`Administrative Patent Judges
`Trial No. CBM2015‐00172; U.S. Patent No. 7,783,556
`TradeStation v. Trading Technologies
`Exhibit 1021
`’556 Patent, FIG. 1
`’556 Patent, 2:49‐51
`electronic exchange to a Trader.”
`information received from an
`format used to convey market
`“FIG. 1 illustrates one example
`‘556 Patent Overview
`’556 Patent Overview
`’556 Patent, FIG. 2
`’556 Patent, 2:52‐54
`along an axis.”
`electronic exchange to a trader
`information received from an
`format used to convey market
`“FIG. 2 illustrates a second example
`‘556 Patent Overview
`’556 Patent Overview
`’556 Patent, FIG. 3
`’556 Patent, 2:55‐58
`information to a variety of trading
`embodiments, used to relay market
`accordance with the preferred
`example system configuration, in
`“FIG. 3. illustrates an overview of an
`‘556 Patent Overview
`’556 Patent Overview
`’556 Patent, FIG. 4
`’556 Patent, 2:59‐62
`derivative of price values on the axis.”
`order information in association with
`derivative of price axis and displaying
`example process for generating a
`“FIG. 4 illustrates a flow diagram of an
`‘556 Patent Overview
`’556 Patent Overview
`’556 Patent, FIG. 5
`’556 Patent, 2:63‐65
`for use in generating price derivative
`used to select price derivative types
`graphical user interface that can be
`“FIG. 5 illustrates an example
`‘556 Patent Overview
`’556 Patent Overview
`’556 Patent, FIG. 6
`’556 Patent, 2:66‐67
`aspect of the preferred
`screen in accordance with an
`“FIG. 6 illustrates an example
`‘556 Patent Overview
`’556 Patent Overview
`’556 Patent, FIG. 7
`’556 Patent, 2:66‐67
`aspect of the preferred
`screen in accordance with an
`“FIG. 7 illustrates an example
`‘556 Patent Overview
`’556 Patent Overview
`’556 Patent, FIG. 8
`’556 Patent, 2:66‐67
`aspect of the preferred
`screen in accordance with an
`“FIG. 8 illustrates an example
`‘556 Patent Overview
`’556 Patent Overview
`’556 Patent, FIG. 9
`’556 Patent, 2:66‐67
`aspect of the preferred
`screen in accordance with an
`“FIG. 9 illustrates an example
`‘556 Patent Overview
`’556 Patent Overview
`’556 Patent, FIG. 10
`’556 Patent, 3:1‐2
`aspect of the preferred
`screen in accordance with another
`“FIG. 10 illustrates an example
`‘556 Patent Overview
`’556 Patent Overview
`220:0:..0:._3:00:2.>0...02%:5.0005002 0.0.....:0:::0::.00.53:5:0.n:.:00.m.0::=..2:..=,:2:.:_0..0::0:_..0m0:a=_..§_2::5:00=n:..000a52.092000
`’556 Patent, Claim 1 (annotated)
`’556 Patent Overview
`Petition (Paper No. 2) at 31
`’556 Patent, FIG. 3; 4:3‐5;
`terminals.” ’556 Patent, 2:54‐57.
`used to relay market information to a variety of trading
`configuration in accordance with the preferred embodiments,
`“FIG. 3 illustrates an overview of an example system
`teachings described herein.” ’556 Patent, 14:64‐15:2.
`may be used with or perform operation in accordance with the
`purpose or specialized computer apparatus or computing device
`software), unless indicated otherwise. Various types of general
`particular type of computer or network apparatus (hardware or
`and apparatus described herein are not relate or limited to any
`“It is further understood that the programs, processes, methods
`be performed essentially on any available generic,
`“The patent admits that the purported solution can
`conventional computing technology.”
`Petition (Paper No. 2) at 9
`allegedly inventive trading screens is the addition of
`“The only difference between the prior art and
`a ‘value axis.’”
`Petition (Paper No. 2) at 9,26,35,42, and 45
`Portion of FIG. 19: Main Form—Trading Status (Kane);
`TS‐1005 U.S. Patent No. 6,317,728,
`would be incurred upon making a particular trade.”
`and displaying in a GUI, the profits or losses that
`“The prior art expressly discloses keeping track of,