`Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 8:13 PM
`To: Trials <Trials@USPTO.GOV>
`Cc: Rob Sokohl <RSOKOHL@skgf.com>; Richard M. Bemben <RBEMBEN@skgf.com>;
`phillips@fr.com; Adam Kessel (Kessel@fr.com) <Kessel@fr.com>; mrosato@wsgr.com;
`margenti@wsgr.com; PTAB Account <PTAB@skgf.com>; tt-patent-cbm@tradingtechnologies.com;
`Trading-Tech-CBM <Trading-Tech-CBM@finnegan.com>; Steven F. Borsand
`<Steve.Borsand@tradingtechnologies.com>; Lori Gordon <LGORDON@skgf.com>
`Subject: Schedule for CBM2015-00161, -0035, -00172, -00040, -00179, -00181, and -00182
`Your Honors:
`Patent Owner would like to schedule a call with the Board to request a one-month extension of the
`consolidated schedules (including potentially the October 19, 2016 hearing date) in CBM2015-
`00161, -0035, -00172, -00040, -00179, -00181, and -00182, which currently have Patent Owner
`Responses due on June 27, 2016. Petitioner opposes Patent Owner's requesting an extension. Both
`parties are available for a conference call after 10:30 am EST this Wednesday, June 23.
`Patent Owner's in-house counsel Steve Borsand, who has been deeply involved in these proceedings
`as backup counsel, recently fell very ill. He been unable to provide significant input on the Patent
`Owner Responses due to severe pain, dizziness, fatigue, fainting, inability to focus, immobility, and
`complications from his prescribed medication.
`Given Mr. Borsand's deep involvement in the proceedings and his current poor health, Patent Owner
`believes there is good cause for an extension. 37 C.F.R. 42.5(c)(2). In fact, the Federal Circuit recently
`granted an extension for Patent Owner's reply brief in Trading Technologies v. CQG, No. 16-1616,
`because of Mr. Borsand's health. Patent Owner proposes to follow up with the Board and with
`Petitioner regarding Mr. Borsand's progress within two weeks of the granting of any extension.
`Erika Arner
`Lead Counsel for Patent Owner Trading Technologies
`Erika H. Arner
`Attorney at Law
`Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP
`11955 Freedom Drive, Reston, VA, 20190
`571.203.2754 | fax 202.408.4400 | erika.arner@finnegan.com| Bio
`Finnegan AIA Blog | www.finnegan.com | PTAB Guidebook
`This e-mail message is intended only for individual(s) to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential,
`proprietary, or otherwise exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you believe you have received this message in error, please
`advise the sender by return e-mail and delete it from your mailbox. Thank you.