Case: 1:12-cv-08450 Document #: 73 Filed: 05/19/14 Page 1 of 14 PageID #:899
`No. 12 C 8450
`Hon. Joan B. Gottschall
` Plaintiff-Counterdefendant,
` Defendants-Counterplaintiffs.
`Whereas, the Parties have stipulated that certain discovery material be treated as
`confidential, and upon good cause appearing, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED:
`Proceedings and Information Governed.
`This Order and any amendments or modifications hereto (together, the
`“Protective Order”) shall govern the disclosure and use by a receiving party of any
`document (including electronic documents), information (including electronically stored
`information), and/or testimony (a) produced, disclosed, and/or provided by a Party in
`discovery, or (b) produced, disclosed, and/or provided by a non-party in discovery. The
`documents, information, and testimony protected by this Protective Order includes, but are
`not limited to, documents and information produced, disclosed, and/or provided in
`connection with answers to interrogatories, answers to requests for admission, and responses
`to requests for production of documents; deposition transcripts and videotapes; deposition
`exhibits; compiled or un-compiled source code; and other records or writings or things
`produced, given, or filed in this action that are designated by a Party as “Confidential” or
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`“Confidential – Prosecution Bar” in accordance with the terms of this Protective Order, as
`well as any copies, excerpts, abstracts, analyses, summaries, descriptions, or other forms of
`recorded information containing, reflecting, or disclosing such information (together,
`“Discovery Materials”). Ocean Tomo, LLC, Jonathan Barney, and PatentRatings, LLC, as
`well as their officers, directors, employees, agents, and legal counsel, are referred to as the
`“Parties” for the purposes of this Protective Order.
`Designation and Maintenance of Discovery Materials as Confidential Or
`Confidential – Prosecution Bar.
`For purposes of this Protective Order, the “Confidential” designation may be used
`when Discovery Materials contain or constitute sensitive personal information; trade secrets;
`non-public information relating to commercial research or development, business or marketing
`strategies, data, and analyses, technical specifications, and vendor relationships; non-publicly
`available pricing and financial information; commercial, financial, budgeting and/or accounting
`information; new product information; technical know-how; product development; marketing
`and pricing strategies; compilations of industry data and consumer needs, habits and preferences;
`intellectual property and other technical information; non-published financial and sales
`information; information about existing customers; marketing studies; performance and
`projections; business strategies; decisions and/or negotiations; personnel compensation;
`evaluations and other employment information; and confidential and proprietary information
`about affiliate, parents, subsidiaries and third parties with whom the parties to this action have
`had business relationships which a producing party in good faith so designates because of its
`view that the information or any information derived therefrom contains or reflect confidential
`commercial information; and information required by law or agreement to be kept confidential.
`In the event of information required by agreement to be kept confidential, the party designating
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`the information as “Confidential” must identify, within a reasonable period of time, the
`agreement or agreements which it contends requires such information to be kept confidential.
`The Parties shall treat the item(s) as confidential unless and until the Court determines otherwise.
`Discovery Materials produced or disclosed during the course of this litigation
`within the scope of paragraph 2 may be designated by the producing Party as containing
`confidential information by placing on each page and each thing, in a manner that will not
`interfere with its legibility, the legends: “CONFIDENTIAL” and/or “SUBJECT TO
`PROTECTIVE ORDER.” Where Confidential Material is produced in a non-paper medium
`(e.g., video tapes, audio tapes, and electronic documents, data, and/or files), the confidentiality
`notice above should be placed on the medium, if possible, and its container, if any, so as to
`clearly give notice of the designation. In the event that electronic documents, data, and/or files
`are produced that do not readily permit the foregoing legends to be placed on each page, the
`Parties shall negotiate in good faith to reach a further agreement regarding the manner of
`designation and the handling of such Discovery Materials, which shall be consistent with the
`terms of this Protective Order.
`Except for documents produced for inspection, designation of confidential
`Discovery Materials shall be made before, or at the time of, production or disclosure. In the
`event that documents are produced for inspection, such documents may be produced for
`inspection before being marked “CONFIDENTIAL.” Once specific documents have been
`designated for copying, any documents containing confidential information will then be marked
`“CONFIDENTIAL” after copying but before delivery to the Party who inspected and
`designated the documents. There will be no waiver of confidentiality by the inspection of
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`confidential documents before they are copied and marked “CONFIDENTIAL” pursuant to
`this procedure.
`A Party may designate
`information disclosed at a deposition as
`“CONFIDENTIAL” by requesting the reporter to so designate the transcript or any portion
`thereof at the time of the deposition. If no such designation is made at the time of the deposition,
`any Party may thereafter designate the deposition or portions thereof as “CONFIDENTIAL” as
`long as such designation is made in writing and presented to the other Parties and to the court
`reporter within 30 days of the deposition. Each Party and the court reporter shall attach a copy of
`any final and timely written designation notice to the transcript and each copy thereof in its
`possession, custody, or control, and the portions designated in such notice shall thereafter be
`treated in accordance with this Protective Order. Any testimony that describes a document that
`has been designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” shall also be deemed to be designated as such.
`Counsel for any Disclosing Party shall have the right to exclude from oral depositions, other than
`the deponent, deponent’s counsel(s), the reporter, and videographer (if any), any person who is
`not authorized by this Protective Order to receive documents or information designated
`“Confidential.” Such right of exclusion shall be applicable only during periods of examination
`or testimony directed to or comprising Confidential Material. The Court Reporter or other
`person recording the proceedings shall segregate any portion of the transcript of the deposition or
`hearing which has been stated to contain Confidential Material and may furnish copies of these
`segregated portions, in a sealed envelope, only to the deponent, to the Court, and to counsel for
`the parties bound by the terms of this Protective Order. The Court Reporter may be asked to
`prepare Confidential or non-Confidential versions of the transcript, as appropriate.
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`For purposes of this Protective Order, the “Confidential – Prosecution Bar”
`designation may be used when Discovery Materials contain or constitute pending unpublished
`patent applications, current
`technology processes, ongoing
`research and
`development projects, and/or uncited prior art. The Parties shall treat the item(s) as confidential
`unless and until the Court determines otherwise.
`Inadvertent Failure to Designate.
`The inadvertent failure to designate Discovery Materials as “CONFIDENTIAL”
`or “CONFIDENTIAL – PROSECUTION BAR” will not be deemed to waive a later claim as to
`their confidential nature, or to stop the producing Party from so designating such Discovery
`Materials at a later date in writing and with particularity. Notwithstanding anything herein to the
`contrary, any Discovery Materials received by a Party that have not been designated as
`confidential shall not be considered confidential for purposes of this Protective Order until such
`time as the receiving Party receives notice in writing from the producing Party within a
`reasonable time of the change in the designation.
`IV. Disclosure and Use of Confidential Discovery Materials.
`All Discovery Materials produced in this litigation may only be used for purposes
`of the litigation between the Parties (including the pending action between the Parties in the
`Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois), and not for any other purpose. Discovery Materials
`designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL – PROSECUTION BAR” may only be
`shown to others as set forth in this Protective Order.
`The Parties shall not disclose or permit the disclosure of any Discovery
`under this Protective Order to any other person or entity, except as expressly contemplated
`herein, including in the following circumstances:
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`Disclosure may be made to court reporters engaged for depositions and
`those persons, if any, specifically engaged for the limited purpose of
`making photocopies.
`Disclosure may be made to the Parties’ respective in-house and outside
`counsel, and to employees of such counsel to whom disclosure is
`reasonably necessary for this litigation.
`Disclosure may be made to Mr. Barney.
`Disclosure may be made to employees, officers, and agents of Ocean
`Tomo, LLC and PatentRatings, LLC to whom disclosure is reasonably
`necessary for this litigation.
`Disclosure may be made to consultants, investigators, or experts
`employed by the Parties to assist in the preparation and trial of the
`lawsuit. Before disclosure to any consultant, investigator, or expert, the
`individual must be informed of and agree in writing to be subject to the
`provisions of this Order requiring that the Discovery Materials received be
`held in confidence, and must execute the “Acknowledgement and
`Agreement to be Bound,” attached hereto as Exhibit A.
`The author or recipient of such Discovery Materials.
`During depositions, witnesses in the action when disclosure is
`reasonably necessary and who have signed the “Acknowledgement and
`Agreement to be Bound,” unless otherwise agreed by the designating
`Party or ordered by the Court.
`Disclosure may be made to the Court.
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`Except as provided in paragraph 9 above or otherwise herein, the Parties
`shall keep all Discovery Materials designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL
`– PROSECUTION BAR” that are received under this Protective Order secure within their
`exclusive possession and shall take reasonable efforts to place such Discovery Materials in a
`secure area and appropriately identified so as to allow access to such information only to such
`persons and under such terms as is permitted under this Protective Order.
`11. All copies, duplicates, pleadings, extracts, summaries, or descriptions of
`Discovery Materials designated as confidential under this Order, or any portion thereof, shall
`be immediately affixed with the legend “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL –
`PROSECUTION BAR” if that legend does not already appear.
`Confidential or Confidential – Prosecution Bar Discovery Materials may be
`disclosed to a person, not already allowed access to such information under this Order, if: (a) the
`Discovery Materials were written or were previously received by the person; (b) the Discovery
`Materials were written or received by a director, officer, employee, or agent of the entity for
`which the person is testifying as a Fed. R. Civ. P. 30(b)(6) designee, or (c) counsel for the Party
`designating the Discovery Materials agrees in writing or otherwise on the record that the
`materials may be disclosed to the person. Disclosure of Discovery Materials pursuant to this
`paragraph shall not constitute a waiver of the confidential status of the materials so disclosed.
`Should any document or information designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or
`“CONFIDENTIAL – PROSECUTION BAR” be disclosed, through inadvertence or otherwise,
`to any person or party not authorized under this Protective Order, then the party responsible for
`the disclosure shall use its best efforts to retrieve such document and, if unable to do so, inform
`the Party that produced the Discovery Material of the disclosure.
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`Challenging Designations.
`14. A receiving Party may, in good faith, challenge a producing Party’s designation at
`any time. The burden of proving confidentiality and/or other designation remains with the
`Party asserting such designation.
`15. Any Party that wishes to challenge a designation shall first request in writing that
`the designating Party change the designation. That writing shall provide sufficient identification
`so that the designating Party can identify the Discovery Materials whose designation is being
`challenged. If the Discovery Materials being challenged are documents having identification
`numbers, the documents shall be identified by those numbers. The writing also shall describe the
`reason(s) that the challenging Party believes the designation should be changed.
`In the event that a designating Party does not voluntarily change the identified
`designation within seven (7) days of the written request provided for in Paragraph 15, the
`challenging Party may request a meet-and-confer with the designating Party. The meet-and-
`confer shall occur within fourteen (14) days of the request. The meet-and-confer shall include
`either an in-person or telephone dialogue between counsel for the challenging Party and the
`designating Party, and counsel shall attempt in good faith to resolve any disputes without the
`need for court intervention. During the meet-and-confer, the challenging Party must explain the
`basis for its belief that the designation was not proper and must give the designating Party an
`opportunity to review the designated Discovery Materials, to reconsider the circumstances, and,
`if no change in designation is offered, to explain the basis for the chosen designation. A
`challenging Party may proceed to the next stage of the challenge process only if it has engaged in
`this meet-and-confer process first, or has made a good faith, but unsuccessful, effort to do so.
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`If the Parties are unable to reach agreement regarding the challenge, the
`challenging Party may thereafter seek a Court Order to alter the status of the designated
`Discovery Materials. Said motion should identify the materials that are the subject of the
`challenge and set forth in detail the basis for the challenge. Until the Court rules on the
`challenge, all Parties shall continue to afford the Discovery Materials in question the level of
`protection to which it is entitled under the designating Party’s designation.
`VI. Non-Party Discovery Materials.
`The existence of this Order shall be disclosed to any person producing documents,
`tangible things, or testimony in this action who may reasonably be expected to desire
`confidential treatment for such Discovery Materials. Any such person may designate Discovery
`Materials confidential pursuant to this Order.
`VII. Disclosure of Privileged Discovery Materials.
`Notwithstanding anything in this Order, the burden of establishing the existence
`and applicability of the attorney-client privilege, the attorney work-product doctrine, and/or other
`applicable privileges and protections, and of complying with the requirements of Fed. R. Civ. P.
`26(b)(5)(A), remains with the Party asserting such privilege or protection.
`If a party inadvertently produces Discovery Materials that it later discovers, or in
`good faith later asserts, contain information that is protected from disclosure by the attorney-
`client privilege or some other applicable privilege or doctrine, the production of such Discovery
`Materials will not be presumed to constitute a waiver of any applicable privileges or other
`protections. In such circumstances, the Producing Party must notify all parties in writing of the
`inadvertent production and the basis for the privilege or other protection from disclosure, and
`request in writing the return or confirmed destruction of the privileged or protected information.
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`21. Within five (5) days of receiving such notification, all receiving parties must
`return or confirm destruction of all such materials, including copies and/or summaries thereof.
`Should a receiving party contest the applicability of a privilege or other protection
`asserted with respect to an inadvertently produced document or other Discovery Materials
`withheld on the basis of the attorney-client privilege, the attorney work-product doctrine, and/or
`some other applicable privilege or doctrine, the receiving party shall first request in writing that
`the designating Party produce the withheld documents. That writing shall provide sufficient
`identification so that the designating Party can identify the Discovery Materials being
`challenged. If the Discovery Materials being challenged are documents having identification
`numbers, the documents shall be identified by those numbers. The writing also shall describe the
`reason(s) that the challenging Party believes the privilege or doctrine is inapplicable, and/or that
`the reasons(s) that the designating Party has failed to establish the existence and applicability of
`the privilege or doctrine.
`In the event that a designating Party does not voluntarily produce the withheld
`documents within seven (7) days of the written request provided for in Paragraph 22, the
`challenging Party may request a meet-and-confer with the Party asserting the privilege. The
`meet-and-confer shall occur within fourteen (14) days of the request. The meet-and-confer shall
`include either an in-person or telephone dialogue between counsel for the challenging Party and
`the designating Party, and counsel shall attempt in good faith to resolve any disputes without the
`need for court intervention. During the meet-and-confer, the challenging Party must explain the
`basis for its belief that the privilege or other doctrine is inapplicable and must give the
`designating Party an opportunity to review the designated Discovery Materials, to reconsider the
`circumstances, and, the designating Party persists in its assertion of the privilege or other
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`doctrine, to explain the basis for the privilege or other doctrine. A challenging Party may proceed
`to the next stage of the challenge process only if it has engaged in this meet-and-confer process
`first, or has made a good faith, but unsuccessful, effort to do so.
`If the Parties are unable to reach agreement regarding the challenge, the
`challenging Party may thereafter seek a Court Order requiring production of the challenged
`Discovery Materials. Said motion should identify the materials that are the subject of the
`challenge and set forth in detail the basis for the challenge.
`VIII. No Prejudice.
`Stipulating to this Protective Order, producing or receiving confidential
`information, designating or not designating Discovery Materials, objecting or not objecting to a
`producing Party’s designation of Discovery Materials, or otherwise complying with the terms of
`this Protective Order, shall not (a) operate as a waiver or modification of, or prejudice in any
`way the rights of any Party to enforce or insist upon the performance of any other agreement or
`obligation between the Parties concerning the receipt, disclosure, and/or use of any documents or
`information, (b) operate as an admission by any Party that any particular confidential information
`contains or reflects trade secrets or any other type of confidential or proprietary information,
`(c) prejudice the rights of a Party to object to requests for production or disclosure of information
`or material that the Party does not consider to be within the scope of discovery, or that otherwise
`are objectionable; (d) prejudice the rights of a Party to object to the admission of information or
`material into evidence, (e) prejudice the rights of a Party to seek a determination by the Court
`that particular materials be produced, (f) prejudice the rights of a Party to object to the
`production of documents or information unless and until a further protective order is entered;
`(g) otherwise prejudice the rights of a Party to apply to the Court for further protective orders, or
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`(h) prevent the Parties from agreeing in writing to alter or waive the provisions or protections
`provided for herein with respect to any particular information or material.
`IX. Other Proceedings.
`If a receiving Party is served with a subpoena, order, or other compulsory process
`that would compel disclosure of any Discovery Materials designated confidential under the terms
`of this Protective Order, the receiving Party must so notify the designating Party in writing (by
`email, if possible) immediately and in no event more than three (3) court days after receiving the
`subpoena, order, or other compulsory process. Such notification must include a copy of the
`subpoena, order, or other compulsory process. The receiving Party also must immediately
`inform, in writing, the party who caused the subpoena, order, or other compulsory process to
`issue that the material covered by the subpoena, order, or other compulsory process is the subject
`of this Protective Order, and deliver a copy of this Protective Order to that party.
`The purpose of imposing these duties is to alert the interested Parties to the
`existence of this Protective Order and to afford the designating Party an opportunity to try to
`protect its confidentiality interests in the court or other forum from which the subpoena, order, or
`other compulsory process issued. The designating Party shall bear its own fees and the expenses
`of seeking protection in that forum of its Discovery Materials – and nothing in these provisions
`should be construed as authorizing or encouraging a receiving Party in this action to disobey a
`lawful directive from another court or forum.
`Prosecution Bar
`Absent written consent from the producing Party, any individual who receives
`access to documents and/or information designated “CONFIDENTIAL – PROSECUTION
`BAR” under this Protective Order shall not be involved in the prosecution of patents or patent
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`applications with respect to any inventions, innovations, products, and/or processes embodied by
`any documents and/or information marked “CONFIDENTIAL – PROSECUTION BAR” before
`any foreign or domestic agency, including the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“the
`Patent Office”). For purposes of this paragraph, “prosecution” includes directly or indirectly
`drafting, amending, advising, or otherwise affecting the scope or maintenance of patent claims.
`To avoid any doubt: (a) “prosecution” as used in this paragraph does not include challenging or
`defending a patent in a litigation proceeding or in an administrative proceeding before a domestic
`or foreign agency (including, but not limited to, a reissue protest, ex parte reexamination or inter
`partes reexamination); and (b) nothing herein is intended to or shall be interpreted as precluding
`Mr. Barney or PatentRatings from receiving or reviewing any documents and/or information
`marked “CONFIDENTIAL – PROSECUTION BAR” or using such documents and/or
`information in connection with taking any action to defend the validity and enforceability of any
`patent currently held by Mr. Barney, PatentRatings, and/or any other entity (with the exception
`of Ocean Tomo) in which Mr. Barney has an interest, directly or indirectly. This Prosecution Bar
`shall begin when access to “CONFIDENTIAL – PROSECUTION BAR” information is first
`received by the affected individual and shall end two (2) years after final termination of this
`XI. Miscellaneous
`After final disposition of both this action and any related action between the
`Parties in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, including any appeals, and within ninety
`(90) days of a written request from the producing Party, the receiving Party shall return promptly
`to the Party from whom they were obtained, all documents, other than attorney work-product,
`which have been designated “Confidential” or “Confidential – Prosecution Bar” or destroy same
`upon request; and return or destroy all copies made thereof, including all documents, or copies
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`provided by a Party to any other person. At the conclusion of the 90-day period, upon written
`request, the Parties shall represent in writing that to his or her knowledge and belief the party has
`either returned or destroyed all Confidential or Confidential – Prosecution Bar material in
`accordance with this Protective Order.
`The Court retains jurisdiction even after termination of this action to enforce this
`Protective Order and to make such amendments, modifications, deletions and additions to this
`Protective Order as the Court may from time to time deem appropriate. The disclosing parties
`reserve all rights to apply to the Court at any time, before or after termination of this action, for
`an order: (i) modifying this Protective Order, (ii) seeking further protection against discovery or
`use of Confidential or Confidential – Prosecution Bar Material or other documents or
`information, or (iii) seeking further production, discovery, disclosure, or use of claimed
`Confidential or Confidential – Prosecution Bar Material or other documents or information.
` E
` N T E R:
`Dated: May 19, 2014
`United States Magistrate Judge
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