`INC., and IBFX, INC.,
`Patent Owner
`CBM2015-00161 (U.S. Patent 6,766,304 B2)‘
`CBM2015-00181 (U.S. Patent No. 7,676,411 132)
`CBM2015-00182 (U.S. Patent No. 6,772,132 B1)
`1 Case CBM2016-00035 has been joined with this proceeding.
`PAGE 1 OF 46
`CBM2015-00161. CBM2015-00181.. CBM2015-00182


`Table of Contents
`INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND .................................................... .. 1
`PATENT LICENSING ............................................................................. .. 1
`CONCLUDING STATEIVIENTS ............................................................. .. 6
`PAGE 2 OF 46


`1, Jay Knobloch, declare as follows:
`I currently serve as the Director of Intellectual Property (“IP”)
`Licensing and Litigation for Trading Technologies International, Inc. (“TT”). In
`this role, I oversee TT’s licensing of its IP assets and assist in the management of
`all aspects of TT’s IP litigation matters. Prior to my role as Director, I served as
`Patent Counsel at TT from February 2010 until February 2012.
`Before joining TT, I was employed by Brinks Hofer Gilson and
`Lione LLP, an IP law firm located in Chicago, Illinois, as a patent agent starting
`in February 2005. Upon completion of my law degree from DePaul University
`College of Law in December 2007, I transitioned into my role as a patent
`attorney at Brinks Hofer until deciding to join TT. Prior to law school, I attended
`Arizona State University and graduated in 2003 with a degree in electrical
`As I noted above, a portion of my role at TT involves overseeing the
`licensing of TT’s IP assets, including the licensing of TT’s patents. Though I
`was not employed by TT until 2010, I am knowledgeable regarding TT’s licenses
`dating back to 2004, and in particular those relating to the technology claimed in
`the patents-in-suit.
`PAGE 3 OF 46


`After U.S. Patent Nos. 6,766,304 and 6,772,132 issued in July and
`August of 2004, a number of companies in the industry were already copying TT’s
`MD Trader screen, which embodied the technology claimed in these patents. In an
`effort to protect its IP assets, TT entered into numerous types of deals with respect
`to the ‘304 and ‘ 132 patents and continuation patents (such as the ‘411 patent), as
`can be seen in the demonstrative used at the CQG trial shown below:
`Settlement & License Agreements
`Royalty rates
`$0.10 per trade/$0.05 (l“ year)
`$010 per trade/S0 051:1 ‘ year)
`$010 per trade {S50 rm m
`$010 per trade (350 ll-Q rim’:
`per trade (SSO ll-»'J min user,
`$010 per trade
`$0.24 for past
`$0.10 per trade
`$0.09 for past
`$0.46 for past
`$0 10 for past
`$0.14 for past
`V V V V V V V V V V V V (
`Agrmt. date
`Goldenberg Hehmeyer & CO.
`Kingstree Trading, LLC
`Patsystems, PLC
`NinjaTrader, LLC
`RTS Realtime Systems AG
`Strategy Runner, Ltd.
`Rolfe & Nolan Systems, Inc.
`FFastFi|l, PLC
`TransMarket Group, LLC
`Orc Software AB
`NYFIX, lnc.
`Man Group, PLC
`Advantage Futures, LLC
`Peregrine Financial Group, Inc.
`TradeMaven Group, LLC
`Marex Trading Services, Ltd.
`Direct Trading Institutional, L P.
`Cunningham Trading Systems, LLC
`150 -oz
`It was apparent that the industry competitors recognized that their
`products infringed the patents.
`PAGE 4 OF 46


`For example, several companies agreed/to remove their version of the
`patented trading screen from their product offerings. Companies that chose this
`option include Patsystems, RTS, Strategy Runner, Rolfe and Nolan, FFastFill,
`TransMarket, ORC, NYFIX, Peregrine Financial Group, and TradeMaven.
`As an example, Patsystems and RTS were main competitors of TT
`that both decided to remove their version of the MD Trader trading screen around
`2004. Both of these competitors, along with others that followed in a similar
`fashion (FFastFil1, ORC, and NYFIX), changed the focus of their business to areas
`other than manual order entry and declined as competitors to TT.
`These agreements were particularly beneficial to TT on two fronts.
`First, it was beneficial to have a company agree that it would stop infringing and
`remove the infringing product from the market, thus directing customers back to
`TT. Second, since some of these companies were TT’s direct competitors, it was
`beneficial for TT to have them drop out and return the competitive edge to TT vis-
`a-vis the competitors themselves.
`As another option, several companies entered into a license agreement
`which would allow them to practice the patented technology. In return, these
`companies would pay TT royalties to continue using the copied trading screens.
`Companies that chose this option included Goldenberg Heymeyer, Kingstree,
`Ninja Trader, Direct Trading Institutional (“DTI”), RCG, OEC, Market Delta, 20
`PAGE 5 OF 46


`LLC, Trademonster, and Trade Exchange. In some instances, these companies
`entered into a license agreement wherein they agreed to pay for past damages
`based on prior use. Also, some companies entered into a license agreement
`wherein they agreed to pay TT a royalty based on future use. TT still collects
`royalty payments from several of these companies. Several of these companies
`approached TT requesting a license without having to be threatened by TT, e. g. ,
`Ninja Trader, DTI, Goldenberg Hehmeyer, Market Delta, 20 LLC, Trademonster,
`and Trade Exchange. Mr. Deux, the CEO of Ninja Trader, testified that I
`— Likewise, Goldenberg Hehmeyer admitted that—
`Finally, several companies, such as Patsystems and Strategy Runner,
`chose to sign a license agreement that would give them the option to license and
`practice the claimed technology in the future, however neither availed themselves
`of it.
`In total, TT has received more than‘ in royalty and
`settlement payments.
`Also, in 2004-2005, TT filed law suits against several competitors for
`infringement of the ‘ 132 and ‘304 patents based on their use of the patented
`PAGE 6 OF 46


`technology. Though most of the litigations settled, several did not and progressed
`into litigation in the Northern District of Illinois.
`One example was a company named eSpeed, which was not a
`traditional competitor of TT’s, however they coincidentally launched their
`electronic trading screen at the same time the ‘ 132 and ‘304 patents issued. We
`viewed them as a significant threat because they were able to leverage off of their
`exchange business and offer this software for free. Mr. Ryan (TT’s general
`counsel) testified that he and Mr. Borsand attended a launch marketing event for
`the eSpeed product that embodied the patented invention and that at that event an
`eSpeed representative stated that the product was just like TT’s MD Trader and
`would be offered for free. Ex. 1 (Ryan Testimony, eSpeed Trial Tr. at 587: 16-
`594:11, PTX 9)). In the lawsuit, several of eSpeed’s electronic trading screens
`were found to infringe TT’s patents.
`For those that settled, some of the settlement agreements entered
`consent judgments as means for establishing finality in the lawsuit. These consent
`judgments set forth that the patents-in-suit are valid and enforceable, that the
`defendant infringed the patents-in-suit, and that the defendant was permanently
`enjoined from making, using, selling, offering for sale, importing, facilitating
`connectivity for, or otherwise distributing the infringing electronic trading
`product. The existence of the consent judgments put “more teeth” behind the
`PAGE 7 OF 46


`agreement and ensured that the matters would be put to rest. See, e. g., Ex. 2,
`Consent Judgment with NinjaTrader, LLC.
`In signing this declaration, I understand that the declaration will be
`filed as evidence in a contested case before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board of
`the United States Patent and Trademark Office. I acknowledge that I may be
`subject to cross-examination in this case and that cross-examination will take
`place within the United States. If cross-examination is required of me, I will
`appear for cross-examination within the United States during the time allotted for
`I declare that all statements made herein of my knowledge are true,
`and that all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true, and
`that these statements were made with the knowledge that willful false statements
`and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under
`Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code.
`June 22 2016
`PAGE 8 OF 46


`Exhibit 1Exhibit 1Exhibit 1
`PAGE 9 OF 46PAGE 9 OF 46PAGE 9 OF 46


`) )
`) )
`) No. 04 C 5312
`LTD., ECCO LLC, and ECCOWARE, LTD.,) Chicago, Illinois
`September 12, 2007
`1:30 o'clock p.m.
`Trading Technologies
`International, Inc., by:
`222 South Riverside Drive
`Chicago, Illinois 60606
`300 South Wacker Drive
`Chicago, Illinois 60606


`eSpeed, Inc., eSpeed
`International, Inc.,
`Ecco LLC, Eccoware,
`LTD., by:
`35 West Wacker Drive
`Chicago, Illinois 60601
`1831 Chestnut Street, Suite 802
`Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
`Rosenthal Collins Group, DOWELL BAKER
`LLC, by:
`201 Main Street
`IN 47901
`Court Reporter:
`Official Court Reporter
`219 S. Dearborn Street, Suite 1854-B
`Chicago, Illinois
`(312) 435-5639
`PAGE ll OF 46


`You may.
`MR. CARDEN: Oops.
`I'm sorry.
`The binders
`are not all out.
`Good afternoon, Mr. Ryan.
`Good afternoon.
`Q. Could you state your full name for the record,
`A. Michael Gerard Ryan.
`And who do you work for, Mr. Ryan?
`A. Trading Technologies.
`And if I refer to it as TT today, you'll
`understand that I'm referring to Trading Technologies?
`A. Yes.
`Q. Okay. And I don't know if maybe you could raise
`the microphone towards you a little bit,
`think we
`might be having trouble.
`Is that better?
`Q. Very much better.
`Thank you.
`A. Okay.
`How long have you been with TT?
`Since November of 1999.
`And what is your current position there?
`PAGE 1 OF 46


`And could you read the patent numbers for us?
`A. Yes.
`It's U.S.
`patent No.
`6,766,304 and
`Q. And is 6,76— —— —766,304 the number contained on
`Exhibit 2 in your binder?
`A. Yes.
`Q. And is 6,772,132 the number contained on
`Exhibit 1 in your binder?
`A. Yes.
`Q. Could we pull up 1989, please?
`And could you describe for the jury again,
`A. Yes. This is the about box that I was talking
`about before that also has the patent numbers and also
`the date that the software was built.
`And could you refer the jury to the date that you
`were referring —— you discussed earlier?
`It's right under the version number.
`says, Built, and then July 28, 2004 and the time.
`Q. And, again, could you show the jury where the
`patent numbers are here?
`A. Yes. Right down here at the bottom.
`Q. And, again,
`'304 is Exhibit 2?
`A. Yeah,
`'304 is Exhibit 2 and '132 is Exhibit 1.
`PAGE 1 OF 46


`Q. And, finally, could you turn to Plaintiff's
`Exhibit 1991?
`A. Okay.
`And tell the jury what this screen is again.
`A. This is the MD Trader window.
`And could you describe for the jury where the
`marking occurs on this screen?
`A. Again,
`this occurs at the very bottom right here
`And if we could just blow that up a little bit,
`A little fuzzy,
`it appears to be the
`'304 patent and the ‘132 patent, which are Exhibits 1
`and 2 or vice versa?
`A. Yes, yes.
`MR. CARDEN: Now, could you turn in your
`binder to PTX 9. And again, your Honor,
`this is agreed,
`so if we could have that on the screen?
`Can you tell me if you recognize this particular
`I do.
`Q. What is that document?
`A. This is a sales brochure or marketing brochure
`from espeed, which I picked up one day on the floor of
`PAGE 1 OF 46


`the Board of Trade.
`It's a copy of it.
`And you mentioned you picked it up on the Board
`of Trade. Could you describe what the circumstances
`were for you picking that up?
`I recall one morning in August —— I think
`it was August 4th of 2004 —— my office at TT happened to
`be right outside of the sales group, which could be
`rather noisy from time to time. And on this particular
`morning there was a lot of talk going on, and that talk
`was about a booth that was up at the Board of Trade on
`the trading floor.
`I —— one of the salesmen told me about it and
`asked if-I wanted to go see it. And I said, yes,
`would. And the reason —-
`the reason for it and the
`reason for the booth is that they were displaying their
`new futures screen, which the sales people had been
`telling me looked like our MD Trader.
`Q. Okay. Could we turn to page 30003 in the
`Exhibit 9?
`Is this the screen that was being referred to?
`A. Yes, it is.
`And did you indeed see that screen on the floor
`of the Board of Trade?
`I did, yeah.
`What happened was this salesman
`asked if I wanted to go see it.
`I indicated I did, went
`PAGE 1 OF 46


`over to the Board of Trade with him, signed in at the
`security desk on the first floor at the Board of Trade
`building, went I believe —— I believe we went down —— I
`think you have to go down to get to the trading floor,
`signed in again at another security station, and walked
`into the trading floor.
`Q. What did you see there, Mr. Ryan?
`A. At
`the trading floor?
`Q. Yeah.
`A. Well,
`the first thing I saw was the trading pit
`for agriculture products, which was —— it was
`interesting at the time, because it was very active.
`There were a lot of people there buying and selling and
`yelling at each other and using their hand signals to
`buy and sell the products.
`So that was an open outcry pit?
`A. Yes,
`that was an open outcry pit; that's right.
`And what did you do next?
`then walked further on on the floor where
`—— where at the far end,
`which we didn't quite get
`there was another open outcry pit, which I noticed,
`even then, was not nearly as active. And it turns out
`that that was one of the products that was actually
`being traded electronically more actively. But in
`between those two pits we saw this stand that had been
`PAGE 1 OF 46


`set up by eSpeed.
`Q. Did you go up to the stand?
`A. Yes. When I first arrived there,
`I saw there
`were —— this was the stand. There were screens behind
`the stand where there was a display of software
`including the product that is displayed on
`this exhibit TT 30003. When I first walked up,
`were other people right up at the stand getting a
`demonstration, and I recall kind of watching as they
`were getting their demonstration kind of looking over
`their shoulder.
`Q. Could you describe for the jury what you saw as
`you were looking over the shoulders?
`A. Well, sure.
`On one of the screens I saw this
`trading screen, which was notable to me, because,
`I agreed it looked a heck of a lot like MD Trader;
`as I noticed as the market would move,
`the bids and asks
`would move up and down,
`the price column and those
`prices would stay the same.
`And just so we can maybe give a little refresher
`here, when you say bids and asks are moving, can you
`look at the screen here and remind us where you're
`talking about?
`The green column are the bids that are in
`the market; and the red column are the asks in the
`PAGE 1 OF 46


`market, which basically means —— now that I'm up here,
`I'll probably screw this up,
`I'm not a trader —- but the
`bids are the orders in the market that people are
`willing to buy the product for and the asks are the
`orders that are in the market that people are willing to
`sell the product for.
`Q. And the center column again?
`A. That's the price column (indicating).
`So could you remind the jury what portion of the
`screen was moving?
`the center column the prices stayed
`the same.
`in other words,
`this 60 stayed right
`there. And then the bid and the ask quantities would
`either move up or down as the market moved up or down.
`Do you recall who was giving the demonstration?
`I —— I don't recall who was giving the
`demonstration to the people in front of me, no. But --
`I mean, what happened next —— shall I?
`Q. What happened next, Mr. Ryan?
`A. What happened next was that when those people
`were finished,
`I walked up to the booth -- and I was the
`first person in line —- and before I said anything, one
`of the people behind the counter asked me if I was
`familiar with Trading Technologies.
`And what did you say?
`PAGE 1 OF 46


`A. Well,
`I was a little surprised, but I said, Well,
`I am. And he said, Well, our screen is the exact
`same thing, which was --
`I'm sorry.
`I didn't mean to cut your answer off.
`I was just going to say which was, again, a
`little bit surprising.
`Q. Did you get the gentleman's name by any chance?
`A. Yeah. His name was Scott Arnold.
`Q. Was anyone else at the booth?
`There were other people at the booth, but I don't
`the names.
`I remember two or three other people
`behind the booth.
`Q. Did you speak to any of them?
`A. No.
`So what happened after Mr. Arnold told you that
`the screen was just like TT's?
`I mean —- again, he said it was the exact same
`thing, but he —- he gave me a little demo of it as I
`recall, again,
`just kind of showing me the same thing
`that I had already seen. But that didn't take very
`long, because what happened shortly after that is that
`I —— I saw somebody that I knew who was on the floor,
`somebody who used to work at TT with me, and I walked
`over and started to talk to him.
`In fact, he gave me a
`little bit of a tour of the trading floor.
`PAGE 1 OF 46


`Q. And I don't think I've heard.
`How did you get
`the brochure?
`A. Well,
`after that tour,
`I remember coming back to
`the booth and I
`remember, again,
`Mr. Arnold indicating a
`couple things.
`One was the price of the product that
`was coming out,
`the futures product,
`as well as he also
`showed a cash screen, which was to be used for trading
`the cash product that eSpeed provided on their exchange.
`Q. Why don't we talk about that, because I
`think you
`said a couple things. Let's try to break it up a little
`You mentioned the price of the futures product.
`What did he tell you about the price of the futures
`He told me that for people who were going to
`license the futures trading screen alone that the price
`was going to be $300 a month per screen.
`But that for
`those who would trade both the cash product and the
`futures product, it would be free.
`And can you remind us a little bit about the
`difference between the cash and the futures product?
`A. Yeah.
`I mean —— again,
`I'm not a trader,
`so this
`is just my very basic understanding. But basically the
`futures product is a derivative of the cash product, or
`it's a -— yeah, it's a derivative of the cash product.
`PAGE 2 OF 46


`So on eSpeed people would trade actual bonds and
`notes, it's my understanding,
`treasury bonds and
`treasury notes, and then at the Board of Trade some of
`the most successful products that they trade are
`actually the future contracts of those exact same cash
`bonds and notes.
`Q. Okay.
`So returning to Mr.
`Arnold's discussion of
`price, it was people who traded cash on the eSpeed
`exchange would get a rebate, essentially, of the fee for
`trading on the futures side of the coin?
`A. Yeah.
`I mean, he said it would be free, yeah.
`And the other thing you mentioned was a cash
`Can you tell us what you meant by that?
`The cash product?
`That Mr. Arnold told you about.
`Oh, yeah. Yeah,
`they didn't have that product up
`on a computer screen, but what he showed me was a
`printout of the layout of what that product was going to
`look like. And he indicated that that was going to be
`available within a couple of weeks.
`I think he said two
`to three weeks.
`Q. What did the screen shot look like?
`It looked —-
`to me it looked identical to the
`futures screen that we see here up on the screens.
`And did he tell you anything else that day?
`PAGE 21 OF 46


`A. Not that I recall, no. But it was at that time
`that I picked up a brochure and other things that they
`had -~ whatever they had at the booth,
`I picked up,
`including this brochure.
`Q. Was that the —— did you do anything else at the
`Board of Trade that day?
`A. No,
`I think I -*
`I think that was it.
`I have no further questions for
`Mr. Ryan at this time.
`Q. May it please the Court, good afternoon,
`My name is Imran Aly.
`I represent the espeed
`defendants in this case.
`Good afternoon.
`You were describing to the jury a meeting that
`you had at the Chicago Board of Trade on August 4th,
`2004; is that right?
`I mean,
`I don't know if —— I wouldn't call it a
`meeting, but, yeah,
`I was describing when I was there
`and what happened, yes.
`And when you went
`to the Chicago Board of Trade,
`you said that you went
`through some security and then
`you saw some trading pits; is that right?
`PAGE 2 OF 46


`TT 029998 TT 029998


`Un-ri-valed Li-quid-ity
`\un rl'va Id ll kwId’r' téi > > > law‘. mm The product ofa partnership between
`a global futures exchange and the leader in electronic trading ol fixed income. 2. Available only
`on espeed.
`A combined marketplace cf this size can o'niy bé delivered by the two most established players
`in these markets. Ami It an only he found an espoud.
`wuh eSneed'5 trading engines behrnd the lrrawalla cl 1'hE-J world’; iargest firrarrcral rrrstrrutrons and
`CBOT! '5 cnncal mass and dtstubuuon. customers w1lI have access In marker dawn and Irqurdrw
`|rkeIhE!\r‘T‘»auer1-Ever seen Seamless rnregralrun from the C801 back-and tnru r.-Speed's tuntpletelv
`rreuhal markats and uracncal rnterlace ensures customers wr1la1ways trade the best prrces
`Risk Man rage-men:
`2 2 2- ml 1' Leave less to ctrartce by rradrng rest: and lredgrng.
`In 6 H “U I11 6 n r I
`1 r l 9 it
`yctur przrsrrror-rs wrrlr cash anrrl CBCJT Treasury futures on esneed
`Tncla\.r's market volarrlny has made nsk management a ;:rr'o-uy e5;ue=ed‘5 Superfluads delivers a
`unique hedging and rrsli managrng oprxortrrnily that has never been srmpier.
`Whether you are a cash trader who makes mar Uccasrunal iulures play, or a iulufflg trader laokmg
`in ccrrtpferrront your p.rJ_Il|0JIU. tradrng eSpeer.| cash and CBOT Treasury futures from CBOT can
`rfrawnsrze your marker ruck whrle upgradrng WJLJI performer.-rm
`PAGE 24 OF 46
`TT 029999


`In-no-Va-tive Tech‘-nol-o-gy
`lin '3 vi’ tlv tek noI'a [at > > > (adj. tn.) 1. Powers espaetfs electronic market-
`place to make trading faster, smarter. and more efficient than ever. 2; synonymous with eSpe9d.
`the masslve global fixed-
`eSpeefI‘5 rnnavattve nlatiorrrl ls: the preferred sun! at the trade lot
`uncc-me marketplace The wrnxlcls leaclmg tlnanctal lnsmutluns trust us to put more than $200
`hlllaon worth at lhetr |laL'IE.'$- on our platlorm daily lnncl that's |t.l5t a hactiun at what espeed
`ls lnullt
`to handle] Dun clients know our Fully rE:[.|urldaI'll systems have Held up Lmrler the most
`dliilfltlli test arr-agmable
`We employ hundreds oi the wctrlrfs best and brightest telzl-lnolngv developers ta allaw you Ill:
`Ifikfi advantage cl espaeds
`.- Fully FBUL|l'1dal‘!1 global systems
`2 It 2 Global prwale network 5 = 1- End-to-and ptocesstng 1-
`. p . lrtlelact-ive matal-ung engines» a I 241-hour
`teclmlcal asarstance : s 2 F’rot:malaw.t3lF’l or
`access lhmllgh Java. \Nrr‘ll1(Iwfi an LININ 5 .
`» Aututnaletl cletltl and malt management
`Cost Ef-f1-c1en-cy
`lkoot i flnh’on cél >>> tn.) 1. A by-prod'uctoI'CB0lT’s futures trading on espeed.
`espeed -defines eifscierlcie-5 and cost sawrags lav ptowdtng -mt: wall mulltseaoncl trade execution
`3|'lf?FI'B'd'1-Tlfl‘lB slralghl through procasslng.
`The same efftcrencv ant: reltalntltw luunrl JFI our electmmc marketplaces ate also lourtd in the mldclle
`and back oflice. Our automated management systems support seamless cleartng. settlement.
`tract-:m_g and reporting cl trades. at;-lving'vcIu the tartrlecessaw C0515 cal n-lulttpla vendors
`PAGE 25 OF 46
`TT 030000


`|srT5’par kw./odz\ >>:
`'-;— -
`nea=_.s..' execuze uasr. er-4:: "_:?u!€-5
`EL-g>evOi.'aa's aiso :2‘-fers Ba:
`‘ ev to'1.:1.emer:a.r,' sec-.:-at es ‘me
`-1 r 5:: -at as new
`.'/mm-_,1a!'ie.:1:nL_) we (‘.~J\reg'
`.vher=-Assuecfl sway;-5., eff-the-Iuvns a-‘vs chearnast-to-dezwe-I Tabs '0: awtzonai esp-eed pvccucis
`-Ae fcvveugn exchange, ag-3-noes and m‘u_=ves'. rate 5 maps
`a so .1251 a dick ax-'a-4'
`Zmec: Desi.-mg cum !a1e~;1 Irau-'~'-g er'wa":=.1'r»em. us aiso a«a:iaL::e on Sun:-e.'Ouads Bea:
`one 10 one‘ one to a few av c-vie ‘n'..' ma“, me an e «=,c‘"m: neouest 10: v.
`tern-251 m SEeCIfI’_‘ sea,-rntzes
`aw’ '.'.n-uses r.or=uac1s
`PAGE 26 OF 46
`TT 030001


`Queue aunts-mm
`PAGE 27 OF 46PAGE 27 OF 46
`TT 030002TT 030002


`Fm ffiladiable 0/69! Enm Ocmon
`PAGE 28 OF 46
`TT 030003


`e -Speed and CBOT
`, , .,
`(compound n) The M/ure has arr/ved, and ar‘s only
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`on 95/Jeed.
`The world's largest cash and iutures marketplace I5 here You are ]us1 a duck away from a 0ne—wav
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`PAGE 29 OF 46
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`PAGE 30 OF 46


`Exhibit 2Exhibit 2Exhibit 2
`PAGE 31 OF 46PAGE 31

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