuen deelonetlcn numeet (optional). 2 Aepueem I: to ptaeo e check man: here It Engilen language Transleuen Io attached.
`‘We celleeflon ellntomlmlon B required by 37 CFR 1.03. The Inlorrnellon II tequlred In obtain or male I: benefit Ivylne pow: Mulch In to file (end lay me USPTO
`to pmceee) en eapihallnn. Cenfldenfleluy le guvemed by 35 0.3.0. 122 and 37 CFR 1.14. This cellecflen It oatlmeted In lake 2 noun lo eemptele. Including
`uelhetlno. nreamho. and submitting the completed epotlcelhn (em in the USPIO. Tine will vary depending upon the Immune! cue. Any wmmenll on the
`amount of mu you require to amplele lhle Ienn endlet euggeeuem Iev reducing 01!: human. eheuid be sent to the cm: Inlormeuen Ofllcev. U.S. Pelenl end
`Treeemnnz om. P.O. Bet 1450. Nllmdne. VA 228”-I450. DO N01’ SEND FEES OR COMPIETED FORMS TO TNIS ADDRESS. SEND TO:
`Commlaeloner for Pnlente, P.0. Box 1650, Atexandrla, VA 2313-1450.
`I! you need assistance In completing the form. cell H300-PTO-9199 (1-600-788-9199) and select opobn 2.
`Page 14 of 38

`Approved lot me through 11002007. OMB 0351.003:
`us, Patent and Tradamatk Oman; U.3. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

`suhaflluia turban IMBIPTO
`(U10 :1 many than u nocaaury}
`Include name of tha author (in CAPITAL LETTERS). title of the artlcle (when appropriate). title at
`the Item (book. magazine, joumai, aerial. symposium. catabg. atc.). data, pa9a(s). volume-issue
`number s . ubllshar.
`se Guide v4.51- e/no/199
`1 GOO25815-25822
`I w"!-iv; 3U-I ".2 V.
`’_ ”LlFFE CONNECT for Futures User Guide v4.5.3/oo/1999, G0025751-25806 ;
`' /A.
` - f
` {
`I, GL WIN Version 4.50, a/3/1999. G0O25647-25668
` !
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`lnlflal ll
`« unnaa comloovac. vmolhor 01 not cnauon 0: In contolrnanu Mth MPEP 609. Dmu line mmuuh dtauon I1 not In nonlominco and not
`conaldavad. Inwth copy 00 this loan Mm naxl communication In Ipplhnnl.
`1 Awlicanra unhua aiauon designation numho: (optional). 2 Applicant la la place a chad! math how ll Englbh Iangicaga Translation is attached.
`This ualbctlan ol lnbtmalon la naulrad by 31 CFR 1.38. The htormallon in mqulrad lo cumin 0! main 0 bottom by the punk which L1 to tllo (and by the USPTO
`no mucosa) an application. Confldunuallly Ia govatnad Dy 35 u.s.c. 1:2 and 37 cm 1.14. ml: aollawon la nltnalad lo aka 2 how: to complete. Indudlna
`gathering. pmpnmn. and aubrnflung (ha aamplalad applhwon lawn no the USPTO. Tuna MI vaty oonandlno upon III! Indmouai case. My wmmama on ma
`amount ol urns you require to anmpiua Ihla loan amlar awoanflana lav radumo his human. ahoud be non! In In: cm: Iruonnauon Offlcar. u.s. Palm! and
`Tradomut omun. Po. Box 1450. Ma1andna.VA 22313-1450. 00 Mar SEND FEES OR COOOLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO:
`Commlauloncr lot Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria. VA 22313-14350.
`I! you need assistance In completing the loan. can 1-800-P709199 (1-800-766-9199) and salad option 2.
`Page 15 of 38

`Aapwvod lot use Ihrmgn 11503007. OMB 0651-0031
`US. Palm! and Trndomnfll Olflca: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`valid Bconlmlnumbor.
`eve ulredlorenndlon
`subsllulo (er lo.-rn 1M¢IP'f0
`(Uu n many than u nocouuy}
`Include name ol the author (In CAPITAL LETTERS). title of me arllcle (when appropriate). title of
`the Item (book, magazine. joumal, serlal. symposium. catalog. otc.). date. page(s). volume-Issue
`andlor coun whens ublished
`fig lntemal Product News doc on QuickTrade, G0020468-20471
`'0 -
`:- presenlationao Reuters).
`u - -
`GL Product Leaflet Re: Mosalc, GOO22529-22530
`- =
`o I an :GL Trade" product oflerings and slide
`- ~9-".9‘ “‘-‘ 2.
`: 3‘€:':3vC .35‘-" "'
`Examiner 7'
`Dale% 2 22/ cg
`letonu conulduced. whezhev at not cllnllon I: In conlovmmco with MPEP 1109. Drew lino "rough cllullon v not In conlormanco and not
`Include may 01 IN: form um netd communlcsllon In apallcam.
`I Applcanrn unhvfi 6161100 dealer-anon numbu (optional). 3 Appllcenl In In place a check mart new ll Engllut language Tmnolellon ll eliachod.
`Thln callecllon ol Inlomallon In reqwed by 37 CH! 1.99. The lnlomallnn la mqulrod lo olslaln N retain a bonalll by the publlc MB: In to flu (and by Ilse VSFTO
`lo (menu) on eypllcalon. Canlldenllnllly In governed by :8 0.8.6. 122 and 37 CFR 1.14. This cnllecflon lo estimated 1» Into 2 howl 19 complete. lndudlna
`flllnflnll. Dtopeflno. end submllllnn IM comdleted epuleallen form to IM USPTO. Tlmo will vary doolmdlng upon the lnclvldual cue. My commenls an Inn
`Imoml 01 line YOU IWIIN 10 oomvlm We lonn ondlor nugaulinns for ndumg IN: human. should be ten! to the Cub! Inlounaoon Olflcet. U3. Patenl and
`Tndornen: Omen. P.0. Box 1450. Alumma. VA 22313-1450. Do NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLEYED roams 10 THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO:
`Commlaeloner Io: Pounce. PO. Box 1450. Alexandria, VA 223134450.
`Ilyou need assistance In completing the farm.

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