
`LIFFE Directory of
`age 1 of 103
`TRADINGm 2282


`© LEFFE 2001
`All lyreprieiarg sights and interest in iiwis mastication sttali be: wsted Fl L1§FE Administtalton and
`Management {“LlFFE”} amt atl sitter rights; ir'tcludil‘lg, but without limitation, Qatant, :egistereti design,
`copyright, trademark! service mark, cemecied with this pllblécaiém shalE also DE”: vested in LlFFE.
`thfFE CONNECT“ i3 3 trafiémark at MFR; Actmiais‘araiim and Martagesktent.
`Na part at this ptibiicatian may be radistributed or repreducaci in any form or by any [mans <>r urged to
`make any darivalive wer [sum as»: itartstatim. tramslmrmatim, {3r actaptatic-n; without written peltttigsictm
`l“er LEIIFE.
`LEFFE lemmas the right to revlge this pljttiicatien am it) make changes tn sentient from time l0 3818
`wilt'tout emigration on lite part oi LIFFE to prwide statilicatian a? such r'raxlisitsn rat“ change.
`‘l'his publication contains information providefj by Qi'gariisations elite: than LIFFE,
`LIFFE shait ml ‘99 liable {excagt to the extent reauisetj {3y law) far this use GE the irttarlnatialt isol'ttaiaed
`herein EKQWGVEI’ afising in any ci {:tlmstarlces connected with actual trading or otherwise. Neither LngE.
`rte: its servants mat agents. is responsible for any et'rers {3r omissiens sontaineci in this publicaiielt. This
`mammalian i3 fer inlarmatian only and does net mastiiuta an after. Sitiisitation Gr rematmenclation to
`acquirg Gr disposa of any investment or it} engage in any other transactiart. Ail informatign. degcriptiezts.
`exampiea and calculatiom malaiaed in this publicatim are flair gL:§<§al'i€8 DLSS’DOSSS Gritty, and sitth net
`be treated $3 ciatinitive. :lFFE reserves; the right £0 3le aay (at its rules or contract sgaecilicaiims. and
`Such an event may affect the vaiidiiy at the irttarmatiorl i§°l this gxublicaiécartt
`Titage weighing emit-:33” t0 trade LIFFE whitest 3nd aptéons contracts as“ to {356$ arid 881$ ii’lem t{:- 0:11:33
`Si’imuifii establish the feguiatary positéan in the relevant jilrESdiGfiGfi tasters aging Sill.
`Page 2 of 103
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`Con feats
`1. indepefldent Software Venfiors
`2. Value Added Newark Suppiiers
`3. Member {Meier Heating Services
`LIFFE Directory 01‘ Access Solutions
`4. Traéing Bureaux
`5. Sack and Middie Office Suppliers
`8. Market Depth Quote Vendors
`Page 3 of 103
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`We are oieaseci to bring you the latest version of the LiFFE Directory of ecceee
`Sotutions which pretrides customers with information on the variety of chenneis evailaiaie
`to access the LiFFE market and view its data. Everyday mere business he wattle is
`entrusted to LtFi-‘E CONNECT?” than any other eiectronic trading platform, Together with a
`wider offering of products in mete countries than any other exchange, this positions Lit-“FE
`as the world’s leeetng eiectronio exchange.
`The taunen oi LIFFE CONNECT“ in 1&8 hereloieci the reinvention of the Exchange es an
`electronic market, firefly through the successful migratton of alt its tioontrecteo hueineee
`onto Screen and secondly through tte rapio dietributton. The etstribution of LEFFE
`GONNEG’FW is aeeroaching 400 sites in 28 ceuntrtes. more then any other etectronie
`trading system in the worttj, ens? covers all major time zones.
`Mitt—E {ECDhlhtECTTM is the worto‘e meet advanced cierivativee trading system, ottering
`unrivalieg execution eoeeci: tuhotr‘enelity and flexibility its etete~ot~the~ert oeeigh and open
`system architecture allow customers in ‘ouito er our-chase treating applications to suit
`specific bustneee needs and to integrate these aeolioetione into other lines of businees end
`husineee eyetems. "these wishing to acquire trading eottwere can do so trorn the many
`independent Software Veneers iiS‘e’e} wno have built trading Systems to the LIFFE
`nighttcation Progrerh interface.
`Access te LIFFE
`LEW—“E CQNNECTW can he ueecl to aeoesa the Lit—"FE market electronically from the world‘s
`meter financial centres‘ and customers have considerable flexibility and choice tn their
`method of access:
`access from Lender: via tiFFE‘e iooet network with iS‘e’ software
`aceeee vie LIFFE’S internationei network with iStt software
`ecceee through eemioes ottereo by Vetue Added Newan {tent gamete
`access through electronic circles“ routing eemioes provioed by member firms
`ecceee item trading hureetez orovtdeti by member firms
`Regutatory restrictzone may ereeent or conoitren accees in some Jurisdictions.
`Page 4 of 103
`Page 4 of 103


`etotnere wishing to aoeeee Lt??? can etee choose from a number of back office and
`middle ettiee systems. The beck etttoe enot mtddte ottioe euootiete of these systems are
`on ioel tn the detivertr of accurate trade reconciliation date to LlFFE Clearing Members and
`theretote play a crucial rote in the rtsk management and straight through processing
`so utioh chain between the front, middle and been ottieee.
`Fe lowing the launch of LEFFE CONNECT?“ and a recent meter upgrede to the LIFFE Market
`Feed, deote vendors and sets quote srendere are new able to provide eoeess te reei~titne
`e for the ttFt—"E market in the form of merket depth. Merket depth provides a significantly
`enhanced View of the strength of the order book in the metketolece for all euetornere.
`The ohoiee end ttextbttity evaitebte for customers wishing to access the LtFFE market and
`view its date is uhoeralteled ‘the has been devetooed tn conjunction with the euooort of
`out many oustnees partners tieted in this directowr
`"these successful oednerehiee eoeole es to continue to toeue on our core beetneee of
`being a teeding gtooel nteyet in the Exchange atena, orevtdtng OUt‘ eeetot‘nere with
`products required to manage exeosette to financial metkete in a meet efteottve end efficient
`environment ln doing so, we are Confident that LtFFE wttt metntain tte oeeitton as the
`leading; eteotrdnie derivatives exchange in the worltt.
`Stmon A Reybould
`Managing Erector, Safes and Marketing
`UFF‘E Exchange
`Page 5 of 103
`Page 5 of 103


`tndeeeedent Settwet‘e veneers
`Partners in Performance
`es eart et the 18‘s; prcgrernme, all tS‘v‘c who have deveiooed tront-eee trading aeeiicetione
`to support LIFFEE CQNttECTTM have agreed he were clesely with LlFFE end our metuei
`cuetemere on issues releting to customer eenrice. “the main focus of this; erogremme is to
`create an environmeet to: transparency and reenter dialogue as that all eerties share
`information on topics ot‘ mutual interest, eepeciaity these relating to system exraitehility,
`eemice incidents end planned change. The Pertrzere in Penorrnance programme takes the
`term ot a twat-way Service Levei Agreement between 13th and aii its 18%. To eCCuretety
`monitdr the performance of each ear, LlH—“E strongly encourages members to reoert any
`98% senrice incident t0 the LtFFE Service Desk en +zit4 {3)28 '33?9 200323.
`Page 6 of 103
`Conformance Testing
`in order to safeguard the integrity ot the marketplace} LtFFE requires each trading member
`to demenetrate e ievel ct technicai and cperetidnet readiness and to deploy centerment
`software. It is e memher’s reopensibility te eertcrm any necessaryr tests to ensure that the
`functionality of its chosen trading acetication not enly operetes according to the
`specificaticns set act :35; the retevant lS‘xt, but else to accept reeeoneihiiity for eeeuring the
`suitebitity, adequacy or oertermence of anyr particuier tredihg appiication.
`LlFFE’e therodgh technicet conformance testing proceee is also used to maintain high
`standards 0? software functicnaiity requiree tram LlFFE iStte. LtFFE cehtinuee to make
`improvements to the tunedong-tittyr and tiexitriiity of the tiFFfi CONNECTW trading hcet,
`incitidihg requiring alt 38V eertnere to provide a mandatory ievel of tenctioneiity. Cursehtiy
`the minimum requirements for LlFFE (X'JhihlECTTM iS’xf tront~end trading aenticettone
`eeility to sebscrihe te market at ccrnmedity ievel
`display of bcth ‘imeiiect in’ and ‘imptied eet’ prices in the strategy markets
`provide various methods of revising and cutting orders trem the market
`diepley ot text meeeegee sent tram the LlFFE COtxihlEECTt'rt host
`abiiity to erocees an tetra-day strike update to the oetiorie market
`entity to otter calender epi'eed trending
`aidittty to otter ‘imelied huttertly‘ strategies
`ability te cehduot wholesale trades on tiFFE
`@ ® ® ® @ e $ @
`Page 6 of 103


`Pal-mam in Pofiomanm
`The following ISVs have developed front-end wading applications to support LIFFE
`Communicating Ltd.
`EasyScreen plc
`Future Dynamics Ltd.
`ION Trading Systems Ltd.
`ORC Software
`RTS Realtime Systems
`Trading Technologies
`Trinitech Systems
`7 Also supplies Value Added Network (VAN) access to LIFFE CONNECT“.
`page 38
`Page 7 of 103


`Universal Stock Futures '
`_ /
`Actant is an ISV market-leader in high-
`0 large market makers and banks —
`trading architecture optimised for
`automated market making. Since 1985,
`integration into larger environments
`Actant's developers have engineered high-
`and existing systems
`independent market makers
`complete turn-key solution for
`successive generations of electronic
`derivatives trading platforms.
`automated trading, quoting, with risk
`Actant’s AQTOR" technology is used by
`management and portfolio database
`Designated Market Makers to fulfill their
`Advanced Technology = Edge
`obligations to LIFFE with regard to market-
`making in equity options, FTSE 100 index
`distinguished by technical proficienCy in the
`futures and options and Universal Stock
`following areas:
`Futures. By servicing only the leading
`market making desks. Actant is able to
`uniquely focus on building the technology
`edge required for competing against the
`leading proprietary systems.
`0 automated market making with
`electronic eye
`0 automated answering of RFQs, quote-
`requests and cross-requests
`autoquoting command optimisation
`AQTOR‘l Automated Quoting and
`and minimal reaction speeds
`Trading of Risk
`scripting technology for automated
`AOTOR" is a single-screen multi-market
`quoting and automated volatility
`front-office system, and its modular
`surface adjustments
`architecture allows it to be configured for
`multi~exchange direct access
`different customer situations including:
`XML message distribution for optimal
`customisation of orders, quotes and
`Page 8 of 103


`Emmanuel Geinoz
`Adrian Lucas
`Poststrasse 30
`6300 Zug
`+41 (0)41 710 71 51
`ngHIIn-i M‘t~]
`jfiunnvU: will): ml-u “I
`__ y”. W_ r11. 35mg .° :1 i
`M" Pf»)
`W3C DOM API for read/write access
`and parameterisation. both DOOM and
`XML over sockets
`additional APIs for exchange/EON
`connectivity, quote feeds and pricing
`risk management and portfolio
`one-View window plus tracker window
`for optimal visualisation
`unlimited custom window views and
`colour/sound alens
`Page 9 of 103


`Bloomberg‘s London site.
`available over Bloomberg's global '
`Uzi-nus!“ Slack Futures
`_ l
`/ /
`seamless integration of tickets into
`successfully built and tested its interface
`Bloomberg's risk management systems
`for financial
`electronic link to back office System
`futures. options. STIRs. non-financial
`available for Bloomberg Trading
`commodities and Universal Stock Futures.
`System customers
`Bioomberg's LIFFE CONNECTTM front-end
`trading application is fully integrated with
`non-member to member order routing
`0 free sottware upgrades provided
`0 multiple Exchange Connectivity
`in addition to the trading interface.
`service provides reai~time and historical
`0 on-iine support worldwide. 24 hours a
`prices. news, technical analysis and
`day, 365 days per year
`analytics for financiai markets worldwide.
`0 dedicated LiFFE CONNECTTM project
`Exchange members can new trade on
`LlFFE CONNECTTM from anywhere in the
`management team
`world {subject to restrictions) using the
`0 unlimited free personal training
`0 free seminars
`one of
`the financial markets' most
`sophisticated analytical tools:
`0 no additional hardware is needed at
`0 market monitOr, ticketing. and tracking
`client site. The EASy Connection
`required for each member firm to
`0 full suite of trading strategies approved
`access LIFFE CONNECTTM will be
`by LlFFE
`and maintained
`Page 10 of 103


`John Elliott
`City Gate House
`Sharifa Sardaf
`City Gate House
`39—49 Finsbury Square
`39-49 Finsbury Square
`EC2A 1P0
`+ 44 (0)20 7673 2020
`+44 (0)20 .7330 7128
`2m “‘3FTS!
`Page 11 of 103


`Communicating Ltd.
`Stock Futures '
`_ ,. f x
`‘ communicating
`" sna
`back office integration
`Communicating Ltd.
`is a privately held
`0 a COM automation object model
`London-based Company specialising in
`innovative exchange-related software for
`the finance community.
`XL Connect
`XL Connect continues to be developed
`functionality by integrating the trading
`objects with their 0er order routing
`software and trading strategy models
`and to build their own custom user
`and now offers support for trading LlFFE
`interfaces easily using Excel, Visual
`futures contracts in equity, short term
`Basic, Delphi or VC-l-+
`interest rate, bond and index markets.
`The XL Connect trading package offers
`Communicating offers
`three LlFFE
`all of the following features:
`CONNECTTM implementation options:
`0 user interface may be entirely incuse
`0 a LlFFE trading application designed in
`collaboration with clients and focused
`O user-defined market watch and order
`on speed of execution, ease of use and
`book windows
`clarity of orders
`real-time user-defined market watch
`a version which offers mobile trading
`and order book windows
`functionality operating via a radio LAN
`reaLtime user-defined risk and P&L
`card from mobile Windows CE palmtop
`post trade order management with
`Page 12 of 103


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`8 1:3]
`g ”
`a a 2
`15 m 2‘
`is 2? a?
`a very rapid Order entry am CUSTQF‘R
`scripting fer user—defined program
`‘xftadan Javamvic
`89 Manseil 8t:th
`user assess, whether trader or siiem.
`Loader": E? SAN
`either amass LAN. 1P comedian or $33;
`+44 {@120 HO? 0800
`mobéle pafmtsp Windows CE davice
`E-mail: véadfl’g‘écommuaicating.ukcem
`seamiess intagraiion of excharage flats:
`and ugefidefined pricing madels
`Cammunimfing Limited
`Page 13 of 103
`Page 13 of 103


`uses include the abiiityr to:
`iasiiity ti} link the Easyi‘racia application
`o uomplete audit trail tog of activity
`Our sophisticatect trading toul criteria the
`it} a customised Microaott Excel“
`spreadsheet and um live exchange data as
`a basig tor further calculation. Eta many
`asy$®mairi wig
`{Jrlis'éi’séai Stock Fatwa-5
`EasyScreeri was founded in "i998 by two
`u screens
`and functionality fuily
`farmer Lit-“FE traders arid has achiaved
`custumisatiiu by the tracth
`outstanding success with its praducts.
`Having mgr: desigaed for traders by
`traders, the system offers tntemattoual
`emerage and sophisticated iunctiunaiity
`whilst: remaining easy and intuitive to use.
`Qur rare-trade. teat-time risk management
`system offers the risk manager the ability
`t0 mums trading and tinanciat timits on
`traders and to mmitor
`EasyTrade cambims iutty integrated
`pericrmartce ii’i reaE—tis'i‘ie. Featureg inciude:
`iurtctiui’iaiity tar futures; uptior‘is and
`equities iiad'rrig Qi‘i LIFFE CONNECTTW
`Feami’es include:
`a prewirade order uermissioriit‘g
`® tr’imvative traffic light infiicatots to alert
`supervistir to uiolatieris
`ability to set permtSSions irt respect of
`@ access ta multiple exchanges ier a
`position limit, prufit and i088 and net
`Singte screéin
`order types such as invisibies, logbergs,
`triggers, Ranches and baskets
`automated market making
`a spread matrix which Offers a
`graphical way of Hacking and trading
`short term interest rate caiendar
`spreads including impiietis
`suphisticated order ticket,
`taciiityr to track or dime the market
`Page 14 of 103
`Page 14 of 103


`trade any hybrid strategy acrogs
`different contrasm and different
`link to graphiag 10033 to automafically
`trigger technicai trading
`automata short warm interest fate strip
`:asyScreen pk:
`?8 {Eamon Street
`Mention gem ESE-1H
`+44 {(3)28 ?845 4800
`air} Dash: +44 {@326 *26515 $80
`wsrk a511,: tradiag; aEQQriéhm that can be
`+1 312 939 9185
`regresented 0n ExQeEW
`New York
`+1 212 6:04 3308
`+61 {£3312 924‘? 55?5
`+85 2:38 46%
`sigmugm ‘
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`Page 15 of 103
`Page 15 of 103


`Real-time positions and P&L information.
`developed in C++ for optimal performance
`and reliability.
`Comprehensive flexible order management
`Position Watch
`Page 16 of 103
`Universal Stock Futurns
`/ /
`EccoWare provides unique and innovative
`Service and Support
`software tools for electronic trading and
`Eccc-Ware offers a guaranteed high level of
`risk management. Offering mum-exchange
`customer support in alt related areas.
`connectivity to LIFFE CONNECTTM and
`other major exchanges.
`T-Ware modules
`Strategy Viewer
`Custom filters to allow dynamic viewing of
`T-ware — a high performance, highly
`new and existing LIFFE strategies.
`flexible. easy to use. modular trading
`system with specialised functionality for
`brokers, market makers and strategy
`traders in futures and options.
`T-ware incorporates pro—trade risk
`monitoring and control and facilitates
`straight through processing.
`Spread Builder
`Define and trade cross—product and cross—
`exchange strategies with user defined
`legging risk controls.
`Market Watch
`Real-time prices and depth for exchange-
`listed and user-defined products with quick
`execution, quoting and filters.
`EccoWare will work with your own
`developers to produce unique modules
`Order Entry+
`that match your specific trading needs.
`Specialist order entry adapted tor futures
`and options traders, market makers and
`EccoWare is Windows NT® based and
`Order Book


`Intelligent tools for electronic trading
`Wm I".
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`r Ad 0"?
`rucfi J
`5-7 St Helen's Place
`#222 100 S Wacker Drive
`IllinOis 60606
`+44 (0)20 7861 9350
`+1 312 629 3253
`Page 17 of 103


`Universal Stock Fulwux
`exchange fee calculation
`real-time clearing commission and
`single click scalp trading
`market watch
`group order books
`pOrtfolio risk analysis
`for each
`workstation with graphical representation
`of position P&L
`theoretical fair values
`Page 18 of 103
`item" ,,
`J J J
`FFastFiii designs and markets sec0nd-
`Risk management features:
`generation trading and risk management
`real-time overview of all
`software solutions for trading on electronic
`user configurable screen layouts
`The FFastFiit product range provides a
`Windows~based trading front—end,
`aggregate risk analysis across
`integrated real-time risk management.
`client management and an order routing
`system via a LAN. WAN or the internet‘
`FFastFill provides reai-time straight through
`connection from workstation to order
`real-time P&L breakdown by contract
`aggregate risk for futures/financial
`options and equity options
`automatic and manual blocking of
`trading activity
`three level visual alarm with audibie
`matching engines of multiple electronic
`exchanges offering financial futures and
`options, equities and commodities.
`user definable position limits by
`Trading functionality includes:
`ability to enable or disable overnight
`0 unique spread matrix tool
`positions by trader or group
`0 smart and simple STOPS, MIT, M00
`real-time aggregate position limits by
`and 000


`Jonathan Hulbert w London
`+ 44 (0)20 7665 8900
`Tom Chlada — Chicago
`+1312 5162790
`um 13m:
`‘33... A . n". a
`one» I
`f. .; ,j g,
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`Page 19 of 103


`c res sfi re
`Unlvv-snl small Futures
`J .
`Future Dynamics Ltd.
`outright trading from spread matrix
`Exchange Independent Web Based Order
`Through the unique branding component
`and modular design structure, clients can
`crossfire is a mum-exchange order routing
`easily deliver their own "labelled" product
`risk management and execution tool built
`to their end users. Components of the
`from Microsoft technologies and COM
`product can also be easily integrated into
`components. The application is the result of
`proprietary trading systems.
`a unique mix of cutting edge technology
`skils and in-dept‘n business knowledge.
`The global order book database is shared
`with viewpoint to streamline the critical
`Fundamental to the product is the ability to
`link between front and middle office, and
`efficiently manage the trade flow from
`ioad&go then interfaces with any firm's
`order inception. routing and control.
`back office system to deliver a dynamic full
`through to execution and order till
`service client web portal:
`notification. However, in addition to these
`COre functions, crossfire delivers far more.
`multiple APl connections
`one-click trading
`Local and global distribution is achieved
`dynamic limit management
`through a combination of the client/server
`shared global order book
`or full internet version, crossfire.web. This
`Spread matrix with implied and real-
`choice of delivery and proven scalability
`time functionality
`allows for fast, robust global coverage.
`Page 20 of 103


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`bl; HE! lth :‘K‘wSl I-.)lMt)-9«¢I-i3k<ifi(l) $15
`PM U? [M -3;‘ w "‘85
`O charting and technical analysis
`0 support for "virtual" contract types
`Steve Tucker/Charles Robson — London
`0 risk and limit management
`+44 (0)20 7247 4700
`0 manual order input
`0 user configurable screens
`a client/server and internet options
`Patrick Thornton-Smith - New York
`+1 212 372 8915
`0 complete integration with middle and
`Peter Hutchison — Chicago
`back office
`+1 312 435 0461
`0 global 24/7 support
`O demonstrations available
`mPICS ;
`Paige 21 of 103


`_ .
`Uniwvsal Stock Fulums
`/ J r
`seed-.999. .
`GetReal-time has been providing internet
`QuoteBoardPro+ is a downloadable
`solutions to the financial services market
`software program that provides access to
`since 1999. GetReal—time has a number of
`real-time data from the world’s major
`products available that are designed to
`futures exchanges. The system also gives
`enhance websites of institutions and
`access to FX and news content and can
`enable access to the markets for
`power charting software.
`professional and retail traders alike. Alt
`products have been developed for use
`within a browser environment or as a
`downloaded piece of resident software.
`PitPractice is a trading simulation product
`that enables institutions and exchanges to
`offer training to potential customers. Using
`real-time or delayed prices, PitPractice has
`all the functionality of a professional trading
`QuoteBoard provides instant access to
`auto-refreshing real~time data from the
`world's major
`futures exchanges.
`A selection of snapshot charts are included
`in this service.
`Electronic Market Trading System is
`capable of displaying real-time prices and
`news from the world’s major exchanges
`and third party news vendors.
`It can also
`QuoteBoardPro provides access to
`provide technical analysis and charting.
`streaming real-time and delayed data from
`The system routes a variety of orders
`the world‘s major futures exchanges.
`directly to electronic exchanges subject to
`QuoteBoardPro also has access to a
`risk management and is also capable of
`selection of snapshot charts.
`routing orders to broker terminals for the
`execution of OTC products.
`NB At the time of going to print GetReal-time have yet to complete conformance to API 5
`Page 22 of 103


`Mark Penny
`Tony North
`Mariner House
`157-163 High Street
`881 TLL
`+ 44 (0)1702 348688
`E-mail: m.penny@getreal-timecom
`PitPr‘actxbé '
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`Page 23 of 103


`@& ?RA@E
`Foanded in Jung 198?, Gt. TRADE i$ at the
`AUTOMATE - at». automated multi-
`taretmnt of trading technology, with ét$
`exchange market makingr’arbitrage teat
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`ctata satutéons.
`Gt. TRADE is curreatiy @resent in over 600
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`menitaririg arid tractier diaplay’ that adagts
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`to Enter~mari<et stradcfies, equipped to
`hartcite up to $00 strategies and providing
`ettorttess menétoring 0t impiieds and
`Page 24 of 103
`Page 24 of 103


`Bertrand Rassat — London
`Ina Hanisch - Frankfurt
`+44 (0)20 7665 6200
`+49 69 7191 3000
`Jean Philippe Bartoli — Paris
`+83 1 5840 0000
`Marc Nicollet — New York
`+1 212 599 0510
`GL TRADE also have newly opened offices
`in Tokyo, Sydney. Madrid, Amsterdam and
`Myrade am 5:49; uwwwu :
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`Page 25 of 103


`Demonstrations are available.
`within a common graphical user interface
`Markettnew is an open system running on
`a network and is easily integrated with
`proprietary systems like p

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