ServiceNow's Exhibit No. 1006

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`Acquisitions Editor: Alex Blanton
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`Body Part No. X08-41929
`ServiceNow's Exhibit No. 1006

`strong name
`smart po1table devices, such as cellular phones and hand(cid:173)
`held computers; Intemet access devices, s uch as set-tOp
`boxes; networking devices, such as switches and routers;
`and embedded controls, such as entertainment devices and
`automation equipment. See also ARM.
`more disks. Originally shareware, Stufflt is now a com(cid:173)
`mercial product for Macs and PCs that supports multiple
`compression techniques and allows file viewing. Stufflt
`files can be uncompressed using a freeware program,
`Stufflt Expander.
`strong name n. A name that consists of an assembly's
`identity: its simple text name, version number, and often
`the cul ture information strengthened by a public key and a
`digital signature generated over the assembly. Assemblies
`with the same strong name are expected ro be identical.
`strong typing n. A characteristic of a programming lan(cid:173)
`guage that does not allow the program to change the data
`type of a variable during program execution. See also datu
`type, variable. Compare weak typing.
`structure n 1. The design and composition of a program,
`including program flow, hierarchy, and modularity. 2. A
`collection of data elements. See also data structure.
`structured graphics n. See object-oriented graphics.
`structured programming 11. Programming that pro(cid:173)
`duces programs with clean now, clear design, and a degree
`of modularity or hierarchical structure. See also modular
`programming, object-oriented programming. Compare
`spaghetti code.
`structured query language n A database sublanguage
`used in querying, updating, and managing relational
`daLabases-the de facto standard for database products.
`Acronym: SQL.
`structured walkthrough 11. 1. A meeting of program(cid:173)
`mers wor king on different aspects of a software develop(cid:173)
`ment project, in which the programmers attempt to
`coordinate the various segments of the overall project.
`The goals, requirements, and components of the project
`are systematical ly reviewed in order to minimize the error
`rate of the software under development 2. A method for
`examining a computer system, including its design and
`implemenlation, in a systematic fash ion.
`STT n. See Secure Transaction Technology.
`stub n. A routine that contains no executable code and
`that generally consists of comments describing what will
`eventually be there; it is used as a placeholder for a routine
`to be written later. Also called: dummy routine. See also
`top-down programming.
`Stufflt n. A file compression program originally written
`for the Apple Macintosh, used for storing a file on one or
`style sheet n. 1. A file of instructions used to apply char(cid:173)
`acter, paragraph, and page layou t formats in word process(cid:173)
`ing and desktop publishing. 2. A text file containing code
`to apply semantics such as page layout specifications to an
`HTML document. See also HTML document, semantics
`(definition I).
`stylus 11. A pointing device, similar to a pen, used to
`make selections, usually by Lapping, and to enter informa(cid:173)
`tion on the touch-sensitive surface.
`subclass n. A class in object-oriented programming that
`is derived from, and inherits its attributes and methods
`from, another class known as a superclass. Compare
`subcommand 11. A command in a submenu (a menu that
`appears when a user selects an option in a higher-level
`subdirectory n. A directory (logical grouping of related
`files) within another directory.
`subdomain n. A domain, often representing an adminis(cid:173)
`trative or other organizational subgroup within a second(cid:173)
`level domain. See also domain.
`subform 11. A form contai ned within another form or a
`subject drift n. See topic drift.
`subject tree n. A type of World Wide Web index that is
`organized by subject categories, many of which are broken
`down into subcategories, or "branches." An example of a
`World Wide Web subject tree is Yahoo! See also Yahoo!
`submarining n. A phenomenon that occurs when some ~
`part of a screen display moves more quickly than the ~
`screen can show. The object (such as the mouse pointer)
`disappears from the screen and reappears where it comes
`to rest, just as a submarine resurfaces after a dive. Subma-
`rining is especially a problem with the slowly responding
`passive-matrix LCD displays on many laptop computers.
`submenu 11. A menu that appears as the result of the
`selection of an item on another, higher-level menu.
`ServiceNow's Exhibit No. 1006

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