`This License.A7g'reje_me'n_t{(“Agre'ement") is entered into by and between Patentkatings,
`‘ " "‘limited,liebility company, having (offices at -1990.10 MaeArthur=i3lVd,»Su.ite
`l 150,:-Irvi ’
`;9265l~—2';.("LlCENSOR-”), and .O‘cean.Tomo,)LlJC_, d_./.b/ii. I/Cf/Mll3;'§)eean 'I‘:om’o;
`van Illinois3ilimi'te'd—liiability.:con1pany, having ‘offices a't;2() Northjwacker‘Driye,'27""Fl9o1j,
`*ChiG3.£¥?a -.l1..6o‘6o6?(‘*i3ICBNsBB’{), ahdwill be effective —as, of September 1_, 2004- (the “Effective
`WHEKEAS,_'LICBNS.0R possesses certain technologytand other _proprietary intellectual
`propertyl rights ‘relatingto certain software, al'gorithms.and techniques ‘for statistically analyzing,
`rating, n‘1'appin'g.and valuing patents and other intellectual property assets (“P-atenfllatings Tools,"
`as. defined ’h'orein)';.
`WHEREAS; LICENSEE wishes to -obtain from LICBNSOR certain licenses under the
`'l' eonditibnsset forth in this :Agreemen_t to use-the Patentkatings ‘Pools; and
`LICEHSQR is w.;il‘lin_gto grant LICENSEE such licenses under the terms
`aiid LICENSEE;<:oIiourrently’\yith:thiS- Lieoiigevgggrteemeni will
`Lxehan‘geAgr'ec‘ni'entV(tlio“Equify,Agr e‘n'1'
`"s p;rincipaIs.‘has.sold‘m_rdtransfen-ed‘§o0,00
`f:I;lCE=N-SO‘R='in .exchangc-for 1.00 '.Ufr1its,of_the.fotal30,"u't$ _.rding,efqur.ty of’
`_ WIT -'a$-‘a. r'_xece_sSary.al1d _integral pan.-offlietransaetions contemplated by and
`‘described-‘i’ his ;A-g'r‘e<:m'ent. and the Equity Agreement,-LlCE'NSOR,— LICENSEE and Jonathan
`A. Baitney
`'otiter'iato that ccrtain letter agreement ..of even date‘ horewiili (the “Letter
`N'OW,JTHEiREl?0I§E,,in (:o.nsid_er'ation oftho rnutual-ieovegiahtst and 'rc_’pr'escn;tations rsct
`%fo_'r"t-Ii hereiii,.éjufid forJ~'.<_itlie._r'goo_d' and yaltxalile coxrsideration,_tlze, receipt and su-'ffi'ciency of w'h'i<:h
`, lgnow_1§dged,jand intend; be legally bound, the-_p’an'~ies heroto.éigr_ee asyfellows:
`"‘Affiliate” will mean any person, natural or. othenvise, who‘ is‘an-agent,
`: 1.1
`_ representative, distributor, division; or subsidiary, whether wholly owned or otherwise, of the
`party to this Aigrcernent or who is controlled or directed by such party. For purposes of this
`definition, flretcnn “corm'ol" will mean the power -to direct or cause the direction of the
`management or policies of such person or, with respect to a person that is a corporation, the right
`V Ocean Tomo Ex. 1oo2-oo1
`Ocean Tomo Ex. 1002-001


`to exercise, directly or ‘indirectly, more than 50%.of‘tl1e‘voting rights atixibntable to the Shares of
`‘the cap ital stock of such’corporat'ion.
`‘“Chang‘e*o'f Conlrol” with respect to -a Person means the .ooourron'<>e.of‘one or
`more of-the.fol-lowing: (i')~‘the’ acquisition byany Person (or r’e'lated~group ofPersons), whether by
`tender or excliange offer made--directly to the stoclgholdérs, open market :purchases»or any other
`tIansact~io'n"or si3rijéS- of‘transactions; of more than-_-fifty percent (50%) of-tl,ie,capital stock entitled
`1;_o>ele.ct thjo:rnenil>;'crs o£_theI'b"o_atd"ofdirectors or other "analogous governing body of"such Person;
`(ii) a inorger-or‘_co"nsblida(ion .in~.wl'1'i(:lx.-such Person is. not the2§urvivi_ng' en‘ti_ty3 except for =a
`'-transaction in which-{he securities ofsutch Pfcrson ilnmoiiiatolyipjrioi mconsiimmution ofisuoh
`-.-merger:.or,oonsolidatTion are co,nve_ited~‘l_5y 1_i1,caf_ls‘of»su<_ih m'e_rge_’x=‘or consolidation into 's‘ecurilies
`representing more than fi_fiy:perc‘e_n_t(50%) ofthe to_,tal.'_oom'_binod voting power of rho surviving
`'entity; or ’(ii_D=8nyE:_'r vérfie. m'<:i‘ which such-Porsonvisihezsurviving entity but in which the
`secnriéiesof siicjh-P rso ' '_i'in‘rri’e'diatol3f¢,'prior~to consufnniationrof such;r;eYers,o.nidrgcr represent
`l,¢SS'il1a'n p_’or.c§‘n .
`_ _,p).ofthetofalrcombinoaoidtingigbwe
`'fs,uch;snrvi\zin§.enli;y’_s capital
`-stock outstanding immediately-‘after consum1Yiatidn40fsDiili
`r got;
`r . __ “linpr‘ovement”—means any revisions, u‘pda.tcsi_, i1pgradés;ne.w versions or releases
`.o'f’th’e ‘Pafen'tR:fti’ngs Tools.
`“-l'P~'Mnrchant.Banking” means mefclmnt banking services with intellectual
`property’ being the"s"cc‘;n'ri_e‘d or target asset underlying oneor more merchant banking services,
`ot‘l;engiirrgi; debt oollat¢_ra‘lization;' sale-leaseaback; risk managcmentg» investment
`.banking; 0.l?hor,p'_roducts andvsonvices dffered'b_y-LICENSEE nowgor in (W3 T,utur.¢.
`-"‘L5i¢éiIs‘€‘dl$§ights" m'e'ans,, col’Icctiv'e'ly, the Patontkalings 'l’2itents-'-and , Licensed.
`3"d1s '
`’ "‘Lioensod Site” means l.lCENSEE’s current.ofli‘c_e.'loéaiioiis in Cl1ioago,_San
`liragiqisoog’Greonwioi1,A;CN and-.Louisv:iil‘ev and any zfumre:o£fico:lb¢atinns'where the
`Patentkzitinigs Irools.-arexdesircd "to be'in'$tall.ed and operated.
`“_Pate_x1t-Ratings Analysis?’ mcansjarry in‘
`..p1atent,.ra_ting r_.e_ports.(e.~g.,A IPQZ sooros
`data’--outptltrofione-or:morefiPaten£I{atings ‘Fools, i'nolL_'1<',l_
`and related. analysis), vportfolio niappingv-analysis, strategic analyois and--rocommendations,.an‘d
`lvpatcnrvaluration-.(c6llectively, "Pa/tcnrmitings -Analysis”). Patontkatings analysis shall not
`-include delivery or §ublijc.ens_ing Qf'thc- Patcnfliatings Tools, including any formulas, soflware‘ or
`alogrithms-, nor. shall it ‘lnélude delivery or subliconsing of all or-‘substantially all of the data
`.u1\d'erlj3/ing» or produ’ced‘by the Pate.n.l‘RalIings Tools.
`“l_’aten{tRaling$ Copyrights’-‘ n1eansaJ.l .orig_inal protfcgiible works ‘as de_fined under
`U._S. and international.c<2pyright~ laws, in_cl'nding~-all original software and-computer progranis,
`mafliematicqlvalgorithms; operating séliematics, and n'1anu'_al_s»an‘d the:overall branding and look
`and-fo'olv.‘devc'lopcdv for or embodied in the 'PatcntR'a'tings' web site; its ruling and valuation reports
`and its collateral .materi‘als.
`Ocean Tomo Ex. 1002-002
`Ocean Tomo Ex. 1002-002


`"7‘Pat'enlRa‘fings Marl(s_’."m‘ear)s all trademarks, trade dress, product andlpackaging
`configurations, ‘and other -unique lnranding, elements associat‘ed»witli, embodied in, or developed‘
`.=for’Patcn'tRat_ings. and -all-'go'odw_il:l associated therewit'h,.including..t'hose set forth in Schedule “B”
`"‘l’a'ten;Rjatings‘l?atents" means‘ all parent applications;-and patents, and an
`'co'nti'nuations_', continuafioiis
`nit-, divisionals, a.n‘d:I’o're_ign counlcrpans ofvsuclxfpatentsand patent
`japlsl-ications"rhat'are ow'né;d_ y.- CENSOR.
`‘5Paten,tR2'i__tings "Foo_ls”'means- LICENSOR:’s’ te.clmology,. k_n_oAw-7h_‘('>'\'v-, 's’o.fiv/are (,
`1.1 I
`computer algorithms, techniques, for statistically malyzing, ratinjg, mapping and valuing patents
`and/or other intellectual Vpropcrty assets, and i‘nclu_ding»an‘y documentation and research relating
`to such softwarc)_and.o'ther~LlC-BNSOR int,elle'c.tual property relalingvto the‘. foregoing (including
`the l?atent/Ratings. Pat‘.er1ls,_P5tontRa;in'gs Copy:-igl~its’~and Pateritkatings Marks).
`“i?e'm'ofi’-’”rr1r’;nns.uI‘1_')I inllividfial, .I5at1ne_r§hip;_'firm; corporation, -association,-m’1st_,
`unincorporated organization or '_o_th’e'r -entigy, a‘s'w¢‘7; gmup 0f'aL0)* of are
`. foregoing;
`:1 1. 1,3
`‘f1:ecnna=1'ogy.:i.=12;ei:sei‘means theraccess to .thel’afent=Raf~ings 'l"ools~ aridassociated
`LE 2 and A-RTICLB 3.
`. l:ifccns_:.eis s,é._to£9.flh in-:A
`A"»R'l’IC-LE .2
` . _ H ’ ‘ "
`'-Prornptly<fo|lowing’flie‘ execut-ion.~of»lhis Agreement,
`LICENSOR -will"proyide~LICENtS-BE‘wlth'the Patentkatings Tools for installationtarrd
`use at:1~h_e Licen_s§>d.Sites.
`‘I-‘he parties contemplatcihat there is certain additional-development
`steps "to .bIcvi'>om,pl.'eted i_n:o‘r<le:" to complete such insra'l'lation, including developing appropriate
`useriiiterfaccs, portingthe PatentF£at-lugs '1‘oo'ls'to L1CBNSE'E”svnctwork, and enabling network
`access-(tthc “Ac-l'diti',onal‘Developmcnt‘{).
`'l?heipart-ies agree th‘at‘tl1o.-Addi-t‘ional Development will
`- be completed Within 60 days.
`blinprovements, During rl1e'Tcrln,LICENS0R will provld_e‘I-_2lCENSBE'with
`similar .é1ccéa'sjs_ ‘to any I'_rnprovornen1;s‘:Wlthin "a commercially reasonable‘-tilne followinglhc
`=coxnp.l"etion,of»a_Ily sucl'lvI1nprovern'erit.
`Liinlfcdficensc. LICENSOR hereby grants to LICENSEE, subjectto the terms
`and conditions ol".this.Agroemc'n_t (including the-specific restrictions and reservations contained
`in At1Ii'cle~.3.2,)..a:.l'i-r'nit.6<.3 excluslve,.royalty-free, worldwidg, -non-transferable (except ’asprovide._d
`in Article ll.) license to:
`Ocean Tomo Ex. 1002-003
`Ocean Tomo Ex. 1002-003


`r‘_epro';1uce,,in'stall, and—useIihe'.Patent]iatings"Tools and Iijiprovexrlentsfat
`(3) i
`l..icensed*_Sitjesfor'LlCBNSEE’s 'in't'ernal use oniy;and.;fo_r the 6tl1éf‘ii_sjes:~e.xpr:ess'ly'permitted
`;l1_erei'n, and
`distribute, sell, license or other transfer for iise7(or"off'er=to sell; l_ic'ens‘é- or
`otherwise transfer for use), and display.PatentRatin_gs Analysisftorthirdspartiesrfor a fee.
`The licensed rights granted above under Article 33(6) shall be exclusive to LICENSEE during.
`the term of this Agreement ‘for the-specific business of 1? Merchant Banking as defined herein.
`The licensed rights ‘granted above under Article 3.1 (b) shall berexclusive-to LICENSEE during
`the term of this agreement for the unique products and services developed by or for.LICENSEB _
`incorporating th’e‘PaI'entRatings Analysis.
`3.2 ict"ons~and Reservations.
`Except as -otlierwise expressly provided-in Article 11 below, all rights and
`licenses {granted herein are personal and,n_on-assignable, exeeptsas specifically authorized in
`wr;iting,.a'rid LICENSEE‘-W’-i’ll not"thorized to assign-, transfer, ~sub.license, or di_vi’cle:a,ny of
`the. rights; granted lieréin or any ‘ofits obligations without ’the.:e,xpress vs'i'r_il,te'n”autli§«:>riz'z‘iti.on.ofT
`Not'h_in'g‘-herei11'will"betconstrued -as.a‘con.vey5an'c'e, ns’sig'nment, or
`minsference ofnny-ownership’ rights in "or to the Licensed Rights.
`TLICENSEB exp:essl_y;aclm‘ow|eclg‘es‘the exclusive rights previously
` . . ' ‘ _. .1ha‘t~wouId~x::o'nflic: with ‘the.=I{osefhay,,t.\:g
`LICENSEE‘:spe'citica11y-:z;grees.:thatit.shall.not use-Ihje Techriology-License; fh ~—PatIcntRa’lin‘gS
`'-Tools or PatentRntings,-.A'nal§:sis-to eon‘di_'Ic_'t jo‘r.'assis_t ‘others-to conduct‘.secnriiies‘pricing-analysis
`of anypubliely_héld_.eon1pariies or to bnyor-s'e_l‘l ‘securities -in anyipuiiliely held-_conhpan':i'es-for its
`‘own .ace’o.u_nts orjth_e zajizeounts ofjothers basedthercon.
`LICENSOR expressryail fights not-specifically granted.
`-R-:oyg'lties. provided in Section ]0.3(a) with respect toian Extension
`Agreement, the Teclmology Lioenseis royally-‘free;
`Lieer1see_Cgveriant. LICENSEE agrees tocharge reasonable fees to its clients and »
`customers for access an'd.use ofPatentRatii_ig,s.An‘alysis. Such reasonzrble fees will be ‘no less
`Ocean Tomo Ex. 1002-004
`Ocean Tomo Ex. 1002-004


`than the lowest fee cha’rged‘by UCENSEE for theflsame or similar produ‘ct$'or services.
`LICENSEE agrees to promptly repon andfpay to LICENSOR any revenues-or other consideration
`.actually~calle_cted_b.y LICENSEE from its clients or customers for PatentRatings Analysis.
`RevenueI'I‘ra‘ns'fer. In consideration for the licenses ‘granted.herei11-zandlotlier
`jfenrts-Vand conditions_.h'eijeof, LICENSEE agrees .to_ "pay LlCBN.SOR.any reveniies're<:eiVed by
`"L-lC;El~ISBE_,inA ‘accordance with S.eetien::4'.2, -for aeeess andznse ofParei1tRatin‘gs;A'1iaiysis=,minus
`.-any sales, use, value added, or other taxes imposed, by any national, state.
`or foreign
`_go.v'emment and paid by andlor for =LICENS'EE as a-eonsequenee ofsnch license-oi-.other_ Vt:-ansfer
`each calendar quarter.
`Revenues will be payable‘ quarterly on the 30"‘ day following the end of
`IfLICENSEE fails ‘to pay any sum ‘under this A-g_r,ee'ii1ent-"on dfbefore the
`duedate thereof, the balance owed will bear 'in,’th‘e‘.r_a_te of=17% p‘er=montli"fi<emethe:due
`datethe11eo‘f-nnfil_paid.; "If th‘.i's‘.‘rate exceeds the ma'xi'mum:rate allowaW5le._liy"law;=fh‘mi
`‘ae'crue'at them aaéimurn rate allowable. In no eventwill-accep.taiice~.o‘f_,
`.fia.yn1§iithy XCENSOR
`~c.onstit‘nte a waiver of any :b,rcach- of any term--or pr_<‘ofthis Agreenieiit by LICENSEE if
`any such breaehvvwill have occurred.
`Time is-o.f'tlie-esserjéfe.with respeet'to115’nyin‘£:n‘ts -d'u~e-jto- LICBNSQK
`'liereun‘der,. and.,LICBN:SEE-lrereby‘acknowledges-imd a.gIc.‘es1hat ali pa}/xn¢n!s.heréiiii‘§le" " " -'
`‘refundable-andurat al1y}rr_1m'iriBr ‘Of'pa§/n1'e’nt ‘otliervthan tl1at«‘speeifie7f£lI}'-‘slajtedfli ein inbfluding;
`wilrhout limitation,_payment‘ into an escrow account, pzlyniemto ea trustee or. othei<tl'1i’rd‘;pa'x1'y, or
`any other olfscts, deductions, or the like will c'on‘s'tilute a 'n’1'atér;i_al breath ‘of this Agreement‘.
`flt"is=-expresély‘ 1niderstood-'1-li,at‘- t'»l1is.Agre_e,rne1i.t':aII1<ia_ny Reve‘nu‘e__s-.__p‘aitl in
`accordance with this A-riicle are r'tlie.~Teéhnolbg:-y.Liee
`"et foftli-liefei
`services requested-to be
`H _
`l*s'e_paraIelvy_.-based; on: agreed
`patent:ma_pp‘in‘g. and .a,r_i '
`'_e‘r.Vn_;ejntA<‘>__f. epmenseé,
`« 4.5
`A‘c’c'oum-in'g offieveiiue.
`IJCENSEE will keep acen_rnte records in accordance with generally
`aocopted accounting principles, and ‘in sufficientdetail so as ‘to enable LICENSQR -to=accnrl:tely
`determine the '.Re‘vennes payablelhereunder.
`Ocean Tomo Ex. 1002-005
`Ocean Tomo Ex. 1002-005


`_ _.Coucprren;1y with eachiggayrnggnt-ofilevenues hereunder LICENSEE will
`provide to LICENS'0R a written: report=identi-firing-Reveriues invoiced and 'co.llee{ed"along with
`relevant invoices’ or~receipt(s) showingappropriate paymem(s_) made to LICENSOR.
`LICENSEE fiiflher &_i‘gt_'eesrto,.~permi't LICENSOR or its designee-(subject to
`.Ll_CBNSEE’s reasonable approval) to inspect or audit'LICENSEE’s records from time to time,
`provided, however, that reasonable notice ‘thereof will be given‘ and that LICBNSOR will conduct
`any such inspections or audits during nonmal business hours 'and_only to theextent necessary to
`determine or verify any royalty-payments required hereunder, and LICENSIOR agrees not to
`conductmore"than one snob inspeetion or audit in each calendar
`If:any such audit discloses
`that Revenues due to"LICENSOR underthis Agreement -ingany, given quarter exceed theamount
`of payments actually madeto-LICENSOR by five percent or-n‘xo'.re,?thenSEE will pay all
`-unpaid Revenues and, further, will.reirnj‘bu'rse‘LlCENS.OR—fo"r‘ the cost o'fth'e'a,u‘dit,
`'_11é¥r‘0’ifl. LICENSEE
`Notwithslandiiig anyfhifzggfio the.,e‘ontra_x'*'y contain.
`s'ha"ll’ hnveflle a\itliojr3it'y~'to_:det€hn‘itic;
`in‘_its= Sole anaiabsomte iseretiesn
`collecti‘ons:act1bns-§gziinsf'o V
`'l"*‘n'I‘c_9r<>-(if-its-"('$_ erijts.for. ram.-,
`~pay*_ar_i1ounjf5.;qw¢'c_I? lo
`LICENSBF. (even in.resp‘e“et of?ar?no’u'i1t-s- that LIGENSEE-rnay‘owe:to Ll€ENSO7Rp11rsuant
`terms ofithis Agreement), writeeoffitmouiits owedito iiiliy one; 'or'rnor.e.o1°-its o]-ientfi as
`unoolleciibl'e.an_d' other similar decisions regarding its business (even ifsineli decisions may‘se'rve
`to reduce ihe~zimou'nt§.oweiii1o LICENSOR by l‘;IC_E-NSBB pursuant to the fer-‘rns ofth is
`"LICENSEEhereby"expresslyeaelénowledges»LlCi3NSOI?;’s ‘ownership-of‘the _
`~Liee‘nse‘cl Riglfls. LlCBN‘SEB .fixr,tlxer‘agx'eee.not:to Cl1aHet1g'(§,"(5i“lO;aSS'Vl,St oreneourage anythird
`party in challenging,
`- "
`’idi1y_-or_enforeeab.ility-oi7‘tlie"I;i.;;enscd Rights‘ inany count or other
`tribunal axigiwlléré i'h.~flie'wonld.
`LICENSEE‘;a'g're-es to mark all Patenlkatings Analysis, “and zilladve'rtisemen1.anél
`promo.tional m:até1'i'als, and any repons or -other producis using Pateritkaiings Analysis with
`appropriate patent, copyright, andtrademark notices as otherwise reasonably -d-irected by
`‘ All Improvements will be owned by LICENSOR. Should LICENSEE or its
`Affiliates develop,»either solely orjointly with LICENSOR-. any .li'nprovernent, LICENSEE will
`vcomtnunicateto LICENS.OR.all Improvements devclop:ed'by,_LICE]NS_B_B or its Ai} and
`when developed; LICENSOR will, at its own-option aiid.expen5e, file a"nd'obta‘in ‘letleie ‘patent
`or‘ o‘ther’p’rotec§ionsv'.for "ineiprojreingents, -and LlC1is'l$lSI33l3'.'g1gree's_~.txi cooperate witli Ll.CENSOl?L in
`-executing .alli:neees_s.ary:dojeumen:s for ootaining any letters-p‘atcnt orcopyrighls‘ for 's'ucl1
`Improvements. _A_ll_,_I__mp" A_vlem'en‘t_s deyelopedby-LICl3NSEE will auiomatically become ‘part of
`the Technology License-‘without any further consideration.
`Ocean Tomo Ex. 1002-006
`Ocean Tomo Ex. 1002-006


`*LiCE‘N’SEE'will use the Licensed Marks, 03‘. ‘cause-"the Licensed Marks to be used,
`strictly in -compliance with all applicable legal requirements as reasonably directed by
`LICENSOR. Whenever any of the Licensed M,ark~s is used, itwill be followed in‘ the>case of.a_
`registeredzrhark by'>“®", and in the case-of all other .marlt' “m" orvothcr symbol(s) asmayibc
`.appr.9PT_iateO'r‘.a‘cc<§/‘ptable to LICENSOR.
`’Nc‘i'tl'1e.r -L1CENS'C')R»no'r LICENSEE‘-will engage or.paflicipate~'in any flctivity that
`‘(:_liminishes—o_r tamisltes the image or reputation of thovLicen'se,d,Marlgs,~ and _1,lCEI*lSOR;res_erves
`the right torequire LICENSEE to rework and/or replace any products-that fail to-‘meet thehigh
`‘quality stzmdarcls as prescrihedby it.
`LICENSEE acknowledges that all uses of the Licensed Marks by LICENSEE will
`inure solely to the benefit of LICENSOR, and LICENSEE agrees not to obtain, -or seek to obtain,
`in any country, anyright, title, or interest in any registration or government grant for the Licensed
`.1.'gn'-i'_t§iiv'EV>c_elt'1§"‘ivity. During jtl'1est_cji:_n'1'(s). ofthi_s_ Agreement and for a period of
`‘rfncith’_er LICENSEE, ’nor'.any-.-Atfiiliatc"ot‘LICENSEE, willmako, c'ause;to.b’_e_'
`‘made, oi:._:t_sSJ'.$l:fo1._'lx_e‘jrs»'_to make any‘Sl=§£isticjail;;>at_eritf:analytics‘ tools,:patentr_a1ittg'_sv?o '
`.;15rodu¢ts._that.-are derivatiyeof, or -substantially similar to ‘the P‘ast’e;ntR‘:it:ings.‘_T_ooIs 9 .
`Patentkatings Analysis.
`fi ‘on—Asscrtion.. In cons-ideratio,n of~the~covenan‘ts and other consideration
`' contained herein and lrrthe Equity Agreement,‘PatentRatings.hereby covenants that it will not
`suc,»or’otherwise bring,.prosecuto, or com_mence.any judicial action or admin—istr‘ative
`proceedings against, LICENSEE, its Affiliatcs, their successors and’ assigns or agents, for patent
`infringement tinder the Piajtcntkatings Patents. The foregoing covenant will not apply if
`LICENSEE‘ "sues, or ot_herwise‘bn'ngs or prosecute: any judicial action er.a_dn1_in_lstrative
`.-proceec_l.ings agfainst LICENSOR. ’Fhe:forcgoing.'sh;all also nn_tir_1, anyway prevent or~'diminish-
`. LICENSQR‘-s righ.t~to..erifor'ci3-any duties or obligatio.ns-owed 1'0 it-‘under this Agreement and-/.or to.
`seek ,appropriate com"pensatijofn Where compensation is owed.
`Confidentia.l lnfortnat-igr_i. LICE—NSEE.ackn'owledges and agrees that the Licensed
`Technology contains certain confidential infonnation, trade secrets, and know-how related to
`statistical patent analysis, mapping and valuation (“Confidential lnfonna'tion”) that ‘is proprietary
`to LICBNSOR. LICENSEE agrees to hold such Confidential information in strict confidence,
`not to use it comnierclally for its own benefit or the benefit of anyone else, and not to use the
`Confidential .Information for the purpose of developing or improving a product~0_r~method for
`Ocean Tomo Ex. 1oo2-oo7
`Ocean Tomo Ex. 1002-007


`anyone.exeeplLLICENSOR, ‘except as ziuthoriz.ed‘herein. LICENSEE agrees to‘ implement all
`procedures reasonably-necessaryto protectlhe confidential ity (fifths Con'fid‘en‘tialln‘fonnation.
`LICENSEE furthfielr, agrcesto limit dissemination of and acoessto -the.Confid’ential Vlnformation to
`only those persons who have aneed to know and ‘who have co‘m'pletcd~ and signed ;a
`eonfidentinlity agreement wit'l1=LICBNSEE prohibiting such -person. from doing. anything ‘with
`‘such :.Confidential’ Information that ‘LICENSEE would itself be-’ ‘prohibited-from doing under this
`Agreement. The parties.-agree tltatthe following information‘ is not confidential information:
`,in'fom1at'ion which is, or subsequently becomes, within the knowledge of
`the public. generally tlirougli no fault«ofLlCBNSEE;
`«information which LICENSEE can show was previously known -to it as a
`matter of record althe. time of receipt;
`obtained lawfully fiom _a third
`inforrn'a'tio'n».wh-ich,n1ay subsequently
`who has lawfully obtained the information through no 'fiiul_t=of LICENSEE;
`irifonnzilion wlxichmay‘ subseqxjie,ntly'l3Je developed as a matter ofirccoril;
`independently of disclosure, by LICENSOR; and
`_court order or by law.
`information which isfrequiredvto be disclosed pursuant to a legal subpoena,
`7.2 Marking. The following infomration shall be considered confidential at all times
`reg_ardl'ess'wl1etlier it. is-«marked as-such: (i) all business and marketing plans; (ii)'fi'nanc.ial reports
`.-'a1'1d‘ projections; (ii3i)eu.Stoxnervr1a11\es andcontact inforinatioxi;: (iv.)ranalysjis.nnd infonnafion-
`coinpr-i‘sing*ail=-or partofitlie -.d2_a,tn=ai1d processes 'nti'lized_ by "the" Pdtei1iRatingsfFool’s‘and
`'Irn;i1iovemi'aiits.'to generate.Bé{tonl*Ratii1gs'Analyses; and (V3 any databases, software, or. other
`'»§tru,<‘:t;u_red.—infoifin}ttion.provided b=y_5LICEN'S01"Z. Allreproductions, copies, or’eml>odii:r1'eI1.t;s, in
`wno:1e_ ori_‘n=p.a'rt,fof
`the-r documents whic11may'contain'Confidential Information will -be
`conspiouonslysinarkedllgy LICENSOR wit‘h‘a.not-ice iliat daeiinformiation ' " " mod the: nis
`.eon'fidentialéorproprietary. It is agreed--that the obl,i‘gation'_s;of oonfi-dei_1€ia‘li_t‘y_ " pg tlfilgerettgider
`'ar.e=world-wide in scope and ;.'will=.;a'pp,ly to‘-allesuch ‘Confidential lnfonnation dlselosed by
`I.lCENSC5R togl-.JCENSjEE. The--obligation of'coi1fidéntiality provided by iiiis‘./article will
`surviveitenii‘iii'ati'on of-this Agreement
`Owner'shi.Q'_ and Return. LICENSEE agrees that all Confidential Information. will
`remain the sole property of LICBNSQR, and LICEN-SEE will have no owncrsliipinterest therein.
`All Confidential Inforrnatlon will berctumed to LICENSOR upon, request.
`Re12re__ser1tf¢\tiog_s.and_Warranties of'Botl1 Parties, Each Party-rep‘resenfsand
`w'a'rr'a'nts ‘to the other
`. al—as.ofthe Efliective Date:
`Ocean Tomo Ex. 1002-008
`Ocean Tomo Ex. 1002-008


`it-is a corporation d_uly incorporated, validly existing, and in good standing
`under the lawsof thejurisdiction in which it is organized. with filll corporate power and authority
`to carry on its business as it is now being conducted;
`the ‘execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the
`consnmrnation ofthefitmnsactioiis contemplated ‘hereby have been duly authorized by such Party.
`'?_Njn other corporate or shareholder’action or other proceeding on, the part of such Patty or its
`shareholders is necessary to authorize-this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions
`this A~gi:eement.constitutes a valid and binding "obligation ofsuch Patty,
`-enforceable against such Party in nccordancewith its terms, except that such enforcement may be
`=snbjeet¢to’-oanktupitcy. insolvency, reo‘rganization,_-moratorium,-or similar -laws now or hereafier
`in~'ef_fect_»relatingto-creditors? rights; and
`neither the execution,. delivery, or perlfonnance of-this Agréeinent, nor‘ the
`(5d)__~ ’
`_consumm'_at'ion=ofthe:transactio‘ns contemplated hereby'willviolizte 'a‘ny'provision ofthe ‘charter
`or=organ:izationalizdoeumerits of; such Patty or any ~o‘rde.r -"orj.u'dgmjent‘.of. any court— or government
`-agency or authoritiy.
`‘tetiiésentations Sand
`' in
`"reser1it'é1'tionsr and 2W-arr
`ties; in addition to other LIcBns513Ithat
`B_Ns_;o_.R:-1(i). is the owner of:llie7P'2ifetfiRatin’gS "fools licensed-‘to’.
`LICENSEE-ui1'd_'ér-_fl1is Agfeeinent (collectively,.t'ho “.Orig“ina1"Licer;sod Technology"’)_; and (ii)
`V has the fight to .sli_'c’ense,sueh'0nigi'nal Licensed ‘Products-to= ucsnsiarz;
`:(i_) To LICENSOR"S knowledge there is currently no acti-ral,suit filed by
`any third Person -a'ga’inst.LI_(2BNSOR alleging thatethe Original Licensed Froducts infringe any
`such. Person‘srpa'tent rights, copyrights ortrade secret rights; and (ii) to LiCENSOR’3
`lcnow-ledge, .LICi3;I5l~S0R; has. not receiyedivanyihreat, alle‘gation_ or licensing demand, made in
`. ird Poison, all_eging’.'that' the .0_riginal”Licen;se<_i Products or the iisenf such
`,pr.oducts'-infringe;.;any s_u<}>h Pe_rson’s-patent riglits, copyrights,.or trade socret»ri.gli_ts;»-and
`oithe-Effective Date and will at all _li_mes
`_ "The Pateritkatings Tools,
`=d1_ziI1’n‘g-‘the Teiznjofthis Agreement, accurately and eorre'etl.y’pe:forr'n,the functions they were
`.jdesig_'ned_"to=aceomplish,and t‘l'1ea’casl<s‘t-hat blCEl.~iS’O-R.-.lias in_ferined ‘LICENSEE.--the
`'.P-atentRati‘n;gs=?Toolsnveredesignedvto 'p'er:fon'n,,and. the_PatentRatings;Analysis agcutfcztela,/‘reflect
`the »d‘atfla-out;‘2ut.of}t'lie Pa'tei'1tRja'tings”1‘o__ols. IJICENSOR 4acli’_nowledgtisgtiierstatistical and
`=pred'iétive nature-of'the:PatcntRetings Tools and that only a limited degree of confidence can
`:feas,Dhab'ly beiplaced thereon‘ fora given rated patent or portfolio.
`Ocean Tomo Ex. 1002-009
`Ocean Tomo Ex. 1002-009


`{Intentionally Omitted]
`Term;_?I1iis=15;grcernex1t»vi{ill co'ntim_1e'in fiill force. and effect for-_an initial term of
`'threev(3.) years‘ cornmencingvfrorn the Effective-Date-of this Agreement and will continue for
`successive one (1) year renewal ienns,so' long as no material breach has occurred.
`10.2 Termination. This Agreement will immediately terminate uponthe occurrence of
`any ofthe following- events:
`-upon wriiten.noti(:e.of‘terminatlon byeither party’ to the other if theother
`apartyhas committed a.materia1’bzea;c‘h of this Agreement whiclihas nor been‘ cured within 30
`days following written notice to su"ch,otlier. patty spwifyingsuch breach and.demandin.g that ‘the
`- same be cured; or
`upoiitlJe insolvency, bankmptoy, or-'vo’1u'r:_1tAm3r.(£‘ll_SSOlll'l.l"Oll of'Ll.CENS'BB,
`'o.'r’the appointment of a receiver or‘ trustee, in Bankmptey for LICENSEE, or an=as‘signment of all
`or substantial ly all-.-of the as§_cts'~of LICENSEE to or for thc.bene;fit ofits creditors.
`10.3 Effect o‘f.’l-‘errriin‘a‘t_ioI).~ Upon termination ofthis Agreement, and except. as
`.sjpeqi'fi'c‘a1iy:st;ztjcd»in.; this. Agreement:
`thqsT;eciino1ogy'L:'eensg;wti1ii'mmaiiate1ycease.and.1;icBNsBEand its
`Affiliates-‘will .iinmediatfely-¢€aS6‘ali3finse'.ofthe.P'atentRafings ‘Tools; provided tl1'at'LICBN’SOR
`''agrees zgqgrantLicrsnsggggupsmmiaiisgsimilar ‘rights a's]oofita'in" d. I1‘ t
`8'2‘ the.'=:t£=-rrn-ifiihevfixieiiéibit’Licerise,"
`an agreemen
`th any Pereo
`_-=h,av.i_i_'ig ox1«fi1'1‘:jnciaI..terms-mbsttxnttitilly ‘s'im=i'lér=te Extension
`/\g'e'emc,n‘_t‘, -mid‘ " lierein royelties are materially more'.favorab1'e-'llian the royalties setgfort-h in the
`, Extension Agreement,"the Extension Agreement’ will therea;i’ter_go‘ing‘forward he
`-reduced», at I.lCENSBE'.s. .eption,« to ~t'.he-jmos'tifavor:ible.=royalty percentage and royalty structure
`pioviEled'by'I:lCBl§ISOR to ‘such other licensee.
`If t'licl?‘arli'es do riot.on_ter into the Extension Agreement, LlCENSBE’will
`eimmeaiately return to LICENSOR all Confidential ln‘formation_, in_clud~ing any physical
`embodiment or rendering ofthe Patentkatings Tools and all databases, software and other
`-structured information, in_c'lu’d'ing anyvcollateralematerials provided.
`LICENSEE-willprompt-lyv pay any Revenues due at the time of
`—lf'this Agre_c_men‘ -tci'mi,n,ated on or before Januaryl, 2008, LICENSEE
`will relufrn to Jonathan Barney (“Barney”) the equity it acquired in.LlCBNSOR pursuant to the
`Equity Agreement, and‘-B;arney v_vi'l-l- rettrm to LICENSEE the equity he acquired in LICENSEE
`Ocean Tomo Ex. 1002-010
`Ocean Tomo Ex. 1002-010


`pursuant to the -Equity Agreement, and Barney, LICENSOR and LKCENSEE will have no
`liability whatsoever to each other in respect of such transfer of equity;
`LICBNSOR will cease using.and- will in1rnjediately.rcturn to LICENSEE
`all LICENSEE-branding .and'undern_arl< rights.-owned_oI': "controlled vby-LICENSEE andrall
`confidential information or other‘n belonging_ to LICENSEE;
`‘Each tit-Licrzusort and Licenses will negotiate,, a
`mutually acce'ptable and fair‘ resolution f_or'disposing of any commonly owned 'or'cont't:o_lle?l
`assets, if any;
`Barney and LICENSOR will not, until the date that is three. (3) years alter
`the dateupon‘ which this Agreentent is terminated in accordance with. its terms, directly or
`indirectly, whether‘ as principal, agent, officer, director, Pilftller’, entployee, independent
`contractor, consultant, stockholder, equity holder, licensor or otherwise, alone or in association
`with any other Person, be employed by, carry ‘on’, be’ engaged in, concerned with or interested in,
`-or render services or advice to, or own, lend money to, guaranty the debts or obligations of, share
`in the earnings of, or invest in theequity of, debt or’ other securities"-ofany Person (other than
`»LICBNS-EB and.‘ its.A-ffiliates") engaged in, concerned with or intercstedin (directly o'r'througl_rits
`_A‘f‘fi|iates)' any business in which LICENSEE is engagedat any
`during th_e"lerr_n ofthe
`sliccnse agreement (each, an “LICENSEE CompetingfB~usine_ss”); provided, however, that
`LlC?BN'S'OR may continue to engage-in:-any bu,s_‘inesstl_1at it con'du'ctc‘d‘priortothc=Effectiye:Daté;
`.2ind_proyided,--.further, that‘.LlCfE.;NSOR and/or -Barney may -investiin-slocks,bbn,tls .$n’d- othei
`sectai es .o'f?'any’bu§.iitess organization that is .-c'ngag'ed, directly-or indirectly, i
`Competing Business (but.without otherwise participating insuch tbusiness) -_r
`i)_‘ such -stocks,
`Bonds, or other securi_ties.arc:‘listed on a national or regional securitiesaexcltange or-shave been
`"registered under Sec.tion'l2(g)_‘ ofthe Securities Act of21934,; as :amend'ed;~and-"(i'i)~such
`invcstment‘in"any class ofsccuritiesdocs not exeecd.'on‘'ment (1%) of the issued find-
`outstanding shares of such class, or one pc’rce'nt'(l’%) ofthe -aggregate principal.amount~'of'such
`class outstanding, as the case may he; and
`LICENSEE. will not, until lhedatc that is three~(3) years after the date
`upon which the license agreement is terminated in ' ”cc_orda'nce with _ils1erins‘,_ directly or
`,i'nd=i-rectly, whether» as principal, agent;;~o, fiicer, bdireactorf, partner, employee, independent
`con'tractor,;con,sult-ant,.-stockholder, re.quity:he1;d¢r, l.i.cen'so_r
`, orlrerwfisc, alo11e:or=in.asso.ciai'i6_n
`-with-—any other Person, be employed. by, .ca;r_ry- on, b;c’engag'ed«in,- ccncerned«with/or interested
`or -render services or advice‘ to, or. own, lend;,n1_oneyt to, guaranty the :deb_ts-:or;'ations' olishaie
`.in -the~earn-ingsof, or investin the »equity of,; debt or other securities of any Persor‘r(o.thejr than
`.’LI_GENS.O_R—andI its A’i'fll'iates)‘engaged£in,. concerned with or interested in‘ (directly or through its
`A"l‘l’iliat'es)"any-business in which LICBNSO

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