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`Page 2 of 18
`PTOL—85 Part B (10-13) Approved for use through 10/31/2013.
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`OMB 0651-0033
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Page 2 of 18

`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`Jonathan A. Barney
`IRVINE, CA 92614
`DATE MAILED: 05/21/2015
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`Page 4 of 18

`Notice of Allowability
`Application No.
`-- The MAILING DA TE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address--
`All claims being allowable, PROSECUTION ON THE MERITS IS (OR REMAINS) CLOSED in this application.
`If not included
`herewith (or previously mailed), a Notice of Allowance (PTOL—85) or other appropriate communication will be mailed in due course. THIS
`NOTICE OF ALLOWABILITY IS NOT A GRANT OF PATENT RIGHTS. This application is subject to withdrawal from issue at the initiative
`of the Office or upon petition by the applicant. See 37 CFR 1.313 and MPEP 1308.
`1. IX This communication is responsive to amendments filed 10/27/2014.
`D A declaration(s)/affidavit(s) under 37 CFR 1.130(b) was/were filed on
`2. I:l An election was made by the applicant in response to a restriction requirement set forth during the interview on
`requirement and election have been incorporated into this action.
`; the restriction
`3. IX The allowed cIaim(s) is/are 2-21 (as renumbered to claims 1-20). As a result of the allowed cIaim(s), you may be eligible to benefit
`from the Patent Prosecution Highway program at a participating intellectual property office for the corresponding application. For
`more information, please see htt ‘://w\.» to.‘ ov/ atents/inii: events/‘
`ta/ or send an inquiry to PPHfeedbEiCk@LiS ‘to. ov .
`4. I:l Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)—(d) or (f).
`Certified copies:
`a) I:l All
`b) D Some
`*c) I:I None of the:
`1. El Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2. I:I Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No.
`3. El Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this national stage application from the
`International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)).
`* Certified copies not received:
`Applicant has THREE MONTHS FROM THE “MAILING DATE” of this communication to file a reply complying with the requirements
`noted below. Failure to timely comply will result in ABANDONMENT of this application.
`5. I] CORRECTED DRAWINGS ( as “replacement sheets”) must be submitted.
`including changes required by the attached Examiner’s Amendment / Comment or in the Office action of
`Paper No./Mail Date
`Identifying indicia such as the application number (see 37 CFR 1.84(c)) should be written on the drawings in the front (not the back) of
`each sheet. Replacement sheet(s) should be labeled as such in the header according to 37 CFR 1.121(d).
`6. I] DEPOSIT OF and/or INFORMATION about the deposit of BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL must be submitted. Note the
`attached Examiner’s comment regarding REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEPOSIT OF BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL.
`1. IX] Notice of References Cited (PTO—892)
`2. IX] Information Disclosure Statements (PTO/SB/08),
`Paper No./Mail Date 10/27/2014
`3. I] Examiner’s Comment Regarding Requirement for Deposit
`of Biological Material
`4. IX Interview Summary (PTO—413),
`Paper No./Mail Date 20150413.
`Primary Examiner, Art Unit 2162
`5. IX Examiner’s Amendment/Comment
`6. IX Examiner’s Statement of Reasons for Allowance
`7. I:I Other
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTOL-37 (Rev. 08-13)
`Notice of Allowability
`Part of Paper No./Mail Date 20150413
`Page 5 of 18
`Page 5 of 18

`Application/Control Number: 14/338,208
`Page 2
`Art Unit: 2162
`Claims 2-21 (as renumbered to claims 1-20) are allowed over the prior art of
`record. Claim 1 had been previously cancelled.
`An examiner’s amendment to the record appears below. Should the changes
`and/or additions be unacceptable to applicant, an amendment may be filed as provided
`by 37 CFR 1.312. To ensure consideration of such an amendment, it MUST be
`submitted no later than the payment of the issue fee.
`Authorization for this examiner’s amendment was given in a telephonic interview
`with the attorney of record, Kenneth M. Frazier on 04/10/2015.
`The examiner’s amendments are as follow:
`In the claims:
`Claims 2 and 9 have been amended as following:
`(Currently Amended) A computerized search engine for identifying and
`ranking relevant documents from a corpus of citationally-related documents, said
`computerized search engine comprising:
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`Page 6 of 18

`Application/Control Number: 14/338,208
`Art Unit: 2162
`an input interface
`Page 3
`enables a user to select a first set of identification information identifying one or
`more input documents from said corpus of citationally-related documents;
`a computer-accessible index stored in a computer—readable storage
`said computer-accessible index comprising identification information
`identifying each potential input document from said corpus of citationally-related
`documents and, for each said potential input document, identification information
`identifying a selected number of citationally-related potential output documents
`from said corpus of citationally-related documents, said computer-accessible
`index further comprising for each pair of citationally-related potential
`document and potential output document a first numerical
`score that
`statistically correlated to the probability that a direct citation exists between each
`said pair of citationally related documents and wherein said first numerical score
`is calculated based at least in part on how many indirect citations exist between
`each said pair of citationally related documents and, for each indirect citation,
`how many citation links separate each said pair of citationally-related documents;
`a computer processor configured to execute instructions stored in a
`computer—readable storage device, said instructions configured to cause said
`computer processor to:
`from said computer-accessible index, a second set of
`identification information identifying one or more output documents
`corresponding to each of said one or more input documents and, for each
`Page 7 of 18
`Page 7 of 18

`Application/Control Number: 14/338,208
`Page 4
`Art Unit: 2162
`identified pair of citationally-related input document and output document,
`said corresponding first numerical score; and
`calculate, for each identified output document, a second numerical
`score that is statistically correlated to the probability that a direct citation
`exists between any of said one or more input documents and each said
`identified output document, and wherein said second numerical score is
`calculated based at least in part on said first numerical score; and
`an output interface
`to display search results comprising identification information corresponding to
`said one or more output documents and wherein said search results are ranked
`in accordance with said second numerical score.
`(Previously Presented) The computerized search engine of Claim 2
`wherein said computer-accessible index comprises,
`for each said potential
`document, identification information identifying each citationally-related potential output
`document extending at least three generations and not more than five generations from
`each said potential input document.
`(Previously Presented) The computerized search engine of Claim 2
`wherein said instructions are configured to cause said computer processor to calculate
`said second numerical score for each said identified output document by calculating the
`mathematical sum of said first numerical score for each corresponding identified pair of
`citationally-related input document and output document.
`Page 8 of 18
`Page 8 of 18

`Application/Control Number: 14/338,208
`Page 5
`Art Unit: 2162
`(Previously Presented) The computerized search engine of Claim 2
`wherein said instructions are configured to cause said computer processor to calculate
`said second numerical score for each said identified output document by calculating the
`statistical probability that each said identified output document is citationally related at
`the first generation to said one or more input documents.
`(Previously Presented) The computerized search engine of Claim 2
`wherein said input interface and/or said output interface enable said user to select said
`first set of identification information at least in part from said search results.
`(Previously Presented) The computerized search engine of Claim 2
`wherein said output interface visually displays said search results in the form of an
`interactive chart or graph.
`(Previously Presented) The computerized search engine of Claim 2
`wherein said output interface visually displays said search results in the form of an
`interactive self-organizing map.
`(Currently Amended) A computer system for enabling a user to execute
`one or more search queries to identify and rank relevant documents from a corpus of
`citationally-related documents, said computer system comprising:
`an input interface that
`enables said user to select a first set of identification information identifying one
`or more input documents from said corpus of citationally-related documents;
`a computer-accessible index stored in a computer—readable storage
`said computer-accessible index comprising identification information
`Page 9 of 18
`Page 9 of 18

`Application/Control Number: 14/338,208
`Page 6
`Art Unit: 2162
`identifying each potential input document from said corpus of citationally-related
`documents and, for each said potential input document, identification information
`identifying a selected number of citationally-related potential output documents
`from said corpus of citationally-related documents, said computer-accessible
`index further comprising for each pair of citationally-related potential
`document and potential output document a first numerical score configured to
`have a statistical correlation to whether a direct citation exists between said
`corresponding pair of citationally-related documents and wherein said first
`numerical score is calculated based at
`in part on how many indirect
`citations exist between each said pair of citationally related documents and, for
`each indirect citation, how many citation links separate each said pair of
`citationally-related documents;
`a computer processor configured to execute instructions stored in a
`computer—readable storage device, said instructions configured to cause said
`computer processor to:
`use said first set of identification information to ascertain, from said
`computer-accessible index, a second set of
`identification information
`identifying, for each of said one or more input documents, a selected
`number of citationally-related output documents and,
`for each pair of
`citationally-related input document and output document,
`said first
`numerical score; and
`Page 10 of 18
`Page 10 of 18

`Application/Control Number: 14/338,208
`Page 7
`Art Unit: 2162
`calculate, for each of said citationally-related output documents, a
`second numerical score configured to have a statistical correlation to
`whether a direct citation exists between any of said one or more input
`documents and each of said citationally-related output documents, and
`wherein said second numerical score is calculated based at least in part
`on said first numerical score; and
`an output interface
`to present search query results comprising a third set of identification information
`identifying one or more of said citationally-related output documents and wherein
`said search query results are sorted and displayed in accordance with said
`second numerical score.
`(Previously Presented) The computer system of Claim 9 wherein said
`computer-accessible index comprises,
`for each said potential
`input document,
`identification information identifying each citationally-related potential output document
`extending at least three generations and not more than five generations from each said
`potential input document.
`(Previously Presented) The computer system of Claim 9 wherein said
`instructions are configured to cause said computer processor to calculate said second
`numerical score for each of said citationally-related output documents by calculating the
`sum of said first numerical score for each corresponding pair of
`citationally-related input document and output document.
`Page 11 of 18
`Page 11 of 18

`Application/Control Number: 14/338,208
`Page 8
`Art Unit: 2162
`(Previously Presented) The computer system of Claim 9 wherein said
`instructions are configured to cause said computer processor to calculate said second
`numerical score for each of said citationally-related output documents by calculating the
`statistical probability that each of
`said citationally-related output documents
`citationally related at the first generation to said one or more input documents.
`(Previously Presented) The computer system of Claim 9 wherein said
`input interface and said output interface enable said user to select said first set of
`identification information at least in part from said search query results comprising said
`third set of identification information.
`(Previously Presented) The computer system of Claim 9 wherein said
`output interface presents said search query results in the form of an interactive chart or
`(Previously Presented) The computer system of Claim 9 wherein said
`output presents said search query results in the form of an interactive self-organizing
`(Previously Presented) A computer-implemented method for identifying
`and ranking relevant documents from a corpus of citationally-related documents, said
`computer-implemented method comprising:
`configured with
`computer-executable instructions:
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`Page 12 of 18

`Application/Control Number: 14/338,208
`Page 9
`Art Unit: 2162
`receiving a first set of identification information identifying one or
`more input documents from said corpus of citationally-related documents;
`using said first set of identification information to ascertain, from a
`computer-accessible index:
`i) a second set of identification information
`identifying, for each of said one or more input documents, a selected
`number of citationally-related output documents, and ii) for each identified
`pair of citationally-related input document and output document, a first
`numerical score having a statistical correlation to whether a direct citation
`exists between each said identified pair of citationally-related documents,
`said computer-accessible index comprising: i)
`information identifying each potential
`input document from said
`information identifying, for each said potential
`input document, a
`selected number of citationally-related potential output documents
`from said corpus of citationally-related documents, and iii) said first
`numerical score pre—calculated for each potential pair of citationally-
`related potential input document and potential output document and
`wherein said first numerical score is calculated based at least in
`part on how many indirect citations exist between each said
`potential pair of citationally related documents and, for each indirect
`citation, how many citation links separate each said potential pair of
`citationally-related documents;
`Page 13 of 18
`Page 13 of 18

`Application/Control Number: 14/338,208
`Page 10
`Art Unit: 2162
`calculating, for each of said citationally-related output documents, a
`second numerical score configured to have a statistical correlation to
`whether a direct citation exists between any of said one or more input
`documents and each of said citationally-related output documents, and
`wherein said second numerical score is calculated based at least in part
`on said first numerical score; and
`displaying a search query result comprising a third set of
`identification information identifying one or more of said citationally-related
`output documents and wherein said search query results are sorted in
`accordance with each said corresponding second numerical score.
`(Previously Presented) The computer—implemented method of Claim 16
`wherein said computer-accessible index comprises,
`for each said potential
`document, identification information identifying each citationally-related potential output
`document extending at least three generations and no more than five generations from
`each said potential input document.
`(Previously Presented) The computer—implemented method of Claim 16
`wherein calculating said second numerical score comprises calculating, for each output
`document, the mathematical sum of said first numerical score for each corresponding
`identified pair of citationally-related input document and output document.
`(Previously Presented) The computer—implemented method of Claim 16
`wherein calculating said second numerical score comprises calculating, for each output
`Page 14 of 18
`Page 14 of 18

`Application/Control Number: 14/338,208
`Page 11
`Art Unit: 2162
`the statistical probability that each said output document
`is citationally
`related at the first generation to at least one of said one or more input documents.
`(Previously Presented) The computer—implemented method of Claim 16
`further comprising selecting said first set of identification information at least in part from
`said displayed search query results comprising said third set of
`(Previously Presented) The computer—implemented method of Claim 16
`further comprising visually displaying said search query results in the form of an
`interactive chart, graph, or map.
`Reason for Allowance
`The following is an examiner’s statement of reasons for allowance:
`The closest prior art that Examiner encountered during search of prior art are
`Pitkow et al., US 6,286,018 B1 (disclosing finding a set of documents relevant to a focus
`set using citation analysis) and Breitzman, US 2006/0074867 A1 (disclosing identifying
`documents related to each other using citation analysis). However, said prior art fails to
`disclose or suggest the combination of claims 2, 9, and 16, specifically claimed
`provisions of:
`for each pair of citationally-related potential input document and potential output
`document a first numerical score that is statistically correlated to the probability that a
`Page 15 of 18
`Page 15 of 18

`Application/Control Number: 14/338,208
`Page 12
`Art Unit: 2162
`direct citation exists between each said pair of citationally related documents and
`wherein said first numerical score is calculated based at least in part on how many
`indirect citations exist between each said pair of citationally related documents and, for
`each indirect citation, how many citation links separate each said pair of citationally-
`related documents; and to calculate, for each identified output document, a second
`numerical score that is statistically correlated to the probability that a direct citation
`exists between any of said one or more input documents and each said identified output
`document, and wherein said second numerical score is calculated based at least in part
`on said first numerical score.
`The above limitations in combination with other limitations of claims 1, 9, and 16
`are not disclosed or suggested by the prior art that the Examiner encountered during
`the search of prior art.
`The dependent claims, being definite, further limiting, and fully enabled by the
`specification are also allowed.
`Any comments considered necessary by applicant must be submitted no later
`than the payment of the issue fee and, to avoid processing delays, should preferably

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